10/16/2017-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION October 16, 2017 — 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Gary Bilyeu COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Cheryl Price City Secretary, Audrey Tolle, Library Director, Laura Klenke, Librarian/Social Media 1. Call Work Session to Order. The Work Session was called to Order on October 16, 2017 at 6:03 PM. 2. Meet with Clint Bedsole, Candidate for Texas House District 106 State Representative. Clint Bedsole, Candidate for Texas House District 106 State Representative was recognized. He provided a bio to the Council. He noted our current State Representative is running for State Senate. He advised he is a Conservative Republican and a Veteran of Desert Storm and he served as a Recovery Tanker in the Army Reserve for 8 years. He is proud of his service to the country. He has been married for 23 years and has three children in public school and believes in our public schools. He believes in the City/local governments and County governments and having our elected officials have that control so they can best run them. He does not believe the State should have a say in what the local government and local economies are doing. The State of Texas wants the Federal Government to stay out of their business but seems to turn a blind eye to that when it comes to others. This will be one of his main platforms if elected. He answered various questions from the Councilmembers regarding his stance on various subjects. He thanked the Council for their time and noted he would stay for the end of the meeting and answer any questions anyone may have. 3. Discussion of Future Sanger Public Library Expansion and Presentation of Feasibility Study and Needs Assessment by KOMATSU Architecture. Audrey Tolle, Library Director was recognized and noted that it has been a year and a half since she presented the long-range plan for the library. That presentation was the foundation of the needs assessment request, at which time, the money for it was approved. She provided a power point presentation regarding an overview of the long- range plan, some demographic studies, and a statistical comparison that the State Library provided showing that we were at half of the state average. She noted that the Library is too small for our growing community. The Library had their first meeting with Komatsu Architecture in March and a public information meeting in June to get a feel of what people wanted from their library. The Library Staff and a Board Member took on the task of doing a survey which resulted in 120 responses and ran from June 28th to August 11th, 2017. She summarized the survey noting that 60% were in support a new library. She noted the demographics and that the strongest support is in the under 40 age group. She gave statistics on the age groups that use the library and that she had read a recent study that millennials are the generation that use libraries the most. The preferred features from the survey were a dedicated place for audio and video, and a dedicated Children's area. Families wanted more resources for their children. People also wanted more community spaces. She introduced Carl Komatsu of KOMATSU Architecture to present the feasibility study. Carl Komatsu of KOMATSU Architecture was recognized and provided a power point and summarized their study. He noted that since the City is thinking about a 2021-2022 time frame, it gives the City some time to think about the location of the library. Keeping it in the downtown area or moving it to an area where development is encouraged, or oriented along major roads. He advised that a library typically creates a magnet for the community. They used the State Library criteria to develop the size requirements, along with what the citizens want. They also provided a site size and gave some conceptual imagery to prepare for a future funding exercise. Without a specific site it is hard to relate to what would look best as it depends on the location, the concept they came up with is modern, as it was discussed it may be near the high school off of FM 455. If it was located downtown they would of course go for a more historic look. The program rooms are very important. They added working knowledge of recent library design including technology and making the layout as efficient and safe as possible. Based on the population and the state criteria formula adjusting libraries to the sizes of the communities they suggest the library have a size range of 15,000 sf to a recommended 20,000 sf size on a land area of approximately three (3) acres. It was noted that the current library is 5,000 square feet. He described the plans and noted that the restrooms could be available after hours along with the use of the Wi-Fi. The total estimated budget is based on the new construction of a 20,000 square foot facility with room for expansion, at $350 per square foot assuming escalation 24-36 months out. It is recommended that the City confirm size, scope and budget prior to moving toward full design effort closer to actual project start date. The total project cost excluding additional City costs not identified and land cost was $9,555,000. There was discussion between Mr. Komatsu and Councilmembers regarding location, possibly making another main library and keeping the current one as a branch. Also discussed elevations, size, suggested methods of funding and energy rated building and use of solar panels to power some of the less demanding electrical items. Mr. Komatsu noted that every town is different and there are many different ways to fund libraries. Some of the Friends of the Library at other cities have connections and get matches on their funds. Some get donation of monies, and/or property from incoming or existing development/developers. Mayor Muir thanked the Library Staff for pulling together the numbers and survey for the study and thanked Mr. Komatsu for coming and providing the information which now gives the City an idea, something to wrap our arms around, and think about for the future. Mr. Komatsu advised they are ready to help when the City is ready to move forward. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None. 5. Adjourn. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:01 PM.