10/17/2016-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Bill Boutwell, and Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Gary Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Joe Iliff Planner/Chief Building Official, Meghann Piercy, Joe Falls, Patty Falls, With Alan Plummer Associates - Betty Jordan, Loretta Mokry, Tim Noack, Neil Harris Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Councilman Bilyeu led the Invocation followed by Councilman Chicle leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Patty Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized and voiced her concerns regarding sewer problems, the cost the city spent on Porter Park, and a bank that took peoples land in past history. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized voiced his concerns about the sewer problems and said he was de -annexing his property without the sewer lines. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Minutes: October 3, 2016 - Work Session October 3, 2016 - Regular City Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Appoint the Following Board Applicants to The Sanger Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation - Billy F. Ezell - Bob Stover 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried with three (3) in favor, None (0) in opposition and two (2) Abstained (Councilman Clark because he was absent from the Work Session and Councilman Bilyeu was absent both meetings on October 3rd). REGULAR AGENDA Mayor moved Item No. 8 to the beginning of the Regular Agenda due to the number of people present in the audience for Item No. 8. 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve an Option for Discharge of Effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. City Manager Brice summarized that this was the item they discussed in the Work Session. We are at a decision point from a time -line standpoint and need to decide whether we want to look deeper into the restoration of the stream or build the pipeline. As discussed in the Work Session, there is a cost of $100,000 to look further into the stream restoration before we have some concrete knowledge that it will work. Discussion ensued it was noted that the stream option would retain options for the future, doesn't require easements, less land disturbance, higher permit limits, and less permitting issues. After considerable discussion with the engineers regarding the pros and cons of the stream restoration consensus was that it may be wise to move forward to see if it would be feasible. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the Addendum to do further research for the stream restoration and spend the necessary funds for the Geophysical and Geotechnical studies to not to exceed $100,000 to determine if the stream restoration is feasible. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve a Contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC (MVBA) to Provide Services Related to the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable. City Manager Brice advised that this is the company that we hired about a year ago to do collections for Municipal Court on outstanding tickets. They have done a good job in collections and increased the revenues in this area. This is a contract to allow them to collect on our utility billing accounts. It was noted that there is currently approximately $190,000 in outstanding utility bills. A motion was made by Councilman Clark to approve the contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC to provide services related to the collection of delinquent accounts receivable. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (5- 0). It was noted Item No 6 missing is typographical. 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Following Items Concerning the East 1-35 Wastewater Trunk Line Project: A. Award the Construction Bid to Dickerson Construction in the Amount of $1,594,118. B. Approve Supplemental Agreement #5 With Pacheco Koch Engineering in the Amount of $20,500 for Construction Staking and Re -staking. C. Approve Using 4A Funds in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project. D. Approve Using Wastewater Tap Fees in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project. E. Approve Using 2013 Bond Funds for the Remaining Balance of the Project. F. Authorize the City Manager to Approve Change Orders That Do Not Exceed $50,000 in Additional Cost to the Project. City Manager Brice advised that this is the line that was discussed at a previous meeting that has various size lines and problems. This would replace all of the various lines in the ground with new 21-inch line. The location of this trunk line is from about 1000 feet north of FM 455 and ties into a 27-inch trunk line and comes back under the tracks and runs north all the way up to Walmart. This is the line that was discussed at a previous meeting which is replacing all of the various size lines that were in the ground with a new 21-inch line. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to award the Construction Bid to Dickerson Construction in the amount of $1,594,118; Approve Supplemental Agreement #5 With Pacheco Koch Engineering in the amount of $20,500 for Construction Staking and Re - staking; approve using 4A Funds in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project; Approve Using Wastewater Tap Fees in the amount of $750,000 for the project; Approve Using 2013 Bond Funds for the remaining balance of the Project; Authorize City Manager to Approve Change Orders That Do Not Exceed $50,000 in Additional Cost to the Project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Capital Projects Update, October 6, 2016. There was a short discussion regarding the capital projects updates provided and future road improvement projects. b) All American Dogs Report - August 2016 10. ADJOURN. There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Bill Boutwell, and Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Gary Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Joe Iliff Planner/Chief Building Official, Meghann Piercy, Joe Falls, Patty Falls, With Alan Plummer Associates - Betty Jordan, Loretta Mokry, Tim Noack, Neil Harris 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Councilman Bilyeu led the Invocation followed by Councilman Chick leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Patty Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized and voiced her concerns regarding sewer problems, the cost the city spent on Porter Park, and a bank that took peoples land in past history. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized. I'd like to be emotional, but I'm not a woman, I am not emotional. I'm Joseph. Joseph of Bible days was thrown in the pit by his brother and sold into slavery uh... He overcame that. You've thrown me in the pit with this. You will come back to me in time because the right thing to do is to build that plant downstream with decision that was made by prior councils and reverse that...you are trying to reverse that. You are trying to reverse it. I just put in the paperwork. I know you know about it. I am removing 250 acres east of Ranger Creek Drive on that green line creek and I will bring it back into the city when you put me a sewer line in there. You get the plant down there where it has got to be and the sewer line serves the Lane property and the property up there where you live Bill and the Pruitt’s can be moved that way instead of coming into this plant and other properties between there and the lake can feed into that. We've got to look at the future so um I voluntarily put myself in the city about 40 years ago. Just my house. Later on we um added the entire property to the City. The City Manager came to me at a time when they wanted to annex some other property you had limitations and I de-annexed the property and then we annexed it again. We can annex and de-annex but without the sewer line without the plant down below I am de-annexing my property that does not sewer into this plant and I oppose lift stations adamantly I will not have anything to do with them I will not endorse them. There should be a surcharge for lift stations. You will come back and see me. It’s not a threat that’s just the way it is going to happen. I am going to live to see it done. The plant has got to go down there. You take this 3 million dollars here to build a dike, you take what you are going to have to pay me, you take refurbishing the dozen capacity of that plant you've got the money to build it. A million dollar um gallon plant down there which is a new plant that will operate efficiently and this one is never going to be efficient it is an antiquated design and you have terrible operational problems with it and its been running messed up for the last three weeks and it’s not cleared up yet and if you double the capacity of it the same thing will repeat again and Lee Allison you are 100 yards away from it. and don’t tell me you don’t smell it. Thank you. I’ll be glad to talk to you any time and especially individually I called many of you today and didn’t get a response I'll talk to yo u individually, that’s my forte. I am not good right up here in a group and especially when you are talking back at me so if I'm lecturing that is easier for me. Thank you. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Minutes: October 3, 2016 - Work Session October 3, 2016 - Regular City Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Appoint the Following Board Applicants to The Sanger Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation - Billy F. Ezell - Bob Stover 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried with three (3) in favor, None (0) in opposition and two (2) Abstained (Councilman Clark because he was absent from the Work Session and Councilman Bilyeu was absent both meetings on October 3rd). REGULAR AGENDA Mayor moved Item No. 8 to the beginning of the Regular Agenda due to the number of people present in the audience for Item No. 8. 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve an Option for Discharge of Effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. City Manager Brice summarized that this was the item they discussed in the Work Session. We are at a decision point from a time-line standpoint and need to decide whether we want to look deeper into the restoration of the stream or build the pipeline. As discussed in the Work Session, there is a cost of $100,000 to look further into the stream restoration before we have some concrete knowledge that it will work. Discussion ensued it was noted that the stream option would retain options for the future, doesn’t require easements, less land disturbance, higher permit limits, and less permitting issues. After considerable discussion with the engineers regarding the pros and cons of the stream restoration consensus was that it may be wise to move forward to see if it would be feasible. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the Addendum to do further research for the stream restoration and spend the necessary funds for the Geophysical and Geotechnical studies to not to exceed $100,000 to determine if the stream restoration is feasible. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve a Contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC (MVBA) to Provide Services Related to the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable. City Manager Brice advised that this is the company that we hired about a year ago to do collections for Municipal Court on outstanding tickets. They have done a good job in collections and increased the revenues in this area. This is a contract to allow them to collect on our utility billing accounts. It was noted that there is currently approximately $190,000 in outstanding utility bills. A motion was made by Councilman Clark to approve the contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC to provide services related to the collection of delinquent account s receivable. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (5- 0). It was noted Item No 6 missing is typographical . 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Following Items Concerning the East I -35 Wastewater Trunk Line Project: A. Award the Construction Bid to Dickerson Construction in the Amount of $1,594,118. B. Approve Supplemental Agreement #5 With Pacheco Koch Engineering in the Amount of $20,500 for Construction Staking and Re-staking. C. Approve Using 4A Funds in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project. D. Approve Using Wastewater Tap Fees in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project. E. Approve Using 2013 Bond Funds for the Remaining Balance of the Project. F. Authorize the City Manager to Approve Change Orders That Do Not Exceed $50,000 in Additional Cost to the Project. City Manager Brice advised that this is the line that was discussed at a previous meeting that has various size lines and problems. This would replace all of the various lines in the ground with new 21-inch line. The location of this trunk line is from about 1000 feet north of FM 455 and ties into a 27-inch trunk line and comes back under the tracks and runs north all the way up to Walmart. This is the line that was discussed at a previous meeting which is replacing all of the various size lines that were in the ground with a new 21-inch line. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to award the Construction Bid to Dickerson Construction in the amount of $1,594,118; Approve Supplemental Agreement #5 With Pacheco Koch Engineering in the amount of $20,500 for Construction Staking and Re- staking; approve using 4A Funds in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project; Approve Using Wastewater Tap Fees in the amount of $750,000 for the project; Approve Using 2013 Bond Funds for the remaining balance of the Project; Authorize City Manager to Approve Change Orders That Do Not Exceed $50,000 in Additional Cost to the Project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Capital Projects Update, October 6, 2016. There was a short discussion regarding the capital projects updates provided and future road improvement projects. b) All American Dogs Report - August 2016 10. ADJOURN. There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.