06-89-Ordinance-Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Board-03/20/1989ORDINANCE 06-89 ESTABLISHING A SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD •G r=�Y'�rn { �> Any rflember'• c,•f' •Ghc*� Dcca•r*'d rnoy be rooerac,vcyd by rr►a,jority vo•i3O clef •Glie C;:ii:y 1 (:,r's r v u ccrnrn e r, d a f: i cc lees of<:,r •j l.►EA, Cd.* YR ►SEc by �l MA.j CO. r•a t y vC.:Ita e 0f 't:hLA? Sa.►1Iivars 'Gen Jeor Cerstel^ JC:oard. { G Rep I acgokeraent: � tc, t; hc- Su 1 :1 1 vars 'Sk-, r,:i ccY"• C erst re Board w a I lie? se 1 err t urd by t he uw alone» procxed ure s E.a caeE%i• aeY 1 :i Sf-,r:OCf a Y", 4: eut:• a (:ryes 3 eP I alc eveller,a; board m rnf�r.ArCs *A board I t=lFev've the vooernai.r,der of 'f:h* 'G c: r°•rn t c1 whY a c:oh •f; ley were c'•cir,f a r•rnt;»d ciu L�cnn►1=»r�� rar,ci frll.l'G aF�=C� (:�i= •�f�r� ;��.111 avrar, ,���r,a(w�r C:c:�Yrs��r L:1(d,raY��<:i { 1 > .I..f•Y� ;:31.►11 avGaY•, ;�rar,a4�r"• G::C�rrGr�Y^ i�+<d<ra'r"d �-,i,r�:L :L F�r�Y^vr� 'Erf•Yr:ry City of Sariger as> both a mirssult:•arspi and advaEz;ctY••ooy r3r,ri body making 're cernrner,r. at a C,rs foot 'G: h.,rx c1r:)0ra•G a (ryes, prrc,rac,f a ors, pY1 ar•,r•,a rsp}g f'llr,d- Y^a a S a r',r arsd CAlool?r 4a11C.'h ar.)pYrccf3raablime and rr�e�� C�Y,c�f71E} al-Gavata !; ae:r may be, referred to at: by the City Cokvlr•,r� a 1 or raroyflu1 rated from its own raernLlereso {:�'> "i"hr-� ar,r,t.la1 i�Glciri�i: •f�c,r t.hwr c�p:�s:sr�at�ac�r•, c�f� •f:hYr� Cis_l11 avars saOlo'e (.aFgr,Glsr (Isha1 :G L)e rar•r�Parum Efy 'Grie City ar•,d revised awnd app.rreecl•ved by the City Co ur•,r a l e This will not a rsr 1 a.lde f l.►Y",d S reea a rsed by Plee avaof; e dccrsa'f:•acrr•s Cc r% fl.►rsCi-raac.>arsy ef'f'c,rG!� riarcaC:t:1y s..lrsdr=r'Gaker, by rnl,rabers• cc •Ghw ;::uIIavaY's sr-®mior C:: e rrG e Yom m f'�:G:G C1r�dar,ar,rmc: � c,r raar�•GC.s ref Urri4r,rar,r�r�r�. i.r•, r;c�r•,f1ac•G fir-�r•�C�wi.'Gf�Y c::r•C5, i:,c� 'GfY� Fm�x•GF:�r,t c,•i' w�:�.lc�i_Y C:•c,Y•,•f'1 aC:•Gg fY�r'•F��k:�y r••�3p:�c:Sa1CsCia C�CC�'t" :i G7id S T 1 cif t:f-Ye City C:c�a.lY'•,c�a1 t•ha•G t:hYrrv� ���.F}r�'Gac�r•,�.g r]aY^carer"r".ar��h�y Fro•�:r,'t:E�r)(�1?F._y C:�.aIISC-:��3 aY"ICE ):]flr'e:i�.:>F�C� {:,'i'' 'Gi"'7F':? G�Y"'t:�ar)c'ar)I:wk=? r•C-1 r3, evere:li I t�1 ar' d s a f c\r)y p hr'asi:.eI c:eI a LlG'seI SerstPr)C:•0g r,araqr•aPhy cir SeC.4'GaCcOn of the Ordarsar,r e wha11 be declarw.d �.►rlatccrsts'G a t: total. a c,rsa 1 hay the e va 1 a d J l.lci C:Imerst c,r Ci r•r'•�.e c4d' r rsy c^our•G cc oorni:ert.ur,'G ..jur-•asciarti.cim, cscool r.h unc%ccristit1.1t;acYes ua:iat.y ..hfaII Y"scrt aofofeC.4''G ar',y cif •GhCr roeernaAr,:iYes xi Purr tsvfr s r.%I aa.l! f�q!l>g rslwYrstelees (:F.&,tz, p ia r a q r a p hs. and Esec*t iovIst; clef 'Ghi SS Ord inaY",C'ej Sar,rW'Fi» GhF*? same wcfl.11Ci hYavc*) been ersaicat ed by the C:a•Gy C:our•,ca 1 w:i•Ghc,u•G t.110 ar•soclrpsccra•i:accr, r-,hY"aV%(�y C1a)_lrs(z*y �•0lees GC'?r,C.^P r]arcaqr'af»h (:#)� ,C'. xfCE? VE?f f' c h arrun ri ir i,c J.y f4"ASSk: D AND APPIR0V 1) is Ps :i U cic, cm f' Li'Cl a l r:a8:• y by the y_.....,,....._.................._.... Ce a F y C u a. l of the City of sparigear, Derr' on County, Texas" l otsa11e Garc_iA, r CORRECTION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED41 006322 THE STATE OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF DENTON § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE2�7TS : That It GAMBII,L BULLIVAN1 not joined by my wife because the hereinafter described property constitutes no part of our homestead and is my sole and separate property, of the County of Denton and State of Texas, Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, a Municipal Corporation, and the further consideration of this instrument being a gift of real property, subject to the conditions and provisions stated below, to the said CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, Grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, Grantee herein, of the County of Denton and State of Texas, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 578, Sanger, Texas 76266, all of the following described real property in Denton County, Texas, to -wit: All that certain lot', tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, and being all of Lot 8, in Block 11 of the original Town of Sanger, as shown by the official plat thereof recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, to which reference a.s hereby made. For so long as the property is used as a center for senior citizens, and if the property is not used as a senior citizens center, it shall automatically revert to and be owned by Grantor, and Grantor's personal representatives, heirs and assigns, without CORRECTION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, Page 1 u the necessity of any further act on the part of Grantor, Grantor's personal representatives, heirs and assigns, it being the intent of Grantor to convey a fee simple determinable estate to Grantee. Reservations Pram and exceptions to conveyance and warranty: This deed is executed and delivered subject to all easements, reservations, conditions, covenants and restrictive covenants as the same appear of record in the office of the County Clerk of the county aforesaid. Tt is also subject to any outstanding oil, gas and other mineral interest owned by others of record in the Office of the County Clerk of the county aforesaid. This property is given and conveyed to the CTTX OF SANGER by the Grantor an loving memory of bR. J.M. SULLIVAN and wife, CHARLOTTE GAMBILL SULLIVAN, father and mother of Grantor, and also in memory of JOHN L. SULLIVAN, brother of Grantor. Grantor and Grantee have agreed that such center wall be designated as SULI,TVAN SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER. Mn HAVE .AND Mn HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, subject to the conditions and provisions stated above, unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators Go WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any CORRECTION SPECIAL Y7ARRANTY DEED, Page 2 part thereof by, through or under me, but not otherwise, subject to the conditions and provisions stated above. This Deed is made in the place and stead of and as a Correction Special Warranty Deed of a Special Warranty Deed executed by Grantor herein to Grantee, dated February 131 1985, and recorded in Volume 1575, Page 425, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, wherein the conditions of the conveyance were ambiguous, and this instrument is made by Grantor and accepted by Grantee in order to correct said ambiguity. EXECUTED this /-f- L day of December, 1995. ACCEPTED THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS By: THE STATE OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF DENTON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the'-, " day of December, 1995, by NALSON GAMBILL, SULLIVAN# N � yPuk�ic, State of� Texas ///iLiiALWGtmy commission Expiresv CORRECTION SPECIAL, WARRANTY DEED, Page 3 I I Iw�l�lll�l � I THI4 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 9 This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 2zzd day of January, 1996 Nel Armstrong, Mayor D?E3fi3�X''X by on behalf of the CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS. '�Yr', CN�RYt,A, KINQ NOTARY PUBLIC 59C s OF 1"EKM My Commission I nhs 5*1649 AFTER RECORDING# RETURN T0: C�.ty of Sar�.ger, Texas P.Os Box DID Sanger, Texas 76266 Notary P�IiC, State 1� �e r I \ N ; fyi Notary`s Orinted Nam Texas My Commission Expires:_ CORRECTiQIJ SPECIAL WARRANTY DEEb, Page � 3IaNd2i8 bY6�u QO 09 O(IM[i 8M00Ob�96 e A nao(I n 4wfiW/ao(I a �u�pann��i wnN/aoQ wdLE 0 atv 5661 68 uvx u0 N2l8�a ,1moO/MaOH � W 11318040MOH Xl AlNnn Nomm CUT pa.aaaN 404 POIT3