09/12/2022-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 12, 2022, 7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Commission with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Commissioner to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 1. EnterTextHere PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. Conduct a public hearing on a request for a variance from Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Article 10.100 Subdivision Ordinance, Section10.105 to allow a variance from the improvement of sidewalks and to allow no sidewalks be installed for 21.36 acres of land described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3 within the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd approximately 1323 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Rd. 3. Conduct a public hearing on a request for a variance from Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Article 10.100 Subdivision Ordinance, Section10.105 to allow a variance from the required 31 feet street, face to face of curb and a 50 foot right-of-way with sidewalks, storm sewers, and utilities in the right-of-way and to allow for county requirements of no minimum street width in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter and storm sewers for 21.36 acres of land described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3 1 within the City of Sanger’s ETJ and generally located on Sam Bass Rd approximately 1323 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Rd. 4. Conduct a public hearing on a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. ACTION ITEMS 5. Consideration and possible action on a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. 6. Consideration and possible action on a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Enderby Gas Addition, being 1.22 acres in the City of Sanger, and generally located on south east corner of the I-35 access road and Southside Drive. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Chairman and Commissioners to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Commissioner may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Commission or at the call of the Chairman. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY For deliberations regarding deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. Section 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS For deliberations regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee. (EDIT - LIST THE POSITION) Sec. 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY 2 For deliberations regarding legal (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. (EDIT – AS NECESSARY LISTING THE TOPIC OF THE CONSULTATION) Sec. 551.086. CERTAIN PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES: COMPETITIVE MATTERS. For deliberations regarding (EDIT – no more than a general representation of the subject matter to be considered) Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). EDIT – AS NECESSARY LISTING GENERAL LOCATION OR NAME OF THE PROJECT) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action deemed necessary as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURN NOTE: The Commission reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall is readily accessible to the general public at all times and posted on the City of Sanger website on September 09, 2022, at 11:00 AM. /s/ Stefani Dodson Stefani Dodson, Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 3 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 08, 2022, 7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM There being a quorum Matt Fuller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Commission with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. No citizens came forward to speak. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Commissioner to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. Sally Amendola made a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented. Jackie Turner seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously with a 6-0 vote. 1. Approval of Minutes from 07/11/22 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Open Public Hearings at 7:02 p.m. 2. Conduct a Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 08-21-22 amending Chapter 14 Planning and Zoning, Section 30 Use of Land and Buildings to allow Quick Service Food and Beverage by right in the Business District 2 (B-2) without the requirement of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) and adding Section 32.7 Vehicle Stacking Requirements. 4 Item 1. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds presents to the board know about amending the ordinance to allow Quick Service Food and Beverage to have a drive through without having an SUP. She also goes over adding a stacking requirement. 3. Conduct a public hearing on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop, on 0.61 acres of land described as Lot 1R-2, Block 1 of the Sanger Lodging Addition, Zoned as Business District 2 (B-2) and generally located on the east side of Stemmons Frwy approximately 594 feet South of FM 455. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains this is an SUP for a business that is wanting a drive thru in a B-2 zoning. The customer wanted to go ahead and submit in order to stay within their timeline. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains if the the previous item does pass this SUP will not be needed. 4. Conduct a public hearing on a Replat of Lot 6R2-1B, Block A of Sanger Industrial Park Addition, being 1.75 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south west corner of I-35 and FM 455. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explains this is a part of a plat that has already been approved but there is a piece that was separate. Close Public Hearings at 7:09 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 5. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 08-21-22 amending Chapter 14 Planning and Zoning, Section 30 Use of Land and Buildings to allow Quick Service Food and Beverage by right in the Business District 2 (B-2) without the requirement of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) and adding Section 32.7 Vehicle Stacking Requirements. The board has a brief discussion about the project. Matt Fuller makes a motion to approve. Sally Amendola seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously with a 6-0 vote. 6. Consideration and possible action on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop, on 0.61 acres of land described as Lot 1R-2, Block 1 of the Sanger Lodging Addition, Zoned as Business District 2 (B-2) and generally located on the east side of Stemmons Frwy approximately 594 feet South of FM 455. The board has a brief discussion about the project. Matt Fuller makes a motion to approve with the condition that proposed ordinance passes with the 9 car stacking rule. Jason Miller seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously with a 6-0 vote. 5 Item 1. 7. Consideration and possible action on a Replat of Lot 6R2-1B, Block A of Sanger Industrial Park Addition, being 1.75 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south west corner of I-35 and FM 455. The board has a brief discussion about the project. Matt Fuller makes a motion to approve. Sally Amendola seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously with a 6-0 vote. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Chairman and Commissioners to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Commissioner may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Commission or at the call of the Chairman. No items were discussed. ADJOURN There being no further items on the agenda Matt Fuller adjourns the meeting at 7:24 p.m. 6 Item 1. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: September 12, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on a request for a variance from Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Article 10.100 Subdivision Ordinance, Section10.105 to allow a variance from the improvement of sidewalks and to allow no sidewalks be installed for 21.36 acres of land described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3 within the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd approximately 1323 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Rd. SUMMARY:  The proposed subdivision is located within the City of Sanger’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.  The subdivision will consist of 17 residential lots.  Lots will be a minimum 1.0 acre in size.  Per city regulations 4 foot sidewalks will be installed on both sides of streets except along residential/estate streets. Residential Estates are defined as minimum 1.5 acre lots.  The applicant is requesting not to install sidewalks.  This variance will be heard by City Council on 10-3-2022 FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: TYPE BULLET POINT LIST ATTACHMENTS IN THE ORDER THAT THEY ARE IN. (not in caps) 7 Item 2. 57 21 4 24 48 50 16 44 66 57 50 4 57 25 0 57 25 4 65 67 62 76 43 7 74 44 23134540 57 26 2 14 95 84 56 40 7 56 40 7 74 44 19 56 35 4 74 44 18 57 18 8 56 30 5 57 19 3 57 48 4 56 40 9 74 119 5 14 95 86 57 24 5 13 45 41 74 47 48 74 12 28 56 36 6 57 52 1 56 35 8 13 45 38 14 95 70 74 24 69750745 77 05 88770589 13 45 35 F M 4 5 5 W SAM BASS RD /Project: 8949 Sam Bass RoadSidewalk VarianceProject No: 22SANZON-0046 0 300 600150 Feet DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 8/21 /2 02 2 4 :2 0:1 2 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 04 6 _8 94 9 S am B a ss Ro ad Va rian ceCityLimitsExhibits SubjectArea 8 Item 2. Section 10.106 Improvements, ( c ) Sidewalks Request to not require sidewalks 9 Item 2. 10 Item 2. 11 Item 2. 12 Item 2. iCivil Engineering 1001 W Euless Blvd Suite 412H Euless, TX, 76040 Office: 972-523-5493 omgc@icivileng.com TBPE: F-19293 1 of 2 August 16, 2022 City of Sanger Department of Development Services Attn: Ramie Hammonds 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, Tx 76266 Burnside Addition Request for Variances from the Subdivision Ordinance - Sidewalk Letter of intent Dear Ms. Hammonds, Project Description The developer is presenting a single-family residential development at 8949 Sam Bass Road in the City of Sanger E.T.J., Denton County, Texas. The proposed development will create 17 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 1 acre and one lot dedicated to Bolivar Water Supply. In this proposed development, the residential street of 28 feet from edge to edge in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter, without sidewalks and without storm sewers has been proposed It is desired to construct the development in generally in accordance with the City of Sangers regulations for estate developments. However, estate developments require a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres with residential/estate street. Therefore, a number of variances are necessary. In particular we are presenting a request to not construct the sidewalks. Variance Request Below is a list of references in the Subdivision Ordinance where the requirements for sidewalks are discussed: 10.105 General Plat Requirements, (3) Gated Community/Private Streets, (L), Sidewalks and Bikeways Does not apply as this is not a gated community or private streets. 