06/05/2017-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular�gulc SWQ TEXAA AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, June 5, 2017 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, May 15, 2017 2. Regular City Council Meeting, May 15, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve the 2017 Denton County Interlocal Collection Agreement For Tax Collection Between Denton County Texas and the City of Sanger. d) Reappoint Presiding Judge Danny Spindle, Alternate Judge Kenneth Hartless, and Hugh Coleman as Prosecutor. e) Reappoint Christy Punches as Municipal Court Clerk and Stephanie Dodson as Deputy Court Clerk and Authorize City Manager to Oversee the Daily Operations and Performance of the Municipal Court Clerk and the Deputy Court Clerk. f) Approve Reappointing Existing Board Members for Two Year Term: Planning and Zoning Commission — Jason Collett — Place 1 Dennis Dillon — Place 3 Kelly Morgan — Place 5 Board of Adjustment — Jason Collett — Place 1 Dennis Dillon — Place 3 Kelly Morgan — Place 5 Parks Board — Joshua Shumate — Place 1 Jackie Turner — Place 3 Alicia Metcalf — Place 5 Library Board - Kandyce LaFleur — Place 1 Dorcyle McClure — Place 3 Suzanne Sears — Place 5 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning A Minor Plat of the Bella Addition, 0.254 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, located at the Northwest Corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on A Minor Plat of the Bella Addition, 0.254 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located in the Northwest Corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Amendment 2 To The Scope of Services For The Lift Station and Wastewater Pipeline Improvements for Additional Services between the City of Sanger, Texas and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve A Bid Proposal to Engage NewGen Strategies & Solutions to Prepare A Utility Rate Study (Electric, Water, And Wastewater) For the City of Sanger. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Financial Report for April 2017. b) Capital Projects Recap as of May 31, 2017. 9. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: �yyQ�, C r�'i/'�T at f�n.'�� �:m. and shall remain posted until meet' g is adjourned. Che P e, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas AS \ This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION May 15, 2017, 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary., Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic and Community Development, Jeriana Staton, Human Resources Coordinator 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the Meeting to Order at 6:01 p.m. 2. Discussion of Future Personnel Needs. City Manager Brice provided a presentation on future personnel needs. He advised that this is the beginning of our budget meetings for the summer. On June 19th we will have our first official budget meeting. We are taking a different approach on personnel needs this year. In the past, we have had a future personnel projection list, which was usually a five-year list of our future needs. We have taken a more comprehensive approach this year and changed the strategy predominately basing it on two population benchmarks of 10,000 and 12,000. He summarized and explained each section of the "Future Personnel Needs Assessment" provided with the Work Session Agenda. In re -cap, he noted that when we fill these positions in the future we need to be sure that that there are sustainable revenues so that the positions are sustainable and that we are not just doing it on a good year and then can't afford to fund the position the next year. Most of the positions fall under the general fund which means they bear the brunt of the increase which sometimes makes it a challenge. On the property tax limits proposed by the legislature, we had a little bit of good news on that today, but, basically you can completely throw this plan out if they do approve it. All we will be able to do is keep up with what we have. The Property Tax Limit Bill will really hurt growing cities like us. He noted that this report is a template and it is going to change over time. There are two charts in the back that show a priority for filling positions, with years at the column headers, please ignore those years in the column headers — they are there really for prioritization. There shouldn't be any expectation that those positions are going to get filled in the year of the column they are in (this comment is probably more directed toward staff.), they will only be added if they can be afforded, it is not an entitlement. He asked if the Counciimembers had any questions. Councilman Chick asked which employees were paid out of the Enterprise fund. City Manager Brice noted that Water, Wastewater, Electric are in the Enterprise Fund. Mayor Muir noted he appreciated the time taken to put together such a comprehensive review of the personnel needs.. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. There was no additional discussion regarding Items on the Regular Agenda. 4. Adjourn. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:02 p.m. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 15, 2017, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan, Director of Community and Economic Development, Jeriana Staton, Human Resources Coordinator. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the Regular City Council meeting to order for Monday May 15, 2017 at 7:07 p.m. The Invocation was led by Councilman Chick, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Clark. 