08/17/2020-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
7:00 PM
1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.
(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues
brought up during this section.)
a.Proclamation Declaring August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx Day
Proclamation #08022020 Proclaiming August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx Day
In Recognition Of The Retirement Of Police Chief Curtis R. Amyx And His 35 Years of Dedicated
and Honorable Service to the Citizens of Sanger.
a.Approval of Minutes
1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 08032020
Approve Minutes For The August 3, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting.
b.Board and Commission Appointments
Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board:
Debra Reaves Place 4
Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on Library Board:
Suzanne Sellers Place 2
5.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.
Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed
Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code:
a.Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorneys
Reconvene Into Regular Session And Take Any Action Deemed Necessary As A Result Of
The Executive Closed Session.
Page 1
AGENDACITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, AUGUST 17, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREET, SANGER, TEXASSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)3.PROCLAMATION:a.Proclamation Declaring August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx DayProclamation #08022020 Proclaiming August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx DayIn Recognition Of The Retirement Of Police Chief Curtis R. Amyx And His 35 Years of Dedicatedand Honorable Service to the Citizens of Sanger.4.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 08032020Approve Minutes For The August 3, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting. b.Board and Commission AppointmentsAppoint Board Member to Vacant Position on (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board:Debra Reaves Place 4Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on Library Board:Suzanne Sellers Place 25.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.6.EXECUTIVE SESSION:Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a ClosedExecutive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code:a.Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorneys7.RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING:Reconvene Into Regular Session And Take Any Action Deemed Necessary As A Result Of
The Executive Closed Session.
8.TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order: Wastewater
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order for Wastewater.
9.Resolution No. 081120 Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 081120 Approving a Sanger Strong
Business Relief Grant Program that will Provide Economic Relief to Sanger Small Businesses
Affected by COVID19.
10.Discuss and Set Proposed Tax Rate and Set Public Hearings on Tax Rate and Budget
Discuss Tax Rate, Take Record Vote on Tax Rate, and Consider Approving Resolution #081220
Establishing the Date, Time, and Place for the Public Hearings on the Tax Rate and Budget.
a.All American Dogs Report
All American Dogs Report July 2020
b.Atmos Energy Rider GCR
Atmos Energy Rider GCR August 2020 Data
(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they
wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice
has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may
be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a
subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council
or at the call of the Mayor).
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
August 14, 2020 at 11:15 a.m.
Cheryl Price City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
Page 2
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Jeriana Staton Director of Human Resources
Proclamation Declaring August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx Day
Proclamation #08022020 Proclaiming August 17, 2020 Chief Curtis R. Amyx Day In Recognition Of The
Retirement Of Police Chief Curtis R. Amyx And His 35 Years of Dedicated and Honorable Service to the Citizens of
AGENDA TYPE: Presentation
See Attached Proclamation declaring August 17, 2020 Curtis R. Amyx Day
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Proclamation 08022020 Curtis R Amyx Day 8/14/2020 Cover Memo
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AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 08032020
Approve Minutes For The August 3, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting.
AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda
Attached for City Council review are the minutes for the August 3, 2020 City Council Meeting.
Description Upload Date Type
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 080320 8/14/2020 Cover Memo
Page 5
7:00 PM
Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;
Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark; Councilmember Allen Chick.
City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Development Services Ramie
Hammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Police Officer Josh Bishop.
1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.
There being a quorum, Mayor Muir called the August 3, 202 Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The Pledge of Alligence was led by
Councilmember Clark.
There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak.
a.Approval of Minutes
1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 072020
Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from the July 20, 2020 Meeting.
A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion to approve carried unanimously (50
4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.
No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.
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MINUTESCITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, AUGUST 3, 20207:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark; Councilmember Allen Chick.COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Development Services RamieHammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Police Officer Josh Bishop.1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a quorum, Mayor Muir called the August 3, 202 Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The Pledge of Alligence was led byCouncilmember Clark.2.CITIZEN INPUT:There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. 3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 072020Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from the July 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion to approve carried unanimously (50vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.
5.Indian Springs Replat
Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the Indian
Springs Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres, and Generally
Located North of Duck Creek Rd and Approximately 740 West of the Intersection of Tejas Dr and
Caddo Tr.
Mayor Muir read the agenda item description and opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Director
of Development Services Ramie Hammonds was recognized and provided a summary. This is a
request for two lots to be platted into one lot for residential use in the Indian Springs Subdivision.
The property was originally platted as two residential lots. The applicant is requesting to combine
the lots to be able to build an accessory accessory building. They have corrected the plat and
included drainage easements on the plat. Staff sent out fifteen (15) public hearing notices to the
owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject. property. One (1) response was received back
in favor of the application. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this replat (50) with the
condition that all staff comments were satisfied. The applicant has met all staff items and staff
recommends approval.
Mayor Muir noted that this is a public hearing and solicited citizens who wished to speak on the
public hearing item. There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. There being no
public input, the public hearing was closed at 7:04 p.m.
Councilmember Clark asked why they were replatting. Ms. Hammonds noted that they desired to
construct an accessory building and could not build an accessory structure on a lot without a main
structure. She noted that in order to have an accessory bu8ilding you have to have a main structure
on the lot and that this prevents the City from having lots with just accessory buildings on them.
There was additional discussion regarding the orientation of the accessory building on the lot,and if it
would have a driveway. Also discussed was the type of material the building would be constructed
with. Ms. Hammonds noted that according to the new state law we can not mandate any type of
building material; that if it is allowed by the building code it is allowed.
A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the Indian
Springs Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres and Generally
located north of Duck Creek Road and approximately 740 feet west of the intersection of Tejas
Drive and Caddo Trail. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The motion carried
unanimously (50 vote).
6.PSA Belcheff & Associates, Inc. OnCall Engineering Services
Consider, Discuss And Possibly Act To Approve A Professional Services Agreement With Belcheff
& Associates, Inc. For City Engineering Department Support Services And Authorize Mayor to
Execute Agreement.
Tracy LaPiene was recognized to summarize. He noted the history of Request for Qualifications for
Engineering Services. He advised that Belcheff and Associates has also been utilized by the City and
that they have provided excellent service. This is a request that Belcheff Associates be considered
as a candidate to provide engineering services to the City on an hourly basis. The services will be
paid for (reimbursed) by the developers submitting projects. Mr. LaPiene noted that he would be
submitting a new Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services next year, after future capital
improvement projects and development review needs are future analyzed.
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MINUTESCITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, AUGUST 3, 20207:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark; Councilmember Allen Chick.COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Development Services RamieHammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Police Officer Josh Bishop.1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a quorum, Mayor Muir called the August 3, 202 Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The Pledge of Alligence was led byCouncilmember Clark.2.CITIZEN INPUT:There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. 3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 072020Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from the July 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion to approve carried unanimously (50vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA5.Indian Springs ReplatConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the IndianSprings Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres, and GenerallyLocated North of Duck Creek Rd and Approximately 740 West of the Intersection of Tejas Dr andCaddo Tr.Mayor Muir read the agenda item description and opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Directorof Development Services Ramie Hammonds was recognized and provided a summary. This is arequest for two lots to be platted into one lot for residential use in the Indian Springs Subdivision. The property was originally platted as two residential lots. The applicant is requesting to combinethe lots to be able to build an accessory accessory building. They have corrected the plat andincluded drainage easements on the plat. Staff sent out fifteen (15) public hearing notices to theowners of properties within 200 feet of the subject. property. One (1) response was received backin favor of the application. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this replat (50) with thecondition that all staff comments were satisfied. The applicant has met all staff items and staffrecommends approval. Mayor Muir noted that this is a public hearing and solicited citizens who wished to speak on thepublic hearing item. There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. There being nopublic input, the public hearing was closed at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember Clark asked why they were replatting. Ms. Hammonds noted that they desired toconstruct an accessory building and could not build an accessory structure on a lot without a mainstructure. She noted that in order to have an accessory bu8ilding you have to have a main structureon the lot and that this prevents the City from having lots with just accessory buildings on them. There was additional discussion regarding the orientation of the accessory building on the lot,and if itwould have a driveway. Also discussed was the type of material the building would be constructedwith. Ms. Hammonds noted that according to the new state law we can not mandate any type ofbuilding material; that if it is allowed by the building code it is allowed. A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the IndianSprings Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres and Generallylocated north of Duck Creek Road and approximately 740 feet west of the intersection of TejasDrive and Caddo Trail. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The motion carriedunanimously (50 vote).6.PSA Belcheff & Associates, Inc. OnCall Engineering ServicesConsider, Discuss And Possibly Act To Approve A Professional Services Agreement With Belcheff& Associates, Inc. For City Engineering Department Support Services And Authorize Mayor toExecute Agreement.Tracy LaPiene was recognized to summarize. He noted the history of Request for Qualifications forEngineering Services. He advised that Belcheff and Associates has also been utilized by the City andthat they have provided excellent service. This is a request that Belcheff Associates be consideredas a candidate to provide engineering services to the City on an hourly basis. The services will bepaid for (reimbursed) by the developers submitting projects. Mr. LaPiene noted that he would besubmitting a new Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services next year, after future capital
improvement projects and development review needs are future analyzed.
There was lengthy discussion regarding engineering services; the current workload; and
requirements for a Request for Qualifications. Mr. LaPiene advised that he feels comfortable with
Belcheff and Associates as they have come up with similar comments on previous projects. It was
also noted that fees could not be requested during a RFQ request for engineering services and
concern was noted that the costs may be prohibitive for some people who were bringing in the
smaller developments. Mr. LaPiene noted that he would likely do the smaller items himself inhouse
and not sent them out.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve A Professional Services Agreement with
Belcheff & Associates , Inc. for City Engineering Department Support Services and authorize Mayor
to execute agreement. Councilmember Chick asked if this excludes the other firms which are
currently on the list and it was noted that it did not. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Chick. The motion carried unanimously (50 vote).
7.Ordinance 082120 Revising Ordinance 072020 Calling ,Ordering and Notice of Election
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance No. 082120 Revising Ordinance No. 0720
20 Ordering a General Election To Be Held Jointly With Other Denton County Political Subdivisions
For The Purpose of Electing A Mayor and Two (2) City Council Members: City Council Member
Place 2 and City Council Member Place 4; Designating Locations Of Polling Places; Providing For
Dates, Times, and Places for Voting and Early Voting By Personal Appearance; Providing Deadline
For Application for Ballot By Mail; Ordering Notices of Election To be Posted and Published; And,
Providing For An Effective Date.
Mayor Muir summarized the agenda item and noted that this ordinance was approved at the last
meeting; however, the Governor issued a Proclamation suspending certain statutes concerning
Elections on July 27th, 2020 which basically extended the early voting period by a week and adding
additional hours to allow citizens more opportunity to vote. Also, it expanded the in person delivery
for Mail Ballots up until the close of business on Election day if delivered in person directly to the
Denton County Election Administrator at 701 Kimberly Drive Suite A111, Denton Texas. City
Secretary Cheryl Price also noted that if a citizen does not early vote they will have to vote at
their precinct noted on shier voter registration card on November 3rd, 2020 and noted two (2) of
the precinct locations are listed in the Ordinance with one location to be determined by Denton
County Elections..
A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance No. 082120 revising
Ordinance No. 072020 Ordering a General Election to be held jointly with other Denton County
Political Subdivisions for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two (2) City Council Members: City
Council Member Place 2 and City Council Member Place 4; Designating locations of polling places;
providing for dates, times, and places for voting and early voting by personal appearance; Providing
deadline for application for Ballot By Mail; Ordering Notices of Election To be posted and
published; And, providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Clark. Mayor Muir summarized details in the Ordinance regarding the new voting dates, times and
precincts for the November 3rd, 2020 General Election. The motion carried unanimously (50
Mayor Muir noted that staff attended the Chamber monthly meeting and there was a vote to
postpone the Sanger Sellabration to October 31st to match up with Safe Spook. If they cannot have
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MINUTESCITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMONDAY, AUGUST 3, 20207:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilmember Marissa Barrett;Councilmember Dennis Dillon; Councilmember David Clark; Councilmember Allen Chick.COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None.STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Development Services RamieHammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; Police Officer Josh Bishop.1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.There being a quorum, Mayor Muir called the August 3, 202 Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The Pledge of Alligence was led byCouncilmember Clark.2.CITIZEN INPUT:There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. 3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 072020Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from the July 20, 2020 Meeting.A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Themotion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion to approve carried unanimously (50vote). 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA5.Indian Springs ReplatConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the IndianSprings Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres, and GenerallyLocated North of Duck Creek Rd and Approximately 740 West of the Intersection of Tejas Dr andCaddo Tr.Mayor Muir read the agenda item description and opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Directorof Development Services Ramie Hammonds was recognized and provided a summary. This is arequest for two lots to be platted into one lot for residential use in the Indian Springs Subdivision. The property was originally platted as two residential lots. The applicant is requesting to combinethe lots to be able to build an accessory accessory building. They have corrected the plat andincluded drainage easements on the plat. Staff sent out fifteen (15) public hearing notices to theowners of properties within 200 feet of the subject. property. One (1) response was received backin favor of the application. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved this replat (50) with thecondition that all staff comments were satisfied. The applicant has met all staff items and staffrecommends approval. Mayor Muir noted that this is a public hearing and solicited citizens who wished to speak on thepublic hearing item. There were no citizens who came forward wishing to speak. There being nopublic input, the public hearing was closed at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember Clark asked why they were replatting. Ms. Hammonds noted that they desired toconstruct an accessory building and could not build an accessory structure on a lot without a mainstructure. She noted that in order to have an accessory bu8ilding you have to have a main structureon the lot and that this prevents the City from having lots with just accessory buildings on them. There was additional discussion regarding the orientation of the accessory building on the lot,and if itwould have a driveway. Also discussed was the type of material the building would be constructedwith. Ms. Hammonds noted that according to the new state law we can not mandate any type ofbuilding material; that if it is allowed by the building code it is allowed. A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve the Replat of Lot 5 and 6 of the IndianSprings Estates Phase Two Addition, within the City of Sanger Being 1.746 Acres and Generallylocated north of Duck Creek Road and approximately 740 feet west of the intersection of TejasDrive and Caddo Trail. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Clark. The motion carriedunanimously (50 vote).6.PSA Belcheff & Associates, Inc. OnCall Engineering ServicesConsider, Discuss And Possibly Act To Approve A Professional Services Agreement With Belcheff& Associates, Inc. For City Engineering Department Support Services And Authorize Mayor toExecute Agreement.Tracy LaPiene was recognized to summarize. He noted the history of Request for Qualifications forEngineering Services. He advised that Belcheff and Associates has also been utilized by the City andthat they have provided excellent service. This is a request that Belcheff Associates be consideredas a candidate to provide engineering services to the City on an hourly basis. The services will bepaid for (reimbursed) by the developers submitting projects. Mr. LaPiene noted that he would besubmitting a new Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services next year, after future capitalimprovement projects and development review needs are future analyzed. There was lengthy discussion regarding engineering services; the current workload; andrequirements for a Request for Qualifications. Mr. LaPiene advised that he feels comfortable withBelcheff and Associates as they have come up with similar comments on previous projects. It wasalso noted that fees could not be requested during a RFQ request for engineering services andconcern was noted that the costs may be prohibitive for some people who were bringing in thesmaller developments. Mr. LaPiene noted that he would likely do the smaller items himself inhouseand not sent them out. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve A Professional Services Agreement withBelcheff & Associates , Inc. for City Engineering Department Support Services and authorize Mayorto execute agreement. Councilmember Chick asked if this excludes the other firms which arecurrently on the list and it was noted that it did not. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberChick. The motion carried unanimously (50 vote). 