08/16/2010-CC-Minutes-Work Session MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION August 16, 2010 PRESENT: Mayor Muir, Councilwoman Marjory Johnson, Councilman Rusty Patton and Councilman Gary Bilyeu ABSENT:Councilman Russell Martin and Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Tami Taber City Secretary, Rob Dillard City Attorney, Sam Alexander, Kelli Alexander and Patty Falls 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop. City Manager reviewed the handout showing the upcoming budget calculated with property tax revenues at the effective rate of $0.63309 and including a 2% merit increase for all employees. 3.Discussion With the City Attorney Regarding the Open Meetings Act and Other Legal Issues Pertaining to the Council. Mr. Dillard spoke to the Council regarding the Open Meetings Act, which is a 25 year law. 4.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 5.Adjournment. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting.