05/04/2020-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionAGENDA
MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020
6:00 PM
Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to
allow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the
public to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public health
goal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The
suspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of the
public be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetings
will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall.
The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the City
Council Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presiding
officer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public in
accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the official
minutes of the meeting are approved.
Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID and
Password to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted on
the list below:
Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 3643 1730
Password: 547646
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
877 853 5257 US Tollfree
888 475 4499 US Tollfree
Meeting ID: 842 3643 1730
Password: 547646
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AGENDACITY COUNCIL WORK SESSIONMONDAY, MAY 4, 20206:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE: THE MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY TELECONFERENCEEffective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules toallow telephonic or videoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to thepublic to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public healthgoal of limiting facetoface meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). Thesuspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of thepublic be physically present at a meeting location. All Sanger City Council and Board Meetingswill temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. The public may call in and listen to the meeting by telephone conference. During the CityCouncil Work Session no public comment will be allowed unless permitted by the presidingofficer during the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public inaccordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request, for up to 90 days after the officialminutes of the meeting are approved. Members of the public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the Meeting ID andPassword to join the meeting. Tollfree numbers are available the last two numbers noted onthe list below:Topic: City Council Work Session May 4, 2020 6:00 p.m.Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730Password: 547646Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 842 3643 1730
Password: 547646
1.Call Meeting to Order
2.Financial Update Provided by Finance Director, Clayton Gray.
3.Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works,
James Berman.
4.Economic Development Updates Provided by Economic Development Director Shani
5.Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda
a.FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
May 1st, 2020 at 4:00 PM
Cheryl Price City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director
Financial Update Provided by Finance Director, Clayton Gray.
AGENDA TYPE: Work Session
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: James Berman, Director of Public Works
Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works, James Berman.
On January 6,2020 Council approved an agreement with NoDigTech LLC for sewer line replacement along Bolivar
Street at a cost of $406,625.00. That project was completed on April 4, 2020 on time and $14,000.00 under budget.
The 2020 Street Rehabilitation project is nearing completion and is on track with completion time and cost. The cost
for this project was approved for $781,318.
Attached is the presentation to be provided to Council.
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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 3.AGENDA MEETING DATE: May 4, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: James Berman, Director of Public WorksITEM/CAPTION:Update on Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Projects Provided by Director of Public Works, James Berman.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Presentation BACKGROUND:On January 6,2020 Council approved an agreement with NoDigTech LLC for sewer line replacement along BolivarStreet at a cost of $406,625.00. That project was completed on April 4, 2020 on time and $14,000.00 under budget.The 2020 Street Rehabilitation project is nearing completion and is on track with completion time and cost. The costfor this project was approved for $781,318.Attached is the presentation to be provided to Council.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:N/A
Description Upload Date Type
Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Project Update 5/1/2020 Cover Memo
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On January 6, 2020 Council Approve the Bolivar Street Sewer
Line Replacement.
We Replaced 2708 LF of 6” Clay Tile With 8” PVC
We Installed 5 Manholes
Reconnected 44 Services
Project Completed March 6, 2020 $14,000. Under Budget
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8th Street from Plum St to 5th Street
Elm Street from 9th Street to 5th Street
Pecan Street 9th Street to 7th Street
7th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street
7th Street from Bolivar Street to Elm Street
6th Street from Peach Street to 5th Street
Plum Street from 10th Street to 5th Street
Church Street from 10th Street to I35 Service Road
Bolivar Street from I35 Service Road to 5th Street
6 th Street from Elm Street to Cherry Street (added during the
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TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development
Economic Development Updates Provided by Economic Development Director Shani Bradshaw.
AGENDA TYPE: Work Session
ACTION REQUESTED: Other: Presentation
Economic Development Update Information on COVID19 Related Impact to Businesses and Update Regarding
Offer Made by the Texas Department of Transportation to Purchase 2,030 Acres for Highway RightOfWay Required
for the Construction and Improvements on IH35. Covid19 Retail Impact Analysis and a Sanger Survey is attached.
Description Upload Date Type
Sanger Survey 5/1/2020 Cover Memo
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Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey1 / 116.90%417.24%103.45%210.34%612.07%715.52%934.48%20Q1 Please estimate the decrease in revenue that your business hasexperienced due to COVID-19 since March 1, 2020.Answered: 58 Skipped: 1TOTAL580%1-10%11-20%21-40%41-60%61-80%81-100%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSES0%1-10%11-20%21-40%41-60%61-80%81-100%Page 46
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey2 / 1191.38%538.62%50.00%00.00%00.00%00.00%0Q2 How many employees do you have?Answered: 58 Skipped: 1TOTAL58Under 2526-7576-125126-250251-500500 or more0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESUnder 2526-7576-125126-250251-500500 or morePage 47
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey3 / 1139.66%2322.41%1332.76%1955.17%3217.24%108.62%5Q3 How are you engaging and educating your customers on COVID-19information? (Check all that apply.)Answered: 58 Skipped: 1Total Respondents: 58 EmailIn-personSigns in yourfacilitySocial mediaNot applicableOther (pleasespecify)0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESEmailIn-personSigns in your facilitySocial mediaNot applicableOther (please specify)Page 48
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey4 / 1129.31%1720.69%1220.69%1217.24%1034.48%2031.03%183.45%2Q4 How are you engaging and educating your employees on COVID-19information? (Check all that apply.)Answered: 58 Skipped: 1Total Respondents: 58 EmailSigns in yourfacilitySocial mediaTeleconferenceTraining (inperson)Not applicableOther (pleasespecify)0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESEmailSigns in your facilitySocial mediaTeleconferenceTraining (in person)Not applicableOther (please specify)Page 49
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey5 / 11Q5 What is your industry?Answered: 59 Skipped: 0Arts &entertainmentAviation andaerospaceData centerFood productionHealthcareHospitalityand tourism...ManufacturingOil and gasProfessionalservices...RetailServiceprovider...Transportationand logisticsOther (pleasespecify)0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Page 50
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey6 / 118.47%51.69%10.00%08.47%55.08%38.47%50.00%01.69%130.51%1810.17%613.56%81.69%110.17%6TOTAL59ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESArts & entertainmentAviation and aerospaceData centerFood productionHealthcareHospitality and tourism (bars, restaurants, event spaces, etc)ManufacturingOil and gasProfessional services (legal, banking, construction, accounting, real estate, finance, etc)RetailService provider (beauty, health/fitness/gyms, massage, etc)Transportation and logisticsOther (please specify)Page 51
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey7 / 1171.19%4252.54%3155.93%3311.86%7Q6 Where do you go to find information to inform your decisions regardingCOVID-19? (Check all that apply).Answered: 59 Skipped: 0Total Respondents: 59 TV or radionewsSocial mediaWebsiteOther (pleasespecify)0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESTV or radio newsSocial mediaWebsiteOther (please specify)Page 52
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey8 / 11Q7 How do you anticipate the closure of schools and/or daycare to impactyour business?Answered: 51 Skipped: 8Page 53
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey9 / 11Q8 Which of these areas are your most pressing concerns? (Pleaseselect only your top 5 choices)Answered: 58 Skipped: 1Businesscontinuity p...ChildcareFinancial -Debt reliefFinancial -Insurance fo...Financial -Payroll...Financial -Rent/lease/m...Financial -Revenue/cash...Financial -Taxes...Financial -Utility...Financial -Vehicle...Equipmentneeded (i.e....HR (i.e.medical...Vendor supplychain problemsEmployeewell-being0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Page 54
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey10 / 1118.97%113.45%234.48%206.90%431.03%1853.45%3175.86%4427.59%1644.83%2610.34%65.17%38.62%527.59%1646.55%27Total Respondents: 58 ANSWER CHOICESRESPONSESBusiness continuity plan helpChildcareFinancial - Debt reliefFinancial - Insurance for employeesFinancial - Payroll expensesFinancial - Rent/lease/mortgage expensesFinancial - Revenue/cash flowFinancial - Taxes (Property, liquor, etc.)Financial - Utility expenses (i.e. electric, water, phones, etc.)Financial - Vehicle expensesEquipment needed (i.e. food storage, tech to move processes online, etc.)HR (i.e. medical insurance, layoffs, policies)Vendor supply chain problemsEmployee well-beingPage 55
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey11 / 11Q9 What can the city, Chambers of Commerce, and businessassociations do to support the economic resiliency of Sanger businessesduring this time?Answered: 45 Skipped: 14Page 56
