07/11/2022-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JULY 11, 2022, 7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Commission with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Commissioner to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 1. Approval of Minutes from 06/13/2022. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to B-2 (Business District 2) for approximately 10.41 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 46, generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 665 feet south of Belz Rd. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a change to the Future Land Use Map from Medium Residential to Industrial for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to I-1 (Industrial 1) for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. 1 5. Conduct a Public Hearing on a Replat of Lots 1R1-1R2, Block B of Kirkland Street Addition Phase II, being 0.373 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the north east corner of Kirkland Street and Railroad Avenue. ACTION ITEMS 6. Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to B-2 (Business District 2) for approximately 10.41 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 46, generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 665 feet south of Belz Rd. 7. Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a change to the Future Land Use Map from Medium Residential to Industrial for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. 8. Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to I-1 (Industrial 1) for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. 9. Consideration and possible action on a Replat of Lots 1R1-1R2, Block B of Kirkland Street Addition Phase II, being 0.373 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the north east corner of Kirkland Street and Railroad Avenue. 10. Consideration and possible action on a Final Plat of Lots 1-30, Block A of Lonesome Dove Addition, being 55.5 acres, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the south west corner of Metz Road and Hoehn Road. 11. Consideration and possible action on a Final Plat of Lot 6R2-1B, Block A of Sanger Industrial Park Addition, being 1.75 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south west corner of I-35 and FM 455. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Chairman and Commissioners to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Commissioner may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Commission or at the call of the Chairman. 2 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ADJOURN NOTE: The Commission reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall is readily accessible to the general public at all times and posted on the City of Sanger website on JULY 8, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. /s/ Stefani Dodson Stefani Dodson, Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 3 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jason Miller, Allen McAlister, Philliip Surles, Jackie Turner, Sally Amendola, Shane Stone BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Matt Fuller,  Bo Cooper STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation. As there was a quorum Phillip Surles called the meeting of Planning and Zoning at 7:05 p.m.. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: No citizens came forward to speak to the board. 3.CONSENT AGENDA: Phillip Surles made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Shane Stone seconded the motion.  Motion passes with unanimously with a 6­0 vote. a.Approval of Minutes 1.MINUTES FROM 05­09­2022 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were discussed. REGULAR AGENDA 5.NEIBERT ADDITION ­ FINAL PLAT Consider a Final Plat of Lot 1, of Neibert Addition, being 4.581 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, approximately 2557 feet south of FM 455. (Hammonds) Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains the customer so he can build a home 4 Item 1. MINUTESPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONMONDAY, JUNE 13, 20227:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:Jason Miller, Allen McAlister, Philliip Surles, Jackie Turner, Sally Amendola, Shane StoneBOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:Matt Fuller,  Bo CooperSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.As there was a quorum Phillip Surles called the meeting of Planning and Zoning at 7:05 p.m..2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens came forward to speak to the board.3.CONSENT AGENDA:Phillip Surles made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Shane Stone seconded the motion. Motion passes with unanimously with a 6­0 vote.a.Approval of Minutes1.MINUTES FROM 05­09­20224.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were discussed.REGULAR AGENDA5.NEIBERT ADDITION ­ FINAL PLATConsider a Final Plat of Lot 1, of Neibert Addition, being 4.581 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ,and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, approximately 2557 feet south of FM 455. (Hammonds) Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains the customer so he can build a home on the property. Phillip Surles made a motion to approve with the condition all comments are met by City Council. Shane Stone seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0 vote. 6.QUINTANAR/BELLE FARM ADDITION ­ FINAL PLAT Consider a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Quintanar/Belle Farm Addition, being 9.618 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Belz Rd, approximately 563 feet east of Sam Bass Rd.  Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds briefly goes over the project. Jason Miller makes a motion to approve with the condition all comments are met by City Council. Phillip Surles seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0. 7.SANGER PRESERVE ­ ZONING CHANGE ­ PH Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 11.893 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. (Hammonds) Phillip Surles opens the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains a little about the project.  She says this is going to be located on the corner of 5th street and Cowling.  The are proposing Commercial along 5th street and apartments behind those. Pam Holt explains the project to the board.   The says they are wanting 166  units, and says they will look like 2 story homes instead of apartments.  She also says there is a need for retail in Sanger.   Phillip Surles closes the public hearing at 7:23 pm. 8.SANGER PRESERVE ­ ZONING CHANGE Consider a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 11.893 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. (Hammonds) Shane Stone asks about traffic on 5th Street. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains that 5th Street is actually a Tx Dot road. Phillip Surles made a motion to approve with the condition all comments are met by City Council.  Allen McAlister seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0 vote 9.ADJOURN. As there were no further items Phillip Surles adjourns the meeting at 7:27 p.m. 5 Item 1. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to B-2 (Business District 2) for approximately 10.41 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 46, generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 665 feet south of Belz Rd. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 10.41 acres from (A) Agricultural to (B-2) Business District 2 zoning.  The location is the current site of the Glen Polk Auto Group.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a new state of the art dealership and will need zoning and platting prior to construction.  The new building will be approximately 21,200 sq ft and will have a new showroom, sales offices, management offices, customer amenity space, parts storage and sales, and a 16-bay service facility.  The new space will bring approximately 15 new jobs to Sanger.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the north, Agriculture to the west and south, and B-2 to the east across I-35  The use is consistent with the Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Ordinance #XX-XX-XX 6 Item 2. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I-3 5 S E R V I C E I-35 RAMP I -3 5 B E L Z R D /Location: 1405 N Stemmons Fr wyZoning Change RequestProject: 22SANZO N-0039 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 B -2B-2 S A B L E A V E I - 3 5 R A M P I -3 5 I-3 5 S E R V I C E Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 3 1 0 6 2 0155 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 7 Item 2. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a change to the Future Land Use Map from Medium Residential to Industrial for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. SUMMARY:  The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property of approximately 99.986 acres from (A) Agricultural to (I-1) Industrial 1 zoning.  