7.Ordinance 082120 Revising Ordinance 072020 Calling ,Ordering and Notice of ElectionConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance No. 082120 Revising Ordinance No. 072020 Ordering a General Election To Be Held Jointly With Other Denton County Political SubdivisionsFor The Purpose of Electing A Mayor and Two (2) City Council Members: City Council MemberPlace 2 and City Council Member Place 4; Designating Locations Of Polling Places; Providing ForDates, Times, and Places for Voting and Early Voting By Personal Appearance; Providing DeadlineFor Application for Ballot By Mail; Ordering Notices of Election To be Posted and Published; And,Providing For An Effective Date.Mayor Muir summarized the agenda item and noted that this ordinance was approved at the lastmeeting; however, the Governor issued a Proclamation suspending certain statutes concerningElections on July 27th, 2020 which basically extended the early voting period by a week and addingadditional hours to allow citizens more opportunity to vote. Also, it expanded the in person deliveryfor Mail Ballots up until the close of business on Election day if delivered in person directly to theDenton County Election Administrator at 701 Kimberly Drive Suite A111, Denton Texas. CitySecretary Cheryl Price also noted that if a citizen does not early vote they will have to vote attheir precinct noted on shier voter registration card on November 3rd, 2020 and noted two (2) ofthe precinct locations are listed in the Ordinance with one location to be determined by DentonCounty Elections..A motion was made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance No. 082120 revisingOrdinance No. 072020 Ordering a General Election to be held jointly with other Denton CountyPolitical Subdivisions for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two (2) City Council Members: CityCouncil Member Place 2 and City Council Member Place 4; Designating locations of polling places;providing for dates, times, and places for voting and early voting by personal appearance; Providingdeadline for application for Ballot By Mail; Ordering Notices of Election To be posted andpublished; And, providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded by CouncilmemberClark. Mayor Muir summarized details in the Ordinance regarding the new voting dates, times andprecincts for the November 3rd, 2020 General Election. The motion carried unanimously (50vote).8.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:
Mayor Muir noted that staff attended the Chamber monthly meeting and there was a vote to
postpone the Sanger Sellabration to October 31st to match up with Safe Spook. If they cannot have
it on that date they may come to Council with a future agenda item Hotel Motel Tax and the
possibility of helping the Chamber with expenses so they can continue to move forward through this
pandemic. .
Councilmember Chick asked about the schedule on the budget and City Manager Alina Ciocan
provided an update.
Councilmember Chick noted that at the next work session that he would like to see an update on
personnel and an update on the status of the wastewater plant.
There being no further agenda items, Mayor Muir adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
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AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
Board and Commission Appointments
Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board:
Debra Reaves Place 4
Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on Library Board:
Suzanne Sellers Place 2
AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda
The (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board has one vacant position. Adding Debra Reaves will fill the vacant
Place 4 position.
The Library Board has two vacant positions. Adding Suzanne Sellers will fill the Vacant Place 2 position.
The applications for the board candidates will be provided to Council Members at the Council meeting.
With these two positions filled there is currently one vacancy on the Boards and Commission which is Place 5 on the
Library Board.
Page 10
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. b.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Cheryl Price, City SecretaryITEM/CAPTION:Board and Commission AppointmentsAppoint Board Member to Vacant Position on (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board:Debra Reaves Place 4Appoint Board Member to Vacant Position on Library Board:Suzanne Sellers Place 2AGENDA TYPE: Consent AgendaACTION REQUESTED: Approval BACKGROUND:The (4A) Sanger Industrial Development Board has one vacant position. Adding Debra Reaves will fill the vacantPlace 4 position. The Library Board has two vacant positions. Adding Suzanne Sellers will fill the Vacant Place 2 position. The applications for the board candidates will be provided to Council Members at the Council meeting. With these two positions filled there is currently one vacancy on the Boards and Commission which is Place 5 on theLibrary Board. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/A
Page 11
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order: Wastewater
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on TCEQ Proposed Agreed Order for Wastewater.
Page 12
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development
Resolution No. 081120 Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 081120 Approving a Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant
Program that will Provide Economic Relief to Sanger Small Businesses Affected by COVID19.
The Sanger Texas Development Corporation (4B) asked that Director Shani Bradshaw present a program that could
support small businesses in Sanger impacted by COVID19.
Legal has reviewed the Resolution and Grant Program.
$25,000 will be transferred from Community Projects to the Sanger Business Relief Grant program.
Pass Resolution No. 081120 approving the Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant program.
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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 9.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic DevelopmentITEM/CAPTION:Resolution No. 081120 Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant ProgramConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 081120 Approving a Sanger Strong Business Relief GrantProgram that will Provide Economic Relief to Sanger Small Businesses Affected by COVID19.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Resolution BACKGROUND:The Sanger Texas Development Corporation (4B) asked that Director Shani Bradshaw present a program that couldsupport small businesses in Sanger impacted by COVID19. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Legal has reviewed the Resolution and Grant Program. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:FUNDS:$25,000 will be transferred from Community Projects to the Sanger Business Relief Grant program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Pass Resolution No. 081120 approving the Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant program.
Description Upload Date Type
Resolution Approving the SSBR Program 8/10/2020 Cover Memo
Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program 8/10/2020 Cover Memo
Page 14
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Texas and Denton County, Texas on Tuesday,
March 17, 2020 and thereafter declared a local state of disaster due to public health emergency
and provide for shelter in home and closed many local businesses; and,
WHEREAS, a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Sanger businesses have been
and will continue to be adversely impacted as fewer and fewer people are able to patronize those
businesses; and
WHEREAS, the recent COVID-19 emergency has caused a major disruption and
significant damage to such activities; and
WHERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation (“STDC”) desire to mitigate the
impacts of these conditions through the adoption and implementation of a project entitled Sanger
Strong Business Grant Program (“Program”); and
WHERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation is empowered under Chapter
505 of the Local Government Code to dedicate funds to land, buildings, equipment, facilities,
expenditures, targeted infrastructure, and other improvements found to by the Board to promote
new or expanded business development, and the Board made that finding with respect to the
Program; and
WHERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation seeks to provide twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to the Sanger Strong Business Grant Program (“Project”).
Section 1. The City Council finds that the guidelines and criteria of the Program will
support existing businesses struggling through extraordinary economic conditions, thus
preserving the commercial tax base of the City and support continued employment of area
Section 2. The City Council hereby approves the expenditure of up to twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000) of funds from the Sanger Texas Economic Development Corporation
community projects fund for the Grant Program, and authorizes the Board to implement the
Page 15
Program in accordance with the guidelines and criteria outlined in the Program.
Section 3. The guidelines and criteria of the Program, having been reviewed by the City
Council of Sanger and found to be acceptable and in the best interest of the City and its citizens
and businesses, are hereby approved.
Section 4. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton
County, Texas, on this 17th day of August 2020.
Thomas E. Muir, Mayor
Cheryl Price, City Secretary
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The Sanger Texas Development Corporation (“STDC”) has established a Sanger Strong Business
Relief Grant program to assist small businesses located within the city limits of Sanger that are
experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s
Declaration of Public Health Disaster and Order of mandatory closings and service disruptions.
The grant program is specifically created to help small bu sinesses keep their workforce
employed, assist with payroll and other business operating expenses and keep Sanger businesses
open. It will provide funds to businesses without collateral requirements, personal guarantees,
and is an additional local option to State and Federal funding support.
Grant requests are for a minimum of $500 and maximum of up to $2,000.
To qualify for Grant funds, businesses that were listed as essential and non-essential in Governor
Abbott’s Disaster Declaration are eligible to apply for this grant if they meet the following:
1. Business must be in the city limits and have a physical location in Sanger, and have ongoing
local business operations accessible to the public.
