05/18/2020-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020
7:00 PM
Meetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City
Hall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules
to allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the
public to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public health
goal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The
suspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of the
public be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference will
be made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request
for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak or
provide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org and
indicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretary
your name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with for
recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearings
during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were received
and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the City
Secretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and
they will be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide
your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the
meeting. The public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and
Password to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:
Meeting ID: 836 9034 7339
Password: 053049
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
888 475 4499 US Tollfree
877 853 5257 US Tollfree
Meeting ID: 836 9034 7339
Password: 053049
1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.
Page 1
AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, MAY 18, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, andthey will be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provideyour comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before themeeting. The public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 836 9034 7339Password: 053049Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 836 9034 7339Password: 0530491.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.
(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues
brought up during this section.)
a.Approval of Minutes
1.City Council Work Session Minutes 05042020
Approve the City Council Work Session Minutes for May 4, 2020 Held by
2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 05042020
Approve Minutes for the City Council Regular Meeting for May 4, 2020 Held by
b.Proclamation Mental Health Awareness
Approve Proclamation No. 050120 Proclaiming May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness
Month and May 18, 2020 As Children's Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger.
4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.
5.Ordinance No. 051720 Declaration of Disaster
Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051720 to Renew and Continue the Mayor's
Revised Declaration of Local Disaster Dated May 15, 2020; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to
Exceed $1,000.00 For Each Offense; Providing A Repealing Clause; Providing a Savings Clause;
Providing a Severability Clause; And, Providing for An Effective Date.
6.City Manager Employment Agreement
Consider, Discuss and Act on City Manager's Employment Agreement.
(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they
wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice
has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may
be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a
subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council
or at the call of the Mayor).
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
Page 2
AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, MAY 18, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, andthey will be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provideyour comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before themeeting. The public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 836 9034 7339Password: 053049Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 836 9034 7339Password: 0530491.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Work Session Minutes 05042020Approve the City Council Work Session Minutes for May 4, 2020 Held byTeleconference.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 05042020Approve Minutes for the City Council Regular Meeting for May 4, 2020 Held byTeleconference.b.Proclamation Mental Health AwarenessApprove Proclamation No. 050120 Proclaiming May 2020 as Mental Health AwarenessMonth and May 18, 2020 As Children's Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger. 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Ordinance No. 051720 Declaration of DisasterConsider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051720 to Renew and Continue the Mayor'sRevised Declaration of Local Disaster Dated May 15, 2020; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not toExceed $1,000.00 For Each Offense; Providing A Repealing Clause; Providing a Savings Clause;Providing a Severability Clause; And, Providing for An Effective Date.6.City Manager Employment AgreementConsider, Discuss and Act on City Manager's Employment Agreement.7.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items theywish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which noticehas not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy maybe given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for asubsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Councilor at the call of the Mayor).8.ADJOURN.I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on theCity Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a placeconvenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on thefollowing date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
May 15, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Cheryl Price City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
Page 3
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
City Council Work Session Minutes 05042020
Approve the City Council Work Session Minutes for May 4, 2020 Held by Teleconference.
AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda
Attached for your approval are the City Council Work Session Minutes for May 4, 2020 held by teleconference.
Description Upload Date Type
City Council Work Session Minutes 050420 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
Page 4
Monday, May 4, 2020 6:00 PM
502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas
Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to
allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the
public to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public health
goal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The
suspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of the
public be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetings
will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall.
The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the City
Council Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presiding
officer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public in
accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the official
minutes of the meeting are approved.
Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and
Password to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted on
the list below:
Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 3643 1730
Password: 547646
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
877 853 5257 US Tollfree
888 475 4499 US Tollfree
Meeting ID: 842 3643 1730
Password: 547646
Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;
Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,
Page 1Page 5
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 6:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: THE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY TELECONFERENCEEffective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules toallow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetingswill temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the CityCouncil Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presidingofficer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public inaccordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the officialminutes of the meeting are approved. Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted onthe list below:Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,
City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; City
Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of Development
Services Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Librarian and
Social Media Laura Klenke.
1.Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were called
and present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May
4, 2020 Work Session held by Teleconference was called to order at 6:02 p.m by Mayor Muir.
2.Financial Update Provided by Finance Director, Clayton Gray.
Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a financial update and presentation. He provided updated
information on Utility Billing Revenues as requested by City Council. Gave a summary of current
20192020 budget year revenues and expenditures. He noted the current budget action plan which
included a freeze on hiring new employees (excluding Police and Fire) and meetings with department
heads to identify potential savings. For the 202021 budget year action plan he noted that staff
would continue its history of conservative revenue projections; closely monitor revenue categories
for trends such as property taxes, sales taxes and utility billing revenues/collections. Along with
continuing history of conservative expenditures, staff will continue to ensure maintenance of critical
infrastructure; and, redirecting course as necessary. He summarized revenue trends and noted the
good news is on property taxes in that there are new properties coming on the tax roll for Fiscal
Year 20202021. Mr. Gray noted that Residential Building Permit numbers for 20192019 year end
were 88; and, year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020, we have 99 permits. For Commercial
permits Fiscal Year 20182019 we had 8 permits and year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020 we
have 9 permits. He also provided charts with 20 year trends for Utility Revenue, Sales Taxes and
Property Taxes. Discussion, questions, and comments ensued regarding the information provided to
the Council. Mayor Muir thanked Mr. Gray for providing the update.
3.Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works,
James Berman.
Director of Public Works, Jim Berman provided a presentation on the Sewer and Road
Rehabilitation projects. He summarized and provided photos of the Bolivar Street Sewer Line pipe
bursting project and noted that the project was completed March 6th 2020 and was under budget.