The property currently has a large portion that is within the floodplain on the west and south boundaries that creates access issues.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a 2-3 industrial warehouses at this location.  This site does provide an opportunity for the Belz Road connection if a crossing was granted from BNSF.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the west, SF-10 to the east across the railroad, and I-1 to the north and south.  The Future Land Use Maps shows this area to be Medium Residential so the Map would need to be amended prior to any zoning change. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 8 Item 3. AA AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA AA I -2I-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E / DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtment . Th e City o f Sanger does n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of a n y fe a tu re s o n this ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n purpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst ant cha n ge s, an dmay not be co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -2I-2 S F -1 0SF-1 0AA S F -1 0SF-1 0 B -2B-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E Curre nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 6 4 0 1 ,2 8 0320 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits Location: Belz Road 100 Acre Future Land Use Amendment 9 Item 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to I-1 (Industrial 1) for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 99.986 acres from (A) Agricultural to (I-1) Industrial 1 zoning.  The property currently has a large portion that is within the floodplain on the west and south boundaries that creates access issues.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a 2-3 industrial warehouses at this location.  This site does provide an opportunity for the Belz Road connection if a crossing was granted from BNSF.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the west, SF-10 to the east across the railroad, and I-1 to the north and south.  The Future Land Use Map shows this to be Medium Residential so the map would need to be amended prior to a zoning change. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Ordinance #XX-XX-21 10 Item 4. AA AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA AA I -2I-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E /Location: Belz Road 100 AcreZoning Change RequestProject: 22SANZO N-0044 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -2I-2 S F -1 0SF-1 0AA S F -1 0SF-1 0 B -2B-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 6 4 0 1 ,2 8 0320 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 11 Item 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 5, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing on a Replat of Lots 1R1-1R2, Block B of Kirkland Street Addition Phase II, being 0.373 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the north east corner of Kirkland Street and Railroad Avenue. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 2 single family lots of 0.181 and 0.192 acres, from 1 previously platted tract.  The lots will have access from Railroad Avenue and Kirkland Street.  Lot 1R-1 will have approximately 177 feet of frontage on Public ROW.  Lot 1R-2 will have approximately 75 feet of frontage on Public ROW.  The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations and is compliant with the Future Land Use Map. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are met prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Final Plat 12 Item 5. 60 1 38 75 4 95 5 60 1 23754956754957 74 3 91 0 74 3 911 60 3 91 60 0 3860394 20 5 72 9 60 1 65601436015060155 60 1 72 60 11 7 R A I L R O A D A V E KIRKLAND ST /Project: Kirkland Street Addn Ph2Project No: 22SANZON-0043 0 50 10025 Feet DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 6/19 /2 02 2 2 :2 0:4 4 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 04 3 _K irkla n d Stre et Ad dn P h2CityLimitsExhibits SubjectArea 13 Item 5. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to B-2 (Business District 2) for approximately 10.41 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 46, generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 665 feet south of Belz Rd. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 10.41 acres from (A) Agricultural to (B-2) Business District 2 zoning.  The location is the current site of the Glen Polk Auto Group.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a new state of the art dealership and will need zoning and platting prior to construction.  The new building will be approximately 21,200 sq ft and will have a new showroom, sales offices, management offices, customer amenity space, parts storage and sales, and a 16-bay service facility.  The new space will bring approximately 15 new jobs to Sanger.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the north, Agriculture to the west and south, and B-2 to the east across I-35  The use is consistent with the Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Ordinance #XX-XX-XX 14 Item 6. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I-3 5 S E R V I C E I-35 RAMP I -3 5 B E L Z R D /Location: 1405 N Stemmons Fr wyZoning Change RequestProject: 22SANZO N-0039 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 B -2B-2 S A B L E A V E I - 3 5 R A M P I -3 5 I-3 5 S E R V I C E Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 3 1 0 6 2 0155 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 15 Item 6. 16 Item 6. 17 Item 6. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – 1405 N Stemmons Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE XX-XX-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, REGARDING AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF APPROXIMATELY 10.41 ACRES OF TRACT DESCRIBED AS A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 46; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 11, 2021, duly covered and conducted public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Zoning Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, On August 1, 2021 the City Council approved the amendment to the Zoning Map from Agricultural (A) to Business District-2 (B-2); and WHEREAS, all request for amendment to the Zoning Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provision of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Zoning Map from Agricultural (A) to Business District-2 (B-2) is hereby granted for the property generally located on the west side of I-35 and approximately 665 feet south of the intersection of Belz Road and described in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. 18 Item 6. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – 1405 N Stemmons Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2021. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 19 Item 6. 20 Item 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a change to the Future Land Use Map from Medium Residential to Industrial for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 99.986 acres from (A) Agricultural to (I-1) Industrial 1 zoning.  The property currently has a large portion that is within the floodplain on the west and south boundaries that creates access issues.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a 2-3 industrial warehouses at this location.  This site does provide an opportunity for the Belz Road connection if a crossing was granted from BNSF.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the west, SF-10 to the east across the railroad, and I-1 to the north and south.  The use is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map so there is a companion case to amend the Future Land Use Map. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 21 Item 7. AA AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA AA I -2I-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E / DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtment . Th e City o f Sanger does n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of a n y fe a tu re s o n this ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n purpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst ant cha n ge s, an dmay not be co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -2I-2 S F -1 0SF-1 0AA S F -1 0SF-1 0 B -2B-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E Curre nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 6 4 0 1 ,2 8 0320 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits Location: Belz Road 100 Acre Future Land Use Amendment 22 Item 7. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – Belz Rd – Future Land Use Amendment Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE XX-XX-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, REGARDING AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF APPROXIMATELY 99.986 ACRES OF TRACT DESCRIBED AS A0029A R. BEBEE, TR 123 AND 124; FROM MEDUIM RESIDENTIAL TO INDUSTRIAL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 11, 2021, duly covered and conducted public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Future Land Use Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, On August 1, 2021 the City Council approved the amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Meduim Residential to Industrial; and WHEREAS, all request for amendment to the Future Land Use Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provision of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Agricultural to Industrial is hereby granted for the property generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave, described in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. 23 Item 7. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – Belz Rd – Future Land Use Amendment Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2021. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 24 Item 7. 25 Item 7. 26 Item 7. 27 Item 7. 28 Item 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 11, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on an Ordinance regarding a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to I-1 (Industrial 1) for approximately 99.986 acres of land, described as A0029A R.BEBEE, TR 123, and 124, generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 99.986 acres from (A) Agricultural to (I-1) Industrial 1 zoning.  The property currently has a large portion that is within the floodplain on the west and south boundaries that creates access issues.  The site has never been zoned so placeholder zoning of Agriculture has been the zoning for the property.  The applicant is proposing to build a 2-3 industrial warehouses at this location.  This site does provide an opportunity for the Belz Road connection if a crossing was granted from BNSF.  The property is surrounded by B-2 to the west, SF-10 to the east across the railroad, and I-1 to the north and south.  The use is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map so there is a companion case to amend the Future Land Use Map. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Ordinance #XX-XX-21 29 Item 8. AA AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA AA I -2I-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E /Location: Belz Road 100 AcreZoning Change RequestProject: 22SANZO N-0044 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. AA AA B -2B-2 B -2B-2 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -1I-1 I -2I-2 S F -1 0SF-1 0AA S F -1 0SF-1 0 B -2B-2 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E I - 3 5 R A M P A V I O N D R I-35 RAMP B E L Z R D I -3 5 B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 6 4 0 1 ,2 8 0320 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 30 Item 8. 31 Item 8. 32 Item 8. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – Belz Rd – Zoning Change Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE XX-XX-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, REGARDING AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF APPROXIMATELY 99.986 ACRES OF TRACT DESCRIBED AS A0029A R. BEBEE, TR 123 AND 124; FROM AGRICULTURAL (A) TO INDUSTRIAL (I); PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 11, 2021, duly covered and conducted public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Zoning Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, On August 1, 2021 the City Council approved the amendment to the Zoning Map from Agricultural (A) to Industrial 1 (I-1); and WHEREAS, all request for amendment to the Zoning Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provision of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Zoning Map from Agricultural (A) to Industrial 1 (I-1) is hereby granted for the property generally located on the east side of I-35 approximately 1897 feet north of 5th St and at the end of Sable Ave, described in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. 33 Item 8. Ordinance – XX-XX-21 – Belz Rd – Zoning Change Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this ____________ day of ________________________, 2021. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 34 Item 8. 35 Item 8. 36 Item 8. 37 Item 8. 38 Item 8. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 5, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Replat of Lots 1R1-1R2, Block B of Kirkland Street Addition Phase II, being 0.373 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the north east corner of Kirkland Street and Railroad Avenue. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 2 single family lots of 0.181 and 0.192 acres, from 1 previously platted tract.  The lots will have access from Railroad Avenue and Kirkland Street.  Lot 1R-1 will have approximately 177 feet of frontage on Public ROW.  Lot 1R-2 will have approximately 75 feet of frontage on Public ROW.  The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations and is compliant with the Future Land Use Map. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are met prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Final Plat Comments 39 Item 9. 60 1 38 75 4 95 5 60 1 23754956754957 74 3 91 0 74 3 911 60 3 91 60 0 3860394 20 5 72 9 60 1 65601436015060155 60 1 72 60 11 7 R A I L R O A D A V E KIRKLAND ST /Project: Kirkland Street Addn Ph2Project No: 22SANZON-0043 0 50 10025 Feet DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 6/19 /2 02 2 2 :2 0:4 4 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 04 3 _K irkla n d Stre et Ad dn P h2CityLimitsExhibits SubjectArea 40 Item 9. 41 Item 9. 42 Item 9. DRAWN BY: JOB NO:SCALE:1"=20' DATE: 4238 I-35 NORTH ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. BTH (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 DENTON, TEXAS 76207 14 JUNE, 2022 184590 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=20' FINAL PLAT LOTS 1R-1 AND 1R-2, BLOCK B OFKIRKLAND STREET ADDITION, PHASE IIBEING A MINOR REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK B OFKIRKLAND STREET ADDITION, PHASE IIBEING 0.373 ACRE IN THE R. BEBEE SURVEY A-29CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600SCALE 1" = 2000' VICINITY MAP PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON; WHEREAS WE, Dentex Investments, LLC, are the owners of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract Number 29 in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being all of Lot 1, Block B of Kirkland Street Addition, Phase II, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded under Document Number 2019-162, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a capped iron rod marked 4561 found for corner in the north line of Kirkland Street, a public roadway having a right-of-way of 50.0 feet, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 2 in said Block B of said Kirkland Street Addition, Phase II; THENCE N 88° 20’ 58” W, 101.72 feet with said north line of said Kirkland Street to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 found for corner in the east line of Railroad Avenue, a public roadway having a right-of-way of 60.0 feet; THENCE N 03° 21’ 05” W, 150.51 feet with said east line of said Railroad Avenue to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 found for corner in the south line of an unimproved 20.0 foot alley right-of-way; THENCE S 88° 20’ 58” E, 114.91 feet with said south line of said unimproved alley right-of-way to a capped iron rod marked 4857 found for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE S 01° 40’ 23” W, 149.94 feet with the west line of said Lot 2 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.373 acre of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT We, the aforesaid owners of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above tract as LOTS 1R-1 AND 1R-2, BLOCK B, KIRKLAND STREET ADDITION PHASE II being a minor replat of Lot 1, Block B, Kirkland Street Addition, Phase II, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2022 _____________________________________________________________ Joe Strittmatter, Authorized Representative, Dentex Investments, LLC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Joe Strittmatter, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2022 ________________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS My commission expires ______________________ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ______________________________________________________ Director of Development Services Date City of Sanger, Texas _____________________________________________________ City Manager Date City of Sanger, Texas ATTESTED BY __________________________________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas Date CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. _____________________________________________________ Jerald D. Yensan Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 NOTES: 1. The purpose of this plat is to divide a single platted lot into two platted lots. 2. All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 3. All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/POA. Any common area within the City’s right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. 4. Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 5. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 6. Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year flood plain. 7. No portion of subject property lies within a special flood hazard area according to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for Denton County and Incorporated Area, Map Number 48121C0210G, dated April 18, 2011. (Subject property lies in Zone X). 8. Water, Sewer and Electric service is provided by the City of Sanger. 9. Telephone service is provided by Nortex Communications, 205 North Walnut, Muenster, Texas 76252. 10. Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. 43 Item 9. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 07/6/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Preliminary Plat (Lonesome Dove Addition) Request is for a Replat of the Lonesome Dove Addition platting Lots 1R-1 and 1R-2 of Block B, being approximately 0.373 acres, prepared by Landmark Surveyors, LLC, submitted on 06/15/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Change plat type to Replat 2. List total number of lots in title block 3. Add standard note “ This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 4. List name address and phone of all utility providers. 5. Change Director of Development Services signature to Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission. 6. Change City Manager signature to Mayor Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Replat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday July 11, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday August 1, 2022. 44 Item 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 5, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Final Plat of Lots 1-30, Block A of Lonesome Dove Addition, being 55.5 acres, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the south west corner of Metz Road and Hoehn Road. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 30 single family lots ranging in size from 1.40 acres to 3.09 acres, from 1 previously unplatted tract.  Each lot has a minimum of 150 feet of frontage  Per this plat the applicant is requesting that estate lots be allowed for 1.40 acres for 6 of the 30 lots instead of 1.5 acres.  Per this plat the applicant is requesting that maximum cul-de-sac length do not apply.  Per this plat the applicant is requesting that maximum block length does not apply.  This property is located within the City of Sanger’s ETJ. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are met prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Preliminary Plat Comments 45 Item 10. 59 58 9 59 64 6 59 57 2 18 74 18 17 87 33 72 95 82 72 95 85 72 95 84 72 95 81 72 95 86 59 58 3 59 58 3 72 95 83 74 38 89748374 59 83 6 18 77 86 74 12 26 76 63 54 59 84 9 59 56 6 METZ RD C O U N T R Y R O A D S D R HOE HN RD /Project Name: Lonesome Dove AddnPreliminary PlatProject: 22SANZO N-0038 0 500 1,000250 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 6/19 /2 02 2 1 :5 1:4 4 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 03 8 _L on e some Do veA d dnCity L imi ts Exhi bi ts Subje c tArea 46 Item 10. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) 940-458-4072(fax) www.sangertexas.org SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Minor Plat Final Plat/Replat Amended Plat Vacating Plat Conveyance Plat Applicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date: / / ) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24”x36”, folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Additional Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Emailed to development@sangertexas.org Supporting Materials (List if provided): R Number(s): Owner’s Signature Date Applicant’s Signature Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services / / Complete (Check #_ ) Incomplete (Returned to Applicant / _/ ) Heath Voyes Westfall Engineering, PLLC 1719 Angel Pkwy Ste 400-206 Allen, TX 75002 817-657-4759 heath@westfallengineering.com Keith Smith Tracom Enterprises Inc 4925 Greenville, Ave Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75206 469-877-3766 ksmith@usrealtyteam.com X X X X X X X X X 59572 6/3/2022 6/6/2022 47 Item 10. 1719 ANGEL PARKWAY STE. 400-206 ALLEN, TX 75002 Bonton Wellness TBPE FIRM REG. #19101 June 6, 2022 Ms. Ramie Hammonds City of Sanger Development Services 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Letter of Intent – Preliminary Plat: Lonesome Dove Addition Ms. Hammonds, Please let this letter serve as our formal Letter of Intent for the Preliminary Plat for the property located at the southwest corner of Metz Road and Hoehn Road. The subject property is located outside of Sanger’s City limits, but within the City’s ETJ. The 55.50+/- acre property is anticipated to create approximately 30 residential lots. This Preliminary Plat requests three variances from the subdivision ordinance: 1. The minimum of 1.5 acre for Estate lots not apply 2. Maximum cul-de-sac length to not apply 3. Maximum block length to not apply The 6 lots at the northeast corner of subdivision are approximately 1.4 acres and slightly smaller than the 1.5 acre requirement for estate lots. The proposed roadway, Lonesome Dove Trail, has been aligned so that all lots on the south side of the proposed right-of-way meet the 1.5 acre requirement. The average lot size for the proposed subdivision is approximately 1.68 acres. Requests 2 and 3 are related. This preliminary plat proposes a central estate style road with a 60-ft right- of-way running through the center of the subdivision. The total length of the proposed roadway is just over 2100-ft. It would take a vehicle travelling 30 mph about 45 seconds to travel the length of the street. This limited amount of time would not be an undue burden on the residents or emergency vehicles. It also removes an unnecessary connection to Hoehn Road which is likely to have limited use as residents would be using the paved internal street to access the Metz Road. A central turn around meeting the geometry requirements of a cul-de-sac is proposed approximately midway in the proposed roadway. This style of development has been successfully implemented and allows the residents the benefit of a dead- end street that won’t have cut-through traffic. The layout creates a single block which would exceed the maximum in the subdivision ordinance and is common for a single block subdivision. The City’s future land use plan identifies this area as rural residential. We believe this development is in conformance with the future land use plan and the requested variances are in line with the spirit of the City’s ordinances while allowing for a unique approach to a rural residential development. Sincerely Heath Voyles, PE 48 Item 10. OH P OH P OH P OH P OH P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P OH P OH P IRSIRS 1/2" IRS IRS 100' ESMT V.566,P.571 V.626,P.627 CHARLES STOBAUGH V. 2827, P. 965 D.R.D.C.T CHARLES STOBAUGH V. 2827, P. 965 D.R.D.C.T HIMALAYAN FAMILY RANCH LLC LOT 6, BLOCK A SADDLE RIDGE ESTATES CAB. M, PAGE 241 P.R.D.C.T 60' BRAZOS RIVER ELECTRIC ESMT V.306,P.606 V.749,P.368 V.749,P.370 V.749,P.373 V.749,P.377 LOT 7, BLOCK A METZ ESTATES ADDITION INST. #2019-89640 P.R.D.C.T OLVERA, ARMANDO & OLVERA A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6B INST. #2018-111054 D.R.D.C.T RUGGIERI, JASON A & HEATHER A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6C INST. #2021-76290 D.R.D.C.T CONELY, CHRISTOPHER M & DAWN A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6D INST. #2019-65759 D.R.D.C.T DEL ROSARIO VINALES, MIGUEL & SOUVANNA A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6A INST. #2018-84116 D.R.D.C.T SRI GANESH HOMES LLC A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6F INST. #2021-190360 D.R.D.C.T BERNAL, NOE SANTOS & AMANDA A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 6 INST. #2022-9625 D.R.D.C.T HOEHN, P J A0801A WM MASON, TR 6 V. 469, P. 208 D.R.D.C.T WOLSKI, EDWARD F A0199A B.B.B. & C. RR CO., TR 5 INST. #2017-106111 D.R.D.C.T HOEHN, BRIAN LEE A0801A WM MASON, TR 7 INST. #2018-40717 D.R.D.C.T HOEHN, BRIAN LEE & HOEHN, PHILIP LEE A0801A WM MASON, TR 6A INST. #2016-111364 D.R.D.C.T W W W W W W HOEHN, P J A0801A WM MASON, TR 6 V. 469, P. 208 D.R.D.C.T 1/2 IN IRF 1/2 IN IRF HOEHN ROAD (GRAVEL) ME T Z R O A D (A S P H A L T ) LOT 20 1.71 AC. LOT 24 1.81 AC. LOT 25 1.83 AC. LOT 30 1.61 AC. LOT 29 1.52 AC. LOT 6 1.40 AC.LOT 7 1.53 AC. LOT 2 1.40 AC.LOT 5 1.40 AC. LOT 4 1.40 AC. LOT 23 1.74 AC. LOT 8 1.53 AC. LOT 9 1.53 AC. LOT 10 1.53 AC. LOT 11 1.53 AC. LOT 22 1.71 AC. LOT 21 1.71 AC. LOT 19 1.71 AC. LOT 18 1.71 AC.LOT 16 3.01 AC. LOT 12 1.53 AC. N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 40 5 . 