2. Business must be able to demonstrate the negative impact of COVID-19, such as reduced
services operations, reduced revenues, or inability to pay employees.
3. Have been in operation a minimum of six months prior to S tay at Home orders being
issued on March 31, 2020.
4. Good financial standing prior to COVID-19.
5. Funds may not be used for Taxes currently due, Taxes past due, permits or city fees.
6. Home-based businesses and non-profit businesses are not eligible.
7. Limit one Grant per applicant (only one grant per business shall be awarded).
8. Businesses which did not receive assistance from the Small Business Administration,
CARES act, PPP or other grant program. If the applicant DID receive a loan or grant but
has determined that the awarded amount was not enough due to the longevity of
restriction to re-open, a grant may be requested. Documentation must be provided
which supports the amount of money received from the program.
9. Grant provides financial assistance and utilized by the business for one or more of the
o Payroll for employees still employed and working at the business
o Utility payments
Page 17
Page 2 of 5
o Business lease or mortgage payments
o Critical business needs as approved by the Grant oversight committee
Applicant must follow the procedures outlined below:
1. All business submittals shall include a Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement and proof
of Federal Tax ID. All documents shall be held in confidence with regards to the State
regulations as required for Type B projects formed under the authority granted in Chapter
505 of the Texas Local Government Code to promote business development. In accordance
with Section 552 of the Texas Government Code (Public Information Act), information and
documents related to this application may be subject to disclosure.
2. Maximum funding is limited to an amount to not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000)
per business; only one grant shall be awarded per business. All submittals are on a first
come, first serve basis and considered until all funds have been depleted. Allocations for
the Program have been limited to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in total grants.
3. The Application, upon approval of a Grant by the committee, shall serve as a Performance
Agreement between the Applicant and the Board, on behalf of the City.
4. All decisions are final and approved grants will be funded in accordance with state law.
5. Once a business has been awarded funding, the business owner must provide necessary
documentation of all invoices and proof of payment expenses before funds will be
received. Money orders, cancelled checks and credit card receipts from the business
account are the only acceptable proofs of payment. Cash payments and trade of
services/products are not an acceptable proof of payment.
6. The Sanger Texas Development Corporation has the right to terminate this agreement if:
1) a participant violates any conditions set forth in these approved guidelines; or, 2)
Applicant falsified information in application 3) Applicant changes the use of grant funds
listed in application.
7. Please hand deliver your package in a sealed envelope to the Director of Economic
Page 18
Page 3 of 5
1. General Information
Legal Name of Business(s):
Physical Address:
Business Owner(s):
Contact Phone: E-Mail:
Total Amount Request $ ($2,000 maximum – amount based on need)
2. Business Information
Are you the owner-operator of the business submitting this application? Y N
Number of Years in Business: Number of Years at current location:
Does the business have any liens, violations, pending legal action or bankruptcies affiliated with
it? Y N
If yes, please explain:
Physical presence in City: Y N Less than 25 FTE employees in Sanger: Y N
Reduced hours of operation: Y N Employee Reductions: Y N
Number of Full-Time Employees: Feb-2020 March-2020 Apr-2020
May-2020 June-2020 July-2020
Number of Part-Time Employees: Feb-2020 March-2020 Apr-2020
May-2020 June-2020 July-2020
Estimate Revenue then (07/2019) $ Estimated Expenses then (07/2019) $
Estimate Revenue now (07/2020) $ Estimated Expenses then (07/2020) $
3. Operational Expenses
Average Monthly Revenue: Average Monthly Expenses:
Compare Current estimated income ending on 07/31/2020 with your actual net income from
07/31/2019 (if you are new business, compare last quarter ending on 12/31/2019 to current).
Page 19
Page 4 of 5
Estimated Revenue then (07/2019) $ Estimated Expenses then (07/2019) $
Estimated Revenue now (07/2020) $ Estimated Expenses now (07/2020) $
Estimated financial loss due to COVID-19 $
Describe how COVID-19 mitigation recommendations and/or requirements have impacted your
Describe how these Grant funds will be used to assist your business:
4. Applicant Documentation Checklist
Applications Received Without All Documents will be Returned
Attach Completed Application
Attach Current Balance Sheet ending 07/31/2020
Attach Current Profit/Loss or Revenue/Expense Report 07/31/2020
Attach Last Year Balance Sheet ending 07/31/2019
Attach Last Year Profit/Loss or Revenue/Expense Report 07/31/2019
(if not in business on 07/2019 attach the last quarter reports ending 12/31/2019)
Attach completed W-9 form
5. Commitment
I certify that the information I have given is truthful and accurate to the best of my ability.
Financial information provided has not been manipulate to exaggerate the financial duress of this
business. I understand that the information submitted in this applicant will be shared with a
committee, comprised of individuals that will determine the allocation of funding to applicants.
I understand that the decision to whom the money will be granted is at the sole discretion of the
funding committee. I understand that if my organization is selected to receive funding, the Sanger
Strong Business Grant will have a check ready as soon as possible.
Signature Date
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Page 5 of 5
Please hand deliver your package in a sealed envelope to:
ATTN: Sanger Economic Development Director, Shani Bradshaw
201 Bolivar Street, Texas 76266
Via email to sbradshaw@sangertexas.org
If you have any questions, please contact 940-458-2059.
Page 21
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director
Discuss and Set Proposed Tax Rate and Set Public Hearings on Tax Rate and Budget
Discuss Tax Rate, Take Record Vote on Tax Rate, and Consider Approving Resolution #081220 Establishing the
Date, Time, and Place for the Public Hearings on the Tax Rate and Budget.
The City must set a Proposed Property Tax Rate for the upcoming budget year. Public hearings on the City's annual
budget and on the tax rate for the 20202021 year are required by the Texas Property Tax Code, Local Government Code,
and the City Charter. Resolution # 081220 sets the dates and times for the public hearings and a record vote must be
Staff recommends the City keep the same tax rate as the current and previous tax years ($0.6791/$100 valuation). A
motion must be made to set the proposed tax rate and a record vote must be taken.
Page 22
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 10.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Clayton Gray, Finance DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Discuss and Set Proposed Tax Rate and Set Public Hearings on Tax Rate and BudgetDiscuss Tax Rate, Take Record Vote on Tax Rate, and Consider Approving Resolution #081220 Establishing theDate, Time, and Place for the Public Hearings on the Tax Rate and Budget.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Resolution BACKGROUND:The City must set a Proposed Property Tax Rate for the upcoming budget year. Public hearings on the City's annualbudget and on the tax rate for the 20202021 year are required by the Texas Property Tax Code, Local Government Code,and the City Charter. Resolution # 081220 sets the dates and times for the public hearings and a record vote must betaken.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends the City keep the same tax rate as the current and previous tax years ($0.6791/$100 valuation). A
motion must be made to set the proposed tax rate and a record vote must be taken.
Staff recommends approval of Resolution #081220. A motion must be made to approve the Resolution and a record
vote must be taken.
Description Upload Date Type
Resolution #081220 8/13/2020 Cover Memo
Staff Memo and 2020 Tax Calculation Worksheet 8/13/2020 Cover Memo
Page 23
RESOLUTION #08-12-20
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed budget and tax rate prior to its adoption is
required by Section 102.065 of the Texas Local Government Code and Section 9.04 of the City of
Sanger Charter; and
WHEREAS, any taxpayer of the City of Sanger may attend and participate in all such
Section 1. That the findings set forth are hereby approved and adopted.
Section 2. That a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for FY 2020-21 and Tax
Rate is hereby set to be held on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. in the historic church
building located at 403 N 7th Street, Sanger, Texas 76266.
Section 3. That the City Secretary is directed to post and publish notice of the public
hearing on the budget as required by law.