On the 2020 Street Rehabilitation project he provided before and after photos of the nine streets
completed as follows:
8th Street from Plum to 5th Street
Elm Street from 9th Street to 5th Street
Pecan Street 9th Street to 7th Street
7th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street
7th Street from Bolivar Street to Elm Street
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CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 6:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: THE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY TELECONFERENCEEffective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules toallow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetingswill temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the CityCouncil Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presidingofficer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public inaccordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the officialminutes of the meeting are approved. Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted onthe list below:Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Librarian andSocial Media Laura Klenke. 1.Call Meeting to OrderRoll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Work Session held by Teleconference was called to order at 6:02 p.m by Mayor Muir. 2.Financial Update Provided by Finance Director, Clayton Gray.Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a financial update and presentation. He provided updatedinformation on Utility Billing Revenues as requested by City Council. Gave a summary of current20192020 budget year revenues and expenditures. He noted the current budget action plan whichincluded a freeze on hiring new employees (excluding Police and Fire) and meetings with departmentheads to identify potential savings. For the 202021 budget year action plan he noted that staffwould continue its history of conservative revenue projections; closely monitor revenue categoriesfor trends such as property taxes, sales taxes and utility billing revenues/collections. Along withcontinuing history of conservative expenditures, staff will continue to ensure maintenance of criticalinfrastructure; and, redirecting course as necessary. He summarized revenue trends and noted thegood news is on property taxes in that there are new properties coming on the tax roll for FiscalYear 20202021. Mr. Gray noted that Residential Building Permit numbers for 20192019 year endwere 88; and, year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020, we have 99 permits. For Commercialpermits Fiscal Year 20182019 we had 8 permits and year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020 wehave 9 permits. He also provided charts with 20 year trends for Utility Revenue, Sales Taxes andProperty Taxes. Discussion, questions, and comments ensued regarding the information provided tothe Council. Mayor Muir thanked Mr. Gray for providing the update. 3.Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works,James Berman.Director of Public Works, Jim Berman provided a presentation on the Sewer and RoadRehabilitation projects. He summarized and provided photos of the Bolivar Street Sewer Line pipebursting project and noted that the project was completed March 6th 2020 and was under budget.On the 2020 Street Rehabilitation project he provided before and after photos of the nine streetscompleted as follows:8th Street from Plum to 5th StreetElm Street from 9th Street to 5th StreetPecan Street 9th Street to 7th Street
7th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street
7th Street from Bolivar Street to Elm Street
6th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street
Plum Street from 19th Street to 5th Street
Church Street from 10th Street to I35 Service Road
Bolivar Street from I35 Service Road to 5th Street
6th Street from Elm Street to Cherry Street (added during the project)
To date all streets have been completed and there is some clean up going on to complete the
projects. He also presented photos of the curb which was rebuilt on 6th street and noted that the
draining has improved considerably in that area. They only put curb where there was curb
previously. He noted that a headwall needed to be built at Bolivar and Cherry. There was
discussion regarding the longer term plan for 2021 improvements. The Mayor and Council noted
how good the projects looked and to tell staff that they appreciate all of the work.
4.Economic Development Updates Provided by Economic Development Director Shani
Economic Development Director Shani Bradshaw provided an Economic Development update.
She summarized the first Business Survey that was created by the Chamber of Commerce and the
Economic Development Corporation in March. The survey was created to find out what the
business needs are as well as continue to seek help and resources for the businesses. The survey
contained nine questions and there were 59 businesses which responded. She noted that she has
also created a second survey that is now available on all of our social media sites. There was general
discussion as to which businesses were most effected and it was noted that it may be the restaurants
in the City. The feedback from the businesses regarding how the City and Chamber could help was
that the would like to see more information and help on utilities and rental. She noted that as the
resources come in the Chamber and Economic Development is being very timely in getting the
information out to the businesses which has been extremely helpful for them. Mayor Muir brought up
discussion as to the possibility of 4A & 4B looking into some type of grant program. Ms.
Bradshaw noted that there are restrictions as to how the money can be used and they are watching
to see if the AG loosens up restrictions and we may want to get some legal advice as to what we can
do with the funds. There was brief discussion posing different ideas and exploring what other cities
are doing regarding helping the businesses aspects with what the possibilities could be with legal
consultation. She noted the second survey that is out now, is currently posted on all of the social
media sites and was created by the Texas Economic Development Council. She noted that it will be
up for two to three more weeks and it is on the City Economic Development and the Chamber's
facebook page. So far she has had twelve responses and encouraged everyone to share it, that it is
a very good survey. She also summarized a Retail Impact Analysis which shows what the COVID
19 impact has been on the retail in Sanger. The report is based on cellphone usage. She noted that
the hardware store , grocery store, Dollar General and Family Dollar has had an increase in foot
traffic and have done well. Ms. Bradshaw noted that she has reached out to the financial institutions
in Sanger and on the first round of funding, not many businesses applied. However, with the second
round of funding there have been several businesses that have applied and the banks have been very
busy. She noted that there is a Denton County Community Grant for small businesses which will be
announced this week and Verizon is getting ready to announce a small businesses recovery fund that
will open on May 14 that businesses can use to pay rent, utilities etc. This information is being put
out on Social Media. She noted that we are working close with Denton County and are blasting out
as many resources as we can and hopefully our businesses will be recovering in the next few
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CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 6:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: THE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY TELECONFERENCEEffective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules toallow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetingswill temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the CityCouncil Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presidingofficer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public inaccordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the officialminutes of the meeting are approved. Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted onthe list below:Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Librarian andSocial Media Laura Klenke. 1.Call Meeting to OrderRoll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Work Session held by Teleconference was called to order at 6:02 p.m by Mayor Muir. 2.Financial Update Provided by Finance Director, Clayton Gray.Finance Director Clayton Gray provided a financial update and presentation. He provided updatedinformation on Utility Billing Revenues as requested by City Council. Gave a summary of current20192020 budget year revenues and expenditures. He noted the current budget action plan whichincluded a freeze on hiring new employees (excluding Police and Fire) and meetings with departmentheads to identify potential savings. For the 202021 budget year action plan he noted that staffwould continue its history of conservative revenue projections; closely monitor revenue categoriesfor trends such as property taxes, sales taxes and utility billing revenues/collections. Along withcontinuing history of conservative expenditures, staff will continue to ensure maintenance of criticalinfrastructure; and, redirecting course as necessary. He summarized revenue trends and noted thegood news is on property taxes in that there are new properties coming on the tax roll for FiscalYear 20202021. Mr. Gray noted that Residential Building Permit numbers for 20192019 year endwere 88; and, year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020, we have 99 permits. For Commercialpermits Fiscal Year 20182019 we had 8 permits and year to date for Fiscal Year 20192020 wehave 9 permits. He also provided charts with 20 year trends for Utility Revenue, Sales Taxes andProperty Taxes. Discussion, questions, and comments ensued regarding the information provided tothe Council. Mayor Muir thanked Mr. Gray for providing the update. 3.Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works,James Berman.Director of Public Works, Jim Berman provided a presentation on the Sewer and RoadRehabilitation projects. He summarized and provided photos of the Bolivar Street Sewer Line pipebursting project and noted that the project was completed March 6th 2020 and was under budget.On the 2020 Street Rehabilitation project he provided before and after photos of the nine streetscompleted as follows:8th Street from Plum to 5th StreetElm Street from 9th Street to 5th StreetPecan Street 9th Street to 7th Street7th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street7th Street from Bolivar Street to Elm Street6th Street from Peach Street to 5th StreetPlum Street from 19th Street to 5th StreetChurch Street from 10th Street to I35 Service RoadBolivar Street from I35 Service Road to 5th Street6th Street from Elm Street to Cherry Street (added during the project)To date all streets have been completed and there is some clean up going on to complete theprojects. He also presented photos of the curb which was rebuilt on 6th street and noted that thedraining has improved considerably in that area. They only put curb where there was curbpreviously. He noted that a headwall needed to be built at Bolivar and Cherry. There wasdiscussion regarding the longer term plan for 2021 improvements. The Mayor and Council notedhow good the projects looked and to tell staff that they appreciate all of the work. 4.Economic Development Updates Provided by Economic Development Director ShaniBradshaw.Economic Development Director Shani Bradshaw provided an Economic Development update. She summarized the first Business Survey that was created by the Chamber of Commerce and theEconomic Development Corporation in March. The survey was created to find out what thebusiness needs are as well as continue to seek help and resources for the businesses. The surveycontained nine questions and there were 59 businesses which responded. She noted that she hasalso created a second survey that is now available on all of our social media sites. There was generaldiscussion as to which businesses were most effected and it was noted that it may be the restaurantsin the City. The feedback from the businesses regarding how the City and Chamber could help wasthat the would like to see more information and help on utilities and rental. She noted that as theresources come in the Chamber and Economic Development is being very timely in getting theinformation out to the businesses which has been extremely helpful for them. Mayor Muir brought updiscussion as to the possibility of 4A & 4B looking into some type of grant program. Ms.Bradshaw noted that there are restrictions as to how the money can be used and they are watchingto see if the AG loosens up restrictions and we may want to get some legal advice as to what we cando with the funds. There was brief discussion posing different ideas and exploring what other citiesare doing regarding helping the businesses aspects with what the possibilities could be with legalconsultation. She noted the second survey that is out now, is currently posted on all of the socialmedia sites and was created by the Texas Economic Development Council. She noted that it will beup for two to three more weeks and it is on the City Economic Development and the Chamber'sfacebook page. So far she has had twelve responses and encouraged everyone to share it, that it isa very good survey. She also summarized a Retail Impact Analysis which shows what the COVID19 impact has been on the retail in Sanger. The report is based on cellphone usage. She noted thatthe hardware store , grocery store, Dollar General and Family Dollar has had an increase in foottraffic and have done well. Ms. Bradshaw noted that she has reached out to the financial institutionsin Sanger and on the first round of funding, not many businesses applied. However, with the secondround of funding there have been several businesses that have applied and the banks have been verybusy. She noted that there is a Denton County Community Grant for small businesses which will beannounced this week and Verizon is getting ready to announce a small businesses recovery fund thatwill open on May 14 that businesses can use to pay rent, utilities etc. This information is being putout on Social Media. She noted that we are working close with Denton County and are blasting outas many resources as we can and hopefully our businesses will be recovering in the next few
Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw introduced the second item she has on the
agenda for discussion. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is seeking to purchase
about 2.03 acres of rightofway on the east side of IH35 opposite of Porter Park. The area has
been deemed necessary for the construction of IH35. She introduced 4B Board Member Jeff
Springer to provide an update. She noted that Mr. Springer has been chosen to lead the 4B
Corporation in this project because he is very familiar with the TxDOT project and contract. Mr.
Jeff Springer was recognized to provide the City Council with a brief update. TxDOT is proposing
to take a narrow strip of property along the west side of Porter Park East (the unimproved Porter
Park). He noted that about 40% of Porter Park is in the floodway and a good portion of the strip
they are taking is in the floodway and it is a very narrow strip(60 to70 feet wide at the widest
portion). Mr. Springer summarized this item and noted that he is doing some research and speaking
to TxDOT on behalf of the board and will bring a proposal to the 4B. Discussion ensued regarding
the ROW they were offering for the park east/west access. Director of Public Works Jim Berman
noted that he negotiated that and it is actually not a rightofway but an easement so we can connect
the two parks with a 10 foot trail system underneath the new highway and all of that was supposed
to be done at TxDOT"s cost. That is on a different document which does not have anything to do
with this land survey/purchase. He noted they are supposed to connect the two facilities (Parks)
with a ten foot trail and and run a sidewalk/trail system all the way down the length of the property
that they are acquiring from us and on the road side of it there is supposed to be a bicycle lane. It
was noted there will no longer be a turnaround underneath the road because everything will be
elevated. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if Mr. Berman could provide Mr. Springer with all of the
details of his negotiation so that Mr. Springer has all of the information he needs to negotiate. Mayor
Muir thanked Mr. Springer for attending the meeting. and Shani Bradshaw for the updates. There
was no further discussion.
5.Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda
a.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1
Since it was after 7:00 p.m. it was noted that this item would be discussed during the Council
There being no further agenda items. The City Council Work Session adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Page 4Page 8
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 05042020
Approve Minutes for the City Council Regular Meeting for May 4, 2020 Held by Teleconference.
AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda
Attached for your approval are the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes held by teleconference on May 4, 2020.
Description Upload Date Type
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 05042020 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
Page 9
Monday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM
502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas
Meetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City
Hall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules
to allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the
public to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public health
goal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The
suspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of the
public be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference will
be made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request
for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak or
provide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org and
indicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretary
your name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with for
recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearings
during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were received
and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the City
Secretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and they
will be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide your
comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. The
public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to join
the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:
Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715
Password: 019456
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
888 475 4499 US Tollfree
877 853 5257 US Tollfree
Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;
Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,
Page 1Page 10
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.
City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; City
Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of Development
Services Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director of
Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke;
1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.
Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were called
and present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May
4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m by
Mayor Muir.
Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.
The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized by
Mayor Muir.
Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on the
teleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input..
a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with Attorneys
City Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.
Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken during
Executive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.
A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.
a.Approval of Minutes
1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020
Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.
2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020
Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the
following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Page 2Page 11
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the
following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.
No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.
7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater Infrastructure
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary and
the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
8.Sure Steel Preliminary Plat
Consider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, in
the City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.
Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing to
create one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (Industrial
District2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist of
office and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. The
property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning and
Zoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff has
found the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and
recommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was brief
discussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all public
access easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel
Addition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet east
of the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:
1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should be
rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio
Page 3Page 12
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:
1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should be
rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio
of depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"
The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretary
and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final Plat
Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,
Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.
Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing to
develop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7
zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City of
Sanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commission
approved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:
Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthy
discussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that they
would like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area.
Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was just
discussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creekside
at the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement for
an underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be up
to the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access the
park area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it being
necessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Council
appreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is a
final plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the final
plat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities will
be maintained by the HOA.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being
12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow
Street contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent park
land. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City
Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
Page 4Page 13
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
10.Sable Creek Phase V Final Plat
Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,
Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.
Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item to
the previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26
residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886
acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 district
requirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and Sanger
Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,
2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirements
and it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of the
common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained by
the HOA.
A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886
Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and
the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute
Amendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC for
FM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.
City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not be
available for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He provided
background, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with Dannenbaum
Engineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and Wastewater
Utility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract project
description consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipeline
replacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with the
proposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations were
discovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several
"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency and
resilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City's
Water Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designed
and bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemed
acceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scope
Page 5Page 14
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 10.Sable Creek Phase V Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item tothe previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 districtrequirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and SangerElectric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirementsand it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of thecommon areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained bythe HOA.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to ExecuteAmendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not beavailable for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He providedbackground, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with DannenbaumEngineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract projectdescription consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipelinereplacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with theproposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations werediscovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City'sWater Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designed
and bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemed
acceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scope
of work for the increased required water and wastewater utilities as well as the betterment water
utilities. As per the documents attached to the Amendment it was noted that:
The original scope of work is amended to include:
Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements
various locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.
Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenances
Additional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocation along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.
The original general scope of services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yet
amended to include the added 11,772 LF of pipelines.
There was lengthy discussion regarding the draft fee proposals and the breakdown detail. It was
discussed that the City would receive reimbursements for the portion of the IH35 project and there
was extensive discussion regarding the amounts/percentages that would be reimbursed to the City.
These funds would be refunded by the federal government at the end of the project. There was also
discussion on the timing of the project and it was noted that one of the reasons Dannenbaum was
hired by the City as the Engineer for this project is because they are also the Engineer for TxDOT.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the
Amendment 1 to the Engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC for
FM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Chick. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
12.PSA Plummer Stream Restoration Phase 1 Amendment 1
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an
Amendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. On September 16, 2019 City Council approved a
Professional Services Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for the
Wastewater Treatment Plant. This contract was for Phase I Preliminary Planning of the project,
work associated with restoring the receiving stream below the wastewater treatment facility to
condition that eliminate Paddock Lake and stream restoration. Amendment 1 to this contract is to
provide additional scope of work to this phase of the project for Plummer to prepare a Preliminary
Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the stream restoration project as ell as a Threatened and
Endangered Species (T & E) review and to submit these documents to the U.S. Army Corp of
Engineers (USACE) for review and approval. The PJD and T & F would be required
documentation for the Section 404 permit application and would be used in part to determine
whether the project would be authorized under a Nationwide Permit or an Individual Permit. It
would also be beneficial for the USACE to have the PJD to review prior to the site visit later this
summer. After general discussion of the project it was noted that this is a not to exceed contract and
Page 6Page 15
CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 10.Sable Creek Phase V Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item tothe previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 districtrequirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and SangerElectric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirementsand it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of thecommon areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained bythe HOA.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to ExecuteAmendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not beavailable for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He providedbackground, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with DannenbaumEngineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract projectdescription consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipelinereplacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with theproposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations werediscovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City'sWater Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designedand bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemedacceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scopeof work for the increased required water and wastewater utilities as well as the betterment waterutilities. As per the documents attached to the Amendment it was noted that:The original scope of work is amended to include:Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements various locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenancesAdditional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocation along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.The original general scope of services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yetamended to include the added 11,772 LF of pipelines.There was lengthy discussion regarding the draft fee proposals and the breakdown detail. It wasdiscussed that the City would receive reimbursements for the portion of the IH35 project and therewas extensive discussion regarding the amounts/percentages that would be reimbursed to the City. These funds would be refunded by the federal government at the end of the project. There was alsodiscussion on the timing of the project and it was noted that one of the reasons Dannenbaum washired by the City as the Engineer for this project is because they are also the Engineer for TxDOT.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute theAmendment 1 to the Engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberChick. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 12.PSA Plummer Stream Restoration Phase 1 Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. On September 16, 2019 City Council approved aProfessional Services Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for theWastewater Treatment Plant. This contract was for Phase I Preliminary Planning of the project,work associated with restoring the receiving stream below the wastewater treatment facility tocondition that eliminate Paddock Lake and stream restoration. Amendment 1 to this contract is toprovide additional scope of work to this phase of the project for Plummer to prepare a PreliminaryJurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the stream restoration project as ell as a Threatened andEndangered Species (T & E) review and to submit these documents to the U.S. Army Corp ofEngineers (USACE) for review and approval. The PJD and T & F would be requireddocumentation for the Section 404 permit application and would be used in part to determinewhether the project would be authorized under a Nationwide Permit or an Individual Permit. It
would also be beneficial for the USACE to have the PJD to review prior to the site visit later this
summer. After general discussion of the project it was noted that this is a not to exceed contract and
this is within the scope. It was also noted through questioning that it would include the preparation
of all documents. This would allow proceeding into phase two, and allow them to make formal
application. It was also noted that we are waiting on the Corp to do a site survey in July.
A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve and authorize the Mayor to Execute an
Amendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for
Wastewater Treatment Plant. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. There was no
additional discussion. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes
were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
13.Ordinance #041320 Budget Amendment FY 20192020
Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #041320 – Amending Ordinance #092519, Which
Will Amend the Budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and Authorizing Amended Expenditures as
Provided; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict; Providing for a Severability Clause;
and Providing for an Effective Date.
Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted that
this amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling water
storage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to the
next item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answered
questions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met with
Clayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the Cowling
Road Ground Storage Tank. It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the
2017 Certificates of Obligation. It was noted that the more expensive option of the dome roof would
last a lifetime if maintained and would be more beneficial for the City in the long term.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance No. 041320 amending
Ordinance #092529 which will amend the budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and authorize
amended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providing
for a severability clause and providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Clark. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by
the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted that
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CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 10.Sable Creek Phase V Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item tothe previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 districtrequirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and SangerElectric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirementsand it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of thecommon areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained bythe HOA.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to ExecuteAmendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not beavailable for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He providedbackground, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with DannenbaumEngineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract projectdescription consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipelinereplacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with theproposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations werediscovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City'sWater Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designedand bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemedacceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scopeof work for the increased required water and wastewater utilities as well as the betterment waterutilities. As per the documents attached to the Amendment it was noted that:The original scope of work is amended to include:Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements various locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenancesAdditional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocation along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.The original general scope of services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yetamended to include the added 11,772 LF of pipelines.There was lengthy discussion regarding the draft fee proposals and the breakdown detail. It wasdiscussed that the City would receive reimbursements for the portion of the IH35 project and therewas extensive discussion regarding the amounts/percentages that would be reimbursed to the City. These funds would be refunded by the federal government at the end of the project. There was alsodiscussion on the timing of the project and it was noted that one of the reasons Dannenbaum washired by the City as the Engineer for this project is because they are also the Engineer for TxDOT.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute theAmendment 1 to the Engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberChick. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 12.PSA Plummer Stream Restoration Phase 1 Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. On September 16, 2019 City Council approved aProfessional Services Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for theWastewater Treatment Plant. This contract was for Phase I Preliminary Planning of the project,work associated with restoring the receiving stream below the wastewater treatment facility tocondition that eliminate Paddock Lake and stream restoration. Amendment 1 to this contract is toprovide additional scope of work to this phase of the project for Plummer to prepare a PreliminaryJurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the stream restoration project as ell as a Threatened andEndangered Species (T & E) review and to submit these documents to the U.S. Army Corp ofEngineers (USACE) for review and approval. The PJD and T & F would be requireddocumentation for the Section 404 permit application and would be used in part to determinewhether the project would be authorized under a Nationwide Permit or an Individual Permit. Itwould also be beneficial for the USACE to have the PJD to review prior to the site visit later thissummer. After general discussion of the project it was noted that this is a not to exceed contract andthis is within the scope. It was also noted through questioning that it would include the preparationof all documents. This would allow proceeding into phase two, and allow them to make formalapplication. It was also noted that we are waiting on the Corp to do a site survey in July.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve and authorize the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. There was noadditional discussion. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay voteswere recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 13.Ordinance #041320 Budget Amendment FY 20192020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #041320 – Amending Ordinance #092519, WhichWill Amend the Budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and Authorizing Amended Expenditures asProvided; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict; Providing for a Severability Clause;and Providing for an Effective Date. Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted thatthis amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling waterstorage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to thenext item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answeredquestions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met withClayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the CowlingRoad Ground Storage Tank. It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the2017 Certificates of Obligation. It was noted that the more expensive option of the dome roof wouldlast a lifetime if maintained and would be more beneficial for the City in the long term. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance No. 041320 amendingOrdinance #092529 which will amend the budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and authorizeamended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providingfor a severability clause and providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded byCouncilman Clark. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called bythe City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted that
this amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling water
storage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to the
next item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answered
questions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met with
Clayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the Cowling
Road Ground Storage Tank. That this option would be more beneficial for the City in the long term.