10.106 Improvements, ( c ) Sidewalks Request to not require sidewalks 13 Item 2. iCivil Engineering 1001 W Euless Blvd Suite 412H Euless, TX, 76040 Office: 972-523-5493 omgc@icivileng.com TBPE: F-19293 2 of 2 Discussion As noted above, we are not constructing nor proposing a gated community or private streets. Therefore Section 10.105 of the Subdivision Ordinance does not apply. In regards to Section 10.106 please consider: The City of Sanger specifies that sidewalks are a publics work improvement to be constructed within the right of way, by the developer, to city standards, dedicated to the City, maintained by the developer for the warranty period (warranty bond) and then maintained by the City. Denton County does not allow sidewalks in the right of way and will not maintain sidewalks. The proposed development does not include any common areas or amenities that would be served by a pedestrian system. There are not any public facilities or areas of common interest within a 10 to 15 minute walking distances that would be served by these sidewalks. There are not any existing sidewalks in the immediate area or nearby for which these sidewalks would complete or compliment a pedestrian system. The City does not have any capital improvements plans to extend sidewalks out to the area. If sidewalks were allowed or if they were constructed in public sidewalk easements then it is not clear how the city would maintain sidewalks in the county. If sidewalks were constructed in a public sidewalk easement, then there is still not a provision to connect the sidewalks via a sidewalk with bridges crossing the Denton County right of way as the county does not allow sidewalks. Then there is still the issue of sidewalk maintenance. We are not averse to constructing sidewalks in the development (mostly as houses are constructed) if the City and the County can make arrangements to accommodate city sidewalks in the county (ETJ) areas. It is our humble opinion that the City of Sanger does not require a sidewalks in its developments in its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Therefore we request to approve the variance. Respectfully, Om Gharty Chhetri, PE, CFM 14 Item 2. T WWWI WI T W W STSTST E W TV E G ST STST X X X X OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEO H E OH E OH E OH E X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXX X X X X X X X X OH E OH E OH E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E X X X X X X X X X HELEN P. WOLTERS CALLED 2.500 ACRES VOL. 1130, PG. 658 D.R.D.C.T. JAMES RANDEL HOLDER, JOHN JEFFREY SPRINGER AND ELIZABETH ANN SPRINGER RAYBURN EXHIBIT "B" CALLED 167.75 ACRES DOC. NO. 2004-28833 O.R.D.C.T. GRAY DOG PROPERTIES, LLC CALLED 25.798 ACRES DOC. NO. 2018-87831 O.R.D.C.T. KATHLEEN T WHITT CALLED 1.0 ACRE DOC. NO. 2013-66912 O.R.D.C.T. JAMES D. WHITT AND WIFE, KATHY T. WHITT CALLED 12.50 ACRES VOL. 934, PG. 994 O.R.D.C.T. REDEEMED ASSETS LLC TRACT 1 CALLED 21.394 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-40814 O.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION FIRST TRACT CALLED 0.07 ACRES VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. JUDY K. SELPH DOC. NO. 2010-20064 O.R.D.C.T. MORRIS KNOWLES AND WIFE, JUEL DEAN KNOWLES CALLED 214.7 ACRES VOL. 345, PG. 247, D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION SECOND TRACT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORP. CALLED 2,500 SQ. FT. DOC. NO. 2015-4254 O.R.D.C.T. TANK XXXXX 37' X 47' BARN 8' X 19' SHED 30' X 6 0 ' M O B I L E H O M E WOOD DECK WOOD DECK CATTLE GUARD CATTLE GUARD 12" CMP F/L: 738.3'± F/L: 739.2'± CATTLE GUARD SA M B A S S R O A D (A P P A R E N T P U B L I C R . O . W . , NO R E C O R D F O U N D ) G R A V E L R O A D G R A V E L R O A D GRAVEL ROAD GR A V E L R O A D GRAVEL D R I V E 1 STORY WOOD/FRAME HOUSE COVERED CONCRETE PORCH 10' X 12' SHED 8' X 8' SHED 15" RCP F/L: 732.2'± 15" RCP F/L: 733.2'± 15" RCP F/L: 733.6'± 15" RCP F/L: 734.2'± 35.9' 16 1 . 9 ' 40 . 6 ' 28.3' 17.9' 31.2' FIRE PIT TBM #2 ELEV: 741.70' 73 5 74 0 74 5 750 73 4 73 673 773 873 9 74 174 2 74 3 74 4 746747 748 749 735 73 6 73 7 74 0 737 73 8 73 9 74 174 2 74 5 75 0 74 2 74 3 74 4 74 674 7 74 8 749 751 75 2 75 5 75 3 75 4 756 757 758 759 761 740 74 5 75 0 73 9 74 1 74 2 74 374 4 74 6 74 7 74 8 74 975 1 735 731 732 733 734 736 73 7 73 8 73 9 73 2 73 3 7 4 0 7 3 6 7 3 7 7 3 8 73 9 7 4 1 7 3 0 72 9 7 3 1 7 3 2 731 729 728 740 737 7 3 8 73 9 741 742 7 3 8 737 10' ACCESS EASEMENT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 150' RADIUS SANITARY EASEMENT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. TBM #1 ELEV: 735.46' NO ACCESS NO ACCESS CIRF "PLS INC" 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1" IPF 7/8" IRF 7/8" IRF POINT (NO ACCESS) 12" WOOD POST FND. S89°14'24"E 327.97' S0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " E 31 4 . 2 4 ' N89°13'22"W 110.14' S0°14'22"E 50.00' N89°13'22"W 1355.25' N0 ° 0 0 ' 1 5 " E 41 4 . 9 1 ' N88°52'58"W 105.09' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 2 " W 27 8 . 3 3 ' S89°14'24"E 1240.09' S0 ° 2 2 ' 0 2 " E 33 0 . 1 4 ' 7/8" IRF (N 12°13'43" E, 1.2') CIRS 1" IPF (S 0°05'02" E, 0.9') 1/2" IRF PKS BLOCK A LOT 9 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 9 1.177 ACRES 51,284 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 2 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 1X 1.740 ACRES 75,806 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 2 1.022 ACRES 44,514 SQ. FT. BLOCK B, LOT 1 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. N: 7183084.50 E: 2358552.72 NAD83 P.O.B. PKS N: 7182733.57 E: 2360122.76 NAD83 40.0' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' R=6 0 ' R = 6 0 ' 40.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " W 25 4 . 2 2 ' 258.52'146.39'143.27'62.89' L =1 0 0 .3 5 ' L = 2 5 .3 1' 127.06'143.33'143.35'143.37'21.11' L=125.6 6 ' 27.64' 28.44' L =5 8 .8 4 'L=66.8 3' 70.62'131.97'131.97'131.97'111.69'L =3 0 .4 0 ' L =95.27' 55.03'131.97'135.22' 30 . 0 ' N89°14'24"W 1464.74' 702.59' 682.15' 80.00' 30 . 0 0 ' 30 . 0 0 ' 28 4 . 2 4 ' 30 . 0 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 3 . 8 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 4 . 1 1 ' 30 4 . 0 6 ' 30 4 . 0 2 ' 28 5 . 3 3 ' 30 3 . 9 3 ' 30 3 . 8 9 ' 30 3 . 8 5 ' 193.00'146.39'143.27'149.97'143.90'143.33'143.35'143.37'148.67' 70.13' N 3 ° 0 3 ' 2 4 " W 30 0 . 8 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 30 8 . 6 3 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 166.24'146.60'131.97'131.97'131.97'132.77'137.87'131.97'128.72' 51 . 1 2 ' 30 3 . 7 9 ' 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. C1 C2 C3 C4 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 60 . 0 ' 60 . 0 ' JAMES B . P . J A N U A R Y S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 6 5 8 W. G. HU D S O N S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 5 6 3 APPROXIMATE SURVEY LINE BURNSIDE STREET CURVE TABLE NO. C1 C2 C3 C4 DELTA 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" RADIUS 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' LENGTH 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' CHORD BEARING S89°14'24"E N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W CHORD 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' DW G N A M E : G: \ M Y D R I V E \ T R I N I T Y L A N D S U R V E Y I N G \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 2 \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D - S A N G E R ( B E N B U R N S I D E ) \ D W G \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D _ P P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 7/ 2 8 / 2 0 2 2 5 : 0 5 P M L A S T S A V E D 6/ 2 / 2 0 2 2 3 : 5 1 P M LEGEND CABLE TV BOX ELEVATION BENCHMARK GAS METER GAS TANK TELEPHONE BOX TELEPHONE VAULT ELECTRIC BOX GUY ANCHOR ELECTRIC METER UTILITY POLE SIGN A/C UNIT IRRIGATION VALVE MAIL BOX SANITARY SEWER SEPTIC TANK FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE WATER PUMP TV G G T T E E I ST W W CIRS PKS IRF 5/8" IRON ROD W/ "6854" CAP SET PK NAIL SET IRON ROD FOUND LINE TYPE LEGEND BOUNDARY LINE EASEMENT LINE BUILDING LINE STORM SEWER LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE FENCE CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT BUILDING / HOUSE COVERED AREA / OVERHANG OHE TBM #1 "(" SET ON A 15" RCP HEADWALL 8'± NORTH OF THE MOST EASTERLY SOUTH PROPERTY LINE AND 18'± WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF SAM BASS ROAD. ELEV: 735.46' TBM #2 5/8" IRON ROD SET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF A GRAVEL ROAD, 37'± SOUTH OF THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND 654'± EAST OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE. ELEV: 741.70' BENCH MARK LIST GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 060'30'60'120' 1" = 60'@ 24X36 NORTH N.T.S.VICINITY MAP NORTH SA M B A S S R D . F. M. 4 5 5 HARBERSON RD. POINT OF BEGINNINGP.O.B. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT IPF IRON PIPE FOUND MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT SET OFFICIAL RECORDS DENTONO.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS DEED RECORDS DENTOND.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS CMP CORREGATED METAL PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE F/L FLOW LINE ELEV ELEVATION VOLUMEVOL. PAGEPG. TBM TEMPORARY BENCHMARK X PRELIMINARY PLAT BURNSIDE ADDITION BLOCK A, LOTS 1X AND 2-9 AND BLOCK B, LOTS 1-9 17 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 1 BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY LOT 2.454 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION BEING 21.394 ACRES OUT OF THE JAMES B.P. JANUARY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 658, CITY OF SANGER E.T.J, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Scale Drawn by MLB1" = 60' Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. TLS 04/25/2022 2022-014 1 OF 1 Trinity Land Surveying LLC FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-31801222 Greenbriar St.Denton, Texas 76201 FLOOD STATEMENT: According to Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48121C0205G, for Denton County, Texas and incorporated areas, dated April 18, 2011, this property is located within: Zone X (unshaded) defined as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain" If this site is not within an identified special flood hazard area, this flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structures thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor. NOTES: Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only. SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 1222 Greenbriar St. Denton, TX 76201 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Redeemed Assets LLC 2701 Wind River Ln. Denton, Texas 76210 Ph. Contact: Ben Burnside APPROVAL BLOCK Approved for Preparation of Final Plat ____________________ ____________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT 15 Item 2. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: September 12, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on a request for a variance from Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Article 10.100 Subdivision Ordinance, Section10.105 to allow a variance from the required 31 feet street, face to face of curb and a 50 foot right-of-way with sidewalks, storm sewers, and utilities in the right-of-way and to allow for county requirements of no minimum street width in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter and storm sewers for 21.36 acres of land described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3 within the City of Sanger’s ETJ and generally located on Sam Bass Rd approximately 1323 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Rd. SUMMARY:  The proposed subdivision is located within the City of Sanger’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.  The subdivision will consist of 17 residential lots.  Lots will be a minimum 1.0 acre in size.  