Section 4. That the meeting at which this resolution was passed, was in compliance
with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
Section 5. That this Resolution shall become effective after its passage.
DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger,
Texas, on this 17th day of August, 2020.
Thomas E. Muir, Mayor
Cheryl Price, City Secretary
Page 24
To: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
From: Clayton Gray, Finance Director
Date: August 13, 2020
Re: 2020-21 Property Tax Rate
On Friday, July 24th, we received the Certified Totals from the Denton Central Appraisal District. On
Saturday, August 1st, we received the 2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet from Denton County. This
worksheet, which includes the City’s No-New-Revenue Rate, Voter-Approval Rate, and Di Minimis
Rate, is attached to this memo.
The No-New-Revenue Rate is the tax rate that generates the same revenues as last year’s
revenue for properties taxed in both years. Sanger’s No-New-Revenue Rate is $0.662164/$100
(line 26).
The Voter-Approval Rate is the highest tax rate that most entities may adopt before triggering
an automatic election in November. Sanger’s Voter-Approval Rate is $0.673039/$100 (line
The Di Minimis Rate is the No New Revenue Rate plus a rate that would equal $500,000
additional taxes for entities under 30,000 population. As we have discussed earlier, the Di
Minimis Rate is meant to add flexibility to tax revenues for growing cities like Sanger.
Sanger’s Di Minimis Rate is $0.718122/$100 (line 70).
The City’s tax rate for 2019 was $0.679100/$100, which is below the Di Minimis Rate. Keeping the
tax rate flat for 2020 would provide $342,631 (7.4%) more property tax revenues than last year’s budget.
Of that amount, $248,504 is tax revenue from new property added to the tax roll this year.
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
The NNR tax rate enables the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the prior year and for the
current year based on a tax rate that would produce the same amount of taxes (no new taxes) if applied to the
same properties that are taxed in both years. When appraisal values increase, the NNR tax rate should decrease.
The NNR tax rate for a county is the sum of the NNR tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies.
While uncommon, it is possible for a taxing unit to provide an exemption for only maintenance and operations
taxes. In this case, the taxing unit will need to calculate the NNR tax rate separately for the maintenance and
operations tax and the debt tax, then add the two components together.
1.2019 total taxable value. Enter the amount of 2019 taxable value on the 2019
tax roll today. Include any adjustments since last year's certification; exclude Tax
Code Section 25.25(d) one-fourth and one-third over-appraisal corrections from
these adjustments. Exclude any property value subject to an appeal under
Chapter 42 as of July 25 (will add undisputed value in Line 6). This total includes
the taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in Line 2) and the
captured value for tax increment financing (will deduct taxes in Line 17).1 $699,251,976
2.2019 tax ceilings. Counties, Cities and Junior College Districts. Enter 2019 total
taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of
homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other units enter "0" If your taxing units
adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2019 or prior year for homeowners age 65 or
older or disabled, use this step.2 $0
3.Preliminary 2019 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 2 from line 1.$699,251,976
4.2019 total adopted tax rate.$0.679100/$100
5.2019 taxable value lost because court appeals of ARB decisions reduced
2019 appraised value.
A.Original 2019 ARB values:$126,742,467
B.2019 values resulting from final court
decisions:- $118,436,850
C.2019 value loss. Subtract B from A.3 $8,305,617
6.2019 taxable value subject to an appeal under Chapter 42, as of July 25.
A.2019 ARB certified value:$0
B.2019 dispuated value:- $0
C.2019 undisputed value. Subtract B from A.4 $0
7.2019 Chapter 42 related adjusted values. Add line 5 and line 6.$8,305,617
8.2019 taxable value, adjusted for actual and potential court-ordered
Add line 3 and line 7.$707,557,593
1 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14)
2 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14)
3 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13)
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4 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate (continued)
9.2019 taxable value of property in territory the taxing unit deannexed after
January 1, 2019. Enter the 2019 value of property in deannexed territory.5 $0
10.2019 taxable value lost because property first qualified for an exemption in
2020. If the taxing unit increased an original exemption, use the difference
between the original exempted amount and the increased exempted amount. Do
not include value lost due to freeport, goods-in-transit, temporary disaster
exemptions. Note that lowering the amount or percentage of an existing
exemption in 2020 does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value.
A.Absolute exemptions. Use 2019 market value:$591,649
B.Partial exemptions. 2020 exemption amount or
2020 percentage exemption times 2019 value:+ $2,445,504
C.Value loss. Add A and B.6 $3,037,153
11.2019 taxable value lost because property first qualified for agricultural
appraisal (1-d or 1-d-1), timber appraisal, recreational/scenic appraisal or
public access airport special appraisal in 2020. Use only those properties
that first qualified in 2020; do not use properties that qualified in 2019.
A.2019 market value:$0
B.2020 productivity or special appraised value:- $0
C.Value loss. Subtract B from A.7 $0
12.Total adjustments for lost value. Add lines 9, 10C and 11C.$3,037,153
13.Adjusted 2019 taxable value. Subtract line 12 from line 8.$704,520,440
14.Adjusted 2019 total levy. Multiply line 4 by line 13 and divide by $100.$4,784,398
15.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2019. Enter the amount of taxes
refunded by the taxing unit for tax years preceding tax year 2019. Types of
refunds include court decisions, Tax Code § 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax
Code § 31.11 payment errors. Do not include refunds for tax year 2019. This line
applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2019.8 $39,393
16.Taxes in tax increment financing (TIF) for tax year 2019. Enter the amount of
taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the
taxing unit. If the unit has no 2020 captured appraised value in Line 18D, enter
"0".9 $0
17.Adjusted 2019 levy with refunds and TIF adjustment. Add lines 14 and 15,
subtract line 16.10 $4,823,791
5 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15)
6 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15)
7 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15)
8 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13)
9 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c)
10 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate (continued)
18.Total 2020 taxable value on the 2020 certified appraisal roll today. This
value includes only certified values or certified estimate of values and includes
the total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in line 20).
These homesteads includes homeowners age 65 or older or disabled.11
A.Certified values:$618,723,649
B.Counties: Include railroad rolling stock values
certified by the Comptroller's office:+ $0
C.Pollution control and energy storage system
exemption: Deduct the value of property exempted
for the current tax year for the first time as pollution
control or energy storage system property:- $0
D.Tax increment financing: Deduct the 2020
captured appraised value of property taxable by a
taxing unit in a tax increment financing zone for
which the 2020 taxes will be deposited into the tax
increment fund. Do not include any new property
value that will be included in line 23 below.12 - $0
E.Total 2020 value. Add A and B, then subtract C
and D. $618,723,649
19.Total value of properties under protest or not included on certified
appraisal roll.13
A.2020 taxable value of properties under protest.
The chief appraiser certifies a list of properties still
under ARB protest. The list shows the appraisal
district's value and the taxpayer's claimed value, if
any or an estimate of the value if the taxpayer wins.
