12/17/2018-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularBANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2018 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought tip during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes 1) City Council Work Session Minutes, November 19, 2018 (Page 3) 2) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes, November 19, 2018 (Page 6) b) Approve Appointing Citizen Brett Bumpas to Open Board Position as Alternate on the Park Board for the Remainder of the Term (2018-2020). (Page 14) 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Replat of Lot 1R and Lot 2R, Block A of Russnette Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 39 of Old Town Sanger, Being 0.439 Acres, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Willow Street and 41" Street. (Page 15) 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Replat of Lot 1R and Lot 2R, Block A of Russnette Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 39 of Old Town Sanger, Being 0.439 Acres, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Willow Street and 41" Street. (Page 16) 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order Number 4 Between the City of Sanger and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., for an Increase to the Cost of the Rehabilitation and Improvements of the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant by $45,927.99 and Zero Additional Days to the Contract Time. (Page 27) 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order Number 5 Between the City of Sanger and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., for a Credit to the Cost of the Rehabilitation and Improvements of the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant by $10,239.63 and Zero Additional Days to 1 the Contract Time. (page 36) 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Monthly Disbursement Report — November 2018 (Page 71) b) All American Dogs Report (Page 90) 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose ofthis item is to allow theMayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). a) Discuss and Set Date, Time, and Place for a City Council Strategic Planning Retreat. 11. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessi a to the gener 1 public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time: ,� ,(� �, , % , Q ©2 at i . M., and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall WW remain posted until meeting is adjouK###!.:, ; Cheryl'PCity Secretary City of Wnger, Texas This -facility is wheelchair accessible"*,U,�- ROparking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or in terpretaverOW es must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. L, CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 3, 2018— 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu; Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Allen Chick Councilman David Clark; COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. The Mayor and all Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; Public Works Director Neal Welch; City Secretary Cheryl Price. 1. Call Meeting to Order Mayor Muir called the Work Session to order at 6:00 PM on December 3, 2018. 2. Update from Alan Plummer and Associates on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project. City Manager Alina Ciocan prefaced that when the Council approved to retain the services of Robert Macias to assist staff with start-up assistance at the plant, Councilman Clark and Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked for a fixture update from. Mr. Robert Macias. Mr. Macias is here tonight to give Council an update on the progress. Jeff Caffey, Alan Plummer and Associates provided various photos showing the construction progress of the plant. He noted that there is an issue with the Peak Flow Storage Basin with cracking in the concrete. He noted that there is a concern of cracking in the basin concrete and provided photos noting the cracking in the construction joints. He noted in the basin under the concrete, there is a geo-synthetic membrane (equivalent to about a three -feet of compacted clay layer) which gives the basin permeability. This layer was done to meet TCEQ requirements. The concrete was put in to make it easier to clean the basin. The contractor proposed they would give the City a credit if they used shotcrete, so they agreed. They left the bottom of the basin and the north slope (where they drive down into the basin) concrete. The three sides were done in the shoterete. That is where the cracking is occurring. He noted there are some vertical and horizontal cracks. They have had the structural engineer look at it and his main concern is the concrete is cracking where it wants to crack, it has been through a cold and heat cycle. The structural engineer has given the contractor a method to repair the cracks by grouting out the top part of the cracks with a saw and applying expansion material and making them expansion joints. The structural engineer's main concern is that the City does not have long term maintenance issues on having to keep repairing the cracks. Mr. Caffey noted that they have asked the contractor for an extended warranty and is waiting for them to provide it. if they take out the shotcrete, we would have to do the under liner too, so it would be very expensive. The City did pay for a good solid concrete basin, so that is what it should get and they are relying on their structural engineer to give us guidance on that. Right now, they are basically creating expansion joints where the concrete is cracking. Councilman Allision asked if they have looked into the cause of the cracks and that the repairs may not be as purposeful if we don't know what the cause is. Mr. Caffey noted that there are two things they think could be causing the issues. One being, a lot of the cracks are lined up along the joints and they put water stops along the joints which is a 9-inch 3 piece of plastic that is tied to the reinforcing that prevents water from going through. It is their opinion that the contractor may not have done a good job at keeping the water -stop in place when pouring, and, that could be the cause of the cracks. Some of the other cracks are caused by the expansion and compression of the shotcrete. There is a question of whether we got the best material, even though it met the specifications. There was discussion regarding different scenarios on what is causing the situation and how to fix it. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that staff has requested that the cracks are fixed according to instruction and specification by the structural engineer. Councilman Allison asked about the current warranty. It was noted that the current warranty is valid for one year after construction is complete. Councilman Boutwell asked at what point would they deem this an inferior product. Mr. Caffey stated that he felt this is, at one point, already an inferior product, that this is not what the City paid for. Mr. Caffey stated through questioning by Councilman Clark that It was noted that the shotcrete was offered by the contractor and considered by the structural engineer and the product should do better than what it is doing. Mayor Muir asked what the Contractor's take was on the issue. Mr. Caffey noted that they are talking about an extended warranty. Councilman Boutwell voiced his concern that an extended warranty may not do us any good if cracks continue to show up and the warranty expires, it could end up costing quite a bit of money. Mr. Caffey noted that they are going to work at getting this issue taken care of, but if there are more cracks that show up in the spring, at some point they have to say they can't keep filling the cracks. Mr. Caffey continued the presentation on the completed improvements to the wastewater treatment plant explaining details of each improvement made to date. Discussion was brought up on the generator and it was noted that it needed to be started and running for a while on a regular monthly schedule at full power periodically on a schedule so it is ready if an outage occurs. Mr. Robert Macias was recognized and noted that they would create a final document of all of the operation and maintenance practices and it would include maintenance of the generator. Mr. Caffey advised that Mr. Macias is on site to help with the startup of Plant 1 and the deactivation of the other plants. Plant 1 and Plant 2 are in operation. Plant 3 and Plant 4 are out of service. They are full of fluid and sludge and we have a situation of what to do with that and how to empty those basins. This is another one of the big issues we are faced with right now. He recognized Robert Macias to summarize. Mr. Macias noted that what the City has is four individual units/plants. He summarized the details of the improvements to Plant 1 in detail. He noted that the City would have more capacity and would be able to handle the sudden increases in flow, such as a rain event (this was a problem with the old plant) which washes out all of the solids and bugs that make the system work}. He noted that Plant I is all aeration and is about 250,000 gallons in that one tank. He noted that the bubbles are finer and work better, for oxygen transfer efficiency. He noted that it was one if the hardest parts to get the plant operators to understand that the plant does not need as much air as it used to because of the improvements made. More is not better in this case. The aeration basin is working well and then there are two clarifiers. The system is designed to run on just one clarifier, but they put both clarifiers online to have a safety net. If we have a rain event, we would have less of a risk of solid wash out. He noted that the new units are working beautifully. The plant is putting out clear water. It is activated and operating properly. Additional information was shared regarding how the clarifiers are designed to work, that it is going to be the workhorse of the plant and will handle the high flows. Mr. Macias noted that the plant is in compliance. The plant used to use chlorine for disinfection and it now uses UV light disinfection. They explained some of the future additions that are going to be added. Jeff Caffey noted that one of the issues that he has been working with Jim Bolz on with is to empty tanks 2 and 4. The lowest price he has found it about 20 cents per gallon and there is about 700,000 gallons in the two tanks combined so we are looking at about $140,000 to get the tanks emptied. The received a second proposal for $500,000 to empty the tanks. Another option which they have spoken with Ben Hodges of Upper Trinity is to protect Plant 1. The thought process is to go ahead and try emptying the tank through Plant I and see if the Plant I process is strong enough not to be affected. They plan on continuous thorough testing and running the sludge through the unit in a small rate and diluting it L with chemicals with Robert Macias's assistance. If this would work, it would avoid the large cost to the city. Mr. Caffey noted that if you ran the unit 24 hours for S days, that is how long it would take to empty the two basins. They can do a four-hour test to see how it does. They could run it through at four hours a day at a point where they could consistently monitor it. At 4 hours a day it would take about 32 days to empty the tanks. Mr. Macias noted that four hours a day is small enough that it should not make a difference. It may take about a week to see if this process will work. They would watch it very closely and if it looked like there was any sign of problems, they would shut it down. Mr. Macias advised that you will know right away if there is a problem.. It will upset the process almost immediately. City Manager Alina Ciocan asked if it does upset the process how do we get it back on track. Mr. Macias stated that it would not be irreversible, that it would just be keeping an eye on it and doing microscopic evaluation to make sure there is no filimentis bacteria which does not let the sludge settle. Also, there is the unknowns as to what else is in there that we do not know. Mr. Macias noted that they can also take samples out of the tank and send them to the lab to see what else may be in the tanks. As soon as they see adverse effects, they can stop it immediately and it will be reversible. City Manager Alina Ciocan asked if it takes 32 days will that affect the timeline of the project. Mr. Caffey stated that ideally the contract is written so that at the end of phase 1 they can move into phase 2. Plant 3 is the one they want to get into first and it would be about 16 days to drain Plant 3. Plant 1 has not been accepted yet, so there is some flexibility and the timing would not be too big of an issue. It was noted they could start this process as soon as we get tests back from the lab to see what is in the tanks, which may be a few days. Mr. Macias has two more weeks on the contract and he could come back before the tanks start draining to keep an eye on the process. It was noted that Mr. Macias would be testing the water on site by microscope. There was some discussion with Councilman Clark regarding how the system would work. Mr. Macias shared a water bottle with a sample to the audience and Councilmembers and stated that it is so clear right now it looks like drinking water. Council Mayor Muir noted the pros and cons in running it through the plant and the cost of hauling it off and stated that the Council is leaning on the professionals to advise us and lead us through this process with what is going to be best to keep the system in compliance. Mayor Muir noted that he would like to take 30 seconds regarding the next step to the plant which is the outfall. He asked if we really could not discharge that kind of water, that clear into the stream system. Mr. Caffey stated that the issues are the permitting limits that the State would require the City to have because of the lake. If the creek went around the lake then it would be possible to discharge at the creek. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. No Items. 4. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:05 PM. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 03, 2018, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Bill Boutwell. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. The Mayor and all five (5) Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds; Planner Muzaib Ruiz; Director of Public Works Neal Welch; Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw; Director of Electric Utilities Mike Prater. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the Regular City Council Meeting to order on December 3rd, 2018 at 7:11 p.m. Councilman Allison gave the Invocation and Councilman Boutwell led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). No citizens approached the podium who wished to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes 1) City Council Work Session Minutes, November 19, 2018 2) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes, November 19, 2018 A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA S. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorize the Mayor to Execute an Engineering Contract with LCRA for an Electric System Study. Mike Prater, Director of Electric Utilities for Sanger was recognized. He introduced Allan Kunze with LCRA. He noted Mr. Kunze would answer any questions they may have regarding the system study. This would allow the City to have a complete study and a mapping system of our electrical system. Allan Kunze, LCRA was recognized. He provided a summary of the organization and noted that he has been with the company for 45 years. He noted that a system study is one of the most important things for the City to consider because it is a plan and foundation. The system will be computer modeled and mapped with recommendations and analysis of the system. They will provide a proposal of items that the City can budget and plan out systematically over time. It will provide recommendations of items that can be planned systematically so that the City is not caught in a bind. He summarized some of the ways that a plan would be beneficial in the fixture as the city grows and would be helpful to the economic development feasibility of the city. They have done this for about 20 other cities. They would start the project sometime in January and complete it sometime in the fall. Mayor Muir provided a summary of how LCRA got involved with the City that AEP would not take on the Transmission Operation (TO) designation for the City so LCRA stepped in. There was discussion as to the requirements and how they perform the function of a TO. This plan would also help with knowing what the City has and how to shed the load when, if it becomes necessary. He noted that LCRA has over 5200 miles of transmission lines and is the second largest transmission company in the State behind Oncor. There was detailed discussion as to what they would receive with the project. It was noted that it should be updated every five years. It was note that the total cost of the study is $75,000. The payment has been divided over 5 years and it has been budgeted for this year. Mike Prater noted that we have not done a study in at least 15 years. Mayor Muir noted this will give us an example of what LCRA can do for us. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that we recently approved an Interlocal Agreement with LCRA where we can purchase materials through their process. Mr. Kunze noted that there are quite a few other things that they will work with the City on because of their size they have a lot of capabilities and they try to share them when they can. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem. Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute an engineering contract with LCRA for an electric system study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Engineering Contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas, LLC, for the FM 455 Water and Wastewater Utilities Relocation. Public Works Director Neal Welch was recognized and introduced Bart Hines of Dannenbaum Engineering to answer any questions regarding the utility relocation on the FM 455 project. Mr. Hines noted this contract was drafted around the concept that the utilities would be relocated first. This is for the design and coordination of the utilities and as more information becomes available, they will meet at a later date with the Council as to what the viable options are. City Manager Alina Ciocan advised that the Attorney has reviewed it. There were some minor form changes and those have been implemented. The contract is not to exceed $230,707. There was discussion regarding reimbursements and how changes would be handled since this is being done so far ahead of schedule. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute an engineering contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company Dallas, LLC, for the FM 455 water and wastewater utilities relocation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) vote. 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on Resolution # 12-01-18 — Approving an Amendment to 7 the Terms and Conditions of an Agreement by and between the City of Sanger and Sanger Lodging LLC Attached as Exhibit "A"'; Providing For a Repealing Clause; Providing For a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that earlier this year we approved an incentive agreement with Sanger Lodging for them to build a Holiday Inn Express. There were some triggers built into the agreement and they are here tonight requesting to amend some of the terms. One of the triggers is that they were going to submit for a building permit, have a permit issued and construction started by June I of 2018. Unfortunately, they were not able to hit that deadline. While they did apply for the permit within the timeline prescribed in the agreement, they were not able to get it issued on time. There have been some unforeseen circumstances on the developer's part as Holiday Inn Express made some changes to the plans. Once we received the plans, we took them through our engineering process. There have been several months of comments going back and forth. The permit was issued in October and they have started construction. At staff level we feel this was done in good faith and staff recommends approval. They are also asking to modify the amount of time to completion of the project from 24 months to 26 months from issuance of the building permit, It was also noted that Keep in mind that the issuance of the building permit would be November 1" 2018 instead of June 1" 2018. This item has been reviewed by the City Attorney and he was the one that completed the amendment. Dev Surati representing the project was present to answer any questions. There were various questions regarding the construction process and the incentives and if there would be any hold ups and it was noted everything was on schedule. Councilmembers noted the good faith effort of the developer of the project and that it is a good example of how a project should be done. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the amendment to the terms and conditions of an agreement by and between the City of Sanger and Sanger Lodging LLC attached as Exhibit "A"; providing for a repealing clause; providing for a severability clause; and providing an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. The Motion to approve carried unanimously (5-0). 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change From "A" Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District-2 for 0.258 Acres of the 57.74 Acres Tract of Land, Described as A1241 TIERWESTER TR 57 (PT) OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6; and, Generally Located Approximately 185 Feet East of Sanger West Boulevard and Approximately 45 Feet North East of Acker Street. Mayor Muir read the item noting that the property is northwest of Acker Street. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services summarized that this is a situation that has been caused by the FM 455 expansion. Because of the expansion O'Rileys is losing their front row of parking. They are acquiring the property next to there in hopes of moving the parking to the side. Staff sent out nineteen (19) notifications and received no responses back. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:54 PM and solicited anyone who wished to speak on the item. There being no one approaching the podium who wished to speak the public hearing was closed at 7:55 PM. 9. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 12-31-18 Regarding A Zoning Change From "A" Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District-2 for 0.258 Acres of the 57.74 Acres Tract of Land, Described as A1241 TIERWESTER TR 57 (PT) OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6 and Generally Located Approximately 185 Feet East of Sanger West Boulevard and Approximately 45 Feet North East of Acker Street; Providing for a Severability Clause; Providing for a Penalty of Fine in Accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for Violations; and, providing for an Effective Date. Councilman Allison noted from the drawings that there appeared to be a common access behind the property and it was noted that it was an alley and or parking area for the duplexes. It was noted Fire would have a lane required for them and it will still have to go through platting. A motion was made by Pro Tem Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance # 12-31-18 regarding a Zoning Change From "A" Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District-2 for 0.258 Acres of the 57.74 Acres Tract of Land, described as A1241 TIERWESTER TR 57 (PT) OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6 and generally located approximately 185 feet east of Sanger West Boulevard and approximately 45 feet north east of Acker Street; providing for a severability clause; providing for a penalty of fine in accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for violations; and, providing for an Effective Date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. The motion to approve carried unanimously (5-0) vote. 10. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding A Specific Use Permit for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant on Property Zoned PD-05-06-18 Planned Development (Lake Ridge Estates), and Generally Located 500 Feet East of the Intersection of Waterfront Drive and Lakeside Drive. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services summarized noting that this a batch plant permit like the ones the Council has seen before for construction of the streets in the subdivision. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:59 PM and solicited anyone who wished to speak on the item. There being no one approaching the podium who wished to speak the public hearing was closed at 8:00 PM. 11. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 12-32-18 Regarding A Specific Use Permit for a Temporary Concrete Batch Plant on Property Zoned PD-05-06-18 Planned Development (Lake Ridge Estates), and Generally Located 500 Feet East of the Intersection of Waterfront Drive and Lakeside Drive; Providing for a Severability Clause; Providing for a Penalty of Fine in Accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for Violations; and, Providing for an Effective Date. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services noted that the developer is present to answer any questions. There was one response received in opposition to this request and it is in the Council Packets. The concern expressed at the Planning and Zoning meeting was the access to the concrete batch plant. The developer is working on a way to access the plant without going through the neighborhood. Councilman Allison noted he had a comment from reading the response form. He noted the hours on the weekend as to when 9 the would be doing the construction and that we really need to be able to inspect on Friday afternoons and Saturdays to help these projects get through and out of the way, not just for the contractors but for the benefit of the neighbors. Staff noted that we are working toward a solution for that and we have some staff that is willing to come in after hours if necessary. Councilman Allison also asked why we need a SUP for a batch plant and it was noted that staff is also looking into this. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem to approve Ordinance 4 12-32-18 regarding a Specific Use Permit for a temporary Concrete Batch Plant on property Zoned PD-05-06-18 Planned Development (Lake Ridge Estates), and generally located 500 Feet East of the Intersection of Waterfront Drive and Lakeside Drive; providing for a severability clause; providing for a penalty of fine in accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for violations; and, providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion to approve passed unanimously (5-0). 12. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1-14, BIock A, Lakeside Addition, Being 62.91 Acres in the Carmel Manchaca Survey, Abstract Number 790, Within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located Between FM 2164 on the West and FM 455 on the East and Approximately 1200 Feet South of the Intersection of FM 2164 and FM 455. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services summarized noting the Council has approved the preliminary plat. This is the final plat and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with a 6-0 vote. The is the plat that half of the lots have access off of FM 455 and the other half of lots have access off of FM 2154. There were questions before about the shared access points and there are shared access points on some of the lots and some of them have individual access. TxDOT has agreed to all of the access point. Staff does not have any issues with the plat and recommends approval. The applicant is present for any questions. The lots range in size from three to five acres. Councilman Allision noted that the only lot he sees with a minimum finished floor elevation is Lot 10, but sees several lots impacted by flood plain. He asked if a drainage study was submitted. The applicant noted that the County only required it on the one lot because it was the only lot that did not have a buildable lot out of the zone. Every other lot can be clearly built out of the zone. It was noted that the City did not require a drainage analysis. Councilman Allision noted that since this is in our ETJ we can protect our future property and there is no reason that we should not be asking for these types of things. The applicant noted that the main reason there was not a requirement was the size of the lots. Staff noted that the Interlocal Agreement with the County leaves drainage in the County's hands. Staff noted that we have spoken with the County and are looking into updating the agreement to work on some issues in the Interlocal Agreement. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu to approve the Final Plat of Lots 1-14, Block A, Lakeside Addition, being 62.91 Acres in the Carmel Manchaca Survey, Abstract Number 790, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, generally located between FM 2164 on the West and FM 455 on the East and approximately 1200 Feet South of the intersection of FM 2164 and FM 455. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. The motion carried with four (4) in favor and one (1) in opposition, Councilman Chick voting in opposition. 10 13. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding an Amendment of the Future Land Use Map From Industrial To Commercial For Proposed Lot 1R and Lot 2R of the Sanger Industrial Addition Being 1.17 Acres, Situated in Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and Generally Located North of Bolivar Street and Approximately 110 Feet East of North 2►,d Street. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services summarized that this is the City's property and was discussed at the last Council meeting. This is a rezoning and we have to change the Future Land Use Map because it is currently Industrial so in order for us to match it needs to be changed to a B-3 Zoning as a proposed business use instead of Industrial. Mayor Muir noted that the following Items 13 — 16 were all related. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 8:14 PM and solicited anyone who wished to speak on the item. There being no one approaching the podium who wished to speak the public hearing was closed at 8:15 PM. 14. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 12-33-18 Regarding An Amendment of the Future Land Use Map From Industrial to Commercial For Proposed Lot 1R and Lot 2R of the Sanger Industrial Addition Being 1.17 Acres, Situated in Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and Generally Located North of Bolivar Street and Approximately 110 Feet East of North 2"d Street; Providing for a Severability Clause; Providing for a Penalty of Fin in Accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for Violations and Providing for an Effective Date. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services advised that staff received two responses in regard to the notification and they were both in favor. Planning and Zoning unanimously recommended approval. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance # 12-33-18 regarding an amendment of the Future Land Use Map from Industrial to Commercial for proposed Lot I and Lot 2R of the Sanger Industrial Addition being 1.17 Acres, situated in Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and generally located North of Bolivar Street and approximately 110 Feet East of North 2"d Street; Providing for a severability clause; providing for a penalty of fine in accordance with Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances for violations and providing for an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). 15, Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change From "I-2" Heavy Industrial District to "I-1" Industrial District for Lot 3R of Sanger Industrial Addition Being 3.89 Aces, and From 11I-1" Industrial District to "B-3" Central Business District for Lot IR and Lot 211 of the Sanger Industrial Addition Being 1.17 Acres, Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Bolivar Street and North 2" d Street. Ramie Hammonds noted that this is the Zoning Change and is the next step on the City's property to change the zoning. Staff has included the zoning charts so Council can see the types of business which would be allowed in Industrial and B-3 zoning districts. 11 Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 8:18 PM and solicited anyone who wished to speak on the item. There being no one approaching the podium who wished to speak the public hearing was closed at 8:19 PM. 16. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance # 12-30-18 Regarding a Zoning Change From "1-2" Heavy Industrial District to "I-1" Industrial District for Lot 3R of Sanger Industrial Addition Being 3.89 Aces, and From "I-1" Industrial District to "B-3" Central Business District for Lot 1R and Lot 2R of the Sanger Industrial Addition Being 1.17 Acres, Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and Generally Located North of Bolivar Street and Approximately 110 feet East of North 2°d Street; Providing for a Repealing Clause; Providing For a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services noted she would answer any questions Council may have. There was discussion regarding the adjacent properties and the current Industrial Zoning, and it was noted that the property owners would have to bring requests for zoning changes; however, staff is in the process of initiating the update of the Future Land Use Plan and this area would be a good area to look at. General consensus of Councilrnembers was not to have Industrial Zoning in the downtown area. This will be looked at on the updated Comprehensive Plan. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to Ordinance #12-30-18 regarding a Zoning Change from "1-2" Heavy Industrial District to "I-1" Industrial District for Lot 3R of Sanger Industrial Addition Being 3.89 Acres, and from "I-1" Industrial District to "B-3" Central Business District for Lot 1R and Lot 2R of the Sanger Industrial Addition being 1.17 Acres, situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, and generally located north of Bolivar Street and approximately 110 feet east of North 2pd Street; providing for a repealing clause; providing for a severability clause; and providing an effective date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion to approve carried unanimously (5-0). 17. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a Zoning Change From "A" Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District-2 for 0.258 Acres of the 57.74 Acres Tract of Land Described as A1241 TIERWESTER TR 57 (PT) OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6 and Generally Located Approximately 185 Feet East of Sanger West Boulevard and Approximately 45 Feet North East of Acker Street. Mayor Muir noted this Item is a duplicate of Item #8. 18. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance #12-31-18 Regarding A Zoning Change From "A" Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District-2 for 0.258 Acres of the 57.74 Acres Tract of Land Described as A1241 TIERWESTER TR 57 (PT) OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6 and Generally Located Approximately 185 Feet East of Sanger West Boulevard and Approximately 45 Feet North East of Acker Street. Providing for a Repealing Clause; Providing for a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. 12 Mayor Muir noted this Item is a duplicate of Item 49. 19. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Monthly Financial Report— October 31, 2018 b) Capital Projections Recap —November 28, 2018 20. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they ivish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Rems may be placed on a fixture meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). Councilman Allison noted he would like to see the change in the interlocal regarding the finished floor elevations being a requirement. Councilman Boutwell asked if the City could look at the rundown building on the south side of Bolivar Street across from the Lumber Yard where the roof is falling in. Councilman Chick asked a few questions regarding the moving of the Electric Utilities by the City for FM 455. 21. ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM. 13 SANGERBOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: r%lA w� BATE: i ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: Ere H 6V P4 ,4 s 417 �. 1. OCCUPATION (if retired, describe former occupaation or profession): Gr- M N��d�u,�— T QC `jAOL —7 / a� C[.OJr--J PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES O IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH "1" FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, "2" FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC. LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT f PARK BOARD LIBRARY BOARD HISTORICAL COMMISSION 4A BOARD 4B BOARD OTHER LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): Scy}zt/ 1`aj `irfjAl4L- 60.'..' t o 0, t:t L( fr tj4 jTzV csLwrF'frLL 00A'rLp 5 ! 