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey1 / 3Q7 How do you anticipate the closure of schools and/or daycare to impactyour business?Answered: 51 Skipped: 8Page 57
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey2 / 3#RESPONSESDATE1We are closed4/16/2020 4:43 PM2heavy4/7/2020 2:19 PM3It shouldnt4/1/2020 3:00 PM4Have been closed 2 weeks already3/28/2020 9:18 PM5Personally, I'm at home with my kids. My clients are home with theirs as well3/28/2020 7:15 PM6Not sure because I'm closed3/27/2020 4:54 PM7Working from home employees3/27/2020 1:14 PM8I do not know3/27/2020 12:00 PM9Not at all3/26/2020 10:22 PM10Going to hang on and work off of savings. Most everyone is in the same boat3/26/2020 10:15 PM11Not applicable3/26/2020 9:51 PM12Loss of client visits3/26/2020 8:42 PM13Have auto repair. No one bringing in their autos3/26/2020 6:38 PM14Some employees will have to work from home, possibly temporary paycut for everyone, ownerincluded3/26/2020 5:37 PM15Doesn’t3/26/2020 5:33 PM16N/A3/26/2020 4:52 PM17spring cleaning will be pushed back3/26/2020 4:49 PM18So far not affected3/26/2020 4:46 PM19No childcare, no employees able to work.3/26/2020 4:43 PM20Idk business is very slow3/26/2020 4:04 PM21no impact3/26/2020 3:50 PM22With stay at home order's; we are getting less customer's due to people being afraid to leavetheir home's. More people are cooking at home because of the fear of leaving their homes.3/26/2020 3:35 PM23not at all3/26/2020 3:35 PM24None3/26/2020 2:57 PM25The summer has started early and Summer is the low season in the industry3/26/2020 2:51 PM26Not affecting it3/26/2020 2:32 PM27Kids at home make it hard to conduct business3/26/2020 2:15 PM28Unsure3/26/2020 2:01 PM29Not sure3/26/2020 1:55 PM30No impact3/26/2020 1:41 PM31Our business has and will continue to drop drastically. The school district provides about 60%of our business.3/26/2020 1:25 PM32I am closed for now3/26/2020 1:24 PM33not3/26/2020 1:24 PM34We are closed so this doesn’t apply3/26/2020 1:12 PM3590% of employees will need to stay at home at least part time to care for kids or do homeschool.3/26/2020 12:59 PMPage 58
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey3 / 336It doesn't3/26/2020 12:34 PM37We expect a decrease in our sales overall, but significantly due to all sports activities beingcancelled. We do quite a bit of business feeding surrounding sports teams that are traveling foractivities.3/26/2020 12:29 PM38I really dont know other than parents not having the resources to go out and buy food for familyfrom a restaurant3/26/2020 11:49 AM39N.A3/26/2020 11:43 AM40Detrimental to our income stream. So far all school banquet and event orders have beencanceled. If this continues we will loose important graduation business too. We have earnedNOTHING in March and April orders are starting to be canceled.3/26/2020 11:41 AM41Pretty harshly!!3/26/2020 11:12 AM42No impact.3/26/2020 10:55 AM43I don't have any children in school but I do business with the district and now they aren't buyinganything.3/26/2020 10:54 AM44I OWN THE CHILDCARE CENTER AND CAN NOT PROVIDE QUALITY CARE WITH THERESTRICTIONS NOT SPECIFIC EXCLUDING CHILDCARE. AS A RESULT I HAD TOCLOSE.3/26/2020 10:49 AM45Internet is extremely slow about it.3/26/2020 10:46 AM46It’s making it difficult because several of my employees have kids. We’re having to do flexscheduling to make sure all our work is done and the parents can be home with kids.3/26/2020 10:44 AM47Volume has already significantly reduced3/26/2020 10:43 AM48Badly3/26/2020 10:38 AM49Unknown3/26/2020 10:24 AM50It won't3/26/2020 10:23 AM51sucks3/25/2020 9:38 PMPage 59
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey1 / 3Q9 What can the city, Chambers of Commerce, and businessassociations do to support the economic resiliency of Sanger businessesduring this time?Answered: 45 Skipped: 14Page 60
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey2 / 3#RESPONSESDATE1Financial assistance with bills4/16/2020 4:43 PM2Unknown3/28/2020 9:18 PM3Keep communication forthcoming for the community.3/28/2020 7:15 PM4I'm not sure I'm just praying this all starts working and we can get back to work3/27/2020 4:54 PM5Buy local3/27/2020 1:14 PM6I am not sure3/27/2020 12:00 PM7No3/26/2020 10:22 PM8Encourage property owners and banks to be patient with rent and payments. Maybe some foodassistance places3/26/2020 10:15 PM9I have no idea3/26/2020 9:51 PM10Keep businesses aware of financial assistance open to them3/26/2020 8:42 PM11Make store employees wear masks that fill help slow the spread3/26/2020 6:38 PM12More info on small business help. Lowering to no income will make it hard for people to spendmoney in our town3/26/2020 5:37 PM13I really don’t know3/26/2020 5:33 PM14I honestly don't know. They say stay at home, stay at home, but support your local restaurants.How