For each of the properties under protest, use the
lowest of these values. Enter the total value.14 $146,357,380
B.2020 value of properties not under protest or
included on certified appraisal roll. The chief
appraiser gives taxing units a list of those taxable
properties that the chief appraiser knows about but
are not included at appraisal roll certification. These
properties also are not on the list of properties that
are still under protest. On this list of properties, the
chief appraiser includes the market value,
appraised value and exemptions for the preceding
year and a reasonable estimate of the market
value, appraised value and exemptions for the
current year. Use the lower market, appraised or
taxable value (as appropriate). Enter the total value
of property not on the certified roll.15 + $0
11 Tex. Tax Code § 26.12, 26.04(c-2)
12 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c)
13 Tex. Tax Code § 26.01(c) and (d)
14 Tex. Tax Code § 26.01(c)
15 Tex. Tax Code § 26.01(d)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate (concluded)
C.Total value under protest or not certified. Add A
and B. $146,357,380
20.2020 tax ceilings. Counties, cities and junior colleges enter 2020 total taxable
value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of
homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other taxing units enter "0". If your
taxing units adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2019 or a prior year for
homeowners age 65 or older or disabled, use this step.16 $0
21.2020 total taxable value. Add lines 18E and 19C. Subtract line 20.17 $765,081,029
22.Total 2020 taxable value of properties in territory annexed after January 1,
2019. Include both real and personal property. Enter the 2020 value of property
in territory annexed.18 $0
23.Total 2020 taxable value of new improvements and new personal property
located in new improvements. New means the item was not on the appraisal
roll in 2019. An improvement is a building, structure, fixture or fence erected on
or affixed to land. New additions to existing improvements may be included if the
appraised value can be determined. New personal property in a new
improvement must have been brought into the taxing unit after January 1, 2019
and be located in a new improvement. New improvements do include property
on which a tax abatement agreement has expired for 2020.19 $36,593,082
24.Total adjustments to the 2020 taxable value. Add lines 22 and 23.$36,593,082
25.Adjusted 2020 taxable value. Subtract line 24 from line 21.$728,487,947
26.2020 NNR tax rate. Divide line 17 by line 25 and multiply by $100.20 $0.662164/$100
27.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the NNR tax rates for each type of tax the
county levies. The total is the 2020 county NNR tax rate.21 $/$100
16 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(6)(B)
17 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(6)
18 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17)
19 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17)
20 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(c)
21 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(d)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate
The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that a taxing unit may adopt without holding an
election to seek voter approval of the rate. The voter-approval tax rate is split into two separate rates:
1. Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate: The M&O portion is the tax rate that is
needed to raise the same amount of taxes that the taxing unit levied in the prior year plus the
applicable percentage allowed by law. This rate accounts for such things as salaries, utilities and
day-to-day operations.
2. Debt Rate: The debt rate includes the debt service necessary to pay the taxing unit's debt
payments in the coming year. This rate accounts for principal and interest on bonds and other
debt secured by property tax revenue.
The voter-approval tax rate for a county is the sum of the voter-approval tax rates calculated for each
type of tax the county levies. In most cases the voter-approval tax rate exceeds the no-new-revenue tax
rate, but occasionally decreases in a taxing unit's debt service will cause the NNR tax rate to be higher
than the voter-approval tax rate.
28.2019 M&O tax rate. Enter the 2019 M&O tax rate.$0.591577/$100
29.2019 taxable value, adjusted for actual and potential court-ordered
adjustments. Enter the amount in line 8 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
30.Total 2019 M&O levy. Multiply line 28 by line 29 and divide by $100.$4,185,747
31.Adjusted 2019 levy for calculating NNR M&O taxes. Add line 31E to line 30.
A.2019 sales tax specifically to reduce property
taxes. For cities, counties and hospital districts,
enter the amount of additional sales tax collected
and spent on M&O expenses in 2019, if any. Other
taxing units, enter 0. Counties must exclude any
amount that was spent for economic development
grants from the amount of sales tax spent.$0
B.M&O taxes refunded for years preceding tax
year 2019: Enter the amount of M&O taxes
refunded in the preceding year for taxes before that
year. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax
Code Section 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax
Code Section 31.11 payment errors. Do not include
refunds for tax year 2019. This line applies only to
tax years preceding tax year 2019.+ $33,123
C.2019 taxes in TIF.: Enter the amount of taxes paid
into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone
as agreed by the taxing unit. If the taxing unit has
no 2019 captured appraised value in Line 18D,
enter 0.- $0
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate (continued)
D.2019 transferred function.: If discontinuing all of
a department, function or activity and transferring it
to another taxing unit by written contract, enter the
amount spent by the taxing unit discontinuing the
function in the 12 months preceding the month of
this calculation. If the taxing unit did not operate
this function for this 12-month period, use the
amount spent in the last full fiscal year in which the
taxing unit operated the function. The taxing unit
discontinuing the function will subtract this amount
in E below. The taxing unit receiving the function
will add this amount in E below. Other taxing units
enter 0.+/- $0
E.2019 M&O levy adjustments.: Add A and B, then
subtract C. For taxing unit with D, subtract if
discontinuing function and add if receiving function.$33,123 $4,218,870
32.Adjusted 2020 taxable value.
Enter the amount in line 25 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.$728,487,947
33.2020 NNR M&O rate. (unadjusted)
Divide line 31 by line 32 and multiply by $100.$0.579126/$100
34.Rate adjustment for state criminal justice mandate.23 Enter the rate
calculated in C. If not applicable, enter 0.
A.2020 state criminal justice mandate. Enter the
amount spent by a county in the previous 12
months providing for the maintenance and
operation cost of keeping inmates in county-paid
facilities after they have been sentenced. Do not
include any state reimbursement received by the
county for the same purpose.$0
B.2019 criminal justice mandate. Enter the amount
spent by a county in the 12 months prior to the
previous 12 months providing for the maintenance
and operation cost of keeping inmates in county-
paid facilities after they have been sentenced. Do
not include any state reimbursement received by
the county for the same purpose. Enter zero if this
is the first time the mandate applies.$0
C.Subtract B from A and divide by line 32 and
multiply by $100.$0/$100 $0/$100
22 [Reserved for expansion]
23 Tex. Tax Code § 26.044
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate (continued)
35.Rate adjustment for indigent health care expenditures.24 Enter the
rate calculated in C. If not applicable, enter 0.
A.2020 indigent health care expenditures. Enter
the amount paid by a taxing unit providing for the
maintenance and operation cost of providing
indigent health care for the period beginning on
July 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2020, less any
state assistance received for the same purpose.$0
B.2019 indigent health care expenditures. Enter
the amount paid by a taxing unit providing for the
maintenance and operation cost of providing
indigent health care for the period beginning on
July 1, 2018 and ending on June 30, 2019, less any
state assistance received for the same purpose.$0
C.Subtract B from A and divide by line 32 and multiply
by $100.$0/$100 $0/$100
36.Rate adjustment for county indigent defense compensation.25 Enter
the lessor of C and D. If not applicable, enter 0.
A.2020 indigent defense compensation
expenditures. Enter the amount paid by a county
to provide appointed counsel for indigent
individuals for the period beginning on July 1, 2019
and ending on June 30, 2020, less any state grants
received by the county for the same purpose.$0
B.2019 indigent defense compensation
expenditures. Enter the amount paid by a county
to provide appointed counsel for indigent
individuals for the period beginning on July 1, 2018
and ending on June 30, 2019, less any state grants
received by the county for the same purpose.$0
C.Subtract B from A and divide by line 32 and multiply
by $100.$0/$100
D.Multiply B by 0.05 and divide by line 32 and multiply
by $100.$0/$100 $0/$100
24 Tex. Tax Code § 26.0442
25 Tex. Tax Code § 26.0442
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate (continued)
37.Rate adjustment for county hospital expenditures.26 Enter the lessor
of C and D, if applicable. If not applicable, enter 0.
A.2020 eligible county hospital expenditures.
Enter the amount paid by the county or municipality
to maintain and operate an eligible county hospital
for the period beginning on July 1, 2019 and ending
on June 30, 2020 $0
B.2019 eligible county hospital expenditures.
Enter the amount paid by the county or municipality
to maintain and operate an eligible county hospital
for the period beginning on July 1, 2018 and ending
on June 30, 2019.$0
C.Subtract B from A and divide by line 32 and multiply
by $100.$0/$100
D.Multiply B by 0.08 and divide by line 32 and multiply
by $100.$0/$100 $0/$100
38.Adjusted 2020 NNR M&O rate.
Add lines 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37.$0.579126/$100
39.2020 voter-approval M&O rate. Enter the rate as calculated by the appropriate
scenario below.
Special Taxing Unit. If the taxing unit qualifies as
a special taxing unit, multiply line 38 by 1.08.
