87-14-Ordinance-Adopting Subdivision Regulations-09/21/1987CITY OF SANGER SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Prepared with assistance from: Governmental Service Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 280451 Dallas, Texas 75228 214/681-8136 CkSECRETARY �IGINAL COPY CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS IGINAL COPY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: GENERAL ............. ................... 2 SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS 2 SECTION 3: PURPOSES, AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION ...... 7 SECTION4: PROCEDURE ................................. 8 4.02 - Application Procedure 8 4.03 - Preliminary Plat 11 4.04 — Final Plat ...............a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 14 4.05 - Procedure for Short Form Subidivision ......... 20 4.06 - Construction of Improvements 21 4.07 - Rep 1ats....................................... 22 SECTION 5: GENERAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS ................. 23 5.01 - Streets ....................................... 23 5.02 - Alleys ........................................ 26 5.03 - Lots .......................................... 26 5.04 - Easements ..................................... 28 5.05 - Blocks ... 28 5.06 - Mobile Home Parks and Mobile Homes 29 5.07 - Survey Monuments and Lot Markers 30 SECTION 6: IMPROVEMENTS .............................. 31 6.01 - Standard Specifications and Construction Details ....................... 31 6.02 - Street Paving - Concrete 32 6.03 - Sidewalks ..................................... 37 6.04 - Storm Drainage ................................ 38 6.05 - Water Systems ................................. 38 6.06 - Sanitary Sewers 42 6.07 - Utility Services 45 6.08 - Street Lighting 46 ANGER SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TABLE OF • • • • SECTION 6: IMPROVEMENTS, cont'd0 31 6.10 - Record Drawings (As -Built Plans) .............. 46 6.11 - Inspection .................................... 47 6.12 - Testing ....................................... 48 6.13 - Surveyor's Certificate 48 6.14 - Contract Completion Certificate 48 6.15 - Acceptance .................................... 48 6.16 - Affidavits .... 48 6.17 - Compliance by Subdivider 49 SECTION 7: SECTION 8: SECTION 9: SECTION 10: MAINTENANCE BOND OR ESCROW ACCOUNT ........ 50 EXTENSION TO EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 51 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................ 51 10.01 - Exceptions ......... .......................... 51 10.02 - Penalty .. 0.... ....... ... ............. 52 10.03 - City Required to Advertise for Bids ........... 52 10.04 - All Conflicting Ordinances Repealed 52 10.05 - Severability.................................. 52 10.06 - Effective Date ................................ 52 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. 014-87 "SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS" AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PLATS, PLANS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF .BANGER, TEXAS, HEREIN DEFINED AS THE "CITY"; CONTAINING CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS BY SECTIONS; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, SIDEWALKS, STORM DRAINAGE, ALLEYS, WATER MAINS, SANITARY UTILITIES, AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES; EXTENDING THESE REGULATIONS INTO THE CITY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH VIOLATION THEREOF; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Chapters 231, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927, as heretofore or hereafter amended (compiled as Articles 974a and 6626, V.T.C.S.), and the provisions of Section 4 of the Municipal Annexation Act (compiled as Article 970a), as heretofore or hereafter amended, hereafter every owner of any tract of land situated within the City of Sanger, Texas, who may hereafter divide the same into two (2) or more tracts described by metes and bounds or otherwise for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of such tract of land or any addition to said city, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parks or other portions intended for public use, or the use of purcha- sers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto, are required to submit a plat of such subdivisions or additions for appro- val by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of the City of Sanger; WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of the city established by this ordinance, governing plats and subdivisions of the land, be and the same are hereby extended to and shall apply to all of the area under the extraterritorial jurisdiction of said city, as provided for in the Municipal Annexation Act, enacted by the State of Texas and which appears as Article 970a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes; and WHEREAS, said rules and regulations are quate improvements within and adjacent loped hereunder without increasing the citizens of Sanger; intended to provide for ade- to subdivisions of land deve- property tax liability of the 1 NOW THEREFORE, SANGER, TEXAS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF On and after the passage of this ordinance, any person, firm or cor- poration seeking approval of any plat, plan or replat of any sub- division of land within the City of Sanger, Texas, and its legally established extraterritorial jurisdiction shall be required to comply with the requirements of this ordinance before such approval may be granted, to -wit: SECTION l: GENERAL These regulations shall govern every person, firm, association or cor- poration owning any tract of land within the City Limits of the City of Sanger who may hereafter divide the same into two (2) or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition to said city, or for laying out suburban lots or building Lots, or any lots, streets, alleys, parks or other portions intended for public use, for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto. SECTION 2: .DEFINITIONS 2.01 - Administrative Officers are every officer referred to by title, i.e., city manager, city attorney, city engineer, director of public works, etc., and shall be the person so retained in this position by the city or his duly authorized representative. 2.02 - Alley shall mean a minor way used primarily for vehicular service to the rear or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street. Approach Main is an off -site main which brings water or sewer service to the subdivided property. 2.04 - Border Main is a water or sewer main located in a roadway, alley or utility easement abutting the perimeter of the pro- perty of a subdivider. 2.05 - Building Line shall be a line beyond which buildings must be set back from .the street or road right-of-way line or pro- perty line. 2.06 - City or the City shall mean the City of Sanger, Texas. 2.07 - City Council shall be the duly elected governing body of the City of Sanger, Texas. 2 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY 2,08 - City Engineer shall be the city engineer of the city, the city's consulting engineers, or their duly authorized repre- sentatives, 2.09 - City Manager shall refer to the city manager of the city. Commission or Planning and Zonin official city planning and zoning appointed by the city council. Commission �mmission shall be the of the city as 2.11 - Collector Street shall be a street which is continuous through several residential or other districts and is intended as a connecting street between such districts and thoroughfares, highways or business districts. 2.12 - Commercial Street shall denote any street situated so that fifty percent (50%) or more of the property abutting it is zoned for other than low -density residential development. 2.13 - Commercial Tract shall mean any tract containing any type of land -use except for single-family detached residential and two-family (duplex) residential uses. (Requirements and standards for religious and educational land -uses shall be the same as the character of the predominant surrounding land -use.) Nothing contained in this definition shall be considered as limitations to or repeal of the definitions set forth in the city's fire prevention code. Comprehensive Plan shall mean the general plan for the growth and development of the city and its environs; and including any elements of such plan, such as a land -use plan, thorough- fare plan, utilities plan, schools and parks plan and others. County or the County shall mean Denton County, Texas. 2.16 - Cul-De-Sac shall mean a short residential street having but one vehicular access to another street and terminated by a vehicular turn -around. 2.17 - Dead -End Street shall mean a street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one (1) outlet. 2.18 - Easement shall mean an area for restricted use on private property. upon which any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fen- ces, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, main- tenance or efficiency of its respective systems within said area. Any public utility shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity, at any time, of procuring the permission of anyone. 3 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY 2.19 - Emergency Access Easement shall mean a private street, alley or paved place dedicated to the public for the purpose of providing access to adjacent structures by emergency vehicles such as fire equipment, police or ambulances, the boundaries of which are continuously and permanently marked. Engineer, whenever used without a prefix, shall refer to a registered professional engineer retained by a subdivider. 2.21 - Final Plat shall refer to a map or drawing prepared to the veying to the provisions of this ordinance, and containing and legal data, dedications and certificates recording of same in the plat records of the 2.22 - Lot shall mean land occupied or to be occupied by a and/or accessory building and including such open are required by ordinances of the city and having cipal frontage on a public street or officially place. 2.23 - Lot of Record shall division, the plat of Clerk, Denton County; was recorded with the November 1961. 2.24 - Manufactured Housin which is fabricated assembled on the lot of this type include any other structure housing. according all sur- necessary county. building spaces as its prin- approved mean a lot which is part of a sub - which has been recorded with the County or a parcel of land, the deed for which County Clerk, Denton County, prior to shall indicate any residential structure off -site (in whole or in part) and is to a permanent foundation. Structures modular homes, prefabricated homes, or commonly classified as manufactured Master Plan shall be the comprehensive plan of the city and adjoining areas as adopted by the city council and the city planning and zoning commission, including all its revisions. This plan indicates the general location recommended for various land uses, transportation routes, public and private buildings, streets, parks and other public and private deve- lopments and improvements. 2.26 - Mayor shall mean the duly elected presiding officer of the city council of the city. 2.27 - Mobile Home shall refer to moveable structures used primarily for residential purposes.. Mobile homes shall be defined as any structures driven or towed to a site by the same con- veyance. These shall include conventional mobile homes, recreational vehicles, trailer coaches, trailer homes, travel trailers, campers and all similar vehicles. 2.28 - Mobile Home Parks or Trailer Courts are areas for renting or leasing sites for mobile homes or trailer coaches. C! 2.29 - On -Site Main is a water or sewer main located in a roadway, alley or easement within the perimeter of the property of a subdivider and which provides service only within a sub - divider's property. 2.30 - Open Space shall mean that part of any lot or tract that is used for recreational purposes, both passive and active, but not including areas used for parking or maneuvering of auto- mobiles, or drives or approaches to and from parking areas. Oversize Main is a water or sewer main which the system's master plan requires or which the city elects to construct or have constructed of larger diameter than that required to provide service to the property of a subdivider. 2.32 - Plannin< (7) appointed members reviewing for approval and final plats in the charged with the all subdivisions, city. the body of seven responsibility of preliminary plats 2.33 - Preliminary' Plat shall be a map or drawing on which is shown the subdivider's proposed arrangement of streets, lots, ease- ments and other public spaces and facilities in the sub- division, and which is intended for review and study by the city, and not for recording. 