can you stay at home and support your local restaurants? They don't all deliver.3/26/2020 4:52 PM15when this is over . help push local business . do a different high light every week on socialmedia . i’m sure the speaker would not let you wait till wednesday3/26/2020 4:49 PM16Keep businesses open as much as possible Most are doing a fantastic job of keepingemployees/ customers safe3/26/2020 4:46 PM17Free utility for 2-3 months3/26/2020 4:04 PM18Continue to communicate via social media, email, etc.. and inform resident's and otherbusiness which business's are still open.3/26/2020 3:35 PM19continue to provide links and info to resources available to businesses3/26/2020 3:35 PM20Continue to keep everyone updated with the latest and greatest information.3/26/2020 2:51 PM21See if there is another way we can keep our businesses going, after Covid-193/26/2020 2:32 PM22Be proactive on city growth. Realize the value of tourism today with COVID19 and in the future.3/26/2020 2:15 PM23Keep advocating for the well being of its people 1st and supporting small business 2nd3/26/2020 2:01 PM24Keep boosting moral and advertising businesses that are thinking of ways to work around thelimitations. For example curb side restaurants.3/26/2020 1:55 PM25Keep on truckin3/26/2020 1:41 PM26Continued support3/26/2020 1:25 PM27Advertising for all business in the city not just the downtown area3/26/2020 1:24 PM28I haven't looked, but it would be great for the chamber to get with all business in the area (thatare open) and individually promote them, any deals/specials they have going on to help themcontinue to build their businesses. Or possible share their pages on social media.3/26/2020 1:24 PM29Good question! If we don’t do business here there will be no $ to support city services andemployees. Can you put a moratorium on our utility bills for a bit?3/26/2020 1:12 PM30Specifically advise businesses of other adversities that are scheduled (road closures... specificdates). Support businesses that are compliant with government orders.3/26/2020 12:59 PM31Promote local sales for all of our small businesses.3/26/2020 12:34 PMPage 61
Sanger COVID-19 Business SurveySurveyMonkey3 / 332Specifically for restaurants, encourage people to continue to order drive-thru and take out food!3/26/2020 12:29 PM33Assure them that we are here for them and we will do all that is in our reach to keep them andus safe and healthy. Thank you3/26/2020 11:49 AM34It's too late to save the downtown businesses. The lack of support from the city and city councilhave ruined any chance of saving our businesses.3/26/2020 11:43 AM35I don't know3/26/2020 11:41 AM36Get Wifi for the students who do not have access The schools have given computers or ipadsbut if no access the students still can not do homework3/26/2020 11:18 AM37It would be super helpful if we could lighten up on these ultility bills! I feel like we are way overcharged anyway but if we could lighten that up or simply just not charge one for a couplemonths that would be super helpful that would be 300+ dollars a month we can put towardother bills3/26/2020 11:12 AM38I don't really have an answer for that. I office out of my home which is not within the city limitsbut if everyone kept on buying, maybe in smaller amounts, then we could all keep moving theeconomy just in a slower motion. I'm just worried about paying bills in the near future.3/26/2020 10:54 AM39HELP ENCOURAGE ENROLLMENT WHEN ABLE TO OPEN.3/26/2020 10:49 AM40No clue3/26/2020 10:44 AM41reduction in utility costs at this time would be greatly appreciated!3/26/2020 10:43 AM42Help us in finding financial aid to keep businesses alive during this pandemic3/26/2020 10:38 AM43Place a hold on utility Bill's. Advertise and promote each business in town. Have a fund readyto help each business in town.3/26/2020 10:24 AM44Send out links to companies Social Media accounts, Emphasize that businesses are availableonline and can offer shipping or no contact delivery locally3/26/2020 10:23 AM45Relief for small business is my biggest concern. Having to cancel all jobs for 2 to 4 weeks andrelying on savings that will evaporate very quickly as utilities are still due and I see no relieffrom utility companies. Water bills due, Electric bills due, groceries have to be bought. We needsome assistance on bills3/26/2020 10:05 AMPage 62
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Tracy LaPiene, City Engineer
FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendment 1 to the
Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company , Dallas, LLC for FM 455 Water and Wastewater
Utilities Relocations
AGENDA TYPE: Work Session
On 12/03/2018, the City had executed a contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC for
Engineering services associated with FM 455 Water and Wastewater Utility Relocations necessary due to the TXDOT
FM 455 project.