It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the 2017 Certificates of
14.Change Orders Water Storage Tank Repairs
Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Changer Orders for the Repairs on the Acker Street and
Cowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amendments to the
Director of Public Works Jim Berman noted that he originally was not for the domed roof because
of the possibility of additional infrastructure that may have needed repairs. He advised that since the
last meeting Mcguire Iron has inspected the rest of the infrastructure and they did not find additional
large cost items. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron confirmed the information relayed by Mr.
Berman. There was no additional discussion.
A motion was was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Change Orders for the repairs
on the Acker Street and Cowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and authorize the Mayor to execute
the amendments to the contracts. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark.
The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
15.Resolution No. 111619 Bylaws 4B Corporation
Consider, Discuss and Act on Resolution No. 111619 Approving Amended Bylaws of the Sanger
Texas Development Corporation, Also Known as the Sanger Texas 4B Corporation and the Sanger
Texas Type B Development Corporation.
Economic Director Shani Bradshaw provided a summary of the proposed 4B Bylaws. The 4B
Bylaws have been revised and reviewed by the City's legal counsel. There are some changes that
are minor in nature, and other changes were inserted to address titles, terms and other duties and
responsibilities of the Board of Directors. She noted that one of the changes which is the same as
was made in the 4A Bylaws is to stagger the terms. The 4A has a limit of three two year terms for a
total of six years. After that, a board director can apply again after one year has passed. The 4B
Board is different in that it has two year terms, but does not have a term limit. She also noted that a
director can be removed form the office by City Council at will without cause.
Ms. Bradshaw advised that another important item that was recently brought up that had been
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CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 10.Sable Creek Phase V Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item tothe previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 districtrequirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and SangerElectric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirementsand it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of thecommon areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained bythe HOA.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to ExecuteAmendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not beavailable for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He providedbackground, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with DannenbaumEngineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract projectdescription consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipelinereplacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with theproposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations werediscovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City'sWater Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designedand bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemedacceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scopeof work for the increased required water and wastewater utilities as well as the betterment waterutilities. As per the documents attached to the Amendment it was noted that:The original scope of work is amended to include:Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements various locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenancesAdditional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocation along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.The original general scope of services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yetamended to include the added 11,772 LF of pipelines.There was lengthy discussion regarding the draft fee proposals and the breakdown detail. It wasdiscussed that the City would receive reimbursements for the portion of the IH35 project and therewas extensive discussion regarding the amounts/percentages that would be reimbursed to the City. These funds would be refunded by the federal government at the end of the project. There was alsodiscussion on the timing of the project and it was noted that one of the reasons Dannenbaum washired by the City as the Engineer for this project is because they are also the Engineer for TxDOT.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute theAmendment 1 to the Engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberChick. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 12.PSA Plummer Stream Restoration Phase 1 Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. On September 16, 2019 City Council approved aProfessional Services Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for theWastewater Treatment Plant. This contract was for Phase I Preliminary Planning of the project,work associated with restoring the receiving stream below the wastewater treatment facility tocondition that eliminate Paddock Lake and stream restoration. Amendment 1 to this contract is toprovide additional scope of work to this phase of the project for Plummer to prepare a PreliminaryJurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the stream restoration project as ell as a Threatened andEndangered Species (T & E) review and to submit these documents to the U.S. Army Corp ofEngineers (USACE) for review and approval. The PJD and T & F would be requireddocumentation for the Section 404 permit application and would be used in part to determinewhether the project would be authorized under a Nationwide Permit or an Individual Permit. Itwould also be beneficial for the USACE to have the PJD to review prior to the site visit later thissummer. After general discussion of the project it was noted that this is a not to exceed contract andthis is within the scope. It was also noted through questioning that it would include the preparationof all documents. This would allow proceeding into phase two, and allow them to make formalapplication. It was also noted that we are waiting on the Corp to do a site survey in July.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve and authorize the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. There was noadditional discussion. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay voteswere recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 13.Ordinance #041320 Budget Amendment FY 20192020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #041320 – Amending Ordinance #092519, WhichWill Amend the Budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and Authorizing Amended Expenditures asProvided; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict; Providing for a Severability Clause;and Providing for an Effective Date. Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted thatthis amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling waterstorage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to thenext item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answeredquestions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met withClayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the CowlingRoad Ground Storage Tank. It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the2017 Certificates of Obligation. It was noted that the more expensive option of the dome roof wouldlast a lifetime if maintained and would be more beneficial for the City in the long term. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance No. 041320 amendingOrdinance #092529 which will amend the budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and authorizeamended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providingfor a severability clause and providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded byCouncilman Clark. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called bythe City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted thatthis amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling waterstorage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to thenext item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answeredquestions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met withClayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the CowlingRoad Ground Storage Tank. That this option would be more beneficial for the City in the long term.It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the 2017 Certificates ofObligation. 14.Change Orders Water Storage Tank RepairsConsider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Changer Orders for the Repairs on the Acker Street andCowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amendments to theContracts. Director of Public Works Jim Berman noted that he originally was not for the domed roof becauseof the possibility of additional infrastructure that may have needed repairs. He advised that since thelast meeting Mcguire Iron has inspected the rest of the infrastructure and they did not find additionallarge cost items. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron confirmed the information relayed by Mr.Berman. There was no additional discussion. A motion was was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Change Orders for the repairson the Acker Street and Cowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and authorize the Mayor to executethe amendments to the contracts. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).15.Resolution No. 111619 Bylaws 4B CorporationConsider, Discuss and Act on Resolution No. 111619 Approving Amended Bylaws of the SangerTexas Development Corporation, Also Known as the Sanger Texas 4B Corporation and the SangerTexas Type B Development Corporation.Economic Director Shani Bradshaw provided a summary of the proposed 4B Bylaws. The 4BBylaws have been revised and reviewed by the City's legal counsel. There are some changes thatare minor in nature, and other changes were inserted to address titles, terms and other duties andresponsibilities of the Board of Directors. She noted that one of the changes which is the same aswas made in the 4A Bylaws is to stagger the terms. The 4A has a limit of three two year terms for atotal of six years. After that, a board director can apply again after one year has passed. The 4BBoard is different in that it has two year terms, but does not have a term limit. She also noted that adirector can be removed form the office by City Council at will without cause.