2.34 - Replatting shall be the re -subdivision of any part or all of any block or blocks of a previously platted subdivision, addition, lot or tract. Residential Tract shall mean any tract of land developed for the purpose of single-family detached or two-family domestic living (religious and educational institutions may also be included). Requirements and standards for religious and edu- cational institutions shall be the same as the character of the predominant surrounding land -use. 2.36 - Residential Street shall be a street which is intended pri- marily to serve traffic within a neighborhood or limited residential district which is used primarily for access to abutting properties and which is geometrically designed to discourage high speeds and through traffic. 2.37 - Re -subdivision shall mean the division of an existing sub- division, whether platted or unplatted, together with any changes of lot size therein, or with the relocation of any street lines. 2.38 - Sanitary Sewer shall refer to a pipe or conduit for water - carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institu- tions and industrial establishments, and to which storm, surface and ground water are not normally admitted, and which is a part of the public sewage collection system. 5 2.39 - Service Line shall refer to a water or sewer pipe running from the water or sewer main to the property to which water or sewer service is given. 2.40 - Sewer or Sewer Main used without any prefix shall refer to a sanitary sewer (excluding service lines). Shall, wherever used in this ordinance, will be interpreted in its mandatory sense. 2.42 - Short -Form Subdivision shall refer to any subdivision plat which meets the requirements therefor contained in this ordi- nance. 2.43 - Standard Specifications shall refer to the document published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments entitled "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" and all subsequent revisions thereto. 2.44 - S_tandard Specifications. and Codes of the city shall be applied to all improvements constructed within the city and shall be in accordance with all revisions, as may be adopted by the city. 2.45 - Storm Sewer or Storm Drain shall refer to a pipe, conduit or channel which carries storm and surface water and drainage, but excludes domestic sewage and industrial wastes. 2.46 - Street means a way for vehicular traffic, whether designated a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place or however otherwise designated. 2.47 - Street Right -of -Way Width shall be the shortest distance bet- ween the lines which delineate the rights -of -way of a street. 2.48 - Subdivider or Developer shall mean an individual, firm, asso- ciation, syndicate, co -partnership, corporation or other organization dividing or proposing to divide land, or making improvements to such land, so as to effect a subdivision of land hereunder for himself, or for itself, or for another. 2.49 - Subdivision shall be any division of any lot, tract or parcel of land into two ( 2 ) or more parts for the purpose of sales or of building development, whether immediate or future. It also includes re -subdivision or replatting of land, lots or tracts. Divisions of land for agricultural purposes in par- cels of five (5) acres or more shall not be included within this definition, unless any such division of five (5) acres or more includes the planning or development of a new street or extension of public utilities. C 4 2.50 - Surveyor shall mean a licensed land surveyor or a registered public surveyor, as authorized by the State of Texas statutes to practice the profession of surveying. Thoroughfare shall be a principal traffic thoroughfare more or less continuous across the city which is intended to con- nect remote parts of the city, or areas adjacent thereto, and act as a principal connecting street with state and interstate highways. 2.52 - Utility Easement shall mean an interest in land granted to the city, to the public generally, and/or to a private uti- lity corporation, for installing or maintaining utilities across, over or under private land, together with the right to enter thereon with machinery, vehicles and people necessary for the maintenance of said utilities. 2.53 - Water Main shall refer to a pipe or conduit which is a part of a public water distribution system (excluding service lines). SECTION 3: PURPOSES, AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION 3.01 - Under the authority of Article 974a of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, as amended, which article is hereby made a part of these regulations, the city does hereby adopt the following regulations to hereafter control the sub- division of land within the corporate limits of the city and in the unincorporated areas lying within the extraterritori- tal jurisdiction of the city, in order to provide for the orderly development of the areas and to secure adequate pro- visions for traffic, light, air, recreation, transportation, water, drainage, sewage and other facilities. 3.02 - Any owner of land inside or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city wishing to subdivide such land shall submit to the planning and zoning commission a plan of sub- division which shall conform to the minimum requirements set forth in these regulations. Any owner subdividing his land into parcels of not less than five (5) acres each for agri- cultural use and not involving new streets or the extension of public utilities shall be exempt from these requirements. 3.03 - No subdivision plat shall be filed for record and no lot in a subdivision inside of or within the extraterritorial juris- diction of the city shall be improved or sold until the plat shall have been considered by the planning and zoning com- mission and approved by the city council. The city shall have the authority to prohibit the installation of public utilities in unapproved subdivisions and to prohibit the issuance of building permits for structures on lots in an unapproved subdivision. 7 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY 3.04 - Any violation of any provision of the ordinance outside the corporate limits of the city shall not constitute a mis- demeanor under this ordinance nor shall any fine provided for in this ordinance be applicable to a violation within such extraterritorial jurisdiction, however, a district court shall have the power to grant any or all types of injunctive relief in such cases. SECTION 4: PROCEDURE 4.01 - Pre -A plication Conference Prior to the filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall consult with the city manager or his duly authorized representative concerning the ultimate land use of the pro- posed development, the suitability of the location of the proposed subdivision, the most advantageous subdivision plan, the arrangement of streets, alleys and lots, and the layout of utility lines and availability of service from trunk mains. Conditional written approval as to the general land use of the proposed subdivision must be obtained from the city manager prior to preparation of the preliminary plat. In those cases where the proposed subdivision is not in con- formance with the approved comprehensive plan, the subdivider must obtain conditional approval of the proposed subdivision in writing from the planning and zoning commission. Application Procedure A. All property not subdivided into lots, blocks and streets, or property to be re -subdivided within the city or within its jurisdiction, shall hereafter be laid out under the. direction of the planning and zoning com- mission, or in the absence of such a commission, by the city council, or subject to its approval, and no other subdivision will be recognized by the city. Prior to the consideration of the plat by the planning and zoning commission, the city manager and his duly authorized representatives shall check the plat and make recommen- dations. B. When a preliminary plat is filed with the city for review and approval, it shall be immediately forwarded to the city engineer, who will make a preliminary study of the plat. If it appears substantially complete, an on -site review of the tract to be subdivided will be made to determine any apparent problems with development of the subject land. Any preliminary plat which is found to be incomplete or requires significant changes shall be returned to the subdivider for additions or changes before resubmission. CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY C. It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, to lay out, subdivide or plat any land into lots, blocks and streets within the city, or to sell property therein, which has not been laid out, subdivided and platted according to these regulations. D. No officer or employee of the city shall perform, or cause to be performed, any work upon any streets or in any addition or subdivision of the city, unless all requirements of these regulations have been complied with by the owner of the addition or subdivision. E. The city hereby defines its policy to be that the city will withhold improvements of any nature whatsoever, including the maintenance of streets, issuance of building permits or furnishing of sewage facilities and water service, until the subdivision plat has been approved by the city council. No improvements shall be initiated nor any contracts executed until this approval has been obtained. F. Any owner or developer of any lot, tract or parcel of land located within the corporate limits of the city or within its jurisdiction who may wish to effect a sub- division of such land shall conform to the general pro- cedure described as follows: (1) The subdivider shall prepare and submit a "Preliminary Plat" to the city for review, study and approval by the planning and zoning commission at least twenty (20) days prior to the commission's next regularly scheduled meeting. The planning and zoning commission shall act on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days from the date such plat was filed, (2) In the case of a proposed phased development, the subdivider shall file a preliminary plat showing the entire proposed subdivision, the various phases by which the subdivision will be developed, and lots that will be sold within the phase to be deve- loped upon approval of the final plat by the city council. If the subdivision is to be developed in phases or units, an overall master development plan for street, drainage, water and sewer improvements shall be submitted to the city engineer by the sub - divider's engineer at the time the first phase of construction is submitted for approval. This overall plan shall show the layout of streets and easements, lot configurations, water and sewer main locations and sizes, fire hydrant locations, manhole locations and drainage improvements, (3) After approval of the preliminary plat by the planning and zoning commission, the subdivider may then prepare a "Final Plat" of all or a portion of the land included in the preliminary plat for sub- mission to and consideration by the planning and zoning commission for final recommendations. The final plat and accompanying data must be submitted at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the meeting that such action will be taken by the planning and zoning commissions (4) Upon final action on any such final plat by the city planning and zoning commission, the same shall be referred to the city council, and the city coun- cil shall consider such final plat for acceptance of the dedication of all public property therein set forth, provided that the plat shall in all things fully comply with the terms and provisions of this ordinance. The city council shall act on the final plat within forty-five (45) days from the date such plat was filed for approval, (5) Upon acceptance of such plat by the city council and completion of required public facilities or the filing of a performance bond by the developer which covers said facilities, the city secretary shall immediately cause such plat to be recorded in the plat records of the county. The subdivider shall, however, pay to the city, in advance, the required fees for filing of such plat by the county clerk. The recording of the final plat shall be the responsibility of the city secretary; (6) In subdivisions approved for phased development and as each consecutive block is completed, that is, the.proper utilities are installed and approved by the city, and the streets and alleys are paved and approved by the city, building permits may be issued on a block -by -block basis, but no cer- tificate of occupancy shall be issued by the building official until the phase is completed and accepted by the city; (7) The subdivider shall include. in the conditions of sale for each lot within the subdivision a notice to the purchaser that no certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any structure or building constructed therein unless and until the city has approved and accepted that phase of the sub- division; 10 (8) The subdivider shall understand that all proposed improvements are to be installed or constructed at his own cost and expense, unless otherwise noted herein; and (9) Where a plat of a lot of record %J undivided pro- perty is proposed to be subdivided and meets the criteria for abbreviated procedures set forth under the "short form subdivision," and providing all of the requirements have been met, the subdivider may submit a final plat to the city for approval. Where circumstances in the opinion of the city manager warrant, such plat may receive administra- tive approval, which action shall authorize the building official to issue a building permit for improvements on said parcel. 