02/06/2012-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION February 6, 2012 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilwoman Marjory Johnson, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Scott Stephens, Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Tami Taber City Secretary, Joe Iliff Development Services Director, Jennifer Keahey of Noah's Ark, Kelli Alexander and Sam Alexander 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Presentation by Noah's Ark. Jennifer Keahey, shelter manager, advised that Noah's Ark is the only shelter in Cooke County and gave a brief overview. 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 4.Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m.