5X L4 V�5 (S ✓6) Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? YES NO Signature: Date: Z. - RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO CITY SECRETARY r 940.458.7930 1 502 Etm Street I PO gox 1729 1 Sanger, TX 76266 1 www.sangertexas.org face600k.com/SangerTexas 9! @CltyofSanger 14 BANGER T E xA S COUNCIL. AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE 0 Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ workshop ❑ Executive ® Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes X Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: December 17, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials At, Dater 13 % ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE �❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ®OTHER Public Hearing AGENDA CAPTION Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Replat of Lot 1R and Lot 2R, Block A of Russnette Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 39 of Old Town Sanger, Being 0.439 Acres, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Willow Street and 4th Street. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA []GRANTFUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE [_]REVENUE❑CIP —].BUDGETED [—]NON BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to replat part of Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Old Town Sanger to create 2 lots for residential purposes. The property currently exists as one tract of land. The applicant is replating the existing tract into 2 legal lots in order to sell one of the lots for residential use. The property is currently located in SF-8 (Single Family — 8) Zoning District. The lots meet all SF-8 Zoning District Standards. Both proposed lots will be served by all City of Sanger utilities and have access to public Right -of -Way (ROW). Both lots meet the City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See Staff Report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: The Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission did not take any action on the Russnette Addition Replat due to lack of quorum on December 1011, 2018. 15 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal LJ Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: December 17, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date 412119 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on a Replat of Lot 1R and Lot 2R, Block A of Russnette Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 39 of Old Town Sanger, Being 0.439 Acres, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Willow Street and 41h Street, FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA [:]GRANTFUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to replat part of Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Old Town Sanger to create 2 lots for residential purposes. The property currently exists as one tract of land. The applicant is replating the existing tract into 2 legal lots in order to sell one of the lots for residential use. The property is currently located in SF-8 (Single Family — 8) Zoning District, The lots meet all SF-8 Zoning District Standards. Both proposed lots will be served by all City of Sanger utilities and have access to public Right -of -Way (ROW). Both lots meet the City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See Staff Report List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Staff Report • Location Map The Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission did not • Application take any action on the Russnette Addition Replat due • Letter of Intent to lack of quorum on December 10th, 2018. • Replat • Deed Records 16 SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT �IrTEXAS Meeting Date: December 17, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0065 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Replat of Lot 1R and Lot 2R, Block A of Russnette Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 39 of Old Town Sanger, Being 0.439 Acres, and Generally Located North-East of the Intersection of Willow Street and 4tn Street. Applicant: Grayson CeBallos Case Overview The applicant is proposing to replat part of Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Old Town Sanger to create 2 lots for residential purposes. The property currently exists as one tract of land. The applicant is replating the existing tract into 2 legal lots in order to sell one of the lots for residential use. The property is currently located in SF-8 (Single Family — 8) Zoning District. The lots meet all SF-8 Zoning District Standards. Both proposed lots will be served by all City of Sanger utilities and have access to public Right -of -Way (ROW). Both lots meet the City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. Notification Response Form Staff mailed twenty seven (27) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. No responses were received at the time of this report. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and recommends APPROVAL. Planning & Zonin2 Commission Action The Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission did not take any action on the Russnette Addition Replat due to lack of quorum on December 10"3 2018. 17 Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Replat • Deed Records 18 59024 58554 8551 59029 84247 w 58517 58533 5 547 583116 i 59035 58531 58540 58536 Mir a, 1 1 � 58557 58543 --.7 — -mmkwRwiLLOW-sl 58262 — -- 58311 58318 58373 58285 58377 8268 5836E 58292 244 613603 613604 o so so zo eet 58348 5 361 1 7556 N Location Exhibit: Russnette Addn vj8 LAIPAA W t S BANGER „��� �r���CityLimits ®it,�b�t$ lri -pn penerarea by cl5dau Pmtieed bq Ibe Sarp¢rG151)epar4renl The GSyol ............- sanuaraoe9 note�ramea lsk ¢o,meroaaa acwayarany rea ueae lhhm p, M�map pAOWsare far lliAration prpases oNYantl rolaulable roretespeca�c dedsen makng. GS Bala I¢suhfed lam 4aN d,angea, aM w ,i bec aij: .axaralea curenl. (ak 129 A1815 �18pM OocRame:lo a0n E hb�R�aroH pddh �;........ .�•� j - 1 f �.y� � -. ..I r-fir -N• �a J< T E A A S 19 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat/Replat Vacating Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Conveyance Plat A—ll—f owner (if different from anDlicant) Name: Name: Company: � a l Company, 4 e 0 Address: � � C � ��•� ry�0 Address City, State, Zip: 4tw4v�rr� �fiws City, State, Zip: � Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: �a 3vn . f1 p t`e � R f lcS � %��`•�`�1 t 31 fv.`CeS, C�rr� Email: V Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: f_ / ) Six (6) Copies of Plat (24" OW', folded to 1/4 size) One (1) PDF Copy of Plat Letter of Intent Non -Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Supporting Materials (List if provided): R Number(s): -- r owne Signature Date Applicant 4gnature Date Office Use: Revlewed by Director of Development Services to App11cant_1, _ t i cilia of tinn(fl>J gal Bolivar/ ('.OIJox 1129 5anyel, 7X 76266 '•'W-45&20 5.9 (office) 94 045f -4f.J0 (fax) Effective Date: 8/7/2018 20 Monday, October 22, 2018 116 4 h Street Old Town Sanger -- RussNette Addition City of Sanger, Denton County, TX Page 1 of 1 Letter of Intent: N D RS E LAND 5URVEYRIG j PLAEIING Dorris Fay Davis, the current owner of 116 4' Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, is proposing to divide the property into two new lots. Previously this lot was platted as a part of "Old Town Sanger" as shown in Volume 48, Page 630, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas. This is currently a 0,439 acre residential lot, the proposed zoning is not being requested to change from SF-8, both proposed lots are proposed to be single family residential lots. Please let this request be satisfactory for the appropriate body as chosen by the City of Sanger. We look forward to working with you, as always, we hope to make the platting process as smooth and pain free as possible. We thank you for any help and assistance you may provide. Please contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you, A--*t 6 ;c Grayson CeBallos Project Manager Windrose Land Services grayson.ceballos@windorseservices.com 972-370-5871— Direct 214-217-2544 - Main 21 GGt REPLAT RUSSNEWEADDITTON LOTS I RAND IR, BLOCK A VN '—RPG. 630. P.R D.CT. ATOTALA" CIE or ,439 X�m Eat, C OE 22 DR VOL =42 PAGE 018 � g0 Warranty Doed:` i THE STATR; OF TEXAS) OWNTY OF DIMON) -KNOW .ALI, %N BY THESE PRESENTS That vto, W. Y, Ary, and•vrife, Mildred Gt01A Ary of the 00unty•o3' Banton, State' of rows,, E� for and in aonsideratidh of the 'sum of Two Hundred and do/R.OD (P200.00) Dollars, to us in han t paid by Hoy E. Odom, tte receipt 'of which is hereby Sully nokkiftledged, and•for which no Lien either exprea$od or implied', is retained oP shall exiatt have Granted, Sold Pnd Conveyed, and by these presont do Orent's 13011 and, Convey unto the said Hoy E, Odomex , of the County of Denton, State of Texas, a31 that certain lot, parcel. or tract of .Land situated in Denton County, Taxes, in the town of Sanger,, a'purt of the Reuben 'Babee Survey, and being 75 foet off of the North. and of lut No. 'Three (3) In Block- No. Thirty-nine (39). a copy of which said map or plat is duly recorded in VO?.. 48,'1199e 630, of the Dead Ilea of said Denton County, Texas, an$ wore fully and.partioularly,des oribed as followal BEOINNINO at a stake, the N. W, oor,'of said lot no. threor(3} in E�aid block no, thirty nine (39); THENO$ East with the N. B. line of said lot no. three (3) to *aid bidok 874'feet to the M. E, corner of said lot no. three (3) in said'blookf TdNOE South Evith -the E. B. line of said lot no. three '(3) in said block 75 feet'for oornary -• , THONCE Watt 07.440 t for cornar ip'Wj B. lino of 'aaid lot no. three (3) in said blocks a stakel �HBNUU North With the Vt. B•, line Of said lot no, thra9 (3) In said bleak, 75 feet �.� . to the place of begihning. 1x i xt being the ihtentios of the grantors herein to oonvay'•to tham gboda nateed grantee the went one-half (1/2) Part of that oortain 'treat fu1,1y described -in e dead from B. E. Xixkland i • arid wire to H. D. ()reatta, dated January 2, 1920s shown of raoorRl in Yo1. 3.71, Page 531 of the :�• Arid Records of Denton County, Texas. To HAVE AND TD HOLD the above described premises, together with all and 'bingular, the ' rights and appurtenanaoa thareto•in anywise belonging unto the said Roy-E. Won, his heirs an j assigns foreverf and we do hereby bind qursexves, our heirs, Bxooutors +and advatkiiatrators, t I Vtarrant and Forever Defend, all and Singular, the said premises unto the• 6aid Roy E, Odom, hl heirs and assigns, against every person whorosoaver lawfully miming, or to alaim the eeme, j Or any pert thoreof. YrSTHTr88 our hands at 8angei, Texas, this' 7th day of October, X. D, .3-947. 1Y f y. Ary Fed. 'Rev. attach. & 0l,'n4s Mildred 'Ms)r IVY THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF 'DEWON ) BKt'OHH 'EIR,, the undersigned authority, a NOWY Ptlblic, in and for Dei -Oaunty, Texast on this day personally appeared V. Y. Ary and Mildred•ikae�Aryf his wife, both known to Ale to be the persons,tvhose names -are subscribed td the'Voregoing inatxument, and aalmowledged to me that they eadb executed the same fop the parposms and consideration there expressed, and the said MSldred•Uae Ary; wife of the said V. R. Arys havitEg boon oxamined b privily and apart from her. husbands and•having the same fully explained,to.hwat she,.the Sai h Mildred MaL Ary aaknowledged such instrument.to be her act and•'deed, and she dealarod that 'aha bad, ivill.i.ngly signed the same for the purpose$ and eonsido'ration therein expressed,• and that she did flot• wioh'to ratvact it. 31VEN VNDBlt XY RAW)) AND -SEAL OF OPPICE, Thin 7th• day, of• October, A., 11. 1947. A j Y'Y � John �. Suxl9,van ' . Bea'w•)u:...Y. -. eyY�ulx3�o=E�'l�st•1_ciE7�altiltYE..,�4�1.ti, I 0 ma• 23 DR VOL 00342 PAGE O10 616 ` FILM FOR WOW$ Fohruary 21, 2. 48 at.3$15P,"U. i MOR rj)s February 24,.1948 at 10140 A,M, Motue 12. ]Might Olerk, County Court i 176ht0h C011n$y, TOXAO r , By Ellen }!enrich, Aaputy A p�Niop�,a CERTIFIED A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY c OF TIDE RECORD AN FILE IN My OFFICE JULI I.UKE a aF' DENTON COUNTY CLERK 11k&6 D� n U°Pa`" ty Cl6tk 24 QT V0L 00i66 PA©t 603 DEED OF TRUST IRE 302 i\ THE STATE 4F 19XAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THME PRUENT51 = OOUNTYOP„......... D>lNxON,.......,,•....,..,.••,,... E THAT 'Ma • f Daman i of the -nA Sot. Of T,1e+., to m¢1lderyef-¢ of tto debt svd S1tr46a1iln.f«rmeallo-+d, ho..��._t7dated, Ax,¢+fned, • Sold 1.d Cenvortd, sad ty th«t pn«aU do 4nn4 a-1pl¢, Sdt sad Canny ltnle.�,_ d�4�'Kti_�.p._�ll�.�ie �-t._. T,�BtBe_,,,..,.,.,,-,..___w,,,., Trurtu, , add to 6U m«t-.ar or lvbnitvt. LL tbl, «¢fl, ;ed to ht, led ati, mT m wtvud.f fotlror, at folloiv[ap drmlbed preptlty,-dtu.ttd, 10¢9 snd h[RI Id t5- Covncy of .. .._...,....„.....T._._.DI311 rAA.:�.....�r., lad Sma of T4w., to-whi All that pertain lot, parcel or treat of land situated in Denton County, Texas, in the e town of Saugar, A part of the Roubao Bebee surveys and being 75 .Peet off of the North ends C of what are known and numbered on the map or plat of the said tovn of Sanger as lots nos. ) Three (3) and Pour (4) in Block No. Thirty -Acne (39)1 a copy of which said map or plat is ' dully recorded in volume IFS, page 630 of the Deed Records of said Denton County, alld more fu�- ly and pavtiouUvly described as follows( l BZOINNINQ at a stake in the R B line of said blook no. Thirty-nine (39), Same being the N D corner of lot no. Four (4) in said blooki F TONCE Nest with the N D line of said lots nos. i'hrea (3) and Four (4) in said black, 175 foot to a stake, the N W corner of lot no. Three (3) in said blook} Tfi WE 06uth with the 41 Mine of said lot no. Three (3) in said blook, 75 feet, a state • for corner} ( THEME Dust 175 feat, a staka in the E'B line of said lot no, Four (4) in said 1)10ek5 � THENCE North with the K B lane of said lot no. hour (4) in said block 75 feet to the plaoe of beginning, and being the same land conveyed by D.E. Kirkland and wife to H.D, Oreato ". , by deed dated January 2, 1920, shown of reeord, in Val, 171, page 5t31 of the Deed Records of: Denton County, Taxes. ` t TO HdV$ ANP xO HOLO Ikt old daor1U4 pcopt€ty,'+jth all -ho dshin womho, 6lndit+-«¢q .ad -pp¢NenaatW nett, ae 3eae+ken -t say d+ni blfon t6l larmlaems hutoL is oe,v1t4 spplrtafnlap of Wke[i¢p the+etc �aloten 75¢«a,.nd to hit 4¢«tuol of9461tttun 6,nunder, lnd to bit and l6dr aul[nn tkvec, And the un lnlgntd, boob, Ued_ MIUMIvg A oUtZ_—Lt[n, WMOM o¢d $"lnittntan, to "'"t ""'14v4t ddmd -It end do[ulot A. e+td ptt.41t. twto al r+id Tim"; hit 4—raw or4absllc-1e la 1141 tout, -ad to Lin of thdr lzkw fo«.-r,.[dna 114 faufni ddm or d.imr a 4S pe�sr1a¢et nnahowotror. THiS CONVRXANCe R tn+de to teas, howet.n to +uun -¢d ,nfa«a N- plyrveni of 6 ? 8tawoomlaB+1't>t� _ .e7 ar.n d.t4 lwr-whk (kttdntaer tdin+d a u not.), evetu«d by 1U ands+,,-d, p+rawt ta..._.I�;.(1T.9i.NLLtiAna�... anti—Gf._�&ng�aT y... an�95R,-.xa�Caa--- `..-»...-., or ordtr at follovol �Being in the principal sum of Five Hundred OPO.00) dollars payable in monthly instal�- menta'of Twenty (420.00) Dollars each or anyy multiple thereof the first installment being due and payable on or before the 1st lay of November 1947, and, one installment to become duo and payalla on or before the 1st day of each succeeding month thereafter until the whole principal sum is paid with interest from date at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, p interest payable montAly with principal,, each installment to be applied first to accrued Alt unpaid interest, and the remainder on the princi al, all past due interest and principal tai I bear interest from maturity At the rate of ten (].0) per oaht per annum, both principal and interest payable at the First National Dank of Sanger, ganger, Texas and containing the usual default and attorney's Pee olausee, The above described note is given in renewal at7d extension of the balance of that cer twin mechanic'a lien promissory note in the principal. sum of $500.00 exeouted by the gran-. tors payable to the order of B. dibson on or before 60 days after dta a with interest there, - On from data until paid at the rate of l0 per oent per annum, bearing data of duly 24, 19471 and fully described in neohaniols lien 00n rant of even dabs with said not© shown of record• In vol.- page--- of the Monhaniols Lien Reoovda of Denton County, Texas which said. note•, together wth the liens eeouring the pa anent of the game have for a valuabka oonaidaration paid been tranaferrad and assigned to the banefioi,avy hereunder and the grantors aoknowiodg$ said renewal note to be saoured by a valid and subsisting mechanic's and material man's lien on the above described property, and deed of trust lied of even date with said meehaniots a d materialmen's lien on said propertyy and the beneficiary hereunder shell be and it is hareq subrogated to all. of the rights ti,;les, liens, ofluities and remedies originally retained to seoure the payment of said original note and said liens are hereby continued in full force t and effect until the above described note as well as any ronawal or extension thereof shall 1 be fully paid off and dlsohaxged. p.ysUrs....w .....en. v adplvrt tonwaf It fo eAgi«ed rth�tst�I diF�nSc i�t m,tdlr bt t7�t pa went 1of an7hprfnclpxt or fatrpna a¢ ri�n�d'1o[t. oFtt)q t>ftllttfamaoee a +h� snramau ot-(iftmm« pit €n aaatairt1d, oeaaM of lhcm, u+diei i 4b? I OR of t taonedhW tclf i1 J I�adi1Pedh p i. a ptfdtr�hioen Ew,dsnd it vSicid 3a�tdM1i I�RaEdae of in iiMm q' +bte, sad mly l+s S[ectcd T;Rit oL by Pra+«dlnp hua- y �or wllatlon. of U r lion a m-v eh- FreNte Cnassq ; bu ptr hat-ddldo¢ 1 an tall act shsl��. td�rd a stto+nt)'a f«+, [r U .110 1kMd that All 3?«6 of %1-.t tbv4.* soy snd aS[ --Wall of the -toy. d«cdtad Ind.btrdetf. , 25 OT V01, 00'I55 PAGE, 60d NOW, TItERRPORE. t£ ehe utd IndeNednetr Uf pale tenth prludpal end Inmat. rf Ala Meat bstoma drraad paM t, wd If lie Coro-ti, and tptrmeott herd. ma, taSotd to Ktpt and prtfornnd, Ii;a. and (et that ea+a am1y. tblr tan eyenet (hill huam. ea4 and told, and lboyropeay hereto wnwytd ahrR hnotoe vho4[y t[ex of tide dtbh tad 7Mx pe,um+uhued to dw [orator the gRnw{t rort, athatrvin [4 wmaf.I4 fait forty sod effattr but ff deLvlt shalt 6e Made I. elu pprymttlil of rile note or a.Y Tamil• men[ of tnln;t aheteon, xhan tit/ tomb fiats kxomt dud at In net of till tnerh of ao7 of "'a kr titwmenk ortovenant+her{In meallourA, Ihtn tt the regnnr of the fp;t4•heldbr of srld nett, ne rafd Twlttr, of her tutcmot or suarewn appointed haeondtl, Lt htnby efi a,bad em➢oeteted tq kt)t thl IYod briLSf <O.4<yed, fl pYbfia ta[Ifo>,, to the peni;Dn h g n 4t d for <s�fi, at the Cave Haute does„.__ _ Cuvary, Tatet, btntpa the loan of Im a'daek a, m, and lour dtE4rk p, a, an edt Omt Tosdby a soy moth after h.". YI... ma11[a of e�eime, pI,. fed main; oI ,I, ho yodlat rr Ilten.atku Qur[of a there yuyHa plant lnnid county, om u� wlki steel teat the Coon Hone door if old tovnly. lankro tomnmh6 merxe peat la the drI 1 o , and rr b hneiY+treed floe tha.rld Truatte, or [ds bvkusor, InIY u13 nSJ Propotruh [o4¢hr belt tilt or 9alfap, s, to hlm shr33 Yttm evptdfmrl bete rfhr read rota at.fa'I. ,shall txame end &Ilrtr to the gn«flat; or pnrtharcu rheeeah goad and'IdflI.