4.03 - Preliminary Plat An application in writing, for the approval of the prelimi- nary plat, together with six (6) prints, shall be filed with the city manager at least twenty (20) days before the meeting of the planning and zoning commission, if the plat is to be considered. Reduced copies of preliminary plats shall be furnished on sheets measuring eight and one-half inches (82") by eleven inches (11"),_ with fifty (50) copies being required where a zoning change is requested or anticipated, and twenty-five (25) copies being required where no zoning change is requested or anticipated. No plat will be considered by the city until the prescribed filing fees have been paid. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch (1"=200'). The information to be included and the procedure for submittals are as follows: A. Existing Features (1) The boundary line (accurate in scale) of the tract to be subdivided. (2) The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads, rights -of -way and other important features, such as abstract lines, politi- cal subdivision or corporation lines, and school district boundaries. 11 C. (3) Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated. (4) Contours with intervals of two feet (2') or less, referred to mean sea level datum. In areas where the terrain is relatively flat, supplementary con- tours shall be shown so that the average horizontal distance between said lines does not exceed two hundred feet (2001). (5) The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsub- divided land. New Features (1) The proposed name of the subdivision. (2) North point, graphic scale, date and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision. (3) The names and addresses of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor or planner. (4) The tract designation and other description according to the real estate records of the city or county auditor and recorder, also, .designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision. (5) All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose or limitations of such reservations. (6) The layout, names and widths of proposed streets, alleys and easements. (7) The layout, numbers, set -back lines and approximate dimensions of proposed lots, blocks, parks, etc. Utilities Two (2) copies of the plat showing the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and proposed drainage facili- ties accompanied with information including the total watershed and drainage areas, location of lines, inlets, culverts, bridges and calculated run-off and points of concentration. 12 IBM D. E. Location Map A location map of the proposed one inch to two thousand existing and proposed streets an area at least one (1) mile division. Cross -Sections subdivision at a scale of feet (1"=2,000') showing and thoroughfares covering outside the proposed sub - Two (2) copies of the typical cross -sections of proposed streets showing the width of pavement, type of pavement and location and widths of sidewalks when not in confor- mance with standard details. F. Approval Block The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider: "Preliminary Plat For Review Purposes Only." The following certificates shall be placed on the preli- minary plat by the subdivider: Approved for Preparation of Final Plat City of Sanger, Texas. Planning and Zoning Commission Date G. Submission The city shall be furnished with six (6) prints of the preliminary plat along with a letter of transmittal stating briefly the type of streets, drainage facili- ties, sanitary facilities and water system proposed for the development at least twenty (20) days before the next regular meeting date of the planning and zoning commission at which action will be taken by the com- mission on the preliminary plat. Said letter shall note any and all exceptions to these regulations and the reasons) for such proposal. The planning and zoning commission shall act upon the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days from said filing date. The planning and zoning commission shall issue to the city council in writing a report on its actions regarding the preliminary plat. The city council shall ac within thi rty (30) days fro. the preliminary plat by t mission. Final action on city council constitutes with the preparation of the 13 t upon the preliminary plat final action m the date of on he planning and zoning com- the preliminary plat by the an authorization to proceed final plat. H. Approval The approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the approval date, unless reviewed by the planning and zoning commission in the light of new or significant information, which would necessitate the revision of the preliminary plat. Such revision shall be subject to the same procedures as the original preliminary plat. If a final plat for the subdivision, or a portion thereof, has not been submitted, or if a change in requirements has not occurred which would affect the preliminary plat, at the end of the one hundred eighty (180) days after approval, then the city planning and zoning commission may declare the preliminary plat null and void, unless the subdivider has requested and received an extension of time. I. Exceptions Where the subdivider may request exceptions or a waiver of these regulations, or is in disagreement with the intent or interpretation of the requirements set forth herein, the city planning and zoning commission may sub- mit such requests of the subdivider to the city council with recommendations for either an approval or disappro- val. 4.04 - Final Plat After approval of the preliminary plat, a final plat, pre- pared by a registered public surveyor and bearing his seal, shall be submitted to the city for consideration. Six (6) direct prints and one (1) film positive of the final plat along with. an application for plat approval, the required filing fee, and two (2) copies of all required engi- neering drawings and other data shall be filed with the city not less than twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which an action of review and recommendation is requested from the planning and zoning Commission. Twenty-five (25) copies of the final plat shall also be fur- nished at a reduced scale on sheets measuring eight and one- half inches (82") by eleven inches (11"). No plat will be considered by the city until all of the prescribed filing fees .have been paid. The final plat may constitute all or .only a portion of the approved preliminary plat, but any portion thereof shall conform to all of the requirements of these regulations unless exception has been granted by city .council. m If final plats are submitted for approval for portions or sections of the proposed subdivision, each portion or section shall carry the name of the entire subdivision but shall bear a distinguishing letter, number or subtitle. Block letters shall run consecutively throughout the entire subdivision, even though such subdivision might be finally approved in sections. Upon receipt of the proper submittal (required copies of the final plat, the detailed engineering plans and other required data, and the prescribed filing fees, and impact fees) and the individual cost estimates for site improvements for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and paving improvements shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following table: Item Unit No. Description Unit Quantity Price Cost Also to be included as other required data, the developer shall submit additional detailed cost estimates for any improvements to be constructed in which the city may be obli- gated for pro-rata or other refund amounts. These improve- ments shall be determined by the city and in accordance with the city's comprehensive plan. The final plat shall be drawn on sheets measuring twenty-two inchestwenty-four inches (24") by thirty-six inches (36") and shall be drawn to a scale of not more than one hundred feet to the inch (1"=100'). An additional three (3) prints of .the final plat with origi- nal signatures and seals, as required for filing with the county, shall be furnished by the subdivider on sheets measuring eighteen inches (18") by twenty-two inches (22"). The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information: A. The boundary lines with accurate distances and bearings, a metes and bounds, description of the boundary (error of closure shall not exceed one (1) in fifty thousand (50,000) for the plat boundary), exact acreage to hundredths, and the exact location and width of all existing or recorded rights -of -way intersecting the boundary of or bordering on the tract. One (1) copy of the traverse closure sheet shall be enclosed. M�'7 r B. True bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, official monuments or subdivision corner, which shall be accurately described on the plat. Municipal, township, county or abstract survey lines shall be accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings, where applicable. C. An accurate location of at least one (1) corner of the subdivision with reference to an original corner of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part or an existing permanent monument on an approved and recorded plat or permanent markers established by and approved by the City Engineer. D. An accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be sub- divided. E. The exact layout, including: (1) Street and/or alley names; (2) The length of all arcs, radii, internal angles and points of curvature, length and bearing of the tangents; (3) All easements for right-of-way provided for public services or utilities and any limitations of the easements; and (4) All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearings and angles to street and alley lines to the nearest second. F. The accurate location, material and approximate size of all monuments. G. The accurate outline description of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, such as parks, etc., with the purpose indicated thereon, and all pro- perty that may be reserved by deed covenant for the com- mon use of the property owners in the subdivision. H. Building set -back lines. I. Lot grading plan. J. Private restrictions. K. Name of the proposed subdivision. L. Name and address of the subdivider. M. North point, graphic scale and date. N. City limits line, if it traverses the subdivision. 