86-7-Ordinance-Abandoning an Alley Easement Original Town Block 7, Lots 5-9 and 13-16-03/03/1986VOL 1837 PAGE 121 13119 ORDINANCE N0. 86-7 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING CERTAIN ORIGINAL Copy EXCESS ALLEY EASEMENT IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS WHEREAS, Mr. Andy Wilson ETAL, owners of property on either side of an alley easement through said property, has requested that said easement be abandoned and, WHEREAS, said easement is not presently utilized for its intended purposes nor is planned to be so used, NOW THEREFOP E be in ordained: THAT the above referenced alley easement described as follows and being approximately 20 feet in width and 100 feet in length and located in the center of the West One-half of Block 7, Original Townsite and located between Lots 13,14,15, and 16 on the north of said easement and Lots 5,6,7, and 8, on the southside of said easement and dividing and separating said Lots more commonly known as Wilson Lumber Yard is hereby judged unnecessary to the city's needs and is therefore by this action abandoned. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 1986. x r Ne strong VOL ��c) 1 PAGE ��� -, ..-,_. -= `--z' `- _ ��� -= ��� _ ��� � _: