08/05/2013-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION August 5,2013 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Billy Ezell,Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Scott Stephens, Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager, Tami Taber City Secretary,Cheryl Davenport Finance Director,Kyle Nelson with Eikon Consultant Group, LLC,Dennis Sims with Duncan Sims Stoffels, Inc., Norm Bulaich and Bill Osweiler of Progressive Waste Solutions 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:13 p.m. 2.Budget Work Session. City Manager distributed a list of changes made to the proposed budget. Those changes included: -$40,000 transferred from the General Fund Equipment Replacement for the purchase of a second police car. Added $40,000 to Police Department budget for the purchase. -Added $5,561 to the Enterprise Fund Debt Service to cover actual calculated debt -Moved bond Administration fees from 99 Non-Departmental to Department 70 Debt Service ($400 from GF and $1,600 from EF) -Showed $50,000 of fund balance carryover as revenue and $50,000 as an expense to remodel the new police station -Added $25,000 to Electric Department budget and moved $25,000 from lighting improvements for a lease payment on a new auger truck. Full cost is approximately $150,000. The plan is to finance it with a three year lease purchase, making the first payment out of the current budget Also discussed was the proposed tax rate of 0.633049 to 0.655000. 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Kyle Nelson with Eikon advised that the engineering services agreement would only cover the exterior of the Presbyterian Church. Dennis Sims with Duncan Sims and Stoffels advised that the project completion date should be on Memorial Day of 2014. Norm Bulaich with Progressive Waste distributed a sample brochure that will be mailed out to customers advising them of the trash and recycle changes. The residential cost will remain the same with the addition of a 95 gallon waste cart and a 65 gallon recycling cart. 4.Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 6:47 p.m.