Ms. Bradshaw advised that another important item that was recently brought up that had been
overlooked or misinterpreted since these Bylaws have been in effect is the requirement that the
directors must be a resident of Sanger, Texas. After the question was brought up and speaking with
the City Attorney, this needs to be changed in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code,
that, each director must be a resident of the city, a resident of the county in which the major part of
the area of the city is located, or reside in a place that is within 10 miles of the city’s boundaries and
is in a county bordering the county in which a major portion of the city is located. There was
discussion regarding this and it was noted that it has been followed through the years and there have
been several members that follow these exact qualifications; also regarding the fact that someone on
the 4B Board could live in another County or 10 miles from the City's boundaries. Also discussed
was that a director may be removed from this office by City Council at will without cause.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Resolution No. 111619 Approving the
Amended Bylaws of the Sanger Texas Type B Development Corporation with the added wording
on the staggered terms and the wording that, "Each director must be a resident of the city, a resident
of the County in which the major part of the area of the City is located, or reside in a place that is
within 10 miles of the City’s boundaries and is in a County bordering the County in which a major
portion of the City is located." The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was
called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
16.Ordinance No. 051520 Revised Declaration of Disaster
Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051520 Amending Ordinance No. 031220 to
Renew and Continue the Mayor's Revised Declaration of Local Disaster Dated April 30, 2020.
Providing a Repealing Clause, Providing a Savings Clause, Providing a Severability Clause;
Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed $1000 As Authorized by State Law for Each Offense
and Providing for An Effective Date.
Mayor Muir summarized noting that this Ordinance ratifies the Revised Declaration of Disaster he
signed on April 30th which also adopts the Governors Open Texas and keeps us in alignment with
Denton County Executive Orders.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance No. 051520 amending
Ordinance No. 031220 to renew and continue the Mayor's revised Declaration of Local Disaster
date April 30, 2020. Providing a Repealing Clause, providing a Severability Clause; providing for a
penalty of fine not to exceed $1000 as authorized by State Law for each offense and providing for
an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the
City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded:
Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted Yea
Councilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
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CITY OF SANGER, TEXASMINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 4, 2020 7:00 PM502 Elm Street, Sanger, TexasIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger CityHall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rulesto allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference willbe made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written requestfor up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak orprovide public comments during the meeting please email citysecretary@sangertexas.org andindicate which item you would like to comment on. You will need to provide the City Secretaryyour name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with forrecognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate Public Hearingsduring the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were receivedand will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the CitySecretary (citysecretary@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and theywill be emailed to the Mayor and Councilmembers before the meeting. Please provide yourcomments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. Thepublic may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and Password to jointhe meeting. Tollfree numbers are available and noted on the list below:Meeting ID: 848 2984 2715Password: 019456Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)888 475 4499 US Tollfree877 853 5257 US TollfreeCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember Allen Chick; Councilmember David Clark,COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager, Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Finance Clayton Gray; CityEngineer Tracy LaPiene; Director of Public Works James Berman; Director of DevelopmentServices Ramie Hammonds; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director ofHuman Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton; Librarian and Social Media Laura Klenke; 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.Roll Call was called by the City Secretary. The Mayor and all five (5) Councilmembers were calledand present by teleconference constituting a quorum. There being a quorum present, the May May4, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting held by Teleconference was called to order at 7:07 p.m byMayor Muir. Mayor Muir provided the Invocation.The Teleconference open meeting rules allowing the meeting by teleconference were summarized byMayor Muir.2.CITIZEN INPUT:Mayor Muir solicited any citizens who wished to speak, There were no citizens speaking up on theteleconference call who wished to speak during Citizen Input.. 3.EXECUTIVE SESSION:a.Section 551.071(Texas Local Government Code) Consultation with AttorneysCity Council convened into Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.4.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Mayor Muir advised that the Executive Session adjourned at 8:11 p.m. No action was taken duringExecutive Session. The Council will address action on the item during the regular agenda.A short break was taken; the Regular City Council Meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.5.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Emergency Meeting Minutes 04142020Approve Minutes for the Emergency City Council Meeting of April 14, 2020.2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04202020Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary and thefollowing Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).6.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA7.Easement Acquisition: Wastewater InfrastructureConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Easement Acquisition for Wastewater Infrastructure.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to direct the Attorney to proceed as discussed. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 8.Sure Steel Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition Being 4.166 Acres, inthe City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing tocreate one (1) industrial lot from one (1) unplatted tract of a 4.166 acre site zoned I2 (IndustrialDistrict2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square foot industrial building that will consist ofoffice and warehouse space. Office and warehouse uses are permitted in the I2 zoning district. Theproperty will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. The Planning andZoning Commission approved the preliminary plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. Staff hasfound the preliminary plat to be substantially in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, andrecommends approval with a variance because of the configuration of the lot. There was briefdiscussion regarding the lot configuration and the buffer being provided. It was noted that all publicaccess easements, private roads and common areas are to be maintained by the property owner.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sure SteelAddition being 4.166 Acres in the City of Sanger and Generally located approximately 420 feet eastof the railroad on FM 455 with the following variance:1. Section 10.105.04C of the Subdivision Ordinance stating "Lot Shape: Lots should berectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratioof depth to width should not be ordinarily exceed two and onehalf (2,5,:1),"The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretaryand the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 9.Sable Creek Phase IV Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase IV, Being 12.697 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. The applicant is proposing todevelop 50 residential lots in Phase IV of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF 7zoning district and meets all of the SF7 requirements. The property will be served by the City ofSanger water and wastewater and CoServ Electric. The Planning and Zoning Commissionapproved the final plat with a 60 vote on April 13, 2020. This is a companion case on the agenda:Phase V of the Sable Creek Addition. There are no variances on this plat. There was lengthydiscussion regarding access points into the park area and it was consensus of the Council that theywould like to see access points intothe subdivision into the open space area. Mr. Shafer Harris with Allison Engineering group was recognized and noted that this was justdiscussed today and that the plat has potential to add access points at Mockingbird and Creeksideat the bottom of the culdesac and between Lot 20 and 21 where there is a 15 foot easement foran underground pipe. Also generally discussed was Lot 46X and Lot 7X. He noted it would be upto the developer, but that they could make some adjustments and come up with some access thepark area. Ms. Hammonds noted the concern regarding some of the access points and it beingnecessary for steps and requirements for ADA access. Mayor Muir noted that he and Councilappreciated them working with staff on the access. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if since this is afinal plat, could these adjustments be made. Ms. Hammonds noted they could be added to the finalplat. It was also noted that all of the common areas, drainage easements and detention facilities willbe maintained by the HOA.