08-29-07-Ordinance-Abandoning Water and Sanitary Sewer Line Easements-08/06/2007ORDINANCE NO. 08-29-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ABANDONING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINE EASEMENTS AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS "A" THROUGH "L" ATTACHED, TO THE ABUTTING OWNER; PROVIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE FOR RECORDING IN THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AS A QUITCLAIM DEED OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that certain water and sanitary sewer line easements described Exhibits "A" through "L" are on private property and are no longer needed or necessary for public purposes by the City and should be controlled and maintained by the private property owner; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City of Sanger hereby abandons and quitclaims in favor of the abutting owners, Gemini VL, LLC; Scorpio Seven-O, LLC; Genesis Real Estate Company, LLC; Sanger Ventures, LLC; Zeni, LLC; Rainbow Seventy Seven, LLC; and Shaka, LLC, the water and sanitary sewer line easements over all those certain tracts or parcels of land more particularly described in Exhibits "A" through "L", attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, conveyed to the City of Sanger by Easement Deed dated May 31, 1989, by C. G. McNeill and Martha McNeill. SECTION 2. That the rights being abandoned in the property described in the Exhibits consist of water and sanitary sewer easements only. SECTION 3. That the City of Sanger does not abandon any other interest other than described in the Exhibits, but does hereby abandon all of its right, title, or interest in the described easements, together with any and all improvements thereon. ''" " -% G C- o SECTION 4. 'That the City Secretary is directed to prepare a certified copy of this ordinance and furnish the same to the abutting owners, Gemini VL, LLC; Scorpio Seven-O, LLC; Genesis Real Estate Company, LLC; Sanger Ventures, LLC; Zeni, LLC; Rainbow Seventy Seven, LLC; and Shaka, LLC, and the recording of this abandonment ordinance in the real property records of Denton County, Texas, shall serve as a quitclaim deed of the City of Sanger of such right, title or interest of the City of Sanger in and to such easements described in the Exhibits. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the day of A A- V,, 2007. ; ,.,,;APPROVED: S /) JQE- GGS, MA APPROVED AS TO FORM: r , , "' ATTEST: lye VA CITY ATTORNEY ROSALIE CHAVEZ. CITY S TARY (RLD/07-26-07)(18629) H TIERWESTER SURVEY ABSTRACT 1241 Q9v WyaV AWYM NVI 1211, MMd tho 5,way SVYvey AbYtraW*. 77, Gil, of MQU j Quopon co"MY; !,lam, p"d hainq paylk of a W%od 10.&0 noro tract showo Oy Opod leis, OM MvWWQI vt UZ, vanorded in VaLomn 914, Pvqq M, need vorOrM W U*Wn fu=Y, ywMaM, ond bviqj pa of 0 called MUM acry troot shown by opme to G.G. MaNnit'', polovind in VOWS IMF PADM 101, POW Mcnom of Owntals County, Tmx*-*.,.; and Owing lunre partinularly dumoribed Dv WWW. COMPROQU10 At M Nor thw= oornwr 01 Wd W&O acre V an' 1141TWIDD Muth bQ W. 28 WA, 01 =. Gast, A 'dintenva W A10,20 Wat to the POINT W BEqEMNjkQ M&M North us dog. 12 min - 20 vec di st6now M 15.00 MW to a carnar; THENOR: Routh, a dartancla W 3ZO-00 feet to xkorner: 111MR: WoKh 05 dog. 32 mln 20 %vc. Ealk, I dM60CM Q aoxa, raeu to a co"neri MINUD Qputh, a d1vtanre of 10,00 fact 40 a cornari; 1HENCRt loomb 01 dog. it min. 20 Go, Pact, W'dIATT005 of 13.00 faml t.'':, & ovvnmy, TWUNIM North, a distance of 365.00 Mot to W ALI My OF Bkof NNIM Qontoining M13 ao,v4 of land. 17 or, 01 py, MrTywymm, T r, , 1" f , L-i , ,I, J f ! !,"E V r; f, ; "! e 1. NC, 002B 0041VAR STR251 MNW, MAU 06261",,, f017) 45512324 FLELD NUIQ Winq ALI thM 0-row Lohy Lvact QU purge% of land RMalmd 30 L b 4,00Ywastmar lurvoy Mwtrw Mo, 1141, 0"d hho W jqbnnfon Sw Y AbAtranh W14 City at Swqw, Denlom Gounty, Twaso ,;and being paYt o wellea JQ.00 ocvn tract vhown by dead to ?^ MYlvil 1 at us, rworded to Wjumq oil, Pop* 25", OW ro=W of Donkon County, Twas, Mog part Qf a wallvd ATS70 acre tract shoun by d*ed to Q& MWAI rowrOwd in Vol"me 116i, Pmqe 14J, DOW RmoedU of Denton County, Ts,,., l,, 001 byiny NOY, PmYticularly devoribnd am folOww, kIPIMPSINK 61 thm NwrEhweKt 00rhw of solo 1Q&Q rare kya"L; WNW Rawth 7P Am, do wirl. so on,. Enst. a dwanuo of 046.7, Vow to LAW POM op wKSMING' THPNC44 Myth Of dop, An min, 20 coo. Em, xv;wstanne of IS.60 em-t- to 4 cornme'' IFIE W; Moth, a OjAnncq of ZOSAA UK to a naromm, IVENCEr Sn"M So dog. za min. 2A Unc, Wool, x distonce of 3000 f mek- to In cornopo, THENCE; worys, 0 disbance OF 35,00 Sol tn 0 corner-, TASHC52 North 00 dog, :22 min. 20 son. Ea"t, a dintanco Qf A&., rmw to THON&M North, a jinty"Ov Q1 010,5n feet to M POTNT Or BEGINNIN16 wantAiring KIM wyen of 10"d- or- w r,ARY IN, HAMMTr 04 11 F=' T F 1 [j -': r j )' �"� (." 1 \ 1 ! j w': , r1vKD HUM' voing all Wt w7kain Iwo, tr Mau or parcel OC I AM uQuated in I AWOWMar Mway Abnhrecz W. 124J, W, JohnMron A"Yowy Antrart GUA, Ono the 0. My suyvay AhOrach 77? city Qf sangm, DoWn voonvyP 70,40, ond beinp pqrs of 0 �Ajjw' IQ,OQ Acrt jragt ohown hy doad v ,"'z 0.0, QW01 at un, 'wg0rdQd in volumn W, pagm 2%, UOTO rece-W U'' 5enkan Kwunky, MP4, and bring part of a CUM WaTO owrP L Y Aq ': sh-an by dewd to C.G. WHOM vecwdad im VojumQ !L51, p4qw 14k, D=1 MOrds of Punton Coontly Awan rand nwing mew porknutwHy devoribw3 t�',r a9g, 31 min, Qj Ong, oaqt, I Wtann. of =09 Tent 22 m1m. TO loc. Usk, odi, LannQ of jV,QQ fva,, to a vornor!, of 452=1 low to on Soy ii *I";: d22 O,Nwt Lo a 1414KE: a distant, mr jA,Q0 Ynov to M vorroy; 11CPHAN North 22 min. 00 sou, East. 177,50 Tue't to a toy Hwr.' INUNGF; NwAh, dislonve of mw,VU fivot to thu P01wr OF BEGATHW'i am-Ankning 0,217 norms oT jano. o r" ya PRY C HAVI r. 1849 Tl,'_xrM F E EL D MIES owing vil; touL certain lot, treat or par of of Wd a v Uwt nd 111 CM. WMvrwvnKwY Guy way AbMrAnt Ph, 1211, W. Johnston Swrvvy litistract GU21, $mYvey Abix4enct 77, City of Sanger, UMP b co Benin 7axps, mid bring port of a nallod WOO acr* hemc;t WWWN bY d'ad C.Q. MaNpil 1 gt uN, radardod in Qnjumu S14, Kniji-, DcEp'O Y'';'? "0 ',- k.] - UrYAOM cavviov, Tewas, and Wing pnrt 0 1 callWA W too 40ye tr U0, Thv= by Mmil to Oil, WWII renve-dMd in Mumm 141, *00"'1 00cords of A -Mon Onumby, lexx% And bvin"'I Oescr I hod, AO (OKOW%, +3' mirl. 