02-07-07-Ordinance-Ordering the May 12, 2007 General Election-02/05/2007ORDINANCE 02-07-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE COUNCIL MEMBERS; AUTHORIZING A JOINT ELECTION WITH THE SANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO BE HELD ON MAY 12, 2007; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF NOTICE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ELECTION AGREEMENT AND AN ELECTION SERVICE CONTRACT WITH DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to conduct an election on May 12, 2007. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That a general municipal election is hereby ordered to be held on the 12th day of May, 2007, for the purpose of electing three City Council members for a two year term. Section 2. Should any candidate in the municipal election fail to receive a majority vote, then in that event it shall be the duty of the Mayor to order a runoff election as required by the Texas Election Code. Section 3. That the election be held jointly with the City of Sanger general municipal election and the Sanger Independent School District May 12, 2007 pursuant to Section 271, Texas Election Code. The costs of said election are to be shared by the two governmental entities and the City Secretary is authorized to arrange the City's share of said costs on a fair and equitable basis. Section 4. The City Secretary is expressly authorized to obtain election supplies and equipment required by law and necessary to conduct said election. Section 5. The office of the City Secretary shall perform all duties normally required in the general elections by giving notice of the election and preparing the official ballots. Section 6. The election precinct and voting places of said election shall be as follows: Polling Location Voting Precincts First Baptist Church 105 & 128 Section 7. All residents, qualified voters of the City of Sanger shall be permitted to vote in said election. In addition, the election materials as outlined in Section 272.005, Texas Election Code, shall be printed in both English and Spanish for use at the polling places and for early voting for said election. Section 8. The Mayor is authorized to sign an Order of Election and Notice of Election prescribed by the State of Texas and attached hereto. The Notice of Election shall be published in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and the City Charter. Section 9. Should any part, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase contained in this ordinance , but in all respects said remaining portion shall be and remain in full force and effect. Section 10. That this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption. DULY APPROVED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger the day of February 2007. ORDINANCE 02-07-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE COUN- CIL MEMBERS; AUTHORIZING A JOINT ELECTION WITH THE SANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO BE HELD ON MAY 12, 2007; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND POST- ING OF NOTICE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ELECTION AGREEMENT AND AN ELECTION SERVICE CONTRACT WITH DENTON COUNTY ELEC- TIONS DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 5th day of Feb- ruary, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. C i6 7