-deed erdu a In law I. the p,aDyeety eo wid, En fee -fi, lodes, sl$ uta r,-al a, 'ad Hall tutees lit rauea of uld lode, aad out of the Meat Ituli yfy: j+I.lr. ell fklrlft sorb a6d expenre of e.... log it taut Ind.ding a le. C. SN/ to I. Ttuatce on ehe rand Of the loda�nisdnna taufdtd hYY the! fired of '1'I 614 Saeond, the note abora dusrfbsdtam. of m.a., dot ar to foram. doe lzaennder. r tnhaue n agrgdi end, Th eel, rlatl rindertkr arapiv,, le any, unto the v.dsrilyord h+[tin, ar fe;d rpmentadwtot tulgnr. THE UNDERSItrNEia FURTHER COVENANT xRb ntd T)Wtta due.,_-..,.. X0..Y11-+,,,,_„_ _,•,________ to all tima, dn,h g the wtsttaYtnte ofthis umL ku the balldla+a+,d Smgr9vemwu.ovo.. arhtralier to be etfmla on) tbtd pseminnlorurdapinrilm, by ffa$nd twnadasa cbetmovat of s._ 910iD-o orta l►e exam)Pnta,lnann obtit,IA tbenon, tacompael)+ttcerptaabit w and eetth Famt p�y.NewMkt'1•ev,lle at hit fMMore, for tln ttedir at the ptya or the legal halAa t red wunfr of late emu, and deliver rh.palldu to old T,umtee ar fiirmueunore, end ro pa , bdose tie neat ihnll �ttor. drllpgyem, aft true, and .Lpimenn that ma t. lrrhJ r€ded, of da gilnn wid peeatfelr o$ my to ttenoG tend It �+oepMlRy alrta4 +het tf the vndti,ipned aharf fait to d[ut +,id inNrenet ertd dr)IYtr aaeq paIIIIG. t[ hetttt plo• ply wth te:;, then the. jwrm,rt way ba mf;ted and We Idul oral, bt//paldltby tht ltgLL laden of Old noq, floe tame to expli tit Abtf lit a Climbed obtignton and brume plot of the debt hereby .uond, and.ia}t ttsav Inset at ehe rat. al�en SIVIr tenc plr.anam loom dot/ fQ toWaE[d uneli paid, or at the ropllin of the kde., 9f tht debt ercercd htrby, the enlha prtndpil Endahud..I may be dah[ed dot, blob ha w surd to A.Y mane. prodded fn thI, lmtmmml, at pror€ded by Lw. IT to PURTHER AGREED thtt, in the mat of a fordmttt vrsd.r Ili vat Coated Willy. rho nvnie to polmdan of Mid proprty, or one dahning Mead; him ..,t in po1[enlmt is UAW or orheewi+r..hal[ ttfuvpoa bxoMa he anbat a w�f�ol the pvith;it lit each faedmme 1.1e, and thonld torte le oat mefart to ruminate postmto. 9f rI)d pmprcty opoa d,mnnd, Ot purrh)ar shall thawpan be tnthlld 10 tmthillr end mltanln the 4t wary tula4 of laaiote teary aed 4olact. end ptNw a .,It of pau'rilan thalWnA R, , it Is PUR11161t AGREED rhu Ile the,wl of Iha deirh neSgnadeh, nmunl or.baacs of sold R.W. I,- the CoAmf of.r_,.� Daitton 9`fxtr, of hh $.lend or fell... artaablt;eqy torch 141. the iil,�er of Feld note, ortay pttt.hetro£. binlll he .nd he Is 6.1by fndentvd co appolnt . tobttltvte In at8tnt, *t5o hhalt thet;npoa tvoW eoall the vw, fight,, puwrtind trout granted to tk.T mitre heaeln named, IT Ig SPECIALLY AGREED thet .vhci. m and If toy aaalteutd tntmdly ot.of hem Word by Iktl tnIti.mtnr.na7 h of da,ed dot lade, any trial of this at aor ether pap; tvldtadng the debt or any pall thereof, thtt the a xAmuta am4aet Ihttten �twlletlydyarot on recount of the elt�I r�tlt Ix tlu P+Indprl dm4aae litreaf and W111. lot atemad to the date of payatat al nit to axn.d ten p , N4t pK Ann4m. Tb.T If any pauiblt teAlItuglot of any And of stet pap+n arty tam to fndiutt any pal,ibtlity lei $ dE&anl pow; lute to the trdltar or any ..d,al�iy�n alk for, a tmand. at ureter any deettr nteof IAtemt Ili* pullet roveinne'hat dams to a mbtaht In takuhdan or ro,ding which ell) troop h Intended ra ovaealdt And cameo L ITld SFCGIALLY AGRifEq thei 1n we of ars� We heltandtr, all priteetilikis to ;td4de till ba pnaumed to have Nao,put tmtd, and ]teat to any wnveYaAn then herundrr all r;tem$mt of four, oa athrr turhah then n met, or to the no.•Paydeteit of Moeey+aueM, a, a, to thehrtaelt lee noa,p.,farmaau of asY of the wvan.ne he, .,u fo,ill, or.r la the ttgvataf At T$wts to enfom thh Ttau, ar as to tat priytr end doe apPo I w of aaY mbdlt.k T1wra, oat to rho adgat cimint of nw or thve or phet or enearcar of aate, or.. ro any o1 it petllnllaary air or thlnt,.1.11 be r.1en to all tour r of law o,ipity It prima }ado teem. thtt the ( gat appd of rolled art tot, E 1d Octtrber A. D. 19._._ WI71JES5...._ Out .._.,..tend,...,th1r�.Y.�._...,.......»day of.._....._...._..,,�..._,..M_....._-w-...___._.__.._..�.........., !T _, THN STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY Ole— In and far-.----_---, _CavaSy. Ttm6 oa rich dry pono..11r •pm,tad.-,.,-_,_.._._._. _ti__..,- ._,.-__..__-.-.-_...,.•_.,._,,.,..,,,.__._ .__,.,...................... &non& to me lobe the potnon._._,xhosa mime..-_.«-_-....--._w..._ .asWrlhed to the u fartgoing tnrmnT t, and arknovhdpcd ao Ins th$t­ he.... exettued the Holt fwt the parperr end eowldmpllen akerha expensed. 13TV BN UNOER MY HAND AND SEAL OP OFFICE, A, 1). 19...... THQ STATE OF TEXAS, - — REFGRR Mn,__ .—.—r,_—..—�_-.._._.,........w, COUNTY OF- . _ •---__._..._,......._...........,-.-_.---._..._,...�..,..--_-....,---�--.-..-_„�.__T,.,,...-, la aad lot-......,_.......»...-...._...�..,.._....-_�-_ Caunrl. Ttxu. oa At, day pwonaldy appeated known to ear C. be the pr:ian taheta ;teat h aibxdblg to eke loroyeing [.utumu4 and iivlagw eraalmd by eat prlYRy aad .Palo Tram het hWtnnd, floe haring Ah. tame folly a ylal.td to like. Ihh lh6a,id»...,..._,_...__..___-__ •,knoMtsd M .ath talkla mt in ht her act and deed, and tho dal;eel that sit had wrillntly dta,d the limit for rho paepo,e. and wmlduadoa tttn d txprtxd. led e7i�i.h. did not pi�l ro itlrast It. ' GIVEN UNDER MY LIAM AND SEAL OP OFFICE, Th4._....__..._..__.._..._...-.»_...day oi....___._u._.,.....__...»__._____-, A. IX 0,.._.., TIM BTATM OFT> xa, rAuN>rY 0p­-PB-9%L---­J BeroRB ) The Llpd erBignOB authorit y DENTON _ It neroRa is $ad for_»____..._.. DOhr011 .._.._�_..�_..Cnnnry. Term, an Tht, day 6p enatly tpptutd_ - ...��.Ap_1C -_ ._andMi ldrod_ Mat& A� - ._�" _ _--• hit wife, telhtknemt Ile me ew bt the pbneet vlole a.ma me egbrtdbeR to tit fa�tagoloi:,Initruatne,snd a<hnor�idytd ie eat iG dray etch rternsed Ika 6sme for eta purport tad comyanilon th,ed. erpeenld. end the Wd.�.. - M�d58d 0--k'0V--- —»..„...-_.__-__N.,,.....­___.,wif6 of Ili. mold ham onviiofel by eat 9rtv11y.nd.past foam het hurbtad, ind btvlog tk6 anal fdlY eap4laed do her, ahn tht old-_.-_..._.--_ _ _ "hid. Sj._ fFe p ,......... ., iekaiwl)d eager lnetrkment w ha ass tit tad died, and,ha daA.nd thnl soh$ aad wpil.11Y.G,d tie Mmo Joe Ilia puepm l and tm.ldentloa ehsnln expew�d, .id I6eliht ddid not trfs�i to rrtnst ft. GIYEN WIDER MY HAND AND 6E41, OP A. D. 19 . • .:.Soil...Hd+$.a1C�!.�'S1.1lJ.fSly�!],.�iE�„�g3C.,�QF�P.�t_�RS3!'a�TexnB. . PiLmn POR RECURD,L....,_?>2. __der .of.,_..,._._...,.m....... _..�fR. ,Qh�........-.mm..,-........� A. D. t9 4B r.- s�d'•--_m•dnex. k �.�u, RECORDRD Ih€,th(_..-„ Ilhth...._day e)(1 . ».,.­.....__w MRraha._...-„..............._.__, A. >a Cletus Z. Knight . UP..,..._..._._-....__�_�.-...........,......,....-,_.�._�Dapasr. y'-•------•-•_-,-•..r peek Cwull t�aaiL Diitoa Cnuary.7e`eu ....."' � �y;,.--.. �pG -- L. - -- .. ..... ... ... we, 26 BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: December 17, 201 S Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date i ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order Number 4 between the City of Sanger and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc for an Increase to the Cost of the Rehabilitation and Improvements of the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant by $45,927.99 and Zero Additional Days to the Contract Time. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CIP []BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Alan Plummer Associates, Inc and Felix Construction Company have executed Change Order No. 4 for the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. This Change Order include two modifications (CMR No 15 and 18), a project increase of $45,927.99, and zero additional days to the contract time. The revised contract amount for the project is $11,111,159.71 and the revised date for final completion is September 12, 2019. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order No. 4 Other Agencies: • Letter of Recommendation for None approval of CMR-15 • Letter of Recommendation for approval of CMR-18 27 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORTWORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHON£ 817,806,1700 FAX 917.970.2S36 v 'ApaicnY.com TBPE Firm No. 13 1416-002-01 November 29, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Change Order No. 4 Dear Mr. Welch: Enclosed are three signed copies of Change Order No. 4 for the above -referenced project, which have been executed by our office and Felix Construction Company, and are ready for final processing. Two project modifications (CMR No. 15 and 18) are included in this change order. The change order includes a project increase of $45,927.99 and zero additional days to the contract time. The revised contract amount for the project is $11,111,159.71. The revised date for final completion is September 12, 2019. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. /G. effreyffey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 JEClpam Enclosure cc: Mr. Jeffrey E. Caffey, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Psurojacis1141Gi(rC2-Q#VGnns6ucS}onAdminlCanlrart64oi�i'saalloltslCniu',4�Crdcrs5G0-41G0 4.Vde!C11 L{rdm 28 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 'I1 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER Per CMR No. 15, Contractor provided a diversion pumping system for the influent wastewater flow when the existing raw wastewater pumps stopped operating. Per CMR No. 18, JDV Equipment will provide materials to repair the existing barscreen. F:lprojects11416kOO2-01\Constmr(ion Adr in\Contract ModificationslChange Ordern\CO-41Sanger ChangeOrderNo_4.doc 29 III. EFFECT OF CHANGE Extended Additional Item Description Unit Cost Days a. CMR-15. Bypass Pumping Lump Sum $ 26,388.42 0 b. CMR-18: Barscreen Material Lump Sum $ 19,539.57 0 Subtotal $ 45,927.99 0 IV. AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: . >E1"M_ I Original Contract $ 10,992,845.00 Previous Change Orders $ 72,386.72 This Change Order $ 45,927.99 Revised Contract Amount $ 11,111,159.71 b. Time Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion April 28, 2019 Previous Change Order 107 days This Change Order 0 days Revised Contract Date for Substantial Completion August 13, 2019 Original Contract Date for Final Completion May 28, 2019 Previous Change Order 107 days This Change Order 0 days Revised Contract Date for Final Completion September 12, 2019 F:lprojectsti14165002-015Constnaction AdnunlContract Modif$cationslChenge OrderslCO-41Sanger ChangeOrderNo 4.doe 30 CONTRACTOR'S OFFER FOR PROPOSED CHANGE FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: an Koontz -00 Project Manager ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. Y J � Mn C fey,/Firo)ager Date: Date: CONCURRENCE WITH ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION CITY OF SANGER By: Neal Welch, Pam. Director of Public Works APPROVAL BY OWNER CITY OF SANGER By: Alina Ciocan City Manager Date: 1213Ile? Date: F;lprojects114161002-01AConstruction Admin4Contract ModficationsLChange OrderslCOAkSanger ChangeOrderNo_4.doa 31 13211SOUTFI UNIVE?RSIV DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH.TEXAS 76107 PHONE 017.0061700 FAX 817.870.W6 w .apxlenvxom TOPE Firm No. 13 1416-002-01 July 27, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 602 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and improvements Contract Modification Request No. 15 (CMR-15): Bypass Pumping Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-15 for the above -referenced project. This work involved providing diversion pumping of the influent raw wastewater after the existing raw wastewater pumps stopped operating and prior to the contractors planned diversion was initiated. The work includes the Contractor's setup of the diversion pumping system and breakdown of the pumping system. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-15 incurs a cost of $26,388.42 with a time extension of zero days. I recommend that this item be approved and the cost and time extension be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. rey E Gaffey, 2.' TX RE. 81896 JEC/pain F:lprojects1i4164002-011Construclion AdminlCantrael Modlficatl0n5lCMR'81CMR-15 Sanger Bypass Pumping%CMR-15_RecommendationLetler.doex 32 ei� gfinsiruction Cost Summary FELIX CONSTRUCTICOMPANY Protect I Old Name: Company: City of Sanger Sanger WWTP Rehabilitation and Improvements Owners Representative: Neal Welch Address: 502 Elm Street r Sanger, Texas 76266 1838 Phone: (940) 458-7930 E-mail: Description of Work: > Bypass pumping for City of Sanger bypass of their pump station (2 Rental Cycles). > Folix setup of bypass pumping system. > Breakdown of the pumping system Is rolled Into the setup of Felbes bypass system to save casts for City of Sanger. Cate o ' Hours', Principal $ $ Pro ect Manager $ $ Project Engineer $ $ Admin $ $ General Superintendent $ $ Prn ect Superintendent $ $ Foreman 10.0 $ 48.75 $ 487,50 Craftsman 30.0 $ 34,60 $ 1,035.00 Apprentice I Laborer $ - $ - Labor SubtotalI t. $ 1,522.60 Marku Factor $ 228.38 LABOR TOTAL $ 1,750.68 Llolt - - Hours Rate "'Total Pick-up $ $ Pick-upw/Tools $ $ rlatbed Truck $ $ Back Hoe $ $ Boom Truck $ $ Loader (CAT 950) $ $ Dump Truck with driver $ $ Excavator CAT 325) $ $ Water Truck $ $ Compactor CAT $ $ Ext Reach Forklift $ $ Grading Tractor (Caso 480) $ $ Water -Wagon $ $ Jumping Jack $ $ Misr. Tools ISupplies $ $ Job Trailer $ $ Misc Other - $ $ Felix Equipment Subtotal $ M.arAup Factor 16% $ FELIX EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ fllnil ttnit Rale €:Total From Worksheet 1 LS $ $ $ Rental Subtotal Marku Factor 15% RENTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL 19-A-- R Koontz I Project Manager DATE ' - June 25, 2018 version 04.15,2013 -iaDiscl 11ne Quant -I Cast: Rain for Rent 1 LS $ 16.398.43 $ 15,398A3 Ricochet Fuel 1 LS $ 7,864.84 $ 7,864.84 $ Subcontractor Subtotal $ 23,263.27 5% $ 1163.16 'MarkupFactor SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $ 24,426.43 llam .rQoant.: CostsTotat From Worksheet 1 LS $ $ Other Subtotal $ MarkoFactor 15% $ OTHER DIRECT COST TOTAL $ G. i-t;u mecrrica1 17I6cI Itne Quant Cost Total Felix Construction Electrical' 1.0 $ $ H. Pass Through tem Quanl Cast:= Totat From Worksheet 1 LS $ $ Pass Through Subtotal $ Subtotal: A+B+C+D+1:+F+G+H $ 66.177.31 Bond Rate (%) 0.80% $ 211,11 Tax Rate % 0.00% $ Credit Card Fee % 0.00% $ $ SUB TOTAL $ 26,388.42 $ CONTINGENCY" GRAND TOTAL. S 26,388.42 Estlmatad Duration of Work (Working Days) + TBD 'Felix Construction Company does not Include We Electrical nivisfan's costs when calcalaling overall project overhead and mark-up. — Work paid for out of Contingency funds will have tax, bond and markups applied at the same rates noted above. 33 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107.5737 PHONE: 817.806.3700 fAX: 8€7.870.7536 1416-002-01 November 6, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 18 (CMR-18): Barscreen Material Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-18 for the above -referenced project, This work involves repairing the barscreen. JDV Equipment's on -site investigation of the barscreen determined that multiple items needed to be replaced. Sanger is expected to perform the installation of the equipment. If assistance is needed from Felix Construction, it will be provided on a T&M basis and will be charged to the Bid Item No. 12, which is an allowance for unanticipated items. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-18 includes a cost of $19,539.57 with no time extension. I recommend that this item be approved, and the cost be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN, P LAMER ASS,© ATES, INC. r� Jeffrey E. Caffey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 JECljbh 11Ftw-fs.flw,apallsharelprofecls174161042-01\Construction AdmIMCon€rac€ Modiflcagons\CMgs\CM€i 16—barscreen Maleria€4CMR- 1 S_ReoommendatlonLe€ter.docx www,apaienv.com T6PE Firm No. 13 34 ti 9I 01 Fw■ VE V.Mlmo9.15,'2013 Construction Cost Summary `+r ` vrrrrrrrrrreew ,lase t'.ONSTitiJCTIQN COMPANY Protect 1 Bid Nama: � Company: City o1 Sanger Sanger W WTP Rehabilitation and Improvements Owners Representetive: Nea€ Welch Address: 602 Elm Street Protect Number (FCC): Sanger, Taxes 76268 1838 Pitons: (840)458-7930 E-mall: NWelchQsange:texns.org 7..... ........ b.;.. ..: sHburs sRats ,. ,.70tat `.m Pn 'nui al $ $ ProectManager S S - Project Engineer S $ Admin S S Ganarai Superintendent $ - $ Pro act Superintendent $ $ Foreman $ S Craftsman Apprentice I Laborer iS $ Labor Subtotal $ Marko Facfar LABOR TOTAL $ Rate "sinW Pick-up $ $ PickupwlTaols - $ $ Flatbed Truck $ $ Mack Moe $ $ Doom Truck $ $ Loader (CAT 950) $ S Dump Truck with driver $ $ Excavator (CAT 325) $ $ Water Truck $ $ Compactor CAT $ S Exl Reach FoWIR S S Grading Traciar (Case 4110) $ - $ Water Wagon $ - $JumpingJack $Misc Toots I Su lies Lei $Job Trailer $ - $ Misc Other S $ $ FEtIX E0UIPMENT TOTAL S ' Unit::....Unit ,::Rets From Worksheel 1 L5 $ S $ $ Rental Subtotal $ Merhu Facfar 15% $ RENTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ X RyK Koontz I Project Manager DATE: Oclober 1, 201 B .. :z.. !em JDVE of rmsnt 1 LS $ 16.865.00 S 16.855.00 S S S a Material Subtotal S 16.855.00 hfar Uv Factor 151% $ 2,528.25 MATERIAL TOTAL $ 19,383.25 '>D1ssF 11hs qunnY- Cust' +' T41a1'' " From Workshee! 1 L5 S $ $ $ Subcontractor Suhlafal $ Marko Factor 5%. S SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL 3 From Workshaet 1 LS S S S Other Sublolal S Markup Factor 15% S OTHER DIRECT COST TOTAC •LrDisc[ lima quart Cost Total Felix Construction Electrical` 1.0 S 5 Ft. Pass Throu h Item �-�giiatit5� Cast ���:7otail- ' cram Worksheet- S Pass Through Sublolel S - Subtotal: A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H S i9,383,25 Band Rate { %) 0.60% $ 155.32 Tax Rete � 0-00% $ - CredlCard Fee % 0.00% $ SUBTOTAL. S 18,539.57 coNTtNGENCY" 0 GRAND TOTAL S 18,539.51 Estimated Duration of Work (Working Days) + ' F0. CocsbacGoa Company does not rndndo IVs VWecal Divislon's costs mhea calculating overall p,oJvd overhead and mark-up. Woo; paid for out at Cca&lgencyfunds mill havu W. bond and malk�ps applM at Ihs same tales noted above. 35 BANGER * T E X A► S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: December 17, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date !3 l �� ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order Number 5 between the City of Sanger and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc for a Credit to the Cost of the Rehabilitation and Improvements of the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant by $10,23 9.63 and Zero Additional Days to the Contract Time. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Alan Plummer Associates, Inc and Felix Construction Company have executed Change Order No. 5 for the City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. This Change Order includes three modifications (PMC-05, -11, and CMR No. 17), a project credit of $10,239.63, and zero additional days to the contract time. The revised contract amount for the project is $11,100,920.08 and the date for final completion is September 12, 2019. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order No. 5 Other Agencies: • Letter of Recommendation for None approval of PCM-05 • Letter of Recommendation for approval of PCM-11 • Letter of Recommendation for approval of CMR No. 17 JU CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per PCM No. 5, modify the design of the UV structure and adjust the quantity of excavation, reinforced concrete, handrails, and grading around the structure. b. Per PCM No. 11, provide HVAC modifications in the Dewatering Building. C. Per CMR No. 17, provide additional conduit and wiring for the controls on the Fournier system associated with the Rotary Press. F:Sprojects554461002-011Consirucitan AdminlContracl MadificationslChange OrderslCO-MSanger ChangeOrderNo_5.doc 37 1416-002-01 January 16, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed Contract Modification No. 5 (PCM-05): UV Structure Redesign Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-05 for the above -referenced project. PCM-06 addresses the cost savings associated with the redesign of the UV structure. Reduction of the UV Structure includes adjustments to the quantity of excavation, reinforced concrete, handrails and grading around the structure. Costs associated with the UV structure redesign shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the changes. The Contractor's proposal for this work totals a cost savings of $28,882.00 with no additional days requested. I recommend the UV Structure Redesign be approved. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIAT S, INC. r y . Caffey, E. TX P.E. Mi 96 JEClpam Enclosures cc: 1370 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUIT£ Soo FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.1106.I70D FAX B17.870.7536 F:Stsrojecis%14161002-01%Consvuclion AdminlCon[raGt Mod'sFicalionslPCM's\PCM-05 UV StruclurelPCM-0A Recommendation►.atter.dmx Wre apaienvcom TBPE Firm No. 13 38 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS PCM-05: UV STRUCTURE REDESIGN Contractor shall construct the UV structure based on the attached drawings M-600, M-601, S-600 and S-602 in lieu of the drawings in the conformed set. Costs shall be inclusive of all costs associated with this change. Work shall be performed in accordance with the contract documents and Manufacturer's recommendations/guidelines. Page 1 of 1 REV 09/2009 ttj]f(IiC CI5� I rj I 00,,).0 11CG1 IS t rl J t"EUj1 1t'l1711i1\G()Plt f 2Gt 11 POLIiIIL'B tIUi154�)Clil'3�I�Eft1-C7{i It StN I{ailE ii'(J E;,YI CI;� UV, ff lECII �I E? CiOC`; Form PCM 39 IV EFFECT OF CHANGE Item Description a. PCM-05: UV Structure Redesign b. PCM-11: Dewatering Building HVAC c. CMR-17: Dewatering Bldg. Adtl. Controls Subtotal AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: a. Amount Original Contract Previous Change Orders This Change Order Revised Contract Amount b. Time Extended Additional Unit Cost Days Lump Sum ($ 28,882.00) 0 Lump Sum $ 12,137.02 0 Lump Sum $ 6,505.35 0 ($ 10,239.63) 0 Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Substantial Completion Original Contract Date for Final Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Final Completion $ 10,992,845.00 $ 118,314.71 ($ 10,239.63) $ 11,100, 920.08 April 28, 2019 107 days 0 days August 13, 2019 May 28, 2019 107 days 0 days September 12, 2019 F:Lprojects114161002d111Conslruciion AdrrinlContrad Modi6catToMChange ordefSyGp-5LSanger ChangeOrderNo 5.doc 40 1416-002-01 November 6, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed Contract Modification No. 11 (PCM-11 ): Dewatering Building HVAC Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-11 for the above -referenced project. PCM-11 addresses the Dewatering Building HVAC modifications and heater addition. The changes include a washdown unit heater, combination louver/damper, reconnecting the existing exhaust fan, installing a NEMA4X thermostat, and demolishing the existing split - system and associated ductwork. Costs associated with the HVAC modifications and heater addition shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the changes. The Contractors proposal for this work includes a cost of $12,137.02 with 15 days additional contract time. We have reviewed the cost of this work and it seems reasonable. The Contractor agreed to delete the 15 days if this work was not required for Phase I substantial completion. This request is reasonable, and I recommend the Dewaterfng Building HVAC modifications be approved for the cost of $12,137.02 with zero additional days .and that this be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PL MER ASSOCIA FPS, INC. !/ l/ .leY ffre E. Gaffey, P. . TX P.E. 81896 JECljbh Enclosures cc: I M SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 PORT WORTH, TEXAS 76 t07.5737 PHONE: 817.006.1700 UF1w-fs.(Svc.apallsharetiproieals119iB1602-01VConStmlionAdrninlConlrac! Modl1lcalionslPCM's1PCM•11 pewaiering Building HVACIPCM- FAX;817.870.2536 1I RecammeadalionLeller.docx v w .apaimvxoro 41 PROPOSED CONTRACT w1/ MODIFICATION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SCIENTISTS PCM-11: DEWATERING BUILDING HVAC Provide a cost proposal for modifications to the Dewatering Building HVAC as shown on H-800 attached and noted in RFI-53. Costs savings shall be inclusive of all costs associated with this change. Work shall he performed in accordance with the contract documents and Manufacturer's recommendations/guidelines. Page 1 of 1 RFV 0912009 f )prrrjc�:l::1i-'iltilUt72.1� llcur,sirricliorr ��clririnlcoiilrai,l rrtiu�-Iiticriirorrsllx:irr'slpciit•�1 f c.lc,aatr airig f,{iilclinc� Iiv<�clfx.;i�-11 de�,valeriira I�irilc3ing hvac, ilncx Form PCM 42 71212018 Projectmates: RF1 - 53 RF1 # RF1- 53 OX-Jul-2018 05:23 PM Cl Sanger WWTP Rehabilitation and Improvements 300 Jones St Sanger, tx 76266 Project Number: 1416-002-01 Subject Dewatering Building HVAC PI I ease see attached RFL General Reason Code None Section 16 - Electrical Days Elapsed 36 Proposed Please see attached RFL Solution Additional Info Proposed Critical Path? No Solution Impact Cost Change Yes, may be Time Change Discipline Code Electrical Yes, may be Drawing Number E-800 Needs Drawing Change Yes Attachments RFI-053 - Dewatering Building HVAC OPN.pdf From Ryan Koontz Originated 26-Apr-2018 11:36 AM CT First Recipient Matt Kuykendall Requested By 01 -May-2018 11:35 AM CT Copy To a Jeff Gaffey A Neal Welch Paula Monaco .. .. .......... Routing Memo For Ell review. From Paula Monaco Sent 26-Apr-2018 12:01 PM CT TO Patrick Moseley Requested By 0 1 -May-2018 11:35 AM CT Copy To i Jeff Caffey A Paula Monaco A Matt Kuykendall ..... .. ... .... — Final Response Response See attached HVAC plan for the Dewatering Building. The Engineer will issue a PCM for this HVAC work. Billable N/A 43 CONTRACTOR'S OFFER FOR PROPOSED CHANGE FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: yan Koontz Project Manager ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. By: Araffey, P oject IY'anager Date: 11 i)is Date: CONCURRENCE WITH ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION CITY OF SANGER By: Neal Welch, RR-& Director of Public Works APPROVAL BY OWNER CITY OF SANGER By: Alina Ciocan City Manager Date: %als hdl Date: F:Vrojects114164002A11Construction Adminkeontract ModificadonsSGhange OrderslCO-5%Sanger ChangeOrderNo_5.doc IL 1416-002-01 November 6, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed. Contract Modification No. 11 (PCM-11): Dewatering Building HVAC Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-11 for the above -referenced project. PCM-11 addresses the Dewatering Building HVAC modifications and heater addition. The changes include a washdown unit heater, combination louverldamper, reconnecting the existing exhaust fan, installing a NEMA4X thermostat, and demolishing the existing split - system and associated ductwork. Costs associated with the HVAC modifications and heater addition shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the changes. The Contractor's proposal for this work includes a cost of $12,137.02 with 15 days additional contract time. We have reviewed the cost of this work and it seems reasonable. The Contractor agreed to delete the 15 days if this work was not required for Phase l substantial completion. This request is reasonable, and I recommend the Dewatering Building HVAC modifications be approved for the cost of $12,137.02 with zero additional days .and that this be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIA EIS, INC. effrey E. Gaffey, P. TX P.E. 81896 JEC/jbh Enclosures cc: 1320 SOUTH UNWERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107.5737 PHONE; 817,806.1700 11F{tv-ts.flw.epaRsharelproJects11A151002•U11Conslruction AdminlConlracl iUlodificalionslPCM'slPCM-11 De}ratering Building HVACIPCM- FAX:017.870.2536 11 Recommendalianl_etter.docx www,apaieny.com 23 A 1BPE Firm No. 13 45 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS PCM-11: DEWATERING BUILDING HVAC Provide a cost proposal for modifications to the Dew6tering Building HVAC as shown on H-800 attached and noted in Rl' I-53. Costs savings shall be inclusive of all costs associated with this change. Work shall be performed in accordance with the contract documents and Manufacturer's recommendationslguHel1nos. Page 1 of 1 REV 0912009 f 1projecl-k-14I(3\ 02-0-1tiL:unstiodioll admilftc;1111a0 11 (10%Yatuflllg I:/ulldiiiq 1-wacAlic n1.1 t dMat0liilg [Af lding hvac, docx Form PCM 46 7/212018 Projectmates: RFI - 53 RF1 # RFI- 53 02-Jul-2018 05:23 PM CT Subject Question General Dewatering Building HVAC PI'ease see attached RFI. Reason Code I None Section 16 - Electrical Days Elapsed 36 Proposed Please see attached RFI. Solution Additional Info Sanger WWTP Rehabilitation and Improvements 300 Jones St Sanger, tx 76266 Project Number: 1416-002-01 Proposed Critical Path? No Solution Impact Cost Change Yes, may be Time Change Yes, may be Discipline Code Electrical Drawing Number E-800 Needs Drawing Change Yes Attachments RFI-053 - Dewatering Building HVAC OPN.pdf From Ryan Koontz Originated - 26-Apr-2018 11:36 AM CT ... ...- First Recipient Matt Kuykendall Requested By 01-May-2018 11:35 AM CT Copy To $ JefF Caffey--,-_--- A Paula Monaco Rotating ...Memo For Ell review.'.------.___._..___._-._....---._._._-__. From Paula Monaco Sent 26-Apr-2018 12:01 PM CT To Patrick Moseley Requested By 01-May-2018 11:35 AM CT Copy To A Jeff Caffey A Paula Monaco i Matt Kuykendall Final Response Response j See attached HVAC plan for the Dewatering Building. The Engineer will issue a PCM for this HVAC work. Billable NIA https:/Iapai.projectmates.com/Projectmates]RFI/RFIData!].asnx?anr=?aR7Rnn1nQann7gPnrairA,,o�n7r-,�.. t� ns l I III II` k � � I 's to I f � b I 1M el.. Ili 4 I, a'-o• ow y 4 4g$ b FRg q �i: a b qHop " 0 ' e u"� �Z9 � �sg a 4 " -u s-= -vo N Y � T Y N Eli z� x : F e FFFP SANCJERWASTBWATERTREiATMBNTPLANT 6 ' V s REHAHILITATIONAND IMPROVEMENTS i n ;Im b Na Nq AMS.'ON nN 6Y wclii11U'IS SVPPLEMENTAih INFORMATION CITY OF SAN61ilt,TEi(AS �zoxx; �rxi-nu:uclyiia%u�� �R.ea /li/ IIrlw v=WaY�•\II.\mloa..aµn\In[5\w wai�mnfs.u� e >s.h vAR Wtq R<.w Lk ogg ; I 4 b b o,n b II II 4 I qw' z p� ®,g S shd. TIER 18 jlj TffAt !° 39_°3/WM f° Ulff .•� `• �" 4!� z- Aq 11M1 B� 4:a 1!2 HA o =o z aNc all ` n Co•m. '�� � G7 N �s SANGSR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT L pREHABIJITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS 01 UV BASIN N°. MYE lmutlll Bf Uh*IKiui FF[i15I1 § 4I SUPPLEWNTAL INFORMATION CITY OF I` SANGER, lUXAS �t±scsu I �`� cosc°rA�walm-ns� �xt�f realarqeo QiolM�ttKi1ttW FIS 49 §q� ^ WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS . - _ » ! _ ® m '2 ` z _�WIN PLAN~�ee- �[s _& . amex s' z W O a C) i a zi n n _s 0 o H o< z R n I'+ o 0 a�e � u D - s a, '`���•, SAMER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS ' JIM. 01,101M W BASIN p CRO55 SECTIONS CITY OF ally 'mssznsislosi SANGERJEXAS�AtexAS RUSKIN (9) 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd. Kansas City, MO 64030 0 (816) 761-7476 0 FAX (816) 765-8955 ELC445D DRAINABLE COMBINATION LOUVER EXTRUDED ALUMINUM STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAME 4" (102) deep, 6063T5 extruded alu- minum with .081" (2.1) nominal wall thickness. Downspouts and caulking sur- faces provided. BLADES Front stationary drainable blades -- 6063T5 extruded aluminum with .060" (1.5) nominal wall thickness, positioned at 450 angle and spaced approximately 47/,c" (113) center to center. Rear adjustable blades -- 6063T5 ex- truded aluminum, .125" (3.2) nominal wall thickness for operating section widths through 48" (1219) . SCREEN 3/4" x .051" (19 x 1.3) expanded, flat- tened aluminum bird screen in remov- able frame. Screen adds approximately 11Z (13) to louver depth. SEALS Extruded vinyl blade edge seals on rear adjustable blades and flexible, com- pressible aluminum jamb seals. LINKAGE Concealed. BEARINGS Stainless steel sleeve pressed into frame. AXLES 1/2' (13) plated steel hex. ACTUATOR Locking louver quadrant. FINISH Mill. MINIMUM SIZE 12"w x 12"h (305 x 306). APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT 6 lbs./ft'2 (29.3 kg per mx). MAXIMUM FACTORY ASSEMBLY SIZE Shall be 48"w x 96"h (1219 x 2438). Louvers larger than the maximum factory assembly size will require field assembly of smaller sections. Varies (102) Dimensions in inches, parenthesis ( ) indicate millimeters. ��J Bird Screen FEATURES The ELC445D offers: • Published performance ratings based on testing in accordance with AMCA Publication 511. • High free area, low water penetration, and low pressure drop. • Concealed blade linkage is protected from weather exposure and reduces required installation depth. • Adjustable rear blades provide desired shut off in the same 4" (102) deep frame normally required by a louver alone. • Blade and jamb seals provide tight clo- sure. • A drain gutter in each front stationary blade and downspouts in jambs and mullions drain water from the louver with minimum water cascade from blade to blade. VARIATIONS Variations to the basic design of the louver are available at additional cost. They include: • Extended sill. • Electric or pneumatic actuators. • Front or rear security bars. • Filter racks. A variety of bird and Insect screens. • Selection of finishes: prime coat, baked enamel (modified fluoropolymer), epoxy, Acrodize, Kynar, clear and color anodize. (Some variation in anodize color consis- tency is possible). Consult Ruskin for other special require- ments. FRAME CONSTRUCTION 11/2"(38) A* x B* I M STANDARD INTEGRAL FLANGE *Units furnished 1/4" (6) smaller than given opening dimensions. QTY. SIZE FRAME VARIATIONSTAG A* -WIDE B*-HIGH 12 int Metal Panel Wall Tnstallation,Manual Oper PROJECT LOCATION ARCH./ENGR. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE DATE 3t0: Spec BLC445O.11961New ALL STATED spEcIFICATIONSARCSUBJECT ToCHANGE WITHOUTNOTICEOROBLIGATION. QRuskinManufacturing1996 52 PERFORMANCE DATA AMCA Standard 500 provides a reasonable basis for testing and rating louvers. Testing to AMCA 500 is performed under a certain set of laboratory conditions. This does not guarantee that other conditions will not occur in the actual environment where louvers must operate. The louver system should be designed with a reasonable safety factor for louver performance. To ensure protection from water carry-over, design with a performance level somewhat below maxi- mum desired pressure drop and .01 oz./sq. ft. of water penetration. WATER PENETRATION Test size 48" wide x 48" high (1219 x 1219) Beginning point of water penetration at .01 oz./sq. ft. is 974 fpm (297 mlmin). 0.3 (3.23) 03 Q 0.25 (2.69) m u. 4. O -� 0.2 O (2.15) E (D a ".. 3 (0.65 1) �E C Ln 0.1 N r (1.08) N t�0 0.05 3 (.54) IV 0 0 QMCCI CERI'IFIEA RATIIIGS UIRM AIR Ruskin Manufacturing Company certifies that the EL.C446D louvers shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings and water penetration ratings only. 900 1000 1100 1200 (274) (305) (335) (366) Free Area Velocity in feet and (meters) per minute Standard air .075 lb/ft3 1.00 240.95 90 224.05 .80 199.15 .76 174.25 ,60 149.36 .50 (124.45} ,40 (99.56) .30 (74.68) .20 (49.78) .10 (24.90) .69 (22,41} :0870711917.,9243y 06 14.93 .05 (12.45) .04 (9.96) .03 (7.47) .02 (4.981 .01 (2.49 PRESSURE DROP N C) O o mOG Ll p p ooSSSO � b l: mO N C'1 Q G o0000 Ratings do not include the effect of a bird screen. Air Velocity in feet and (meters) per minute through Free Area 53 FREE AREA GUIDE Free Area Guide shows free area in ft2 and m2 for various sizes of ELC4451). Width - Inches and Meters 2.001497.80) 1.00 (248.95) d_ .90 (224,05) SC .80 (199.151 131 .70 (114.25) .60 (149.35) QI C .50 (124.45) C CL 40 (99.56) O s. v .20 (49:78) 'r+ ld N .10 (24.90) 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 0.30 0.46 0.61 0.76 0.91 1.07 1.22 12 0.11 0.18 0.24 0.31 0.38 0.45 0.51 0.30 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 18 0.40 0.64 0.89 1.13 1.38 1.63 1.87 0.46 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 24 0.54 0.87 1.21 1.55 1.88 2.22 2.55 0.61 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.21 0.24 30 0.75 1.22 1.69 2.15 2.62 3.09 3.56 0.76 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.29 0.33 36 0.97 1.57 2.18 2.78 3.3 33.99 4.59 0.91 0.09 0.15 .020 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.43 42 1.11 1.81 2.50 3.19 3.89 4.58 5.27 1.07 0.10 0.17 0.23 0.30 0.36 0.43 0.49 48 1.32 2.15 2.98 3.80 4.63 5.45 6.28 1.22 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.35 0.43 0.51 0.58 54 1.54 2.50 3.47 4.43 5.39 6.35 7.31 1.37 0.14 0.23 0.32 0.41 0.50 - 0.59 0.68 CO- 1.69 2.74 3.79 4.84 5.89 694 7.99 1.52 0.16 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.64 0.74 66 1.90 3.08 4.26 5.45 6.63 7.81 9.00 1.68 0.18 0.29 0.40 0.51 0.62 0.73 0.84 72 2.12 3.44 4.76 6.07 7.39 8.71 10.03 1.83 0.20 0.32 0.44 0.56 0.69 0.81 0.93 78 2.26 3.67 5.08 6.49 7.90 9.30 10.71 1.98 0.21 0.34 0.47 0.60 0.73 0.86 1.00 84 2.55 4.13 5.72 7.31 8.90 10.48 12.07 2.13 0.24 0.38 0.53 0.6B 0.83 0.97 1.12 90 2.69 4.37 6.04 7.72 9.40 11.08 12.75 2.29 0.25 0.41 0.55 0.72 0.87 1.03 1.18 96 2.63 4.60 6.37 8.13 9.90 11.67 13.43 2.44 0.26 0.43 0.59 0.76 0.92 1.08 1.25 AIR LEAKAGE N M Pi 7 I�Cr [^O r% c4 M V ti W 131 N M CFM Leakage per ft 2 (M2) of Free Area 54 TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAILS Masonry Metal Panel Wall Wall Metalane Panel CMU Ins ation Caulk (by others)rAngl,,snds P rip CaAngles p and s) Caulk Fasteners (by others) (by others) Louver Extended •' n a Sill . • • 's ' '• : , �. Wood Flange Installation Mount C (by gles and isteners Fothers) L( CMI Integral Flange Frame Louver Fastener (by others; Accessories at additional cast. ® 3900 Dr, Greaves Rd. Kansas City, MO 64034 RUSKIN(816) 761-7476 FAX (616) 765-8955 55 TRIAD° Washdown/Corrosion Resistant Unit Heater e �L us a r ar American Bureau of