84-24-Ordinance-Annexing 0.500 Acres Trinity Chaple Church-12/03/1984ORDINANCE .NO 84-24 CITY SEC'OEJ Ap ORIGINAL Copy AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO APPROXIMATELY 0.500 ACRES OF LAND MR BURLESON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO 71 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT R-1 MlorbF 20 THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; BEING ALL THAT LOT, TRACT, LAND CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0. M ACRES.OF LAND LYING AND BEWW ING SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DENTON, STATE OF TEXAS AND. ,BE,ING PART OF THE M. R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT.NO. 71, DENTON COtII ITY; TEXAS, lie CLASSIFYING THE SAME ASOSINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT PERTY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the request for annexation was introduced at a reg' u LPb'T meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the petition of the Trinity Chapel Church; and WHEREAS, an opportunity was afforded, at. a.public. hearing held for that purpose on the 19th day of November, 1984 in the Council Chambers for all interested persons to state their views and present evidence bearing upon the annexation provided by this ordinance; and WHEREAS, an opportunity was afforded., at a.public hearing held for that purpose on the 3rd day of December, 1984 in the Council Chambers for all interested persons to state their views and present evidence bearing upon the annexation provided -by this ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE. THE COUNCIL OF THE -CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I. That the hereinafter described tract of land be, .and the -same is hereby annexed. to .the City of Sanger, Texas, and the same is made hereby a part of said City and..the land and the present and future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said City and shall be bound by the Acts and ordinances of said City now.in.effect or which may here- after be enacted and the property situated therein shall be subject to and shall bear its prorata part of the taxes..levied by the City. The tract of land hereby annexed is...described as follows, to -wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Burleson Survey, Abstract 71, Ci.ty of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being part of a (called)-18.66 acre tract described in a deed from W. V..Jones, Executor, to Paulina.J.ones and Nettie Sullivan on the 12th day of June, 1936, recorded in Volume 256, page 562., Deed Records of said County, and being more fully..des.cribed as follows: Beginning at a steel pin at the Southeast corner of Lot 14 and the southeast corner of Lot 13,.B1ock 3, Sanger South Subdivision of the City of Sanger, Plat of which is recorded in Volume ll, page 26, Plat Records of Denton County on the West line of Old U.S. Highway 77; Thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes 28.seconds East a.distance of 133.87 feet to an iron pin; Thence North 86 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds _West along and near a fence a distance of 179.55 feet to afence-.corner of the East boundary line of Lot 15, Block 3, of the Sanger South Subdivision; Thence North OO degrees 18 minutes a fence a distance of 109.65 feet corner of said Lot 15; 0.9 seconds West along and near to an iron pin at an inner ell Thence North 85 degrees 48 minute0..261 s East past the East Southeast corner of Lot 15 and the Southwest corner- of Lot 14 a distance of 179.12 feet to the Point of .Beginning, and containing in all 0.500 acres of land. SECTION II. " The above described -property is hereby.classified as Single Family Dwelling District (R-l) and shall so appear on the official zoning map of the City of Sanger, Texas,, which map is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage. Introduced before the City Council on the 3rd day of December, 1984. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council. on the o /1 - day of Nel.Armstrong, Mayo City of Sanger., Texas ATTEST: City Secretary SANGER SOUTH SUBD VOL II PAGE 26 PR BLOCK 3, LOT 14L®r ;14 rr _— z, pnintT OF BEGINNING, r I y y a 52" W, 179155' 22 JUNE 1984 JOB20126 FIELD NOTES TO 0.500 ACRES IN THE M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 717 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE M.R. BURLESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 71, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING PART OF A (CALLED) 18.66 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM W._ V. JONES, EXECUTOR, TO PAULINA JOKES AND NETTIE SULLIVAN ON THE 12TH DAY OF JUNE 1936, RECORDED IN VOLUME 256, PAGE 5629 DEED RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A STEEL PIN AT THE'wSOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 14 AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13, BLOCK THREE OF SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN VOLUME 11, PAGE 26, PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY .ON THE W E:T LtNF. OF.OLD;U.S, HIGHWAY 17; THENCE SOUTH OO DEGREES 29 M114UTZS 28 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF r 133.87 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH`86 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST ALONG AND NEAR A FENCE ADISTANCE OF 179.55 FEET TO A FENCE CORNER ON THE Z EAST SOU)4PA , NINE OF LOT 15, BLOCK THREE OF SANGER SOUTH SUBDIVISION-;- THENCE -NORTH, 6-DEGREES 18 MINUTES 