The Original Contract project description consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipelines,
pipeline replacements or relocations at numerous locations along the FM 455 where utility conflicts with the proposed
TxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional “required” utility relocations were discovered necessary to
facilitate the FM 455 design and construction.
Additionally, several “betterment” water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency and
resilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City’s Water Master Plan
documents. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designed and bid as additive alternate bids, with
the City’s discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemed acceptable and desirable by the City.
Addendum 1 to this agreement shall provide for additional scope of work for the increased required water and
wastewater utilities as well as the betterment water utilities.
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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.a.AGENDA MEETING DATE: May 4, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Tracy LaPiene, City EngineerITEM/CAPTION:FM 455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA Amendment 1Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendment 1 to theEngineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company , Dallas, LLC for FM 455 Water and WastewaterUtilities RelocationsAGENDA TYPE: Work SessionACTION REQUESTED: Presentation BACKGROUND:On 12/03/2018, the City had executed a contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas, LLC forEngineering services associated with FM 455 Water and Wastewater Utility Relocations necessary due to the TXDOTFM 455 project.The Original Contract project description consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of new water and sewer pipelines,pipeline replacements or relocations at numerous locations along the FM 455 where utility conflicts with the proposedTxDOT improvements. Since then, numerous additional “required” utility relocations were discovered necessary tofacilitate the FM 455 design and construction.Additionally, several “betterment” water pipelines may be needed to provide for improved operational efficiency andresilience, to foster proposed new development within the city limits, and comply with the City’s Water Master Plandocuments. The proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designed and bid as additive alternate bids, withthe City’s discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemed acceptable and desirable by the City.Addendum 1 to this agreement shall provide for additional scope of work for the increased required water andwastewater utilities as well as the betterment water utilities.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:
Body of agreement remains the same. Addendum modifies Scope of Work.
Increase of $88,070.00
This project shall be funded through the Enterprise Fund.
Staff recommends approval of Regular Agenda Item.
Description Upload Date Type
FM455 Util Reloc PSA Dannenbaum Amendment 1 4/27/2020 Exhibit
FM455 Utility Relocation Dannenbaum PSA (Executed 201812
03)4/27/2020 Exhibit
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DEC # 514301
(City of Sanger, DEC Project # 514301)
“Agreement”) is for additional Professional Engineering Services for Construction
Administration (the “Addendum”) is by and between the City of Sanger (the “Owner”)
and Dannenbaum Engineering Company, Dallas LLC (“Engineer”), to be effective the
____th day of May, 2020.
WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer originally entered into an Agreement for
Professional Engineering Services, dated December 3, 2018 (the “Agreement”) to
perform certain professional design services required; and
WHEREAS, the Owner and Engineer now desire to amend the original
Agreement to support Construction Administrative Service during the construction of the
Utility Relocation in Advance of the TxDOT FM 455 Improvement project as reflected
NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner and Engineer, in consideration of the mutual
covenants and agreements herein contained, do mutually agree as follows:
1. See Exhibit “C” for Additional Scope of Work –
a. Additional design and bidding expenses for adding 11,772 LF of
pipelines and related appurtenances to the original Scope of Services.