Shipping The Indeeco TRIAD` unit heater is the perfect solution to the problem of heating people or equipment in non -haz- ardous environments where moisture and corrosion exist. Advantages of the TRIAD' include: • Built-in Controls: All necessary safety and temperature controls are included in a single package. Components and motor are factory -wired to a single terminal block for field wiring, eliminating the chance for field error and reducing installation costs. • Single Point Electrical Hook-up: Heater, fan motor and con- trols are all connected to the same branch circuit. Applications • Marine and Offshore . Corrosion Resistant: Stainless steel construction, powder- - Car Washes - Power Generating Stations coated aluminum fan blade and nonmetallic NEMA 4X • Cement Plants - Steel Mills and Foundries terminal enclosure resist corrosion found in sewage treatment plants, swimming pool areas, car washes, • Coal HandlingAreas • Swimming Pool Areas paper mills and marine installations. - Dairies • Wastewater Treatment • Washable: This watertight construction can be hosed down Plants without disconnecting the heater, which makes it ideal • Food Processing Plants for coal handling areas, steel mills, foundries, ships, wood finishing plants, cement, sand, grain and food processing facilities. Standard Construction Features Heating Elements - Industrial grade, Type 316 stainless steel tubular elements with stainless steel fins, manufac- tured by Indeeco. Fan Motor Assembly Totally enclosed, epoxy coated, UL Recognized motor with permanently lubricated ball bearings for longer life. Designed to resist moisture and corrosion. Factory -wired to NEMA 4X enclosure. Fitted with a powder- . coated, aluminum fan blade suitable for corrosive salt spray environments. Housing -- Heating elements and motor are enclosed in a round, heavy 16-gauge 304 stainless steel shroud. Inlet/Outlet Grilles - Adjustable, stainless steel, louvered outlet grille can be rotated 90' to direct airflow up, down, left or right. Heavy gauge, 304 stainless steel rear grille pro- tects against accidental contact with the fan blade. Control Enclosure - The non-metallic enclosure, which houses the element terminals and built-in controls, will not rust and meets NEMA 4X hose -down requirements. Built-in Controls - Include automatic reset overtemperature cutout, fan delay relay, controlling contactor, transformer for 24-volt control circuit, terminal block for field wiring and a separate motor contactor (when required). Mounting Bracket -The heater comes complete with a 304 stainless steel swivel mounting bracket which can be used either for wall or ceiling mounting. Four field -supplied 3/8-16 threaded rods can also be used for ceiling installation. I N D E E C OP www.indeeco.com 27 800-243-8162 56 TRIAD° Washdown/Corrosion Resistant Unit Heater V-m^*nr,ur R11ilt-in Ontinne i r -gtxpg s Delete swivel mounting bracket. Heater installs from the ceilingwith field furnished threaded rods. AS B^ C Epoxy painted stainless steel parts, housing, grilles and fan blade C D Power disconnect switch AS E Monel finned tubular elements C F8 Fan motor fusing with disconnecting contactor C L "Heater on" pilot light AS Secondary manual reset overtemperature cutout. Required for U.S. Coast Guard and ABS AS M Approved designs. 1- Stage Built-in thermostat 40 to 100° F (5 to 38' C) range AS T 2-Stage Built-in thermostat 40 to 120° F (5 to 49° C) range (option "X" required) C V 120 volt control circuit AS C X 2-Stage Control (2) AS =Assembly Stock, Cm Custom. AsseMMY stoat neaters oraereu mui cunwi„ —.5'. r Dimensions. Airflow and Weights iD�mens>ons,,4>Iefla>wrs alnd Wellglhts �cw g 12 12,5 4T overall Heater Dimensions "X"Inch (cm) 15-1/2 (39) 15-1/2 (39) 26 (66) "Y" Inch (cm) 21-1/2 (55) 21-1/2 (55) 28 (71) 'T' inch (cm) 13 (33) 13 (33) 20 (51) Mounting Hole Dimensions "BH" Inch (cm) 4-1/4 (11) 4-1/4 (11) 7-1/8(18) "BL' Inch (cm) 19-1/2 (50) 19-1/2 (50) 22-1/4 (57) "M" Inch (cm) 8-1/2 (22) 8-1/2 (22) 3-1/4 (8) Air Volume CFM (cubic meters/hr) 700 (1189) 1450 (2463)42400(4077)AirflowAirThrowFeet(m) 26(8) 43(13)CharacteristicsOutlet Velocity FPM (meters/min) 760(232) 1575(481)Net Lbs (kgs56(25) 56 (25)Weight Shi In Lbs(kgs)70 Shipping (32) 70(32) AIRFLOW ... �b CCAIRWL X FNI FOR FIELD v.IRING 28 CEILING W MIN f 6' MIN {ANY MOUNTINGS 3 FLOOR 57 TRIAD° Washdown/Corrosion Resistant Unit Heater Remote Room Thermostat 1004328 Bulb NEMA 4X SPDT No No 25A @ 120-240V 125VA 40-110 22A @ 277V (5-43) 1026347 2-Stage NEMA4X 2 SPDT No No 25A @ 120-240V 125VA 40-100 Bulb 22A @ 277V (5-38) TRIAD® Unit Heater Listing rof € Uh-ridUlUOus miedb KIN Volts Ph o#al 7'Sk Mnps (1 ppproximele A;frTemperature: Rise F C Motor Ca#slag Humber 3 Stage Control Ava�labilily :; Cade(zj{3) HP Volts Ph 120 1 21 9(5) 1/4 120 1 234-U11R-002013 _ _ IB m 208 1 f 12 9 (5) ---- 208 1 234-U11R-0020C 1B 2 240 1 - 11 9 (5) --1/4 1/4 240 1 234-U11R-0020J 277 1 10 - u9 {S) 1 4 277 1 234-U11R-002ON 1B 347 1 7 9 5 1/4 347 1 1- 234-1.111 R-00201 18 120 1 29 _ 14(8) �1/4 120 1 234-U11N-0030B -234-U11N-0030C lA 208__. 7-1 1 17_. (8) 208_-. 1 - - - 1A _ _ 1 15 -14 T 1/4 240 1 234-U11N-0030J W lA - _240 277 1 13 ___14(8)14 (8) - 1/4 - 277 1 _.._ 234-U11N-003ON W. 1A 347 1 11 14 (8) i/4 347 1 234-U11N-00301 _ 1A 3 480 1 8 - 14 (8) 1/4 480 1 234-U11N-0030T- 1A� 208 3 11 14(8)_ 1/4 1 �1 234-U11N-0030D 1A 240 _ 3 10 14(8) 1/4 _208 240 234-U11N-0030K 1A 480 3 5 1 §1._— 1 4 480 1 234-U11N-003OU _ 1A 600 3 4 14(8) 1/4 600 1 1 234-U11N-003OZ 1A 208 1 27 24(13)- 1/4 _ 208 1 234-1,111R-0050C _1B 240_ 1 23 24(131 /4 _ 240 1 234-1.111R-0050,1 1B _ AS 277 1 20 24 (13) 1/44 277 1 _234-U11R-005ON W 113 347 1 17 T 24 (13) 1/4 347 1 - 234-U11R-00501 113 ^113 5 480 1 12 24 (13) - T 1/4 480 1 234-U11R-0050T.,_. _208 3 16 24(13} 1/4 208 1 234-U11N-OOSOD _ 1A� - 240 3 ._ 15 - _ 24 (13 __1 14 __240 1 234-UllN-0050K 1A 480Y 3 8 24 (13) 1/4 480 1 234-U11N-005OU 1A _ 600 3 6 W _ 24 13 1 4 600 1 234-U11N-0050Z 1A 208 1 39 35 19 1 4 208 1 234-ullN-0080C 1A 240 277 347 1 1..._._.....29 1-- 34 84 .,__.. 35 (19) 35 (19)- ......._ __..-...._.35 (19) 184_. 1�4 _ 240 277 _.. _...347 1 1 - --1 234-UllN-0080J - 2334-U11N-0080N .... 234-U11N-00801 _ 1A - _......lA _.. - 1A._.._. 7.5 480 208 ?.._, 3.-_. -_ .... 17 ..... 23 -- 35 (19)..- 35 19 1/4 1/4 480 -208 1- . 1.... _....234-UllN_0080T _ 234-U11N-0080D 1A 1A - 240 480 3 3 _._.._ 21 11 35(19) 35 (19) 1/4 1/4 240 480 1 1 234-U11N-0080K 1A 1A 234-IJUN-00801.1 60D 3 9 35 19 1/4 600 1 234-U11N-0080Z 1A (1) Total Amps = Heating ele- ment amps and motor amps. (2) Availability Code: AS= Assembly Stock, (3) Stock heaters ordered with custom options subject to longer delivery. NOTE; 2-Stage heaters can be field wired as single stage, 1A = Optional 2-stage control, unbalanced (opt€on %'). 1B = optional 2-stage control, balanced (option')') NE E o° www.indeeco.com �V 800-243-8162 58 29 TRIAD Washdown/Corrosion Resistant Unit Heater TRIAD® Unit Heater Listing (continued) For Non -Hazardous Areas KW // Vohs < , , Plt ,, Total Amps, i�� � Approxitnate� Air7ernperature � Rise"jF j°�i ., Motor/� Catalog iVurllb� 3 StajQa Control � Avail;libll� � f' Cbtle(2j(3) HP lfolts .. Ph ..� 208 1 4.6 20 11 _2� 1 4 208 234-U11N-0090C 1A 240 1 40 20 11) 1/4 240 1 234-U11N-0090J lA 277 1 35 20 11 1/4 277 1 234-UlIN-009ON 1A 347 1 29 20 (11) 1/4 347 1 234-UllN-00901 1A 9 480 1 20 20 Il 1 4 480 1 234 U11N 0090T 1A 208 3 28 20 11 1 4 208 1 234-U11N-0090D 1A 240 3 24 20 11 1 4 240 1 234-UIIN-0090K 1A 480 _ 3 12 2O (11) 1/4 480 1 234-UIIN-009OU 1A _ 600 a 3 10 2011 1 4 600 1 234-U11N-009OZ 1A 240 1 44 22 12 1/4 240 1 234-U11N-OIOOJ 1A 277 1 39 22 12) 1/4 277 1 234-UIIN-OIOQN 1A 347 1 32 22(12) 1/4 347 1 234-U11N-01001 1A 480 1 22 22(12) 1/4 480 1 234-UIIN-GIGOT 1A 10 208 3 30 22 12) 1/4 208 1 234-U11N-01OOD 1A 480 3 14 22(12) 1/4 480 1 234-UlIN-010OU 1A 277 1 46 26 (14 1/4 277 1 234-U11N-012ON 1A 347 1 38 26 14) 1/4 347 _ 1 _ 234-UlIN-01201 1A 480 1 27 26{14 1 4 480 1 234-UlIN-0120T lA 12 208 3 36 26(14} 1/4 208 1 234-UlIN-0120D lA 240 3 32 26(14) 1/4 240 1 234-UlIN-0120K 1A 480 3 16 26(14) 1/4 480 1 234-U11N-0120U 1A A5 600 3 13 26(14) 1/4 600 1 1 234-UlIN-012OZ 1A 347 1 39 17 9 1 4 347 1 1 234-U11L--01301 1A 208 3 37 17 9 1/4 208 1 234-U11L-0130D 1A 12.5 240 3 33 17 (9) 1/4 240 1 234-U11L-0130K 1A 480 3 17 � 17 (9) 1/4 480 1 234-U11L--013OU 1A 600 3 14 17 9 1/4 600 1 234-U11L 013OZ 1A 347 1 47 21(12) 1/4 347 _ 1 234-UllL-01501 1A 208 3 44 21 (12 1/4 208 1 234-U111:0150D lA 15 24D 3 39 21(12) 1/4 240 1 234-UlIL-0150K 1A 480 3 20 21(12) 1/4 480 1 234-U11L-0150U lA 600 3 16 21 12 114 600 1 234-U11L 0150Z lA 480 3 26 28 (16) 1/4 480 1 234-U11L-020OU 1A 20 600 3 _ 21 28 16 IL4 600 I 234-U11L--020OZ 1A 480 3 32 35(19) 1/4 480 1 234-U11A-0250U 1B 25 600 3 26 35 (19 1/4 600 1 234-UI1A-025OZ 1B 480 3 38 � 42 (23 L 1/4 480 _ 1 234-UlIA-030OU 16 30 600 _ 3 31 42 (23) 1/4 6O0 1 234 Ul1A-030DZ 18 480 3 44 48 {27} 1/4 480 1 234-UIIA-035OU _ 18 35 GOG 3 35 _ 48 {27) 1/4 600 1 234-UlIA-035OZ 1B 480 3 48 54(30) 1/4 480 1 234-Ui1A-039OU 18 38.4 600 3 38 54 (30) 1/4 600 i 234-UIIA-039OZ 1B 47 600 3 47 64 (36) 1/4 600 1 234 U11A-Q470Z 18 (1) Total Amps = Heating element amps and motor amps. (2) Availability Code: AS=Assembly Stork, (3) Stock heaters ordered with custom options subject to longer delivery. NOTE: 2-Stage heaters can he field wired as single stage. 1A= Optional2-stage control, unbalanced (option'X'), 1B= Optional 2-stage control, balanced (optioh')V) 30 I N D E E C O. www.indeeco.com 800-243-8I62 59 WALKER INDUSTRIAL Date: 81612018 To: Alan Plummer Associates Attn: Ryan Koontz Project: Sanger WWTP Rehab & Improvements Ref/ Subject: Dewatering Building Rotary Press Control Mods We are please to provide the attached proposed modification for the Sanger WWTP Rehab & Improvements. CMR-04 Modification Price : $ 6,146. 01 Clarification: Cost Summary Sheets attached Time Extension: 1-week extension is requested /required after approval Exclusions: Standard Subcontract exclusion apply Please contact this office, if you have comment are questions. Thank you, Trevor Jones Project Manager Walker Industrial LLC. (972) 310-8541 cc: operations / WIND Field /Project File 60 Fence Grounding 8/6/2018 nl o T R I A L General Expenses Indirect General Expenses Name Office Trailer Office Furniture Office Supplies Office Phone Office Fax Office Copier Drawings/Submittals Truck Vehicle Gas and Oil Comp Owned Tools Expendables TooYEquip. Rental Storage Trailer Storage Rental Clean up Water Ice Safety Supplies $1,490.00 CITY Amount Amount 0,35% $ - $ 0.50% $1,490.00 $ 0,30% $1,490.00 $ 1.25% $1,490.00 $ 3.00% $1,490,00 $ 1.25% $ - $ 0.86% $1,490.00 $ 0.45% $1,490.00 $ 0.26% $1,490.00 $ 0.75% $1,490,00 $ Sub -Total Direct Job Expense $ Tax 0.00% $ Total Direct Job Expenses $ Indirect Job Expenses Name % 61 Hours 45.00 7.00 11.00 63.00 63.00 Burden Fringe Cost Burden /o Fringes, Rate. Final Cost. cost Cost 41% PM 5.00% 3 $ 61.00 41.00% $ 25A1 $ 86.01 $ 261.00 ASST PM 5.00% 3 $ 48.00 41.00% $ 19.68 $ 67.68 $ 203.00 CAD Manager 0.00% 0 $ 34.00 41.00% $ 13.94 $ 47.94 $ - CAD Operator 0.00% 0 $ 27.50 41.00% $ 11.28 $ 38.78 $ - AdminAssistant 1.50% 1 $ %00 41.00% $ 7.38 $25.38 $ 23.00 $ 487.00 Total Indirect Job Expenses $ 487.00 CAUserslaljoneMDesktop\Bld Summary Dewatoring Building Rotary Press Control Mods 61 WALKER N D U S T R I A L Date: 81612018 To: Alan Plummer Associates Attn: Ryan Koontz Project. Sanger WWTP Rehab & Improvements Ref/ Subject. Dewatering Building HVAC Mods and Heater Addition We are please to provide the attached proposed modification for the Sanger WWTP Rehab & Improvements. CMR-06 Modification Price : $ 3,556.59 Clarification: Cost Summary Sheets attached Time Extension: 1-week extension is requested / required after approval Exclusions: Standard Subcontract exclusion apply Please contact this office, if you have comment are questions. Thank you, Trevor Jones Project Manager Walker Industrial LLC. (972) 310-8541 cc: Operations / WIND Field / Project File 62 INDUSTRIAL Sanger WWTP 81612018 Bid Summary Total Estimated LaborHaurs 31 Burden Fringe Class % of RL Hrs. Hours Hourly Rate Burden % Cost Fringes Cost Rate Cost Electrician 50% 16 $ 28.40 41.00% $ 11.64 9.15% $ 2.60 $ 42.64 $ 661,00 Journeyman Electrician 50% 16 $ 34.00 41.00% $ 13.94 9.15% $ 3.11 $ 51.05 $ 792.00 Superintendent 10% 3 $ 36.00 41.00% $ 14.76 9115% $ 3.29 $ 54.05 $ 168,00 $ 1,621.00 Mark Ups Overhead Percent Amount Material 10.0% $ 75.00 Material $ 754.00 Labor 10.0% $ 162.00 Labor $ 1,621.00 Supplier Quote 10.0% $ - Supplier Quote $ - Direct Job Expenses 10.0% $ 3.00 Subcontractors $ - Indirect Job Expenses 10.0°/a $ 64.00 Direct Job Expenses $ 34.00 Sub Total 10.0% $ 237.00 Indirect Jab Expenses $ 640.00 Subcontractors 5.0% $ Total Cost $ 3,049.00 Sates Tax $ 3.00 Raw Cost with Tax $ 3,052.00 TeW Overhead $ 237.00 Totat Overhead + Qost $ 3,289.00 Profit 5.0% $ 164.00 Total Price $ 3,453.00 Bond 3,00% $ 103.59 Final Cost $ 3,556.59 CAUseas5a1jones1De6tV%B1d Summary Dewaleiing Bulldrng HVAC Mods 63 8/6/2018 1 N D UMWAPS T R I A L General Expenses Indirect General Expenses Name Office Trailer Office Furniture Office Supplies Office Phone Office Fax Office Copier Drawings/Submittals Truck Vehicle Gas and Oil Comp Owned Tools Expendables Tool/Equip, Rental Storage Trailer Storage Rental Clean up Water Ice Safety Supplies Indirect Job Expenses (STY Amount Amount 0.00% $ 754.00 $ - 0.00% $ 754.00 $ - 0.00% $ 754.00 $ - 0.00% $ 754.00 $ - 3.00% $ 754.00 $ 23.00 1.25% $ - $ - 0.00% $ 754.00 $ - 0.45% $ 754.00 $ 3.00 0.26% $ 754.00 $ 2.00 0.75% $ 754.00 $ 6.00 Sub -Total Direct Job Expense: $ 34.00 Tax 8.25% $ 3.00 Total Direct Job Expenses $ "'37.00 Name -: % 31 Hours PM 10.00% 4 $ ENGINNERIASST PM 10.00% 4 $ CAD Manager 0.00% 0 $ CAD Operator 0.00% 0 $ Admen Assistant 3.00% 1 $ Total Indirect Job Expenses $ $ 754.00 Burden Fringe Cost Burden % Rate Final Cost Cost ,Fringes . Cast 41% 61.00 41.00% $ 25.01 $ 86.01 $ 344.00 48.00 41.00% $ 19.68 $ 67.68 $ 271.00 34.00 41.00% $ 13.94 $ 47.94 $ - 27.50 41,00% $ 11.28 $ 38.78 $ - 18.00 41.00% $ 7.38 $ 25.38 $ 25.00 $ 640.00 640.00 CAUsersla(jones\DesklopWd Summary Dewaleriag Building KVAC Mods 64 8I612D18 I EIIN D U S T R I A L Materials Labor Description Quantity Unit Material Cost Price Unit Material Cost _. Labor Unit Total Hours 2012 BREAKER 1 E $ 288.60 E 288.80 2,24 E 2.24 ADD 0-200A C6 1 E $ - E 0.00 3.36 E 3,36 314" GRC CUT&THREAD 6 C $ - C D.00 1 56.00 C 3.36 314" ARC 60 C C 80.60 8,96 C 5.38 314" ARC COUPLING 6 C C 25.00 13.44 C 0.81 314" ARC MYERS HUB 4 E rE E 24,20 0.83 E 3.32 3/4" SEALTIGHT UA 6 C C 9,55 4.48 C0.27 3/4" LT INS STR CONN 2 E E 10.78 22.40 C 0.45 314" 316 SS STRUT STRAP 6 C $ 149.50 C 8.97 13.44 1 0,81 314" ALUM LB 1 E $ 8,00 E 8.00 0.98 -01301 E 0.98 314" ALUM CONDULET COVER 1 E $ 4.76 E 4.76 E 0.30 0.14 314" CONDULET GASKET 'I E $ 1.97 E 1.97 0,141 E 1-112" 316SS STRUT 10 C $ 2,359.19 C 235.92 4.48 C 0.45 3/8" S/S NUT 6 C $ 5.56 C 0,34 4.04 C 0.24 318" S$ WASHER 6 C C 3.69 2.13 C 0.13 318" SS LOCK WASHER 6 C C 2.83 2.13 C 0.13 NO LOX 1 E E 7.00 0.15 E 0.15 #12 XHHW PULLSTRING 210 80 M E M47 M E 34.12 0.00 11.20 6,72 M2.35 M 0.54 4" TY-RAP 5 C C 0.05 4.481 C 0.22 0.07 WIRE MARKER 36 Markers per Card 1 E $ 2.08 E 2.08 6.72 C SCOTCH 33 1 E $ 5.59 E 5,59 0.00 E 0.00 ## 12-2C 208V MOTOR TERM # 12 W IRE TERM -POWER 1 3 E E $ - $ E E 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.19 E E 0.76 0.57 Start up 1 testing 4 E $ - E 0.00 0.00 E �4.00 r 04NU a 1- 1 C-.AUserslationeslDeskloplBld Summary Dewatering Building HVAC Mods 65 Li d LE Commercial & Residential Since 1952 18.1es, . Installation . $wvlce 24 N:DUR EMER:B:EH:CY SERVICE 4M Date: 06/06/2018 PROPOSAL Felix Construction Attn: Ryan Koontz Re: Sanger WWTP - Dewatexing Building Work We propose to provide and install all HVAC work as shown on page H-800 at Sanger WWTP.. Includes washdown unit heater, combination louver/damper, reconnecting existing exhaust fan, installing a Nema4X thermostat. Total Price - $6,950.00 And, to demo the existing split -system and associated ductwork per plan Total Price - $$960.00 Give me a call or e-mail with any questions or concerns regarding this proposal. Sincerely Bryan tell- a Pres...... G.H.A. G.H.A.C. Cell,- 214-837-8122 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, TX 78711 (800) 803-9202 (512) 463-6699 66 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107•SI31 PHONE: 817.6061700 FAX: 817,B70.2536 v"^v.apatenv.com TBPE Firm No. 13 1416-002-01 November 6, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No, 17 (CMR-17): Dewatering Building Additional Controls Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-17 for the above -referenced project. This work was to provide the additional conduit and wiring for the controls on the Fournier system that was required by the manufacturers in addition to what was shown on the drawings. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-17 includes a cost of $6,505.35 with no time extension. I recommend that this item be approved, and the cost to be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN P MER ASSOCIATES, INC, �r- Jeffrey E. Gaffey, E. TX P.E. 81896 JECljbh Ilrtw-fs.ltw.spailsherelprojects19416i002-011Consiruclien AdmirrXConlract ModlticatlonskGMR's1CMRA 7_Dowatering Building Additional Ganlrols1CM13- 17 Recommendationt,elter.doex O 67 Construction Cost Summary Protect I Bid Name: Sanger WWTP Rehabilitation and Improvements Protect Number (FCC): 1838 Notes 1 Other: A. I ahnr F�17 CONSTRUCTY COMPANY Company: City of Sanger Owners Representative: Neal Welch Address: 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Phone: (940) 458-7930 E-mail: NWelch0sangPrlexas,e�n Cate a Hours Rats `; Total Principal $ $ Project Manager $ $ Project Engineer $ $ Admin $ $ General Superintendent $ $ - Project Superintendent $ $ Foreman $ $ Craftsman $ $ Apprentice / Laborer $ $ Labor Subtotal $ - Markup Factor 4% $ ABOR TOTAL $ 6. Felix Eauln Unit Hours '' -.....Rate. + Tota1 Pick-up $ $ Pick-up w/ Tools $ $ Flatbed Truck $ $ Back Hoe $ $ Boom Truck $ $ Loader (CAT 950) $ $ Dump Truck with driver $ $ Excavator (CAT 325) $ $ Water Truck $ $ Compactor CAT $ $ Fxt Reach Forklift $ $ Grading Tractor (Case 480) $ $ Water Wagon $ $ Jumping Jack $ $ Miso Tools / Su lies $ $ Job Trailer $ $ Misc Other $ $ Felix E ul ment Subtotal $ Marko Factor 0% $ FELIX EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ Rental Eautn iUnit Unit ' Rate '<: Total From Worksheet 1 LS $ $ Rental Subtotal $ Marko Factor g 0% $ RENTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ Ry 1 Koontz 1 Project Manager Version 04.16.2011 iliac€ line Quant Cost %Total From Worksheet 1 LS $ Subcontractor Subtotal $ Marku Factor 0% $ SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $ F. uttler OIrect tam Quint Coat =Total From Worksheet 1 LS $ $ Other Subtotal $ Marko Factor 0% $ G. FCC Electrical Dlsc€ line I Quant Cost Total Felix Construction Electrical" to $ $ H. Pass Through item Quint . _ Cost Total.. Concrete Reduction Felix t LS $ 14,858.00 $ t4,856,00 Pass Through Sublotat T (14,858.0 Subtotal: A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H Bond Rate (%) 0.00% $ Tax Rate % 0.00% $ Credit Card Fee °/a 0.00% $ SUB TOTAL $ 28,882.00) CONTINGENCY *' GRAND TOTAL $ (28,862.DD Estimated Duration at Work (Working Days) + F. FOx Construction Company does not Include Its Electrical ASvlslun s costs when calculating overall project overhead and mark-up. DATE: •• Work paid foroul of Contingency funds MI have tax, bond and mark-ups applied at the same tales noted above. December 22, 2017 68 r Construction Cost Summary FE LV vnn;kn oa.l5.xols CgHSTB{7CTi N COMPANYProloct! Bid Name: Company: city of Sanger Sanger WWTP Rehabilitation and Improvements Owners Representative: Neal Watch Addrass: 502 Elm Street Proloct Number IPCC1: Sanger, Texas 76266 1838 Phone: (940) 458.7930 E•mall: NWe1ch0.sang2rlexas.org Category,': 'Hours .:;Rate ;:>Total, Principal $ $ Project Manager $ $ Project Engineer $ $ Admin $ $ GenerM Superintendent - $ - $ Project Superiniondent $ S Foreman $ S Craftsman $ $ Apprentice I Laborer S S Labor Subtotal S WO(AT Factor 15 % $ LABOR TOTAL 5 :?.Onit Hours .'iRata-... Total " Plck•up Pick-upwl Tools - $ - S Fiatbod Truck S $ Back Hoe S $ Boom Truck S $ Loader (CAT 950) S S Dump Truck vrilh driver S S Excavator (CAT 325) - $ S Water Truck Compactor CAT S S Exl Reach Forklift 5 S Grading Tractor (Case 400) S S Water Wagon $ $ Jumping Jack $ - S - Mise Tools! Supplies $ S Job Trailer - $ - $ - Misc Ot11ar $ $ Felix E ui ment $ Moto) $ Marko Faclar t5% i S FELIX EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ - Unit".,._ Rate Total From W0rk9tte0 1 LS S $ $ Rental Subtotal S Marko Factor 15% S RENTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL S 7Vftfi Koontz I Project Manager iterrr_r� Quant; Coat '. 