01/06/2020-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2020 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues brought up during this section.) 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes 1.City Council Work Session Minutes 12­16­2019 Approve City Council Work Session Minutes for December 16, 2019 Work Session.  2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­16­2019 Approval of City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2019 Meeting. b.Authorize Utility Refund Authorize Staff to Issue Utility Refund Check to Sanger Independent School District in the Amount of  $207,934.80. 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.2020 Census ­ Complete Count Committee Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorizing Staff to Assemble a Complete Count Committee in Relation to the 2020 Census. 6.S&J Pharmacy ­ Sign Variance Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request Made by S&J Pharmacy to Grant a Variance to the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr. 7.Grissom Estates ­ Replat Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2 of Grissom Estates, Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road and Approximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of Creekview Road and FM 455. 8.Ordinance # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020 Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #01­01­20 ­ Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, Which Will Amend the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and Authorizing Amended Expenditures as Page 1 AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, JANUARY 6, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes 12­16­2019Approve City Council Work Session Minutes for December 16, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­16­2019Approval of City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2019 Meeting.b.Authorize Utility RefundAuthorize Staff to Issue Utility Refund Check to Sanger Independent School District in theAmount of  $207,934.80.4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.2020 Census ­ Complete Count CommitteeConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorizing Staff to Assemble a Complete Count Committeein Relation to the 2020 Census.6.S&J Pharmacy ­ Sign VarianceConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request Made by S&J Pharmacy toGrant a Variance to the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr.7.Grissom Estates ­ ReplatConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2of Grissom Estates, Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road andApproximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of Creekview Road and FM 455.8.Ordinance # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020 Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #01­01­20 ­ Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, Which Will Amend the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and Authorizing Amended Expenditures as Provided. 9.Bolivar Street Pipe Bursting Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and Approving an Agreement With NO­DIGTECH,LLC on a Sewer Replacement Project Along Bolivar Street at a Cost of $405,625.00, and Authorize Director of Public Works to Execute Agreement. 10.RFQ for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance and Asset Management Plan Consider, Discuss and Act on Authorizing Staff to Issue a Request for Qualifications for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance  and Asset Maintenance Plan. 11.INFORMATION ITEMS: a.Monthly Financial Report ­ November 30, 2019 b.Capital Projects Recap ­ December 26, 2019 c.Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCR Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCR ­ Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170. d.All American Dogs Report All American Dogs Report for November 2019.  12.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). 13.ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. December 31, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. Cheryl Price City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional Page 2 AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, JANUARY 6, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes 12­16­2019Approve City Council Work Session Minutes for December 16, 2019 Work Session. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­16­2019Approval of City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2019 Meeting.b.Authorize Utility RefundAuthorize Staff to Issue Utility Refund Check to Sanger Independent School District in theAmount of  $207,934.80.4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.2020 Census ­ Complete Count CommitteeConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorizing Staff to Assemble a Complete Count Committeein Relation to the 2020 Census.6.S&J Pharmacy ­ Sign VarianceConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request Made by S&J Pharmacy toGrant a Variance to the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr.7.Grissom Estates ­ ReplatConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2of Grissom Estates, Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road andApproximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of Creekview Road and FM 455.8.Ordinance # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #01­01­20 ­ Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, WhichWill Amend the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and Authorizing Amended Expenditures asProvided.9.Bolivar Street Pipe BurstingConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)and Approving an Agreement With NO­DIGTECH,LLC on a Sewer Replacement Project AlongBolivar Street at a Cost of $405,625.00, and Authorize Director of Public Works to ExecuteAgreement.10.RFQ for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance and AssetManagement PlanConsider, Discuss and Act on Authorizing Staff to Issue a Request for Qualifications for ProfessionalServices for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance  and Asset Maintenance Plan.11.INFORMATION ITEMS:a.Monthly Financial Report ­ November 30, 2019b.Capital Projects Recap ­ December 26, 2019c.Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCRAtmos Energy ­ Rider GCR ­ Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170.d.All American Dogs ReportAll American Dogs Report for November 2019. 12.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items theywish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which noticehas not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy maybe given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for asubsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Councilor at the call of the Mayor).13.ADJOURN.I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on theCity Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a placeconvenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on thefollowing date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to thescheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.December 31, 2019 at 12:30 p.m.Cheryl Price City SecretaryCity of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. a.1. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: City Council Work Session Minutes 12­16­2019 Approve City Council Work Session Minutes for December 16, 2019 Work Session.  AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: Attached for approval are the Work Session Minutes for the December 16, 2019 Work Session.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type City Council Work Session 12­16­2019 12/30/2019 Cover Memo Page 4 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 16, 2019 ­ 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick.  COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray; City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities, Mike Prater. 1.Call Meeting to Order There being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Work Session, the meeting was was called to order by Mayor Muir at 6:04 p.m.  2.Presentation and Discussion on Series 2017 Certificates of Obligation Staff Presentation and Discussion of Series 2017 CO Funds and Potential Additional Projects by Clayton Gray, Finance Director, Jim Berman, Public Works Director and Tracy LaPiene, City Engineer. Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a brief background noting whenever the City issues debt our official statement has a paragraph that lists the purpose that we are selling the certificates for.  The purpose determines what types of expenditures we can make with those funds.  The uses for the funds is limited to those items listed in the statement and  the wording is usually done in broad categories and he gave an example, i.e, rehabilitation and expansion of the water and wastewater systems; streets drainage and improvements.  The reason for the wording is to allow some flexibility if needed. When the funds are received we have 36 months to spend the proceeds. He provided a summary of the 2015 bonds and the 2017 bonds described uses allowed and expenditures and noted that it leaves 2.1 million of the 2017 bonds.  Of the 2.1 million we have remaining on our contract with Alan Plummer $107,000 and remaining on our contract with Felix Construction we have $392,000. left on the contracts.  There may also be a small change order for Felix Construction for the WWTP.  Mr. Gray noted that we will have a little over 1.6 million dollars left of the 2017 funds that we can use for other projects.  He noted we received the funds in May of 2017 and need to spend them by May of 2020.  We can spend them on wastewater and water systems entire system, any part of the system; street and drainage improvements, and professional services related to any one of those items.  There was brief discussion as to using some of the funds for the professional services for stream restoration and Mr. Gray noted we have used some funds for this purpose and could use additional funds. Page 1Page 5 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 16, 2019 ­ 6:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray;City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities,Mike Prater.1.Call Meeting to OrderThere being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Work Session, the meeting waswas called to order by Mayor Muir at 6:04 p.m. 2.Presentation and Discussion on Series 2017 Certificates of ObligationStaff Presentation and Discussion of Series 2017 CO Funds and Potential Additional Projects byClayton Gray, Finance Director, Jim Berman, Public Works Director and Tracy LaPiene, CityEngineer.Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a brief background noting whenever the City issues debtour official statement has a paragraph that lists the purpose that we are selling the certificates for. The purpose determines what types of expenditures we can make with those funds.  The uses for thefunds is limited to those items listed in the statement and  the wording is usually done in broadcategories and he gave an example, i.e, rehabilitation and expansion of the water and wastewatersystems; streets drainage and improvements.  The reason for the wording is to allow some flexibilityif needed. When the funds are received we have 36 months to spend the proceeds. He provided asummary of the 2015 bonds and the 2017 bonds described uses allowed and expenditures andnoted that it leaves 2.1 million of the 2017 bonds.  Of the 2.1 million we have remaining on ourcontract with Alan Plummer $107,000 and remaining on our contract with Felix Construction wehave $392,000. left on the contracts.  There may also be a small change order for FelixConstruction for the WWTP.  Mr. Gray noted that we will have a little over 1.6 million dollars left ofthe 2017 funds that we can use for other projects.  He noted we received the funds in May of 2017and need to spend them by May of 2020.  We can spend them on wastewater and water systemsentire system, any part of the system; street and drainage improvements, and professional servicesrelated to any one of those items.  There was brief discussion as to using some of the funds for theprofessional services for stream restoration and Mr. Gray noted we have used some funds for this purpose and could use additional funds. Director of Public Works, Jim Berman was recognized and provided a presentation of viable projects.  He noted that the Bolivar Street Pipe Bursting project would allow us to replace the Bolivar Street Sewer line and install nine (9) new manholes for the services along that line,which is a major thoroughfare through downtown.  This project would initially get Bolivar set to do some street work through town. He noted this project could be started in February and could be done before May.  Mr. Berman also noted he would like to start doing a maintenance program on our ground storage and our elevated storage tanks. The idea is to rehab and then have an annual budget cost every year to maintain each facility.  The best time to do this would be during the winter months when there is not such a high use of demand. He noted that he is bringing this project forward while we are in the off season because we will be taking the storage tanks completely out of service and the best time to do it is when we are not in high use and demand which is in the winter months.  He summarized each of the water storage facilities which would be in play for this project.  When we do that on an annual basis, we have other storage tanks that would be put into the budget to get done and we would put about $95,000 to $97,000 a year in a fund to manage these assets until they are rebuilt or replaced. He presented our current road projects and a couple of additions.  He noted the roads in blue on the presentation were already planned for this year's budget.  He noted that if we do the pipe bursting on Bolivar would have to cut 28 squares in the road and it is already in bad shape.  He recommended that we go ahead and do the mill and overlay like we did on the other roads and add Church Street to the list. He provided a map of the five year plan.  Mayor Muir summarized that staff has tried to put together a cohesive plan with projects that have been discussed in the past.  Councilmember Chick asked if there were any projects that did not make the cut.  Mr Berman noted that there were some projects such as more storage tanks, but they could not be done before May which is our deadline. The ones that are most important are on the list first. Councilmember Barrett asked if the money had to be spent or could it be encumbered?  Finance Director Clayton Gray stated that he would like to see the money spent; however he did talk with Ted Christensen and we could have the funds encumbered.There was miscellaneous discussion regarding time constraints and contractors.  Finance Director explained what complications would occur if we did not spend the money in the required time frame. There was discussion regarding spending the money, what projects it would be used on, and using it within the deadline time frame.  Mayor Muir polled Council and they were in agreement on the aforementioned proposed project use for the remaining 2017 bond money. 3.TXDOT FM 455 Utility Relocation Update Staff Update on FM 455 Utility Relocation Status, Consultant Professional Service Agreements and Utility Coordination.  City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene was recognized and updated City Council on the FM 455 Utility Relocation update.  He noted that we are negotiating a separate contract with Dannenbaum  for the design of the portion of relocating utilities on the southwest corner of FM 455 and I­35 because the utilities were not originally noticed and they will need to be relocated.  Because the utilities are along I­35 they are reimbursable.  This would be better as a separate contract because it would be 100% reimbursable.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if he was talking about the entire project. Mr. LaPiene noted that along FM 455 there is about a half of mile north and south that is part of the FM 455 project and when Dannenbaum scoped this out they did not take this area into account. The other item with the FM 455 project they are allowing us to stay in the right­of­way and if there are any Page 2Page 6 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 16, 2019 ­ 6:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray;City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities,Mike Prater.1.Call Meeting to OrderThere being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Work Session, the meeting waswas called to order by Mayor Muir at 6:04 p.m. 2.Presentation and Discussion on Series 2017 Certificates of ObligationStaff Presentation and Discussion of Series 2017 CO Funds and Potential Additional Projects byClayton Gray, Finance Director, Jim Berman, Public Works Director and Tracy LaPiene, CityEngineer.Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a brief background noting whenever the City issues debtour official statement has a paragraph that lists the purpose that we are selling the certificates for. The purpose determines what types of expenditures we can make with those funds.  The uses for thefunds is limited to those items listed in the statement and  the wording is usually done in broadcategories and he gave an example, i.e, rehabilitation and expansion of the water and wastewatersystems; streets drainage and improvements.  The reason for the wording is to allow some flexibilityif needed. When the funds are received we have 36 months to spend the proceeds. He provided asummary of the 2015 bonds and the 2017 bonds described uses allowed and expenditures andnoted that it leaves 2.1 million of the 2017 bonds.  Of the 2.1 million we have remaining on ourcontract with Alan Plummer $107,000 and remaining on our contract with Felix Construction wehave $392,000. left on the contracts.  There may also be a small change order for FelixConstruction for the WWTP.  Mr. Gray noted that we will have a little over 1.6 million dollars left ofthe 2017 funds that we can use for other projects.  He noted we received the funds in May of 2017and need to spend them by May of 2020.  We can spend them on wastewater and water systemsentire system, any part of the system; street and drainage improvements, and professional servicesrelated to any one of those items.  There was brief discussion as to using some of the funds for theprofessional services for stream restoration and Mr. Gray noted we have used some funds for thispurpose and could use additional funds.Director of Public Works, Jim Berman was recognized and provided a presentation of viableprojects.  He noted that the Bolivar Street Pipe Bursting project would allow us to replace theBolivar Street Sewer line and install nine (9) new manholes for the services along that line,which is amajor thoroughfare through downtown.  This project would initially get Bolivar set to do some streetwork through town. He noted this project could be started in February and could be done beforeMay.  Mr. Berman also noted he would like to start doing a maintenance program on our groundstorage and our elevated storage tanks. The idea is to rehab and then have an annual budget costevery year to maintain each facility.  The best time to do this would be during the winter monthswhen there is not such a high use of demand. He noted that he is bringing this project forward whilewe are in the off season because we will be taking the storage tanks completely out of service andthe best time to do it is when we are not in high use and demand which is in the winter months.  Hesummarized each of the water storage facilities which would be in play for this project.  When we dothat on an annual basis, we have other storage tanks that would be put into the budget to get doneand we would put about $95,000 to $97,000 a year in a fund to manage these assets until they arerebuilt or replaced. He presented our current road projects and a couple of additions.  He noted theroads in blue on the presentation were already planned for this year's budget.  He noted that if wedo the pipe bursting on Bolivar would have to cut 28 squares in the road and it is already in badshape.  He recommended that we go ahead and do the mill and overlay like we did on the otherroads and add Church Street to the list. He provided a map of the five year plan. Mayor Muir summarized that staff has tried to put together a cohesive plan with projects that havebeen discussed in the past.  Councilmember Chick asked if there were any projects that did notmake the cut.  Mr Berman noted that there were some projects such as more storage tanks, but theycould not be done before May which is our deadline. The ones that are most important are on thelist first. Councilmember Barrett asked if the money had to be spent or could it be encumbered? Finance Director Clayton Gray stated that he would like to see the money spent; however he didtalk with Ted Christensen and we could have the funds encumbered.There was miscellaneousdiscussion regarding time constraints and contractors.  Finance Director explained whatcomplications would occur if we did not spend the money in the required time frame. There wasdiscussion regarding spending the money, what projects it would be used on, and using it within thedeadline time frame. Mayor Muir polled Council and they were in agreement on the aforementioned proposed projectuse for the remaining 2017 bond money.3.TXDOT FM 455 Utility Relocation UpdateStaff Update on FM 455 Utility Relocation Status, Consultant Professional Service Agreements andUtility Coordination. City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene was recognized and updated City Council on the FM 455 UtilityRelocation update.  He noted that we are negotiating a separate contract with Dannenbaum  for thedesign of the portion of relocating utilities on the southwest corner of FM 455 and I­35 because theutilities were not originally noticed and they will need to be relocated.  Because the utilities are alongI­35 they are reimbursable.  This would be better as a separate contract because it would be 100%reimbursable.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if he was talking about the entire project. Mr. LaPienenoted that along FM 455 there is about a half of mile north and south that is part of the FM 455 project and when Dannenbaum scoped this out they did not take this area into account. The other item with the FM 455 project they are allowing us to stay in the right­of­way and if there are any improvements we would like to make we can get them in the right­of­way at this time rather than having to purchase easements outside of the right­of­way. He asked Dannenbaum to give him some ballpark numbers of the cost of the stuff that we would have to replace.  How is this project impacting us and what things should we add on that make most sense and what things in our master plan we can incorporate such as up­sizing and putting in 12 inch lines, etc. or let it be developer driven.  This would be brought to Council to decide which items we would want to include. Councilmembers noted concern regarding the cost of these projects and having an idea of what the final numbers would be.  Mr. LaPiene gave a summary of the time frames and project time lines and noted he would be bringing a change of scope in the next few months.  City Manager Alina Ciocan provided a summary of the financial mechanisms staff has been exploring.   There was discussion regarding TxDOT to bring up the timelines by a year and it was noted that the City would do what we can do.  Mr. LaPiene also noted that the City was working with CoServ with some shared costs of design of the utility relocation, and with that, it was substantial savings on the design and construction. Director of Electric Utilities Mike Prater summarized the plan and City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that there may be a reimbursement agreement for engineering costs and a separate agreement for cost sharing on the poles. Also, there was additional discussion regarding time lines putting in the utilities.  It was noted that the entire project would happen all at once.  Mr. LaPiene noted that he just wanted to give everyone a heads up regarding the contracts. 4.Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda There was no overview of items on the agenda. 5.Adjourn There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m. Page 3Page 7 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. a.2. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­16­2019 Approval of City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2019 Meeting. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: Attached for Council approval are the minutes for the December 16, 2019 regular meeting minutes. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­16­2019 12/30/2019 Cover Memo Page 8 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 16, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick.  COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray; City Engineer, Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities, Mike Prater; City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle, Police Officer Josh Bishop.   1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. There being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:27 p.m. The invocation was given by Councilmember Chick and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett.  2.CITIZEN INPUT: No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes 1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­02­2019 Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2019. b.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Ambulance Services Approve the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Ambulance Services Between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chief to Execute Agreement. c.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Fire Services Approve the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Services Between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chief to Execute Agreement.   Page 1Page 9 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 16, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray;City Engineer, Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities, Mike Prater;City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle, PoliceOfficer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:27 p.m. The invocation was given byCouncilmember Chick and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­02­2019Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2019.b.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Ambulance ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Ambulance Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chiefto Execute Agreement.c.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Fire ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chief to Execute Agreement.   There was brief discussion and a few questions for Fire Chief David Pennington regarding the Interlocal Agreements on the Consent Agenda.  A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu.  The motion passed unanimously (5­0 vote).  4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No Items were removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Policies for Unattended Children, Checkout of DVDs, Student Use Cards, and Unauthorized Reproduction / Misuse of Library Resources Consider, Discuss and Act on Revising and Expanding Items in Library Behavior Policy That Relate to Unattended Children; Updating DVD Checkout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits for Families; Specifying the Restrictions of Student Use Library Cards; New Policy Regarding Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials.  Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle was recognized to present the agenda item, gave a background summary and a summary of the Unattended Children Policy. She noted that she has consulted with the City Attorney and Police Chief regarding some of the various changes.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked about the age groups and noted he did not understand what the breakdowns were for enforcement.  Ms Tolle noted that they do not usually police the age, it is more when the child is disruptive. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted his concern was a liability issue as to what is the difference when the child was asked to leave during library hours, and at closing time and the difference in age groups ­ he noted if they are a minor child they should have their parents contacted and if they are eight and younger, they should have a parent at the Library with them.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted we needed to be consistent with our policy and enforcement.  Ms. Tolle noted it is basically the children are from the 6th grade campus and come in groups and are loud and disruptive and are asked to leave.  If a child does not have a ride home the Library will attempt to call the parents.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted the issue is the guidelines based on age and protocol for City Personal and enforcement is going to be a challenge.  If protocol is not done according to the ordinance the City may have some liability issues in the future.  Especially if we turn some children away because we think they are older and they are not.  Perhaps, make it consistent across the board and call the parents in all cases. City Manager Alina Ciocan asked for clarification.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu clarified that it would be a good idea to make it, if you are 8 and under, you have to be accompanied by a parent; if you are asked to leave the library and under the age of 14, the parent will be contacted.  Councilmember Dillon noted his concern regarding turning a child over to a parent or guardian and if it is a qualified guardian, Mayor Muir noted that Ms. Tolle should simplify these policies and bring them back with the changes.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted he would provide a couple of bullet point suggestions to the City Manager to forward to Ms. Tolle.  Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle also gave a background summary of updating the DVD Checkout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits for Families.  She noted  the Library wanted to allow children over 13 to check out movies with certain restrictions with the parents permission.  Another change is the number of DVD's a family is allowed to check out which would be a limit of 6 per family. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted that it referenced fines and and that he thought they were eliminated.  Ms. Tolle noted that he is correct except for the e­tablets and it was the old policy that needs to be updated. Page 2Page 10 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 16, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray;City Engineer, Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities, Mike Prater;City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle, PoliceOfficer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:27 p.m. The invocation was given byCouncilmember Chick and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­02­2019Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2019.b.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Ambulance ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Ambulance Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chiefto Execute Agreement.c.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Fire ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chiefto Execute Agreement.  There was brief discussion and a few questions for Fire Chief David Pennington regarding theInterlocal Agreements on the Consent Agenda.  A motion was made by Councilmember Chick toapprove the Consent Agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion passed unanimously (5­0 vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No Items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Policies for Unattended Children, Checkout of DVDs, Student Use Cards, andUnauthorized Reproduction / Misuse of Library ResourcesConsider, Discuss and Act on Revising and Expanding Items in Library Behavior Policy That Relateto Unattended Children; Updating DVD Checkout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits forFamilies; Specifying the Restrictions of Student Use Library Cards; New Policy RegardingUnauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials. Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle was recognized to present the agenda item, gave abackground summary and a summary of the Unattended Children Policy. She noted that she hasconsulted with the City Attorney and Police Chief regarding some of the various changes.  MayorPro Tem Bilyeu asked about the age groups and noted he did not understand what the breakdownswere for enforcement.  Ms Tolle noted that they do not usually police the age, it is more when thechild is disruptive. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted his concern was a liability issue as to what is thedifference when the child was asked to leave during library hours, and at closing time and thedifference in age groups ­ he noted if they are a minor child they should have their parents contactedand if they are eight and younger, they should have a parent at the Library with them.  Mayor ProTem Bilyeu noted we needed to be consistent with our policy and enforcement.  Ms. Tolle noted it isbasically the children are from the 6th grade campus and come in groups and are loud and disruptiveand are asked to leave.  If a child does not have a ride home the Library will attempt to call theparents.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted the issue is the guidelines based on age and protocol for CityPersonal and enforcement is going to be a challenge.  If protocol is not done according to theordinance the City may have some liability issues in the future.  Especially if we turn some childrenaway because we think they are older and they are not.  Perhaps, make it consistent across theboard and call the parents in all cases. City Manager Alina Ciocan asked for clarification.  MayorPro Tem Bilyeu clarified that it would be a good idea to make it, if you are 8 and under, you have tobe accompanied by a parent; if you are asked to leave the library and under the age of 14, theparent will be contacted.  Councilmember Dillon noted his concern regarding turning a child over toa parent or guardian and if it is a qualified guardian, Mayor Muir noted that Ms. Tolle should simplifythese policies and bring them back with the changes.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted he wouldprovide a couple of bullet point suggestions to the City Manager to forward to Ms. Tolle. Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle also gave a background summary of updating the DVDCheckout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits for Families.  She noted  the Library wanted toallow children over 13 to check out movies with certain restrictions with the parentspermission.  Another change is the number of DVD's a family is allowed to check out which wouldbe a limit of 6 per family. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted that it referenced fines and and that hethought they were eliminated.  Ms. Tolle noted that he is correct except for the e­tablets and it was the old policy that needs to be updated. Ms. Tolle gave a background summary of the student use cards noting that when she started that the Library was issuing limited use cards to minors 14 and up without a parent signature.  She noted that the cards would be limited to two books. There were no questions on this proposal. Ms. Tolle noted the last item is Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials such as copying DVD's, etc. She noted that the City Attorney reviewed the policy.  There was no discussion on this item.  A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to act on updating the DVD Checkout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits for Families;  Specifying the Restrictions of Student Use Library Cards; and, New Policy Regarding Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials as presented.  The unattended children policy was eliminated from the motion and requested to be revised and resubmitted for approval.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Dillon.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote). 6.Ordinance #12­40­19 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020 Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #12­40­19 – Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, Which Will Amend the Budget For The Fiscal Year 2019­2020 And Authorizing Amended Expenditures as Provided. Director of Finance Clayton Gray provided a summary of the Proposed Ordinance noting it was from the Electric Storm Recovery Fund to cover the cost of storm recovery from the October storm.  He summarized the memos and invoices attached and the costs noting the total cost of the restoration $97,476.92.   This is transferring money from the Electric Storm Recovery Fund to Enterprise Fund to cover these unbudgeted expenses in the Electric Department. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if the City had any supervision over that the contractor Primoris did?  Director of Electric Utilities Mike Prater noted that the electric staff was split up and put with crews working in certain areas.  It was noted that staff was satisfied with the work the performed.  Councilmember Clark asked if it is possible to have them on standby in the future for this type of issue, because he noted that staff had called a few other companies that could not get here quickly.  Mr. Prater noted that it just depends on where they are working.  Brief discussion ensued.  A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #12­40­19 – amending Ordinance #09­25­19, which will amend the budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and authorize amended expenditures as provided.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote). 7.Resolution No. 12­17­19 ­ Ratifying Emergency Utility Repairs ­ Electric Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Resolution No. 12­17­19 Ratifying a Contract for the Emergency Repair of Damages to Electric System of $86,695.19; Making Findings Exempting Such Contract From the Requirements of Competitive Bidding; And Providing An Effective Date.  Mayor Muir read the agenda item and noted it was basically the same item as the previous item noting it was a contract for emergency repair and exempting requirements of competitive bidding.    A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve Resolution No. 12­17­19 ratifying a contract for the emergency repair of damages to Electric System of $86,695.19; making findings exempting such contract from the requirements of competitive bidding; and providing an effective date.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 Page 3Page 11 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, December 16, 2019 ­ 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett; CouncilmemberDennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark, Councilmember Allen Chick. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; Deputy City Secretary Jeriana Staton; Finance Director, Clayton Gray;City Engineer, Director of Public Works, Jim Berman; Director of Electric Utilities, Mike Prater;City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene; Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle, PoliceOfficer Josh Bishop.  1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a full quorum present at the December 16, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, themeeting was called to order by Mayor Muir at 7:27 p.m. The invocation was given byCouncilmember Chick and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. 2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens approached the podium wishing to speak3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 12­02­2019Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2019.b.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Ambulance ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Ambulance Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chiefto Execute Agreement.c.Interlocal ­ City of Sanger & Denton County ­ Fire ServicesApprove the 2019­2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Services BetweenDenton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas; and, Authorize the Fire Chiefto Execute Agreement.  There was brief discussion and a few questions for Fire Chief David Pennington regarding theInterlocal Agreements on the Consent Agenda.  A motion was made by Councilmember Chick toapprove the Consent Agenda as presented.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion passed unanimously (5­0 vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No Items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Policies for Unattended Children, Checkout of DVDs, Student Use Cards, andUnauthorized Reproduction / Misuse of Library ResourcesConsider, Discuss and Act on Revising and Expanding Items in Library Behavior Policy That Relateto Unattended Children; Updating DVD Checkout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits forFamilies; Specifying the Restrictions of Student Use Library Cards; New Policy RegardingUnauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials. Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle was recognized to present the agenda item, gave abackground summary and a summary of the Unattended Children Policy. She noted that she hasconsulted with the City Attorney and Police Chief regarding some of the various changes.  MayorPro Tem Bilyeu asked about the age groups and noted he did not understand what the breakdownswere for enforcement.  Ms Tolle noted that they do not usually police the age, it is more when thechild is disruptive. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted his concern was a liability issue as to what is thedifference when the child was asked to leave during library hours, and at closing time and thedifference in age groups ­ he noted if they are a minor child they should have their parents contactedand if they are eight and younger, they should have a parent at the Library with them.  Mayor ProTem Bilyeu noted we needed to be consistent with our policy and enforcement.  Ms. Tolle noted it isbasically the children are from the 6th grade campus and come in groups and are loud and disruptiveand are asked to leave.  If a child does not have a ride home the Library will attempt to call theparents.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted the issue is the guidelines based on age and protocol for CityPersonal and enforcement is going to be a challenge.  If protocol is not done according to theordinance the City may have some liability issues in the future.  Especially if we turn some childrenaway because we think they are older and they are not.  Perhaps, make it consistent across theboard and call the parents in all cases. City Manager Alina Ciocan asked for clarification.  MayorPro Tem Bilyeu clarified that it would be a good idea to make it, if you are 8 and under, you have tobe accompanied by a parent; if you are asked to leave the library and under the age of 14, theparent will be contacted.  Councilmember Dillon noted his concern regarding turning a child over toa parent or guardian and if it is a qualified guardian, Mayor Muir noted that Ms. Tolle should simplifythese policies and bring them back with the changes.  Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted he wouldprovide a couple of bullet point suggestions to the City Manager to forward to Ms. Tolle. Director of Library Services, Audrey Tolle also gave a background summary of updating the DVDCheckout Policy for Minors and Checkout Limits for Families.  She noted  the Library wanted toallow children over 13 to check out movies with certain restrictions with the parentspermission.  Another change is the number of DVD's a family is allowed to check out which wouldbe a limit of 6 per family. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted that it referenced fines and and that hethought they were eliminated.  Ms. Tolle noted that he is correct except for the e­tablets and it wasthe old policy that needs to be updated.Ms. Tolle gave a background summary of the student use cards noting that when she started that theLibrary was issuing limited use cards to minors 14 and up without a parent signature.  She noted thatthe cards would be limited to two books. There were no questions on this proposal.Ms. Tolle noted the last item is Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materialssuch as copying DVD's, etc. She noted that the City Attorney reviewed the policy.  There was nodiscussion on this item. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to act on updating the DVD Checkout Policy forMinors and Checkout Limits for Families;  Specifying the Restrictions of Student Use Library Cards;and, New Policy Regarding Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials aspresented.  The unattended children policy was eliminated from the motion and requested to berevised and resubmitted for approval.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Dillon.  Themotion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).6.Ordinance #12­40­19 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #12­40­19 – Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, WhichWill Amend the Budget For The Fiscal Year 2019­2020 And Authorizing Amended Expenditures asProvided.Director of Finance Clayton Gray provided a summary of the Proposed Ordinance noting it wasfrom the Electric Storm Recovery Fund to cover the cost of storm recovery from the Octoberstorm.  He summarized the memos and invoices attached and the costs noting the total cost of therestoration $97,476.92.   This is transferring money from the Electric Storm Recovery Fund toEnterprise Fund to cover these unbudgeted expenses in the Electric Department. Mayor Pro TemBilyeu asked if the City had any supervision over that the contractor Primoris did?  