11/15/2021-CC-Minutes-RegularBANGER *TEXAS MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Thomas Muir and Councilmember Marissa Barrett. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager, Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Development Services Director Ramie Hammonds, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, City Engineer Tracy LaPiene, Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green. 1. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM, INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu called the Regular Session to order at 7:04 p.m. The invocation given by Councilmember Dillon the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gann. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: No one addressed the Council. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MINUTES WORK SESSION Consider the work session minutes from the November 1, 2021, meeting. (Edwards) B. MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the November 1, 2021, meeting. (Edwards) Page 1 of 3 C. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH DENTON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Consider the 2021-2022 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Fire Protection Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. (Pennington) D. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH DENTON COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICES Consider the 2021-2022 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Ambulance Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. (Pennington) Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. REGULAR AGENDA A. BLUE STAR INDUSTRIAL ADDITION ANNEXATIONREQUEST Consider directing staff to prepare an annexation service plan for property known as A0725A S.F. Lynch, Tr 13A, being approximately 15.6924 acres and generally located approximately 2240 feet east of I-35 and approximately 2425 feet south of Chisam Rd. (Hammonds) Director Hammonds provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the acreage left out of the prior annexation and the amount of time to complete the annexation process. Motion made by Councilmember Chick to direct Staff to prepare an annexation service plan for property known as A0725A S.F. Lynch, Tr 13A, being approximately 15.6924 acres and generally located approximately 2240 feet east of I 35 and approximately 2425 feet south of Chisam Road. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. B. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR PORTER PARK RENOVATIONS Consider a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional design services for renovations toPorter Park Softball Fields. (Bolt and Bradshaw) Director Bolz provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the amount of $200,000 the 4B Development Corporation budgeted and the additional usage of the fields for tournaments after the redesign. Motion made by Councilmember Chick authorizing Staff to issue the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional design services for renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Page 2 of 3 5. INFORMATION ITEMS: A. DANNENBAUM CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Construction update regarding IH-35 / FM 455 Expansion Project. Danny Everett, Dannenbaum Engineering (DEC), provided an overview project. Discussion ensued regarding the staging of material on City property, delivery of fittings, boring for the water and sewer beginning this week, and providing a construction schedule at the end of November. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu requested Staff provide a comprehensive development update Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu requested the City Manager provide an overview of his position bridging the gap during development. City Manager Noblitt stated meeting on December 20, 2021, will include a joint work session with the Planning & Zoning Commission to discuss the draft Comprehensive Plan. 7. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. /I n A *LWL-Iu� (/ Gary Bilyeu, Mayor Py� Tern Kelly Edw ds, City Secretary �OF SANG Page 3 of 3