Per city regulations streets must be a minimum 31 feet wide from face of curb to face of curb with enclosed drainage.  The minimum right-of-way is 50 feet.  Per city regulations Residential Estates lots are allowed to be 28 feet from edge to edge in a 60- foot right-of-way with barrow ditch drainage. Residential Estates lots are defined as minimum 1.5 acre lots.  The applicant is requesting to follow Denton County standards with no minimum street width and 60-foot right-of-way with borrow ditch drainage with driveway culverts.  Staff mailed out 8 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No response forms have been returned at the time of this report.  This variance will be heard by City Council on 10-3-2022 FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A 16 Item 3. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Layout Plan 17 Item 3. Sec. 10.106 Improvements, (b) Street Paving (2)(A) Residential/Local Street, Residential/Estate Street and Alley Construction Request to construct a Residential/Estate Street 18 Item 3. 19 Item 3. 20 Item 3. 21 Item 3. iCivil Engineering 1001 W Euless Blvd Suite 412H Euless, TX, 76040 Office: 972-523-5493 omgc@icivileng.com TBPE: F-19293 1 of 2 August 16, 2022 City of Sanger Department of Development Services Attn: Ramie Hammonds 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, Tx 76266 Burnside addition Request for Variances from the Subdivision Ordinance – Residential/local street Letter of Intent Dear Ms. Hammonds, Project Description The developer is presenting a single-family residential development at 8949 Sam Bass Road in the City of Sanger E.T.J., Denton County, Texas. The proposed development will create 17 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 1 acre and one lot dedicated to Bolivar Water Supply. In this proposed development, the residential street of 28 feet from edge to edge in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter, without sidewalks and without storm sewers has been proposed. It is desired to construct the development in generally in accordance with the City of Sangers regulations for estate developments. However, estate developments require a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres. Therefore, a number of variances are necessary. In particular we are presenting a request to construct a residential/estate street section. Variance Request Below is a list of references in the Subdivision Ordinance where the requirements for residential/estate streets are discussed: 10.105 General Plat Requirements, (1) Streets, (I) (iv) Residential Estate o Requires a minimum of 1 ½ acres compared to the county requirement of 1 acre. 22 Item 3. iCivil Engineering 1001 W Euless Blvd Suite 412H Euless, TX, 76040 Office: 972-523-5493 omgc@icivileng.com TBPE: F-19293 2 of 2 Discussion In regards to Section 10.105 please consider: The proposed development is on the far western limit of city ETJ. It will be many years before the urban additions, currently within the city limits, expand to adjoin the rural developments within the ETJ and beyond. Residential/Estate type developments within the city limits and on its fringes should reasonably be required to adhere to the Residential/Estate type developments. Here, Residential/Estate streets will be provided without curb and gutter, sidewalks and storm sewer systems. Borrow ditches will be commonly constructed to provide for drainage along with driveway culverts. The minimum street widths for the City of Sanger is 31 feet, face to face of curb for residential streets in a 50 foot right-of-way with sidewalks, storm sewers and city utilities in the right-of-way and franchise utilities in utility easements adjacent to the right-of-way. Here, The width for a residential street will be 28 feet from edge to edge in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter, without sidewalks and without storm sewers. City utilities will be within the right-of-way and franchise utilities will be in utility easements adjacent to the right-of way. The minimums for Denton County are no minimum for the street width in a 60 foot right-of-way without curb and gutter, without sidewalks and without storm sewers. Drainage is accommodated by borrow ditches and culverts. All utilities are in utility easements adjacent to the right-of-way except for roadway crossings perpendicular to the roadway. Typically a minimum pavement width of 24 feet edge to edge for residential development is provided in Denton County. The proposed development will connect to county roads that are expected to remain in the county for years to come. They will be maintained by Denton County. It is a common understanding that county developments are rural. The county minimum is one acre. It seems appropriate that the residential/estate section is applicable in the ETJ. The City of Sanger’s residential/estate street section is much more in line with the Denton County road section than the City’s residential street section. It seems appropriate that the city’s regulations for a rural type street, particularly in the ETJ, should align more with the county’s requirements for streets except perhaps in those areas where annexation is imminent. 23 Item 3. iCivil Engineering 1001 W Euless Blvd Suite 412H Euless, TX, 76040 Office: 972-523-5493 omgc@icivileng.com TBPE: F-19293 3 of 2 It is our humble opinion that the City of Sanger’s residential/estate street section more closely aligns with the Denton County requirements and should be allowed for this development. Respectfully, Om Gharty Chhetri, PE, CFM 24 Item 3. T WWWI WI T W W STSTST E W TV E G ST STST X X X X OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEO H E OH E OH E OH E X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXX X X X X X X X X OH E OH E OH E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E X X X X X X X X X HELEN P. WOLTERS CALLED 2.500 ACRES VOL. 1130, PG. 658 D.R.D.C.T. JAMES RANDEL HOLDER, JOHN JEFFREY SPRINGER AND ELIZABETH ANN SPRINGER RAYBURN EXHIBIT "B" CALLED 167.75 ACRES DOC. NO. 2004-28833 O.R.D.C.T. GRAY DOG PROPERTIES, LLC CALLED 25.798 ACRES DOC. NO. 2018-87831 O.R.D.C.T. KATHLEEN T WHITT CALLED 1.0 ACRE DOC. NO. 2013-66912 O.R.D.C.T. JAMES D. WHITT AND WIFE, KATHY T. WHITT CALLED 12.50 ACRES VOL. 934, PG. 994 O.R.D.C.T. REDEEMED ASSETS LLC TRACT 1 CALLED 21.394 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-40814 O.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION FIRST TRACT CALLED 0.07 ACRES VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. JUDY K. SELPH DOC. NO. 2010-20064 O.R.D.C.T. MORRIS KNOWLES AND WIFE, JUEL DEAN KNOWLES CALLED 214.7 ACRES VOL. 345, PG. 247, D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION SECOND TRACT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORP. CALLED 2,500 SQ. FT. DOC. NO. 2015-4254 O.R.D.C.T. TANK XXXXX 37' X 47' BARN 8' X 19' SHED 30' X 6 0 ' M O B I L E H O M E WOOD DECK WOOD DECK CATTLE GUARD CATTLE GUARD 12" CMP F/L: 738.3'± F/L: 739.2'± CATTLE GUARD SA M B A S S R O A D (A P P A R E N T P U B L I C R . O . W . , NO R E C O R D F O U N D ) G R A V E L R O A D G R A V E L R O A D GRAVEL ROAD GR A V E L R O A D GRAVEL D R I V E 1 STORY WOOD/FRAME HOUSE COVERED CONCRETE PORCH 10' X 12' SHED 8' X 8' SHED 15" RCP F/L: 732.2'± 15" RCP F/L: 733.2'± 15" RCP F/L: 733.6'± 15" RCP F/L: 734.2'± 35.9' 16 1 . 9 ' 40 . 6 ' 28.3' 17.9' 31.2' FIRE PIT TBM #2 ELEV: 741.70' 73 5 74 0 74 5 750 73 4 73 673 773 873 9 74 174 2 74 3 74 4 746747 748 749 735 73 6 73 7 74 0 737 73 8 73 9 74 174 2 74 5 75 0 74 2 74 3 74 4 74 674 7 74 8 749 751 75 2 75 5 75 3 75 4 756 757 758 759 761 740 74 5 75 0 73 9 74 1 74 2 74 374 4 74 6 74 7 74 8 74 975 1 735 731 732 733 734 736 73 7 73 8 73 9 73 2 73 3 7 4 0 7 3 6 7 3 7 7 3 8 73 9 7 4 1 7 3 0 72 9 7 3 1 7 3 2 731 729 728 740 737 7 3 8 73 9 741 742 7 3 8 737 10' ACCESS EASEMENT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 150' RADIUS SANITARY EASEMENT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. TBM #1 ELEV: 735.46' NO ACCESS NO ACCESS CIRF "PLS INC" 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1" IPF 7/8" IRF 7/8" IRF POINT (NO ACCESS) 12" WOOD POST FND. S89°14'24"E 327.97' S0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " E 31 4 . 2 4 ' N89°13'22"W 110.14' S0°14'22"E 50.00' N89°13'22"W 1355.25' N0 ° 0 0 ' 1 5 " E 41 4 . 9 1 ' N88°52'58"W 105.09' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 2 " W 27 8 . 3 3 ' S89°14'24"E 1240.09' S0 ° 2 2 ' 0 2 " E 33 0 . 1 4 ' 7/8" IRF (N 12°13'43" E, 1.2') CIRS 1" IPF (S 0°05'02" E, 0.9') 1/2" IRF PKS BLOCK A LOT 9 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 9 1.177 ACRES 51,284 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 2 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 1X 1.740 ACRES 75,806 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 2 1.022 ACRES 44,514 SQ. FT. BLOCK B, LOT 1 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. N: 7183084.50 E: 2358552.72 NAD83 P.O.B. PKS N: 7182733.57 E: 2360122.76 NAD83 40.0' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' R=6 0 ' R = 6 0 ' 40.00' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " W 25 4 . 2 2 ' 258.52'146.39'143.27'62.89' L =1 0 0 .3 5 ' L = 2 5 .3 1' 127.06'143.33'143.35'143.37'21.11' L=125.6 6 ' 27.64' 28.44' L =5 8 .8 4 'L=66.8 3' 70.62'131.97'131.97'131.97'111.69'L =3 0 .4 0 ' L =95.27' 55.03'131.97'135.22' 30 . 0 ' N89°14'24"W 1464.74' 702.59' 682.15' 80.00' 30 . 0 0 ' 30 . 0 0 ' 28 4 . 2 4 ' 30 . 0 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 3 . 8 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 4 . 1 1 ' 30 4 . 0 6 ' 30 4 . 0 2 ' 28 5 . 3 3 ' 30 3 . 9 3 ' 30 3 . 8 9 ' 30 3 . 8 5 ' 193.00'146.39'143.27'149.97'143.90'143.33'143.35'143.37'148.67' 70.13' N 3 ° 0 3 ' 2 4 " W 30 0 . 8 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 30 8 . 6 3 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 166.24'146.60'131.97'131.97'131.97'132.77'137.87'131.97'128.72' 51 . 1 2 ' 30 3 . 7 9 ' 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. C1 C2 C3 C4 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 16' U.E. 60 . 0 ' 60 . 0 ' JAMES B . P . J A N U A R Y S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 6 5 8 W. G. HU D S O N S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 5 6 3 APPROXIMATE SURVEY LINE BURNSIDE STREET CURVE TABLE NO. C1 C2 C3 C4 DELTA 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" RADIUS 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' LENGTH 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' CHORD BEARING S89°14'24"E N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W CHORD 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' DW G N A M E : G: \ M Y D R I V E \ T R I N I T Y L A N D S U R V E Y I N G \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 2 \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D - S A N G E R ( B E N B U R N S I D E ) \ D W G \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D _ P P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 7/ 2 8 / 2 0 2 2 5 : 0 5 P M L A S T S A V E D 6/ 2 / 2 0 2 2 3 : 5 1 P M LEGEND CABLE TV BOX ELEVATION BENCHMARK GAS METER GAS TANK TELEPHONE BOX TELEPHONE VAULT ELECTRIC BOX GUY ANCHOR ELECTRIC METER UTILITY POLE SIGN A/C UNIT IRRIGATION VALVE MAIL BOX SANITARY SEWER SEPTIC TANK FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE WATER PUMP TV G G T T E E I ST W W CIRS PKS IRF 5/8" IRON ROD W/ "6854" CAP SET PK NAIL SET IRON ROD FOUND LINE TYPE LEGEND BOUNDARY LINE EASEMENT LINE BUILDING LINE STORM SEWER LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE FENCE CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT BUILDING / HOUSE COVERED AREA / OVERHANG OHE TBM #1 "(" SET ON A 15" RCP HEADWALL 8'± NORTH OF THE MOST EASTERLY SOUTH PROPERTY LINE AND 18'± WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF SAM BASS ROAD. ELEV: 735.46' TBM #2 5/8" IRON ROD SET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF A GRAVEL ROAD, 37'± SOUTH OF THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND 654'± EAST OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE. ELEV: 741.70' BENCH MARK LIST GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 060'30'60'120' 1" = 60'@ 24X36 NORTH N.T.S.VICINITY MAP NORTH SA M B A S S R D . F. M. 4 5 5 HARBERSON RD. POINT OF BEGINNINGP.O.B. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT IPF IRON PIPE FOUND MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT SET OFFICIAL RECORDS DENTONO.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS DEED RECORDS DENTOND.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS CMP CORREGATED METAL PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE F/L FLOW LINE ELEV ELEVATION VOLUMEVOL. PAGEPG. TBM TEMPORARY BENCHMARK X PRELIMINARY PLAT BURNSIDE ADDITION BLOCK A, LOTS 1X AND 2-9 AND BLOCK B, LOTS 1-9 17 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 1 BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY LOT 2.454 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION BEING 21.394 ACRES OUT OF THE JAMES B.P. JANUARY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 658, CITY OF SANGER E.T.J, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Scale Drawn by MLB1" = 60' Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. TLS 04/25/2022 2022-014 1 OF 1 Trinity Land Surveying LLC FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-31801222 Greenbriar St.Denton, Texas 76201 FLOOD STATEMENT: According to Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48121C0205G, for Denton County, Texas and incorporated areas, dated April 18, 2011, this property is located within: Zone X (unshaded) defined as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain" If this site is not within an identified special flood hazard area, this flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structures thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor. NOTES: Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only. SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 1222 Greenbriar St. Denton, TX 76201 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Redeemed Assets LLC 2701 Wind River Ln. Denton, Texas 76210 Ph. Contact: Ben Burnside APPROVAL BLOCK Approved for Preparation of Final Plat ____________________ ____________________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT 25 Item 3. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: September 12, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 12.01 acres from (A) Agricultural to (PD) Planned Development zoning.  The development will consist of approximately 3.27 acres of commercial along 5th St., and approximately 8.74 acres multi-family behind the commercial.  The commercial will be four approximately 9000 sq ft buildings with parking in the front.  Multi-family will be made up of 5 two story buildings along the edges of the development and 4 three story buildings in the middle with a total of 166 units.  The units will range from 1-3 bedrooms.  The multi-family will have 24 private garages and 40 reserved carport spaces.  The development will have an amenity center with swimming pool and patio area along with other amenities.  The property is surrounded by SF-10 to the north, PD single family to the east, Industrial and Agriculture to the south, and B-1 to the west.  Staff mailed out 81 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. We received responses 3 in opposition.  Staff had previously noticed this project and received 5 responses in opposition. Two of these were duplicated this time, so I total of 6 responses in opposition were received over the life of the project. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 26 Item 4. S F -1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA I -1I-1 B -1B-1 P D -B -1PD-B -1 P D -S F -0 6PD-S F -0 6 M F -2MF-2 B -1B-1 P R IM R O S E D R COWLINGRD S O U T H L A N D D R ASTER D R S 5TH ST DIA NE D R BLUEB O N N E T D R M A G N O L IA D R E L D E R D R HILLC R E ST D R /Location: Sanger Preserve - 801, 803, 805 S. 5th St.PD Zoning Change (MF-2; B-2)Project: 22SANZO N-0035 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. S F -1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 P DPD I -1I-1 B -1B-1PD-B -1PD-B -1 P D -S F -0 6PD-S F -0 6 M F -2MF-2 B -1B-1 AA P R IM R O S E D R COWLINGRD S O U T H L A N D D R ASTER D R S 5TH ST DIA NE D R BLUEB O N N E T D R M A G N O L IA D R E L D E R D R HILLC R E ST D R Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 2 5 0 5 0 0125 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 27 Item 4. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: September 12, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a zoning change from A (Agricultural District) to PD (Planned Development) for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th St and Cowling Rd. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 12.01 acres from (A) Agricultural to (PD) Planned Development zoning.  The development will consist of approximately 3.27 acres of commercial along 5th St., and approximately 8.74 acres multi-family behind the commercial.  The commercial will be four approximately 9000 sq ft buildings with parking in the front.  Multi-family will be made up of 5 two story buildings along the edges of the development and 4 three story buildings in the middle with a total of 166 units.  The units will range from 1-3 bedrooms.  The multi-family will have 24 private garages and 40 reserved carport spaces.  The development will have an amenity center with swimming pool and patio area along with other amenities.  The property is surrounded by SF-10 to the north, PD single family to the east, Industrial and Agriculture to the south, and B-1 to the west.  Staff mailed out 81 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. We received responses 3 in opposition.  Staff had previously noticed this project and received 5 responses in opposition. Two of these were duplicated this time, so I total of 6 responses in opposition were received over the life of the project. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent PD with Exhibits B, C, D and E Renderings First Notice Comment Response Forms in Opposition Second Notice Comment Response Forms in Opposition 28 Item 5. S F -1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 AA I -1I-1 B -1B-1 P D -B -1PD-B -1 P D -S F -0 6PD-S F -0 6 M F -2MF-2 B -1B-1 P R IM R O S E D R COWLINGRD S O U T H L A N D D R ASTER D R S 5TH ST DIA NE D R BLUEB O N N E T D R M A G N O L IA D R E L D E R D R HILLC R E ST D R /Location: Sanger Preserve - 801, 803, 805 S. 5th St.PD Zoning Change (MF-2; B-2)Project: 22SANZO N-0035 DISCLA IMER:This map was g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S anger GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger does not gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy of any fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit able fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is subje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not be comple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t. S F -1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 S F -1 0SF-1 0 P DPD I -1I-1 B -1B-1PD-B -1PD-B -1 P D -S F -0 6PD-S F -0 6 M F -2MF-2 B -1B-1 AA P R IM R O S E D R COWLINGRD S O U T H L A N D D R ASTER D R S 5TH ST DIA NE D R BLUEB O N N E T D R M A G N O L IA D R E L D E R D R HILLC R E ST D R Cur re nt Zoning Prop osed Zon in g 0 2 5 0 5 0 0125 F e e t Cit y Lim its Exh ibits 29 Item 5. 30 Item 5. 31 Item 5. 32 Item 5. Page 1 of 2 LETTER OF INTENT SANGER PRESERVE – ZONING APPLICATION ADDRESS: 801, 803, 805 SOUTH 5TH STREET, SANGER, TX MAY 17, 2022 PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MULTI-FAMILY 2 (MF-2) AND BUSINESS 2 (B-2) This Letter of Intent is presented as required and shall be used to identify all information required by the City for this rezoning request. This letter includes the following as a part of the rezoning application: A. Metes and Bounds Description - Attached as part of this application is a metes and bounds description – see attached exhibit (Exhibit “A”). Included is a description of the overall property as a site plan exhibit (Exhibit "B"), which graphically identifies the property and provides bearlngs and distances as provided in Exhibit "A". Also, to provide further detailed information and the purpose of the request to build both B-2 and MF-2, is a project summary (Exhibit “C”). The intent is to provide much needed Retail / Office space, as well as address the dramatic need for new housing in Sanger. Included are renderings which reflect the desire of the developer to add value and provide a desirable property for the City of Sanger. 8. The current zoning for the property is Agriculture, Ag-1. C. The application requests the following changes to the current zoning. There will be 2 distinct zoning areas as part of a PD (Planned Development). These changes are as follows: 1. Revise the zoning of approximately 3.27 acres to B-2 (Business), with immediate access to and fronting 801, 803, 805 South 5th Street. 2. Revise the zoning of approximately 8.74 acres to MF-2 (Multifamily). 3. Request approval of a Conceptual Plan for both the B-2 and MF-2 project. PD Development Standards will be adhered to. D. The existing condition of the property within the requested area is undeveloped and vacant. Very few trees are scattered throughout the property. E. The re-zonings and Conceptual Plan requests, once approved by the City of Sanger, 33 Item 5. Page 2 of 2 will allow for the development of the Sanger Preserve development. The zoning allows for 20-units per acre and the PD proposal is equal to or less than this maximum. The streets and necessary parking requirements for both the B-2 and MF-2 will be per Section 19.4 (Parking Regulations) of the City Ordinance. Access for the B-2 will and site layout will allow for appropriate traffic flow. F. CONTACT INFORMATION: Owner: Water Oak LLC Contact Pamela K. & James Holt 600 East Southlake Blvd, Ste. 100 Southlake, TX 76092 817.488.2273 / 817.488.1953 E: PamKHolt@hotmail.com [ END ] 34 Item 5. EXHIBIT A 12.01 +/- ACRE SOUTH 5TH STREET SANGER PRESERVE Prepared for the City of Sanger (the “City”) PURPOSE STATEMENT: To establish a quality master planned multi-phase and multiple product residential and commercial community for the property described by metes and bounds on Exhibit “B” (the “Property”) of this Planned Development Ordinance (“PD”). Development and use of the Property shall comply with the Sanger Zoning Ordinance adopted as of August 3, 1987, and subsequent amended (the “The Zoning Ordinance”) and this PD ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PD ordinance, this PD ordinance shall control. If the PD is silent in a particular area, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall apply. References to City of Sanger Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual (“Design Criteria”) shall mean such manual as adopted on October 7, 2019. PROPOSED USES: Business District (B-2) Approximately 3.53 +/- acres are proposed as local business and retail space which open space of approximately 1.16 acres, including outdoor seating for patrons. Will meet or exceed the required minimum parking spaces of 144 spaces, assuming 1 space / 250 sf, actual will be directly correlated to the actual square footage of the commercial buildings Business designated areas shall consist of four (4) individual buildings of approximately 36,000 square feet. Zoning Ordinance set-back for the side and rear yards have a five (5’) foot set-back. See additional information below under Business District. Multi-family (MF-2) Approximately 8.48 +/- acres are proposed as multifamily which includes open space of approximately 2.69 acres. Will meet or exceed the required minimum parking spaces of 288 spaces, per Section 19.4 of the ‘MF-2’ Multifamily Residential District -2 specifications, which is comprised of open-air parking, carport parking and garage parking. Multifamily shall consist of a clubhouse and nine (9) residential buildings, which will consist of: • four (4) two-story buildings which back to single-family residential, • one (1) two-story and one (1) three-story building along the shared property line with agricultural land • three (3) three-story buildings in the center of the property. Zoning Ordinance set-back along the East wall backing to the Willowood Addition of twenty feet (20’). 