84-6-Ordinance-Granting Franchise to Central Telephone Midstate Company-06/18/1984 ORDINANCE N0. 84- 6 CITY ORIGINAL COPY AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WISE COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY D/B/A CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY-MIDSTATE. ITS SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, LESSEES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS, A NONEXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY (20) YEARS TO USE THE HIGHWAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, RIVERS AND OTIiER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING A TELEPHONE SYSTEM, INCLUDING ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES, AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID COMPANY IS TO OPERATE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: SECTION I Wise County Telephone Company d/b/a Central Telephone Company-Midstate, a Texas corporation, its lessees, successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") is hereby granted the nonexclusive right and privilege for a period of twenty (20) years to use the streets, alleys, bridges, rivers and other public places of the City of Sanger, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") as the same may exist from time to time, for the purpose of erecting, maintaining and operating a telephone system, including all necessary appurtenances, and to use, jointly or otherwise, the property of other companies and to permit other companies to use its property under such arrangement as such companies and the Company may agree upon. SECTION II All poles, wires, cables, conduits or other fixtures installed by the Company under this ordinance shall be located so as not to interfere unreasonably with the ordinary travel and use by the public of the highways, streets, alleys, bridges, rivers and other public places of the City. SECTION III No person shall move, over the public ways and places within the City, any building or other object or take any other action which will necessitate the relocation of any Company's equipment, without first agreeing to reimburse the Company for the cost of such relocation, including the cost of maintaining temporary service during such relocation, and securing a permit from the City. SECTION IV The Company shall properly repair or replace any sidewalk or street surface which may be displaced or damaged by it in the erection and maintenance of its telephone system. Upon failure of the Company to do so and after thirty (30) days' notice in writing given by the City to the Company, the City may repair or replace such portion of the sidewalk or street surface as may have been disturbed by the Company and collect the costs so incurred from the Company. SECTION V The Company is hereby granted the right to trim trees upon and overhanging the highways, streets, alleys, bridges, rivers and other public places of the City, so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires or cables of the Company. SECTION VI The City hereby expressly reserves the right or resolution, reasonable regulations for the protection of its inhabitants under the police hereafter exists in the City. SECTION VII The Company will provide Extended its General Customer Services Tariff Commission of Texas. Any modification achieved under the provisions of the Procedure, to establish, convenience, power as the by ordinance safety and same now or Area Service under the provisions of as authorized by the Public Utility of the service thus provided will be Commission's Rules of Practice and SECTION VIII In Consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, the Company, its lessees, successors and assigns shall pay to the City, a fee equal to three percent (3%) of the annual gross receipts received by the Company from its telephone subscribers for the provision of local exchange service within the Corporate boundaries of the City, "Gross receipts" shall not include the following amounts received by the Company from its telephone subscribers for payment of said three percent (3%) fee; any tax levied pursuant to a messages tax act or any other similar state law, or any other fee, charge license, tax or assessment levied upon Company, whether paid by Company from its subscribers, in addition to the tariff charges otherwise collected by Company. Said fee shall be paid to and received by the City as compensation in full and in lieu of any and all other fees, charges, licenses, taxes or assessments of whatever nature which shall or may be imposed by the City on the Company, provided, that if any other fees, charges, licenses, taxes or assessments (other than ad valorem taxes imposed generally upon real and personal property and special assessments for special benefits accruing to property originated by the Board of Local Improvements of the City) shall hereafter be imposed by the City on the Company, whether paid by the Company or passed on to and collected by the Company from its customers pursuant to tariff law or order of the Texas Public Utilities Commission or any other governmental authority having jurisdiction to permit or require the collection of such amounts, said fee shall be credited and reduced by an amount equal to such other fees, charges, licenses, taxes or assessments. Said fee shall be paid in an annual payment on or before April 1 of each year for the preceding year's gross receipts received by the Company from January 1 to December 31, Beginning on April 1, 1989 and every five (5) years thereafter for the term of this agreement, the City may review the percent of the annual gross receipts paid by the Company and may adjust the percent in accordance with, but not in excess of, the legally allowable limit. SECTION IX In the event any section or part of this ordinance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining sections or portions of this ordinance. SECTION X All rights and privileges granted hereunder shall be and remain in full force and effect for and during the term of twenty (20) years from and after its effective date, which shall be the date of filing of the written acceptance of this ordinance by the Company in the manner hereinafter provided. SECTION XI No right or privilege granted hereunder shall become effective until the written acceptance of this ordinance by the Company has been filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after such passage and approval of this ordinance. APPROVED this 18 th day of (SEAL) ATTEST: June 9 1.984 . Mayor