2. Consider, Discuss and Approve Ordnance 905-02-17— Canvassing the Results of Votes for the Purpose of Electing Candidates to the Office of City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, for the General Election Held on May 6, 2017, Declaring the Results of That Election and Providing for an Effective Date. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to Approve Ordnance #05-02-17— Canvassing the Results of Votes for the Purpose of Electing Candidates to the Office of City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, for the General Election Held on May 6, 2017, Declaring the Results of That Election and Providing for an Effective Date. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. The Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 3. Issue Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Official and Oath of Office. City Secretary Price gave Certificates of Election, Statements of Elected Official and Oaths of Office to each Councilman Officially Elected into position as a result of the May 6t", 2017 Election. Councilman Lee Allison, Place 1, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Place 3 and Councilman David A. Clark, Place 5. 4. Elect Mayor Pro Tem. A nomination was made by Councilman Chick to nominate Councilman Bilyeu for Mayor Pro Tem. The nomination was seconded by Councilman Clark. There were no other nominations. A vote was taken and the nomination to elect Councilman Gary Bilyeu as Mayor Pro Tem passed unanimously 4-0 vote (Councilman Bilyeu absent). 5. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). There were no citizens recognized who wished to speak on items not on the agenda. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: a. City Council Work Session, May 1, 2017 b. Regular City Council Meeting, May 1, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve Ordinance #05-03-17 Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article 7.100 "Municipal Court Generally", Deleting in Entirety Section 7.111 "Warrant Officer". Providing for the Appeal of All Ordinances in Conflict, A Severability Clause, and Providing for an Effective Date. City Manager Brice advised that Warrant Officer was put into the Ordinance several years back to provide pay to Reserve Officers for delivering warrants. We no longer have Reserve Officers so it is a mute point. It no longer needs to be a part of the Municipal Court Ordinance, so we are taking it out. Mayor Muir noted this is a part of our ongoing review and clean up of all of the City Ordinances. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to Approve the Consent Agenda, Items a., b., and c., as presented. The Motion to Approve was seconded by Councilman Allison. The Motion carried unanimously with 4-0 Vote (Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 7. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No Items were moved from the agenda. REGULAR AGENDA Mayor Muir moved Atmos, Item No. 10 to this point in the Agenda. 10. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Resolution No. 05-01-17 By the City of Sanger, Texas ("City") Approving a Change in the Rates of Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division ("ATMOS") As A Result of A Settlement Between Atmos and the Atmos Texas Municipalities ("ATM") Under the Rate Review Mechanism; Finding the Rates Set By the Attached Tariffs to be Just and Reasonable; Finding That the Meeting Complied with the Open Meetings Act; Declaring An Effective Date; and Requiring Delivery of the Resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel. City Manager Brice summarized that this is an item by Atmos for a rate increase that comes up every year. The City is a member of the "ATM" which is a consortium of cities that negotiate with ATMOS on their rate increases. This year they started at 57 Million and ended up at 48 Million and this is recommended for approval from our consultant. Councilman Boutwell noted that he did have questions until he read the detail and saw what it would take in going back and refighting the same battles that we have lost in the past, with the legal costs and the processes of going to the Railroad Commission, that this is probably the best we can expect without expending further funds futilely. Mayor Muir agreed with Councilman Boutwell's comment and added that we are a growing area and any help they (Atmos) could provide to us in facilitating that along the way we would appreciate it. A Motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to Approve a Resolution No. 05-01-17 By the City of Sanger, Texas ("City") Approving a Change in the Rates of Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division ("ATMOS") As A Result of A Settlement Between Atmos and the Atmos Texas Municipalities ("ATM") Under the Rate Review Mechanism; Finding the Rates Set By the Attached Tariffs to be Just and Reasonable; Finding That the Meeting Complied with the Open Meetings Act; Declaring An Effective Date; and Requiring Delivery of the Resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel. There were a few questions by Councilman Chick. It was noted through questioning that the last rate increase was last year. John Mangonilla with Atmos Energy was recognized stated that the Cities have original jurisdiction over the rates in Texas and if a rate can not be agreed upon then it is appealed to