2 5 ' S0 0 ° 1 4 ' 0 7 " E 3 8 6 . 5 5 ' N67°5 3 ' 3 6 " E 422.4 7 ' S2 7 ° 4 5 ' 5 9 " W 51 9 . 4 9 ' N89°55'26"W 203.14' N0 0 ° 1 6 ' 0 6 " E 3 3 4 . 2 6 ' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 48 4 . 6 2 ' N89°54'03"E 142.69' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 49 6 . 3 8 ' N89°55'26"W 150.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 49 6 . 8 4 ' N89°54'03"E 150.00' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 49 7 . 3 0 ' N89°55'26"W 150.00' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 49 8 . 2 2 ' N89°55'26"W 150.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 49 7 . 7 6 ' N89°54'03"E 150.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 51 7 . 1 5 ' S0 ° 3 7 ' 5 6 " W 52 3 . 9 4 ' N89°55'26"W 144.62' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 40 8 . 3 9 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 42 8 . 5 4 ' S87°03'28"W 155.27' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 42 1 . 1 2 ' N89°54'03"E 158.00' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 41 3 . 2 8 ' S87°03'28"W 158.19' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 31 9 . 9 1 ' S0 0 ° 1 4 ' 0 7 " E 2 9 8 . 6 7 ' S89°54'03"W 183.50' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 32 0 . 4 3 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 32 1 . 1 2 ' S89°54'03"W 190.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 34 5 . 6 6 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 33 6 . 8 2 ' S75°46'5 9 " W 1 2 5 . 2 8 ' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 44 2 . 7 1 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 42 1 . 0 0 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 44 3 . 2 2 ' S89°54'03"W 150.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 44 3 . 7 3 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 44 4 . 2 4 ' S89°54'03"W 150.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " W 44 4 . 7 5 ' N 3 5 ° 2 0 ' 2 0 " W 5 0 3 . 1 1 ' S0 ° 0 5 ' 5 7 " E 43 3 . 9 6 ' LOT 26 1.50 AC. LOT 27 1.50 AC. LOT 28 1.51 AC. S89°54'03"W 190.00' N89°54'03"E 161.52' S87°03'28"W 161.72' N89°54'03"E 164.37' S87°03'28"W 175.53' S89°54'03"W 150.00'S89°54'03"W 150.00'S89°54'03"W 142.69' N73° 5 4 ' 1 9 " W 404.7 9 ' N0 0 ° 1 6 ' 0 6 " E 3 3 3 . 7 8 ' N0 0 ° 1 6 ' 0 6 " E 3 3 3 . 3 1 ' N89°55'26"W 300.00' N89°54'03"E 150.00' N89°55'26"W 150.00' N89°54'03"E 150.00' N89°55'26"W 150.00'N89°55'26"W 150.00'N89°55'26"W 140.00' S87°03'28"W 154.19' N89°54'03"E 139.23' N89°54'03"E 2530.63' N0 0 ° 1 6 ' 0 6 " E 1 0 1 8 . 3 8 ' N89°55'26"W 1687.76' S0 2 ° 1 2 ' 5 7 " W 1 8 3 . 2 2 ' S87°03'28"W 844.96' S0 0 ° 1 4 ' 0 7 " E 7 9 8 . 5 4 ' LOT 1 1.41 AC. LOT 3 1.40 AC.LOT 13 1.93 AC. LOT 14 2.59 AC. LOT 15 1.76 AC. LOT 17 1.89 AC. S89°43'57"E 182.75'S89°43'57"E 190.00' S89°43'57"E 75.21' S89°54'16"E 32.63'S89°54'16"E 187.76'S89°54'16"E 173.24'S89°54'16"E 157.00'S89°54'16"E 153.35'S89°54'16"E 150.00'S89°54'16"E 150.00'S89°54'16"E 150.00'S89°54'16"E 150.00'S89°54'16"E 150.00'S89°54'16"E 349.56'S89°54'16"E 147.16' S89°54'03"W 59.49' S75°46'5 9 " W 96.63' S75°46'5 9 " W 28.65' N75°46'5 9 " E 115.18' N75°46'5 9 " E 68.36' N75°46'5 9 " E 56.93' C1C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C 7 C8C9 C1 0 C 1 1 C12 C1 3 C14 C1 5 C16 C17 L 1 L2 L3 L4 L5 40 . 0 ' 40 . 0 ' 740 750 742 744 746 748 752 754 744 746 7 4 0 7 3 8 7 4 2 74 4 732 734 736 740 73 2 7 3 4 7 3 6 73 8 74 2 74 4 7 4 6 7 4 8 7 3 2 75 0 7 4 6 7 4 8 75 2 28 . 0 ' PV M T E - E 40 . 0 ' POB N: 7201158.16 E: 2367357.17 60 . 0 ' RO W 60 . 0 ' RO W S89°54'03"W 673.05' S89°54'03"W 812.40' S75°46'5 9 " W 368.14' 5 0 0 'R 5 0 0 'R R50 . 0 ' R5 0 . 0 ' 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ESMT 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ESMT 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ESMT5' U.E. 5' U.E. 5' U.E. 5' U.E. (3) 24" CMP 15" CMP (2) 24" CMP 15' D.E. 7.5' 15' D.E. 7.5' 15' D.E. 7.5' 15' D.E. 7.5' 15' D.E. 7.5' 15' D.E. 7.5' 28 . 0 ' E- E P V M T LONESOME DOVE TRAIL 40.0' 40.0' 30'X30' V.E. 30'X30' V.E. 30'X30' V.E. CURVE TABLE CURVE NO. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 RADIUS 960.00' 1040.00' 530.00' 66.00' 66.00' 470.00' 66.00' 66.00' 66.00' 66.00' 66.00' 66.00' 66.00' 530.00' 66.00' 66.00' 470.00' LENGTH 40.94' 41.23' 129.56' 57.31' 87.75' 115.81' 13.49' 66.85' 64.41' 64.66' 64.75' 64.76' 13.49' 130.59' 46.13' 98.92' 101.04' DELTA 002°26'36" 002°16'18" 014°00'23" 049°45'10" 076°10'33" 014°07'04" 011°42'28" 058°02'01" 055°54'41" 056°07'51" 056°12'51" 056°13'24" 011°42'28" 014°07'04" 040°03'01" 085°52'42" 012°19'02" CHORD BEARING N89°02'45"E N88°57'35"E S82°53'52"W N66°07'45"W S50°54'24"W S82°50'31"W N32°59'19"W N67°51'34"W S55°10'05"W S00°51'10"E S57°01'32"E N66°45'21"E N32°47'25"E N82°50'31"E S61°16'40"E N55°45'28"E N81°56'30"E CHORD LENGTH 40.94' 41.23' 129.24' 55.53' 81.43' 115.52' 13.46' 64.03' 61.88' 62.10' 62.19' 62.20' 13.46' 130.26' 45.20' 89.92' 100.85' LINE TABLE LINE NO. L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 BEARING S44°59'02"E S44°49'58"W S45°10'02"E N00°16'06"E S87°03'28"W LENGTH 14.20' 14.13' 14.16' 17.03' 40.04' OWNER / DEVELOPER: TRACOM ENTERPRISES INC 4925 GREENVILLE AVE STE 200, DALLAS, TX, 75206 CONTACT: KEITH SMITH PRELIMINARY PLAT LONESOME DOVE ADDITION LOTS 1 - 30, BLOCK A 5.15 AC R.O.W. DEDICATION 55.50 ACRES (2,417,492.19 SQ.FT.) OUT OF THE WILLIAM MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 801 SANGER ETJ, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS PREPARED: JUNE 7, 2022 SURVEYOR: BURKS LAND SURVEYING 223 CR 1260 DECATUR, TX 76255 CONTACT: QUINT BURKS, RPLS ENGINEER / APPLICANT: WESTFALL ENGINEERING 1719 ANGEL PKWY, SUITE 400-206 ALLEN, TX 75002 TBPE FIRM REG. #19101 (817) 657-4759 CONTACT: HEATH VOYLES, P.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, TRACT, OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM MASON SURVEY ABSTRACT NUMBER 801 IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY DEED FROM JOSEPHINE B. HOEHN TO WILBUR CLARENCE HOEHN RECORDED IN VOLUME 748, PAGE 804, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A P. K. NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN METZ ROAD, A PUBLIC ROADWAY, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY DEED FROM FANTON R. HOEHN AND WIFE, ANNA MAE HOEHN TO CHARLES E. STOBAUGH RECORDED IN VOLUME 2827, PAGE 965, REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE SOUTH 87°03'28" WEST, 844.96 FEET WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STOBAUGH TRACT TO A FENCE CORNER FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 02°12'57" WEST, 183.22 FEET WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STOBAUGH TRACT TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 89°55'26" WEST, 1,687.76 FEET WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STOBAUGH TRACT TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER IN THE EAST LINE OF LOT 6, BLOCK A OF SADDLE RIDGE ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET M, PAGE 241, PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE NORTH 00°16'06" EAST, 1,018.38 FEET WITH SAID EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6, BLOCK A OF SAID SADDLE RIDGE ESTATES TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER IN HOEHN ROAD, A PUBLIC ROADWAY; THENCE NORTH 89°54'03" EAST, 2,530.63 FEET WITH SAID HOEHN ROAD TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER IN SAID METZ ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 00°14'07" EAST, 798.54 FEET WITH SAID METZ ROAD TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 55.50 ACRES OF LAND. 1.WATER SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY COMPANY, 4151 FM 455 W, SANGER,TEXAS, 76266, (940) 458-4292. 2.ELECTRIC SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY COSERV ELECTRIC, 7701 STEMMONS, CORINTH, TEXAS, 76216, (940) 321-7800. 3.SANITARY SEWER TO BE HANDLED BY FACILITIES APPROVED BY THE DENTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 4.THE MAINTENANCE OF PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF SAME FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES BY DENTON COUNTY. 5.ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF FENCES, BUILDINGS, FOUNDATIONS, PLANTINGS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY. 6.BLOCKING THE FLOW OF WATER OR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS IN SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, AND FILLING OR OBSTRUCTING THE FLOODWAY IS PROHIBITED. 