The Basis of Payment shall be amended and made a part of the
Agreement for all purposes. This additional cost include Sub
consultant survey costs, printing costs and travel reimbursement of
expense, not to exceed $88,070.00
Attest: Approved By City of Sanger
_____________________________ _____________________________
Cheryl Price, City Secretary Thomas Muir
Approved as to Form Approved By Dannenbaum Engineering Company,
And Legality Dallas LLC
______________________________ ________________________
City Attorney Johan Petterson, PE Vice President
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DEC # 514301
Basis of Payment – Lump Sum Basis based upon attached work breakdown schedule
The lump sum shall be equal to the maximum amount payable and based on an approved work
breakdown schedule and Level of Effort proposal. The lump sum includes all direct and indirect
costs and fixed fee. The ENGINEER shall be paid pro rata based on the percentage of work
completed and per the provided draw schedule (if applicable). For payment, the ENGINEER is
not required to provide evidence of actual hours worked, travel, overhead rates or other evidence
of cost.
Exhibit “C” Additional Scope of Work for the Utility Relocation in Advance of the TxDOT FM
455 Improvement
Exhibit “D” Work Breakdown Schedule
Page 66
DEC # 514301
Exhibit C
Additional Scope of Work
FM 455 Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocation
Project Description: The Original Contract project description consisted of approximately 12,000 LF of
new water and sewer pipelines, pipeline replacements or relocations at numerous locations along the
FM 455 where utility conflicts with the proposed TxDOT improvements. Since then, the numerous
additional required utility relocations were discovered to facilitate the FM 455 design and construction.
Additionally, several betterment water pipelines were determined to be needed to foster proposed new
development within the city limits and comply with the City’s Water Master Plan documents. The
proposed Water Betterment improvements will be designed and bid as additive alternate bids, with the
City’s discretion for accepting the additive alternatives if deemed acceptable and desirable by the City.
The Original Scope of Work is amended to include:
Additional 6,609 LF of Required Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocations & Improvements -various
locations and sizes of pipelines and related appurtenances.
Additional 3,963 LF of Betterment Water Improvements and related appurtenances
Additional 1,200 LF of Required Water Relocations along the IH 35 Bridge Corridor.
The Original General Scope of Services phases and tasks description are to remain the same yet
amended to include the added 11,772 LF (6,609 + 3,963 + 1,200) of pipelines.
Page 67
Original Scope of Work= 12,000 LF = Assumed conflicts
Current Scope of Work= 23,772 LF = Required + Betterment
Scope Creep = ∆ of original to current = 11,772 LF
Scope Creep = 98.1% increase from original scope
Added scope for IH 35 Bridge - 1,200LF of 11,772 LF creep =10.2%City of Sanger
FM 455 Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocation
Task No. Task Name
Principal In
Asst. Total for Task
3.1 Design Field Survey 2 2
3.2 Design Data 2 8 1
3.3 Special Design Structures 1 16 1
3.4 Final P&S (90%) 12 124
3.4.1 Preliminary Traffic Control Plan 3 12 16
3.0 Total 0 0 20 12 166 2 24,760.00$ 24,760$
4 Phase 4 Design
4.1 Final Design Plans and Specs (100%)20 16
4.2 Detailed OPCC 4 2 1
4.3 Pavement design 2 4
4.3.1 Traffic Control Plan / TxDOT UIR Permit 16 8
4.3.2 Construction Phasing Plans 2 4 6
4.4 Cover sheet and final walk thru 4 1 8 1
4.0 Total 0 0 30 23 44 2 14,290.00$ 14,290$
5 Phase 5
5.1 Final Approval of Plans and Specs 2 4 8 1 6
5.2 Bidding Assistance 4 8 8
5.3 Prebid Conference 4 8 2