35 Item 5. EXHIBIT A 12.01 +/- ACRE SOUTH 5TH STREET SANGER PRESERVE PARKING The parking of both the Business District and Multi-family are necessary for a combined design. Parking spaces may be available to both business patrons and multi-family residents. A minimum number of spaces will be designated as ‘Reserved’ for each of the multi-family units. B-2 patrons may park to the rear of the business entrances, and MF-2 parking may be visible from the public streets. There will be landscaping in areas as shown on the Site Plan (‘Exhibit C’) and further per the City approved landscape plans, however, all off-street parking will not be completely screened due to off-street parking serving both B-2 and MF-2. Total Property Acreage = +/- 12.01. Total Parking will meet or exceed the required minimum of 432 spaces. COMMUNITY FEATURES: The hardscape within the community shall include entry monuments, screening walls of brick, stone and/or concrete masonry backing to residential spaces; brick, stone, concrete, and or black metal backing to public or commercial spaces; and community signage constructed of brick, stone and/or decorative metal. Height and installation of fencing will meet or exceed the Design Criteria (Section 2.2(i)) a minimum of 6 feet tall. See Exhibit D for community amenities. Satellite Dishes will be prohibited on the individual units. Trash compactors and dumpsters will be fenced or walled from view with gates and will be accented with landscape. The enclosures will be CMU blocks with steel / metal gates. A property owners association (“POA”) shall be established to own and maintain the private open spaces, common areas, landscape improvements, perimeter masonry and/or steel fencing, entry monuments and signage. The POA shall maintain common area parking lots. Sidewalks shall be constructed within a pedestrian access easement and owned and maintained by the POA. The sidewalks running parallel to South 5th Street in front of the commercial buildings shall be five foot (5’) wide. DESIGN ELEMENTS MULTIFAMILY: Residential dwellings will meet the Design Criteria. This includes the minimum of four (4) amenities for the common areas available to residents. Such amenities are detailed on Exhibit D for both the units and community. No building shall exceed a maximum height of forty-five feet (45’). The building height of the two-story residential units along the eastern edge of the property with a shared property line with Willowood Addition, shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25’) and shall have a set-back of twenty feet (20’) from the fence / property line. BUSINESS DISTRICT: The maximum height of the Business District-2 (“B-2”) will be maximum 40’. 36 Item 5. EXHIBIT A 12.01 +/- ACRE SOUTH 5TH STREET SANGER PRESERVE The front set-back will be per current zoning ordinance, with five foot (“5”) rear and side setbacks. The side and rear of the commercial buildings do not abut directly to other buildings, each building has parking separating it from other buildings on and off the property. Any mechanical equipment including roof top equipment shall be screened from residential areas either by fencing, landscaping or rooftop screening as applicable. MULTIFAMILY, TOWNHOME AND NON-RESIDENTIAL USES LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: All landscape requirements shall comply with Sections 48.4 and 48.5, Landscape Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. There will be sidewalks as required parallel to the commercial spaces fronting South 5th Street. There will be landscape screening of utilities. ~ END ~ 37 Item 5. Peloton Job No. DRH20008 Ft. Worth January 19, 2022 G:\JOB\JPH21001_SangerRetreat\MasterDev\_Sur\Exhibits\Legals\JPH21001_ZN1.docx Page 1 of 3 DESCRIPTION FOR PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE OF 12.015 ACRES OF LAND BEING that certain tract of land situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being all that certain tract of land described by deed to James Holt and Pamela Holt, recorded in Instrument Number 2012-98755, County Records, Denton County, Texas (C.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of herein described tract, being in the east right-of-way line of Cowling Road (60-foot right-of-way), same being the northwest corner of that certain tract of land described by deed to Glen Edwin Giese and wife, Helen Jean Giese, recorded in Volume 2769, Page 367, C.R.D.C.T., same also being the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE with said east right-of-way line and said curve to the right, an arc distance of 197.80 feet, through a central angle of 19°14’10”, having a radius of 589.15 feet, the long chord of which bears N 17°44’04”E, 196.87 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE with said curve to the right, continuing with said east right-of-way line, an arc distance of 302.53 feet, through a central angle of 24°53’54”, having a radius of 696.19 feet, the long chord of which bears N 39°48’06”E, 300.16 feet, to the southeast right-of-way line of 5th Street (60 foot right-of-way); THENCE N 52°15’03”E, continuing with said southeast right-of-way line, 450.15 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE with said curve to the left, continuing with said southeast right-of-way line, an arc distance of 261.96 feet, through a central angle of 10°50’46”, having a radius of 1383.83 feet, the long chord of which bears N 46°49’32”E, 261.57 feet, to the northwest corner of herein described tract, same being the southwest corner of that certain tract of land described by deed to Sable Development Corporation, recorded in Instrument Number 1996-20534, C.R.D.C.T.; THENCE S 87°13’05”E, with the south line of said Sable Development Corporation tract, 124.31 feet to the northeast corner of herein described tract, same being the southeast corner of said Sable Development Corporation tract, same also being in the west line of Lot CA-1, Block E, Willowood Addition, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument Number 2019-482, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas (P.R.D.C.T.); THENCE S 00°49’32”W, with said west line, 20.49 feet; THENCE S 02°48’39”W, continuing with the west line of said Willowood Addition, 890.01 feet to the southeast corner of herein described tract, same being the northeast corner of Lot 1R, Block A, Ashley Waters Addition, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument Number 2019-264, P.R.D.C.T., same also being the northwest corner of Quail Run Phase 3, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton Exhibit B 38 Item 5. Peloton Job No. DRH20008 Ft. Worth January 19, 2022 G:\JOB\JPH21001_SangerRetreat\MasterDev\_Sur\Exhibits\Legals\JPH21001_ZN1.docx Page 2 of 3 County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet X, Page 485 (Instrument Number 2007-7604), P.R.D.C.T.; THENCE N 87°12’48”W, 880.06 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 523,362 square feet or 12.015 acres of land more or less. “Integral Parts of this Document” 1. Description – 2 Pages 2. Exhibit "This document was prepared under 22 TAC 138.95, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared." 39 Item 5. prepared." boundary of the political subdivision for which it was established by the creation or reconfiguration of the real property except those rights and interests implied or and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, "This document was prepared under 22 TAC 138.95, 2. Exhibit 1. Description - 2 Pages "Integral Parts of this Document" EXHIBIT FOR PROPOSED ZONING OF 12.015 Acres of Land CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, Approx. Survey Line ABSTRACT# 1241H. TIERWESTER SURVEY ABSTRACT# 940MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS SURVEY ABSTRACT# 71 M. BURLESON SURVEY (AGRICULTURAL) ZONED "A" C O WL IN G D R IVE S. 5TH STREET 12.015 Acres C.R.D.C.T. Inst.# 2012-98755 PAMELA HOLT JAMES HOLT and JOB #DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:PAGE # G:\JOB\JPH21001_SangerRetreat\MasterDev\_Sur\Exhibits\JPH21001_zn1.dgn 1/19/2022 12:28:09 PM T B P E L S - L S F ir m R e g N o . 10 17 7 7 0 0 Default FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76177 PH.# 817-562-3350 9800 HILLWOOD PARKWAY, SUITE 250 C o p y r ig h t 2 0 2 1 P e lo t o n L a n d S o lu t io n s , In c . A p p r o x . S u r v e y L in e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B L O C K E CA-1 P . R . D . C . T . IN S T . # 2 0 19 - 4 8 2 W IL L O W O O D A D D IT IO N P.R.D.C.T. INST. #2019-264 ASHLEY WATERS ADDITION LOT 1R C.R.D.C.T. INST. #1996-20534 CORPORATION SABLE DEVELOPMENT P.R.D.C.T. INST. #2007-7604 CAB. X, PG. 485 PHASE 3 QUAIL RUN TAB 3 of 3JPH21001DK01-11-22 (INDUSTRIAL) ZONED "I-1" (SINGLE FAMILY) ZONED "SF-10" (BUSINESS) ZONED "B-1" (SINGLE FAMILY) ZONED "SF-10" C.R.D.C.T. Inst.# 2012-8368 HELEN GIESE C.R.D.C.T. VOL. 2769, PG. 367 GLEN EDWIN GIESE, et ux. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 600300 40 Item 5. Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Bldg1-1F.dwg Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\breezeway\X-BLDG I.dwgXref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\breezeway\X-BLDG I.dwgXref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Big house\X-BLDG 2-1-BIND.dw g Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Big house\X-BLDG 2-1-BIND.dwg Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Big house\X-BLDG 2-1-BIND.dwg Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Big house\X-BLDG 2-1-BIND.dw g RETAIL-3 (UP TO 9,000 SF) 20' SETBACK 20 ' S E T B A C K 10' S E T B A C K RETAIL ENTRY/ EXIT MULTIFAMILY ENTRY/EXIT 20' SETBACK DUMPSTER 10 ' S E T B A C K 1 -2 STORY RETAIL-2 (UP TO 9,000 SF) 0.20 ACRE DETENTION POND 25' F I R E L A N E RETAIL-4 (UP TO 9,000 SF) RETAIL-1 (UP TO 9,000 SF) 25' F I R E L A N E 2 5 ' F I R E L A N E 25' FIRE LANE 25 ' F I R E L A N E 25 ' F I R E L A N E 25' FIRE LANE DUMPSTER CLUB HOUSE 2500 SF. COVERED TRELLIS BBQD R I V E T H R U L A N E D R I V E T H R U L A N E M A I L K I O S K PARK POOL OUTDOOR DINING E S C A P E L A N E OUTDOOR DINING 8 CARPORTS 4 CARPORTS 8 C A R P O R T S 8 CARPORTS 4 C A R P O R T S COMPACTOR 0.20 ACRE DETENTION POND 2 -2 STORY 3 -2 STORY 8 -3 STORY 9 -3 STORY 6 -2 STORY 5 -3 STORY 7 -3 STORY 10 -2 STORY 25' 25' 25 ' WILLOWOOD ADDITION INST. #2019-482 P.R.D.C.T. JAMES HOLT AND PAMELA HOLT INST. #2012-98755 C.R.D.C.T. JAMES HOLT AND PAMELA HOLT INST. #2012-98755 C.R.D.C.T. SABLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION INST. #1996-20534 C.R.D.C.T. QUAIL RUN PHASE 3 CAB. X, PG. 485 INST. #2007-7604 P.R.D.C.T. HELEN GIESE INST. #2012-8368 C.R.D.C.T. GLEN EDWIN GIESE, ET UX. VOL. 2769, PG. 367 C.R.D.C.T. PROPOSED MULTIFAMILY 8.48 ACRES PROPOSED RETAIL 3.53 ACRES MULTIFAMILY ENTRY/EXIT SOU T H 5 T H S T R E E T CO W L I N G D R I V E 6 -2 STORY Xref ..