7.DENTON COUNTY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE OR PROPERTY OCCASIONED BY FLOODING OR FLOODING CONDITIONS. 8.THE EXISTING CREEKS OR DRAINAGE CHANNELS TRAVERSING ALONG OR ACROSS THE ADDITION WILL REMAIN AS OPEN CHANNELS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE LOT OR LOTS THAT ARE TRAVERSED BY OR ADJACENT TO THE DRAINAGE COURSES ALONG OR ACROSS THE LOTS. 9.CONSTRUCTION NOT COMPLETE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO CURRENT COUNTY SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 10.A DRIVEWAY CULVERT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENTS BY THE OWNER OF EACH LOT PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION OR PLACEMENT OF ANY DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 11.NO CONSTRUCTION, WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM DENTON COUNTY SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN AN IDENTIFIED “FIRM” FLOODPLAIN AREA, AND THEN ONLY AFTER A DETAILED FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT INCLUDING ENGINEERING PLANS AND STUDIES SHOW THAT NO RISE IN THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL RESULT, THAT NO FLOODING WILL RESULT, THAT NO OBSTRUCTION TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF WATER WILL RESULT; AND SUBJECT TO ALL OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AFFECTED BY SUCH CONSTRUCTION BECOMING A PARTY TO THE REQUEST. WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS PERMITTED, ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT ABOVE THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION. 12.I, HEATH VOYLES, PE, A TEXAS LICENSED ENGINEER, DO HEREBY AFFIRM THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION, AND BELIEF AND BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, THE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY WILL HAVE NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON ANY PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY SHOWN. I FURTHER DECLARE THAT I WILL ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DRAINAGE DESIGN AND WILL DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS DENTON COUNTY FROM ANY CLAIM OR LITIGATION ARISING OUT OF ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR OTHER ACTS OF NEGLIGENCE IN THE PREPARATION OF SAME. 0'0'50'100'200' GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 100' N WE s PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY APPROVED FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT CITY OF SANGER, TX DATE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION VICINITY MAP N.T.S. N WE s VIEW RD HOEHN RD ME T Z R D W L O U I S R D IN T E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 3 5 CO RD 200 CO R D 2 0 0 CO R D 2 0 0 CO RD 256 SITE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT VISIBILITY EASEMENT R.O.W. U.E. D.E. D.U.E. V.E. E-E EDGE TO EDGE 60' ROW LC 30.0' 14.0'2.0' 2.0% 30.0' 14.0' 2.0' SHOULDER 2.0% 14.0' BAR DITCH14.0' 4:1 M A X 4:1 MAX TYPICAL PAVING SECTION FOR 60' R.O.W. 28' EDGE TO EDGE OF PAVEMENT N.T.S. 49 Item 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 07/6/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Preliminary Plat (Lonesome Dove Addition) Request is for a Preliminary Plat of the Lonesome Dove Addition platting Lots 1-30 of Block A, being approximately 55.50 acres, prepared by Westfall Engineering, submitted on 06/15/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Show set-back lines on lots 2. Show location of fire hydrants 3. Show location of USPS Postmaster approved location of cluster boxes 4. Provide table with listing of lots square footage and lot widths at front building line 5. Submit information adequate for the review of public improvements including but not limited to streets, water services, wastewater services, franchise utilities, street lighting, and storm detention (ex. preliminary drainage plans, preliminary utility plans, floodplain study, traffic impact study, etc. Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger’ ETJ. 2. The Preliminary Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday July 11, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday August 1, 2022. 50 Item 10. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 5, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Final Plat of Lot 6R2-1B, Block A of Sanger Industrial Park Addition, being 1.75 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south west corner of I-35 and FM 455. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 1.75 acres, from 1 unplatted tract.  The lot currently has access from N Stemmons (I-35 service road) and will have approximately 546 feet of frontage on the public ROW.  The property will be the site of the Quik Trip Convenience Store  ROW was previously dedicated with the road expansions.  The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations and is compliant with the Future Land Use Map. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are met prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Final Plat Comments 51 Item 11. 22 29 22 22 29 23 24 33 27 57 23 5 22 29 24 23 82 98 97 52 65 25 37 46 24 33 28 56 45 2 30 96 68 77 65 35 20 78 13 77 65 78 20 52 19 I-35 I-35 I-35SERVICE W CHAPMAN DR 601N ST EM MO NSFWY 1401 WCHAPMAN DR 651 NSTEMMONS ST 1406 FM 455 701N ST EM MO NSFWY 551N ST EM MO NSFWY / 0 100 20050 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 2/21/202 2 3 :1 9:2 4 P MDoc Name: 2 2 SA NZON-0 011 _Qu ic ktrip Varian ce Sub je ctArea City Limits Exhibits Project: 22SANZON-0041Project Name: Quik TripF 52 Item 11. 53 Item 11. 54 Item 11. 55 Item 11. 56 Item 11. 57 Item 11. 58 Item 11. 59 Item 11. City of Sanger Developmental Services 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Project Narrative: QuikTrip is formally requesting a Final Plat approval from the City of Sanger upon plat application submittal through Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council per City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Section 10.104 Procedure, Subsection (d) Final Plat & 10.105 General Plat Requirements. QuikTrip South LLC currently leases the property on the Southwest corner of I-35E frontage/Stemmons Freeway & FM 455/West Chapman Drive. Also addressed as 701 North Stemmons Freeway or: Tract 1 Legal Description: A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 126, 1.806 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 4, TR 2. Tract 2 Legal Description: SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK LOT 6R-1B Respectfully, ______________________ Real Estate Project Manager QuikTrip Corporation Corey Vaughan . 60 Item 11. LO T / D E E D L I N E 20 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E CA B . U , P . 4 7 4 P. R . D . C . T . 20 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E CA B . U , P . 4 7 4 P. R . D . C . T . INT E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 3 5 (V A R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y ) ST A T E O F T E X A S TR A C T N O . 1 7 - 2 - A VO L U M E 4 0 0 , P A G E 2 1 3 D.R . D . C . T . 20' B U I L D I N G L I N E CA B . P , P . 3 4 8 CA B I N E T R , P A G E 3 6 3 P. R . D . C . T . P.O.C. P.O.B. ACCESS EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT) 1/2"IRF 1/2"IRF 1/2"CIRF "SUMMIT SURVEYING" 1/2"CIRF BROKEN 1/2"IRF BENT "X"CUT 1/2"CIRF "RPLS 4857" 1/2" IRF 1/2" YELLOW CAP UNREADABLE X CUT X CUT X CUT X CUT 5/8" PINK TXDOT CAP X CUT X CUT 5/8" PINK TXDOT CAP "X" CUT SET 1/2" CIRS "1519 SURVEYING" 25' BUILDING LINE (BY THIS PLAT) 25 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E (B Y T H I S P L A T ) 25 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E (B Y T H I S P L A T ) AC C E S S E A S E M E N T CA B I N E T R , P A G E 3 6 3 P. R . D . C . T . 10' ELECTRICAL EASEMENT CABINET U, PAGE 474 P.R.D.C.T. 10' BUILDING LINE CABINET U, PAGE 474 P.R.D.C.T. 5' ELECTRICAL EASEMENT CABINET U, PAGE 474 P.R.D.C.T. "EXHIBIT C" PARKING, INGRESS/EGRE S S E A S E M E N T VOLUME 4603, PAGE 426 P.R.D.C.T. TXDOT POSSESSION AND U S E AGREEMENT DOCUMENT NO. 110695 O.R.D.C.T. 7.5' UTILITY EASEMENT CABINET P, PAGE 348 P.R.D.C.T. 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CABINET B, PAGE 327 P.R.D.C.T. RI G H T O F W A Y D E D I C A T I O N CA B I N E T U , P A G E 4 7 4 P. R . D . C . T . "EXHIBIT D" SIGN EASEMENT VOLUME 4603, PAGE 426 P.R.D.C.T. "EXHIBIT G" SLOPE EASEMENT VOLUME 4603, PAGE 426 P.R.D.C.T. TXDOT POSSESSION AND USE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT NO. 110668 O.R.D.C.T. 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CABINET P, PAGE 348 P.R.D.C.T. N8 8 ° 0 8 ' 0 9 " W 4 7 . 6 0 ' N01°55'41"E 123.10' S8 8 ° 0 6 ' 0 8 " E 6 3 . 2 3 ' 25.09' 32.3 6 ' N00°20'03"E 243.63' N8 8 ° 0 8 ' 0 9 " W 2 2 5 . 