0. Location map at a scale of not less than one inch to two thousand feet (1"=2,0001) showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one (1) mile outside the proposed subdivision. P. Construction plans and profiles drawn on sheets, measuring twenty-two inches (22") or twenty-four inches (2411) by thirty-six inches (36"), the same size as the final plat, and including the following information. (1) A plan and profile of each street with top of curb grades shown. Each sheet shall include north point, scale, date and benchmark description to mean sea level datum. Unless otherwise approved by the city, scales shall be one inch equals forty feet (1"=401) horizontally and one inch equals four feet, five feet or six feet (1"=41, 5' or 61) ver- tically. Each plan shall show the seal and signa- ture of the registered professional civil engineer who prepared the plans; (2) The cross -sections of proposed streets showing the width of roadways and type of pavement and location and width of sidewalk, (3) A plan and profile of proposed sanitary sewers, with grades and pipe sizes indicated and showing locations of manholes, cleanouts, etc., and a plan of the proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and locations of valves, fire hydrants, fittings, etc., in conformance with the applicable criteria presented in Section 6, Improvements. Unless otherwise approved by the city, scales shall be one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=1001) hori- zontally and one inch equals four feet, five feet or six feet (1`4', 5' or 61) vertically. Each plan shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer who prepared the plans. Each sheet shall include north point, scale, date and benchmark description to mean sea level datum; (4) A .plan and profile of the proposed storm sewers, showing hydraulic data, pipe grades and sizes, manholes, inlets, pipe connections, outlet struc- tures, etc., in conformance with the criteria as shown in Section 6, Improvements. Unless otherwise approved by the city, scales shall be one inch equals forty feet (11=401) horizontally and one inch equals four feet, five feet or six feet (1"= 41, 5' or 61) vertically. Each plan shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer who prepared the plans. Each sheet shall include north point, scale, date and bench- mark description to mean sea level datum; and (5) A plan of all the other utilities, showing the relative locations proposed for the water, sewer, storm sewer and gas mains, utility poles, TV and electrical services, street lighting, traffic control signs, and street signs, and acknowledged by the appropriate representative of each firm or agency involved, Q. Certification by a registered public surveyor or licensed state land surveyor, registered in the State of Texas, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or under his direct supervision and that all monuments shown thereon have been verified and actually exist, and that their location, size and material are correctly shown. Such surveyor's certificate may be prepared as follows: "State of Texas County of Denton I hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the pro- perty made on the ground under my supervision. Registered Public Surveyor Texas R.P.S. No. " R. A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and playgrounds to public use forever, signed and acknowledged before a notary public, by the owner or authorized representative and lien holder of the land, and a complete and accurate descrip- tion of the land subdivided and the streets dedicated. Such owner's certificate may be prepared as follows: "State of Texas County of Denton The owner of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent dedicates to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water- courses, drains, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Owner" S. "State of Texas County of Denton Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and con- siderations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 19 Notary Public, Denton County, Texas" A certificate placed on the plat in a manner that will allow the filling in of the certificate by the proper parties. "The City Engineer of the City of Sanger hereby certifies that this subdivision plat conforms to all requirements of the subdivision regulations as to which his/her approval is required. City Engineer By: Date: Cri Recommended For Approval Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sanger, Texas Approved And Accepted Mayor City of Sanger, Texas Date The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the Subdivision or Addition to the City of Sanger was submitted to the city council on the day of , 19 , and the council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sewer 19 lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas" T. Certificate from city tax collector and from the proper offi- cial of other taxing agencies within whose jurisdiction the proposed subdivision lies showing that all ad valorem taxes, liens and fees have been paid on the tract to be subdivided. The planning and zoning commission shall act upon the final plat within thirty (30) days from said filing date and submit said action of recommendation to the city council. The city council shall then approve or disapprove the recom- mendations of the planning and zoning commission within thirty (30) days thereafter. The final plat shall be recorded by the city secretary in the office of the county clerk of the county within thirty (30) days from and after the date of final acceptance by the city council; the subdivider shall, however, pay to the city, in advance, the required fees for filing of such plat by the county clerk. Is 66 Two (2) sets of approved plans and specifications for water, LU sanitary sewer, paving and drainage improvements, prepared by a registered professional civil engineer, shall be submitted to the city prior to any construction in the subdivision. CO CD The approval of the construction drawings by the city council shall be effective for a period of two (2) years after the approval date of the final plat unless the subdivider has requested and received an extension of time. Construction drawings which have expired shall be resubmitted to the city for approval before any construction is begun. The design of the proposed improvements shall be based on the construction requirements which are in effect at the time of resubmittal. 4.05 - Procedure For Short Form Subdivision A. Any subdivision or replat thereof which may be deter- mined to fall within the following criteria may be termed a "short form subdivision" and shall comply with the abbreviated procedures set forth herein. "Plats for record" of "lots of record" of unplatted property shall be deemed to meet these criteria if: (1) The land in question is bounded by legally sub- divided land and does not exceed two (2) acres; 20 (2) The subdivision or not necessitate any lity installations, setback lines, and use of the land subdivided does appreciable alteration of uti- streets, alleys or building (3) The tracts so subdivided conform in size and shape to the lots in the vicinity and the zoning in the immediate area. B. All design, engineering, improvements and drawing infor- mation standards provided in these regulations appli- cable to all subdivisions shall be applicable to the short form subdivisions. Preliminary platting is not required. C. If the city engineer finds that the final plat meets all the provisions of these regulations, he/she shall pre- sent the final plat to the commission and council for review. D. The final short form plat shall be filed with the city accompanied with the required filing fee. After all requirements have been met and signatures obtained, the plat and all other necessary instruments shall be filed for record with the county clerk by the city secretary. E. In the case of plats for record, after all requirements have been met and the final short form plat properly filed, adminstrative approval may be granted. 4.06 - Construction Of Improvements A. The subdivider/developer shall contract for improvements except where city participation is involved. In cases of city participation, the city shall advertise for bids and award the contract(s). B. The subdivider's/developer's engineer shall administer the contract. C. A pre -construction conference, to be held at city hall, will be required. This conference shall be attended by the city engineer (or authorized representative), the subdivider's/developer's engineer, the engineer's inspectors, the contractor(s), and other appropriate representative as deemed necessary by the city. 21 4.07 - Replats Any person who wishes to revise a subdivision plat which has been previously filed for record must make an application of the proposed revised plat to the city council. The replat of the subdivision shall meet all the requirements for a sub- division that may be pertinent. However, if the subdivision as replatted does not require any appreciable alteration or improvement of utility installations, streets, alleys, building setback lines, and/or drainage conditions or facili- ties, then no engineering plans will be required. No preli- minary plats will be required for replats. In the event the proposed replat involves property which has been previously developed or zoned as single family or duplex residential use the following requirements must be met: After the application is filed, the city secretary shall cause a notice of the application to be published in the official newspaper of the city at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the city council meeting at which it is to be considered. Such notice must include a statement of the time and place at which the city council will meet to consider the replat and to hear protests to the revision at a public hearing. Additionally, written notice must be sent to all owners of property located within the original plat. Such notice may be served by depositing the notice properly addressed and postage paid, at the local post office. In the event the original plat contains more than 100 lots, such notice shall be mailed only to those owners of lots which are located within 500 feet of the lot or lots which are sought to be replatted or resubdivided. If twenty percent (20$) or more of the property owners to whom notice has been required to be given file a written protest of the replatting before or at the public hearing, then written approval of at least two- thirds of the owners of property in the original plat or the owners of all lots located within 500 feet of the lots to be replatted (if the original plat contains more than 100 lots) must be obtained before the city council 48 can grant approval for the replat. In computing percen- tages of ownership, each lot is considered equal to all qqr other lots regardless of size or number of owners, and the owners of such lot are entitled to only one vote per lot. 22 SECTION 5: GENERAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS All requirements pertaining to lot size, yard size, dwelling size, lot coverage, height, parking, loading and screening contained in the current zoning ordinance of the city shall be adhered to for development under this ordinance. 5.01 - Streets A. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all proposed streets shall conform to the general plan of the community, and their relationship shall be considered to that of the existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public con- venience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. B. The reservation in private ownership of strips of land, at the end of offered or existing streets, intended solely or primarily for the purpose of controlling access to property not included in the subdivision shall be prohibited. C. Where such is not shown in the general plan for the com- munity, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall: (1) Provide for the continuation or appropriate projec- tion %J existing principal streets in surrounding areas; (2) Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the city to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make con- tinuation of or conformance to an existing street PQ impracticable; and 41 (3) Be planned so that they shall intersect, as nearly as possible, at right angles. D. Residential streets shall be aligned so that their use by through traffic is discouraged. E. In phased developments, streets which are continuous through more than a single phase shall be provided with temporary turnarounds (at the point of temporary ter- mination) until the street is fully constructed per the original approved plan. Vic? F. Developers shall be required to coordinate all planning and engineering work with all adjacent property owners/developers. G. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five feet (1251) shall be avoided. H. Street right-of-way widths and centerline radii shall be in accordance with the city's thoroughfare plan and shall conform to the following: Right -of -Way Minimum Class Type of Street Width Centerline Radii A Loop Highway 180 feet 2,000 feet B Major Thoroughfare 120 feet 1,000 feet C Major Thoroughfare 100 feet 11000 feet D Secondary Thoroughfare 80 feet 500 feet E Collector 60 feet 500 feet F Collector 60 feet 300 feet G Minor or Residential 50 feet 150 feet I. Street widths proposed for industrial subdivisions or commercial developments shall be not less than that required for a Class D, Secondary Thoroughfare. J. Half streets shall be prohibited, except where there is no alternative for reasonable development of the sub- division in conformance with the other requirements of these regulations and where the city finds it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided. Wherever a half street has already been provided adjacent to an area to be subdivided, the other remaining portion of the street shall be platted within such subdivision. Where part of a residential or collector street is being dedicated along a common property line, the first dedi- cation shall be one-half (2) of the proposed street right-of-way plus five feet (51) unless a construction easement on the adjoining parcel has been obtained, and the developer shall construct the half street or place in escrow cash for the estimated half -paving cost as determined by the city council. K. Cul-de-sacs in residential additions shall not than six hundred feet (600') from the tion, except under unusual conditions of the city council. In industrial shall not exceed one thousand feet nearest intersecting street, and there at the closed -end a turnaround having nearest be longer intersec- with the approval areas, cul-de-sacs (1,000') from the shall be provided a minimum outside roadway diameter of eighty-one feet (811) and a minimum street property line diameter of one hundred feet (100'). Alternate turnaround designs in residential tract developments which provide adequate turnaround area may be considered for approval by the city. L. All streets shall be paved, and paving shall conform to the requirements of Section 6, Improvements, of these regulations. M. Street grades shall be established regarding topography, proposed land -use and the facilities in the area surrounding the land to be subdivided. Minimum grades shall be three tenths percent (0.30%) on concrete streets and five tenths percent (0.50%) on all other types of street paving. Cross (transverse) slopes bet- ween pavement and the right-of-way shall not be less than 100:1 or steeper than 3:1. Where necessary, addi- tional right-of-way or slope easement shall be provided to meet this requirement. N. Street name markers shall be installed in accordance with the prescribed type currently in use by the city or an approved equal, as approved by the city manager. Street markers and erections will be at the expense of the subdivider. 0. The materials for all traffic control and regulatory signs shall be furnished by the subdivider and installed by the city for all intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be in strict compliance with the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration and according to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edi- tion. No signs will be placed in undeveloped portions of the subdivision. P. The subdivider shall comply with the guidelines and cri- teria for driveways, including the design requirements, grades, spacing and access standards as provided by the city's thoroughfare plan. Q. If a proposed development is projected to generate a lesser traffic volume than would normally require road- ways as specified in the master thoroughfare plan, the developer may install a "minimum acceptable alternative" (as delineated in the Appendix). The full right-of-way and pavement thickness is unchanged. Only the outside two (2) lanes would be paved in this situation. The city must approve the use of this option. 25 Alleys A. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial districts and shall be paved with reinforced concrete, except that the city may waive this requirement where other definite and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and parking consistent with and adequate for the uses pro- posed. B. Alleys shall be provided in all residential areas and shall be paved with reinforced concrete. C. The minimum right-of-way width of any alley shall be twenty feet (20') in industrial and commercial areas and fifteen feet (151) in residential areas. D. Alley intersections and sudden changes in alignment shall be avoided, but, where necessary, lot corners shall be cut off at least fifteen feet (151) on each tangent to permit safe vehicular movement. E. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but, if unavoidable, they shall be provided.with adequate turn- around facilities, as determined by the city. F. All alleys .shall be paved, and the paving shall conform to Section 6, Improvements, of these regulations. G. Residential driveway and alley pavement cuts will not be permitted onto loop and major thoroughfares. Alleys on frontage roads shall be provided along side and rear lot Lines which front on loop and major thoroughfares for rear entrance. 5.03 - Lots A. Lot size: The size or area of the lot shall be measured in square feet, and. shall conform with the zoning requirements for the area. The minimum lot size shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet, unless otherwise provided by the zoning district of the area. B. Lot width: The lot width shall be the direct distance across the lot measured at the points the building line intersects the side lot lines. The minimum lot width shall be fifty feet (501), unless otherwise provided by the zoning district of the area. CO Lot depth: The lot depth shall be the average of the length of the two (2) side lot lines. The minimum lot depth shall be ninety feet (901), unless otherwise pro- vided by the zoning district of the area. 26 D. Corner lots: Corner lots with a width of less than seventy-five feet (751) are to be at least five feet (51) wider than the average of interior lots in the block. Corner lots with a width of less than eighty- five feet (851) adjacent to a thoroughfare are to be at least fifteen feet (15') wider than the average of interior lots in the block. E. Lot shape: Lots should be rectangular where prac- ticable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordi- narily exceed two and one-half to one (21:1). F. Lot facing: G. H. (1) Each lot shall be provided with adequate access to an existing or proposed street by frontage on such street. Residential lots shall front on residen- tial class streets; (2) Double frontage lots are prohibited except where the lot has rear frontage on thoroughfares; and (3) Wherever feasible, each lot should face the front of a similar lot across the street. In general, an arrangement placing facing lots at right angles to each other should be avoided. Lot lines: Side lot lines should be perpendicular or radial to street frontage, and the following note may be used on the plat in lieu of bearings: "All side lot lines are perpendicular or radial to street frontage unless otherwise noted." Lot numbering: All lots are to be numbered con- secutively. within each block. Lot numbering may be cumulative throughout the subdivision if the numbering continues from block to block in a uniform manner that has been approved on an overall. preliminary plat. Lot grading: All lots shall be graded such that the finished grade for the building site will be not less than six inches (6") above the top of the curb grade or alley pavement or two feet (21) above the adjacent base flood elevation as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whichever is greater. In any case, the property line grades adjacent to the street should not be below the top of curb grade. J. Exceptions: Plats involving cluster developments or zero -lot lines shall be reviewed by the city on a case - by -case basis. 27 5.04 - Easements A. Use: Where necessary to provide of maintenance, construction or shall be provided for poles, sewers, sanitary sewers, water floodplains, gas lines or other access for the purposes other service, easements wires, conduits, storm lines, open drainage, utilities. Such ease- ments may be required across parts of lots, including rear and side lot lines, where alleys are not provided. B. Size: Where possible, easements shall be provided fully located upon one (1) lot and shall be not less than fif- teen feet (151) in width. Where such is not feasible, easements shall be not less than seven and one-half feet (711) on each side of the lot line. Where overhead utility service on poles is allowed, an additional easement of five feet (51) on each side shall be provided. The full width of easements shall not be less than twenty-five feet (25'). Where a subdivision is bounded by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way con- forming substantially to the lines of such water course, or of such width to provide for any future anticipated construction, plus a minimum to ten feet (10') on each side. C. Where required by the city, emergency access easements shall have: (1> a clear, unobstructed width of twenty- four feet (24'); (2) an all-weather surface constructed and maintained by the owner, (3) a connection at each end to a dedicated public street or have a turnaround of suitable size at the dead-end.; and (4) appropriate turning space at inside corners to permit free movement of fire trucks. An emergency access easement may be used as a driveway to gain access to parking or loading spaces, but shall not be used for parking. The limits of the easement shall be marked by the city, and the marking shall be maintained by the city. 5 - Blocks widths and shapes of blocks shall be deter - IL A. The lengths, w p mined with regard to the following items: (1) Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use proposed; (2) Zoning requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions; �'3 (3) Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of traffic; and (4) Limitations of topography. B. Where no existing subdivision controls, the blocks shall not exceed one thousand feet (1,0001) in length nor be less than five hundred feet (5001) in length, except in certain instances where topographical features warrant special consideration. These limits shall be exceeded only upon specific approval by the city. Blocks longer than six hundred feet (6001) shall be avoided in busi- ness districts. C. Blocks are to be numbered or lettered consecutively within the overall plat and/or section of an overall plat, as recorded. 5.06 - Mobile Home Parks And Mobile Homes A. Location Mobile homes shall be allowed only in approved and recognized mobile home parks of not less than five (5) acres which must be located in an appropriate zoning district. B. Platting Mobile home parks are governed by the same requirements for all other subdivisions. Both preliminary and final plats will be required and both will be subject to the specifications of Sections 4.03 and 4.04 of this docu- ment, respectively. C. Streets Each mobile home park must abut a public street and pro- vide access therefrom. Each lot/unit may only be accessed from an interior street. Minimum pavement widths of interior streets shall be twenty-six feet (261) to allow for emergency vehicle and trash removal access. D. Screenin Each mobile home park screening plan to buffer uses. (This plan must engineer.) A landscaped st 109) in width shall be *thin the park's proper must include a landscaping/ the park from adjoining land - receive approval from the city rip of not less than ten feet ( established and maintained wty along the exterior boun- daries. Fencing and other materials must also be used as approved by the city engineer. 29 E. Prohibited uses No mobile home for the purpose of residential living shall be located outside an approved mobile home park. Mobile homes in approved parks must be used for no other purpose than residential. Mobile homes not in a park will be allowed only as a temporary residence during home constructiont as a construction/security office, or as a temporary business site if the permanent building is being rebuilt/rehabilitated. These temporary uses must not exceed one (1) year. Extensions may be granted by the city upon proof of extreme hardship. These regu- lations shall not apply to manufactured housing. F. Additional Requirements All other sections of this document shall apply as appropriate to mobile home parks. The city council may also impose additional conditions, requirements or limi- tations concerning the design, development and/or opera- tion of said park as it deems necessary for the protection and general welfare of adjacent properties and the public interest. G. Filing Fees 5.07 - Surve Refer to Section 7, Filing document. v Monuments And Lot Markers Fees and Charges, of this Permanent Survey Reference Monuments A concrete monument, six inches (6") in diameter and twenty-four inches (24") long, shall be placed on all boundary corners, block corners, curve points and angle lw�a; points. A copper pin one-fourth inch (1/4") in diameter embedded at least three inches (3") in the monument shall be placed at the exact intersection point on the ' monument. The monuments shall be set at such an eleva- tion that will not be disturbed during construction, and the top of the monument shall be not less than twelve inches (12") below the finished grade of the develop- ment. Be Lot Markers Lot markers shall be one-half eighteen inches (1811) long, or be placed at all lot corners below ground, if necessary, disturbed. inch (ill)(ill) reinforcing bar, approved equal, and shall flush with the ground, or in ,order to avoid being �i] C. Schedule for Placement At the developer's option, permanent monuments and lot markers may be placed before or following construction of on -site improvements. If installed prior to construction, the final plat of the subdivision will be filed for record as set forth in Section 4 of these regulations. If installed following construction of improvements, the plat will be held for filing until, and the certificates of occupancy will be issued when the monuments and markers are set (see Section 6.13 Surveyor's Certificate). SECTION 6: IMPROVEMENTS 6.01 - Standard Specifications And Construction Details All improvements proposed for any subdivision to be developed under the jurisdiction of these ordinances shall be furnished and installed by the subdivider in accordance with the appli- cable divisions of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, as adopted by the city and the other applicable specifications noted herein, or in the absence of such speci- fications and details, to meet the approval of the city. References are made herein to specific divisions, items and sections of the NCTCOG standard specifications, and it is not intended to preclude other portions of the NCTCOG standard specifications that may be appropriate and applicable to the development of a subdivision. Therefore, by reference to the fact that the city has adopted the NCTCOG Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, latest edition, are to be considered a part of this ordinance. All improvements, even in previously approved but still ��`; unimproved subdivisions, or in re -subdivided tracts, shall conform to the city's current regulations and specifications for street, drainage and utility construction. Where reference is made within these regulations to the stan- Y dard specifications, it shall be understood that the word "owner" is to be interpreted as the developer or subdivider and the words "engineer," "inspector," and "owner's represen- tative" are to be interpreted as the developer's engineer. Where the standard specifications allow options not specifi- cally addressed by these regulations, the developer's engineer shall request guidance from the city engineer in writing. 