Other Taxing Unit. If the taxing unit does not
qualify as a special taxing unit, multiply Line 38 by
Taxing unit affected by disaster declaration. If
the taxing unit is located in an area declared as
disaster area, the governing body may direct the
person calculating the voter-approval rate to
calculate in the manner provided for a special
taxing unit. The taxing unit shall continue to
calculate the voter-approval rate in this manner
until the earlier of 1) the second year in which total
taxable value on the certified appraisal roll exceeds
the total taxable value of the tax year in which the
disaster occurred, and 2) the third tax year after the
tax year in which the disaster occurred. If the taxing
unit qualifies under this scenario, multiply line 38 by
1.08. 27 $0.599395/$100
26 Tex. Tax Code § 26.0443
27 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(c-1)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate (concluded)
40.Total 2020 debt to be paid with property taxes and additional sales tax
revenue. Debt means the interest and principal that will be paid on debts that:
(1) are paid by property taxes,
(2) are secured by property taxes,
(3) are scheduled for payment over a period longer than one year, and
(4) are not classified in the taxing unit's budget as M&O expenses.
A:Debt also includes contractual payments to other
taxing units that have incurred debts on behalf of this
taxing unit, if those debts meet the four conditions
above. Include only amounts that will be paid from
property tax revenue. Do not include appraisal district
budget payments.
Enter debt amount.$793,491
B:Subtract unencumbered fund amount used to
reduce total debt.-$10,000
C:Subtract certified amount spent from sales tax to
reduce debt (enter zero if none).-$0
D:Subtract amount paid from other resources.-$212,500
E:Adjusted debt. Subtract B, C and D from A.$570,991
41.Certified 2019 excess debt collections. Enter the amount certified by the
collector.28 $7,550
42.Adjusted 2020 debt. Subtract line 41 from line 40E.$563,441
43.2020 anticipated collection rate. If the anticipated rate in A is lower
than actual rates in B, C or D, enter the lowest rate from B, C or D. If
the anticipated rate in A is higher than at least one of the rates in the
prior three years, enter the rate from A. Note that the rate can be greater
than 100%. 29
A.Enter the 2020 anticipated collection rate certified
by the collector.30 100.000000%
B.Enter the 2019 actual collection rate.99.000000%
C.Enter the 2018 actual collection rate.101.000000%
D.Enter the 2017 actual collection rate.100.000000%100.000000%
44.2020 debt adjusted for collections. Divide line 42 by line 43.$563,441
45.2020 total taxable value. Enter the amount on line 21 of the No-New-Revenue
Tax Rate Worksheet.$765,081,029
46.2020 debt rate. Divide line 44 by line 45 and multiply by $100.$0.073644/$100
47.2020 voter-approval tax rate. Add lines 39 and 46.$0.673039/$100
48.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the voter-approval tax rates for each type of
tax the county levies. The total is the 2020 county voter-approval tax rate.$/$100
28 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(10) and 16.04(b)
29 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(h),(h-1) and (h-2)
30 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(b)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
Voter-Approval Tax Rate Adjustment for Unused Increment Rate
The unused increment rate is the rate equal to the difference between the adopted tax rate and voter-
approval tax rate before the unused increment rate for the prior three years. 39 In a year where a taxing
unit adopts a rate by applying any portion of the unused increment rate, the unused increment rate for
that year would be zero.
For each tax year before 2020, the difference between the adopted tax rate and voter-approval rate is
considered zero, therefore the unused increment rate for 2020 is zero. 40
This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that does not meet the definition of a special
taxing unit. 41
61.2019 unused increment rate. Subtract the 2019 actual tax rate and the 2019
unused increment rate from the 2019 voter-approval tax rate. If the number is less
than zero, enter zero. If the year is prior to 2020, enter zero.$0/$100
62.2018 unused increment rate. Subtract the 2018 actual tax rate and the 2018
unused increment rate from the 2018 voter-approval tax rate. If the number is less
than zero, enter zero. If the year is prior to 2020, enter zero.$0/$100
63.2017 unused increment rate. Subtract the 2017 actual tax rate and the 2017
unused increment rate from the 2017 voter-approval tax rate. If the number is less
than zero, enter zero. If the year is prior to 2020, enter zero.$0/$100
64.2020 unused increment rate. Add lines 61, 62, and 63.$0/$100
65.2020 voter-approval tax rate, adjusted for unused increment rate. Add line 64
to one of the following lines (as applicable): line 47, line 48 (counties), line 56
(taxing units with the additional sales tax) or line 60 (taxing units with pollution
39 Tex. Tax Code § 26.013(a)
40 Tex. Tax Code § 26.013(c)
41 Tex. Tax Code § 26.063(a)(1)
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2020 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
De Minimis Rate
The de minimis rate is the rate equal to the sum of the no-new-revenue maintenance and operations
rate, the rate that will raise $500,000, and the current debt rate for a taxing unit. 42
This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that is a municipality of less than 30,000 or a
taxing unit that does not meet the definition of a special taxing unit. 43
66.Adjusted 2020 NNR M&O tax rate. Enter the rate from line 38 of the Voter-
Approval Tax Rate Worksheet.$0.579126/$100
67.2020 total taxable value. Enter the amount from line 21 of the No-New-Revenue
Tax Rate Worksheet.$765,081,029
68.Rate necessary to impose $500,000 in taxes. Divide $500,000 by line 67 and
multiply by $100.$0.065352/$100
69.2020 debt rate. Enter the rate from line 46 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate
70.De minimis rate. Add lines 66,68, and 69.$0.718122/$100
42 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(8-a)
43 Tex. Tax Code § 26.063(a)(1)
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Total Tax Rate
Indicate the applicable total tax rates as calculated above.
No-New-Revenue tax rate. As applicable, enter the 2020 NNR tax rate from: line 26, line
27 (counties), or line 54 (adjusted for sales tax).$0.662164/$100
Voter-approval tax rate. As applicable, enter the 2020 voter-approval tax rate from: line
47, line 48 (counties), line 56 (adjusted for sales tax), line 60 (adjusted for pollution
control), or line 65 (adjusted for unused increment).$0.673039/$100
De minimis rate. If applicable, enter the de minimis rate from line 70.$0.718122/$100
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2020 Notice of No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
Worksheet for Calculation of Tax Increase/Decrease
Entity Name: CITY OF SANGER Date: 08/01/2020
1.2019 taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions.
Enter line 8 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.$707,557,593
2.2019 total tax rate.
Enter line 4 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.0.679100
3.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2019.
Enter line 15 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.$39,393
4.Last year's levy.
Multiply Line 1 times Line 2 and divide by 100.
To the result, add Line 3.$4,844,417
5.2020 total taxable value. Enter Line 21 of
the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.$765,081,029
6.2020 no-new tax rate.
Enter line 26 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet or Line 54
of the Additional Sales Tax Rate Worksheet.0.662164
7.2020 taxes if a tax rate equal to the no-new-revenue tax rate is adopted.
Multiply Line 5 times Line 6 and divide by 100.$5,066,091
8.Last year's total levy.
Sum of line 4 for all funds.$4,844,417
9.2020 total taxes if a tax rate equal to the no-new-revenue tax rate is adopted.
Sum of line 7 for all funds.$5,066,091
10.Tax Increase (Decrease).