09 SECONDS WEST ALONG AND NEAR A FENCE A -DISTANCE OF 109.65FEET TO AN IRON PN AT AN INNER ELL CORNER OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE NORTH 85wDEGREES 48 MINUTES 26.SECONDS EAST PASS THE EAST SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 15 AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 14 A DISTANCE OF 179.12 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING IN ALL 0.500 ACRES OF LAND. C" SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY PLAN OF SERVICE FOR ANNEXED AREA CITY OF SANGER TEXAS WHEREAS, Article 970a as amended requires that a plan of service be adopted by the governing body of a city prior to passage of an ordinance annexing an area; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is contemplating annexation of an area which is bounded as shown on a.map of the proposed annexation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 970a as amended, Texas Code Annotated, there is hereby adopted for the proposed annexation area the following plan of service: I. Basic Service Plan A. Police (1) Patrolling, radio responses to calls, and other routine police services, using present personnel and equipment, will be provided on the effective date of annexation; (2) Traffic signals, traffic signs, street markings, and other traffic control devices will be installed as the need therefore is established by appropriate study and traffic standards. (1) Fire protection by the present personnel and equip- ment of the fire fighting force, will be provided on the effective date of annexation. C. Water (1) TAT for domestic, commercial and industrial use wi11 be provided at city rates, from existing city lines on the effective date of annexation, and thereafter from new lines as extended in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas. D. Sewer (1) Properties in the annexed areas will be connected to sewer lines in accordance with Chapter l0 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas. E. Refuse Collection. (1) The same regular refuse collection service now pro- vided within the .city will be extended to the an- nexed area within one month after the effective date of annexation. Service Plan Annexed Areas Page Two F. Streets (1) Emergency maintenance of streets (repair of hazardous chuckholes, measures necessary for traffic flow, etc.) will begin on the effective date of annexation. (2) Routine maintenance on the same basis as in the present city, will begin in the annexed area on the effective date of annexation. (3) Reconstruction and resurfacing of streets, in- stallation of storm drainage facilities, con- struction of curbs and gutters, and other such major improvements, as the need therefore is determined by the governing body, will be ac- complished under the established policies of the city. G. Inspection Services (1) Any inspection services now provided by the city (building, electrical, plumbing, gas, housing, sanitation, etc.) will begin in the annexation area on the effective date of annexation. H. Planning and Zoning (1) The Planning and Zoning jurisdiction of the city will extend to the annexed area on the effective date of annexation. City planning will there- after encompass the annexed area. I. Street Lighting (1) Street lighting will be installed in the substan- tially developed. areas in accordance with the established policies of the city. J. Recreation. 1) Residents o recreationa fective date policies no lowed in ex facilities f the annexed area may use all existing 1 facilities., parks, etc., on the ef- of annexation. The same standards and w used in the present city will be fol- panding the recreational program and in the enlarged city. K. Electric Distribution (1) The city recommends the use of City of Sanger for electric power. Service Plan Annexed Areas Page Three L. Miscellaneous (1) Street name signs where needed will be installed within approximately 6 months after the effective date of annexation. II. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The CIP of the City consists of a five year plan that is updated yearly. The Plan is prioritized by such policy guidelines as: (l) Demand for. services as compared to other areas based partly on density of population, magnitude of .problems compared to other areas, established technical standards and profes- sional studies, and natural or technical re- straints or opportunities. (2) Impact on the balanced growth of the city. (3) Impact on overall city economics. The. annexed area will be considered for CIP planning in the upcoming CIP plan, which will be no longer than one year from the date of annexation. In this new CIP planning year the annexation area will be judged accordingly to the same established criteria as all other areas ofthe city. pity Of danger MUNICIPALLY OWNED WATER, POWER, SEWAGE December 6, 1984 This is to certify that I, Mary JQ Stover, City Secretary, for the City of Sanger, Texas, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 84-24 is a true.and correct.copy of the Annexation of property described and owned by.the Trinity Chapel,Church. This ordinance was approved by the City of Sanger City Council on December 3, 1984, and is -recorded in the minutes of the City Council on that date. ty�eFhetary STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DENTON X Subscribed and Sworn to before.me by Mary Jo. Stover a credible person,. on the 6th day of December,.1984. My Commission Expires BOX 578 - SANGER, TEXAS ?6266 817-458.7930