03/18/2013-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION March 18, 2013 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Billy Ezell,Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Scott Stephens,Councilman Gary Bilyeu ABSENT:Councilman Allen Chick; City Secretary, Tami Taber OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager, Mike Brice; Deputy City Secretary, Cheryl Price;Finance Director, Cheryl Davenport;Director of Development Services, Joe Iliff; Kimberly Knox, Weaver and Tidwell LLP; Joyce Herzog 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2.Overview of Audit for Fiscal Year End 2011/2012 by Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P. Kimberly Knox of Weaver and Tidwell LLP was recognized and provided copies of the September 30, 2012 Independent Auditors Report and Financial Statements. She noted good news that the Independent Auditors Report states that the City of Sanger received an unqualified opinion, which is the highest level of assurance that they can give. Ms. Knox gave a brief overview and summary of the report and discussed material weaknesses and significant deficiencies. There was no material weaknesses noted this year. There were two significant deficiencies noted. One being yearend review and reconciliation of the financial statements.Ms. Knox noted that the transition to the new Finance Director Cheryl Davenport who was employed October 1, probably did not allow sufficient time to complete and review financial reports before the audit. The other item was moved down from material weakness to significant deficiency having to do with fixed assets and ensuring they are recorded in the proper fund. She noted that Finance Director Cheryl Davenport provided a written response to the deficiencies and procedures, which are being revised to correct all of the issues, identified. Mayor Muir asked if Ms.Knox,that since their firm performs audits on several other cities,if she could give a general idea of how Sanger compares financially to other similar Cities Ms. Knox advised that hiring CPA for your Finance Director says a lot and shows a commitment to wanting to get it right.She noted that as far as compared to other cities that she would think that Sanger has a strong financial system in place; and,is definitely in a healthy place based on statistics. City Manger Mike Brice, summarized charts provided to Council by Finance Director Cheryl Davenport comparing Sanger in Debt and Sales Tax to other cities. There was brief discussion regarding the information provided. 3.Update and Discussion on Proposed Amendments to Sanger's Architectural Standards for the Historical Core, Allowing Additional Exterior Materials and Requiring Architectural Character. Joe Iliff, Director of Development Services summarized history and possible actions for Council discussion based on the comments of the Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the public. 1.Create a Central Core Overlay District (CCOD). The district would be the area where the modified architectural standards would apply.The balance of the city limits (all the area on within the CCOD) would be unaffected and the existing architectural standards would apply.The CCOD would have no affect on any covenants, codes, or restrictions applied by a homeowners association or deed restriction. 2.For new single-family houses within the CCOD, permit the use of non-masonry materials for exterior facades.This could be as simple as having no requirement (beyond the building code) or by expanding the list of allowed materials. 3.For new single-family homes within the CCOD, require their design to include a minimum number of architectural elements that create a more ornamented, complex character. This being achieved by setting a minimum score that a house design must meet based on an objective criteria. 4.For new single-family homes within the CCOD, allow designs that do not meet the objective criteria described in #3 with the approval of City Council. This allows a property owner to innovate and be creative in how they contribute to the neighborhood character. City council would approve the design if they find it equal to or better than the objective standard. 5.For all other construction (multi-family, commercial, etc.) the CCOD would encourage the property owner seek Council’s approval to use architectural alternatives, as already provided for in the existing standards. Direction and feedback were requested on the following questions: 1.Are the proposed boundaries of the CCOD appropriate? 2.How does the Council want to expand the allowable materials? 3.Based on the Scoring criteria, what would be the minimum score required for approval? After considerable discussion between Joe Iliff and Councilmembers, it was consensus of the Council that 2nd,5th,and Bolivar Streets should be required to have a higher minimum score than other streets in the CCOD.More than a flat roof and and front porch should be required for an all brick construction and the construction materials would be left to staff’s discretion. Joe Iliff advised he had the direction he needed and would make revisions and bring the item back to the Council for further consideration. 4.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. No Summary. 5.Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the worksession at 7:06 p.m.