5 9 ' L=109.58', R=1548.00' D=4°03'21" CB = S86° 38' 17"E CD = 109.56' S8 8 ° 3 9 ' 5 8 " E 45 . 4 7 ' S32° 1 2 ' 0 7 " E 1 3 6 . 3 2 ' S2 4 ° 2 9 ' 0 4 " W 1 1 6 . 5 6 ' S08°55'32" W 1 4 4 . 7 5 ' S8 8 ° 4 0 ' 5 3 " E 3 6 3 . 5 5 ' N00°20'03"E 31.48' REMAINDER OF CALLED 2 ACRES JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES, INC. VOLUME 588, PAGE 337 D.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER LOT 1, BLOCK A ISBELL ADDITION CABINET Y, PAGE 669 P.R.D.C.T. A PORTION OF CALLED 2.758 ACRES CLEAR CREEK RETAIL LLC DOCUMENT NO. 2014-102411 O.R.D.C.T. REMIANDER OF CALLED 3.614 ACRES ELK RIVER-SANGER I, L.P. DOCUMENT NO. 2004-31023 O.R.D.C.T. A PORTION OF LOT 6R-1B SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 6R-1C SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. HIS CHICKEN KNEST LLC LOT 1R-1, BLOCK A SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET U, PAGE 474 P.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER OF FUELCON MANAGEMENT, LLC DOCUMENT NO. 21-1749 R.P.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER LOT A, BLOCK A KWIK KAR ADDITION CABINET P, PAGE 169 P.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER LOT 1, BLOCK A PORTER ADDITION CABINET U, PAGE 76 P.R.D.C.T. REMIANDER OF CALLED 3.614 ACRES ELK RIVER-SANGER I, L.P. DOCUMENT NO. 2004-31023 O.R.D.C.T. ARCHLAND PROPERTY II LP C/O TROY SCHUSTER, SCHUSTER ENTERPRISES, INC LOT 6R-1A SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 6R-1C SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. OWNERSHIP: ZODIAK RANCHES, LTD C/O FAMILY DOLLAR HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1241 25' BUILDI N G L I N E (BY THIS P L A T ) 154.00' 14 5 . 6 7 ' S18° 4 7 ' 0 3 " W 1 8 0 . 6 4 ' 35' 148. 2 8 ' "EXHIBIT F" OFF SITE IMPROVEMENT A R E A VOLUME 4603, PAGE 426 P.R.D.C.T. A PORTION OF LOT 6R-1B SANGER I-35 INDUSTRIAL PARK CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. 1/2"C I R S "BO W M A N P R O P C O R " LOT 6R2-1B, BLOCK A 1.7456 ACRES (76,037± SQUARE FEET) L=2 4 7 . 2 2 ' , R = 5 5 5 4 . 5 8 ' D=2° 3 3 ' 0 0 " CB = S 2 4 ° 0 9 ' 4 2 " W CD = 2 4 7 . 2 0 ' 1/2"CIRS "BOWMAN PROP COR" 1/2"C I R S "BO W M A N P R O P C O R " 1/2"CIR S "BOWM A N P R O P C O R " 30' 17 5 ' 15 0 ' N: 7,182,330.31 E: 2,371,348.29 FA R M T O M A R K E T 4 5 5 (V A R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y ) FO R M E R L Y F M 4 2 5 ST A T E O F T E X A S VO L U M E 3 3 4 , P A G E 4 6 DO C U M E N T N O S . 1 5 3 5 7 8 , 2 0 2 0 - 7 6 2 5 7 , 2 0 2 1 - 7 2 4 5 1 , 7 1 5 6 4 D. R . D . C . T . 59' A PORTION OF CALLED 2.758 ACRES CLEAR CREEK RETAIL LLC DOCUMENT NO. 2014-102411 O.R.D.C.T. "EXHIBIT D-1" 12' RESTRICTED AREA VOLUME 4603, PAGE 426 P.R.D.C.T. AP P R O X I M A T E C E N T E R L I N E AP P R O X I M A T E C E N T E R L I N E Official Public Records Denton County, TexasO.P.R.D.C.T. Plat Records Denton County, TexasP.R.D.C.T. Deed Records Denton County, TexasD.R.D.C.T. DRAWN BY: RAH/OS IRF Iron rod found SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS S859E< NOTES 1.BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, TEXAS NORTH CENTRAL ZONE (4202), NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 (NAD 83). 2.THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT/COMMITMENT. THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND/OR COVENANTS AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY, NOT SHOWN HEREON. 3.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO PLAT IS TO CREATE 1 LOT FROM THE PARENT TRACT AND LOT AND REMOVE BUILDING LINE FROM INTERIOR LOT LINE. R.O.W.Right-of-Way POB Point Of Beginning Calculated Corner Deed/Adjoiner Lines Plat Perimeter Property Corner (As Noted) CONTROL LEGEND EXISTING FEATURES LEGEND ABBREVIATION LEGEND SIGN AS NOTED LP LIGHT POLE KVT KILOVOLT TOWER WWMH WASTEWATER MANHOLE WMH WATER MANHOLE WV WATER VALVE WM WATER METER FH FIRE HYDRANT SMH SANITARY MANHOLE FL FLOW LINE TN TOP NUT RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Edge Of Concrete Edge Of Asphalt Curb Line Storm Sewer Line (>12") Storm Sewer Line (<12") Sanitary Sewer Line Overhead Electric LINE TABLE Fence Line © 2021 Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. Phone: (214) 484-8586 www.bowman.com1200 West Magnolia Blvd., Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76104 TBPELS #10120600 N 30 15 0 30 60 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 35 SITE SCALE: 1" = 30' @ 24X36 FINAL PLAT LOT 6R2-1B SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 6R-1B SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. AND A PORTI0ON OF ELK RIVER-SANGER I, L.P. DOCUMENT NO. 2004-31023 O.R.D.C.T. BEING 1.75 ACRES SITUATED WITHIN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS DATE OF PREPARATION IS 06/06/2022 TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 OWNERS: CLEAR CREEK RETAIL LLC . PO BOX 170, GAINESVILLE, TX, 76241-0170 PREPARED BY: Bowman Consulting Robert A. Hansen, RPLS, LSLS rhansen@bowman.com 1200 West Magnolia Avenue, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX. 76104 214.484.8586 Ext. 7212 ENGINEER: Kirkman Engineering Jonathan E. Schindler 5200 State Highway 121 Colleyville, TX. 76034 817.488.4960 OWNER/SUBDIVIDER MESA REAL ESTATE PARTNERS, LP STEVE SCHMITZ 211 WEST CALIFORNIA STREET PO BOX 388 GAINESVILLE, TEXAS 76241 940.736.1547 61 Item 11. OWNER'S DEDICATION State of Texas County of Denton I (we), the undersigned, owner(s) of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: BEING a 1.7456 acre tract of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being a portion of a called 2.758 acre tract of land as described in the deed to Clear Creek Retail, LLC recorded under Document No. 2014-102411 of the Official Public Records of Denton County, Texas and being a portion of Lot 6R-1B of the plat designated as “Resubdivision Plat - Lot 6R-1A, 6R-1B, 6R-1C, of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park” recorded in Cabinet R, Page 363 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. Said 1.7456 acre tract of land surveyed on the ground in 2021 under the direction and supervision of Robert A. Hansen, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6439 (the Basis of Bearings for this survey is GRID North as established by GPS utilizing the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follow: COMMENCING at a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped “RPLS 4857” found at the intersection of the south right of way line of Farm to Market Road 455, a variable width right of way, as described in the deed to the State of Texas recorded in Volume 334, Page 46 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas with the west right of way line of Interstate Highway 35, a variable width right of way, as described in the deed to the State of Texas recorded in Volume 400, Page 213 of said Deed Records and being the beginning of a non-tangent curve; THENCE southerly, coincident with the west right of way line of said Interstate Highway 35 and said non-tangent curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 5554.58 feet and a chord bearing and distance of SOUTH 24 degrees 09 minutes 42 seconds WEST, 247.20 feet, an arc length of 247.22 feet to an “X” cut set at a salient corner of the west right of way line of said Interstate Highway 35; THENCE SOUTH 18 degrees 47 minutes 03 seconds WEST, with the west right of way line of said Interstate Highway 35, passing at 32.36 feet a 1/2-inch bent iron rod found at the northeast corner of said Lot 6R-1B, continuing for a total distance of 180.64 feet to an “X” cut found at the east common corner of said Lot 6R-1B and Lot 6R-1A of said “Resubdivision Plat - Lot 6R-1A, 6R-1B, 6R-1C, of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park”; THENCE NORTH 88 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds WEST, 47.60 feet with the common line of said Lots 6R-1A and 6R-1B, to an “X” cut found at its intersection with the west line of a TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement as described under Document No. 110668 of said Official Public Records and being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 88 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds WEST, 225.59 feet with the common line of said Lots 6R-1A and 6R-1B to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod with a broken cap found at the west common corner of Lots 6R-1A and 6R-1B and being on the east line of Lot 6R-1C of said “Resubdivision Plat - Lot 6R-1A, 6R-1B, 6R-1C, of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park”; THENCE NORTH 01 degree 55 minutes 41 seconds EAST, 123.10 feet with the common line of said Lots 6R-1C and 6R-1B to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod found at the northerly common corner of said Lots 6R-1C and 6R-1B and being on the south line of Lot 1R-1, Block A