016-89-Ordinance-Adopting Sign Regulations-06/05/1989CITY OF SANGEf70 TEXAS ORDINANCE 016-89 AN OF DiNANCE Qf; TfiE GT1`Y OF' SANGEf , DEN`f"ON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING SIGNS LOCATED OR TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY AND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION; PROVIDING A PERMIT SCHEDULE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DELETING SECTION 31 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE TONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER RELATING TO SIGN REGULATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATEe ICE IT Ot3DAINED ICY ThiE CITY COUNCIL OC~ 1"fiE CITY Of= BANGER, TEXAS, SECTION 31 A. COMPLIANCE REQUIRED shah. foe unlawfrrl to install, erect, change the use a'f ar maintain any sign, ar contract far sucf service within tl7e City of Sanger, except in compliance with the provisions of this section and any other applicable city regulations, f 3, DEFINI`1"IONS fhe oi.lnwirrg de'finit.ians shall h>e appl.icak le to this sections i.> City of Sanger •.- for the purpose of this section, the City af Sanger shall be defi_ned as tf-re fatal and carrrplete area of sand situated within the corporate city limits of said city including the adjoining extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the city< o Nonconforming Sign ... any sign that is lawfully located at t; he time o the e'f"fentive date a'f this secti,an and which rises not conform to the requirements of this section. 3> Noncomplying Sign - any sign that ghat i.s placed, located or erected an any praperty ar structure iri ^Uhe City af Sar'iger after tf e e Yfiective date a f this section which does not comply with the requirements of this section. ORD. #016-89 Page, 2 Ro Name an acre scary sign showing only the Warne and address of the owner or occupant of the premises on which it is erected or placed. 5> peal. Cstatn icln - a ternpnrary accessory sigr7 perta:inirr0 to the sale, rental or lease of the property on which the sign is placedm 6< Construction sign - a ternparary accessary si ln identifying the property owner, architect, contractor, engineer, landscape architect, decorator or 'financial institution involved in the design, construction, financing or improvement of the premises on which the sign is located. 7< 0evelapment Sign a temporary accessary sign related to the promotion of new developments and located on the premises involved in the development. k3> 7nstitutianal :a,gn - ar7 aooescory sign for the identity OT a school, church, hospital or similar public or quasipubli.c institution: Apartment Name Sign an accessory sign for the ic "ent.3.f!66tiolh bV an apartment building or complex of apartment buildings° .0< lAclricultural 5ic n -- an accessary sigr7 identif,yIntl the farri or ranch on which it is placed and ac;vertising ttre produce, crops, animals or poultry raised or quartered thereon. 1.1.> 0enerAl business Sign an accessory sign or graphic devise which advertises t17e cornmadities ar servir; s offered on the promises where such signs are located and where such sign is not of the billboard, posterpanel or painted bullet:Ln type, but is a sign designed s p e (31fi,ca.l.ly for the location. l2o C3iJ..l.baard, posterpanel or painted Bulletin — large signs w a usua•y promotes and advertises services not limited to being offered which such skins are located. on the premises on comrnndi%.i.es ar namable Advertising sign • a sign which iw• not; permar erlti.y attached La the ground, a structure or another sign, is designed to permit removal from one location to another for reuse, does not principally refer to the sale, lease or rental of the real property upon which such sign is situated, and whose message can be changed or altered by interchangeable letters, numbers or panels. ORD. #6-89 Page 3 A o Carage /©ccasional Sale 5J"rdn - CA amJa"I ? y s c ri used a designate the address, time or place of a sale of miscellaneous items on private property. 0 Ternparary Palits.cal Sign a sign used exclusively to identify a candidate, place or ballot measure for a designated election. .6> Uther Terms -_ far the pr.trpase af' this section shall have the meaning normally ascribed in the sign business. C, SCFIq'gUI F a US ;S F' :F MxI"Tiq CfiA tT Cl US ;S fgi2M :`i"T q • F TT 1Ch1gq .