'r", THEME; l0vto Ow due, 22 Min2U see. East, M MUnnes I OM to a O*rnwv 'THEACK: Knoth, a dMannP or vowo wo in m aornpr, THENCE; SuAh 89 deq, ST min. 20 uen, WaK, a -distance W 85-00 fact; to 0 cornsm vuKDATO: Kroh, it disruncu al 47MV ter t w n varmw. THIMM thorrh All day. 32 min. 20 low. Lost, a dlWorlaw or IV a. cc, F am',; to a carneri THME; IYA!, a divinmco g! MkBb toot to v 10"lly'l, WENG": MUM du dog, 32 Msn. TO Wac. i4nqt, C dvltmnao W 70,09 fact Q" TMAM ; ma, Lh, P A Agnqg "I ln.00 Foxt W " cpvner, 'f JAtitjl.jj "21 ."h e? 1 6U. 32 WK. 20 zm. _ ; 1, lc't a romm, M YKIM fg, to a covnnv, lll-fi'-',]C- s,r)` tJtra. m(n. 10 ,.on Wunt , o dintonn* of "Co. On f 90; to a vorn"rf 't I lj':" I'l I- OOMMOMY Nons avrv of land. MY YL HAMWEIT A N T h J 7 155(��;it r-, TANGED, TMAS 76266 KUM rim movm @0109 M 1 kkkk aMmin M 9 KeM or porm at, land 'xi fosted 1 n 102 N-Tivewaster gorvMY Ahstroct No, 12% W. AhnAfor Turymy AbstraCt 612, city of %Nqyr, DRnton County, ruxan, anJ bving part of a called 10.00 Pive KrAoL nhown ly dond to QM, 11Npitl ov uv, rpcopdod in V010MV 5A., F*90 TSG, Wed rMurds of nontan County, Towev, and Uming part of �� callad 25MO xorQ tynct mhown by aeod to G.U. MMMM rocurdod U-1 Mwmv j161, PM JAI, nwvd MOM Of MMOn %"My, Mas and Wng Mprq Q"Mmulni-ty deslyfumd an 1011own; thN Northenst worngr of Clio .10.50 acem tract, 16 j wernme baing on vom ymst line of Kenvon Mao, ANINM Gowth QO dog, 20 min. 39 sec. IaNt, Q-0 thm Wmst lino of j a i MOON 96MV, a dioLopqq qf 112,61 QQ to thR POINT OF NEGINNING; E'i,��mth 00 dog, KH min. 31 wve— East, MUh 4he West Lino of uaj Cr KMOM K000, M diMmrice of 15.00 feml to 6 cornor,,, THeNKH; Snuin 1.51 4y, Aj min, 5D suC, Went, n jistAa nne of 029M UK THENM tooth, a KYMOU of 226.00 QQ1 to a HoTnQr; p VHMM 10010 SO 011- 26 Mln� Of IM, AM, A QUAncs or fnmt; to a corner, MGM lkwUh 1% dug. 43 in. 04 5on. Fast. a V:J1MtnnCQ M V00,00 Mot to " carnAr on the W944 linm M said Kmoh Road; THANC112 K"th 00 MY, IV min. NU qwq, Ea%v, wit h the west I inp nj awi "N" ROM a Ohsiahce Of MOO toot to 0 cornmr; 7MMM; sooth 09 dvA. 00 han. 44 act. Mt, a distancy Qf 501.52 ARI; noen*r; 11WO&Q, MrLh T4 dog, 10 min, 07 g1c, Walt, I d,Utahco of 212,51 f to n opvr"r, 05 dog, It min. 10 our.is a dystano" vr 7toAb I to tho OMNI OF REMMMA 00walling QN01 an),-a�a. (�,r OFyy q 'PI �IYINMI' lj M& "I RI, that cer tvin I at, hrook Qr War Q01 o Y I and YjtQQQmj in Tho W� lohnoWn Wvvy Aushrant 662, ond vw G, Koy Mrway Awshrosh 77. City al S�nqov , UYnVQW COVnIV, TIVOS, 600 bethy PMrh Of M VA led 25010 Mrf:- 4 ralt shown Q don& Co Q G. ?QWMJ I I Y wovord i n Vol "MM I I Page w'' Dead Mordo of Mhop G?Qnty, T n 0 M LI-nd 1% -1 i dUM r 1 bad 4v to! !M" TGNMENMAQ at the Anuthon"t anwer of saaH AN.B70 acre pornow buing on the West Una