012-89-Ordinance-Establishing Sewer Rates for Multi-Family Dwellings-09/18/1989ORDINANCE 012-89 NC CITY OF SANGER, ENTON OUNTYj A - DWELLINGS;j ENTITLED SEWER SERVICE RATES; ESTABLISHING RATES FOR MULTI FAMILY REPEALROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES PENALTY LAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE# )ENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: / ' duplexes,t nits, trailer court units, .Par men unJ RESIDENTIAL CLASS A COMMERCIAL CLASS B he City may Include similar low volume users such as hurchos and small business offices or stores in Class A. rvice primarily Intended for domestic or residential use. t and $.05 per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons, but in no case to exceed t_r per month. Commercial Class B M usiness operations as may be identified as not a Class B ype user, hall be charged a mintinum of r 16.00 per monthly cycle nd r * 65 per thousand gallons of metered if the first one thousand (1,000) gallons, but In no case to xceed $100 per month. lass Arate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelli nits. I t.no extent of such coin lid, hereby repealed. 3 MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS phrases,)rdinance are severable and, I any M1 if phrase, clause, sei tence, aragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared nconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court f competent Jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect ny of the remaining clauses, . It ections of this Ordinance, since A same would have been enacted y the - d.. incorporation I, Ordinance Council without of ny such unconstitutional phrase, ♦ clause, ectiono Section % et- everr ire tr►e ar cairi r c°e r act is tarobibite a ra ^ l r' cl tc ray uric u1 cas .rl raff rx, r rrii rai rar r° r. i 'Jr he failure to do any act is declared to .. greater unlawful, the violation )f any such provision shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed )no Thousand ($1,000,00) Dollars# provided that no penalty shall same or Imilar offense under the laws of the State, Each day any folation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a enrIrAt.A ®ffArass&. r tic 7 V l Mayor