03/18/2013-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 18, 2013 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Billy Ezell,Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Scott Stephens,Councilman Gary Bilyeu ABSENT:Councilman Allen Chick; City Secretary, Tami Taber OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager, Mike Brice; Deputy City Secretary, Cheryl Price;Finance Director, Cheryl Davenport;Director of Development Services, Joe Iliff; Sam Alexander; Joyce Herzog; Tony Featherstone; Margaret Duncan;Kimberly Knox, Weaver and Tidwell LLP 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:10 p.m.Councilman Stephens led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Martin. 2.Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Sam Alexander, 3219 McReynolds Road, was recognized and voiced his concern regarding citations being issued to residents when their dogs were at large. He felt that the city should give at least one warning before giving a resident at ticket.He also felt the City needed to redo the ordinances with all of the new Animal Control changes and to reflect the correct fees. Joyce Herzog, 2017 Brooke Drive, was recognized and voiced her concern regarding her street signs. She advised that the signs were spelled and referenced differently (Brooke Street -Brook Drive) at each end of her street and requested the city please correct this. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes:March 4, 2013 -Work Session March 4, 2013 -Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Approve Proclamation #03-18-13 -Poison Prevention Week d) Approve Resolution #R03-06-13 -Authorizing the Award of a Professional Service Provider Contract Covering Surveying Services Pertaining to the Community Development Block Grant A Motion was made by Councilman Ezell to approve the Consent Agenda as drafted. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Martin. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0, Councilman Chick Absent). 3.Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving Audit for Fiscal Year End 2011/2012 by Weaver and Tidwell LLP. Mayor Muir noted that Council just had a worksession with the Auditor who gave a review of the Audit. They advised the Council that the City of Sanger received an unqualified opinion, which is the highest level of audit that you can get. He noted they had a few suggestions in it, which we will make adjustments to do, as we are always trying to improve. Overall, it came out very well. A motion was made by Councilman Stephens Approving the Audit for Fiscal Year End 2011/2012 by Weaver and Tidwell LLP as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Martin. The motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Chick absent). 6.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Standby Contract for Emergency Response, Management and Recovery Services. City Manager Brice advised that this is the topic, which was discussed in the Council Worksession a few weeks ago.This contract is to have someone on standby so if we ever have a disaster we only have to make one phone call and we will have people here to help us manage it,who will be dedicated to us.Staff has put the RFP together and is ready to put it out to different vendors for them to bid on. Responses to the RFP will be assessed and brought back to Council for approval. Councilman Ezell prompted brief discussion regarding debris, staging locations and disposal sites.It was noted the contractor would contract for debris disposal at a landfill, clean up the staging disposal sites and the City has several locations throughout the City that could be used for that purpose, which would not cost anything because it is our property. City Manager Brice advised that this contract would not cost the City anything until the work is initiated.We would also know what prices we would be charged up front.FEMA has a process that needs to be followed and these type companies are familiar with the steps that need to be taken.Having this contract should speed up the process of getting help when we need it. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve soliciting Request for Proposals for a Standby Contract for Emergency Response,Management,and Recovery Services. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Stephens.The motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Chick absent). 7.Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding Ordinance #03-03-13 -Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Central Zoning Map by Granting a Specific Use Permit for a Snow Cone Stand (Sno2Go) Into a 770 Square Feet (Approximate)Paved Area of the Northeast Corner of the Parking Lot Located at 701 N. Stemmons. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m and solicited anyone who wished to speak either for or against. Tony Featherstone and Margaret Duncan, 1809 Sandstone Drive, Sanger Texas were recognized. Mr. Featherstone advised that Margaret owns the Sno2Go Business. The business used to be across the street at the gas station. They opted to move to the Grocery Store across the street because the location they were in was not a safe location.They plan to keep it at that site and operate it approximately 8 to 9 months of the year. They plan to keep up the site year round. Margaret Duncan noted that she was always concerned that someone would get hurt at the old location. There was no place to park and the cars would be going by to get to Jack in the Box and she was concerned someone would get run over. She said they would do everything they need to do to make this a safe location.In addition,it was dangerous for customers who would cross FM 455 to get to the gas station location. Mayor Muir noted that the Council did receive an e-mail from Cleetus Beanhouse in opposition to the request. There being no further citizens who wished to speak either for or against, Mayor Muir closed the Public Hearing at 7:29 p.m. 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #03-03-13 -Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Central Zoning Map by Granting a Specific Use Permit for a Snow Cone Stand (Sno2Go) Into a 770 Square Feet (Approximate) Paved Area of the Northeast Corner of the Parking Lot Located at 701 N. Stemmons. It was noted the hours would be from early afternoon to store closing time. A Motion was made by Councilman Stephens approving Ordinance 03-03-13 Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Central Zoning Map by Granting a Specific Use Permit for a Sno Cone Stand (Sno2Go) into a 770 square foot (approximate) paved area of the northeast corner of the parking lot located at 701 N. Stemmons. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Ezell.The motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Chick absent). 9. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve the Final Plat of Lot 1R of the DATCU Sanger Addition, Being a Re-plat of a Portion of Block 15, J.R. Sullivan West Addition, 1.246 Acres of the Rueben Bebee Survey. Joe Iliff, Director of Development Services was recognized to present the plat. He advised that the plat is to include 25’ of abandoned ROW into the lot. He noted it is already dedicated by prescriptive dedication, but needs to be platted.He noted they are in compliance. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu approving the Final Plat of Lot 1R of the DATCU Sanger Addition, Being a Re-plat of a Portion of Block 15, J.R. Sullivan West Addition, 1.246 Acres of the Rueben Bebee Survey. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Martin.The motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Chick absent). 10.INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Reports -February b) Library Report -February c) All American Dogs Report -February 11. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Muir Adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.