of the plat designated as “Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 1R-1, 1R-2, 2R-1, Block A” recorded in Cabinet U, Page 474 of said Plat Records; THENCE SOUTH 88 degrees 06 minutes 08 seconds EAST, 63.23 feet with the common line of said Lot 1R-1 and Lot 6R-1B to a 1/2-inch iron rod found at a re-entrant corner of said Lot 6R-1B and being the southeast corner of said Lot 1R-1; THENCE NORTH 00 degrees 20 minutes 03 seconds EAST, with the common line of said Lot 6R-1B and Lot 1R-1, passing at 25.09 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said Lot 6R-1B, continuing with the east line of said Lot 1R-1 and the west line of said called 3.614 acre tract of land a total distance of 243.63 feet to a 5/8-inch pink capped iron rod stamped “TXDOT SURVEY MARKER RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT” found at its intersection with the south line of the TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement as described under Document No. 110695 of said Official Public Records and being the beginning of a non-tangent curve, from which a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped "1519 SURVEYING" set at the northwest corner of said called 3.614 acre tract of land and being on the south right of way line of said Farm to Market Road 455 bears NORTH 00 degrees 20 minutes 03 seconds EAST, 31.48 feet; THENCE the following four (4) calls coincident with the southerly and easterly line of said TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement recorded under Document No. 110695: 1.easterly, with said non-tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 1548.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of SOUTH 86 degrees 38 minutes 17 seconds EAST, 109.56 feet, an arc length of 109.58 feet to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped "BOWMAN PROP COR" set; 2.SOUTH 88 degrees 39 minutes 58 seconds EAST, 45.47 feet with the south line of said TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped "BOWMAN PROP COR" set; 3.SOUTH 32 degrees 12 minutes 07 seconds EAST, 136.32 feet to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped "BOWMAN PROP COR" set; 4.SOUTH 24 degrees 29 minutes 04 seconds WEST, 116.56 feet to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod stamped "BOWMAN PROP COR" set at the west common corner of said TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement recorded under Document No. 110695 and said TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement recorded under Document No. 110668; THENCE SOUTH 08 degrees 55 minutes 32 seconds WEST, 144.75 feet with the west line of said TXDOT Possession and Use Agreement recorded under Document No. 110668 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.7456 acres (76,037± square feet). NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT CLEAR CREEK RETAIL, LLC, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as _____________________ (lot/block/subdivision), an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this ____________ day of _______________, 2022. _______________________________________, Owner Clear Creek Retail, LLC. By: ________________________________________________________________ Signature Name Title STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared _____________________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the_____,day of______________, 2022 ___________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I, Robert A. Hansen, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, licensed by the State of Texas, affirm that this plat was prepared under my direct supervision, from recorded documentation, evidence collected on the ground during field operations and other reliable documentation; and that this plat substantially complies with the Rules and Regulations of the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, and that the digital drawing file accompanying this plat is a precise representation of this Signed Final Plat. Dated this the _____ day of _________________________, 2022. ____________________________________________________ Robert A. Hansen LSLS & Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6439 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Robert A. Hansen, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _____ day of ______________, 2022. ___________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas RELEASED FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY FOR THE CLIENT AND CITY. 2022-05-24 PRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT. STAN'A5' PLAT NOTES 1.LOT TO LOT DRAINAGE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHOUT ENGINEERING SECTION APPROVAL. 2.TXDOT approval may be required for any driveway modification or new access points. 3.All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 4.This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 5.All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/POA. Any common area within the City's right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. 6.Notice - selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 7.This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 8.Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year flood plain. 9.The subject property does not lie within a 100-year floodplain according to Community Panel No. 210 of 750 dated April 18, 2011. LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 35 SITE PREPARED BY: Bowman Consulting Robert A. Hansen, RPLS, LSLS rhansen@bowman.com 1200 West Magnolia Avenue, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX. 76104 214.484.8586 Ext. 7212 S859E< NOTES 1.BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, TEXAS NORTH CENTRAL ZONE (4202), NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 (NAD 83). 2.THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT/COMMITMENT. THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND/OR COVENANTS AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY, NOT SHOWN HEREON. 3.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO PLAT IS TO CREATE 1 LOT FROM THE PARENT TRACT AND LOT AND REMOVE BUILDING LINE FROM INTERIOR LOT LINE. Approved and Accepted ______________________________________________________ ______________________________ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, TX ______________________________________________________ ______________________________ Mayor Date City of Sanger, TX Attested by ______________________________________________________ ______________________________ City Secretary Date City of Sanger, TX" "Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only" The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat by the subdivider: Approved for Preparation of Final Plat _____________________ ___________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission ENGINEER: Kirkman Engineering Jonathan E. Schindler 5200 State Highway 121 Colleyville, TX. 76034 817.488.4960 DRAWN BY: RAH/OS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS © 2021 Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. Phone: (214) 484-8586 www.bowman.com 1200 West Magnolia Blvd., Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76104 TBPELS #10120600 FINAL PLAT LOT 6R2-1B SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 6R-1B SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION CABINET R, PAGE 363 P.R.D.C.T. AND A PORTI0ON OF ELK RIVER-SANGER I, L.P. DOCUMENT NO. 2004-31023 O.R.D.C.T. BEING 1.75 ACRES SITUATED WITHIN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS DATE OF PREPARATION IS 06/06/2022 TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 OWNERS: CLEAR CREEK RETAIL LLC . PO BOX 170, GAINESVILLE, TX, 76241-0170 OWNER/SUBDIVIDER MESA REAL ESTATE PARTNERS, LP STEVE SCHMITZ 211 WEST CALIFORNIA STREET PO BOX 388 GAINESVILLE, TEXAS 76241 940.736.1547 62 Item 11. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 07/6/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Final Plat (Sanger Industrial Park Addition) Request is for a Final Plat of the Sanger Industrial Park Addition platting Lot 6R-1B of Block A, being approximately 1.75 acres, prepared by Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd, submitted on 06/15/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Add a 3” x 3” recording box in the lower left hand corner. 2. List total number of lots in title block 3. Add standard note “The purpose of this plat is [state the purpose] 4. Add standard note “Bearing are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 5. Add the name, address, and phone number of all utility providers. 6. Change City Manager signature to Mayor Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Final Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday July 11, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday August 1, 2022. 63 Item 11.