\CAD\X-BLDG\Big house\X-BLDG 2-1-BIND.dw g 5' WIDE SIDEWALK LOCATED ALONG 5TH STREET FRONTAGE 5' WIDE SIDEWALK LOCATED ALONG 5TH STREET FRONTAGE C100 PROJECT #DATE SHEET SANGER PRESERVE SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS JULY 2022 SA N G E R P R E S E R V E ZO N I N G S U B M I T T A L JPH21001REVIEWER:AM DESIGNED:TBG DRAWN:TBG Dr a w i n g : G: \ J O B \ J P H 2 1 0 0 1 _ S a n g e r R e t r e a t \ M a s t e r D e v \ C i v i l \ E x h i b i t s \ J P H 2 1 0 0 1 - C - S I T E La s t S a v e d b y : Cb a n k s La s t S a v e d : 8/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 9 : 0 3 A M Pl o t D a t e / T i m e : 8/ 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 9 : 0 3 A M TEXAS REGISTRATION ENGINEERING FIRM NO. 12207 9800 HILLWOOD PKWY, SUITE 250, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76177 FORT WORTH PHONE: (817) 562-3350 ZONING SITE PLAN EXHIBIT N 0 60'120' SCALE: 1" = 60' LOCATION MAP SCALE : N.T.S. PROJECT LOCATION E. WILLOW ST. E. CHA P M A N D R . S. 5 T H S T . RA I L R O A D A V E . DUCK CREEK RD. KE A T O N R D . DU C K C R E E K R D . I-35 INTERSTATE I-35 INTERSTATE CHAPMAN DR. ME T Z R D . N. K E A T O N R D . CO W L I N G R D . 41 Item 5. EXHIBIT D SANGER PRESERVE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AMENITIES: CLUBHOUSE YOGA / EXERCISE ROOM RESORT-STYLE POOL WITH TANNING LEDGE COMMUNITY BBQ AREAS WITH GRILLS COFFEE BAR / WI-FI CAFÉ WIRED FOR HIGH-SPEED INTERNET KITCHEN / SERVING AREA FOR PRIVATE RESIDENT FUNCTIONS IN CLUBHOUSE DOG PARK TRASH COMPACTOR (SINGLE LOCATION) PACKAGE LOCKERS UNIT AMENITIES: WOOD-LOOK LVT PLANK FLOORING TECH PACKAGE: DIGITAL WI-FI CONTROLLED THERMOSTAT, ELECTRONIC LOCKS, USB PORTS ENERGY EFFICIENT PACKAGE: DOUBLE-PANE WINDOWS, ENERGY STAR APPLIANCES, LED LIGHTS, LOW VOC PAINT SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOPS STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN APPLIANCES INCLUDES MICROWAVE WASHER / DRYER HOOK-UPS OVERSIZED WALK-IN SHOWERS * 2” WOOD LOOK BLINDS CEILING FANS 9’ CEILINGS PRIVATE ‘PUPPY’ YARDS* COVERED / GARAGE PARKING * *Some Unit Amenities available for specific Units only. ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AMENITIES: DOG WASH STATION ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL UNIT AMENITIES: KITCHEN PANTRIES * KITCHEN ISLANDS * WASHER / DRYER INCLUDED VALET TRASH PICK-UP 42 Item 5. S ANGER P RESERVE A UGUST 2022 D ESIGN F EATURES & COMMUNITY F EATURES EXHIBIT E 43 Item 5. AN EXPERIENCED TEAM ASSEMBLED FOR MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT PELOTON LAND SOLUTIONS CIVIL ENGINEERING RICHARD PAYNE & BRAD SICARD HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECTS ARCHITECT MICHAEL SMITH, & M ADISON KRUK EJTJ VENTURES LLC, DALLAS, T EXAS CONSULTANT -DEVELOPMENT MARIE C. FREEMAN CAF MANAGEMENT, F RISCO, TX PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TRENT WOODS & BROOKE HENDRY WATER OAK LLC OWNER / OPERATOR PAMELA K. & JAMES HOLT S ANGER P RESERVE All Information presented herein is based on currently available information which may be revised based on specific site needs, market data and City requirements. 44 Item 5. 45 Item 5. PROJECT OVERVIEW THE SANGER PRESERVE |S.FIFTH AND COWLING,SANGER,TEXAS 170-UNITS MULTIFAMILY,WALK-UP COMMUNITY,TOTALING +/- 160K SF AND 3,000-3,3500 SF CLUBHOUSE,DESIGNED WITH RESIDENT AMENITIES ON APPROX.12ACRES.RESIDENTIAL AVG /ACRE:20 o FIVE 2-STORY RESIDENTIAL BLDGS | FOUR 3-STORY RESIDENTIAL BLDGS FOUR RETAIL BLDGS FOR A TOTAL OF UPTO36,000 SF, INCLUDING OUTDOOR GATHERING SPACES RESIDENTS WILL ENJOY AMENITIES EXPECTED IN A NEW MULTIFAMILY COMMUNITY WHICH ARE NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN THE MARKET, INCLUDING:STAINLESS APPLIANCES,SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOPS, RESORT STYLE POOL,9 FT CEILINGS,WOOD-LOOK PLANK FLOORING &ENERGY EFFICIENCIES. SANGER,TX,IS ONLY 15 MINUTES N.OF DENTON,TX THE CITYHASAPOPULATIONOFJUSTOVER9,200 AS OF 2021 ESTIMATES,AN INCREASE FROM 7,000 IN 2010 (A 24% INCREASE). DENTON COUNTY HAS A POPULATION OF AN ESTIMATED 944,000. WHICH HAS GROWN BY OVER 41%SINCE 2010.[1] THE PROJECT IS LOCATED JUST 1.2 MILES FROM THE MAJOR I-35 FREEWAY ON I-35 BUSINESS. SOURCE: [1] www.worldpopulationreview.com FLOOR PLAN SF UNIT MIX % UNIT MIX 1 BED / 1 BATH 639 - 787 50 29% 2 BED / 2 BATH 925 – 1145 108 64% 3 BED / 2 BATH 1250 12 7% TOTAL RENTABLE SF 160,523 170 100% UNIT AVERAGE NET SF 944 CLUBHOUSE SF (APPROX.) 3,000 – 3,500 RETAIL SF (APPROX. MAX) 36,000 PROJECTED AVG RENT PSF $1.60-1.70 PROJECTED AVG RENT PER UNIT $1,580-1,685 *ABOVE ARE ESTIMATES PENDING FINAL DESIGN & APPROVALS 46 Item 5. CURRENT PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL SPACES 144 RESIDENTIAL SPACES 288 TOTAL REQUIRED 432 PARKING PROVIDED:MF-2B-2 TOTAL OPEN SURFACE SPACES 236 184 420 RESERVED CARPORT 40 0 40 PRIVATE GARAGES 24 0 24 TOTAL PROVIDED 300 184 484 All Residential Parking will be Reserved (both unassigned & assigned) The submittal for a variance includes revising parking requirements based on Section 19 (MF-2) and 23 (B-2) of the Building Code for Multifamily & Retail Parking 47 Item 5. 48 Item 5. IDEA BOARD -CLUBHOUSE & AMENITIES *Renderings only of proposed amenities 49 Item 5. IDEA BOARD –PROPERTY EXTERIOR HERMOSA VILLAGE LEANDER, TX HUMPHREYS ARCHITECTS CREEKSIDE PARK THE RESIDENCES THE WOODLANDS, TX HUMPHREYS ARCHITECTS 50 Item 5. IDEA BOARD –UNIT INTERIORS 51 Item 5. UNIT PLANS Typical Floor Plans will range from 700 SF to 1300 SF UNIT & FLOOR PLANS SUBJECT TO REVISIONS BASED ON SITE REQUIREMENTS 52 Item 5. BUILDING WITHTHESE ELEMENTS IN MIND RESULTS IN LOWER OPERATING COSTS, ENHANCESTHE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR OUR RESIDENTS, AND MAXIMIZESVALUE FOR OUR INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS. ENERGY STAR -RATED APPLIANCES * LOW VOC INTERIOR PAINTS ENERGY EFFICIENT DOUBLE-PANE WINDOWS & PATIO /BALCONY DOORSTO MAXIMIZE NATURAL LIGHT. INSULATION INCLUDING CAULKING OR SPRAY FOAM AROUND LIGHT SWITCH & OUTLET DIGITAL WI-FI CONTROLLED THERMOSTAT WOOD-LOOK PLANK FLOORING –GREEN RATED C ABINETS SOURCED FROMWITHIN 500 MILES OFTHE PROPERTY CEILING FANS 2” WOOD LOOK BLINDS NATIVE LANDSCAPE & PLANTINGS, WATER -SENSE IRRIGATION SYSTEMWITH SEPARATE METER LED / CFL LIGHTING INDIVIDUAL ELECTRIC & WATER METERINGTO PROMOTE RESIDENT CONSERVATION HIGH-EFFICIENCY PLUMBING FIXTURES PACKAGE LOCKERS SHOWNTO REDUCE THE PROPERTY CARBON FOOTPRINT ENERGY STAR FEATURES *Applies to available appliances.53 Item 5. PARCEL LOCKERS SECURE PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR OUR RESIDENTS ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ WITH THE EXPLOSION OF ALL- THINGS DELIVERED RIGHT TO OUR ‘DOOR-STEP’,WE NEED A WAY TO SECURE THE IMPORTANT DELIVERIES OF OUR RESIDENTS …PACKAGE LOCKERS PROVIDE EASY TO USE,AUTOMATED LOCKERS. NO WORRIES ABOUT NOT BEING HOME TO RECEIVE A PACKAGE –THEULTIMATEIN RESIDENT CONVENIENCE! 1 2 54 Item 5. LOCATION ~ S. FIFTH & COWLING , S ANGER, T EXAS 55 Item 5. T HANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & CONSIDERATION! W E LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH THE C ITY OF S ANGER TO BRING THIS BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY TO LIFE! 56 Item 5. HUMPHREYS &PARTNERS ARCHITECTS, L.P. 5339 Alpha Rd., Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75240 | 972.701.9636 | www.humphreys.com April 7, 2022TROPHY H HOLDINGS SANGER, TX HPA# 21100 SANGER PRESERVEPERSPECTIVE RENDERINGS 57 Item 5. HUMPHREYS &PARTNERS ARCHITECTS, L.P. 5339 Alpha Rd., Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75240 | 972.701.9636 | www.humphreys.com April 7, 2022TROPHY H HOLDINGS SANGER, TX HPA# 21100 SANGER PRESERVEPERSPECTIVE RENDERINGS 58 Item 5. HUMPHREYS &PARTNERS ARCHITECTS, L.P. 5339 Alpha Rd., Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75240 | 972.701.9636 | www.humphreys.com April 7, 2022TROPHY H HOLDINGS SANGER, TX HPA# 21100 SANGER PRESERVEPERSPECTIVE RENDERINGS 59 Item 5. 60 Item 5. 61 Item 5. 62 Item 5. 63 Item 5. 64 Item 5. 65 Item 5. 66 Item 5. 67 Item 5. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: September 12, 2022 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Enderby Gas Addition, being 1.22 acres in the City of Sanger, and generally located on south east corner of the I-35 access road and Southside Drive. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 1.22 acres from 2 unplatted tracts.  The lot is currently the site of Enderby Gas.  The site lost property due to the TxDOT expansion on the west and south sides of the lot.  There is approximately 316 feet of frontage on S Stemmons and 134 feet of frontage on Southside Drive.  The lot currently has access from the S Stemmons.  The plat will reflect the new boundaries after the TxDOT taking. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are satisfied prior to City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent Minor Plat Planning Review Comments Engineering Comments 68 Item 6. 58 22 1 58 25 6 58 15 7 58 25 1 58 22 9 58 16 3 58 24 6 59 59 2 59 59 7 58 16 5 58 62 3 58 21 3 58 61 9 58 26 3 23 12 33 23 12 34 59 57 7 59 57 7 59 60 1 59 58 4 59 58 8 58 30 8583145831958324 58 24 0 59 60 7 59 60 7 SOUTHPARK CT I - 3 5 S E R V I C E SOUTHS IDE DR I - 3 5 I - 3 5 I - 3 5 S E R V I C E /Project Name: 713 S. StemmonsMinor PlatProject: 22SANZO N-0050 0 100 20050 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 8/21 /2 02 2 5 :5 9:4 5 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 05 0 _7 13 S S te mmon s Min or P latCity L imi ts Exhi bi ts SubjectArea 69 Item 6. N/A X X X X N/A N/A (Can deliver if needed) Aerial Map included in letter of intent 70 Item 6. 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 940.380.9453 www.ae-grp.com TBPE Firm #: 7898 P:\Projects\MPI2202 - Enderby Gas - Sanger\City Submittals\Minor Plat\2022-08-17\Letter of Intent.docx Page 1 of 2 August 17, 2022 City of Sanger Department of Development Services Attn: Ramie Hammonds 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, Tx 76266 Re: Minor Plat – Enderby Gas Addition AEG No: MPI2202 Dear Ms. Hammonds, Allison Engineering Group (AEG) is delighted to present this Minor Plat on behalf of the property owner, Enderby Gas Inc. The intent of this Minor Plat is to show the area that is being provided to TXDOT called PARCEL 56 CALLED 0.0674 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS DOC. NO. 221-11175 O.R.D.C.T. The Minor Plat will also show the new boundary of the existing property. Area Description: The site is located at 713 S Stemmons Service Sanger, TX 76266 (see attached aerial). The current Zoning is B-2 Business. The current use is commercial as Enderby Gas Inc. is operating on this property. Contacts: Lee Allison, P.E., applicant or Claudia Ledford with Enderby Gas Inc., owner may be contacted regarding additional information needed to consider this request. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Lee Allison, P.E. Attachments: Aerial Map 71 Item 6. Page 2 of 2 P:\Projects\MPI2202 - Enderby Gas - Sanger\City Submittals\Minor Plat\2022-08-17\Letter of Intent.docx Aerial Map 72 Item 6. REMAINDER OF A CALLED 0.19095 ACRES (TRACT ONE) ENDERBY GAS, INC. VOL. 980, PG. 935 D.