> No sign shall be constructed to exceed the maximum building height permitted in the specific class of zoning use district where the sign is located, except as is provided. In na event shall any sign or any supporting structure to which said sign is affixed exceed a height of sixty feet (601) 2a Na sign shall be located ar aanstructed sa as to interfere with ar confuse the cantral of traffic ar7 the public streets and no sign shall use a rotating beacon, beam or flashing illumination resembling an emergency signals 3o Any nancanforrnincl sign which is damaged or is deter .arated to a paint where its restoration cast exceed fifty percent: (S05%) of its replacement value shall be removed by the sign owners Na billboard, pasterpanel or painted bulletin sign structure shall contain more than one ( .) sign panel facing in the same direction nor more than two (2) sign panels per structure; 5< Ternparar,y political signs shall rat be created prior to tarty —five ( 15) days a`i' the elactiorl date and said signs must be removed within ten (10) days after the completion of the election, including any run-off election, Said signs may not be larger than thirtyw-two (32) square feet in area and not more than one (1) sign for each candidate or ballot measure may be erected on one (1) lot or tract of land, No political sign may be placed, erected or allowed to remain upon any portion of the public street right-of way of the City of Sanger; 6o Na portable advertising sign shall be located within ten factOF the edge af the traveled portion of at7,y public street of the City of Sander; •' DIti• : • Page 7> In the various districts zo17ed business, no sign mounted at ground level shall exceed thirty-Nsix (36) square feet in area, and no pole sign shall exceed sixty (60) square `Feet in area; �, No sign strall be created so as to pro,�ect into ti�e public right-�of�way of any street or alley; No Sign shall be located or erected within the required front ,yard, except one (1) pole sign not exceeding eighty (80) square feet in area may be erected on site utilized by ,gasoline service stations, drive-in groceries or similar quick service retail establishments; however, such businesses that are located on corner lots with appropriate zoning on all sides may erect a second general business sign in the side yard, provided the second sign does not exceed 65 sq< ft. in area, with no dimension exceeding 10 ftm, and not exceeding 7 feet in height. No portable sign Shall be utilized on business lots where a second general, business sign is erected, 1(�o one (1) garage/occasional sale sign not to exceed throe (3) square feet in area shall be permitted span the property where the sale is to take place. Any other signs at any location remote from the site of the scale are prohibited, except two (2) directional signs not to exceed three (3) square feet in area shall_ be permitted, Such directional signs shall be freemm standing, not to exceed three (3) square feet in area and shall riot be attached to utility pales or city sign posts; sign to be removed within three (3) days after the sale by persons) holding the sale; a.1 < aevel.oprner7t signs will be removed by the developer after camplet:;ian of the develapmer�t of eig{i�:.y�five percent of the project advertised. fl e {)f~57(lN All signs shall be deshgr7ed and constructed to wind pressures as outlined in tyre Un.ifarm 3uilding Gade; the mast recent edition as adopted by the City of Sanger. �e 0[35TRUCTl;N% i"i2Af=FSC V;1SIB7i.x"C'Y Ai" CORNERS an any earner lot ors which (rant and side yards are required, no obstruction greater than one foot (a.') in diameter ar widt,.h is permiitted veIi CA l.y between three and orlemmhalf feefi (3 112) and ten feet (101) above the curb grade in a triangle formed by legs of forty feet (401) extending horizontally in ORE). #016-89 Page 6 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY upon conviction thereoIn the mrrnacipal court, shall be subject to a fine of not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and each and every day that the vaalatian of this Ordinance shall, be permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense hay passage of thi Ordinance, na presently i_llegc�l use of signs shall be deemed to have been legalized, and no offence committed, and no liability, penalty or forfeiture, either Cavil or criminal, incurrecJ prior to the time existing sign Ordinances or regulations were repealed and this Ordinance adapted, shall be discharged or affected by such repeals but prosecutions and suits for such offenses, liabilities, penalties or forfeitures may be instituted, or causes raresently pending proceeded within all respects as if such prior Ordinance, or portion of such Ordinance, had not been repealed, �f iffy portion of than Ordinance shall conflict; with any portion or all of any existing Ordinance of the City of Ganger not specifically repealed herein, the City Council hrereb,y declares that this Ordinance shall prevail and that at is hereby attempting to repeal any conflicting provisi_orrs of any conflicting provisions of any existing Ordinance off the City° K> Sect;ion �i opre Toning Ordinance of the City aff Qanger Oeleted< Secti_an 3l of the 7.aning Ordinance of the City of 5ar�ger is hereby deleted and Secti,an Ol as reserved far future use, h,o Severab.ility Clause It is hereby declared to be tW�e int.entiarr of the City Counci_1 that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, aliases, ar�d phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any secti.ar7, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstatut,ional or invalid by any Judgment or decree of a court of