'Total-'> From Worksheet 1 LS $ S S S S S Material Subtotal S Mq!1uA Factor e 15% MATERIAL TOTAL S Blacl Ilne Quant::: coat Total: Walker 1 LS S 6,146.01 S 6,146.01 S S Subcontractor Subtotal $ 6,146.01 Marko Factor 5% $ 307.30 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $ 6,453.31 Cost'..:':Tntal From Worksheet 1 LS $ S $ Other Subtotal $ Marko Factor 15% $ OTHER DiRECT COST TOTAL yDlacl Ilne Quant Cost Total Felix Gonslnictlon Eieclrical' 1.0 S 14 H. Pass Throu h Itam'= Quanl ! Cost sTotal: b From Worksheel 1 LS S S S - Pass Through Subroral Subtotal: AaBtC*D+EtF+G+H S fi,453.31 Bore Rale (%J 0.80% S 52A4 Tax Rata % 0.06% S Credit Card Fee is SUBTOTAL S 6,505.35 CONTINGENCY " GRAND TOTAL S b,505.35 Estimated Duration of Work (Working Days) + ' Febs Coasbsrcuon CumpanY4M not Induda Ifs EIQcW-1 01yWons cosis Mw ealcu Mg overall ptgWavedsead end mark-up. DATE: "Work pain rot out or CoaanpMy Nods nal have tar, bond orb markups applied al ihn same tales nosed above. August 8, 2018 69 Ej' bLK R Sanger WWTP 8/6/2018 it,€UUSTRIAL Bid Summary Fence Grounding Total Estimated Labor Hours 61 Burden Fringe Class % of DL Hrs. Hours Hourly Rate Burden % Cost Fringes Cost Rate Cost Electrician 50% 30 $ 28.40 41.00% $ 11.64 9.15% $ 2,60 $ 42.64 $ 1,296,00 Journeyman Electrlclan 50% 30 $ 34.00 41.00% $ 13.94 9.15% $ 3.11 $ 51,05 $ 1,551.00 Superintendent 10% 6 $ 36.00 41.00% $ 14,76 9,15% $ 3,29 $ 54.05 $ 329,00 $ 3,176.00 Mark Ups Overhead Material Labor Supplier Quote Direct Job Expenses Indirect Job Expenses Sub Total Subcontractors Percent Amount 10.0% $ 149.00 10.0% $ 318.00 10.0% $ - 10.0% $ 6.00 10.0% $ 49.00 10.0% $ 467.00 5.0% $ - Material Labor Supplier Quote Subcontractors Direct Job Expenses Indirect Job Expenses Total Cost Sales Tax Raw Cost with Tax Total Overhead Total Overhead + Cost Profit SAY. Total Price Bond 3.00% Final Cost $ 1,490.00 $ 3,176.00 $ 63.00 $ 487.00 $ . 6,216.00 $ 5,216.00 $ 467.00 $ 6,683,00 $ 284.00 ..$ 51967.00 $ 179.01 $ 6,146.01 C.Wsera%aljonesU)esklop%Bld Summary Dawatering Bullding Rotary Press Control Mods 70 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-OCTOBER 2019 ELECTRIC 9/19/18-10/18/18 D 11/05/2018 27,020.08 000000 27,020.08 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 103.85 000000 I-CBAPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 197.54 0000DO I-CBWPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 419.54 000000 I-C72PY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 325.00 000000 I-CJBPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 184.62 000000 I-C7MPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 341.17 000000 I-CSAPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 189.23 000000 I-CSCPYII.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2018 190.62 000000 I-CSDPY11.9.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/09/2019 263.08 000000 2,214.65 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2018 103.85 000000 I-CBAPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2018 197.54 000000 I-CBWPYll.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 419.54 000000 I-CJ2PY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 325.00 000000 I-C3BPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 184.62 000000 I-C3MPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 341.17 000000 I-CSAPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 189.23 000000 I-CSCPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 190.62 000000 I-CSDPY11.21.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/21/2019 260.00 000000 2,211.57 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY11.9.18 FEDERAL W/H D 11/09/2018 13,408.97 000000 I-T3 PY11.9.18 FICA PAYABLE D 11/09/2018 18,736.70 000000 I-T4 PY11.9.18 FICA PAYABLE D 11/09/2018 4,381.92 000000 36,527.59 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY1L 21.18 FEDERAL W/H D 11/21/2018 13,216.18 000000 I-T3 PY11.21.18 FICA PAYABLE D 11/21/2018 18,630.28 000000 I-T4 PY11.,21.18 FICA PAYABLE D 11/21/2018 4,357.08 000000 36,203.54 26320 TRUST -CITY OF SANGER EMPLOYEE I-DC1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INA D 11/30/2018 330.13 000000 I-DC1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INA D 11/30/2018 330.13 000000 I-DC2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 278.31 000000 I-DC2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 278.31 000000 I-DE1PY11.21.18 DENTAL INS D 11/30/2018 259.28 000000 I-DE1PY11.9.18 DENTAL INS D 11/30/2018 259.28 000000 I--DE2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 444.00 000000 I-DE2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 444.00 000000 I-DF1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 289.08 000000 I-DPIPY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 289.08 000000 I-DF2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 456.48 000000 I-DF2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 456.48 000000 J 12/03/2018 9:30 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 VENDOR I.Q. 30600 30600 15420 J N NAME A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT CHECK STATUS DATE PAGE: INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-DS1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 37.03 000000 I-DS1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 37.03 000000 I-DS2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 92.67 000000 I-DS2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 92.67 000000 I-GLIPY11.21.18 GROUP LIFE $25K D 11/30/2018 107.66 000000 I-GLIPY11.9.18 GROUP LIFE $25K D 11/30/2018 107.66 000000 I-HC1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 1,440.19 000000 I-HC1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 1,440.19 000000 I-HC2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 7,049.93 000000 I-HC2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 7,049.93 000000 I-HE1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 5,750.36 000000 I-HE1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 5,750.36 000000 I-HE2PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 3,321.36 000000 I-HE2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 3,321.36 000000 I-HE3PY11.21,18 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2018 743.04 000000 I-HE3PY11.9.18 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2018 743.04 000000 I-HF2PY11.21.18 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2018 2,525.09 000000 I-HF2PY11.9.18 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2018 2,525.08 000000 i-H52PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 1,302.06 000000 I-HS2PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 1,302.06 000000 I-LLIPY11.21.18 LIFE INSURANCE D 11/30/2018 43.34 000000 I-LLIPY11.9.18 LIFE INSURANCE D 11/30/2018 43.34 000000 i-vC1PYll.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 55.34 000000 I-VC1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 55.34 000000 I-VE1PY11.21.18 VISION INS D 11/30/2018 91.26 000000 I-VE1PY11.9.18 VISION INS D 11/30/2018 84.74 000000 I-VF1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 124.41 000000 I-VF1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 124.41 000000 I-VLIPY11.21,18 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 11/30/2018 649.63 000000 I-VLIPY11.9.18 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 11/30/2018 694.03 000000 I-VS1PY11.21.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 37.08 000000 I-VS1PY11.9.18 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2018 37.08 000000 50,890.30 TASC C-11/9/18 TASC. D 11/09/2018 44.19CR 000000 I-FSCPY11.9.18 FLEX D 11/09/2019 208.33 000000 I-FSMPY11.9.18 FLEX D 11/09/2018 2,298.91 000000 2,463.05 TASC I-FSCPY11.21.18 FLEX D 11/21/2018 208.33 000000 I-FSMPY11.21.18 FLEX D 11/21/2018 2,254.72 000000 2,463.05 4 IMPRINT 1-6673241 GIVE -A -WAYS R 11/05/2018 2,491.04 070445 2,491.04 2 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT" DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 15890 ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING I-180324 CREATE 10' ELECTRIC EASEMENT R 11/05/2018 400.00 070446 400.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 1-1157540011 UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 31.28 070447 I-1157540012 UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 23.70 070447 1-1157540013 MATS & UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 44.08 070447 1-1157540014 UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 26.73 070447 1-115772079 UNIFORMS R 11/D5/2018 28.32 070447 1-1157721077 UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 31.28 070447 1-1157721079 MATS & UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 48.56 070447 1-1157721080 UNIFORMS R 11/05/2018 26.73 070447 1-1157721091 MATS / CITY HALL R 11/05/2018 20.17 070447 280.85 02460 AT&T MOBILITY 1-10282018 CELL PHONE 9/23/18-10/22/18 R 11/05/2018 869.60 070448 869.60 01550 ATMOS i-3023887491OCT GAS 10/2/18 - 10/20/18 R 11/05/2018 45.06 070449 45.06 33330 AWE ACQUISITION INC I-SANGER18001--1 LITERACY STATIONS R 11/05/2018 9,375.00 070450 9,375.00 31670 BOOT BARN i-IvC0153680 RODNEY G. BOOT REIMBURSEMENT R 11/05/2018 71.86 070451 71.86 29560 CLAYTON GRAY I-201810317738 GFOAT CONFERENCE & PER DIEM R 11/05/2018 314.20 070452 314.20 29980 CONTROL SPECIALIST SERVICES L. I-18-5693-01 PULL #1-PUMP & REM DEBRIS R 11/05/2D18 1,118.75 070453 1,118.75 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-NOV-18 NOVEMBER DISPATCH R 11/05/2018 4,094.92 070454 4,094.92 26920 DISCOUNT TROPHIES I-2585 TROPHIES FOR RUN R 11/05/2018 117.50 070455 117.50 26870 EIKON CONSULTANT GROUP I-17079.1-5 ENGINERING REVIEW R 11/05/2018 510.00 070456 510.00 29020 FORT WORTH BOLT & TOOL CO 1 LT I-5250767 BOLTS FOR STREET TRAILER R 11/05/2018 27.10 070457 27.10 J W I 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 18790 FUELMAN I-NP54528010 FUEL 10/22/18 - 10/28/18 R 11/05/2018 01070 GALLS INC. I-010940778 UNIFORMS-FD R 11/05/2018 30710 HARDEN CABINETS, LLC I-397756 CREOSOTE TRLR FLOORING R 11/05/2018 28050 LIONS CLUB I-NOV18 MEMBERSHIP R 11/05/2018 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-56079 TC TRID #2 & MARKING WHITE R 11/05/2018 I-56944 SCREWS DRILL BITS R 11/05/2018 32980 RAY MCCAIN SERVICES INC. I-2782 REPLACED CHAIN ON GATE-ELEC R 11/05/2018 33200 NEW BENEFITS LTD I-FREPY9.14.18 NEW BENEFITS R 11/05/2018 I-FREPY9.28.18 NEW BENEFITS R 11/05/2018 09690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-484032 PIN AND PIN CLIP R 11/05/2018 I-1959-484045 16 OZ OCT BOOST R ll/OS/2018 I-1959-484046 AIR CHUCK, TIRE GUAGE R ll/05/2018 1-1959-484048 16 OZ PROTECT R 11/05/2018 i-19S9-484070 AIR FILTER R 11/05/2018 i-1959-484071 OIL FILTER R 11/05/2018 I-1959-484430 OIL& FUEL FILTER, FUEL/WATER, R 11/05/2018 I-1959-484447 BATTERY, CORE CHRG, GRP 31 NUT R 11/05/2018 I-1959-485285 7 WAY ADAPTER & CONNECTOR R 11/05/2018 1-1959-485344 THINNER R 11/05/2018 I-19S9-485777 ELEC GRS, UTILITY KNIFE R 11/05/2019 02970 OFFICE DEPOT 1-210684844001 OFFICE CHAIR R 11/05/2019 I-217175387001 TOWELS, TRASH BAGS, DETERGENT R 11/05/Z018 32700 PRAETORIAN GROUP, INC. I-010134-6477 ONLINE CLASS PRGRM UPGRADE R 11/05/2018 J PAGE: INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT ➢ISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 2,439.79 070458 2,438.78 508.00 070459 508.00 410.85 070460 410.85 50.00 070461 50.00 62.00 070462 40.90 070462 102.90 344.00 070463 344.00 68.00 070464 68.00 070464 136.00 20.98 0.42CR 07046S 7.99 0.16CR 070465 13.86 0.28CR 070465 20.37 0.41CR 070465 10.47 0.21CR 070465 10.61 0.21CR 070465 135.80 2.72CR 070465 266.90 5.34CR 070465 27.98 0.56CR 070465 7.99 0.16CR 070465 18.98 0.38CR 070465 531.09 269.99 070466 107.98 070466 377.87 200.00 070467 200.00 4 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET. 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 18380 R & T MECHANICAL I-33151 HVAC SERVICES 201 BOLIVAR R 11/05/2018 120.00 070468 120.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-s113143 FASTENERS R 11/05/2018 15.82 070469 1-3113201 WASP SPRAY, PAINT BRUSH, PAINT R 11/05/2018 132.26 070469 i-cS2310 GFI STRIP R 11/05/2018 107.96 070469 I-052810 FASTENERS R 11/05/2018 3.99 070469 I-052835 FASTENERS & NUTSETTER MAGNET R 11/05/2018 4.79 070469 i-053338 PADLOCK R 11/05/2018 15.99 070469 I-053401 LIGHT BULBS R 11/05/2018 73.94 070469 3S4.74 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-206033 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS R ll/D5/2D18 39.00 070470 38,00 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP 1-201911017741 SHIRTS FOR RUN R 11/05/2018 442.00 070471 442.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. 1-1481121-02 STREET LIGHTING R 11/05/2018 19,116.00 070472 1-1481121-03 STREET LIGHTING R 11/05/2018 16,002.00 070472 1-1481742-01 RESTOCK MISC MATERIALS R 11/05/2018 92.00 070472 1-1482387-00 INSULATOR,HUGHES ARMS R 11/05/2018 4,234.82 070472 39,444.92 00100 TMRS I-RETPY10.12.18 TMRS R 11/05/2018 20,779.74 070473 I-RETPY10.26.18 TMRS R 11/05/2018 20,769.00 070473 41,548.74 22700 WATERWAY I-I-TX-76008-359 YEARLY LADDER/HOSE TESTNG R 11/05/2018 1,806.25 070474 1,806.25 21610 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, IN I-E1766732 BATTERY, BATT PACK, TOOL KIT R 11/05/2018 221.34 070475 I-E1766732,001 BATTERY R 11/05/2018 71.98 070475 I-E1769480 CONE KIT R 11/05/2018 481.77 070475 775.09 32750 XL PARTS, LLC i-0011OBB6717 NON CHLORINATED BRAKE CLEANER R 11/05/2018 25.32 070476 I-0110BB6067 FUEL TANK 212-30 R 11/05/2018 442.54 070476 467.86 07370 EDWARD ]ONES INVESTMENTS I-INVPY11.9.18 EDWARD 70NES - O'CONNOR R 11/09/2019 10.00 070477 10.00 5 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY11.9.18 HSA R 11/09/2018 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY11.9.18 FOUNDATION-ISA R 11/09/2018 14470 UNITED WAY I -UN PY11.9.18 DONATIONS R 11/09/2018 16990 ADVANCED RESCUE SYSTEM I-15485 SVC TOOL & CK ALL PARTS R 11/12/2018 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES 1-1247 235-95-16 14 PLY WATER TRUCK R 11/12/2018 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-3619 NOV SHELTER SERVICE R 11/12/2018 08810 ANIMAL CARE EQUIP & SVS, CORP. I-63526 RACCOON TRAPS R 11/12/2018 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-4042768-01 METER SETS R 11/12/2018 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1157732239 SHOP TOWELS/UNIFORMS R 11/12/2019 1-1157732240 UNIFORMS R 11/12/2018 I-1157732241 UNIFORMS/MATS R 11/12/2019 i-1157732242 UNIFORMS R 11/12/2019 I-1157732243 MATS/CITY HALL R 11/12/2018 03170 ASCO I-PS0033953 EDGE CUTTING, BOLT PLOW, NUT R 11/12/2018 12680 BAILEY ENVIRONMENTAL, CORP 1-10/23/2018 HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 11/12/2018 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-83016736 EMS SUPPLIES R 11/12/2018 I-83017801 EMS SUPPLIES R 11/12/2018 31030 C & C DIRECTIONAL BORING LLC I-14668CS INSTALL ELECTRICAL R 11/12/2018 J INVOICE AMOUNT 102.92 PAGE: CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 070479 102.92 7.50 070479 7.50 5.00 070480 5.00 1,475.00 070481 1,475.00 600.00 070482 600.00 4,080.00 070483 4,080.00 450.40 070484 450.40 570.00 070485 570.00 32.18 070496 28.32 070496 48.56 070496 31.11 070486 20.17 070496 160.34 976.52 070487 976.52 4,350.00 070488 4,350.00 39.70 070489 101.20 070489 140.90 7,000.00 070490 7,000.00 C 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 14790 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT I-1623009 STANDING ORD FOR LRG PRNT BOOK R 11/12/2019 560.88 070491 560.88 33290 BELNICK RETAIL LLC-DBA: CHURCH I-INV-6339994 CHAIRS R 11/12/2018 1,128.13 070492 1,128.13 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-09/18/18-10/19/18 ELECTRIC OCT03ER 2018 R 11/12/2018 2,826.31 070493 2,826.31 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAG 1-18833 YEARLY MOWING R 11/12/2018 7,363.00 070494 7,363.00 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP1803535 OCT LATE BILLS & NOV BILLS R 11/12/2018 2,482.53 070495 2,482.53 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESO I-19091024N SEPT 2018 LONG DISTANCE R 11/12/2018 29.93 070496 29.93 32310 EMERGICON LLC I-10079 ASPP COLLECT - PROF SVCS R 11/12/2018 8,964.31 070497 8,964.31 28070 CINDY 30 ATHERTON EPP I-OCT-18 YOGA INSTRUCTION FOR OCTOBER R 11/12/2018 360.00 070498 360.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP54636164 FUEL 10/29/18-11/4/18 R 11/12/2018 1,875.42 070499 1,875.42 31840 HUNTER'S PLUMBING 1-0000458 REPAIR GAS LINE R 11/12/2018 5,000.00 070500 5,000.