Subtract Line 8 from Line 9.$221,674
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Tax Rate Recap for 2020 Tax Rates
Description of Rate Tax Rate Per
Tax Levy
This is calculated using the
Total Adjusted Taxable
Value (line 25) of the No-
New-Revenue Tax Rate
Additional Tax Levy
Compared to last year's tax
levy of 4,748,620
Additional Tax Levy
Compared to no-new-
revenue tax rate levy of
Last Year's Tax Rate 0.679100 $4,947,162 $198,541 $123,377
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate 0.662164 $4,823,785 $75,165 $0
Notice & Hearing Limit*0.662164 $4,823,785 $75,165 $0
Voter-Approval Tax Rate 0.673039 $4,903,008 $154,388 $79,223
Proposed Tax Rate 0.000000 $0 $-4,748,620 $-4,823,785
No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Increase in Cents per $100
0.00 0.662164 4,823,785 75,165 0
0.50 0.667164 4,860,209 111,589 36,424
1.00 0.672164 4,896,634 148,014 72,849
1.50 0.677164 4,933,058 184,438 109,273
2.00 0.682164 4,969,483 220,862 145,698
2.50 0.687164 5,005,907 257,287 182,122
3.00 0.692164 5,042,331 293,711 218,546
3.50 0.697164 5,078,756 330,136 254,971
4.00 0.702164 5,115,180 366,560 291,395
4.50 0.707164 5,151,605 402,984 327,820
5.00 0.712164 5,188,029 439,409 364,244
5.50 0.717164 5,224,453 475,833 400,668
6.00 0.722164 5,260,878 512,258 437,093
6.50 0.727164 5,297,302 548,682 473,517
7.00 0.732164 5,333,726 585,106 509,942
7.50 0.737164 5,370,151 621,531 546,366
8.00 0.742164 5,406,575 657,955 582,790
8.50 0.747164 5,443,000 694,380 619,215
9.00 0.752164 5,479,424 730,804 655,639
9.50 0.757164 5,515,848 767,228 692,064
10.00 0.762164 5,552,273 803,653 728,488
10.50 0.767164 5,588,697 840,077 764,912
11.00 0.772164 5,625,122 876,502 801,337
11.50 0.777164 5,661,546 912,926 837,761
12.00 0.782164 5,697,970 949,350 874,186
12.50 0.787164 5,734,395 985,775 910,610
13.00 0.792164 5,770,819 1,022,199 947,034
13.50 0.797164 5,807,244 1,058,623 983,459
14.00 0.802164 5,843,668 1,095,048 1,019,883
14.50 0.807164 5,880,092 1,131,472 1,056,308
*Notice & Hearing Limit Rate: This is the highest tax rate that may be adopted without notices and a public hearing. It is the lower of the
voter-approval tax rate or the no-new-revenue tax rate.
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Tax Levy:This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 25 of No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
Worksheet), multiplying by the appropriate rate, such as the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and dividing
by 100.
For School Districts: This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 34 of the Voter-
Approval Tax Rate Worksheet), multiplying by the appropriate rate, dividing by 100 and then adding
this year's frozen tax levy on homesteads of the elderly.
Additional Levy
Last Year:
This is calculated by taking Last Year's taxable value (line 3 of No-New-Revenue Tax Rate
Worksheet), multiplying by Last Year's tax rate (line 4 of No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet)
and dividing by 100.
For School Districts: This is calculated by taking Last Year's taxable value, subtracting Last Year's
taxable value for the elderly, multiplying by Last Year's tax rate, dividing by 100 and adding Last
Year's tax ceiling.
Additional Levy
This Year:
This is calculated by taking the current adjusted taxable value, multiplying by the No-New-Revenue
Tax Rate and dividing by 100.
For School Districts: This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 34 of the Voter-
Approval Tax Rate Worksheet), multiplying by the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate, dividing by 100 and
adding This Year's tax ceiling.
All figures in this worksheet include ALL County Funds. Tax Levy amounts are the sum of each
Fund's Taxable Value X each Fund's Tax Rate.
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TNT-856 04-20/16
2020 Notice of Tax Rates in CITY OF SANGER
Property Tax Rates in CITY OF SANGER . This notice concerns the 2020 property tax rates for CITY OF SANGER .
This notice provides information about two tax rates. The no-new-revenue tax rate would Impose the same amount of
taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a
taxing unit can adopt without holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of
taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property
This year's no-new-revenue tax rate:
Last year's adjusted taxes
(after subtracting taxes on lost property)$4,823,791
This year's adjusted taxable value
(after subtracting value of new property)$728,487,947
=This year's no-new-revenue tax rate 0.662164/$100
+This year's adjustments to the no-new-revenue tax rate $0 /$100
=This year's adjusted no-new-revenue tax rate 0.662164/$100
This is the maximum rate the taxing unit can propose unless it publishes a notice and holds a hearing.
This year's voter-approval tax rate:
Last year's adjusted operating taxes
(after adjusting as required by law)$4,218,870
This year's adjusted taxable value
(after subtracting value of new property)$728,487,947
=This year's voter-approval operating tax rate 0.579126/$100
×(1.035 or 1.08, as applicable) = this
year's maximum operating rate 0.599395/$100
+This year's debt rate 0.073644/$100
+The unused increment rate, if applicable 0.000000/$100
=This year's total voter-approval tax rate 0.673039/$100
This is the maximum rate the taxing unit can adopt without an election for voter approval.
Unencumbered Fund Balances:
The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding
debt obligation.
Type of Fund Balance
GENERAL FUND $5,221,709
2020 Debt Service:
The taxing unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax
revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable).
Description of Debt Principal or
Payment to be
Paid from
Interest to be
Paid from
Property Taxes
Other Amounts
to be Paid
Total Payment
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Property Taxes
2007 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION $34,000 $11,894 $0 $45,894
2012 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION $145,200 $3,994 $0 $149,194
2013 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION $22,200 $16,332 $0 $38,532
2016 G O REFUNDING BONDS $248,400 $9,936 $0 $258,336
2019 G O REFUNDING BONDS $200,000 $48,500 $0 $248,500
$45,179 $6,356 $0 $51,535
BOND AMINISTRATION FEES $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500
Total required for 2020 debt service $793,491
-Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in unencumbered funds $10,000
-Amount (if any) paid from other resources $212,500
-Excess collections last year $7,550
=Total to be paid from taxes in 2020 $563,441
+Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.000000% of its taxes in 2020 $0
=Total Debt Levy $563,441
This notice contains a summary of the no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by
Name of person preparing this notice: Michelle French
Position: Tax Assessor Collector
Date prepared: July 25, 2020
You can inspect a copy of the full calculations on the taxing unit's website at:
Page 43
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
All American Dogs Report
All American Dogs Report July 2020
ACTION REQUESTED: Other: Informational
Attached for City Council review is the All American Dogs Report for July 2020.
Description Upload Date Type
All American Dogs Report July 2020 8/7/2020 Cover Memo
Page 44
ROLLING OVER: LAST MONTH rolling over= total at the end of
the month beforeINCOMING
IMPOUNDED: DOGS 6 6 4 3 7 7 4 total before disposition= all
incoming animals
IMPOUNDED: CATS 8 4 12 8 15 11 3
total at end of month= rolling
over + total before disposition +
surrendered animals - total
YTD total= 260 - total incoming
(1st month) continue
subtracting total incoming
TOTAL BEFORE DISPOSITION 14 10 16 12 22 18 0 0 7 0 0 0
SURRENDER TOTAL FOR MONTH 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0
OWNER PICK UP: DOG 3 2 4 3 2
EUTHANIZED: CAT 1 2 3 5 3 2
TOTAL OUTGOING 0 8 6 6 15 9 3 0 5 2 0 0
TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 14 3 12 7 7 9 -3 0 5 0 0 0
YTD TOTAL (260)246 236 220 208 186 168 168 168 161 161 161 161
Page 45
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 17, 2020
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Cheryl Price, City Secretary
Atmos Energy Rider GCR
Atmos Energy Rider GCR August 2020 Data
ACTION REQUESTED: Other: Informational
Attached for Council Review is the August Ryder GCR Rate Information for August 2020.
Description Upload Date Type
Atmos GCR Letter August Data 8/4/2020 Cover Memo
Atmos GCR August Data 8/4/2020 Cover Memo
Page 46
Page 47
Page 48