01-89-Ordinance-Establishing Electric Service Connection Fees-02/06/1989ORDINANCE 01-89 AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 6 ESTABLISHING NEW FEES ELECTRIC SERVICE CONNECTIONS CONNECT FEE TEMPORARY SERVICE FEE RECONNECT FEE SERVICE FEE NEW RESIDENTIAL SERVICE FEE NEW 10 OR 30 SMALL COMMERCIAL SERVICE FEE NEW 10 OR 30 LARGE COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL FEE 75 KVA CAPACITY OR ABOVE I °'c r r',rst a r,c: t l a'G i r, Cyr" .tpr r aCi i r•, c 'h e •f' C ?; i r t a rlc Cgery i cce ::it ar',CiarCl !:eC'i lr,Clcir'y faC rir1E?G."f CaCI vcfl't Agc?j ' 5 KVA Capacity cir aboven RVA BEET ION I I Orcl i r,ar,a•els or parts cif Orel i r,arlceS i r',. conflict herewith gar E7q t C1 t he e)<t e n t cif r;Ltc:h ccir,f I i c,t q huroreby r•epe«a 7. ed" l'f.: iC:hier"•ekay elCbclarecl tc lie the ii",ter,t.ic r', c f the C:i' y C,C'ff..trlC; i l tha• , the fe p(A i coessI par"a!- v%a13htaq C.: ei",t czlrn u um;q r. i ia1_t4ge5 i-Yr1C:f p hr'e' sec."s ("if this Or•cf :i rl ante are severable arsdi i f arty £3ecti phY`a r g clause, t YitE.r, G'g parayri3phq orr 'or, of th:ls r:1rcl i r,ance r 4h a l l bet clec: l arecl ltr,coris ti i't. Lit i cir,a :l by the valid j A L..Jrrierrc cir decree of any Court of ecirapei. er,t .j ur i sd i ct i cirs, ::.I.tc`h, Ir,cc r, T, i t 1.1'G a. c r,a l i t'y h a :l l not affect arty Of the 1'"(7 rflairlir'1f phr"asefag C. :lat.t .°"_OS, Fseri'i l",G C Lag pc r^al raphag and !"Secatiorss of this Clrclidance, Eat.r,ce the sarov, would have t:ree',", cn",ac:teci by the City Council without the ir,cr_•trpcira-- GicIr', irl thii!i_ L1'r of arty a1.iC::hl uit, 1C44G1"f:=3tit1_I•tsiclr,al pI"fralr*eg c:laLl eq r erlt erlceg par «,'3rraphg or sect iclrlp EC "h' T C]IV IV Wh er,ever` i. r, •th i C]r•`cl i r',C:e ai", ac:•'f i I.arc h i { i'tir:d r: r i rn aCica r", Y` CIeC:.l ar eyCl t t}e t.trf l EtW f' 1.1 l Cyr• c1i", cif f eY'IC:e t; i^ cl frl i aCIC:}rllC 'arlC: t"q Cyr wherever in !3f..tC:h Clrclir,ar,C:eg thcz doing of ar, i C:t i43 eclt.tir•ec:f or the failure to c..lo ar,y act iC; do lar•ccl to be .tY',lav)fulg. the vicllaticxr, of ar,y rsl_tca`h provisicir, :.hall be"? h;,ttr,i rrh,ecf by a f':i r,e Cif r,cit c-,mr nd i ra:f Or,e 7hOUsarlcl Dci:l l aY <`•h'lg (;)0i::), 0o) q prcwideciq however, that r,cl [,3er',alty shall be ilr e t r or lees thiar, ttic4l E.:tor,alty pr•ccvidoci for the !:.arav car• irailar ciffense under the. laws the 'Staten IEaoh clay ar'fy viola _tc: ticn", Cif this Ordinance 011all ror,tir,shall a separiate c&'r"r-lmse. ' :C.'1' l CafV V "h'h i CJri i rlai",c: e tn+ i l l t o h<iri e'f fec.'G i rnrner:l i at e l y 'f"'rc ri ar,Ci ar""t ei.•` ;i.•t:«; ,a Grrv{c ar•,ci t•hic f:)I.tt)l icat ic,r, Cif thie c.•apt iC r, ilr thc:.` l aov ir, sl..wn cases prcw.,viclel.:7%. 10 G,elSSE D AND F)PIF:w ROVED this s .._ h.... ciny o . _ .__ m ...,..._._q Jsmg, {7) t h c.. F i G y , l_tVol . i. 1 r,.r7a City rlftarlr+ 7