04-21-75-Resolution-Accepting and Approving the Sanger Electric System Operating Budget 1975-04/21/1975l�1(.nutes Apr.1. ?l.g 1.975 F�resent N Mayor Cornell_, Cooper, Hall, Rnl.ow, McDani.ol , Moore, Gentle, City Adm;n stratar l.New counr,i.l mergers Cooper, McDaniel,and Moore wore. sworn .nEd Moore was sworn. in as City Admi_ni.stra f;orT3 ,l1. Gentle was presented a. p1.a.clre in a.np.r.eri.a.-t,i-on. for h.s years off' service on the City Course l., �, Tt was moved by T1A i1_o'w and seconded by Mr,Dan.ol. th-at henry (Doper be elected Mayor I?ro�tome Cooper was e1_eeted by (9. unanimous vote, 3O The rni_nn; of April �, 1.9�5 were read and approved with a change in item 6 to read "®oaand opened 211_ other days, " i_nstea.d of every other day, " JI T 1.ec i;ri_cSystem Capi i-,al Tmr)&rovements for J,h.e mop th of February, 1975q Tt was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that -f;hn b .1.I. be (-paid, i�,rfot _on carried 5�0, 5. Sar7a;er F1cr,i;r_r, System's T3udget I:'ar year. end, n�; Dec, 3.1., 1.9'75 a Sanger Electrl_c presented a budget w _t'cr a 5'j() base increase rate inc l_uAed© There was cons.i.derable cll.scussi.on of the effect'of fool. ad justment cha.re;es, Mayor Cornell saw no a.l_te7^na t_ve to r. as_s ,;gig the rates .5/ s Tt was moved by Ilal l and seconded by Cooper that the budget be accepted as presented wi-th the 510 base rate increase to become effective with the May l bi.11.i_n`;® I;FSOTU'('TON WIlr1;I+,A.S, the San•a;er i+,1.,ect;r. i,c Sys-i-em h.a.s presented a.n opera.ti.ng br.adget for 1 975 to the Ci.. k;y council of the City of San, rer, I-exase and WITT+,I2I+AS, ope:r`ating expenses are expeci;ed -t;o-ncroa.se re� f1_er, tiny, growth i,n 1_oa.d ��nd the infl..ated s-l;a.t;e of th.e econom�r thereby neeessi ta.t ng a five ;percent i_nereasr in the base rate a, n d V JitI?,'.IAS, said l;i.-i;y Council of the Ci_t;\r oaf Sanger, Texas, rras reviewed the proposed rate i n.crea.se a,nd ha.s gi_vet�. du.o consideration .on. to va.ri.ou.s other sources of addi.-i, .onal revenue; a.nd .I W1-1 ,RFAS, said Cil.y Cou.nri_l. of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determli ned. there Is no a.l ternntive but; to approve the •{ proposed rate increase i l R P CTTY COUNCTI, OF i HF,N0V, TTRFO,i; 1F )RT CTIPY OF iAI CIRR 9 TFXAS A That said San{7;er EO_er,-t.r�.r, System 19'77 oper.a-i i.n�' bud,ti;e-L _s hereby accepted and appr.ovod, a.nd -i-,he f�i.ve per.rer�t in.cre��.se in base rates i s offocti_ve with the b _1.1..i n,g of i;'(a,y T, 1.9750 ��A��;1� AI'd1.� � I='T'ROV�;P by -the C;i.-I,y C'oun7oil. o-f —t;�a.e C;i_-ty of > <:i i'i °, � Y' p �I' C? .X. � �.� �; Il 1. c � �_`�' �� d a }r n f �1 I� �r' l 7_ � � � (5 a 6 a T-�ond ft�ndi.n<<r, For ft,?�h-?re el_c�c-trc s�jstem c;a.pi �t;a� .trt�r'ovements It�a.�,ror i�`ornel.l recommended th .s item be ��os�t,poned for a �'u i t.tr•e r,ot�ra_r 1. mer�-ti.nry;r T'r; sva.s mo�rhd bar (;Doper anal sec�orr.ded by" �-tall tha,1; mone�r he bOY`r041'r-?d From <-tnoi;her c..-t;y t.�n1;i 1 bonds 1.,.r.e s01 d, f 9 1 i e �-I. t�. \"� i) t� I.� y �_) A. t�. l.. t�. �t. k � t� A ! (,� A • �! --�. �) J. Ct V Ci .r" _t, f� A � �.'. �- e > i � 1 Y' e Ci e I l� a..C;1 o `) C?;;r P,ra.�t;hort,Sr on ;to; ,i_bi 1 .-c�/ o_ c.l_c�;=;i r�t4;� o:r.' 1>uy i nor; ls:i��a:�';,h�t.1.�f >`1;��caFa . 1.<t'h`, .O-�.W;l,tir, �iJ. t;�� �drfllY")1,� GY"d f;O:Y' d I ��('.11 �<Cf:'d ilO,-1;"r}�)1_�.1_-t:i7 O.I. ctt,(i �f,r,l �ti rn i n��� i,he �� i,r'E?e1; o^r sc1.l ira�; r„i_�rrt�o:t,P-�wa;y by ba..d, C.1;Sr f�dm,rt.t , -I_,r'<r f,or„ wa; d,.rer I;r;cl -to f.a-td or;tr_' _l.e�a1.S mty o:F c•7 0>�t.n��; dfad.r,�a.ted s �t,r(�ra-%�, Ni<a t,�t,c;Y, t;aY.tl.ed tzn f:a 1 ne�-t; mec;_�i.n{;; 8e O�t:her' rna�t;�l,e:c,cs_ -a , ,"I , I3 � 1i<�r.�.;;1 er' r'ecttte;-f:F�d �t,h�t�t: he l�>e �{1 1 owed -i_;a }aoalc ora. %O the C1.fy �h4). i;P,Y ;,r;,;tc?rrt h1r Cc-�r� �tYt?n i;,r-;��,; a 2 rac�;h 7__:ne k,o h.� : hata.se on 0� d �ftw�yo '��j, 'fhe r� ty �dm� t�ri;�i,ra.-r,o.r� wa.s clix'c.c,tc�d �t,.o ckr.ects with �i�he C:ount;ti� ora r(ararr_n.�; a wa�t4>t., I�rte, down 1�is�,�(uv<-,y r'i.,{�-I,'r;v=o:fmw��;y, 'fhe rnal,f;E�.r wrt;; t,a.b�I,ed t?t-a-ti_1 the nt�xt, Ineei,.i nf�,, ba 11; vdtt rno�red by Cooper and seconded b}r 6%�r�)arl_el_ t;o ct���n��;e is }`t e c� a -t;;y <; o t:t r-t r � 1 m r; e -t; i r, << i, _ rn e from '� s � � :t' n It!I , -1; ca '� d > � _(' ,1L� , I',9c> t; :i. o n c a rx' _ e cJ 5 -�. 0 T�t; wa roo�.rc,d by E;ralow and seconded by I-ta.1.]. t,h.a�t. -Lhe mee�ia_n.�� ��d jourrr£ 1'�oi:;.ort r,r=r�t ri_ed aYld mec;ti ra.tr, <td jou.r.nod a t; f� a �C ('t, ICI, -'�� n . �% r ,� ,, PQa. ��I or �T�I'F;r('' a