6.02 - Street Paving - Concrete A. Concrete Strength Requirements (1) Concrete Curb and Gutter Concrete curb and gutter thirty inches (30") in width Division 8, Item 8.2, Specifications. shall be constructed and in accordance with of the Standard (2) Reinforced Concrete Pavements and Monolithic Curb Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5, Item 5.8. B. Pavement Thickness Requirements (1) Residential Street and Alley Construction The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing all residential streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (z) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (z) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. A six inch (6") thickness of three thousand (3,000) p.s.i. reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase shall be required. Said six inch (6") thickness will be acceptable without performing additional soils investigation or design calcula- tions. All steel reinforcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars on twenty-four inch (2411) centers both ways. Where the plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subgrade, six inches (6") thick with six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight, shall be required. Compaction of cc the lime stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., Section 4.6.4.(d). Any proposed pavement section of lesser thickness or alternate materials shall be fully documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. 32 (2) Collector, Commercial Alley Construction or Industrial Street and The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing all streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (z) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (2) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. Collector streets and alleys shall, as a minimum, be designed and constructed with six-inch (6") thickness of three thousand five hundred (3,500) p.s.i. reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase. All steel reinforcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars on twenty-four inch (24") centers both ways. Where the plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subbase with a six inch (611) thickness of six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight will be required. Compaction of the lime stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., Section 4.6.4(d). Any proposed pavement section of lesser thickness or alternate materials shall be fully documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. (3) Major or Secondary Thoroughfare Construction On roadways, adjacent to the proposed subdivision, that are designated to be major or secondary thoroughfares (except Class A Loop Highway), the subdivider shall be required to construct, at his own cost and expense, one-half (1) of the street section, up to a width of twenty-four feet (24'), measured to face of curbs, with integral curbs on each side. Where thoroughfares traverse a subdivision, the subdivider shall be required, at his own cost and expense, to construct a twenty-four foot (241) wide section on each side of the roadway. 33 Thoroughfares shall be designed and constructed with an eight inch (8") thickness of three thousand five hundred (3,500) p.s.i. reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase. All steel rein- forcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars at twenty-four inch (2411) centers both ways. Where CO plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subgrade, six inches (6") thick with six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight, shall be required. Compaction of the lime stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., Section 4.6.4(d). Any proposed pavement section of .lesser thickness or alternate materials shall be fully documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. C. Paving. Width Requirements (1) Residential Streets, Collector Streets, and Alleys Residential street paving shall be a minimum of thirty feet (30') in width, measured between the faces of curbs. Residential street paving of twenty-six feet (26') in width, measured between the faces of curbs, will be permitted with any one (1) of the four (4) following conditions: (a) Residential lots having rear driveway entran- ces with paved alleys. (b) Residential street is .a cul-de-sac. Residential street is a continuous segment � less than one thousand feet (1,000') between two (2) 4-way (perpendicular) intersections. (Street width shall not vary between lu intersections.) (d) Residential street intersects another roadway more than once (i.e. U-shaped, semi -circle or loop streets). Collector street paving around schools shall be a minimum of thirty-six feet (361) in width, measured between the faces of curbs. The width for collec- tor streets in industrial and commercial areas must be a minimum of forty feet (401) in width, measured between the faces of the curbs. Alley paving shall be ten feet (10') wide in resi- dential areas and twenty feet (201) wide in commer cial and industrial areas. Alley turnouts shall be paved to the property line and shall be at least two feet (2') wider than the alley paving at that point. Paving radius where alleys interesect resi- dential and collector streets shall be ten feet (101) and where alleys intersect thoroughfare streets the radius shall be fifteen feet (151). Paving radius shall be twenty-five feet (251) where alleys intersect one another. (2) Thoroughfares The following minimum this ordinance for the fares as follows0 Thoroughfare Classif ication Class A (Loop) Class B (Major) Class C (Major) pavement widths are set by construction of thorough - Minimum Right- Minimum Pavement Width of -Way Width Between Faces of Curbs 180' Two 12' traffic lanes on each side of the roadway centerline 120' Three 12' traffic lanes divided by a 16' median 100' Three 11' traic lanes divided by a 15' median ff Class D (Secondary) 80' Four Ill traffic lanes ortwo 12' traffic lanes and two 10' parking lanes Note: The minimum width of a median adjacent to a left turn lane shall be five feet (5'). (3) Street Returns (a) The minimum radii for all be twenty feet (20') on streets and thirty feet fares, street returns shall collector and minor (30') on thorough- 35 (b) Returns for driveways on minor streets shall be ten feet (101). Driveway returns onto com- mercial and industrial property shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (151) and a maximum of twenty-five feet (251) except in special cases. D. Miscellaneous (1) Reinforcing Steel Steel furnished for street and alley paving shall meet Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.2., Sections 2.2.6. and 2.2.7. (2) Sawed Dummy Joints Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5, Item 5.8., Section 5.8.2. (3) Expansion Joints Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5, Item 5.8., Section 5.8.2. (4) Longitudinal Pavement Slopes The maximum longitudinal slopes are as follows: Type of Street Maximum Slope Class A - Major Thoroughfare 6% Class B - Major Thoroughfare 6� Class C - Major Thoroughfare 6% Class D - Secondary Thoroughfare 6% Class E - Collector 8% 12. Class F - Collector 8% Class G - Minor (Residential) 10% CC J Maximum grades for an alley shall be eight percent (8%) within thirty feet (30') of its intersection with a street and fourteen percent (14%) elsewhere. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (1001) of I ntersections shall not exceed two percent (2%). 36 (5) (6) 6.03 - Sidewalks Transverse Pavement Slopes The transverse pavement slope for all non -divided streets may consist of either a straight cross slope or a parabolic curve from the pavement cen- terline to the gutter. The crown at the pavement centerline shall be four inches (4") above the gutter grade on residential streets and six inches (611) on collector streets and secondary thorough- fares. For divided streets, the transverse slope shall be as required by the city engineer. Lime Stabilization Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6. Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 8, Item 8.3. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed. on both sides of streets and thoroughfares, except in industrial areas, by the subdivider. The sidewalks shall have a width of not less than four feet (4') and thickness of not less than four inches (4") and shall be constructed of two thousand (2,000) p.s.i. concrete on both sides of all streets and thorough- fares within the subdivision. Sidewalks shall be constructed one foot (11) from the property line within the street or thoroughfare right-of-way and shall extend along the street frontage including the side of corner lots and block ends. Construction of sidewalks adjacent to curb in residential areas will be considered where driveway entrances are constructed from the rear of lots on each side of the street for the full length of the block or where mountable curbs are I nstalled. In these instances, the sidewalks shall be five feet ( 5' ) wide. Sidewalks in commercial areas shall be a minimum width of five feet (51) or extend from the back of the curb to the CO .� building line as required by the city. Sidewalks in industrial areas and planned developments will be as required by the city. All concrete for sidewalks shall be placed on a two-inch (2") sand cushion. 37 Longitudinal slope of sidewalks shall be that of the curb adjacent to the sidewalk. The transverse slope of the sidewalk shall be one-fourth inch ($") per foot starting at the back of the curb. The maximum ground slope from the back of the curb to the property line shall not exceed six percent (6%). If it does exceed six percent (6%), a retaining wall, that is acceptable to the city, shall be provided on the pro- perty line or the private property graded to a 3:1 maximum slope. 