85-28-Ordinance-Amending the Petition for Annexation-11/04/1985ORDINANCE N0. 85-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 85-26 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR HEADING FOR ORDINANCE N0. 85-26, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that Ordinance No. 85-26 should be amended as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED that: Ordinance No. 85-26, adopted by the City Council on October 21, 1985, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding the following heading and sections, to wit: HEADING: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PETITIONED EXTRA- TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION AND ACCEPTING CERTAIN PETITIONED TRACTS OF LAND T.O. BE INCLUDED AND/OR ADDED TO THE__STATUTORY EXTRATERRITORIAL JURIS- DICTION OF THE CITY OF BANGER AND ACCEPTING THE PETITIONS OF TWELVE PROPERTY OWNERS TO BE SO INCLUDED PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION l: That should any of the area described in this Ordinance be within the city limits or be within the extraterritorial jurisdiction area of another city, or if for any reason any portion of said territory is not subject to being included with- in the extended extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Sanger then said area shall be ex- cluded from this ordinance, it being the intention of the City of Sanger to not include within its ex- tended extraterritorial jurisdiction any area which may not be legally included within such extended extraterritorial jurisdiction, and such ordinance shall be in effect as if said excluded area were not included in this ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS __DAY OF I 2r - , 1985. ATTEST: :. / - ' yor