12/15/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION December 15, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir MEMBERS ABSENT:Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Scott Hoelzle with KSA 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2.Presentation by K.S.A. Engineering on Proposed Water/Wastewater Master Plan. Mr. Scott Koelzle gave a power point presentation consisting of their corporate profile and technical competence. KSA is a full service engineering firm, celebrating 30 years of service and employs approximately 140 employees. They have offices in McKinney, Austin, Longview, Lufkin, Sugar Land and Tyler. KSA has completed over 10,000 public works projects for hundreds of municipalities throughout Texas. Their expertise is in the area of wastewater collection and treatment, water distribution and wastewater treatment, utility master planning, streets, drainage, parks, public facilities, airports and industrial facilities. Mr. Koelzle discussed their project proposal consisting of a master plan for the City’s water and wastewater system. The scope of the plan that has been discussed with staff is to collect data and review existing maps that are available in auto CAD. This will be use as a foundation for the City’s model. They will conduct a cursory review of existing facilities; water treatment plants, wastewater plant, pump stations and tanks. This will not be an in-dept analysis. They will be conducting water system pressure testing, and the data will be used to support the model. They will be some flow monitoring conducted on the wastewater side. All this information will be used in the development and calibration of the water and the wastewater system models. After the model is built they will begin to look at the future development of the water and wastewater system. They will add demands to the both systems from future growth to determine how the models will reacts to the increase flows. This will allow them to develop a Capital Improvement plan to meet the demands of increased growth. They will also define the deficiencies in the existing system that the City may want to get done before any projected growth is added to the system. They will prioritize the improvements that can be implemented to meet existing and future demands. They will develop an impact fee schedule for the improvements needed for future growth that can be allocated for future services. This will be summarized in a master plan report that the City can use as a working document. Mr. Koelzle continued by discussing the benefits to the City by having this master plan in place. He discussed the two contracts; the master agreement provides the foundation for all the work they will conduct for the City and the supplemental work will be done with task orders. The City Attorney has already reviewed these agreements. Discussion continued concerning the existing deficiencies, the maintenance cost to keep the old plant operating, and the current information in auto CAD. City Manager advised that TCEQ conducted there inspection and it went well, but if the City is to keep this plant the City has to have a second power source. There was discussion on the cost. Councilman Muir asked if KSA has conducted similar studies for other cities. Mr. Koezlle advised their firm has completed similar studies for the City of Longview, City of Tyler, City of Mt. Pleasant, City of Collinsville, City of Honey Grove, Central Bowie Water Supply Corporation, The Colony, Diana Special Utility District. Discussion followed concerning the pricing of their contract. Councilman Walker inquired as to who will own the model. Mr. Hoelzle indicated the City will own the model. He was not sure the City could run it. The software is all in auto CAD. Councilman Walker asked how KSA was found. City Manager indicated they had talked to three different firms concerning the project. Rob Woods, City Engineer and himself felt that KSA had the experience to do this project. There was another firm that was also qualified, but they are doing some major work for the City of Ft. Worth. The pricing for this firm was about double from KSA. 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Discussion on the proposal from AuldridgeGriffin audit firm. Councilman Walker asked the City Secretary for the cost of the audit that was conducted two years ago. The City Secretary indicated that audit cost was $5,500.00. Councilman Walker expressed a concern on the cost for the audit for this year which was $15,000. Discussion continued concerning the cost to conduct the audit and the new GASB requirements that have to be met. AulridgeGriffin included an increase in their three year cost proposal. This does not commit the City for the next three years. The discussion continued concerning our previous auditor, the cost of his audit and the reasons that kept him from conducting the audit this year. 4.Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the work session.