Director ofElectric Utilities Mike Prater noted that the electric staff was split up and put with crews working incertain areas.  It was noted that staff was satisfied with the work the performed.  CouncilmemberClark asked if it is possible to have them on standby in the future for this type of issue, because henoted that staff had called a few other companies that could not get here quickly.  Mr. Prater notedthat it just depends on where they are working.  Brief discussion ensued. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #12­40­19 – amendingOrdinance #09­25­19, which will amend the budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and authorizeamended expenditures as provided.  The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon.  Themotion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).7.Resolution No. 12­17­19 ­ Ratifying Emergency Utility Repairs ­ ElectricConsider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Resolution No. 12­17­19 Ratifying a Contract for theEmergency Repair of Damages to Electric System of $86,695.19; Making Findings Exempting SuchContract From the Requirements of Competitive Bidding; And Providing An Effective Date. Mayor Muir read the agenda item and noted it was basically the same item as the previous itemnoting it was a contract for emergency repair and exempting requirements of competitive bidding.   A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve Resolution No. 12­17­19 ratifying acontract for the emergency repair of damages to Electric System of $86,695.19; making findings exempting such contract from the requirements of competitive bidding; and providing an effective date.  The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu.  The motion carried unanimously (5­0 vote).   8.INFORMATION ITEMS: a.Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCR ATMOS Energy Rider GCR Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170 for December 2019 billing periods. b.Disbursements 11­2019 Disbursements for the City of Sanger for November 2019. c.Monthly Financial Report ­ October 31, 2019 d.Capital Projects Recap ­ December 11, 2019 There was no discussion regarding Items a­c on Item d. It was noted that the capital projects discussed at tonight's meeting would be placed on the Capital Projects list.  9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Councilmember Barrett asked about the full time Code Enforcement Officer position.  Staff noted that we are getting ready to post the position.  There was no further discussion.   10.ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir called the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Page 4Page 12 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. b. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director ITEM/CAPTION: Authorize Utility Refund Authorize Staff to Issue Utility Refund Check to Sanger Independent School District in the Amount of  $207,934.80. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: This item is an offset to current year Enterprise Fund Revenues.  This is 1.7% of 2019­2020 budgeted Enterprise Fund Revenues. FUNDS: Enterprise Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve refund. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Memorandum 12/26/2019 Cover Memo Page 13 MEMORANDUM To: Alina Ciocan, City Manager From: Clayton Gray, Finance Director Date: December 26, 2019 Re: Butterfield Elementary Water Service Recently, an issue was brought to our attention with the water account for Butterfield Elementary School. This account has been billed incorrectly since the account was established in February 2009. The error is a human error, unrelated to the billing software system. Information was miscommunicated between Public Works and Customer Service regarding the setup and billing of the account. We have reviewed the entire history on the account and have corrected every bill for the account. The net result is that the account has been overbilled and a refund should be issued. Staff has verified that the January 1st bill for the account will be billed correctly. Page 14 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: 2020 Census ­ Complete Count Committee Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorizing Staff to Assemble a Complete Count Committee in Relation to the 2020 Census. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: Every ten years a new Census is taken. The 2020 Census will be sent out in April of 2020. Under the advisement of Denton County and the Census Bureau, cities have been asked to form a Complete Count Committees. The committee's primary focus will be to educate citizens of the importance of the Census and encourage Census participation from all residents. The committee should also focus on hard­to­count communities and populations that haven't responded well in past or have a history of being undercounted. Complete Count Committees are comprised of businesses, educators, media representatives, faith based leaders, community organization leaders, and others who are interested in promoting the Census.   LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends approval. Page 15 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:2020 Census ­ Complete Count CommitteeConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorizing Staff to Assemble a Complete Count Committee in Relation to the2020 Census.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:Every ten years a new Census is taken. The 2020 Census will be sent out in April of 2020. Under the advisement ofDenton County and the Census Bureau, cities have been asked to form a Complete Count Committees. Thecommittee's primary focus will be to educate citizens of the importance of the Census and encourage Censusparticipation from all residents. The committee should also focus on hard­to­count communities and populations thathaven't responded well in past or have a history of being undercounted. Complete Count Committees are comprised ofbusinesses, educators, media representatives, faith based leaders, community organization leaders, and others who areinterested in promoting the Census.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends approval. Page 16 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: S&J Pharmacy ­ Sign Variance Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request Made by S&J Pharmacy to Grant a Variance to the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr. AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public Hearing ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant has submitted an application on behalf of S&J Pharmacy to request a variance to the sign ordinance for a window sign. The sign would be located at 801 Chapman Dr. Section 3.1407 of the Sanger Code of Ordinances allows for window signs provided that not more that 25 percent of the transparent area is occupied. The proposed window sign would occupy 32,099.5 square inches or approximately 52 percent of the transparent area. The applicant is seeking a variance from the 25 percent requirement. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Page 17 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 6.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:S&J Pharmacy ­ Sign VarianceConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request Made by S&J Pharmacy to Grant a Varianceto the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr.AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public HearingACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant has submitted an application on behalf of S&J Pharmacy to request a variance to the sign ordinance for awindow sign. The sign would be located at 801 Chapman Dr. Section 3.1407 of the Sanger Code of Ordinancesallows for window signs provided that not more that 25 percent of the transparent area is occupied. The proposedwindow sign would occupy 32,099.5 square inches or approximately 52 percent of the transparent area. The applicantis seeking a variance from the 25 percent requirement.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 12/18/2019 Cover Memo Location Map 12/16/2019 Cover Memo Application 12/16/2019 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 12/18/2019 Cover Memo Sign Regulations (3.1400)12/16/2019 Cover Memo Sign Renderings 12/16/2019 Cover Memo Page 18 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: January 6, 2020 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request made by S&J Pharmacy to Grant a Variance to the Sign Ordinance for a Proposed Window Sign at 801 Chapman Dr. Applicant: Scott and Tammy Dean, S&J Pharmacy ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant has submitted an application on behalf of S&J Pharmacy to request a variance to the sign ordinance for a window sign. The sign would be located at 801 Chapman Dr. Section 3.1407 of the Sanger Code of Ordinances allows for window signs provided that not more that 25 percent of the transparent area is occupied. The proposed window sign would occupy 32,099.5 square inches or approximately 52 percent of the transparent area. The applicant is seeking a variance from the 25 percent requirement. Notification Response Form Staff mailed 17 public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No response forms have been returned at the time of this report. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Sign Regulations (3.1400) • Renderings Page 19 Thi s p ro du ct i s for i n fo rm a tio na l pu rp o se sand m a y n ot h a ve b e e n p re p are d for o r b esuitable fo r l eg a l, e ng in e e rin g , o r s ur ve yin gpurposes. It d o es no t re pr es en t a n o n -the -g ro u ndsurvey a nd re p re se nts o n ly th e ap p ro xi ma terelative lo ca t io n of p ro p erty bo u nd a ri es . http s://gis .d en to ncou nty.com 0 125 25062.5 Feet±De n ton C ou n ty d oe s n o t g u a ran te e th e c o rre ctn es sor a cc ur ac y o f a n y fea tu re s o n th is p ro d u ct an dassumes n o r es po n si bi li ty in co n ne cti on th er ew i th .Thi s p ro du ct m ay be re vi se d a t an y ti me w ith ou tnotification to an y u se r. © Denton C ount yLandmark GIS 801 C hapman Dr Page 20 Page 21 City of Sanger City Council Subject: Letter of Intent to apply window wraps to S&J Pharmacy Dear Sanger City Council, We would like to request your approval for a variance to the city’s maximum window covering restriction of 25% for our business S&J Pharmacy located at 801 Chapman Dr. Our intent is to promote S&J Pharmacy products and services to our community of Sanger by applying simple and clean window wraps. These window wraps will be dark blue background with simple pictures of our products and services in white. This would include minimal wording for the products and services also in white. These window wraps will allow for those on the inside to still see out of the building while appearing to be solid from the outside. This will also help in reducing the heat transmitted through these windows in the summer, reducing electricity by saving on cooling cost. We believe that the residence of Sanger and visitors of Sanger would be better informed of S&J Pharmacy’s ability to serve them if they better understood what the Pharmacy had to offer. Since our purchase of S&J Pharmacy in April of this year, we have researched ways to better serve our community through this business and expanded our products and services. One thing we noted is our building does not clearly state we are a Pharmacy to a person driving by. We are receiving bids for new signage on the top of the building and on the pole at the street curb and will soon be filing appropriate permits. We believe that new signage along with window wraps will inform our residents and visitors of what is available to them at the pharmacy and will improve our ability to help keep more business local. Thank You for your consideration of this variance request and letter of intent. Sincerely, Tammy and Scott Dean S&J Pharmacy Page 22 Following pages provide the mockup of our intent for applying window wraps. Page 23 Page 24 ARTICLE 3.1400 SIGN REGULATIONS* Sec. 3.1401 Purpose and Intent Regulation of the location, size, placement and certain features of signs is necessary to enable the public to locate goods, services and facilities in the corporate limits of the city to encourage the general attractiveness of the community and to protect property values therein. Accordingly, it is the intention of this article to establish regulations governing the display of signs and in part to achieve the following: (1) Safety. To promote the safety of persons and property by providing that signs: (A) Promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, morals and convenience; (B) Do not obstruct firefighting or police surveillance; and (C) Do not overload the public’s capacity to receive information or increase the probability of tra ffic congestion and accidents by distracting attention or obstructing vision. (2) Communications Efficiency. To enhance the economy, the business and industry of the city on promoting the reasonable, orderly and effective display of signs and thereby encourage increased communication with the public, so that: (A) Businesses and services may identify themselves; (B) Customers and other persons may locate a business or service; (C) Signs are compatible with their surroundings, are appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain, and are expressive of the identity of proprietors and other persons displaying signs; and (D) Persons exposed to signs are not overwhelmed by the number of messages presented and are able to exercise freedom of choice to observe or ignore said messages, according to the observer’s purpose. (3) Environment Quality and Preservation. To protect the public welfare and to enhance the appearance and economic value of the landscape by providing that signs: (A) Do not interfere with scenic views, protect and preserve the unique and natural beauty and historic values of the city; (B) Do not create a nuisance to persons using the public rights -of-way; (C) Do not create a nuisance to the occupancy of adjacent and contiguous property by their brightness, size, height or movement; and (D) Are not detrimental to land or property values. Sec. 3.1402 Administration The provisions of this article shall be administered and enforced by the development services department. Sec. 3.1403 Permit; Penalty for Violation (a) Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, conduct major repair of or relocate any sign within the city without first obtaining a permit to do so from the development ser vices department or its designated representative. Minor repair, however, is allowed without a permit, as defined in Section 3.1404. (b) Application. Application for a permit required by this article shall be made upon forms provided by the development services department. (c) Insurance. Every applicant for a permit under this article for attached, detached and billboard signs erected or maintained in accordance with Section 3.1407 shall carry a liability insurance policy (minimum $20,000.00), which covers the subject sign during erection. The policy must be carried by an approved insurance company authorized to do business in the state. A bond covering the subject sign Page 25 will be acceptable. Proof of liability coverage shall be submitted by means of a certificate. (d) Refusal of Permit for Failure to Pay Costs. The development services department may refuse to issue a permit under this article to any person who has refused or failed to pay any costs relating to signs. (e) Approval of Permit by Electrical Inspector. The application for a permit for the erection of a sign in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall be approved by the electrical inspector prior to submission of the application to the development services department for final approval. (f) Permit Fee Schedule. All attached, detached and non-premises signs, except those exempted from the provisions of this article, shall be charged a permit fee based on the fee schedule. (g) Issuance. It shall be the duty of the inspector, upon the filing of an application for a permit under this article, to examine the plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which the sign is proposed to be erected; and, if it shall appear that the proposed s ign is in compliance with all the requirements of this article, the building code and all other laws and ordinances of the city, the permit shall then be issued. (h) Time Limit for Completion of Work. If the work authorized by a permit issued under the provisions of this article has not been completed within 60 days after the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy or the issuance of a sign permit, whichever is later, the permit shall become null and void. (i) Revocation. All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this article or any amendment hereto are mere licenses, revocable at any time by the city council, and all permits issued hereunder shall contain this provision. Sec. 3.1404 Definitions The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Automobile Dealership, Franchise. Franchises that are granted specifically by a motor vehicle manufacturer to an authorized dealer for sales only of a specific make of motor vehicle such as Ford or Chevrolet. Building. A structure that has a roof supported by columns, walls or air for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals or chattel. Facade. Any separate face of a building, including parapet walls and omitted wall lines, or any part of a building which encloses or covers usable space. Where separate faces are oriented in the same direction or in directions within 45 degrees of one another, they are to be considered as part of a single facade. Frontage or Property Frontage. The entire length of the boundary line of any one tract of real property adjacent to a public right-of-way, measured parallel to the right-of-way line in a horizontal manner. Nameplate Sign. Any sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises on which it is erected. Premises. A lot or un-platted tract that is recorded in the city. Repair, Major. Any repair, other than minor repair as defined below, of an existing sign, which through an act of god or other event has become damaged in excess of 50 percent of its replacement cost. Such repair work will require a permit and shall meet all provisions of this article. Verification of the percentage of damage will be supplied by the applicant to the permit office, and such verification shall be: two estimates from two different reputable sign companies, stating the total value of the sign and the total value of all costs to rep air the sign to its original state. If the applicant agrees that the repair exceeds 50 percent of replacement cost, then the said estimates shall not be required. Repair, Minor. Limited to painting, replacement of defective parts, cleaning or other similar minor maintenance to a sign, which will keep said sign at an acceptable level and which does not change the total area of the sign, and which repair is less than 50 percent of the replacement cost of the sign. Sign. Includes any writing, letter, word, numeral, pictorial representation, emblem, symbol, trademark, object, design or other identification that is designed or intended to identify, advertise, announce or inform. The term “sign” shall not include: (1) Works of art that in no way identify a product or business and that are not displayed in conjunction with a for-profit enterprise; Page 26 (2) Temporary decorations or displays directly incidental to and customary and commonly associated with the national, local or religious holiday celebrations; or (3) Traffic and other official signs and devices of any public or governmental agency. Sign, Abandoned. A sign that depicts or refers to a product, business, service, activity, condition or person, which has changed in such a manner that the sign no longer correctly identifies or describes him/her/it, or which no longer exists at the location referred to in the sign, or which no longer exists in any way or at any place. Sign, Advertisement/Identification Flag. Includes flags or insignia that bear identification other than defined in “sign, government flag.” Sign, Attached. Any sign attached to, applied on or supported by any part of a building (such as a wall, roof, window, canopy, awning, arcade or marquee) that encloses or covers usable space and does not extend more than 12 inches from the building facade. Sign, Billboard and/or Non-Premises. A sign that advertises products or services not sold, manufactured or distributed on the premises on which the sign is located. Sign, Detached. Any sign connected to the ground, which is not an attached sign. Sign, Detached Ground. A sign having a low profile, either made of or contained within stone, concrete, metal, wood, brick or similar material, which does not exceed 6 feet in height from the adjacent ground level. Sign, Detached Pole, or Pole Sign. Any sign supported by one or more freestanding poles and having no guys or braces to the ground or to any structure. Sign, Effective Sign Area Measurement. The area enclosed by drawing one or more rectangles of horizontal and vertical lines that fully contain all extremities of the sign drawn to scale, exclusive of its supports. The measurement is to be calculated from the viewpoint that gives the largest rectangle of that kind as the viewpoint is rotated horizontally around the sign. Sign, Government Flag. Flags or insignia of governments or fraternal, religious, civic or educational organizations and institutions that are not used in connection with a commercial promotion or to advertise a commercial product, service, business, activity or condition, or person. Sign, Hanging. A sign that is attached beneath an awning or canopy of a building. Sign, Light Projecting. LED (Light Emitting Diode). Sign, Non-Premises, Temporary Directional. A temporary sign, generally with a plastic, metal or cardboard back and a wooden or steel stake, used to promote the sale of property, lots or homes within a subdivision. Sign, On-Site Traffic. A sign that directs vehicular or pedestrian movement within or onto the premises on which the movement control sign is located. Sign, Political. Any type of sign that refers only to the issues or candidates involved in a political election. Sign, Portable and/or Display. A sign that is not permanently attached to the ground or building or designated to be permanently attached to the ground or building. Sign, Premises. Any sign, the content of which relates to the premises on which it is located, referring exclusively to the name, location, products, persons, accommodations, service or activities on those premises, or the sale, lease or construction of those premises. Sign, Projecting. A sign attached to a building or extending, in whole or in part, 12 inches or more perpendicular to the surface of the building to which the sign is attached. Sign, Protective. Any sign that is commonly associated with safeguarding the permitted uses of the occupancy. Sign, Roof. Any sign erected upon, against or directly above a roof, or on top of or above the parapet of the building. Sign, Special Purpose. A sign temporarily supplementing the permanent signs on the premises. Sign Support. Any pole, post, strut, cable, or other structural fixture or framework necessary to hold and secure a sign, providing that said support is not used as a sign. Sign, Vehicular. A sign that identifies a vehicle used for a particular business, however, not when the primary use of the vehicle is that of a sign. Wind-Driven Sign. Any sign consisting of one or a series of 2 or more banners, flags, pennants, ribbons, spinners, Page 27 streamers, captive balloons, or other objects or material fastened in such a manner as to move upon being subjected to pressure by wind or breeze. Zoning District, Agriculture. Any zoning district designated by the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the city as an agricultural district. Zoning District, Business. Any zoning district designated by the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the city as a commercial and/or industrial district or any other business districts that should replace these or be added to them in the future. Zoning, District, Nonbusiness. Any zoning district not designated as a business district in accordance with the definition of “zoning district, business” or any nonbusiness district that should replace these or be added to them in the future. Sec. 3.1405 Prohibited Signage The following signs are specifically prohibited, except as otherwise prescribed within this article. (1) Certain Illuminated Signs. No sign shall be illuminated to an intensity that causes glare or brightness to a degree that could constitute a hazard or nuisance. Moving, flashing, intermittently lighted, color changing, beacons, revolving projections, LED or similarly constructed signs shall not be allowed. Message signs in compliance with Section 3.1406(6) are allowed. (2) Signs Containing Obscene Matter. Signs containing statements, words or pictures of an obscene character. (3) Signs Interfering with Traffic. Signs that imitate an official traffic sign or signal, or which contain the words “stop,” “go slow,” “caution,” “danger,” “warning” or similar words used on official traffic signs o r signals. Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic-control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal, or which obstruct the view in any direction at a street or road intersection. (4) Painting, Marking Streets, Sidewalks, Buildings, Utility Poles, Trees. No person shall attach any sign, paper or other material to, or paint, stencil or write any name or number (except house nu mbers) on, or otherwise mark on any sidewalk, curb, gutter, street, utility pole, tree, public building or structure unless authorized by this article or by the city council or its delegated representatives. (5) Signs In, On or Over Public Right-of-Way, Railroad Right-of-Way, Public Easements or Designated Fire Lanes. No person shall place, erect or allow to be placed or erected any sign in, on, or over public rights - of-way and easements, railroad right-of-way designated fire lanes except as erected by the city for public purposes. Detached signs shall maintain a setback as described in Section 3.1407(b)(Table 1). (6) Signs on Fences, Railings, Etc. No person shall paint a sign or attach a sign, other than a nameplate, to the outside of a fence or railing. Agricultural signs are allowed as described in Section 3.1411(f)(13). (7) Searchlights are prohibited, unless specially permitted through the city council. Searchlights may be allowed as part of a grand opening event with the issuance of a new occupancy permit once for a period up to 4 days per site as long as it does not create an adverse impact on surrounding developments or the public health, safety, and general welfare. An application for such permit shall be submitted to the city 30 days prior to the event and shall indicate the number of searchlights, time of use, intended purpose and location. If the use of the property should change, a n ew searchlight permit could be granted with the issuance of a new occupancy permit for the property. (8) Miscellaneous. (A) Signs that project above the fascia wall of any structure, strings of light bulbs not permanently mounted on a rigid background, used in connection with commercial premises for commercial purposes, other than traditional holiday decorations, and wind -driven signs shall be prohibited. (B) Projecting signs are prohibited in all zones except as described in the commercial hist oric section of this article, Section 3.1409(5). (C) Signs that are erected upon or applied to any roof are prohibited. A mansard -style roof shall be considered as part of the building facade and not the roof for the purpose of attached sign location. The term “sign” herein shall not apply to a religious symbol, unaccompanied by lettering, when applied to the Page 28 cornice, tower or spire of a place of worship. (9) Handbills. It shall be unlawful for any person to scatter, distribute, throw or attach handbills, circulars, cards, tear sheets, or any other advertising device of any description along or upon any street, sidewalk, public park or vehicle in the city. (10) Banners or Pennants. Banners or pennants, other than those described in Section 3.1407(c)(4) and (g) are prohibited. (11) No luminous gaseous tubing sign within an enclosed building behind glass and visible outside the building from the public right-of-way through a window, except open signs, shall be permitted. (12) Billboards are prohibited. Sec. 3.1406 All Zoning Districts The contents of this article are applicable to the corporate limits of the city only. The following general provisions apply to signs in all zoning districts: (1) Detached signs shall be engineered to withstand a wind load of 30 pounds per square foot. (2) Abandoned signs shall be removed within 180 days after such business ceases. Signs may have the face replaced with a blank face of like material. (3) All illuminated signs shall bear the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. label or be built to comply with the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. requirements and shall be in conformance with the current electrical code, additionally, illuminated signs shall comply with the following provisions: (A) Any light used for the illumination of a sign shall be shielded so that the beams or rays of light shine directly onto the sign and not into surrounding areas. (B) Neither the direct nor the reflected light from any light source shall create a traffic hazard or distraction to operators of motor vehicles on public thoroughfares. (C) External illumination is allowed on the following signs: (i) Signs in the city’s downtown commercial historical district; (ii) Detached signs on tracts 25 acres or greater in industrial zoning districts; (iii) Ground signs in business districts; and (iv) Institutional signs and apartment signs. (4) Any person having an interest in the sign for whom a permit is issued under this article shall maintain all parts and supports of the sign covered by such permit in good condition to prevent deterioration, oxidation, rust and other unsightly conditions. (5) The inspector shall inspect as deemed necessary, each sign regulated by this article for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same is secure or insecure, whether it still serves a useful purpose, and whether it is in need of removal or repair. (6) Message signs are allowed up to 20 square feet and count toward the overall signage allowance. (7) A business that shares a cross access across another property to a different street may be allowed 1 off- premises directional sign. The directional sign may only display the name and logo of the business and an arrow. The sign can be no larger than 8 square feet and no more than 6 feet in height. Sec. 3.1407 Business and Agricultural Zoning Districts (a) On-Premises Attached Signs. (1) Sign Allowance. The total area per face of a sign shall not exceed 1 -1/2 square feet of face area for each linear foot of building fascia length. Allowances for individual occupancies within a multiuse building shall be calculated on leased or occupied fascia length. If the lot o n which the building is located has multiple right-of-way frontage, each street frontage shall be counted for purposes of determining attached sign allowance. Said signage is to be applied (distributed) on the sides of the building where facing directly adjacent to the public right-of-way. Alternate signage is allowed on sides Page 29 of the building not adjacent to the public right-of-way not to exceed 1/3 of the allowance or 25 square feet, whichever is less. (2) Sign Location. Attached signs may be located on a building wall; but, if any part of the sign projects above the ceiling line of the first floor, then no window or part of a window shall be situated within or blocked by the flat wall sign. No such sign shall extend above the roof line of the building or more than 12 inches from the building wall. Where such signs are located on mansard -style roofs, and the building fascia is not vertical, the bottom of such sign shall not project more than 12 inches from said roof and the sign can be oriented in a vertical manner. The staff shall promulgate such graphic to illustrate sign location and orientation. (3) Sign and Letter/Logo Height in Relation to Building Height. (A) For multistory structures, attached signage as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section is allowed between the ground levels to a height of 24 feet. (B) For multistory structures that are 4 stories in height or more, the following standards shall apply to letter/logo height in relation to building height: Maximum Height Height of sign, 4 stories or greater Maximum letter/logo height 4 stories 36 inches 5 to 10 stories 48 inches 11 to 15 stories 60 inches 16 stories and above 72 inches Additionally, the above table represents the maximum letter and/or logo height in each sign height category. When a sign is totally composed of individually mounted letters, either one letter or one logo may be 25 percent taller than the maximum letter/logo height. Such signage shall be located between the floor level of the top floor and the top of the fascia wall. (b) On-Premises Detached Ground or Pole Signs. (1) Pole signs shall be allowed only along the following linear segments of streets: (A) I-35 (B) 5th Street (I-35 Business) from Keaton to Cowling (C) 5th Street from FM 455 North to I-35 service road (D) FM 455 from 5th Street to Acker Street Note: If the stated linear segment does not reference a beginning or ending cross-street, the segment shall mean the entire length of such street within the corporate limits or from the stated cross -street to the corporate limits, as the case may be. (2) The city council, upon specific application, may approve an exception to allow a pole sign at a location where prohibited herein if the council determines that a general condition of pole signs exists in the immediate vicinity and the proposed pole sign would be consistent with such established conditions. (A) Pole Sign Regulations. Where allowed, pole signs shall conform to the following restrictions and limitations. Table 1 Page 30 Planned width of adjacent thoroughfare 0 to 70 feet 71 to 99 feet 100 feet or more Interstate 35 Minimum width of lot frontage 50 100 150 50 80 100 100 200 125 Maximum square footage per side 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 150 Setback from street ROW line or any property line (feet) 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 Maximum height (feet) * 8 10 25 25 25 50 * Pole sign not allowed. See regulations for ground signs which follow. (B) Ground Sign Regulations. The maximum area of any ground sign as defined herein, is the area allowed by Table 1. The required setback from a street right-of-way line is 3-1/2 feet. Required setbacks from other property lines are as specified by Table 1. The maximum height of any sign on a lot with less than 100 feet of street frontage adjacent to a street with a right -of-way of 70 feet or less and does not exceed 10 feet in height, it may be considered a ground sign; provided that not less than 120 square feet of its area is below a height of 6 feet. (C) Multiuse Signs. A multiuse sign that identifies a coordinated development site of more than one use, such as a shopping center, office center, or industrial park, may have a sign area not larger than 1.5 times the area allowed for a single-use sign on the site, or a maximum of 200 square feet, whichever is less. A multiuse sign may contain a directory or listing of the occupants within a center or multiuse development; provided that the directory portion of the sign shall not exceed 70 square feet or 60 percent of the total sign area whichever is less. If a directory is utilized, the remainder of the sign area shall contain only the identification of the entire center or entire development. If a multiuse sign area exceeds that allowed for a single use, no detached ground or pole sign is allowed for any single use within the center or development, or for any use listed in a directory on such sign. (D) When determining requirements for allowable detached ground or pole signs under the above table, first determine the right-of-way width adjacent to the subject lot, then determine the lot frontage. Next, determine the maximum square footage per side, setback from adjacent rights -of-way and the maximum height by reading vertically below the applicable lot frontage. To calculate the height of a sign, measurement shall be made from the top of the curb adja cent of the street upon which a sign faces or from the natural ground level, if above curb level, to the top of the sign. Construction of a berm or earthen mound for the purpose of increasing height of signage is prohibited. For the purpose of calculating the distance from a street right-of-way line where the existing street right-of-way width is less than that required in the thoroughfare plan and subdivision ordinance, such distance shall be measured from the line of such right-of-way as required by such plan or ordinance (adding equal amounts to each side of the existing right-of-way) rather than from the existing right-of-way line. Freeways are as proposed by the thoroughfare plan of the city. (E) No such sign shall be erected within 20 feet of the street intersection, unless the bottom of the sign exceeds 42 inches in height above ground level, and the sign is set back from the right -of-way as stated in Table 1. (F) If the lot on which a building or buildings are located has multiple right-of-way frontages and is 3 Page 31 acres or greater, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted (one per frontage) based on sign allowances in subsection (b) of this section. If such a building or buildings are located on a lot less than 3 acres, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted with a maximum of 60 square feet per side, per sign and a maximum height of 20 feet. On lots located at the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a freeway, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted, the size to be bas ed on subsection (b) of this section. All detached signs shall have a minimum of 20 feet of separation from the largest permitted sign. (G) If two of the allowable detached signs are combined into one detached sign, then the signage may exceed by 50 percent the total allowable signage of the largest permitted sign up to a maximum of 200 square feet per side. (H) When electrical service is provided to detached signs, all such electrical service shall be underground. (c) Automobile Dealership Signs. (1) Number Per Lot. (A) Primary Detached Signs. There shall not be more than 1 primary sign for each franchise up to a maximum of 3 primary signs per dealership. (B) Secondary Detached Signs. Secondary signs shall be permitted only if used for pre-owned automobiles and limited to 1 per dealership. (2) Area, Location and Height Requirements. (A) Primary Detached Signs. All primary detached signs shall conform to provisions within this section. (B) Secondary Detached Signs. Secondary signs shall be limited to one -half of the area of the primary detached sign and a maximum of 24 feet in height. (3) Minimum Separation. All signs shall be separated by a minimum distance of 100 feet. (4) Banners and Pennants. Such signage is allowed on light standards and poles, as long as signage does not exceed 20 square feet per pole or sign and is not strung or affixed in any manner other than from brackets on single poles. (d) Development Identification Signs. Project information or identification detached ground signs are permitted at the entrances of major offices or industrial park developments located on more than one lot and bisected by one or more publicly dedicated streets. They shall be allowed under t he following size restrictions: Size Maximum size (square feet) Maximum height (feet) Under 10 acres 36 6 10 acres and above 64 8 Signs may be located at each corner of the intersection of an entrance street. (e) Real Estate Signs. (1) Generally. One real estate sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and 12 feet in height shall be permitted on tracts of 50 acres or less, and not exceeding 96 square feet in area and 16 feet in height for tracts of land over 50 acres. On tracts of 50 acres or greater with 1,000 feet of frontage adjacent to the public right-of-way, a sign not to exceed 200 square feet per side and 16 feet in height shall be permitted. The sign shall be removed no later than 30 days after the closing of the real esta te conveyance. For setback requirements, refer to subsection (b), Table 1 of this section. Such signs shall not require a permit if they measure 32 square feet or less. (2) Temporary Directional Signs. Non-premises directional signage shall be prohibited within the city limits. (3) Construction Sites. On building construction sites, one sign each shall be permitted for all Page 32 participating building contractors and subcontractors, one each for all participating professional firms, one each for all participating lending institutions and one for each property owner on the construction site, subject to a maximum of 3 signs for each construction site, each such sign to be 32 square feet in sign area or less, and that such signs must be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said building. (f) Non-Premises Signs. Non-premises real estate signs shall be permitted based on the following criteria: (1) One such sign shall be permitted per area between 100 acres and 249 acre s; (2) Two such signs shall be permitted per area between 250 acres and 499 acres; (3) Three such signs shall be permitted for 500 acres and three additional signs shall be permitted for each 500 acres thereafter; (4) The allowable signage shall be based on the original size of the zoning area; (5) Real estate signs shall be allowed in all nonplatted zoning districts; (6) The size of such sign shall be a maximum of 32 square feet and 8 feet in height unless adjacent to I-35 where 96 square feet and 16 feet in height is allowed; (7) A permit shall expire after two years. Said permit may be renewed upon request by the property owner for another two-year period; (8) A permit fee of $25.00 per sign shall be paid; and (9) There shall be a minimum separation between each sign of 500 feet. (g) Temporary Promotional Banners, Posters and Pennants. (1) Temporary promotional signs, including but not limited to, banners, posters, and pennants, containing but not limited to, the following verbiage: “Now Hiring,” “Applications Here,” “We Finance,” “Open 24 Hours,” “Sale,” or “Price Special” shall be permitted, subject to the following guidelines: (A) New Business. For a new business, such signage shall not exceed 25 square feet an d shall be included as part of the total allowable attached or detached signage. Such signage shall have a permanently affixed location, which is integrated and compatibly designed as a component of the building, canopy, fascia wall or detached sign. A grand opening sign shall be allowed in addition to the allowable signage for a 30-day period upon issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The fee for such signage shall be included as part of the original sign package, and no subsequent fees will apply if included as part of the permanent signage. (B) Existing Businesses. For businesses that are existing at the time of the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derived, such signage shall be permitted at a permanently designated location on the building, canopy or fascia wall and shall not exceed 25 square feet. There shall be a permit obtained for the manner of designated and affixing of temporary banners and a one -time permit fee of $50.00 shall be charged for each such location designation. (2) Such signage shall be considered as part of the overall sign allowance and shall not be limited as to time of display; and the means of attachment shall not be visible from the public right -of-way. (h) Signs in Interior of Windows. (1) For new and/or existing businesses that are food or non-food service establishments, such signage is permitted in the interior of windows without a permit, provided that not more than 25 percent of the transparent area is occupied at one time. (2) Items of Information. An item of information is defined as a symbol, a word, a logo, an initial, an abbreviation or a group of numbers. The amount of information that any attached or detached sign can contain shall be based on the following criteria: (A) No sign shall display more than ten items of information. (B) Lettering 3 inches in height or less is not included when determining an item of information. (C) Letters less than 19 inches high which are carved into the fabric of a building or de corative screening walls or attached securely to the wall are not counted as items of information; provided that they are not specially illuminated and are not constructed of a shiny material, or their color does not Page 33 contrast sharply with that of the building surface, and they do not exceed 2 inches in thickness. (i) Apartment Signs. All apartment complex signs located in business zoning districts shall conform to the provisions as defined in Section 3.1408(5). Sec. 3.1408 Nonbusiness Zoning Districts The following signs are permitted in nonbusiness zoning districts unless specifically stated within: (1) Nameplates. A nameplate, not exceeding 2 square feet in area, containing only the name of the resident, the title of the person conducting a permitted home occupation, the name of the building and the sign of the agent. (2) Institutional Signs. An institutional sign, not exceeding 25 square feet per face, and 8 feet in height, erected upon the premises of a church or other public or semipublic institution, for the purpose of displaying the name of the institution, and its activities or services. Such sign shall require a permit and may be illuminated according to the provisions contained within Section 3.1406(3). (3) Real Estate Signs. A real estate sign, nonilluminated, advertising the sale or development of a subdivision containing an