6.04 - Storm Drainage A. General (1) Plans, profiles and specifications shall be pre- pared in accordance with these regulations, the standard specifications, the city's design manual for storm drainage facilities, the city's compre- hensive development plan, and other site -specific studies for _all storm sewer improvements to be constructed and shall show the locations, sizes, grades, hydraulic gradients, flow arrows and other details for the proposed pipe, inlets, manholes, culverts, outlet structures and other appurtenan- ces. Each sheet of the plans and profiles shall bear the seal and signature of the registered pro- fessional civil engineer who prepared them. The subdivider/developer shall design the proposed storm drainage system in accordance with the approved city's design manual for storm drainage facilities and the comprehensive development plan. 21 The subdivider shall be required to provide off - site facilities to access the point of discharge where adequate capacity is available. The sub- divider shall pay. for the cost of all drainage improvements connected with the development of his/her subdivision, including any necessary off - site channels or storm sewers and acquisition of any required easements. — Water Systems Water systems shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water, to furnish fire protection to all lots and shall conform with the city's comprehensive plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health. The city shall make the final determination of the adequacy of water mains proposed. A. Materials (1) Water Mains (a) All water mains twelve inches (1211) in diameter and smaller may be either ductile iron pipe, thickness Class 50 minimum, or AWWA C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Water mains larger than twelve inches (12") in diameter may be constructed with either pre - tensioned or prestressed concrete steel cylinder pipe or ductile iron pipe. (b) The subdivider shall comply with all appli- cable Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.12., Sections 2.12.5., 2.12.8., and 2.12.20. (2) Gate Valves Gate valves shall be furnished in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.13., Section 2.13.1. (3) Fire Hydrants (a) Fire hydrants shall be furnished in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.14. (b) The subdivider shall furnish drawings with complete detailed dimensions of the fire hydrant proposed for the subdivision. B. Installation and Testin (1) Water Mains, Fittings, Gate Valves. and Fire Hydrants (a) The subdivider shall comply with all appli- LOU cable Standard Specifications in Division 6, CO for installing materials that comply with the standards of the city. (b) Prior to approval of plans and specifications for ductile iron pipe, the subdivider shall perform a soil survey to establish the corro- sive characteristics of the soil at, and along, the alignment of the proposed water mains. If the corrosive characteristics of the soil.are found to be excessive or indicate 39 a potential for a corrosive condition, then an approved polyethylene encasement or wrapping shall be installed to protect the pipe in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.9., Section 2.9.5. (c) Tap installations on PVC pipe will be made by attaching a bronze service clamp equipped with a sealed threaded port on the periphery of the main; then drilling through the pipe wall to complete each service port. Taps may be made either on an uncharged system or into a main under pressure. (2) Location (a) All water mains shall be constructed within street rights -of -way or easements dedicated to the city. (b) Easements shall be provided for water mains which parallel any state -numbered highway. (c) Water mains shall be installed in or extended along all frontage streets of the proposed subdivision and shall be connected to all existing water mains where convenient. Provision of water mains in conjunction with cul-de-sac streets shall be at the discretion of the city engineer. To insure reliability of service, dead-end mains of adequate capa- city shall not exceed three thousand feet (3,0001) in length. Adequate capacity shall be determined by the standards for fireflow as accepted by the State Board of Insurance and the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. a. (d) In zoning districts commonly referred to as "residential sections," the minimum size of CC j water main shall be six inches (611) in Uj diameter. Where intervals between if mains must exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,2001), or where dead -ends must exist, eight inch (811) diameter or larger mains shall be installed. (e) Eight inch (8") diameter and larger mains shall be installed in all streets in zoning districts commonly referred to as "commercial" or "industrial," with minimum size eight inch (8") diameter intersecting mains every six hundred feet (600). Where dead -ends must exist, eight inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. The minimum limits set forth in the above shall not be exceeded except upon the specific approval by the city engineer, city building official and the fire chief, but in no event shall these require- ments be less than the minimum required by the State Board of Insurance or the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. (f) Twelve inch (12") diameter or larger mains shall be installed in all streets in zoning districts commonly referred to as "commercial" or it where service is to be pro- vided to developments that may require fire sprinkler systems. (g) All valves buried in the ground shall be pro- vided with cast-iron valve boxes of proper dimensions to fit over the valve bonnets and to extend to such elevation at or slightly above the finished street grade or ground line, as approved by the city. Tops shall be complete with covers marked "water" and shall be adjustable. Valve boxes shall be set ver- tical and concentric with the valve stem. Any valve box which has so moved from its ginal position as to prevent the application oI the valve key shall be satisfactorily reset by the developer at his own expense. A rein- forced concrete pad of the dimensions, 3'-0" x 3'-0" x 6", shall be poured around all valve boxes that are outside the pavement section, unless otherwise directed by the city. (h) Fire hydrants shall be placed to conform with the requirements of the State Board of Insurance and the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. Each hydrant shall be set upon a slab of stone or concrete not less than four inches (4") thick and not less than one (1) square foot of surface area. Where solid rock exists in the bottom of the trench and same is excavated to the proper depth to form a foundation for the hydrant, the slab of stone or concrete above specified may be omitted. The hydrant shall be set perpendicular, and to the proper depth, and shall be carefully and substantially blocked against firm trench walls using Class 2,000 concrete. 41 (i) Fire hydrants shall be installed and operable prior to the erection of any building in which any combustible material is used as determined by the fire chief of the city. Sanitary Sewers Sanitary sewer facilities shall be furnished and installed to adequately service the subdivision and shall conform to the city's sanitary sewer plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health and Texas Water Commission. The adequacy of the sewerage facilities provided by the subdivider shall be determined by the city. A. Materials (1) Sewer Mains and Appurtenances (a) Sanitary sewer mains may be vitrified clay sewer pipe (extra strength), cement -lined bituminous coated ductile iron pipe, polyethylene -lined ductile iron pipe or poly- vinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. The subdivider shall comply with the appli- cable Standard Specifications of Division 2, that are related to the materials for the sewer mains accepted by the city. Connections shall be made with a fabricated fitting. Field -glued connections are not allowed. When PVC pipe passes through a manhole .wall, asbestos cement sleeves with a rubber ring joint shall be used to provide a positive water -tight connection. (b) The minimum diameter of sewer mains shall be ON eight inches (8"). Six inch (6") diameter sewer mains may be acceptable only for short distances (not to exceed 400 feet) and only in locations where the main will not be extended, as approved by the city. (c) Manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7., Section 6.7.2.(i). The manholes shall be placed at points of change in alignment, grade, size of sewer, the intersection of sewers, at the right-of-way lines of major and secondary thoroughfares, whether existing or proposed, and the end of all sanitary sewer mains subject to extension. 42 Maximum manhole spacing for sewers with straight alignment and uniform grades should be determined so as to assure continuous operation based on available cleaning equip- ment. The maximum manhole spacing shall be five hundred feet (500') in all cases. (d) Standard cleanouts shall be constructed at the ends of all sanitary sewers not subject to extension, and shall be in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7., Section 6.7.2(j). (2) Lift Stations and Force Mains (a) All lift stations shall be designed and constructed with two (2) or more sewage pumps, and the stations shall be capable of pumping the design maximum flow with the largest pump out of service. Detailed layout, projected flows, design data, plans and specifications of the lift station and pumps shall be sub- mitted to the city engineer prior to the purchase and installation of the pumps. (b) All force mains shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or ductile iron pipe, furnished in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 2. For the initial flows or at design for average flows, a cleansing velocity of at least two feet (2') per second shall be maintained, with the velocity not to exceed five feet (5' ) per Q. second at the peak pumping rate. Where high Qj 0 points are necessary in the design of the force main, automatic air relief valves shall 10 be placed at high points in the force main to prevent air locking. (c) The design of the lift station and force main shall comply, in all respects, with the "Design Criteria For Sewerage Systems" of the Texas Department of Health and the Texas Water Commission. (3) Location Wherever possible, sewers shall be located in the alleys or easements and shall be a minimum of five feet (51) to six and one-half feet (62') deep to the invert. Easements shall be provided for sewer mains which parallel any state -numbered highway. (4) Installation and Testing (a) All sewers shall be laid in straight alignment where possible with a uniform grade between the manholes. In those cases where horizontal curvature must be utilized to serve a par- ticular area, the minimum radius of curvature shall be one hundred feet (100'). Grades and appurtenances of sanitary sewers shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Department of Health, and the following are the minimum slopes which should be provided for a velocity of at least two feet (21) per second; however, slopes greater than these are desirable: Sanitary Minimum Slope in Feet Sewer - Diameter Per 100 Feet 4 inch (for service lines only) 1.000 6 inch 0.500 8 inch 0.330 10 inch 0.250 12 inch 0.200 15 inch 0.150 18 inch 0.110 21 inch 0.090 24 inch 0.080 27 inch 0.060 30 inch 0.055 36 inch 0.045 (b) The excavation, embedment and backfill requirements for the sewer pipe shall all be in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.2. On non- ferrous pipe, Class B+ embedment shall be used per Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item CD 6.2.9.(c)(6). (c) Performance tests of the sewer mains, manho- les and appurtenances shall be performed and documented by the subdivider in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7. Visual inspection by .photographic means (either video or film) shall be required on all sewer mains under the proposed street pavement and shall be performed after comple- tion and acceptance of the street subgrade but prior to the final paving. Prior to any testing being performed, the sub- divider shall submit for approval to the city engineer a full description of the method for testing and the procedures that are to be employed. 6.07 - Utility Services A. All services for utilities shall be installed for each lot in such a manner so as to eliminate the necessity for disturbing the street. and the alley pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalks and drainage structures when connec- tions are made. B. The subdivider shall provide separate service lines for water and sanitary sewerage to each lot or point of metering. C. Water service lines shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications, Division 6.7., and shall be provided with a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop located at least two feet (2') outside of curb at a depth of not less than one and one-half feet (12 ') . A meter box, meter yoke and miscellaneous fittings shall be furnished and installed by the subdivider and shall conform to the standard materials currently used by the city. D. Sanitary sewer service lines shall have a minimum diameter of four inches (4"), shall meet the same requirements for sanitary sewers described above, shall be constructed from the main to the lot property line using wyes and necessary bends, and shall have a minimum cover at the property line of four feet (41), where possible. E. The subdivider shall place a suitable marker at the point where said service lines are stubbed out so that Ly these lines can be easily located for connection by the C city. Suitable markers shall be "W" for water and "S" for sewer stamped in top of curb, or edge of pavement if no curb is constructed. Letters shall have a minimum height of two inches (2") and a minimum width of two inches (2"). F. The subdivider shall make arrangements with all other appropriate utility companies for the extension of their respective utility lines and service to and within the addition and for any costs or refunds of such costs. G. The. use of underground electrical services and transmission lines is encouraged for all subdivisions, where feasible. C� Street Lighting Street lighting shall conform to the latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. Round tapered standards with bracket arms shall be used and lighting levels, as recommended, shall be provided for very light traffic in residential areas, medium traffic on collector streets, and heavy traffic on thoroughfares. In no instance shall the spacing between street lights exceed four hundred feet (4001). The street lighting plan shall be approved by the city engineer. Initial cost of installation of street lighting shall be borne by the subdivider. 