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-9363S INSPECT-200S STARLITE TRAILER R 11/12/2018 7.00 070501 I-93636 INSPECT-2002 TOPHAT TRAILER R 11/12/2018 7.00 070SO1 I-93637 INSPECT-1999 SPOOL TRAILER R 11/12/2018 7.00 070501 21.00 31660 L.H. CHANEY MATERIALS, INC. 1-0000154119 SLUDGE TRANSFER R 11/12/2018 4,085.00 070502 4,085.00 01570 LOWE`S COMPANIES, INC. I-56696 PRIMER,CLEANER,SPRAY TIP,MASK R 11/12/2018 44.87 070503 44.87 04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.LLC 1-743961 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/12/2018 19.99 070504 19.99 J J 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 31620 NORTH AMERICA FIRE EQUIPMENT C 1-95228 SWIVEL JOINT & SUPPLY LINE R 11/12/2018 89.35 070505 89.35 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-EB59132526 SEPTEMBER FIRST CALL EB R 11/12/2018 21.17CR 070506 C-OSOOA07805 OVER PAYMENT R 11/12/2018 0.30CR 070506 I-1959-479261 DISC PAD SET/AD ACTUATOR 20-20 R 11/12/2018 120.84 2.42CR 070506 I-1959-481250 QT MOTOR FLUSH 02-20 R 11/12/2018 8.99 0.18CR 070506 1-1959-481422 MOTOR OIL 02-20 R 11/12/2018 61.96 1.24CR 070506 I-1959-485797 BAT, CORE CHRG, MOTOR TRTMNTS R 11/12/2018 105.53 2.11CR 070506 269.90 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-220508905001 FILING CABINETS R 11/12/2018 919.97 070507 1-220517522001 FILING CABINETS R 11/12/2018 212.99 070507 I-221121481001 A/C ADAPTER R 11/12/2018 17.39 070507 1-221124921001 POST IT/PPR CLIPS/TAPE/STRG BX R 11/12/2018 66.25 070507 1-221715713001 BLEACH R 11/12/2018 57.52 070507 I-221856617001 ANIMAL CADAVER BAGS LG&MD R 11/12/2018 110.97 070507 1-221860703001 CORRECTION TAPE R 11/12/2018 21.18 070507 I-222497948001 FOLDERS,POSTIT,COFFEE, CUPS R 11/12/2018 39.14 070507 1-222505308001 CUPS R 11/12/2018 4.49 070507 1-222652557001 MOUSE AND KEYBOARDS R 11/12/2018 50.98 070507 1,500.88 09090 PERKINS ENTERPRISE I-3353 COMPRESSOR MAINT & AIR ANALYSI R 11/12/2018 550.00 070508 550.00 02050 PITNEY BOWES, INC. i-3307415167 LEASE ON POSTAGE MACHINE R 11/12/2018 393.00 070509 393.00 32860 RIAZ, MUZAIB 1-201811077752 PER DIEM R 11/12/2018 50.00 070510 50.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B112134 PHILLIPS DRILL BIT R 11/12/2018 7.98 070511 I-B113233 BLADE R 11/12/2019 22.99 070511 1-051082 BIT EXT 12", DRILL BIT R 11/12/2019 20.58 070511 I-051645 CHAIN R 11/12/2019 16.99 070511 68.54 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-206130 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS R 11/12/2018 26.00 070512 26.00 02380 ROBERT A. SINGLETARY 1-1829 PROF SVCS- R 11/12/2018 2,500.00 070513 2,500.00 J 00 8 12/03/2019 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL FOOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 31970 DAVID STONEKING 1-20 GIS R 11/12/2018 620.00 070514 620.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1481185-06 TRANS/CONN/CABLE/CONDUIT R 11/12/2018 33,735.02 070515 33,735.02 16550 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS I-39697 POT HOLE PATCH / COLD MIX R 11/12/2018 2,736.00 070516 2,736.00 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-OCT-18 SOLID WASTE OCT 2018 R 11/12/2018 63,973.62 070517 63,973.62 1 BISHOP-SHERMAN , MEL 1-000201811087759 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 153.68 070518 153.68 1 COLLINS, JUSTIN 1-000201811087785 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 43.77 070519 43.77 1 CROWSEY, TAMMI 1-000201811087780 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 82.05 070520 82.05 1 CUNNINGHAM, 7ESSE W 1-000201811087764 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 14.98 070521 14.98 1 DYER, CHRISTY 1-000201811097763 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 100.00 070522 100.00 1 ELLISON, BRANDON 1-000201811097758 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 272.61 070523 272.61 1 GANN, VICTOR 1-000201811097781 US REFUND R 11/12/2019 143.97 070524 143.97 1 GILBREATH, GREG 1-000201811087765 US REFUND R 11/12/2019 90.71 070525 80.71 1 HOMEYER, REBECCA 1-000201811087766 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 66.94 070526 66.94 1 HUFFHINES, JAMES I-000201811087787 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 82.78 070527 82.78 1 JEWELL, JOHNNY 1-000201811087760 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 6.71 070528 6.71 J 9 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 KARLOFF, TERRY L 1-000201811087777 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 14.98 070529 14.98 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES LLC 1-000201811087770 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 544.92 070530 544.92 1 MCCLINTOCK HOMES, LL 1-000201.811087778 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 540.92 070531 540.92 1 MCGREW, DANIEL 1-000201811087779 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 78.99 070532 78.99 1 METCALF, BRANDON 1-000201811087784 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 57.75 070533 57.75 1 NEW DIMENSION HOLDIN 1-000201811087769 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 61.09 070534 61.09 1 NORRIS, SHELBI L 1-000201811087757 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 100.59 070535 100.59 1 PARK BROOK HOMES INC I-000201811087771 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 552.06 070536 552.06 1 PARK BROOK HOMES INC 1-000201811097773 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 544.92 070537 544.92 1 PARK BROOK HOMES INC 1-000201811087776 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 519.44 070539 519.44 1 PCI CONSTRUCTION 1-000201811087783 US REFUND R 11/12/2019 955.65 070539 955,65 1 RENZ, SAMANTHA D I-000201811087755 US REFUND R 11/12/2019 111.80 070540 111.80 1 RODRIGUEZ, KARINA 1-000201911087761 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 73.74 070541 73.74 1 SAMUEL CUSTOM HOMES, 1-000201911087768 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 541.48 070542 541,48 1 SANFORD, MEGAN I-000201811087782 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 9.11 070543 9.11 00 O 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2019 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 SMITH, MICHELLE 1-000201811087756 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 62.58 070544 62.58 1 SPRINGER, 70HN 1-000201811087786 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 270.43 070545 27GA3 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES, LL I-000201811087767 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 563.52 070546 563.52 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201811087772 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 460.89 070547 460.99 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201811087774 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 572.33 070548 572.33 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201811087775 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 565.95 070549 565.95 1 WHITE, MARK 1-000201811087762 US REFUND R 11/12/2018 14.59 070550 14.59 07370 EDWARD 30NES INVESTMENTS I-INVPY11.21.18 EDWARD 30NES - O'CONNOR R 11/21/2018 10.00 070551 10.00 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY11.21.18 HSA R 11/21/2018 102.92 070552 102.92 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY11.21.18 FOUNDATION-ISD R 11/21/2018 7.50 070553 7.50 14470 UNITED WAY I -UN PY11.21.18 DONATIONS R 11/21/2019 5.00 070554 5.00 09600 AFLAC C-127436 AFLAC R 11/26/2018 0.24CR D70627 I-AFKPY11.21.18 INSURANCE R 11/26/2019 372.15 070627 I-AFKPY11.9.18 INSURANCE R 11/26/2019 372.15 070627 I-AFLPY11.21.18 INSURANCE R 11/26/2019 1,335.36 070627 I-AFLPY11.9.18 INSURANCE R 11/26/2019 1,335.36 070627 3,414.78 02610 ANIXTER INC. 1-4042768-00 METER SETS R 11/26/2019 2,210.00 070628 2,210.00 00 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 VENDOR I.D. NAME 01550 ATMOS I-3023851975NOV18 GAS10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS I-3023952778NOV18 GAS 10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS i-3023885028Novl8 GAS 10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS i-3033356465Novl8 GAS 10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS I-4003476999NOV18 GAS 10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS I-4004620446NOV18 GAS10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS I-4014283051NOV18 GAS10/02/18-11/01/18 01550 ATMOS 1-4018479164NOV18 GAS10/02/18-11/01/18 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-161932 NETWORK MAINTENANCE I-161932A INST/CONF 4 TOUGHBOOKS 27670 BROOKSWATSON & COMPANY, PLLC I-SAN.11.19.18 AUDITING SVC 02490 CENTURYLINK I-11/10/18-12/9/18 PHONE 11/10/18-12/9/18 07850 CLEAT I-CLTPY11.21.18 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE I-CLTPY11.9.18 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE 18790 FUELMAN I-NP54708864 FUEL 11/12/18-11/18/18 33250 GRANICUS LLC I-105606 STUP-TRNING-ANN FEE 00 N PAGE: 12 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK ATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT R 11/26/2018 0.53 D70629 0.53 R 11/26/2018 45.59 070630 45.59 R 11/26/2018 104.37 070631 104.37 R 11/26/2018 51.74 070632 51.74 R 11/26/2019 54.34 070633 54.34 R 11/26/2019 1.16 070634 1.16 R 11/26/2019 52.33 070635 52.33 R 11/26/2019 98.13 070636 98.13 R 11/26/2018 5,577.00 070637 R 11/26/2019 1,500.00 070637 7,077.00 R 11/26/2019 8,500.00 070638 8,500.00 R 11/26/2019 1,696.17 070639 1,696.17 R 11/26/2018 85.40 070640 R 11/26/2018 85.40 070640 170.80 R 11/26/2018 2,224.97 070641 2,224.97 R 11/26/2018 4,692.80 070642 4,692.80 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08210 KWIK KAR i-944S5 52--59 2002 FRGHTLNR INSPECTION R 11/26/2018 7.00 070643 I-94470 2016 TRAILER INSPECTION R 11/26/2018 7.00 070643 14.00 05400 LEGALSHIELD I-PPLPY11.21.18 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 11/26/2018 26.90 070644 I-PPLPY11.9.18 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 11/26/2018 26.90 070644 I-PPLPY9.14.18 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 11/26/2018 26.90 070644 I-PPLPY9.28.18 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 11/26/2018 26.90 070644 107.60 32640 LLOY➢ GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97495937 ELECTRIC SERVICES R 11/26/2018 150.00 070645 I-97496002 WASTEWATER COMPLIANCE R 11/26/2018 1,096.50 070645 1,246.50 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-56256 PVC COUPLING R 11/26/2019 4.22 070646 I-56449 U POST & SHEATHING R 11/26/2018 105.85 070646 110.07 10730 MABAK DIRECTIONAL DRILLING,COR I-7215 REP & ENCASE WTR SVC LINE R 11/26/2018 4,350.00 070647 4,350.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-179989 OCTOBER WARRANT COLLECTION R 11/26/2018 116.70 070648 I-179990 OOCTOBER WARRANT COLLECTION R 11/26/2018 104.40 070648 221.10 04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.LLC 1-746725 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/26/2018 35.00 070649 35.00 09780 MIDWEST TAPE 1-96472271 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/26/2018 16.99 070650 I-96553028 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/26/2018 36.99 070650 1-96600720 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/26/2018 41.99 070650 95.97 31620 NORTH AMERICA FIRE EQUIPMENT C I-953900 FIRE HOSE,VALVE,NOZZLE R 11/26/2018 3,052.80 0706S1 I-9S3900A COATS / PANTS R 11/26/2018 3,332.10 070651 I-954300 FIRE HOSE,VALVE,NOZZLE R 11/26/2018 425.84 070651 6,810.74 04300 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF I-INV-0000031245 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 2018-2019 R 11/26/2018 840.00 070652 840.00 08870 NORTHERN TOOL 1--11231 TOOLS R 11/26/2018 179.89 070653 179.89 00 W 13 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 1-1959-485936 WIPER BLADES R 11/26/2018 39.62 0.79CR 070654 I-1959-485970 WIPER BLADES 15-20 R 11/26/2018 7.82 0.16CR 070654 1-1959-486004 WIPER BLADES R 11/26/2018 39.62 0.79CR 070654 I-1959-486953 PERFORMANCE SOCKET SET R 11/26/2018 89.99 1.80CR 070654 I-1959-487302 STARTER SWITCH R 11/26/2018 18.99 0.38CR 070654 I-1959-487532 WIPER BLADES, SEALED BEAM R 11/26/2018 19.22 0.36CR 070654 1-1959-488321 CIRCUIT BOARD R 11/26/2018 392.63 7.85CR 070654 I-1959-488333 QT IN3CT CLNR, AIR&FUEL FILTER R 11/26/2018 55.69 1.11CR 070654 I-1959-488922 HANDLE 08-20 R 11/26/2018 34.99 0.70CR 070654 I-1959-490260 TENSIONER,PULLEY,BELT,MTRFLUSH R 11/26/2018 107.27 2.15CR 070654 788.75 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-227632698001 PAPER,FOLDER,SUGAR,CRMR,PL.ATES R 11/26/2018 50.59 070655 1-228288127001 CUPS AND PENS R 11/26/2018 26.51 070655 I-228318549001 HIGHLIGHTERS R 11/26/2018 2.40 070655 79.50 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF T I-029597 ST SIGNS EAST RIDGE, LA PALOMA R 11/26/2018 213.50 070656 213.50 25490 PLASTICPLACE 1-224327 TRASH BAGS R 11/26/2018 320.90 070657 320.90 25270 PRIMORIS T & D SERVICES, LLC I--26060231 RECONDUCTOR WORK COWLING R 11/26/2018 34,436.00 070658 34,436.00 32910 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE I-OSK0127279800 WATER/DELIVERY FEE R 11/26/2018 124.14 070659 124.14 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B113489 SAWZAL BLADE R 11/26/2018 19.99 070660 I-8113520 REPLACE LIGHT BULB IN OFFICE R 11/26/2018 9.99 070660 i-Bll3587 GORILLA TAPE & PIPE FOIL R 11/26/2018 35.96 070660 I-8113927 WRENCH SLIPNUTS R 11/26/2018 13.99 070660 I-B113828 WRENCH SLIPNUTS & PIPE WRENCH R 11/26/2019 6.00 070660 I-B113925 PIPE INSULATION, FAUCET COVER R 11/26/2018 24.12 070660 I-B113941 LIGHTED PLUG & CONNECTOR R 11/26/2019 46.96 070660 I-B113977 CABLE TIES R 11/26/2019 50.16 070660 I-B114010 INSERT POWER R 11/26/2019 5.18 070660 I-053939 PVC COUPLING R 11/26/2018 23.16 070660 I-053989 SCREWS AND WASHERS R 11/26/2018 2.82 070660 I-053999 BUSHING R 11/26/2018 5.56 070660 I-054010 TRASH CAN R 11/26/2018 25.99 070660 I-054015 MAGUM PADLOCK R 11/26/2018 22.99 070660 I-054039 SPRAY PAINT R 11/26/2018 19.95 070660 I-054130 FOAM ROLLER R 11/26/2018 6.59 070660 I-054466 ARCTIC BAN RV ANTIF R 11/26/2018 3.49 070660 i-054527 MILK HOUSE HEATERS R 11/26/2018 23.99 070660 00 12/03/2018 9:30 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-054602 PAINT TRAY & MINI FOAM ROLLER R 11/26/2018 11.38 070660 I-054708 SCOOP GRAIN,SPRYPAINT,RIVET TL R 11/26/2018 59.94 070660 I-054876 GFI PLUG R 11/26/2018 49.99 070660 468.19 01800 SANGER INSURANCE I-201911197799 NOTARY FEE FOR RANELL QUAM R 11/26/2018 71.00 070662 71.00 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-000000045911 ERCOT TRANS OPERATOR DESIG R 11/26/2018 1,407.95 070663 1,407.95 30600 TASC I-IN1373723 FUNDING FINALIZATION FUNDS DUE R 11/26/2018 178.24 070664 178.24 02690 TECHLINE, INC. 1-1482388-01 STREET LIGHTS R 11/26/2018 136.05 070665 I-1482730-00 LED FIXTUR KIT -CONDUIT R 11/26/2018 1,006.00 070665 I-1482775-00 RESTOCK-AMPACT-CONNECTOR R 11/26/2018 671.40 070665 I-1686605-01 ELECTRIC SYS IMPROVEMENTS R 11/26/2018 29,099.00 070665 30,912.45 32750 XL PARTS, LLC I-011OBB7622 HEAD LAMP ASSEMBLY R 11/26/2018 79.96 070666 79.96 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-39713-RI-1 OCT 18 E 11/21/2018 10,996.48 999999 10,896.48 01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGE 1-18117 LEGAL SERVICES E 11/21/2019 2,229.25 999999 2,229.25 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-A271810 ADMIN FEE 2018 - 2019 E 11/12/2019 2,905.00 999999 2,905.00 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W271811 OCT 2018 E 11/21/2019 22,150.10 999999 22,150.10 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY11.9.18 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 11/09/2018 1,235.99 999999 1,235.89 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY11.21.18 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 11/21/2018 1,188.50 999999 1,188.50 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21154417 OCT 18 ELECTRIC E 11/20/2018 379,229.61 999999 379,229.61 12/03/2018 9:30 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 VENDOR I.D. NAME 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-17 SWER PLNT CONSTRUCTIN r T O T A L S h REGULAR CHECKS: HAND CHECKS: DRAFTS: EFT: NON CHECKS: VOID CHECKS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS BANK: POOL TOTALS: REPORT TOTALS: A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT E 11/21/2018 186,319.91 999999 186,319.91 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 149 392,925.52 32.89CR 392,892.63 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 159,993.83 0.00 159,993.83 8 606,154.74 0.00 606,154.74 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 165 1,159,074.09 32.89CR 1,159,041.20 165 1,159,074.09 32.89CR 1,159,041.20 165 1,159,074.09 32.89CR 1,159,041.20 12/03/2018 9:39 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: ALL BANKS DATE RANGE:11/01/2018 THRU 11/30/2018 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 05400 LEGALSHIELD M-CHECK LEGALSHIELD UNPOST V 11/26/2019 33270 LEVEL ONE PAVING INC M-CHECK LEVEL ONE PAVING INC UNPOST V 11/15/2019 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/26/2018 PAGE: 1 INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 070214 53.80CR 070381 17,600.000R 070661 T O T A L S NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 3 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 17,653.80CR 17,653.80CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: TOTALS: 3 17,653.80CR 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 3 17,653.80CR 0.00 0.00 REPORT TOTALS: 3 17,653.80CR 0.00 0.00 00 J 12-03-2018 10:31 AM C A S H C 0 L L E C T I 0 N R E C E I P T R E G I 5 T E R PAGE: 1 RECEIPT DETAILS REC A DATE OPER BATCH T# TRAN SYS APPLIED TENDERED CHANGE MH REP VD NOTE --------------------------------------- 629607 11/30 kwall 14549 002 101.0000 --µ------------------------------------------------------------------------------„,_.„--------- USP 76.82CR 76.82CR CC Kw 08-7360-01 JOHNSON, OLIN NEAL 629608 11/30 kwall 14549 002 101.0000 USP 516.79CR 516.79CR CC Kw 08-1020-00 TONES, SAM 629612 11/30 kwall 14549 002 101.0000 USP 137.13cR 137.13CR CC Kw 02-1710-05 GIPSON, CHRISTOPHER 629616 11/30 kwall 14549 002 101.0000 USP 168.74CR 168.74CR CC kw 11-1272-12 MARTIN, IDA 00 00 12-03-201810:31AM CAS H C 0 L L E C T 1 0 N R E C E I PT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PAYMENT SUMMARY METHOD DESCRIPTION MERCHANT CODE DESCRIPTION NO AMOUNT -------------------------------------------------------..---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC 4-Credit Card UTILITY UTILITY ETS 4 899.48 TOTAL 4 899.48 NO ERROR(S) IN THIS REPORT END OF REPORT ^^ oc ALL AMERICAN DOGS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ROLLING OVER: LAST MONTH 0 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 INCOMING IMPOUNDED: DOGS 8 6 IMPOUNDED: CATS 4 2 EMERGENCY CALL OUT: DOG EMERGENCY CALL OUT: CAT TNR-TRAP RELEASE: CAT TOTAL BEFORE DISPOSITION 12 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SURRENDER: DOG 1 1 SURRENDER: CAT SURRENDER TOTAL FOR MONTH 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OUTGOING ADOPTION: DOG 2 2 ADOPTION :CAT 3 RESCUE PICK UP: DOG RESCUE PICK UP: CAT OWNER PICK UP: DOG 3 2 OWNER PICK UP: CAT RELEASE TO BARN: CAT DIED: DOG DIED: CAT EUTHANIZED: DOG EUTHANIZED: CAT TOTAL OUTGOING 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 YTD TOTAL(260) 248 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 rolling over-- total at the end of the month before total before disposition= all incoming animals total at end of month= rolling over +total before disposition - total outgoing O YTD total= 260 - total incoming (1st month) continue subtracting total incoming