area of not less than 7 lots or 1 acre erected upon the property developed and advertised for sale; provided such sign is not in excess of 32 square feet in size and 8 feet in height, and not more than 1 such sign is placed per street frontage. Such signs shall be removed when the property is sold. (4) Contractor’s Signs. A contractor’s sign, nonilluminated, advertising the development or improvement of a property by a builder, contractor or other person furnishing service, materials or labor to said premises during the period of construction; provided any such sign is not in excess of 32 square feet in size and 8 feet in height; and such sign shall be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said property, 96 square feet is the maximum allowed. (5) Apartment Signs. One identification sign per multifamily development, provided such sign does not exceed 25 square feet in area at the primary entrance; and one sign per secondary entrance is not to exceed 16 square feet. Such sign shall require a permit and may be illuminated according to the provisions contained within Section 3.1406(3). (6) Bed and Breakfast. One attached sign shall be permitted on the premises. Such sign shall not exceed 4 square feet in area and shall not include the word “hotel” or “motel.” (7) Non-Premises Temporary Directional Signs. Non-premises real estate directional signs shall be prohibited in the city limits as described in Section 3.1404. (8) Development Identification Signs. Project information or identification detached ground signs are permitted at the entrance of residential subdivisions. The maximum size shall be 32 square fe et per sign with a maximum height of 6 feet. Signs may be located at each corner of the intersection of an entrance street. Sec. 3.1409 Downtown Commercial District The downtown commercial district is the 200, 300, 400 and 500 block of Bolivar, the 600 block of Elm, the 200 and 300 block of north 4th, the 200 and 300 block of north 3rd and the 300 block of north 5th. All signs within this district shall adhere to the following criteria: (1) Signs must be designated and constructed in keeping with the nostalgic character of the downtown district. Signs are subject to review by the development services director and the director’s approval is a prerequisite for the issuance of a sign permit. (2) Materials suggested for use for signs are finished hardwoods or softwoods. Materials not allowed include, but are not limited to, plastics, fluorescent materials, paper or florescent paints and LED. (3) No sign shall be allowed above the top of the second story windows of a building. (4) Hanging signs shall be allowed when such signs have a minimum clearance of 7 feet from the sidewalk and do not extend beyond an awning or canopy projection. (5) Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance from the sidewalk of 8.5 feet and shall not Page 34 project more than 5 feet from the building or more than 50 percent of the width of the sidewalk adjacent to the building, whichever is less. (6) Maximum size shall be based on the following: (A) For every 1 linear foot of building primary or entrance frontage, 1-1/2 square feet of sign area shall be allowed. (B) Signboards on secondary side street frontage shall not exceed one -half the size of signboards on the primary or entrance frontage. (C) Window signs shall cover no more than 25 percent of the total glass area and this will count as one of the signs permitted. (D) Each face of a hanging sign shall be no more than 5 square feet. (E) Projecting signs shall be no more than 15 square feet in size with a maximum sign height of 3 feet from the top of the sign to the bottom. (7) Two signs are permitted per primary entrance, plus one additional hanging sign, if a canopy is used. (8) One secondary entrance sign is permitted. (9) Menu boards, portable signs or display signs are allowed, provided they adhere to the following criteria: (A) One such sign shall be permitted per primary entrance. (B) Such signs may extend out a maximum of 2 feet from the building, with the maximum distance parallel to the right-of-way being 4 feet. (C) A maximum of 8 square feet shall be permitted in the area of the sign or the area of the sidewalk used. Sec. 3.1410 Multiple Building Lot Coordinated Signage Planned Development District. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing, if property is developed in the planned development district, all signs on such property may be reviewed and approved as part of the overall development plan. Total signage allowed for all sites in the development may be aggregated and the total allowance redistributed. Sign locations, types and sizes may be varied, however, they must be consistent with site and landscape planning principles and will be part of the review process. (2) Compatibility of Design. All signs applied for under the provisions within this section are subject to the approval by the planning staff. The following criteria shall be considered: (A) The sign’s compatibility with surrounding signage as related to location, height, size, setback, etc. (B) The sign’s compatibility with aesthetics as related to color scheme, shapes, design, materials, etc. (C) The sign’s relationship to proposed or existing landscaping. Sec. 3.1411 Nonconforming Signs; Removal of Signs by City; Exceptions; Variances (a) Generally. Signs existing at the time of the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived and in compliance with the then current ordinance and not in compliance herewith shall be regarded as nonconforming signs with the following exception s: (1) Nonconforming signs may continue to exist until structurally altered, removed, or destroyed as an act of God or until the business in which they are advertising is no longer in existence. (2) Nonconforming off-premises signs must be removed within 30 days of the effective date of this article. (3) Nonconforming banners and pennants must be removed within 30 days of the effective date of this article. Page 35 (4) Nonconforming portable signs must be removed within 6 months of the effective dat e of this article. (5) Nonconforming signs that are structurally altered, relocated or replaced shall comply immediately with all provisions of this article. (6) Nonconforming fence signs must be removed within 30 days. (7) Any nonconforming sign which has been damaged by fire, wind or other cause in excess of 50 percent of its replacements cost shall be restored in conformance with the provisions of this article. (b) Removal of Certain Signs. All of the following signs shall be considered unlawful: (1) Any sign erected without a required permit, either prior to or after the adoption of this article. (2) Any sign erected in violation of the provisions of this article. (3) Any sign which is dangerous due to being electrically or st ructurally defective. (4) Said signs shall be removed from the property or premises in question, or such other defect as is specified shall be cured, upon written notification by the development services director or his designated representative to the owner of the property on which the sign is located and/or the permittee of the sign. The notification required by this provision shall state that if the sign is not removed or the specified defect is not cured within the prescribed timeframe from the date of the notice, a citation may be issued. (c) Removal of Public Nuisance/Hazardous Signs. The development services director or his designated representative shall, without the requirement of notification or impoundment, order the immediate removal and disposal of the following signs: (1) Any nonpermanent sign erected or existing that constitutes a traffic hazard. (2) Any nonpermanent sign erected in, on or over a public right-of-way or easement or designated fire lane, either prior to or after the adoption of this article, except those nonpermanent signs in the commercial historical district (Section 3.1409). (3) A person is responsible for the violation if the person is the permit holder, owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the sign and a citation may be issued. (d) Recovery of Impounded Signs. Impounded signs may be recovered by the owner within 15 days after written notification of impoundment by paying a fee as follows: (1) A fee of $5.00 for signs that are 12 square feet or less in area. (2) A fee of $20.00 for signs that are larger than 12 square feet in area. (e) Disposal of Impounded Signs. Signs not recovered within 15 days after written notification may be disposed of by the city in any manner it shall elect. (f) Exemptions Generally. The following signs may be erected and maintained under the exceptions and conditions listed and shall not require a permit, provided all other provisions of this article are met: (1) Public Signs. Noncommercial signs erected by or at the direction of a public officer in furtherance of the public interest in the performance of his public duty. (2) Public, Charitable, Educational or Religious Signs. Temporary signs announcing any noncommercial public, charitable, educational or religious event or function may be installed only on private property, with the consent of the property owner, for a period of not more than 21 days prior to the event and shall be removed within 24 hours following the event. The maximum sign area shall be limited to 24 square feet on each sign face. (3) Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations and commemorative tablets that are carved into stone, concrete or similar permanent materials and constr ucted as an integral part of a structure. (4) Nameplates. One nameplate per public entrance per business, not exceeding 3 square feet of sign area per face. (5) Private Signs. Signs not visible beyond the boundaries of the lot or series of contiguo us lots under the same ownership on which they are located or that are not visible from any public right -of-way. (6) Garage Sale Signs. Garage sale signs may be installed only on private property with the consent of the property owner. Said signs shall not be installed earlier than 12:00 p.m. on the immediately Page 36 proceeding day before the sale and must be removed within 24 hours following the sale. The maximum sign area shall be limited to 4 square feet on each sign face. A garage sale permit is required. (7) Menu Boards. Eating establishments with drive-through service are permitted 2 menu boards per premises, limited to 36 square feet in area and 6 feet in height. (8) Window Signs. Window signs are exempt from the provisions of this article, prov iding not more than 25 percent of the transparent window area is occupied at any one time. (9) Gasoline/Service Station Signage. Signs located beneath a canopy that do not advertise the premises are exempt, including, but not limited to, the following information: “Self-Service,” “Full- Service,” “Unleaded Gasoline” and “Regular Gasoline.” Governmentally mandated signage and signage contained within the individual pumps are also exempt. In addition 10 square feet of signage is permitted per side under the canopy per set of gasoline product dispensers. Signage located beneath the canopy that is intended to advertise to individuals using the gasoline product dispensers only, and not intended for advertisement to the public right-of-way, is exempt. Letters less than 3 inches in height shall not be counted as art of the sign allowance. (10) Government Signs. Government signs are allowed, as defined in the definitions in Section 3.1404, provided that each such sign does not exceed 40 square feet. One advert isement/identification flag or three government flags are permitted with a maximum of 3 such signs per premises. (11) Political Signs. Such signs that satisfy the requirements of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 216.903(d). (12) Real Estate Signs. Such signs shall be nonilluminated, shall not exceed 6 square feet in area per face, and shall pertain to the sale or lease of the premises. (13) Agricultural Signs. One sign, advertising agricultural uses, not exceeding 32 square feet in area and 8 feet in height, shall be allowed per owner. On large tracts that exceed 0.25 mile of pubic right -of- way frontage, said owner may have one sign per 0.25 mile or portion thereof. Agricultural signs may be placed on the fence. (14) Vehicular Signs. Vehicular signs are allowed for the purpose of identifying a vehicle used for a particular business (i.e. delivery service, professional business, construction trailers, etc.) but not when the primary use of the vehicle is that of a sign. The vehicle must b e licensed, insured and inspected (street legal). (15) Protective Signs. The occupant of any premises may erect two protective signs in accordance with the following provisions. (A) Each sign must not exceed 2 square feet in area. (B) Detached signs must not exceed 2 feet in height. (C) Letters must not exceed four inches in height. (16) Movement-Control Signs. Movement-control signs may be erected at any occupancy or any premises, other than a single-family or duplex premises, may be attached or detached and may be erected without limit as to number; provided that such signs shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this article. The occupant of any premises who erects a movement -control sign shall comply with the following requirements: (A) Each sign must not exceed 4 square feet in area and a maximum of 6 feet in height. (B) If a sign is an attached sign, the letters must not exceed 6 inches in height. (C) Each sign must convey a message which directs vehicular or pedestrian movement within or onto the premises on which the sign is located. (D) Not more than 50 percent of such sign may be used for advertising or identification. Sec. 3.1412 Meritorious Exceptions (a) In the development of these criteria, a primary objective has been ensuring against the kind of signage that has led to low visual quality. On the other hand, an equally primary objective has been guarding against signage over control. Page 37 (b) It is not the intention of these criteria to discourage innovation. It is entirely conceivable that signage proposals could be made that, while clearly nonconforming to this article, and thus not allowable under these criteria, have obvious merit in not only being appropriate to the particula r site or location, but also in making a positive contribution to the visual environment. Such proposals will be seriously and fairly considered by the city council. Sec. 3.1413 Variances The city council may hear appeals from the denial of a permit. Criteria for granting such a variance is as stated in the state statute, V.T.C.A., Local Government code 211.008 et seq., as it may be amended. (Ordinance 02-01-09 adopted 2/17/09) Sec. 3.1414 Regional Commercial District The regional commercial district is the area surrounding the intersection of Interstate 35 and Farm-to-Market Road 455, as shown on the map attached to Ordinance 10-16-12. (1) Properties that do not have frontage on either I-35 or FM 455 are permitted to install their attached signage up to a maximum of 10 feet above the roof of the building or the height of the parapet, whichever is greater. (2) Businesses are permitted to place their allowed nonpylon detached signage on an adjacent site that fronts on either thoroughfare with the agreement of the adjacent property’s owner. The agreement with the adjacent property’s owner must be demonstrated in writing and submitted to the building official along with the required permits for the sign or signs. (Ordinance 10-16-12 adopted 10/15/12) Page 38 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ LEFT WINDOWS DOORS RIGHT WINDOWSEXTERIOR BUILDING SIGN - SIDE OF BUILDING 1 Quantity: N/A Dimensions: TBD - Site Survey Required Substrate:TBD Printing: 4/0 Colors: TBD Finishing: TBD Thickness: TBD Hardware: TBD Address: 801 West Chapman Drive, Suite 100, Sanger, Texas, 76266 Please Use Other Door Locally owned. Locally loved. Gifts Soaps T-ShirtsCards CushionsCrutches & Canes WheelchairsWalkersCompression Socks Handicap Accessories JewelryDecor Signs Candles Medical Supplies Page 39 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ MOCK UP Page 40 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ MOCK UPEXTERIOR BUILDING SIGN - FRONT ENTRANCE DOORS Quantity: N/A Dimensions: TBD - Site Survey Required Substrate:TBD Printing: 4/0 Colors: TBD Finishing: TBD Thickness: TBD Hardware: TBD Address: 801 West Chapman Drive, Suite 100, Sanger, Texas, 76266 FLAT ART MONDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM TUESDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM THURSDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM FRIDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM SUNDAY CLOSED Store Hours S&J 940-458-4448 | sandjpharmacy.net Locally owned. Locally loved. Page 41 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ MOCK UPEXTERIOR BUILDING SIGN - SIDE WINDOWS Quantity: N/A Dimensions: TBD - Site Survey Required Substrate:TBD Printing: 4/0 Colors: TBD Finishing: TBD Thickness: TBD Hardware: TBD Address: 801 West Chapman Drive, Suite 100, Sanger, Texas, 76266 FLAT ART Medical Supplies Gifts • Wheelchairs • Walkers • Cushions • Crutches / Canes • Compression Socks • Handicap Accessories • T-Shirts • Candles • Cards • Jewelry • Soaps • Signs • Home Accessories Page 42 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ EXTERIOR BUILDING SIGN - UNDER BUILDING SIGN Quantity: N/A Dimensions: TBD - Site Survey Required Substrate:TBD Printing: 4/0 Colors: TBD Finishing: TBD Thickness: TBD Hardware: TBD Address: 801 West Chapman Drive, Suite 100, Sanger, Texas, 76266 FLAT ART LEFT RIGHT Compounding Services Veterinary Children Dermatology Hormone Therapy Wound Care Flavoring Topical Medication Counseling Delivery Services ImmunizationsOnline Refills Prescriptions Medication Management Services Page 43 Approved by: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________Hanlon 1744 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443 / sarah@hanloncreative.com / 267.421.5755 Every order is a CUSTOM order and CANNOT be resold, returned or exchanged. Please carefully review this PROOF and SIGN OFF that all logos, colors, fonts, sizes, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, materials and hardware are correct. By signing this page or emailing us your sign off, you are stating that you approve your order for production as shown to you on this proof. We are not responsible for proofs approved with errors. Colors shown are approximate and may vary across printers and substrates. In order to match a color accurately, please provide us with a Pantone Color Match. Visit www.pantone.com.* *Property of AmerisourceBergen This artwork by the creative services of Hanlon cannot be copied, duplicated or used in any form without complete payment from the client and written authorization from AmerisourceBergen. SJ Pharmacy Proposed Signage Job #: 19-GNPS-0188 Date: 10/29/19 Version: 4 JTDESIGNER ______ MOCK UP Page 44 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 7. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services ITEM/CAPTION: Grissom Estates ­ Replat Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2 of Grissom Estates, Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road and Approximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of Creekview Road and FM 455. AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public Hearing ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to replat Grissom Estates Lot 1 (4.996 acres) into two lots; Lot 1R­1 (1.910 acres) and Lot 1R­2 (3.086 acres). The owner has indicated their intent for subdividing one lot into two is to develop the proposed lots for residential use. The property is located in the ETJ and will have septic. Each of the lots is minimum 1­acre net of drainage easements and floodplain as required by Denton County. The property will be served by Bolivar Water and Coserv Electric. Plat was sent to Denton County for courtesy review. Applicant has addressed staff comments for the plat. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation Planning & Zoning Commission took NO ACTION on the plat because of a lack of quorum on December 9, 2019. Plats not acted upon by P&Z Commission within 30 days of application submittal are considered approved by the P&Z Commission. Notification Response Form Staff mailed ten (10) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No response forms were received for the proposed replat at the time of this report. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A Page 45 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 7.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development ServicesITEM/CAPTION:Grissom Estates ­ ReplatConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2 of Grissom Estates,Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road and Approximately 1200 Feet South of theIntersection of Creekview Road and FM 455.AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public HearingACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to replat Grissom Estates Lot 1 (4.996 acres) into two lots; Lot 1R­1 (1.910 acres) and Lot1R­2 (3.086 acres). The owner has indicated their intent for subdividing one lot into two is to develop the proposedlots for residential use. The property is located in the ETJ and will have septic. Each of the lots is minimum 1­acre net ofdrainage easements and floodplain as required by Denton County. The property will be served by Bolivar Water andCoserv Electric. Plat was sent to Denton County for courtesy review. Applicant has addressed staff comments for theplat.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Planning & Zoning Commission RecommendationPlanning & Zoning Commission took NO ACTION on the plat because of a lack of quorum on December 9, 2019.Plats not acted upon by P&Z Commission within 30 days of application submittal are considered approved by theP&Z Commission.Notification Response FormStaff mailed ten (10) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Noresponse forms were received for the proposed replat at the time of this report.FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Replat as it meets all Subdivision and Zoning regulations with the following variances: 1.      Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.02 B (2) – Allow existing Creekview Rd (20’ W Asphalt) to remain. 2.      Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.07 G – Allows existing Overhead to lines to remain. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 12/18/2019 Backup Material Location Map 12/18/2019 Backup Material Application 12/18/2019 Backup Material Letter of Intent 12/18/2019 Backup Material Replat 12/18/2019 Exhibit Comment Response Letter 12/18/2019 Backup Material Page 46 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: January 6, 2020 Case #: 19SANZON-0042 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 1R-1 and Lot 1R-2 of Grissom Estates, Being 4.996 Acres, and Generally Located West of Creekview Road and Approximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of Creekview Road and FM 455. Applicant: Jerald Yansen, Landmark Surveyors LLC. ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to replat Grissom Estates Lot 1 (4.996 acres) into two lots; Lot 1R-1 (1.910 acres) and Lot 1R-2 (3.086 acres). The owner has indicated their intent for subdividing one lot into two is to develop the proposed lots for residential use. The property is located in the ETJ and will have septic. Each of the lots is minimum 1-acre net of drainage easements and floodplain as required by Denton County. The property will be served by Bolivar Water and Coserv Electric. Plat was sent to Denton County for courtesy review. Applicant has addressed staff comments for the plat. The property has floodplain on it. However, the plat notes indicate the minimum finished floor elevations will be at least 2 feet above the 100-year floodplain. Applicant requests approval of the plat with the following variances from the Subdivision Ordinance: 1. Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.02 B (2) – Allow existing Creekview Rd (20’ W Asphalt) to remain. 2. Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.07 G – Allows existing Overhead to lines to remain. Notification Response Form Staff mailed ten (10) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No response forms were received for the proposed replat at the time of this report. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Replat as it meets all Subdivision and Zoning regulations with the following variances: Page 47 1. Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.02 B (2) – Allow existing Creekview Rd (20’ W Asphalt) to remain. 2. Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Exhibit A, Section 6.07 G – Allows existing Overhead to lines to remain. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation Planning & Zoning Commission took NO ACTION on the plat because of a lack of quorum on December 9, 2019. Plats not acted upon by P&Z Commission within 30 days of application submittal are considered approved by the P&Z Commission. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Replat • Comments Response Letter Page 48 CHOCTAW RIDGE RD F M 4 5 5 W CREEKVIEW RD /Location Exhibit: Grissom Est atesReplat 0 300 600150 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 11 /17/2019 4:18:59 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_Grissom Est atesReplatExhibits Subject Area Page 49 Page 50 City of Sanger, Texas November 13, 2019 Muzaib Riaz Planner, Development Services Muzaib, Please see attached application for a replat submittal. Enclosed are: Replat Application We are dividing a single platted lot in the ETJ into two conforming lots. It is now Lot 1 of Grissom Estates and we are dividing it as shown on the concept plan. The tax i.d. number is 339137. We are also requesting variances to the following: City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chap. 10 Exh. A Sections 6.02 B (2) to allow existing Creekview Rd (20’ W Asphalt) to remain & 6.07 G to allow existing overhead to remain. Sincerely, Jerald Yensan Landmark Surveyors LLC 4238 I-35 N. Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 382-4016 Page 51 SCALE 1" = 2000' VICINITY MAP PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N DRAWN BY:JOB NO:SCALE:1"=40' DATE: 4238 I-35 NORTH ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. BTH (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 DENTON, TEXAS 76207 07 NOVEMBER, 2019 184439 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=40' REPLAT LOTS 1R-1 AND 1R-2 OF GRISSOM ESTATES, BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 1 OF GRISSOM ESTATES BEING 4.996 ACRES IN THE P.S. BLACK SURVEY A-103 ETJ CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON; WHEREAS WE, Richard Guhr and Carla Guhr are the owners of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the P. S. Black Survey Abstract Number 103 in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being all of Lot 1 of Grissom Estates, an addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded under Document Number 2010-84, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found for corner in the west line of Creekview Road, a public roadway having a right-of-way of 60.0 feet, said point being the northeast corner of Lot 2 in said Grissom Estates; THENCE S 89° 31’ 00” W, 354.64 feet with the north line of said Lot 2 to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner in the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Charlene Hill et al to Selvin David Lopez Merida and Veronica Remedios Olvera recorded under Document Number 2018-11604, Real Property Records, Denton County, THENCE N 65° 24’ 16” E, 30.92 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 26° 18’ 13” E, 85.58 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 09° 26’ 21” W, 192.59 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 22° 40’ 46” W, 145.86 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 59° 37’ 51” W, 112.87 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 10° 03’ 51” E, 67.83 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE N 68° 55’ 59” E, 184.95 feet with said east line of said Merida and Olvera tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner in the south line of Tract 3 of Choctaw Ridge, an addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet F, Page 6, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 89° 20’ 34” E, 307.76 feet with said south line of said Tract 3 to a capped iron rod marked Alliance found for corner in said west line of said Creekview Road; THENCE S 01° 45’ 52” W, 581.94 feet with said west line of said Creekview Road to an iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 01° 38’ 15” W, 16.30 feet with said west line of said Creekview Road to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 4.996 acres of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, the aforesaid owners of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above tract as LOTS 1R-1 AND 1R-2, GRISSOM ESTATES, being a replat of Lot 1 of Grissom Estates, an addition to Denton County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, utility easements, drainage easements, and public places as shown thereon for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. All and any public utilities shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all growths which may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at anytime of procuring the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2019 _________________________________________________ Richard Guhr STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Richard Guhr, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2019 _____________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2019 _____________________________________________________ Carla Guhr STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Carla Guhr, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2019 ____________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ___________________________________________________________________ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, Texas ___________________________________________________________________ Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas Date ATTESTED BY ____________________________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. _______________________________________________ Jerald D. Yensan Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 NOTES: 1. The purpose of this plat is to divide a single platted lot into two platted lots. 2. A portion of subject property lies within a special flood hazard area according to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for Denton County and Incorporated Area, Map Number 48121C0205G, dated April 18, 2011. (Subject property lies in Floodway AE, Zone AE, Zone X “shaded” and Zone X approximately as shown). 3. All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 4. This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 5. Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 6. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 7. Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year flood plain. 8. Bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983 (NAD ‘83) 9. Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owner set forth in this paragraph. 10. The maintenance of paving, grading and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and do not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. 11. All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. 12. Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. 13. Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. 14. The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. 15. Construction not complete within two years of the City of Sanger approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 16. A driveway culvert must be obtained from Road and Bridge Departments by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right-of-way. 17. No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100 year flood elevation. Sanitary Sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department. Water service to be provided by: Bolivar Water Supply Corp. 4151 FM 455 West Sanger, Texas 76266 940-458-3931 Electric service to be provided by: Coserv Electric 7701 South Stemmons Fwy Corinth, TX 76210 940-321-4800 Telephone service is provided by: Century Link 450 Main Street Lake Dallas, Texas 75065 (940) 321-1900 REVISED: 02 DECEMBER, 2019 Page 52 Page 1 of 2 City of Sanger, Texas December 2, 2019 Muzaib Riaz Planner, Development Services Muzaib, Please see the following response for Grissom Estates Plat: Planning: 1. Revise the title block to say “REPLAT” instead of FINAL PLAT. DONE 2. Add Standard notes as mentioned in the Denton County Plat Checklist. DONE 3. Add all applicable Standard Notes as mentioned in the City of Sanger Subdivision Application Replat Checklist. DONE 4. Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning Commission on December 9th, 2019, and for City Council on January 6th, 2020. (Informational Comment). Engineering: 1. The platting process is being run through the City of Sanger. However, all Denton County requirements shall also apply. The more restrictive code should be applied. (Informational Comment). 2. Per County Subdivision Rules & Regulations, When the proposed addition or subdivision is located adjacent to a substandard county road or street, the developer shall be required to upgrade the perimeter road based on the impact the subdivision has on the county road or street. Staff is in support of a request for a variance to City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chap. 10 Exh. A Section 6.02 B (2) Allow existing Creekview Rd (20’ W Asphalt) to remain. This may be reviewed and approved at City Council and no additional applications for variance will be needed. (Informational Comment). 3. City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chap. 10 Exh. A Sect 6.07 G states The use of underground electrical services and transmission lines is required for all subdivisions. As the existing overhead lines are Brazos transmission lines in a dedicated easement, staff is in support of a request for a variance to City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chap. 10 Exh. A Section 6.07 G to allow existing overhead to remain. This may be also reviewed and approved at City Council and no additional applications for variance will be needed. (Informational Comment). 4. There is an existing 18” corrugated metal drainage culvert which discharges between existing fence & northern property line into a drainage swale which flows to the west. These features were not shown on exhibit. On Final Plat provide a 16’ wide drainage easement parallel to northern boundary extending west to intersect with western boundary. (DONE). 5. Per Denton County Subdivision regulations: Each plat shall have the following statements placed on the face of the plat. (All notes added) Page 53 Page 2 of 2 • Water service to be provided by Bolivar Water Supply Corporation. • All utility providers names, addresses and phone numbers. • Sanitary sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department. • The maintenance of paving, grading and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and do not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. • All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. • Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited • Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. • The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. • Construction not complete within two years of the City of Sanger approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. • A driveway culvert must be obtained from Road and Bridge Departments by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right‐of‐way. • No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100‐ year flood elevation. • The comments provided are not exhaustive. Additional comments may be provided with additional reviews. The proposed plans must meet all Denton County and City of Sanger regulations irrespective of the review comments provided. Sincerely, Jerald D. Yensan President, Landmark Surveyors LLC 4238 I-35 N. Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 382-4016 Page 54 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 8. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Alina Ciocan, City Manager ITEM/CAPTION: Ordinance # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020 Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #01­01­20 ­ Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, Which Will Amend the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and Authorizing Amended Expenditures as Provided. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval, Ordinance  BACKGROUND: At the City Council Worksession meeting on December 16, 2019, staff provided a presentation of several projects that could be undertaken as a result of having funds remaining from the 2017 CO issue.  Staff would like to pursue a pipe bursting project along Bolivar Street.  Therefore, a budget amendment would be required to authorize this expenditure. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: Increase expenditures in the Enterprise Capital Projects Fund by $405,625.00 FUNDS: Enterprise Capital Projects Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Page 55 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 8.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerITEM/CAPTION:Ordinance # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment FY 2019­2020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #01­01­20 ­ Amending Ordinance #09­25­19, Which Will Amend theBudget for the Fiscal Year 2019­2020 and Authorizing Amended Expenditures as Provided.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval, Ordinance BACKGROUND:At the City Council Worksession meeting on December 16, 2019, staff provided a presentation of several projects thatcould be undertaken as a result of having funds remaining from the 2017 CO issue.  Staff would like to pursue a pipebursting project along Bolivar Street.  Therefore, a budget amendment would be required to authorize this expenditure.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:Increase expenditures in the Enterprise Capital Projects Fund by $405,625.00FUNDS:Enterprise Capital Projects FundSTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Ord # 01­01­20 ­ Budget Amendment 2 12/31/2019 Cover Memo Page 56 ORDINANCE #01-01-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, (BUDGET AMENDMENT 2) AMENDING ORDINANCE #09-25-19, WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the budget ordinance for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year on September 16, 2019; and WHEREAS, this amendment was prepared and presented to the City Council and after consideration, it is the consensus of the City Council to amend the approved budget ordinance; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1: The annual budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year is hereby amended to increase expenditures in the Enterprise Capital Projects Fund by $405,625.00 as shown in Exhibit “A”. Section 2: Expenditures during the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year shall be made in accordance with the amended budget approved herein, unless otherwise authorized by a duly enacted ordinance of the City and said budget document shall be on file for public inspection in the office of the City Secretary. Section 3: If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the ordinances despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4: This ordinance is effective immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, on this 6th day of January 2020. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Cheryl Price, City Secretary Page 57 Estimate Date 11/8/2019 Estimate # 5266 Customer City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX 76266 Project FY 2020 SS Improvements Sanger, TX 415 Ewing Boulevard Ferris, TX 75125 (972) 488-9910 www.NO-DIGTEC.com PO # QUOTE Terms Due on Recpt Rep JN Thank you for the opportunity to bid this work. Signature of Acceptance: Total Subtotal NO-DIGTEC, LLC Date: _______________ Description Qty U/M Rate Total Burst existing 6" or 8" to 8" IPS SDR 19 ( 0'- 8' deep)2,840 L.F.60.00 170,400.00 8" - 12" Pipeburst Setup Charge Per Install Length 2,840 L.F.5.00 14,200.00 Set Up 4" Pump (Per Pump)12 Ea 225.00 2,700.00 Set Up 4" Piping 2,840 L.F.3.00 8,520.00 Operate 4" pumping System 12 Day 100.00 1,200.00 6" Clean and TV sanitary sewer 2,840 L.F.5.00 14,200.00 8" Post TV Inspection After Rehabilitation 2,840 L.F.4.00 11,360.00 External reconnect ( 0'- 8' deep)36 Ea 1,000.00 36,000.00 Extra length service over 5' long 540 L.F.25.00 13,500.00 Access Pit (0'-8' deep)9 Ea 2,000.00 18,000.00 Potholing for Nearby Utility Location (0'-8' deep)12 Ea 750.00 9,000.00 Trench safety 240 L.F.5.00 1,200.00 4' DIA New Manhole Install 0' - 6' deep 8 Ea 5,000.00 40,000.00 4' DIA Extra VF depth manhole over 6' deep 8 V.F.750.00 6,000.00 Granular backfill 60 Ton 45.00 2,700.00 Flowable Fill (If required for Backfill Around Newly Installed Manholes in TXDOT Road) 20 C.Y.125.00 2,500.00 Repair/Rehab 2" Asphalt pavement 180 S.Y.60.00 10,800.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Flex base 180 S.Y.40.00 7,200.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Concrete pavement 20 S.Y.120.00 2,400.00 Sod 150 S.Y.10.00 1,500.00 Traffic control 35 Day 120.00 4,200.00 Traffic Control - TXDOT or other State governed agency 10 Day 200.00 2,000.00 Flagmen 48 Hr 45.00 2,160.00 New manhole frame and cover 8 Ea 950.00 7,600.00 Manhole Bench Rebuild 2 Ea 750.00 1,500.00 Travel and Mobilization 1 Ea 4,000.00 4,000.00 394,840.00 Maintenance Bond 1 Ea 10,785.00 10,785.00 EXCLUSION Any Permits Required for Work on TXDOT Right of Way $405,625.00 $405,625.00 Exhibit "A" Bolivar Street Pipe Bursting Project Page 58 Page 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. To be supplied by Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor: a. Complete set of dated site plans, as built drawings, and revisions as available; b. Drawings showing the locations of all private and publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical & gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that could cause delay, personal injury or property damage during the construction period of this project; and c. Where HDPE Pipe is to be supplied by General Contractor the pipe shall meet or exceed all project specifications set forth by owner & project engineer. Any defect pipe or manufacturer’s warranty issues will be the responsibility of the Contractor to resolve. 2. NO-DIGTEC, LLC, shall be indemnified, held harmless and defended by Owner, Agent, Engineer, and/or General Contractor against any delay, losses or damage claims occurring when foregoing documents are not provided as agreed. Location and identification of utilities on private property is the responsibility of Owner, and NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for damage done to any private or publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical or gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that are not clearly marked with paint and identified at start of job. 3. All bids connected with trenching, digging, boring, or tunneling are subject to a rock clause stating the following: in the event large rocks, concrete, tree stumps, or other miscellaneous material is discovered buried below the surface that was unknown to the Sub-contractor during preparation of this proposal which may delay the project, will result in a Change Order to the Scope of Work with the additional work performed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal. In the event of a disagreement over time and materials, the RS Means Construction Pricing shall control. 4. Any piping being replaced that is encased in concrete can be exposed upon request, with an additional charge for the concrete removal. All Work will be completed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal amount. 5. Any requested Change Orders or additional work requested by the Property Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor shall be in writing, considered as extras, and will result in additional charges over and above the amount of this Estimate. 6. NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for any delays caused by neither inclement weather nor other acts of God, water accumulation in trenches, delays caused by OSHA violations in trench preparations, and unknown underground obstructions, on a day for day basis. 7. Should the project be stopped or put on hold for any reason, invoicing will be billed for all project materials delivered to the jobsite, along with any and all specialty-materials or supplies Page 59 Page 2 ordered specifically for the project, along with any labor performed up to the time of work stoppage. If such occurrence should occur due to jobsite work stoppage and/or the project bein g put on hold for any reason, these items will be invoiced and deemed payable immediately upon receipt. 8. Late charges and Billing: Payment is due and payable at our office according to the payment terms of this Estimate. Invoices not paid in accordance with the terms of this agreement shall be assessed a late charge of 1½% monthly of the unpaid principal balance until paid in full along with any expenses incurred during collection efforts, including all collection fee and any incurred attorney fees. An y delays in billing not caused by NO-DIGTEC, LLC will not excuse untimely payments. 9. Retainage will not be withheld on the project. This Proposal is good for 30 days. The Parties signing this Proposal agree and consent that electronic and/or facsimile signatures shall be deemed original signatures for all purposes in connection with this Proposal. The Scope of Work, prices, specifications and Terms and Conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. All payments will be made as defined under said Terms of Payment. Signature of Acceptance: _____________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Page 60 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 9. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: James Berman, Public Works Director ITEM/CAPTION: Bolivar Street Pipe Bursting Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and Approving an Agreement With NO­DIGTECH,LLC on a Sewer Replacement Project Along Bolivar Street at a Cost of $405,625.00, and Authorize Director of Public Works to Execute Agreement. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: During numerous inspections it has been determined that we should take a proactive approach to replacing and up sizing the aging sewer lines that along Bolivar Street and the Downtown area. We will be utilizing trench less technology and pipe burst the existing  6" sewer line and replace 8" line. Eight new manholes will be installed as well as 36 service lines. Staff would like to utilize the TIPS program (approved by Resolution 04­03­19). LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: As per staff's presentation at the City Council Worksession on December 16, 2019, staff is proposing to utilize funds remaining from the 2017 CO issue. FUNDS: Enterprise Capital Projects Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Page 61 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 9.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: James Berman, Public Works DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Bolivar Street Pipe BurstingConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and Approving an AgreementWith NO­DIGTECH,LLC on a Sewer Replacement Project Along Bolivar Street at a Cost of $405,625.00, andAuthorize Director of Public Works to Execute Agreement.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:During numerous inspections it has been determined that we should take a proactive approach to replacing and upsizing the aging sewer lines that along Bolivar Street and the Downtown area. We will be utilizing trench less technologyand pipe burst the existing  6" sewer line and replace 8" line. Eight new manholes will be installed as well as 36 servicelines.Staff would like to utilize the TIPS program (approved by Resolution 04­03­19).LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:As per staff's presentation at the City Council Worksession on December 16, 2019, staff is proposing to utilize fundsremaining from the 2017 CO issue.FUNDS:Enterprise Capital Projects Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) program and hiring NO­DIGTECH, LLC to upsize the current 6" sewer line to 8­inches and install 8 new manholes and 36 services lines. TIPS program which was approved by Resolution 04­03­19, this project dose not require competitive bidding. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Cost Estimate/Agreement 12/17/2019 Backup Material Map of Project Area 12/17/2019 Cover Memo Page 62 Estimate Date 11/8/2019 Estimate # 5266 Customer City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX 76266 Project FY 2020 SS Improvements Sanger, TX 415 Ewing Boulevard Ferris, TX 75125 (972) 488-9910 www.NO-DIGTEC.com PO # QUOTE Terms Due on Recpt Rep JN Thank you for the opportunity to bid this work. Signature of Acceptance: Total Subtotal NO-DIGTEC, LLC Date: _______________ Description Qty U/M Rate Total Burst existing 6" or 8" to 8" IPS SDR 19 ( 0'- 8' deep) 2,840 L.F. 60.00 170,400.00 8" - 12" Pipeburst Setup Charge Per Install Length 2,840 L.F.5.00 14,200.00 Set Up 4" Pump (Per Pump) 12 Ea 225.00 2,700.00 Set Up 4" Piping 2,840 L.F.3.00 8,520.00 Operate 4" pumping System 12 Day 100.00 1,200.00 6" Clean and TV sanitary sewer 2,840 L.F.5.00 14,200.00 8" Post TV Inspection After Rehabilitation 2,840 L.F. 4.00 11,360.00 External reconnect ( 0'- 8' deep)36 Ea 1,000.00 36,000.00 Extra length service over 5' long 540 L.F. 25.00 13,500.00 Access Pit (0'-8' deep)9 Ea 2,000.00 18,000.00 Potholing for Nearby Utility Location (0'-8' deep) 12 Ea 750.00 9,000.00 Trench safety 240 L.F.5.00 1,200.00 4' DIA New Manhole Install 0' - 6' deep 8 Ea 5,000.00 40,000.00 4' DIA Extra VF depth manhole over 6' deep 8 V.F.750.00 6,000.00 Granular backfill 60 Ton 45.00 2,700.00 Flowable Fill (If required for Backfill Around Newly Installed Manholes in TXDOT Road) 20 C.Y.125.00 2,500.00 Repair/Rehab 2" Asphalt pavement 180 S.Y. 60.00 10,800.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Flex base 180 S.Y.40.00 7,200.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Concrete pavement 20 S.Y. 120.00 2,400.00 Sod 150 S.Y.10.00 1,500.00 Traffic control 35 Day 120.00 4,200.00 Traffic Control - TXDOT or other State governed agency 10 Day 200.00 2,000.00 Flagmen 48 Hr 45.00 2,160.00 New manhole frame and cover 8 Ea 950.00 7,600.00 Manhole Bench Rebuild 2 Ea 750.00 1,500.00 Travel and Mobilization 1 Ea 4,000.00 4,000.00 394,840.00 Maintenance Bond 1 Ea 10,785.00 10,785.00 EXCLUSION Any Permits Required for Work on TXDOT Right of Way $405,625.00 $405,625.00 Page 63 Page 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. To be supplied by Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor: a. Complete set of dated site plans, as built drawings, and revisions as available; b. Drawings showing the locations of all private and publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical & gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that could cause delay, personal injury or property damage during the construction period of this project; and c. Where HDPE Pipe is to be supplied by General Contractor the pipe shall meet or exceed all project specifications set forth by owner & project engineer. Any defect pipe or manufacturer’s warranty issues will be the responsibility of the Contractor to resolve. 2. NO-DIGTEC, LLC, shall be indemnified, held harmless and defended by Owner, Agent, Engineer, and/or General Contractor against any delay, losses or damage claims occurring when foregoing documents are not provided as agreed. Location and identification of utilities on private property is the responsibility of Owner, and NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for damage done to any private or publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical or gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that are not clearly marked with paint and identified at start of job. 3. All bids connected with trenching, digging, boring, or tunneling are subject to a rock clause stating the following: in the event large rocks, concrete, tree stumps, or other miscellaneous material is discovered buried below the surface that was unknown to the Sub-contractor during preparation of this proposal which may delay the project, will result in a Change Order to the Scope of Work with the additional work performed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal. In the event of a disagreement over time and materials, the RS Means Construction Pricing shall control. 4. Any piping being replaced that is encased in concrete can be exposed upon request, with an additional charge for the concrete removal. All Work will be completed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal amount. 5. Any requested Change Orders or additional work requested by the Property Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor shall be in writing, considered as extras, and will result in additional charges over and above the amount of this Estimate. 6. NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for any delays caused by neither inclement weather nor other acts of God, water accumulation in trenches, delays caused by OSHA violations in trench preparations, and unknown underground obstructions, on a day for day basis. 7. Should the project be stopped or put on hold for any reason, invoicing will be billed for all project materials delivered to the jobsite, along with any and all specialty-materials or supplies Page 64 Page 2 ordered specifically for the project, along with any labor performed up to the time of work stoppage. If such occurrence should occur due to jobsite work stoppage and/or the project bein g put on hold for any reason, these items will be invoiced and deemed payable immediately upon receipt. 8. Late charges and Billing: Payment is due and payable at our office according to the payment terms of this Estimate. Invoices not paid in accordance with the terms of this agreement shall be assessed a late charge of 1½% monthly of the unpaid principal balance until paid in full along with any expenses incurred during collection efforts, including all collection fee and any incurred attorney fees. An y delays in billing not caused by NO-DIGTEC, LLC will not excuse untimely payments. 9. Retainage will not be withheld on the project. This Proposal is good for 30 days. The Parties signing this Proposal agree and consent that electronic and/or facsimile signatures shall be deemed original signatures for all purposes in connection with this Proposal. The Scope of Work, prices, specifications and Terms and Conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. All payments will be made as defined under said Terms of Payment. Signature of Acceptance: _____________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Page 65 Page 66 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 10. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: James Berman, Public Works Director ITEM/CAPTION: RFQ for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance and Asset Management Plan Consider, Discuss and Act on Authorizing Staff to Issue a Request for Qualifications for Professional Services for Full­ Service Water Storage Maintenance  and Asset Maintenance Plan. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The City of Sanger seeks professional services for full­service water storage and asset management. City staff has determined that 3 of the vessels are most in need of additional maintenance above normal inspection procedures. These vessels include a 200MG Pedisphere (Well#6), a 300MG GST(Acker St), a 500MG GST (Cowling Rd.). LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends approval to issue the RFQ. Page 67 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 10.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: James Berman, Public Works DirectorITEM/CAPTION:RFQ for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance and Asset Management PlanConsider, Discuss and Act on Authorizing Staff to Issue a Request for Qualifications for Professional Services for Full­Service Water Storage Maintenance  and Asset Maintenance Plan.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The City of Sanger seeks professional services for full­service water storage and asset management. City staff hasdetermined that 3 of the vessels are most in need of additional maintenance above normal inspection procedures. Thesevessels include a 200MG Pedisphere (Well#6), a 300MG GST(Acker St), a 500MG GST (Cowling Rd.).LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends approval to issue the RFQ. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type RFQ For Services 12/27/2019 Backup Material Page 68 City of Sanger, TX REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR FULL- SERVICE WATER STORAGE MAINTENANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN January 2020 CITY OF SANGER, TX 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TX 76266 940-458-7930 Page 69 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The City of Sanger,TX requests qualifications for professional services to provide a potable water storage tank maintenance and asset management plan to assist with maintaining water quality within the City water distribution system. The professional services are to include, but not limited to: complete existing paint removal and relocating, a custom-designed water storage tank maintenance plan, a custom designed continuous active water storage tank mixing system with ongoing maintenance and a custom-designed water storage tank chemical cleaning program. The city intends to maintain all of its water storage water tanks under a full comprehensive full-service “GASB 34 approved” maintenance and asset management plan and manage water quality within their distribution system to minimize their risks. Historically, when City water tanks were in need of recoating, the City has followed the traditional business model of hiring a consultant to develop bid specifications and assist with the bid process, and also provide construction oversight of the project. The city has determined it may be in its best interest to pursue a business model of ongoing maintenance and professional asset management compliant with GASB-34. Therefore, this RFQ has been developed to identify firms capable of providing such services SECTION 2: BACKGROUND City staff has evaluated and prioritized the maintenance needs and importance of each of it’s tanks in the cities water system. City staff has determined that 3 of the vessels are most in need of additional maintenance above normal inspection procedures. These vessels include a 200MG Pedisphere (Well#6), a 300MG GST(Acker St), a 500MG GST (Cowling Rd.). SECTION 3. QUALIFICATIONS The City of Sanger, TX desires to employ a qualifications-based selection process and will evaluate each respondent’s proposal using the RFQ evaluation criteria to rank each prospective respondent. The highest-ranked respondent will then be asked to submit a proposal to provide a full-service maintenance and asset management plan for its water tanks/towers. Page 70 After selection of a provider for these professional services, the City of Sanger, TX will negotiate with the professional services provider to finalize the scope of work, fees, and specific contractual arrangements. The City of Sanger, TX desires to develop an ongoing collaborative partnership with the professional service provider to continually explore ways to manage the water storage tank in the most cost-effective manner and manage the risks of maintaining water quality within their distribution system. Information provided to the City of Sanger, TX must, at a minimum, include the following: 1) The specialized experience and technical competence of the professional service provider with respect to potable water storage tank maintenance plans, tank mixing systems, and chemical cleaning processes for the water storage tank. 2) Demonstration of the capacity and capability of the firm to perform and provide the work and services requested and to provide ongoing basic necessary maintenance. 3) The professional service providers past record of performance and experience with respect to ability to meet deadlines, typical response time for service or start of work, turn-over rate of staff, quality of work and quality assurance and control of costs. All work, including any containment or lead abatement, must be performed by in-house crews. 4) The proximity and location of the service provider’s crew and management. 5) Scope and level of insurance. 6) Ability to begin work and implement GASB-34 compliant tank maintenance plans and water quality management services within the desired timetable shall receive primary consideration. Page 71 Request for Qualifications -- Decision Analysis Full-Service Maintenance Plan Providers Grading Chart This decision analysis matrix is designed to qualify and rank qualifications. Its purpose is to identify the best-qualified company based on decision criteria outlined in the Request for Qualifications and to align with the City’s strategic and budgetary goals. The Decision Analysis will maximize benefits while minimizing the risk for the City. Upon completion, the decision should be well supported with the information supplied by the respondents, and provide for a lasting, beneficial engagement. In addition, the decision will withstand the scrutiny of external and internal examination, as well as that of the state agencies that will review the final agreement. The Decision Analysis is made up of two parts, Qualifications and Financial. Weight is assigned to each decision criteria based on the importance of the item to the City. The decision and direction will align with the strategic plan and current goals for the utility. Certain criteria are considered essential to the City and will be given greater weight. Other criteria will be considered desirable, but not necessarily critical and will be weighted accordingly. Page 72 Respondent: ____________________________________________________________ Part 1A – General Qualifications – 35% of Total Evaluation Description of Decision Criteria Weight 1 - 5 Satisfaction Score 1 - 5 Weighted Score Company Profile and General Qualifications 1. Number of Years in Business: Due to the long-term nature of the Full-Service Maintenance Plan, it is critical that the successful firm has sufficient experience in providing the services required in the RFQ. (Award 5 points for greater than 75 years, 4 points for greater than 50 years, 3 points for greater than 25 years, 2 points for greater than 10 years, 0 points for less than 10 years) 5 2. Annual New Tank Sales: (Award 5 points for annual sales that exceed $20 million, 4 points for annual sales that exceed $15 million, 3 points for annual sales that exceed $10 million, 2 points for annuals sales that exceed $5 million 1 point for all others) 4 3. Annual Sales: (Award 5 points for annual sales that exceed $45 million, 4 points for annual sales that exceed $40 million, 3 points for annual sales that exceed $35 million, 2 points for annuals sales that exceed $30 million 1 point for all others) 3 4. Number of In-House Paint Crews: (Award 5 points for the most in-house crews, 3 points for the next most in-house crews, and 1 point for all others) 2 5. Overall Capability of Company to Perform: Renovations, including proper equipment, resources, personnel, project management, inspection services, lead abatement experience, and financial capability to support ongoing work. Successful firm must have the resources to complete all types of renovations. (Award 5 points for the company with the best qualifications, 3 points for the next company, and 1 point for all others) 4 6. Succession Plan and Future Guarantee of Fulfilling Long Term Commitments/Contracts: The Full-Service Maintenance Plan is anticipated to 5 Page 73 be a long-term agreement that will endure indefinitely. If the proposing company is a family- owned and operated American business, Limited Liability Corporation, a succession plan, and a guarantee of future performance must be documented in the proposal. (Award 5 points if the company is a family-owned and operated American business with succession plan, 2 points if the company is a Limited Liability Corporation with succession plan, 0 points if no acceptable succession plan is included in proposal) 7. Number of Years Providing Maintenance Plans: (Award 5 points for greater than 25 years, 4 points for greater than 20 years, 3 points for greater than 15 years, 2 points for greater than 10 years, 1 point for greater than 5 years, 0 points if no programs) 3 8. Percentage of All Tank Work to be Completed by In- House Crews: (Award 5 points for 75% of work in house, 3 points for more than 50%, 1 point for less than 25%.) 4 Page 74 Description of Decision Criteria Weight 1 - 5 Satisfaction Score 1 - 5 Weighted Score References 1. References from 5 Contracts for Maintenance Plans within the State of Contract: Successful firm should have experience and testimonial evidence of performing maintenance plans in the contract state. (Award 5 points for meeting this criteria, 3 points for more than 1 contract, 0 points if no contracts in state.) 4 2. References from at Least 25 Contracts within the United States: (Award 5 points for good reference, 0 points for insufficient contracts). At least 5 references should be interviewed. 3 3. References from Contracts Greater than 5 Years Old: Due to the long-term nature of the Full-Service Maintenance Plan it is critical that the successful firm has sufficient experience and testimonial evidence that inspections, emergency services, secondary renovations, and quality customer service have been provided. (Award 5 points for good reference, 0 points for insufficient contracts). At least 3 references should be interviewed. 2 Submittals 1. Acceptable Insurance Certificates: (Award 5 points for 100% compliance with required insurance, including general liability, pollution liability, etc., 2 points for partial compliance, 0 points if no certificate) 4 2. Business Registration Certificate for State where Work is to be Performed: (Award 5 points for acceptable certificate, 0 points for no certificate) 1 4. Lead Abatement Contractor Certification: (Award 5 points for acceptable certificate, 0 points for no certificate) 3 5. Sample Contract: (Award 5 points for acceptable contract, 0 points for no-contract) 2 6. Safety Program: (Award 5 points for acceptable program, 0 points for 2 Page 75 no program) Professional Services and Expertise of Personnel 1. Licensed Professional Engineer: Certain items such as specifying coatings and designing structural repairs will be included in the contract. It is important that the successful firm have engineering capabilities. (Award 5 points for a PE, 0 points for no engineer) 2 2. Number of NACE Certificated Inspectors: Since the successful firm will be required to provide experienced in-house certified inspections services, the availability of experienced quality inspectors is important. (Award 5 points for more than 3 NACE Level 3 Inspectors, 3 points for more than 2 NACE Level 3 Inspectors, 2 points for 2 NACE Level 3 Inspectors and 0 for no NACE Level 3 Inspectors). 3 Page 76 Description of Decision Criteria Weight 1 - 5 Satisfaction Score 1 - 5 Weighted Score Maintenance Services 1. Number of In-House Painting Crews: (Award 5 points for more than 5 in-house paint crews, 4 for more than 4 in-house paint crews, 3 for more than 3 in-house paint crews, 2 for more than 2 in-house paint crews, 0 for no in-house paint crews) 5 2. Number of In-House Washout Crews: Washout inspections are a critical component of a Maintenance Plan. (Award 5 points for more than 5 in-house crews, 4 for more than 4 in-house crews, 3 for more than 3 in-house crews, 2 for more than 2 in-house crews, 0 for no in-house crews) 1 3. Number of Certified Welders: (Award 5 points for more than 50, 4 for more than 40, 3 for more than 30, 2 for more than 20, 1 for more than 10, 0 for less than 10) 3 Inspection/Washout Timing 1. Inspection Schedule: (Award 5 points for proposals that include inspections every year, 2 points for inspection every 2 years, 0 points for inspections occurring greater than every two years) 2 2. Washout Schedule: (Award 5 points for washouts every two years, 3 points for washouts every four years, 1 point for washouts occurring greater than every four years) 2 Management Services 1. Company has Dedicated Field Representatives: (Award 5 points for Yes, 0 points for No) 1 2. Company has Dedicated Project Managers: (Award 5 points for Yes, 0 points for No) 2 Total Weighted Score for Part 1A A perfect evaluation for this section would be 365 points. Page 77 Part 1B – Financial Qualifications and Financial Risk Assessment – 25% of Total Evaluation Description of Decision Criteria Weight 1 - 5 Satisfaction Score 1 - 20 Weighted Score Contract Terms 1. Fully audited financial statements, including balance sheet and income statement from the most recent fiscal year. (Award 20 points if statements were included with RFQ, 10 points if partial and 0 if no statements were included) 5 2. Evaluation of financial strength and stability of the firm based on statements, including balance sheet and income statement, plus other factors: Award 1 to 20 points based on the analysis of the financial statements and the City’s belief that the proposing firm is capable of performing all aspects of the agreement including ongoing maintenance and future renovations. Additionally, is the firm financially stable enough to provide a warranty that guarantees all work, including coatings, and potential failure for the duration of the agreement. Is the firm capable of accepting the risk associated with potential coating failures and is this explicitly stated in their agreement. 