85-13-Ordinance-Vacating a Sewer Line Easement Westside of Industrial Park Addition-06/17/1985VOL 1859 PAGE 530 32163 ORDINANCE NO. 85-13 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AND VACATING THE SEWER LINE EASEMENT IN LOT 3, BLOCK 1, OF THE WESTSIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REVERSION OF THE FEE TO SAID LAND. SECTION I That the hereinafter described public sewer easement in Lot 3, Block 1, of the Westside Industrial Park of Sanger, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, be and the same is hereby extinguished, vacated, closed and perma- nently abandoned as a sewer line easement for public utilities as to Lot 3, Block 1. The sewer easement granted to the DIVA City of Sanqer by Aftina Ferrell Cole in a document recorded in Volume o0 , page 8f 2 of the Deed Records of Denton County has been designated and a sewer line constructed. The land upon which the easement was given has since been subdivided, and the designated easement and constructed sewer does not cross the above -described Lot 3, Block 1. SECTION II That the fee to the land in said easement above described is hereby released and will revert to the owner as provided by law. This ordinance is a quit claim of any interest the City of Sanqer has in Lot 3, Block 1 of the Westside Industrial Park, ar, Addition to the City of Sanqer. SECTION III That all parts o= ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV That t: ,is ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, June 1985. Page One (JH14;tb;61 63jf ) . Mayor retary STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON § CITY OF SANGER S I, the undersigned, Secretary of the City of Sanger, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, full and correct copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 3rd day of June, 1985, which Ordinance is duly of record in the Minutes of said City Council, and said meeting was open to the public as required by law and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by law. EXECUTED under my hand and seal of said city, this day of June, 1985, City of Sanger, Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON C This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of June, 1985, by r, City Secretary, City" of Sanger, Texas, on behalf of such city and in the capacity t stated. Not! ry Public, Stat f Texas No ary`s typed or printed name My commission expires: ,3'3 /-k .exaj '�tunw� uuiu9p 'km313 Al�:iiU� N •a 0 ,I % )i 'ip y�0 =gut dq uoasay . se e>al ':.,.nod uvivab {o Spt000t pauteu 941 to a2ad pub OWon a41 ui PaDiaa aft Alnp SOM pus au, Aq uoatd4 oadweis amid put aiep uo Pal!) seM ;uatunsisul s141 1241 AMIGO Agalsq S Scxej '4uno3 uu4u9Q '5JE;M AdNn®3 P!30 40 j1NnO3 SMi 40 1}Yts • CO � N n > X � O _ O m 0 m Q w N n Z Q