of Keaton Rod; IHKNCn% Korth GG deg, 14 min. 12 MC, W*Mt, A "MaM00 01 M ova POINT DF SUMNENG; THNNOW touch B9 Ong. 52 min. 20 Inc . MOO, MAhance of awner; MMUr Myth, n 01 planc'.". of 69 dw = min. 20 vQc, WeA, 0 distance ot THMM North, z dipt,nev ol moo rw to A cornay, fMAKE; therkh No deg. 20 m1h, 29 man, EA8t, dLaynno, of tract, saj d A 1, 17 f &Q� 640.11 Iyal, 111.02 fewt dw 07 A 57 spc . Want, 0 A na"c 0 of 10, 02 lent tc, CMMM THUNGH: South an dmg, 15 mim, J1 oem� n A cornovi 9Q cog. T2 min. ?A son. Mat, a distance of '272.06 vpqt� a dirooncu of 49MY ven to thy POINT 07 BEGINMIA'-, toy AOA I MOW,, -Asp sunix- N 1) P I ". 1 '1' r'*' "� "�' � �� ;( j F" (" E, Y 'I 203P BOLIVAR STREET 2AMR, AM 76216 (am Kong oil thqu FXWLD NOM qqvvvin lvk, tr4c, m parcel ov vand viluotod in t h H.Tiarwostuy Buvvvy &hsjraC& N,, 1211, and hho W, John"hon $qrypy `tilt giranh GAT, City of Mngar, UnTon 604lnty, Tvszm, ond baing oart of 0 16WO LuQQ Mrs tract Myn by deed to'".G) HCAM11 A uN, ranordad volumv pyge too, A"Od romrds 0! DRAP county, Man m(I 5 9 Pay M led 33 - M 01) 0 Ar an t Kowa by MoRd to 0. G. MM0 'W"Ordyn volumw 1151, pAgs III, Mod RpCordm of oymbpr cmnty' Twxmj Ord Ming M'P Porviaolmly dqzcriUvd Mo Tojjou,-, of %old 10.00 acre creel, sM d narner aving op tkw Wpot pno f R,,d; TrEMI Muth 00 28 with the WDly no i Read, 0 dip"mm" of 346.16 1net ts M POINT DF DKOXHUMSt 90 dug, 22 mn. 39 soc, Mah, M Wont jino Unabon Root. a dommem 0Y 15.00 TGA to a varnow'' 0j "PUS1 MO" 85 600 16 min, AU llq� WNW ol 650,o1, fmUj,, Q0 a Karnow; THMEr Worth 00 qpq. Qv min. 2x *Mo. Eamb, q djbtqDqU Of 15.00 mot hv a marmq, Maur,: booth ;Q aug, 50 no". 'M nec, me%t, 0 0100pnow of eq toot 10 thm POINT QF BMINNIN8 of 1ANd, xM-fi i C 1".1, I :". ........... fl 43 cx.'l 'f id' 11. 1, V/', 1i Musy, mm QW& W-SM! MEW Nolm"'. Sit iny at, that cmsolo W4, tr,slb Ut pmrvex qr ImAd sttudtmd Q Qm W, 3401110VA HUrVoy Ab4gesal Go", Ind thy 0, VVY Tiemy AWWmat 77, C i *y Of 10119W, Onnlon County, ToAnn, mnd bpt,, ,,k F , Z,,Q, ,,, 1­k,'t ily lewd LQ C. 9, MCM I I ranue dod in volums I pagu wq of pantam on"My, QW00 nod kins ng mom INT seumbeaVA; "Yoner ai vg1d acre thy buzi, 1300 el hmWn Pmi, ITEM: Nor t Pt q* Or', H­q) 1­""')1tjF QF NG i 1"ElKs: A"" R9 li As warnar., nVuHms Oath, of 1A.00 1upt yQ a amn i hr� YTTOUR! NQY&h nag. 52 MA to im, mast, to n Wormy.- vi- a Comer; '20 u C7, r Y *Ir R AVORK; Wirth 99 dog. 02 ion. I A? sev a con., C?K duo Iq 19 nquU' ab deo to WmA r a of $A a mrqov� q QqUancy mob yo 0 41n WWII fmrtm Mir. 10c, low, 55 AT seq �%t GIRY VA HA MIN fv 3849 r,,Jf,,}Zv FIBLO NOTE!- p M, Why o$ Sanger, Omnlwi AwAy, rexav, wid 23,Y70 acrp Uroqt syewt,, ria ,-�„ 4:c, !,k, MtLIA In valum" Ajut; Pogo 141, Dwo �' q a r I irl L hr I y dU pf mq r 4, is not d 12 min, is 20 to, ?i GAM3 dow 32 AM. 20 we� Want, a OMMMV4 rp la.00 feet .II ntance,, do 20 6AU14 z dWit" ns A 'Endo May W,� & t'l I I MA TT .1 NEW MOTM 9alng Al that gwtain lot, trait or paroW ol I 6nd si hmed j M YK A my Wes Lev For7ey Ala nt 0 W No. 12,11." 'r-d i'hi,, Q, *."'?