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER OF A CALLED 1.10283 ACRES (TRACT TWO) ENDERBY GAS, INC. VOL. 980, PG. 935 D.R.D.C.T. CALLED 2.93 ACRES DARREL LOUIS JANSSEN DOC. NO. 2021-180266 O.R.D.C.T. LOT 40 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 41 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 42 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 56 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. POB I N T E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 3 5 E VA R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y SOUTHSIDE DRIVE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL 56 CALLED 0.0674 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS DOC. NO. 2021-11175 O.R.D.C.T. PARCEL 58 CALLED 0.1920 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS DOC. NO. 2020-191863 O.R.D.C.T. 1/2"CIRF "ALLIANCE" 1/2"IRF CIRS 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" CIRS CIRS 39 . 0 8 ' 1 5 0 . 0 7 ' 14 8 . 8 3 ' N 87°06'09" E 159.27' S 0 3 ° 5 2 ' 3 3 " E 3 3 7 . 9 8 ' S 89°21'44" W 134.62' N 4 7 ° 3 0 ' 1 0 " W 2 9 . 6 1 ' N 0 3 ° 0 6 ' 2 4 " W 1 6 7 . 9 8 ' CIRS C 1 1 0 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T VO L . 1 1 , P G . 2 6 , P . R . D . C . T . 10 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T V O L . 11 , P G . 2 6 , P . R . D . C . T . 20' UTILITY EASEMENT VOL.11, PG. 26, P.R.D.C.T. UTILITY EASEMENT VOL.11, PG. 26, VOM.P.R.D.C.T. CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL 25 . 0 ' 25 . 0 ' L1 LOT 1 BLOCK A 1.22 ACRES 53,098 SQ.FT. TRACT LINE 1" = 20' 0 2010 N = PLAT BOUNDARY PAGE 1 OF 1 MINOR PLAT ENDERBY GAS ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A 1.22 ACRES 1 LOT BEING A PORTION OF A CALLED 0.19095 ACRES (TRACT ONE) AND A PORTION OF A CALLED 1.10283 ACRES (TRACT TWO) RECORDED IN VOLUME 980, PAGE 935, D.R.D.C.T. IN THE M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 71, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE & DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS, ENDERBY GAS, INC. is the sole owner of a 1.22 acre tract of land out of the M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 71, situated in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 0.19095 acre tract of land (Tract One) and a portion of a called 1.10283 acre tract (Tract Two) conveyed to Enderby Gas, Inc. by the Warranty Deed of record in Volume 980, Page 935, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNINGDWDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHQRUWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRI6RXWKVLGH'ULYH D ULJKWRIZD\DWWKHVRXWKZHVWFRUQHURI/RW%ORFN6DQJHU6RXWK6XEGLYLVLRQDVXEGLYLVLRQRIUHFRUG in Volume 11, Page 26, of the Plat Records of Denton County Texas, and the southeast corner of said Tract One; THENCE6ƒ :DORQJWKHQRUWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRIVDLG6RXWKVLGH'ULYHEHLQJWKHFRPPRQVRXWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW2QHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHFXWRIIOLQH between the intersection of the north right-of-way line of said Southside Drive and the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E (a variable width right-of-way), same being the east line of a called 0.0674 acre tract of land (Parcel 56) conveyed to the State of Texas by deed of record in Document Number 2021-1175, of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, IURPZKLFKDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQGDWWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG3DUFHOEHDUV 6ƒ ´(DGLVWDQFHRIIHHW THENCE, along the east right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway 35E, same being the east line of said Parcel 46, the following three (3) courses and distances: 1ƒ :DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQGDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHULJKW $ORQJVDLGQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHULJKWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWDFKRUGEHDULQJRI1ƒ :DFKRUGOHQJWKRIIHHWDGHOWDDQJOHRIƒ DQDUFOHQJWKRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDS VWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQG 1ƒ :DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHQRUWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRDWWKHQRUWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG3DUFHOWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHURIDFDOOHGDFUHWUDFWRI land (Parcel 58) conveyed to the State of Texas by deed of record in Document Number 2020-191863, of said Official Records, and the southwest corner of a called 2.93 acre tract of land conveyed to Darrel Louis Janssen by deed of record in Document Number 2021-180266, of said Official Records; THENCE1ƒ (DORQJWKHVRXWKOLQHRIVDLGDFUHWUDFWEHLQJWKHFRPPRQQRUWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWDWDQLQWHULRUHOOFRUQHURI Lot 40, Block 1, of said Sanger South Subdivision and the northeast corner of said Tract Two; THENCE6ƒ (DORQJWKHZHVWOLQHRIVDLG/RWEHLQJWKHFRPPRQHDVWOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRSDVVLQJDWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWDLURQURGIRXQGDWWKHVRXWKZHVWFRUQHURIVDLG/RWDQGWKHQRUWKZHVWFRUQHURI/RW%ORFNRIVDLG Sanger South Subdivision, and continuing along said common line, passing at a distance of 189.15 feet the southwest corner of said Lot 41 and the northwest corner of said Lot 56, and continuing a total distance of 337.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing an area of 1.22 Acres, or (53098 Square Feet) of land, more or less. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT ENDERBY GAS, INC., acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as ENDERBY GAS ADDITION an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities, and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND THIS _____ DAY OF __________, 2022. ENDERBY GAS, INC., a Texas Corporation, owner BY:____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Agent Date BY:_____________________________ Printed Name and Title STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared _______________________________ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this _______ day of __________________, 2022. _______________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I, MATTHEW RAABE, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared from an actual survey made on the ground and that the monuments shown hereon were found or placed with 1/2-inch iron rods with green plastic caps stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" under my direction and supervision in accordance with the current provisions of the Texas Administrative Code and the Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. _____________________________________________________ Matthew Raabe, R.P.L.S. # 6402 Date STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared MATTHEW RAABE, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this ____ day of ______________, 2022. ___________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Drafter Project Date BE 8/16/2022 2010.080-02 EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 222 S. Elm Street, Suite: 200 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 SURVEYOR Eagle Surveying, LLC Contact: Brad Eubanks 222 S. Elm Street, Suite: 200 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF PLAT RECORDS,P.R.D.C.T. = CABINETCAB = PAGEPG DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= OFFICIAL RECORDS,O.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB = IRON ROD FOUNDIRF OWNER Enderby Gas, Inc. P.O. Box 717 Gainesville, TX 76241-0717 (940) 458-1993 PRELIMINARY this document shall not be recorded for any purpose and shall not be used or viewed or relied upon as a final survey document DOCUMENT NUMBERDOC. NO. = APPROVED AND ACCEPTED CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ______________________________________ ___________________________ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ______________________________________ ___________________________ Thomas Muir Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ATTEST: _______________________________________ ____________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Date City of Sanger, Tx 35 KE A T O N 1.) The purpose of this plat is to create one (1) lot of record from two unplatted tracts of land. 2.)This property is located in "Non-shaded Zone X" according to the F.E.M.A. Flood Insurance Rate Map dated April 18, 2011 and is located in Community Number 480786 as shown on Map Number 48121C0210G. 3.)The grid coordinates shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) State Plane Coordinate System (Texas North Central Zone - 4202). 4.)Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law, and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 5.) All interior property corners are marked with a 1/2-inch iron rod with a green plastic cap stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" unless noted otherwise. 6.)The bearings shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) Datum. 7.)Water and Sanitary Sewer, are provided by the City of Sanger, PO Box 1729, Sanger, TX 76266, 940-458-2571. Electric Service is provided by Sanger Electric Utilities, 202 Railroad Ave., Sanger, TX 76266, 940-458-2064. 8.)All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 9.) This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 10.) All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by teh HOA/POA. Any common area with in the City's right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. 11.) This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 12.) Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year floodplain. 13.)This property is zoned B-2. GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 455 SOUTHSIDE 5TH DUCK CREEK WILLOW 5 T H ELM SITE LOCATION CURVE TABLE CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 143.85'6455.00'ƒ 1ƒ :143.85' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 6ƒ (5.28' = ADJOINER BOUNDARY 73 Item 6. 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 09/01/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Minor Plat (Enderby Gas Addition) Request is for a Minor Plat of the Enderby Gas Addition Phase II platting Lot 1, Block A, being approximately 1.22 acres, prepared by Eagle Surveying, LLC, submitted on 08/17/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Describe and locate all permanent survey monument, pins, control points, and tie and reference the survey corners at two points to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System North Central Zone 1983-1999 datum. The point of beginning shall be clearly marked including State Plane Coordinates NAD 83. 2. An accurate location of at least two (2) corners of the subdivision with reference to original corners of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part or an existing permanent monument to an approved and recorded plat or permanent markers established by and approved by the City Council. 3. Show centerline of all existing streets. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline. 4. Provide a signed and notarized copy of private restrictions (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 5. Add name, address and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development. If it is Sanger water, sewer and electric no will serve letter required, if another provider furnish will serve letter. Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Minor Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday September 12, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday October 3, 2022. 74 Item 6. 