5 3. References from Financial Institution: (Award 10 points for good reference, 0 points for no reference or bad reference) 5 Total Weighted Score for Part 1B A perfect evaluation for this section would be 250 points. Page 78 Part II – Pricing Proposal – 40% of Total Evaluation Description of Decision Criteria Weight 1 - 5 Satisfaction Score 1 - 20 Weighted Score 1. Pricing proposal allows the City to budget the expense for the duration of the agreement: (Award up to 20 points for most advantageous price proposal relative to the City’s budget plans. Consideration should be given to innovative payment terms and cost proposals. Award up to 15 for the second most advantageous, up to 10 for third, etc.) 5 2. Contract can be cancelled by the City at any time without penalty by paying for completed renovations: (Award 20 points for Yes. Contracts with other termination terms and conditions should receive up to 10 points, 0 points for No) 4 3. Contract and pricing proposal specifically include additional repainting within the contract term without conditions or qualifiers by the successful firm. (Award 20 points for Yes, 0 points for No) 3 4. Contract has Fixed Cost Amount: (with the exception of excessive increase in prevailing labor rates and inflationary increases in base fees) (Award 20 points for Yes, 0 points for No) 3 Total Weighted Score for Part 2 A perfect evaluation for this section would be 400 points Total Weighted Score for Proposal Page 79 SECTION 5. SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Sealed Envelopes containing five copies of qualifications should be delivered to the James Berman, 201 Bolivar, Sanger Texas 76266, 2:00 P.M.TIME (DATE TBD). Qualifications must be typewritten and provided in hardcopy. Qualifications submitted orally (either by telephone or in person), by facsimile or via E-mail WILL NOT be accepted. Page 80 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 11.a. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director ITEM/CAPTION: Monthly Financial Report ­ November 30, 2019 AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type November 2019 Financial Report 1/6/2020 Cover Memo Page 81 Expenditure Category Annual Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances Percent of Budget Salaries & Benefits 6,543,236$ 882,896$ 13% Supplies & Materials 598,710 83,172 14% Maintenance & Operations 7,144,888 1,087,152 15% Contract Services 2,014,739 632,647 31% Utilities 511,300 71,505 14% Capital Expenses 833,000 36,490 4% Debt Service 1,623,477 395,175 24% Other Department Expense 92,994 703 1% Transfers 1,032,720 59,620 6% Total 20,395,064$ 3,249,360$ 16% November 30, 2019 Combined General & Enterprise Fund Expenditures by Classification MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT This is the financial report for the period ended November 30,2019.Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1,2018 through November 30,2019 or seventeen percent (17%)of the fiscal year. GENERAL FUND •The General Fund has collected twelve percent (12%)of projected revenues.All revenues are performing within projections.Property tax collections are historically very low in October and November,as 90%of collections are between December 1st and February 28th. •Year to date General Fund operating expenditures are fourteen percent (14%)of the annual budget.All expenditure categories are within projections.Some departmental expenditures are higher becuase purchase orders for the entire fiscal year are issued in October. ENTERPRISE FUND •The Enterprise Fund has collected seventeen percent (17%)of projected revenues.All revenue categories are performing within projections. •Year to date Enterprise Fund operating expenditures are eighteen percent (18%)of the annual budget.All expenditure categories are within projections.Some departmental expenditures are higher becuase purchase orders for the entire fiscal year are issued in October. Page 1 of 11 Page 82 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual % of Budget Budget Balance Operating Revenues Property Taxes 4,065,250$ 287,505$ 7%3,777,745$ Sales & Beverage Taxes 905,800 169,835 19%735,965 Franchise Fees 878,222 162,481 19%715,741 Solid Waste 935,500 157,168 17%778,332 Licenses & Permits 343,070 88,156 26%254,914 Fines & Forfeitures 95,526 12,513 13%83,013 Department Revenues 834,961 93,303 11%741,658 Interest & Miscellaneous 81,500 14,899 18%66,601 Total Operating Revenues 8,139,829 985,860 12%7,153,969 Operating Expenditures Administration 636,507 136,896 22%499,611 Police & Animal Control 1,872,795 204,279 11%1,668,516 Fire & Ambulance 1,829,356 191,863 10%1,637,493 Municipal Court 197,494 25,379 13%172,115 Development Services 637,615 67,013 11%570,602 Streets 638,035 66,163 10%571,872 Parks & Recreation 636,092 216,801 34%419,291 Library 303,470 46,945 15%256,525 Solid Waste 850,000 144,490 17%705,510 Total Operating Expenditures 7,601,364 1,099,829 14%6,501,535 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 538,465 (113,969) 652,434 Transfers Transfer In From Enterprise Fund - - 0%- Transfer In From Enterprise Fund - PILOT 85,000 7,083 8%77,917 Transfer In From Debt Service Fund - - 0%- Transfer Out To Capital Projects Fund (675,000) 0%(675,000) Total Transfers (590,000) 7,083 (597,083) Net Change in Fund Balance (51,535)$ (106,886)$ 55,351$ Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,745,609 1,745,609 - Fund Balance, End of Year 1,694,074$ 1,638,723$ 55,351$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES November 30, 2019 15% 17% 19% 19% 7% 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Solid Waste Franchise Fees Sales & Beverage Taxes Property Taxes General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 17% 15% 34% 10% 11% 13% 10% 11% 22% 0%25%50%75%100% Solid Waste Library Parks & Recreation Streets Development Services Municipal Court Fire & Ambulance Police & Animal Control Administration General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Page 2 of 11 Page 83 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS November 30, 2019 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 $3,250,000 $3,500,000 $3,750,000 $4,000,000 CURRENT PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 SALES & BEVERAGE TAX REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 Page 3 of 11 Page 84 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual % of Budget Budget Balance Operating Revenues Water 2,087,800$ 330,640$ 16%1,757,160$ Wastewater 2,036,650 323,842 16%1,712,808 Electric 7,700,000 1,272,793 17%6,427,207 Penalties & Fees 211,000 32,765 16%178,235 Interest 15,000 46,620 311%(31,620) Miscellaneous 68,250 26,456 39%41,794 Total Operating Revenues 12,118,700 2,033,116 17%10,085,584 Operating Expenditures Administration 1,485,184 319,425 22%1,165,759 Water 1,353,723 211,710 16%1,142,013 Wastewater 770,307 78,397 10%691,910 Electric 6,579,824 1,085,621 16%5,494,203 Debt Service 1,571,942 394,761 25%1,177,181 Total Operating Expenditures 11,760,980 2,089,914 18%9,671,066 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 357,720 (56,798) 414,518 Transfers Out Transfer to General Fund - - 0%- Transfer to 4A - - 0%- Transfer to WW CIP Reserve 156,800 26,133 17%130,667 Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund 115,920 19,320 17%96,600 Transfer to General Fund - PILOT 85,000 14,167 17%70,833 Total Transfers Out 357,720 59,620 298,100 Net Change in Fund Balance 0$ (116,418)$ 116,418$ Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 3,982,069 3,982,069 - Fund Balance, End of Year 3,982,069$ 3,865,651$ 116,418$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES November 30, 2019 36% 17% 16% 16% 0%25%50%75%100% Other Income Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 25% 16% 10% 16% 22% 0%25%50%75%100% Debt Service Electric Wastewater Water Administration Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Page 4 of 11 Page 85 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS November 30, 2019 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 WATER SALES REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 WASTE WATER SALES REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 ELECTRIC SALES REVENUE 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 Page 5 of 11 Page 86 Name General Fund Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Total UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations 2,934,756$ 1,641,224$ -$ -$ 4,575,980$ Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,027,983 1,023,468 - - 2,051,451 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 3,962,739$ 2,664,692$ -$ -$ 6,627,431$ RESTRICTED Debt Service -$ 1,130,515$ 514,922$ -$ 1,645,437$ Water Deposits - 446,754 - - 446,754 Equipment Replacement 224,413 122,120 - - 346,533 Electric Storm Recovery - 1,049,817 - - 1,049,817 Hotel Occupancy Tax 52,718 - - - 52,718 Grant Funds 118,826 118,826 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB)5,526 - - 5,526 Library 96,405 - - - 96,405 Court Security 10,008 - - - 10,008 Court Technology (361) - - - (361) Child Safety Fee 45,292 45,292 Donations 15,498 - - - 15,498 TOTAL RESTRICTED 568,325$ 2,749,206$ 514,922$ -$ 3,832,453$ CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ 1,625,665$ 1,625,665$ Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 6,794,021 6,794,021 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 8,419,686$ 8,419,686$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 4,531,064$ 5,413,898$ 514,922$ 8,419,686$ 18,879,570$ November 30, 2019 CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Debt Service 37%Water Deposits 10% Equipment Replacement 8% Electric Storm Recovery 23% Other 22% Restricted Unrestricted 34% Restricted 23%Capital Projects 43% Total Cash & Investments Cash for Operations 69% Contingency Reserves for Operations 31% Unrestricted General Capital Projects 19% Enterprise Capital Projects 81% Capital Projects Page 6 of 11 Page 87 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05%3,999,978$ 4,107,759$ Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20%20,802 20,802 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20%82,735 82,208 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 196,278 185,000 OPERATING ACCOUNTS 4,299,793$ 4,395,769$ GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20%601,061$ 601,900$ GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2020 0.55%213,209 213,209 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2020 0.45%212,738 212,874 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 1,027,008$ 1,027,983$ *GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20%159,794$ 160,442$ *GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2020 0.45%63,931 63,971 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES 223,725$ 224,413$ *Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 55,476$ 52,718$ *Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 11,826 118,826 *Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 45,630 45,630 *Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 14 *Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,526 5,526 *Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 44,604 44,604 *Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2020 0.45%51,768 51,801 *Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 99,866 99,866 *Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 590,551 616,051 *Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 9,922 10,008 *Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 (350) (361) *Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 45,292 45,292 *Police Donations 620-00-1000 78 78 *Fire Donations 624-00-1000 6,150 6,150 *Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 3,061 3,061 *Library Donations 642-00-1000 6,209 6,209 OTHER 975,623$ 1,105,473$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 6,526,149$ 6,753,638$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 5,326,801$ 5,423,752$ *Restricted Funds GENERAL FUND November 30, 2019 CASH AND INVESTMENTS Page 7 of 11 Page 88 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%2,009,501$ 1,641,224$ OPERATING ACCOUNTS 2,009,501$ 1,641,224$ *Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%143,218$ 146,754$ *Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2020 0.45%300,000 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT 443,218$ 446,754$ *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20%1,049,068 1,130,515 BOND FUNDS 1,049,068$ 1,130,515$ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20%599,575$ 600,413$ EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2020 0.45%316,001 316,202 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2020 0.45%106,785 106,853 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 1,022,361$ 1,023,468$ *EF Storm Recovery MM- 2% Electric Rev 008-00-1033 0.20%1,038,708$ 1,049,817$ *EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20%121,593 122,120 OTHER 1,160,301$ 1,171,937$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 5,684,449$ 5,413,898$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 3,031,862$ 2,664,692$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE FUND November 30, 2019 CASH AND INVESTMENTS Page 8 of 11 Page 89 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05%422,509$ 457,148$ *DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20%57,694 57,774 TOTAL RESTRICTED 480,203$ 514,922$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05%1,625,665$ 1,625,665$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 1,625,665$ 1,625,665$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20%891,174$ 905,482$ *Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20%1,371,499 1,415,402 *SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE - TAP FEES 2,262,673$ 2,320,884$ *Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 840-00-1037 0.20%1,151,554$ 1,184,653$ *Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05%3,565,127 3,288,484 *General CIP Money Market 2674823 840-00-1013 0.05%2,893 closed TOTAL RESTRICTED 6,982,247$ 6,794,021$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS November 30, 2019 Page 9 of 11 Page 90 Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05%318,611$ 350,418$ *Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05%331,521 331,548 *4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20%476,772 477,150 *Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 11/2/2020 0.25%95,357 95,401 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 1,222,261$ 1,254,517$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05%786,708$ 828,783$ *Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05%191,400 191,668 *4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2020 0.45%21,997 22,011 *4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2020 0.45%21,744 21,758 *4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2020 0.45%21,828 21,842 *4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2020 0.45%21,771 21,785 *4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2020 0.45%21,779 21,793 *4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2020 0.45%21,689 21,703 *4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 10/14/2020 0.45%21,763 21,777 *4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2019 0.45%21,876 21,890 *4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2019 0.45%21,790 21,803 *4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2020 0.45%21,592 21,605 *4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2020 0.45%21,492 21,506 *4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2020 0.45%21,263 21,276 *4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2019 0.45%21,287 21,301 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 1,259,979$ 1,302,501$ *Restricted Funds 4B FUND 4A & 4B FUNDS November 30, 2019 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 4A FUND Page 10 of 11 Page 91 a. b. Clayton Gray Alina Ciocan Clayton Gray Alina Ciocan Finance Director City Manager Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the PFIA,investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity,as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code,to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT November 30, 2019 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives,restrictions,and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023,the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit.Interest is paid monthly on all accounts.Therefore,book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Page 11 of 11 Page 92 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 11.b. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director ITEM/CAPTION: Capital Projects Recap ­ December 26, 2019 AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Capital Projects Report December 26, 2019 12/26/2019 Cover Memo Page 93 C U R R E N T P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % C001 McReynolds Road Reconstruction 100%522,919$ -$ 522,919$ 486,313$ 6,314,032$ (138,473)$ -$ 6,175,559$ 6,172,965$ 133,869$ 133,869$ 6,832,346$ 6,793,147$ 99% E005 Wastewater Treatment Plant 98%995,203$ 313,402$ 1,308,605$ 1,211,220$ 10,992,845$ 256,125$ -$ 11,248,970$ 11,007,559$ 397,432$ 397,432$ 12,955,007$ 12,616,211$ 97% Total Projects Under Contract 1,518,122$ 313,402$ 1,831,524$ 1,697,533$ 17,306,877$ 117,652$ -$ 17,424,528$ 17,180,524$ 531,301$ 531,301$ 19,787,353$ 19,409,358$ 98% U P C O M I N G P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % E006 Railroad Lift Station TBD 69,966$ 589,300$ 659,266$ 768,504$ -$ -$ 4,498,500$ 4,498,500$ -$ 58,011$ 2,747$ 5,215,777$ 771,251$ 15% E009 Gravity-Outfall Pipelines/Stream Restoration TBD 342,300$ -$ 342,300$ 213,465$ -$ -$ 3,908,000$ 3,908,000$ 1,668$ 18,421$ 18,421$ 4,268,721$ 233,554$ 5% E010 455 Relocation of Utilities-Water & Sewer TBD 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ 98,638$ -$ -$ 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 2,750,000$ 98,638$ 4% E011 455 Relocation of Utilities-Electric TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ -$ 0% Total Extimted Projects 662,266$ 589,300$ 1,251,566$ 1,080,607$ -$ -$ 12,406,500$ 12,406,500$ 1,668$ 76,432$ 21,168$ 13,734,498$ 1,103,443$ 8% A L L P R O J E C T S Project Number Project Description % Complete Contract Change Orders Total Budget Actual to Date Contract Change Orders Preliminary Estimate Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Date % Grand Totals 2,180,388$ 902,702$ 3,083,090$ 2,778,140$ 17,306,877$ 117,652$ 12,406,500$ 29,831,028$ 17,182,192$ 607,733$ 552,469$ 33,521,851$ 20,512,801$ 61% CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP December 26, 2019 E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L SP R O J E C T P R O J E C T E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L S P R O J E C T E N G I N E E R I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N O T H E R T O T A L S Page 94 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 11.c. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ITEM/CAPTION: Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCR Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCR ­ Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Other: Informational BACKGROUND: Attached is Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid Tex Division's Statement of Rider GCR applicable for the January 2020 billing periods.  This statement details the gas cost component of the residential, commercial, and industrial sales rates for customers with the City of Sanger.  This filing is for informative purposes only and no action is required on the City of Sanger's part.   LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Page 95 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 11.c.AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Cheryl Price, City SecretaryITEM/CAPTION:Atmos Energy ­ Rider GCRAtmos Energy ­ Rider GCR ­ Rate Filing Under Docket No. 10170.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Other: InformationalBACKGROUND:Attached is Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid Tex Division's Statement of Rider GCR applicable for the January 2020billing periods.  This statement details the gas cost component of the residential, commercial, and industrial sales ratesfor customers with the City of Sanger.  This filing is for informative purposes only and no action is required on the Cityof Sanger's part.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Atmos Rider GCR ­ January 2020 12/30/2019 Cover Memo Page 96 Page 97 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 11.d. AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Sara Sexton, Animal Control Officer ITEM/CAPTION: All American Dogs Report All American Dogs Report for November 2019.  AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Other: Informational BACKGROUND: Attached for your information is the November 2019 All American Dogs report from Animal Services. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type All American Dogs Report ­ November 2019 12/30/2019 Cover Memo Page 98 ALL AMERICAN DOGS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ROLLING OVER: LAST MONTH rolling over= total at the end of the month beforeINCOMING IMPOUNDED: DOGS 6 6 total before disposition= all incoming animals IMPOUNDED: CATS 8 4 EMERGENCY CALL OUT: DOG total at end of month= rolling over + total before disposition + surrendered animals - total outgoing EMERGENCY CALL OUT: CAT TNR-TRAP RELEASE: CAT YTD total= 260 - total incoming (1st month) continue subtracting total incoming TOTAL BEFORE DISPOSITION 14 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ************************** SURRENDER: DOG 1 SURRENDER: CAT SURRENDER TOTAL FOR MONTH 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ************************** OUTGOING ADOPTION: DOG ADOPTION :CAT RESCUE PICK UP: DOG RESCUE PICK UP: CAT OWNER PICK UP: DOG 3 OWNER PICK UP: CAT RELEASE TO BARN: CAT 4 DIED: DOG DIED: CAT EUTHANIZED: DOG EUTHANIZED: CAT 1 TOTAL OUTGOING 0 8 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 ************************** TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 14 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 ************************** YTD TOTAL (260)246 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 Page 99