- '""y 17, Dq'n -I-, or, C','u n t Y 5*09 POrl OT a CAILOd WOO acru track Shonn by dpoO 0 Om 0 wl 1 n Y* 1 ums T r-I(" County, WwAs, Und being put h r MoNsM ra"arded )n VOUNU lim" V.Da NJ, DqQ of Dn"W lWounty, TojaE and being wyu parhoularly dow r 5 4 w.1 an fal t WV t v Jhq SQU4105551 QOY"&V a! Wd 20.670 Own KIM, am! 0 Tor"Ry UNIMQ AS thq; W115" itney "I FyAln") Raw"!! 11wKs: num so mg. 32 min. MUC, d J MEMM worth oq dog. in !'fire, 11 now. 1IM1441 With of W, 22 nun, 00 sat. Wamtno01 , tWyl, WNWKlQrch, a Sw(snan MlYNON a tooth, QC. to one. cost, 4 disTan"Y Oc ?07, 32 je*j "N"I"NO"" dt 20. 20 fewl; to1"aa"NT" L V% 1 that car LAI 0 1 Ot 1: rot at pan- wol jr jaild aj t;,AwMd j , th, 0. S!-- 1- u r Gangmr, OMP400 co"My, Was, and ny POI T I cat WAN Mhoom ny rlwmd ND wh 14 Mc Mye 216, Synd "wordt: of Owilan l0purrb Inj&Y, nod bal"y P.Pol to 0 CA1116 jyQ70 G"'T MUMkI cylyncind Lp Vol "to 1161, PSWQ U.; Uon t aw) 11 gold NOMP) 1517,05 fy, to via NOWYOUt Kip 44 n4n. it; out, 00 NO: SAW a DETICIf mouth, dMoncl OFTIOTO MWOR RT yp,, n. 20 5qc RAW 1 so w" MUNCH; WoM ay L 4. GAP,! te, ' - VPAETT NO 1040 V - " p1 S 1.mw -l WN-W94 L A �"ho W, AAn a Ow 7lw j&y Al.u a t r or B I , 4 k v o t So Uf.'r 1 v I i; t `2 To winy, pnrt "r w uwwa moth aw a trwt awwww by wo kv W" mamu -00MOVA in VQuMO JIM, PAVC t4j, DQqi;l cl :1 -,.,t t-, AIMMank lurn9v of veld 53.070 acre UnwLi I kwuh R9 dog, 52 min. 20 moo. Want, 0 linUnc, uf LO.05 1W to Q skv, Ov-,it, o I., dvp. 15 MA". 19 000. Wont, a diulln"M of W 0. Al IMEMM 1 Arty '40 day. 47 min, 17 too- UK, of 2", 22 rwo TWIM 51 On. 20 SUG. pnw, a Mtanxp of 14412 NK 'VENCE; 20M 00 dog, of MW 39 net. Emst, a MIMMe of TWO TOM h-, 1 CWTIVI(j- 41000 IND 4.g. 12 min. To uW1. WPA, 0 dlltan"* of 1 as IS low t; F5 tj P i fln� YK 17 Qn. 37 oxv. Woult a dtoton(eq of sets, 0 J 010,; 11-1040"1;}I: i �t' liv',,n, IS met. w 0 ucwflov; jag, 115 mili, In qcc, q*jv, -14., 6 0 On, Wo w cqq nor . 00 r.g. 20 min. 20 sec. vart, 0 YOU cow Alow- i�l�ll'IIPdIIYllllll@IIIII61111�VI'VVIIIIUI Recorded On: August 14, 2007 Parties: CITY OF SANGER To Comment: Ordinance 72.00 Total Recording: 72.00 Denton County Cynthia Mitchell ao County Clerk Denton, Tx 76202 Instrument Number: 2007-97778 As Ordinance ( Parties listed above are for Clerks reference only ) ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Billable Pages: 15 Number of Pages: 15 ************ DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ************ Any provision herein which restricts the Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. File Information: Record and Return To: Document Number: 2007-97778 Receipt Number: 412460 CITY OF SANGER Recorded Date/Time: August 14, 2007 01:40:34P PO BOX 1729 SANGER TX 76266 User / Station: K Lambert - Cash Station 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS} COUNTY OF DENTON } I hereby certify that this Instrument was FILED in the File Number sequence on the date/time printed heron, and was duly RECORDED In the Official Records of Denton County, Texas. County Clerk Denton County, Texas