3803 Parkwood Blvd. Suite 800 Frisco, Texas 75034 (214) 618-4570 Fax (214) 739-0095 September 6, 2022 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Minor Plat for Enderby Gas Addition First Review Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to review the Minor Plat for the Enderby Gas Addition located at the intersection of Southside Drive with Interstate Highway 35E. We have completed our review of the plat and have the following comments: 1. Modify General Note 2 to match language in City ordinance: “The subject property does not lie within a 100-year floodplain according to Community Panel No.____________, dated ____________, of the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Denton County, Texas.” 2. Modify General Note 6 to match language in City ordinance: “Bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983 (NAD ‘83)” 3. Modify Owner’s Certificate to match language in City ordinance: The Surveyor/Owner shall revise the plat to address the above-stated comments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (817) 764-7467. Sincerely, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. TBPELS Firm No. 312 Steven D. Templer, P.E. Senior Project Manager 75 Item 6. REMAINDER OF A CALLED 0.19095 ACRES (TRACT ONE) ENDERBY GAS, INC. VOL. 980, PG. 935 D.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER OF A CALLED 1.10283 ACRES (TRACT TWO) ENDERBY GAS, INC. VOL. 980, PG. 935 D.R.D.C.T. CALLED 2.93 ACRES DARREL LOUIS JANSSEN DOC. NO. 2021-180266 O.R.D.C.T. LOT 40 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 41 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 42 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 56 BLOCK 1 SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION VOL. 11, PG. 26 P.R.D.C.T. POB I N T E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 3 5 E VA R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y SOUTHSIDE DRIVE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL 56 CALLED 0.0674 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS DOC. NO. 2021-11175 O.R.D.C.T. PARCEL 58 CALLED 0.1920 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS DOC. NO. 2020-191863 O.R.D.C.T. 1/2"CIRF "ALLIANCE" 1/2"IRF CIRS 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" 1/2"CIRF "TXDOT" CIRS CIRS 39 . 0 8 ' 1 5 0 . 0 7 ' 14 8 . 8 3 ' N 87°06'09" E 159.27' S 0 3 ° 5 2 ' 3 3 " E 3 3 7 . 9 8 ' S 89°21'44" W 134.62' N 4 7 ° 3 0 ' 1 0 " W 2 9 . 6 1 ' N 0 3 ° 0 6 ' 2 4 " W 1 6 7 . 9 8 ' CIRS C 1 1 0 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T VO L . 1 1 , P G . 2 6 , P . R . D . C . T . 10 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T V O L . 11 , P G . 2 6 , P . R . D . C . T . 20' UTILITY EASEMENT VOL.11, PG. 26, P.R.D.C.T. UTILITY EASEMENT VOL.11, PG. 26, VOM.P.R.D.C.T. CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL 25 . 0 ' 25 . 0 ' L1 LOT 1 BLOCK A 1.22 ACRES 53,098 SQ.FT. TRACT LINE 1" = 20' 0 2010 N = PLAT BOUNDARY PAGE 1 OF 1 MINOR PLAT ENDERBY GAS ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A 1.22 ACRES 1 LOT BEING A PORTION OF A CALLED 0.19095 ACRES (TRACT ONE) AND A PORTION OF A CALLED 1.10283 ACRES (TRACT TWO) RECORDED IN VOLUME 980, PAGE 935, D.R.D.C.T. IN THE M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 71, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE & DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS, ENDERBY GAS, INC. is the sole owner of a 1.22 acre tract of land out of the M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 71, situated in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 0.19095 acre tract of land (Tract One) and a portion of a called 1.10283 acre tract (Tract Two) conveyed to Enderby Gas, Inc. by the Warranty Deed of record in Volume 980, Page 935, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNINGDWDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHQRUWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRI6RXWKVLGH'ULYH D ULJKWRIZD\DWWKHVRXWKZHVWFRUQHURI/RW%ORFN6DQJHU6RXWK6XEGLYLVLRQDVXEGLYLVLRQRIUHFRUG in Volume 11, Page 26, of the Plat Records of Denton County Texas, and the southeast corner of said Tract One; THENCE6ƒ :DORQJWKHQRUWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRIVDLG6RXWKVLGH'ULYHEHLQJWKHFRPPRQVRXWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW2QHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHFXWRIIOLQH between the intersection of the north right-of-way line of said Southside Drive and the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E (a variable width right-of-way), same being the east line of a called 0.0674 acre tract of land (Parcel 56) conveyed to the State of Texas by deed of record in Document Number 2021-1175, of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, IURPZKLFKDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQGDWWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG3DUFHOEHDUV 6ƒ ´(DGLVWDQFHRIIHHW THENCE, along the east right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway 35E, same being the east line of said Parcel 46, the following three (3) courses and distances: 1ƒ :DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQGDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHULJKW $ORQJVDLGQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHULJKWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWDFKRUGEHDULQJRI1ƒ :DFKRUGOHQJWKRIIHHWDGHOWDDQJOHRIƒ DQDUFOHQJWKRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKSLQNSODVWLFFDS VWDPSHG³7;'27´IRXQG 1ƒ :DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWLQWKHQRUWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRDWWKHQRUWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG3DUFHOWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHURIDFDOOHGDFUHWUDFWRI land (Parcel 58) conveyed to the State of Texas by deed of record in Document Number 2020-191863, of said Official Records, and the southwest corner of a called 2.93 acre tract of land conveyed to Darrel Louis Janssen by deed of record in Document Number 2021-180266, of said Official Records; THENCE1ƒ (DORQJWKHVRXWKOLQHRIVDLGDFUHWUDFWEHLQJWKHFRPPRQQRUWKOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDLURQURGZLWKJUHHQSODVWLFFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHWDWDQLQWHULRUHOOFRUQHURI Lot 40, Block 1, of said Sanger South Subdivision and the northeast corner of said Tract Two; THENCE6ƒ (DORQJWKHZHVWOLQHRIVDLG/RWEHLQJWKHFRPPRQHDVWOLQHRIVDLG7UDFW7ZRSDVVLQJDWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWDLURQURGIRXQGDWWKHVRXWKZHVWFRUQHURIVDLG/RWDQGWKHQRUWKZHVWFRUQHURI/RW%ORFNRIVDLG Sanger South Subdivision, and continuing along said common line, passing at a distance of 189.15 feet the southwest corner of said Lot 41 and the northwest corner of said Lot 56, and continuing a total distance of 337.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing an area of 1.22 Acres, or (53098 Square Feet) of land, more or less. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT ENDERBY GAS, INC., acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as ENDERBY GAS ADDITION an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities, and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND THIS _____ DAY OF __________, 2022. ENDERBY GAS, INC., a Texas Corporation, owner BY:____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Agent Date BY:_____________________________ Printed Name and Title STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared _______________________________ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this _______ day of __________________, 2022. _______________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I, MATTHEW RAABE, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared from an actual survey made on the ground and that the monuments shown hereon were found or placed with 1/2-inch iron rods with green plastic caps stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" under my direction and supervision in accordance with the current provisions of the Texas Administrative Code and the Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. _____________________________________________________ Matthew Raabe, R.P.L.S. # 6402 Date STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared MATTHEW RAABE, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this ____ day of ______________, 2022. ___________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Drafter Project Date BE 8/16/2022 2010.080-02 EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 222 S. Elm Street, Suite: 200 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 SURVEYOR Eagle Surveying, LLC Contact: Brad Eubanks 222 S. Elm Street, Suite: 200 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF PLAT RECORDS,P.R.D.C.T. = CABINETCAB = PAGEPG DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= OFFICIAL RECORDS,O.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB = IRON ROD FOUNDIRF OWNER Enderby Gas, Inc. P.O. Box 717 Gainesville, TX 76241-0717 (940) 458-1993 PRELIMINARY this document shall not be recorded for any purpose and shall not be used or viewed or relied upon as a final survey document DOCUMENT NUMBERDOC. NO. = APPROVED AND ACCEPTED CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ______________________________________ ___________________________ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ______________________________________ ___________________________ Thomas Muir Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ATTEST: _______________________________________ ____________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Date City of Sanger, Tx 35 KE A T O N 1.) The purpose of this plat is to create one (1) lot of record from two unplatted tracts of land. 2.)This property is located in "Non-shaded Zone X" according to the F.E.M.A. Flood Insurance Rate Map dated April 18, 2011 and is located in Community Number 480786 as shown on Map Number 48121C0210G. 3.)The grid coordinates shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) State Plane Coordinate System (Texas North Central Zone - 4202). 4.)Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law, and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 5.) All interior property corners are marked with a 1/2-inch iron rod with a green plastic cap stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" unless noted otherwise. 6.)The bearings shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) Datum. 7.)Water and Sanitary Sewer, are provided by the City of Sanger, PO Box 1729, Sanger, TX 76266, 940-458-2571. Electric Service is provided by Sanger Electric Utilities, 202 Railroad Ave., Sanger, TX 76266, 940-458-2064. 8.)All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 9.) This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 10.) All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by teh HOA/POA. Any common area with in the City's right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. 11.) This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 12.) Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year floodplain. 13.)This property is zoned B-2. GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 455 SOUTHSIDE 5TH DUCK CREEK WILLOW 5 T H ELM SITE LOCATION CURVE TABLE CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 143.85'6455.00'ƒ 1ƒ :143.85' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 6ƒ (5.28' = ADJOINER BOUNDARY “The subject property does not lie within a 100-year floodplain according to Community Panel No.____________, dated ____________, of the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Denton County, Texas.” “Bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983 (NAD ‘83)” Match wording shown in City Ordinances. 76 Item 6.