5.4 Recommendation of award/ City Council 1 4 8 4
TxDOT Utility Reimbursement Coordination
5.5 TxDOT Utility Coordination 24 16 2
5.6 Identify Eligible / Non-Eligible Utilities 2 16 48
5.7 TxDOT Utility Exhibits 2 16 32
5.8 TxDOT Utility Affadavits 6 8 4 4
5.9 TxDOT / City of Sanger Coordination 12 12
5.9.1 TxDOT Reimbursment Agreement 24 16 12 4
5.0 Total 1 2 86 116 97 30 48,360.00$ 48,360$
TOTAL of HOURS 1 2 136 151 307 34
Hourly Rate 305 305 180 160 115 75
SUMMARY ENGINEERING DESIGN FEE $305 $610 $24,480 $24,160 $35,305 $2,550 87,410.00$ 87,410$
Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) -$
SUE (The Rios Group) -$
Survey and Esmt Prep. (Spooner & Assoc) -$
Printing Costs $300 330$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses $300 330$
Total for Subs and ODC 660$
Draft Fee Proposal and Work Breakdown Detail
Total Added Scope of Work
Added IH 35 Bridge at 10.2%
Additional Scope of Work
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Original Scope of Work= 12,000 LF
Original IH 35 Bridge Portion = 685 LF or 5.7% of Original Scope of Work
Added Scope on Frontage Rd of 1,200 LF of 12" water was not part of original scope.City of Sanger
FM 455 Water and Sanitary Sewer Relocation
Task No. Task Name
In Charge
Senior Structural
Asst.GIS Total for Task
1 GENERAL- Phase 1
1.1 Preliminary Conference & Data Gathering 1 1 1 18.00$
1.2 Coordination with Outside Agencies 1 4 8 2 200.00$
1.3 Geotechnical Investigations 1 2 34.00$
1.4 Field Survey 2 4 8 324.00$
1.5 Land Rights Assistance 2 4 4 196.00$
1.6 Project Mgmt & Permits 1 8 8 4 8 2 272.00$
1.7 QA/QC 2 2 4 1 2 1 132.00$
1.8 Plan Submital 1 2 4 8 8 324.00$
1.9 Meetings 1 2 4 1 4 196.00$
1.0 Total 4 2 24 39 2 32 17 3 1,696.00$
2 Phase 2 Design
2.1 ROW, Easement and Land Acquisition 4 1 4 2 1 152.00$
2.2 Utility Coordination/ SUE 4 1 4 152.00$
2.3 Conceptual Plans (30%) 2 40 40 8 128 1 1 4,816.00$
2.0 Total 0 2 48 42 8 136 3 2 5,120.00$
3 Phase 3 Design
3.1 Design Field Survey 2 4 2 132.00$
3.2 Design Data 2 4 2 8 1 2 324.00$
3.3 Special Design Structures 1 4 8 16 1 578.00$
3.4 Final P&S (90%) 1 24 24 120 4,272.00$
3.4.1 Preliminary Traffic Control Plan 3 12 16 1 710.00$
3.0 Total 1 0 32 48 10 162 2 3 6,016.00$
4 Phase 4 Design
4.1 Final Design Plans and Specs (100%)12 48 4 96 4 2 3,864.00$
4.2 Detailed OPCC 1 2 4 2 2 1 132.00$
4.3 Pavement design 1 2 4 162.00$
4.3.1 Traffic Control Plan / TxDOT UIR Permit 4 16 32 1,288.00$
4.3.2 Construction Phasing Plans 8 8 16 656.00$
4.4 Cover sheet and final walk thru 1 2 8 8 1 388.00$
4.0 Total 2 0 29 86 6 158 6 2 6,490.00$
5 Phase 5
5.1 Final Approval of Plans and Specs 1 2 4 8 1 6 168.00$
5.2 Bidding Assistance 4 8 1 8 2 136.00$
5.3 Prebid Conference 1 4 8 2 136.00$
5.4 Recommendation of award 1 1 4 8 4 136.00$
TxDOT Utility Reimbursement Coordination
5.5 TxDOT Utility Coordination 24 16 2 304.00$
5.6 Identify Eligible / Non-Eligible Utilities 2 16 48 1,796.00$
5.7 TxDOT Utility Exhibits 2 16 32 1,284.00$
5.8 TxDOT Utility Affadavits 6 8 4 4 268.00$
5.9 TxDOT / City of Sanger Coordination 12 12 216.00$
5.9.1 TxDOT Reimbursment Agreement 24 16 12 4 688.00$
5.0 Total 3 3 86 116 1 97 30 2 5,132.00$
TOTAL of HOURS 10 7 219 331 27 585 58 12 1,249
Hourly Rate 305 305 180 160 155 115 75 110
SUMMARY ENGINEERING DESIGN FEE $3,050 $2,135 $39,420 $52,960 $4,185 $67,275 $4,350 $1,320 174,695.00$
Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) $15,320 16,852$
SUE (The Rios Group) $25,000 27,500$
Survey and Esmt Prep. (Spooner & Assoc) $10,000 11,000$
Printing Costs $300 330$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses $300 330$
Total for Subs and ODC 56,012$
Grand Total Original Fee 230,707$
IH 35 Share of Original Cost@ 5.7% 13,150$
22,133$ Total Cost of Design for IH 35
Draft Fee Proposal and Work Breakdown Detail
IH 35 of scope creep
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