10-06-75-Resolution-Requesting Denton County provide adequate Emergency Medical Services-10/06/197590 iIfinutes I October 69 1975 Ccan ° t b� The Mayor read Rnd requested passage of the following, resolution concerning ambulance service 'in Denton County® It was moved by Moore and seconded by Hall to adopt the resoluti.can, Motion carried 4amo, PF;SCI,UT�®N �'d�T±,I-iFA,S� the taen.ton Co�,�n�y F�!neral, Tairectors Associaatican has not1fl,ed all mun cipal.i t1es in the County that all but came runeral_ home wil1 cease providing ambulance services after i)ecember 1. , 1975 g and PTT-I�;T1F;A5, Coffer Funeral, �-Tome, lance cad Sanger is a partic°i� pant IM this action and will, cease providing ambulance service fio the residents of Sanger, Texas after December 13, 1975; and 4yI-TE+;T1F�5, t}ae City o� Sanger, Tea€.as does .rzot have the t'ina.n� ci.al. resoutooes to establ.a sh and operate a municipal. ambulance serv=i.ce can its own; NOW, TlTfa�t{;H'CTti+; � :f�F l:l' I;i+;SC)I,VFT) �3�' 'I'T-T�a C'I,TY CQtTNfll:lr, Cp f'Ht�: C1TX Op' SANGER® TEXAS 4 TiTA�.T' the Cl,fiy Ccaux�ci.l of the City cat' Sanger, Te.�as requests The Denton County Commissioners Court assume the leadership in deva.s-Ing and implementing a plan to prov.l de adequate emergency med Lca1 bervices in Denton County; and 7'1-1A.T 1hhe Cl.&ty os Sanger.w�0_1.1-4.ng 1t=o part:ir_...pate a,rad lend assl.stanc e, fio fi,h.e e tenfi poss:%b1.e, a.n. I rag a.nd l.mT�l,emeI1� atl.oo F any reason -able system prov.l.ding adequate emerg t;ra ency medical servl_ces to al. the citizens of Denton County. P ASSRD .ANT) APURC)VET) by the C,.l_t,y Ccaun.cl_1 of +�he Ca.t;y of Sa:rager, ':Texas 'th_i.s F,th day ca: ()cficaber, T975e N[eet,inp' a.d;jcaux'ned at 8e27 p.m. }, Mayor