competent Jurisdiction, such unconsti_tutionalaty or invalidity shall not affect any other rernaining section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of i.his Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional. M o Cacli,ficatian . lt. :i.s ini:erlded and hereby ar�lairred that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and become a part: o'f the Cade of Ordinances of the City of sanger< io that end, the oodifiers niay remember and title the provisions of this Ordinance. M o �;'f'fer,tive °ate )RD. 06*-89 ?age 5 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY o /il.,i. signs and advertising structures �>hall be rnair7tained in good and safe structural condition, shall be painted on all exterior parts, unless coated or made of rust resistible material, and shall be maintained in good condition of appearance. If, upon inspection by the building official, a sign is riot found to conform to the above, written notice shall be given to the owner diving the owner thirty (30) days to either put the sign in acceptable condition or remove the signs C o f��h1gViNC� gOSgLCT� S�CGNS rill. s.tgns relating to a product r�o longer available for purchase by the public and all signs relating to a business which is closed or has moved away shall be removed or the advertising copy shall be removed; and painted wall signs shall be painted over with a color that resembles or matches the wall. if the owner of, or person responsible for the sign, or if the tenant closing the business fails to remove or paint over the sign, the owner of the premises shall be responsible and the work shall be done within thirty (30) days following the date of obsolescence hl o l�Pf2MTT f2PnUiPPn When a permit i> required as indicated in sr.rbsection C, the permit fee shall be ten dollars (�1.0>00) > t�ppl.icatior� 'for a permit shall be submitted to the city secretary on such forms as may be required by the city. The application shall be accompanied by a drawing indicating the size and location of the sign on the property. x e vARxANces When i.t appears that the provisions a'fthis section would work a mar�i.'fest ir�,justice or an unnecessary hardship, a person may appeal to the city council for a variance from the provisions of this section. Such variance may be granted subject to special restrictions and for a fixed time subject to expiration at the discretion of the city council. J o F�ENAL"f"Y FOR VT;gI..(1T:l:gN �lny person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this grdinance shall_ be deemed guilty of a rnisderrieanor and, , ORD. #016,289 Page 7 ., ry m2+ This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. -76 PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of June, 1989. . ! ATTEST; Rosalie Garcia City Secretary TABLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS THPCP ARPr,PNF R41 PQnXIMI ICZ AAIn nn nln-rom cr = 1n1 IAITCI.rr /1CTlIC l\Or\IIJ A Al^o AREA MAXIMUM TYPE OF SETBACK SPACING LIGHTING FLASHING MOTION MAXIMUM ADDITIONAL USE ZONE PERMITTED tsquare feet HEIGHT CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED PERMITTED PERMITTED PERMITTED DURATION REQUIREMENT(S) General Business 0, C-1-C-2, C-31 CB, M-11 M-2, PD Wall & Marquee 30' from prop. line; 60' between signs Yes No No Permanent 60 20 feet Pole 8 feet 30' from prop line• See 90 10 feet Monument 60' between signs Institution All non-residential 32 10 feet Pole, Ground, 15 feet 1 per street front Yes No No Permanent See Monument & Wall' Multi -purpose 01 C-1-C-2, C-31 CB, M-1, M-2 PD 150 20 feet Pole & Ground 30 feet 1 per street front Yes No No Permanent See 225 10 feet Monument Name Plates All zones 2 3 feet Ground, Pole, None None Yes No No Permanent Maximum height would Wall` & Pro'ectin not apply ` 32 20 Pole 20 feet Real Estate All zones 1 per street frontagE Yes No I%b 1 year Removal upon sale of 20 5 feet Free standing 5 Wall per block property Construction All zones 32 15 feet Ground, Wall & Pole 20 feet 1 per street frontage Yes No No After issuance Remove upon completion of per block of Cert. of Occ. construction Development All zones 100 20 feet Free standing 30 feet` 1 for each 50 acres Yes No No When project is 90% complete Permitted on development site; See 8 feet from Wall & Pole round Advertising C-21 C-31 M-1, M'2 300 35 feet Ground & Pole 30 feet 50' from intersec- tions; 509 from Yes No No Permanent See anv advertisinq si n Apartment wall MF-1, MF-2 25 or 5% of wall area None Wall & Marquee None 1 for each street front Yes No No Permanent 1 per street frontage where sign is located Apartment MF-1, MF-2 25 10 feet Monument 15 feet 1 for each street Yes No Pb Permanent 12 feet Ground, Pole & front Marquee Subdivision Entry All zones permit- 156 None Wall None None Yes No No Permanent ting single family residences Subdivision Wall All zones permit- Sign Plaque ting single family 15 None Wall None None Yes No No Permanent residences ........ ..........y .... . . .Ilal w 1V , alyn xwacn nlay Lie same as ouuaing une.