6.09 - Construction Contracts The subdivider shall contract for construction of the street, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the city. Contractors who bid on the work must be qualified in all respects to per- form the required construction. The contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract construction cost in favor of the subdivider. The performance bond shall provide for: A. Completion of the entire construction in conformity with the plans and specifications approved by I and B. Guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of twelve (12) months after acceptance. Prior to the city's release for the subdivider to begin o- construction, the subdivider shall furnish the city engineer one (1) copy of the contractor's itemized proposal and copies cc t� of the contractor's. performance and payment bonds. Ly cc 6.10 - Record Drawings (As -Built Plans) The subdivider shall furnish the city engineer one (1) set of reproducible as -built drawings prepared and certified correct by the subdivider's engineer within thirty (30) days after completion of construction. These as -built drawings shall be twenty-two inch (22") by thirty-six inch (36") or twenty-four inch (24") by thirty-six inch (36") sheets and shall show complete details of the installation improvements and appur- tenances as required by the city, including, but not limited to: � 4 k A. Plans, profiles and cross sections of all streets and alleys; B. Plans, profiles and cross sections of all drainage pro- jects; C. Locations of water and sewer mains with respect to pro- perty lines, D. Size, manufacturer and location with respect to property corners of all water valves and fire hydrants, E. Profiles of sanitary sewers with manhole locations referenced to property corners; F. Detailed diagrams of any special installations such as .inlets, junction boxes, headwalls, bores, roadway crossing, siphons and channel crossings; G. The size, materials and locations with respect to pro- perty corners of all water and sewer service lines installed; H. Locations and quantities of rock excavation and pavement cut; I. Locations of other utilities encountered; J. Oversize designations (if any) for water and sewer mains, and K. Ground elevation of each lot at the front and rear building lines to be shown on the grading plan. 6.11 - Inspection The subdivider shall provide inspection service through his/her engineer to insure that construction is being accomplished in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the city engineer. The subdivider shall notify the city engineer forty-eight (48) hours prior to commen- cement of construction. This notice shall give the location and date of the start of construction. If the city engineer determines it necessary, he/she shall have the right to inspect any construction work being per- formed to insure that it is proceeding in accordance with the intent of the provisions of this ordinance. 6.12 - Testing Testing laboratory services will be arranged and paid for by the city. The city will pay for testing services only for those tests which indicate conformance with the approved spe- cifications. All expenses for tests that fail to meet these specifications shall be borne by the developer. It shall be the responsibility of the developer's engineer to coordinate the scheduling of all required tests with the testing labora- tory. Testing shall be conducted in accordance with the pro- cedures set forth in Part III of the Standard Specifications for like work at the frequency specified therein or as directed by the city engineer. 6.13- Surveyor's Certificate The subdivider shall furnish a certificate, prepared and cer- tified correct by the subdivider's surveyor, stating that the positions of all monuments and lot markers have been con- firmed, or corrected, if necessary, following completion of on -site public improvements to conform to the location of same on the final plat of the development. 6.14 - Contract Completion Certificate The subdivider shall furnish the city Certificate" prepared and certified divider's engineer showing an itemized costs, including engineering, related required by the city, within ten (10 of construction, and indicating that been completed in accordance with the cifications. 6.15 - Acceptance a "Contract Completion correct by the sub - final statement of all to the construction as days after completion all improvements have approved plans and spe- The city's acceptance of such work shall be by the city's approval and endorsement of the contract completion cer- tificate. Such acceptance by the city will not be given until satisfactory record drawings have been received by the city. 6.16 - Affidavits The subdivider and the contractor shall furnish the city a subdivider's payment affidavit stating that all payments due the contractor have been paid and a contractor's payment affidavit stating that any and all amounts due for labor, materials, supplies, services or claims in conjunction with said construction have been paid in full. These affidavits shall be furnished within thirty (30) days following accep- tance of work by the city. 6.17 - Compliance by Subdivider The city shall not be obligated to permit connection of any water or sewer extension to existing system facilities or provide service therefrom or to reimburse any oversize main cost prior to the full compliance by the subdivider with all the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 7: FILING FEES.. AND. CHARGES 7.01 - The schedule of fees and charges shall be paid to the city when any plat is tendered for approval. Each of the fees and charges shall be paid in advance. 7.02 - The city manager, his deputies or assistants shall calculate the basic fees and charges for plat review in accordance with the following schedule: A. Residential Tract Preliminary Plats - $100.00 per plat plus $3.00 per lot. B. Residential Tract Final Plats - $200.00 per plat plus $4.00 per lot. C. Short Form Plats - $100.00 per plat plus $3.00 per lot. D. Mobile Home Park Preliminary Plats - $100.00 per plat plus $5.00 per space. E. Mobile Home Park Final Plats - $200.00 per plat plus $7.00 per space. F. Commercial Tract Preliminary and Final Plat: Less than 1 to 4.999 Acre Tract 5.000 to 24.999 Acre Tract 25.000 to 99.999 Acre Tract 100.000 Acre Tract and Over $100 each plat $350 each plat $750 each plat $750 each plat plus $5 per acre for each plat. G. These fees shall be charged on all plats, regardless of the action taken by the planning and zoning commission and whether the plat is approved or denied by the city council. H. Before commencing with construction there shall be a fee paid to the city equal to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the total cost for proposed improvements. Said fee shall cover the cost of quality control required by the standard specifications and performed by outside laboratories. After determination of the actual cost of said quality control paid to the outside labora- tories by the city, the difference, if any, between the two and one-half percent (2.5%) fee and the actual cost shall be refunded to the subdivider. If the actual cost exceeds the two and one-half percent (2.5%) fee, no additional fee shall be paid by the subdivider. All expenses for tests that fail to meet the city's specifi- cations shall be borne by the developer (refer to Section 6.12 - Testing). SECTION 8: MAINTENANCE BOND OR ESCROW ACCOUNT The subdivider shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of ten percent (10t) of the contract price, or in such amount as approved by the city, with a reputable and solvent cor- porate surety, in favor of the city, to indemnify the city against any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the construc- tion work performed in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective workmanship or materials used therein, for a full period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the entire project. Final acceptance will be withheld until said maintenance bond is furnished to the city. 50 The subdivider may, in lieu of providing a maintenance bond, deposit in an in escrow account with a reputable financing institution, an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the contract rice or i pn such amount as approved by the city. This escrowed amount shall be on deposit, in favor of the city, to indemnify the city against any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the construction work performed in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective workmanship or materials used therein, for a full period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the entire project. Final acceptance will be withheld until said escrow account has been established to the satisfaction of the city. On such date when the maintenance period expires, the city shall release the escrow account, plus all accrued interest, to the sub- divider, less any maintenance or repair costs incurred by the city due to defective workmanship or materials. SECTION 9: EXTENSION TO EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 9.01- The Subdivision Regulations Ordinance of the city, as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, is hereby extended to all of the area lying within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, and the rules and regulations within said Subdivision Regulations Ordinance governing plats and sub- division of land shall be applicable to such area within said extraterritorial jurisdiction from and after the date of final passage of this ordinance. 9.02 - Subdivisions or platting of any tract of land within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city shall be regulated either by these subdivision regulations or the Denton County Subdivision Standards, whichever is more restrictive. SECTION 10: OTHER REQUIREMENTS �10.01 - Exceptions cr These rules and regulations are the standard requirements of the city. A variance or waiver of any of these rules and LU regulations may be granted by the city council, upon a showing that there are special circumstances or conditions U 0 affecting the property in question and that enforcement of 51 CY I. �T11 ., �f® : P. _ ORIGINAL the provisions of this ordinance will deprive the applicant of a substantial property right, and that such variance or waiver, if granted, will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property rights in the vicinity. 10.02 - Penalty Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate provisions of this ordinance or who shall fail to any provision hereof in the City of Sanger shall a Class C misdemeanor and be subject to a fine than two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day violation continues shall constitute a separate shall be punishable, accordingly. 10.03 - City Required to Advertise for Bids If any subdivision imp. potential refunds to t any of the comply with �e guilty of �f not more that such offense and he of the city. 10.04 - All Conflicting Ordinances Repealed All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 10.05 - Severabilit If any section or part of any section, paragraph or clause of this ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, such declaration shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections, part of section, paragraph or clause of this ordinance. 10.06 - Effective Date This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its second reading. F PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 2lst day of September, 1987 by the following vote of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: Ayes Nays Abstensions ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: -53- MINUTE ORDER At the regular City Council meeting of the Sanger City Council held on September 21, 1987 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, the following item was discussed and/or acted upon by the City Council. 21. Consider and Possible Action on Subdivision Ordinance. Lee Lawrence went over the Subdivision Ordinance and the changes with the new provisions. City Council thoroughly went over the subdivision ordinance and noted some changes. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to accept subdivision ordinance with the changes noted. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. I, Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary for the City of Sanger, do hereby certify that the above minutes of the described meeting are a true and correct account A the proceeding held on the 21st day of September, 1987. Given under my hand and seal of the City of Sanger, this 22nd day of March, 1994. Rosalie Chavez, City