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Sable Creek Phase IV final plat being12.697 acres, generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East WillowStreet contingent on adding as many accesses as possible (2 to 3 access points) to the adjacent parkland. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Barrett. The vote was called by the CitySecretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 10.Sable Creek Phase V Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase V, Being 17.886 Acres,Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds summarized. This is the companion item tothe previous Agenda Item, Phase IV of Sable Creek. The applicant is proposing to develop 26residential lots and two open space lots in Phase V of Sable Creek Addition consisting of 17.886acres. The property is located in SF7 zoning district and meets all of the SF7 districtrequirements. The property will be served by the City of Sanger water, wastewater and SangerElectric. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Final Plat with a 60 vote on April 13,2020. There are no variances on this plat.There was discussion regarding the buffer requirementsand it was noted there was fencing and landscape buffering. It was also noted that all of thecommon areas, drainage easements and detention facilities, including Block K, will be maintained bythe HOA.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Sable Creek Phase V, being 17.886Acres generally located east of railroad line, south of FM 455 and north of East Willow Street. Themotion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote was called by the City Secretary andthe following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 11.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to ExecuteAmendment 1 to the Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocations.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. He noted that Dannenbaum Engineering could not beavailable for tonight's teleconference meeting because of technical difficulties. He providedbackground, noting on December 3, 2018 the City executed a contract with DannenbaumEngineering Company for Engineering services associated with the FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtility Relocation necessary due to the TxDOT FM 455 project. The original contract projectdescription consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipeline, pipelinereplacements or relocations at numerous locations along FM 455 where utility conflicts with theproposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional "required" utility relocations werediscovered necessary to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction. In addition, several"betterment" water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City'sWater Master Plan documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designedand bid as alternate bids, with the City's discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemedacceptable and desirable by the City. Addendum 1 to this agreement provides for additional scopeof work for the increased required water and wastewater utilities as well as the betterment waterutilities. As per the documents attached to the Amendment it was noted that:The original scope of work is amended to include:Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations and Improvements various locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenancesAdditional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocation along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.The original general scope of services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yetamended to include the added 11,772 LF of pipelines.There was lengthy discussion regarding the draft fee proposals and the breakdown detail. It wasdiscussed that the City would receive reimbursements for the portion of the IH35 project and therewas extensive discussion regarding the amounts/percentages that would be reimbursed to the City. These funds would be refunded by the federal government at the end of the project. There was alsodiscussion on the timing of the project and it was noted that one of the reasons Dannenbaum washired by the City as the Engineer for this project is because they are also the Engineer for TxDOT.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute theAmendment 1 to the Engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forFM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberChick. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 12.PSA Plummer Stream Restoration Phase 1 Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant.City Engineer Tracy LaPiene summarized. On September 16, 2019 City Council approved aProfessional Services Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration for theWastewater Treatment Plant. This contract was for Phase I Preliminary Planning of the project,work associated with restoring the receiving stream below the wastewater treatment facility tocondition that eliminate Paddock Lake and stream restoration. Amendment 1 to this contract is toprovide additional scope of work to this phase of the project for Plummer to prepare a PreliminaryJurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the stream restoration project as ell as a Threatened andEndangered Species (T & E) review and to submit these documents to the U.S. Army Corp ofEngineers (USACE) for review and approval. The PJD and T & F would be requireddocumentation for the Section 404 permit application and would be used in part to determinewhether the project would be authorized under a Nationwide Permit or an Individual Permit. Itwould also be beneficial for the USACE to have the PJD to review prior to the site visit later thissummer. After general discussion of the project it was noted that this is a not to exceed contract andthis is within the scope. It was also noted through questioning that it would include the preparationof all documents. This would allow proceeding into phase two, and allow them to make formalapplication. It was also noted that we are waiting on the Corp to do a site survey in July.A motion was made by Councilmember Barrett to approve and authorize the Mayor to Execute anAmendment to the Engineering Contract with Plummer Associates, Inc. for Stream Restoration forWastewater Treatment Plant. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. There was noadditional discussion. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay voteswere recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 13.Ordinance #041320 Budget Amendment FY 20192020Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #041320 – Amending Ordinance #092519, WhichWill Amend the Budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and Authorizing Amended Expenditures asProvided; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict; Providing for a Severability Clause;and Providing for an Effective Date. Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted thatthis amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling waterstorage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to thenext item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answeredquestions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met withClayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the CowlingRoad Ground Storage Tank. It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the2017 Certificates of Obligation. It was noted that the more expensive option of the dome roof wouldlast a lifetime if maintained and would be more beneficial for the City in the long term. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance No. 041320 amendingOrdinance #092529 which will amend the budget for the 20192020 Fiscal Year and authorizeamended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providingfor a severability clause and providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded byCouncilman Clark. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called bythe City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).Finance Manager Clayton Gray summarized the budget amendment being proposed. He noted thatthis amendment provides for the $310,000 in expenditures related to the Acker and Cowling waterstorage facilities proposed by Mcguire Iron. Mayor Muir noted that this item is a precursor to thenext item. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron and Director of Public Works Jim Berman answeredquestions the Council posed and it was noted that after the last Council Meeting staff met withClayton and discussed the feasibility of the more costly option of the dome roof for the CowlingRoad Ground Storage Tank. That this option would be more beneficial for the City in the long term.It was noted that the expenditures for this project will be paid from the 2017 Certificates ofObligation. 14.Change Orders Water Storage Tank RepairsConsider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Changer Orders for the Repairs on the Acker Street andCowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amendments to theContracts. Director of Public Works Jim Berman noted that he originally was not for the domed roof becauseof the possibility of additional infrastructure that may have needed repairs. He advised that since thelast meeting Mcguire Iron has inspected the rest of the infrastructure and they did not find additionallarge cost items. Mr. Jack Powell with Mcguire Iron confirmed the information relayed by Mr.Berman. There was no additional discussion. A motion was was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the Change Orders for the repairson the Acker Street and Cowling Road Ground Storage Tanks, and authorize the Mayor to executethe amendments to the contracts. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).15.Resolution No. 111619 Bylaws 4B CorporationConsider, Discuss and Act on Resolution No. 111619 Approving Amended Bylaws of the SangerTexas Development Corporation, Also Known as the Sanger Texas 4B Corporation and the SangerTexas Type B Development Corporation.Economic Director Shani Bradshaw provided a summary of the proposed 4B Bylaws. The 4BBylaws have been revised and reviewed by the City's legal counsel. There are some changes thatare minor in nature, and other changes were inserted to address titles, terms and other duties andresponsibilities of the Board of Directors. She noted that one of the changes which is the same aswas made in the 4A Bylaws is to stagger the terms. The 4A has a limit of three two year terms for atotal of six years. After that, a board director can apply again after one year has passed. The 4BBoard is different in that it has two year terms, but does not have a term limit. She also noted that adirector can be removed form the office by City Council at will without cause. Ms. Bradshaw advised that another important item that was recently brought up that had beenoverlooked or misinterpreted since these Bylaws have been in effect is the requirement that thedirectors must be a resident of Sanger, Texas. After the question was brought up and speaking withthe City Attorney, this needs to be changed in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code,that, each director must be a resident of the city, a resident of the county in which the major part ofthe area of the city is located, or reside in a place that is within 10 miles of the city’s boundaries andis in a county bordering the county in which a major portion of the city is located. There wasdiscussion regarding this and it was noted that it has been followed through the years and there havebeen several members that follow these exact qualifications; also regarding the fact that someone onthe 4B Board could live in another County or 10 miles from the City's boundaries. Also discussedwas that a director may be removed from this office by City Council at will without cause.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Resolution No. 111619 Approving theAmended Bylaws of the Sanger Texas Type B Development Corporation with the added wordingon the staggered terms and the wording that, "Each director must be a resident of the city, a residentof the County in which the major part of the area of the City is located, or reside in a place that iswithin 10 miles of the City’s boundaries and is in a County bordering the County in which a majorportion of the City is located." The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dillon. The vote wascalled by the City Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted YeaCouncilmember Dillon voted YeaCouncilmember Clark voted YeaCouncilmember Chick voted YeaThe motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote). 16.Ordinance No. 051520 Revised Declaration of DisasterConsider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051520 Amending Ordinance No. 031220 toRenew and Continue the Mayor's Revised Declaration of Local Disaster Dated April 30, 2020.Providing a Repealing Clause, Providing a Savings Clause, Providing a Severability Clause;Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed $1000 As Authorized by State Law for Each Offenseand Providing for An Effective Date.Mayor Muir summarized noting that this Ordinance ratifies the Revised Declaration of Disaster hesigned on April 30th which also adopts the Governors Open Texas and keeps us in alignment withDenton County Executive Orders.A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance No. 051520 amendingOrdinance No. 031220 to renew and continue the Mayor's revised Declaration of Local Disasterdate April 30, 2020. Providing a Repealing Clause, providing a Severability Clause; providing for apenalty of fine not to exceed $1000 as authorized by State Law for each offense and providing foran effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The vote was called by theCity Secretary and the following Yea/Nay votes were recorded: Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voted YeaCouncilmember Barrett voted Yea
Councilmember Dillon voted Yea
Councilmember Clark voted Yea
Councilmember Chick voted Yea
The motion to approve carried unanimously (50 vote).
a.Update Related to the City of Sanger's Response to COVID19
Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton provided a detailed summary of
all of the steps implemented to protect employees who started back to work today, and the steps to
protect the employees and the public as the City is tentatively opening to the public next Monday,
May 11th. This information is being disseminated to the public through the website and social media.
There were no future agenda items discussed.
There being no further agenda items for discussion the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
Proclamation Mental Health Awareness
Approve Proclamation No. 050120 Proclaiming May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 18, 2020
As Children's Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, the City Council joined the United Way of Denton County, Denton
County Behavioral Health Leadership Team, Denton County MHMR, and the Wellness Alliance for Total Children's
Health in proclaiming May as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 6th 2020 as Children's Mental Health
Awareness Day. Hope Rodgers, Denton County United Way Community Impact Coordinator asked if the Mayor and
Council would again, this year proclaim May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 18th 2020 as
Children's Mental Health Awareness Day. Ms. Rogers suggested that due to timing, virtual settings, and COVID19
response efforts, an alternative that may be more appropriate during this time: Rather than reading the attached Mental
Health Month Proclamation aloud publicly, they requested that the proclamation be approved and executed and sent to
them via mail. They will recognize the City of Sanger City Council on several social media accounts for their outstanding
commitment to mental health wellbeing and awareness.
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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. b.AGENDA MEETING DATE: May 18, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Cheryl Price, City SecretaryITEM/CAPTION:Proclamation Mental Health AwarenessApprove Proclamation No. 050120 Proclaiming May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 18, 2020As Children's Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger. AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Proclamation BACKGROUND:May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, the City Council joined the United Way of Denton County, DentonCounty Behavioral Health Leadership Team, Denton County MHMR, and the Wellness Alliance for Total Children'sHealth in proclaiming May as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 6th 2020 as Children's Mental HealthAwareness Day. Hope Rodgers, Denton County United Way Community Impact Coordinator asked if the Mayor andCouncil would again, this year proclaim May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month and May 18th 2020 asChildren's Mental Health Awareness Day. Ms. Rogers suggested that due to timing, virtual settings, and COVID19response efforts, an alternative that may be more appropriate during this time: Rather than reading the attached MentalHealth Month Proclamation aloud publicly, they requested that the proclamation be approved and executed and sent tothem via mail. They will recognize the City of Sanger City Council on several social media accounts for their outstandingcommitment to mental health wellbeing and awareness. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/A
Description Upload Date Type
Proclamation 050120 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
Ordinance No. 051720 Declaration of Disaster
Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051720 to Renew and Continue the Mayor's Revised Declaration of
Local Disaster Dated May 15, 2020; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed $1,000.00 For Each Offense;
Providing A Repealing Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing a Severability Clause; And, Providing for An
Effective Date.
Attached is Ordinance 051720 to renew and continue the Mayors revised Declaration of Local Disaster which the
Mayor Signed on May 15th, 2020. Approval of this ordinance ratifies the Revised Declaration the Mayor signed.
Exhibit "A" Attachment is Denton County Commissioners Court Executive Order which went into effect at 11:59 on
May 15, 2020. The new declaration in line with Governor Abbott's Executive Orders 21 and 22 (attached).
The Ordinance and declaration signed by Mayor Muir was reviewed by legal.
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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.AGENDA MEETING DATE: May 18, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Cheryl Price, City SecretaryITEM/CAPTION:Ordinance No. 051720 Declaration of DisasterConsider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance No. 051720 to Renew and Continue the Mayor's Revised Declaration ofLocal Disaster Dated May 15, 2020; Providing for a Penalty of Fine Not to Exceed $1,000.00 For Each Offense;Providing A Repealing Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing a Severability Clause; And, Providing for AnEffective Date.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Approval BACKGROUND:Attached is Ordinance 051720 to renew and continue the Mayors revised Declaration of Local Disaster which theMayor Signed on May 15th, 2020. Approval of this ordinance ratifies the Revised Declaration the Mayor signed. Exhibit "A" Attachment is Denton County Commissioners Court Executive Order which went into effect at 11:59 onMay 15, 2020. The new declaration in line with Governor Abbott's Executive Orders 21 and 22 (attached).LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:The Ordinance and declaration signed by Mayor Muir was reviewed by legal.FINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:N/A
Description Upload Date Type
Ordinance 051720 Revised Declaration of Disaster 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
Governor Abbott's GA 21 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
Governor Abbott's GA 22 5/15/2020 Cover Memo
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
City Manager Employment Agreement
Consider, Discuss and Act on City Manager's Employment Agreement.
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