86-12-Ordinance-Setting the Public Hearing Date for Annexation-06/02/1986ORDINANCE NO 86-12 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY'OF BANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTiiORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or^ BANGER, TEXAS HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I _. On the day of 1986, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal .Building of the City of Sanger, Texas, the City Council will hold a public hearing giving all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation by the City of Sanger, Texas of the property described below: j On the day of 1985, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers o th Municipal Building of the City of Sanger, Texas, the City Council will held a public hearing giving all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation by the City of Sanger, Texas of the following described property, to -wit: TRP_CT NO. 1 Being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241 Denton County, Texas and being Lot Three Block A of the Indian Springs Estates an Addition to the County of Denton, Recorded in cabinet B page 37 Plat records of said Denton County, Texas, and being part of Rising Star Lane, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of said lot three, said corner being on the Northwest right-of-way of Rising Star Lane; THENCE: North 30 deg. 37 min. 50 sec. West, with the South line of said lot three, a distance of 122.19 feet to a corner in a small Branch; THENCE:. North 22 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. West, with said branch, a distance of 110.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 31 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. East, with said branch, a distance of 50.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 80 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. East, with said branch, a distance of 89.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 79 deg. 26 min. 40 sec. East with the North line of said lot three a distance of 299.30 feet to a corner in the center of a Cul-De-Sac having a radius of 60.00 feet; _ THENCE: South 30 deg. 37 feet 50 " East crossing said Cul-De-Sac a distance of 60 feet to a corner. THENCE: South 59 deg. 22 min. 10 sec. West with the East said right-of-way of Rising Star Lane a distance of 353.05 feet to a corner; THENCE• North 30 deg. 37 feet 50" West crossing Rising Star Lane a distance of 60.0' to the PnINT CF BEGINNING containing _1.658 acres of land. TRACT NO. 2 Being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in .the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241 Denton County, Texas and being Part of a tract to Bennie Parrent, et al, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the Westernmost Northwest corner of Lot Four Block A of Indian Springs Estates recorded in cabinet B page 37 Plat Records of said County; CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY THENCE: South 36 deg. 54 min. 59 sec. West, a distance to a corner; of 299.72 feet THENCE: South 11 deg. 29.min. 38 sec. West, a.distance of 149.08 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 22 deg. 11 min. 40 sec. East, a distance of 112.90 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 01 deg. 00 min. 06 sec'. West, a distance of 8.35 feet to a corner on the North line of Duck Creek Road; THENCE: North_88 deg.759 min. 54 sec. West with the North line of Road, a distance of 181.03 feet to a corner; THENCE*.North 08 deg. 53 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 184.02 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 12 deg. 06 min. 51 sec. o a corner; East, a distance of 179.62 feet t THENCE: North 18 deg�57 min. 56 sec. East, a distance of 148.98 to a corner; feet THENCE: North 29 deg. 18.min. 18 sec. o corner; East, a distance of 120.73 feet ta THENCE: North 41 deg. 30 min. 15 sec. East, a distance of 133.69 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 58 deg. 27 min. 50 sec. East, a distance of 137.14 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 68 deg. 46 min. 51 sec. East, a distance of 162.81 feet to a corner; THENCE:. North 55 deg. 31 min. 54 sec. East, a distance of 233.03 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 66 deg. 21 min. 54 sec. East, a distance of 179.35 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 17 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 87.0 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 32 deg. 53 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 62.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 61 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 108.00 feet to a corner;. • THENCE: South 37 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 85.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 80 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 89.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 31 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 22 deg. 30 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 110.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 42 deg. 00 min. OO sec. West, a distance of 60.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: South 88 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 110.00 feet to a corner; THENCE: North 53 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 46.00 feet to a corner, THENCE: North 87 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 127.50 feet to the POINT -OF -BEGINNING containing in all 6.428 acres of land More or Less. i ECTF� iGI� C��f ' TRACT NO..'3 All that •certain tract or parcel of land situated in the R. Prather Survey, Abstract Number 1024, and.the H. Tierwester Survey, I�bstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a tract shown by deed to Bennie Parrent, et al,�,and recorded in Volume 893, page 347 of the Deed Records of said county and being more fully described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the tract being described herein; said corner also being the northwest corner of said Parrent tract; THENCE: South 89 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds East, along the north line of said Parrent tract, a distance of 2296.43 feet to the northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: South 41 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 342.53 feet to an angle point; THENCE: North 70 degrees 28 minutes 38 seconds West, a distance of 73.65 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 55 degr'ees 31 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 233.03 feet to an angle point; .� THENCE: South 68 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 162.81 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 58 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance, of 137.14 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 41 degrees 30 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 133.69 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 29 degrees 18 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 120.73 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 18 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 148.98 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 12 degrees 06 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 179.62 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South 08 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 184.02 feet to a point for the southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: North 88 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 210.44 feet to a point for corner; said corner also being a point on a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 280.00 feet and having a central angle of 16 degrees 37 minutes 51 seconds and whose chord bears North 15 degrees 28 minutes 04 seconds East, 80.99 feet; THENCE: in a northeasterly direction along siad curve to the right, an arc distance of 81.27 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE: North 23 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.49 feet to a point cf curvature of a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 220.00 feet and having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 10 seconds and whose chord bears North 13 degrees 52 minutes 26 seconds East, 75.72 feet; THENCE: in a northeasterly direction, along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 76.10 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE: North 03 degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 66.58 feet to an angle point; THENCE: North 88 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 307.68 feet to an angle point; THENCE: South Ol degrees 03 minutes. 15 seconds West, a distance of 333.00 feet to an angle point; T�iENCE: North 88 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 836.92 feet to the southwest corner of the herein described tract; said corner also being .the southwest corner of said Parrent tract; -3- 0 RIlNAL py THENCE:. North 00 degrees 05 minutes 9 seconds West, along the west line of said Parrent tract, a distance of 1230.12 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 43.498 acres of land. SECTION II. ' The Mayor of the City of Sanger; Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such public hearing to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the City and in the above described territory not'more than forty days nor less than twenty days prior to the date of such public hearing, all in accordance with the.Municipal Annexation Act (Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately following its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of $'_ , 1986. ' rf ATTEST: MAR C J`OVER, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS NEL ARMSTRONG, MAYOR CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS Q