01-01-12-Ordinance-Amending Weeds Grass Rubbish and Brush Tall Grass-01/03/2012ORDINANCE #01-01-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6,100 WEEDS, GRASS, RUBBISH, BRUSH AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATTER; PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Article 6.100, Section 6.101 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 6.100 WEEDS, GRASS. RUBBISH, BRUSH AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATTER Sec. 6.101 Tall Weeds, Grasses or Plants Unlawful (a) It shall be unlawful for any person having supervision or control of any lot, tract, parcel of land or portion thereof, occupied or unoccupied, improved or unimproved, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger to suffer or permit grass, weeds or any plant that is not cultivated to grow to a greater height than twelve inches (12") on an average or to grow in rank profusion upon said premises. With respect to lots, tracts or parcels of land of five (5) or more acres under single ownership, the provisions Vf this section shall not be applicable to the area in excess of one hundred feet (100') from any open public street or way, or to the area in excess of one hundred feet (100') from any adjacent property under different ownership on which habitable dwellings are located. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, having supervision or control of any lot, tract, parcel of land or portion thereof, occupied or unoccupied, improved or unimproved, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger to suffer or permit grass, weeds or any other plant that is not cultivated to grow in rank profusion or otherwise in, along, upon or across the sidewalk or street adjacent to same in the area between the property line and the curbline and within the area ten Feet (10') beyond the property line adjacent to alleys and easements, to a height greater than twelve inches (12") on an average. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage, and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide PASSED AND APPROVED this ' day of , 2012 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. 01 ', i ;,. APPROVED: Sao a Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ag Was ATTEST:'%\ 1 a to OfOxWO/ a f,/ TEX A s Tami Taber, City Secretary ' ' r,,,,n,►►►od` SIO per our Ilomrkeeprrs • Teams Ad,uncememapp,r- Iaolaes. FT/FT. Man have car and phone - tons paid mileage. stilly at 401 S. Lo. c t. Suite 105-A. DgntonTX Call Just. f641)715-3900, ext. 83110 D latch O[olorcycles fur sale: `95 Dona, low miles. '08 Road Kiag, 4500 miles. I es, BAH's, fluids. Grapevine Iron Set - cost hfo mc)cics in Sanger. 817-269. 480. roan rresn urmro r•.gga ror we. s_sn per Boren. Ca11 45X- JX4T Sanger. OILSKIN DUSTER, HORSE BOOKS, DVDS, SADDLE 71 Outback Trading Oilskin Duster M1fodel 2055, xS (\Vomen's size 4-10) with leather colian worn. Sells we for $119. S75 firm Australian Sroek Saddle, $750 I'vra Colt fardemils. H O R S E TRAINING. W e t f a I I No rsemanship DV Dos Basic Groundwork & Basic Body Control 360 for both fused), Horse Follow Closely (Book) by Gawarn Pony Boy It DVD (new). Yarious other riding & training & breeding books. Some w priced between $3 & S25. 941-545-4706 between5:30&Spm. Need someone for or alterations. liciu call 940.458- 6. Free h, good home: Female red -heeler/ harder collie (spayed). Very bien- dly, trained, likes tom tion. Call 817- 239-8532.Saneer. All, LOST DOG: lab mix wish white chin. missing fivm met of FM 455/ FAf 2164 in Sanger. Answers to "Leo." F'tease call 940-368- 0284. Classified ads for [nst, Faurd nr Free Pets are FREE m flat Sanger Courier. F.muit your ad to: Unger erra eanhlink.net or call as at 940458-7429. NOR HSTIEAR BANK OF Loan Doe Scanner Denton; previous loan imagine exp preferred. Underwriter/Credit Analyst Denton: 24 yrs bank credit exp required. Executive Risk Admin. Assistant Denton; various duties in risk n)anagennent & credit departments, All positions require previous experience. EOE. For details go to www.nstarbank.conn "Careers'T Resume to Jobs@nstrirbank.com. (Cie '2012 Be Companies ton k f atTeras- i tegaiNoiices -� ORDINANCE #01-01-12 \N ORDIN.W C E OF THG CITY OF BANGER, DF;NT/IN COUNTY, 7EtiAS. A\TEN D[NG THE COD[ OF ORDINANCES, RY AMENDING At2'iICLE fi.Illll w'[EDS. GRASS, RURRISH, BRUSH AND OTHER OBIECTIONABLE )f ATTGR: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF .ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FORA PENALTY: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. oftmnANce 401-02-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. A\TENDING TH[ CODE OF ORDINANCES, R1' A\I ENDING .ARTICLP. 4.900 CX'CASION'AL SALES RLGUL ATED. PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INN CONFLICT. PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY: AND PROVIDING FOR AN [FrECHVE DATE. NO DF.YOSIT REQUIRED Bored New Luxury Cando. for Lene! 2 Nedroc rrY 1.5 Bath 2 story units. $795.00 monthly. 1 I I I Stanton Ltd Ca11940-390M275 Owner/Agent aging )vnrcnonsc In tense, 1400sf. Garbage. water on. luderL $595 a nmmh and $595 deposit- 940-390-9574. RV and Boat Stor- age Erelated Units. Covered Units and oatdnor unit., Cnm- peve ones. Kmm new TX 940.390-9574. For ftont/Renl To Onn: 107 lackilu, Sanger. 2 bedroom, I bah, targebarkyard $675 per month plus deposit. Call 940- 4535051. 211 S. 71h Street, Sanger. 3 bed, I bath, brick home, loan Scl.Fr, $85n perm M00deyosit Cali \fan -Sat IOam to 3pm 940-458- 55U3, available III/ 2UI2. N'IShin Far Rent: 516 Oak St., Sanger. 3 nedmam, 2 bath, er brick home. 1200 Sy. Ft. $995 Per nmh, 3500 depnil. Cu11940.390-6275. Store pour bavl of Rap uobertsl So. e, lock -up unit. On -site mansecc Call Lyndee at 94U-45X. U233. For Lease: Store- front available in downtown Sanger. Also, oRice suites ovilabie in historic wTenwnsangernr- fice building. Call 940.458-3725. SYECfAL: ONE JtONTH FREE! 2 bedmom, I bath apanmcar for rent. \V/0 hookup and ap. pliances. Britton St. Apartments. Can. ttni in 2003. Co. Barr new ownership. Ca1194U-727-9379. l n www.y rl any tor uenr. tSI1331F1t➢S u ed a place fora pan y, rec- ONLY Se FIXi 25 (lieu) PROJECT prinn or «un or recg WORDS Aouset '_story brick, with Loge building with JUST$1LESS. OR, FOR JUST $f0 half acre lot in have, b,atifdviewafL.ve PER WEEK, YOUR 4-2-1+dttung.livinc, Ray Roberts. Very AD WLLALSO RUN den: family mom up- nasomble, rates. Call CI THE WEEKLY vaus:imecleackyard. 940-458-2862 or 940- KFiU1.15TAR1 Cal KRUM TARICal 940.45S-4767 if in- MR 4332 retested. S48,n00 NI/tfn OBO. sarr)xrtnuriDr 8�„earUeski,et Sulvscribe to the Sanger Courier':- •;and receiveyour toctil newspapper lri the than eyeryThursday yourtls„uve20%o-per ear61 the he stand price! i , Call us of 458.7429(to start your sliJiscrfef(onDnot we Is bill. you later'Pr;. fill out the form tielow and mall ' Fltwl(hyour check for S23 to ` Sanger Coudi PO Box 180 • Sanyer 78268 l 1 Address U � City Slate - Tel 1 NDMEeMcele Jaeger Are you planning to sell, trade or buy a vehicle? Let Inc tell you how I can help. Bmail at d.icntrrn@y-Amain or call A7 m940-391- 2252 information. Now chargeror obli- gati a PicteIS -MUSIC COmpem/ Guimrs, Amps & Store. 1106 N. Stem Pay., SanemTX940-458. 2rA2, 940-363b412. M1f-Sat lob. Sun 1-5 hhtPNCornstalk gttgfl=tut u7 Painting. Shemmck Pinching, fkckSf:dn- ne.t7oorCo, etc. Free ntimams� (817)939.9511 or cell (940) 5974161 C* [WlneggaNing enaCare Custom Packages wtlxl,feirfe7aMmn R10594.2380 Ba miry Built 4rt No Repair Installation of At Fans. 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