the Railroad Commission. City Manager Brice noted it is approved by the individual cites by resolution (as the one being presented), and if one of the cities does not approve it, then it gets appealed to the railroad commission, just for the city that did not approve it. Mr. Manganilla noted that the Cities not approving it would be responsible for the legal fees at that point. Councilman Chick asked how much their rates would be increasing. Mr. Manganilla advised that the increase last year was about $1.00 a month per customer and this year it is about $2.00 a month per customer. He noted that their prices will continue to increase, not only because of growth, but because a lot of the infrastructure in the country is aging. They are doing a lot of pipe replacement projects, so a lot of this is for replacing infrastructure and increasing the reliability and safety of the system. He noted the only thing they are doing in this area is some road relocation work for some roads that are getting put in. The Motion was called and carried unanimously with 4-0 vote (Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 8. Services Update Presentation for Children's Advocacy Center. Mr. Troy Hamm, Board of Director for Children's Advocacy Center was recognized. He noted his purpose for being here tonight is to provide some important information about the work the Children's Advocacy Center does and to thank the City for its ongoing support. He noted it is difficult to talk about the subject of child abuse. That one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. The sad reality is in 2016, the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County helped provide justice and healing for 1900 children and non -offending family members. The center saw 757 new children last year and provided forensics interviews for them in a child friendly location from a trained professional. More than 95% of those cases were child sexual abuse. Putting that number in perspective, the 757 children would fill every seat in every classroom in two Sanger elementary schools. He noted they helped 47 clients in Sanger in 2016 and provided 851 separate services for those 47 clients. The mission of the center is to provide justice and healing for the abused child and through interagency collaboration and community education. How does the Children's Advocacy Center provide justice and healing? To help with justice they work closely with law enforcement and have worked with Chief Amyx and the Sanger Police Department and he wanted to thank them for their support and efforts to protect the children. He explained how the agency works and all of the entities involved and all of the services provided. He noted they have improved the conviction rate from 1997 when they opened from 8% to 78%. He advised of some of the educational programs they are having and to check their website for programs, dates and time. He thanked the Mayor, Council, City Staff and Chief Amyx and the entire Police Department for their time and support of the Children's Advocacy of Denton County. 9. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Minor Plat of the Wallace Addition, 1.0 Acres in the W. Mason Survey, Located North of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. Alina Ciocan, Director of Community and Economic Development was recognized. She advised that this is a one acre lot located in the ETJ. About six months ago the Council approved another lot in the similar vicinity. The County performed a review and they had some comments. The comments have been addressed and staff finds the Plat to be in conformance with the subdivision ordinance. It was noted that the plat has an unusual shape and that it had to be reconfigured because some of the one acre lot which is required was in the flood plain. They had to show a full acre outside of the flood plain. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the Minor Plat of the Wallace Addition, 1.0 Acres in the W. Mason Survey, Located North of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. The Motion to Approve was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously with 4-0 vote (Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 11. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Capital Projects Update. City Manager Brice noted through questioning, that they are moving dirt on the Wastewater treatment plant improvements and digging up rocks the size of his desk. They hit rock the second scoop in the ground. He noted the tools they were using and that they were doing a pretty good job. There was question on McReynolds Road and if we were still waiting on Atmos. City Manager Brice noted that Atmos has been out there the last two weeks and they may be almost done. John Manganilla with Atmos Energy was in the audience and noted he has made a note and will have an update emailed to the City Manager. Councilman Chick asked about the Cowling Lift Station. City Manager Brice noted we are still doing the engineering on it and looking at doing the route for the force main and the gravity main coming from Cowling to the new lift station which we are now calling the Railroad Lift Station. We will get all of those plans 100% done, and get the easements, and that project will go on the shelf until we have the money to do it. This was a part of what the Bond money would have paid for; however, plans are having to be reworked since the plan bid came at 11-million instead of 8-million. City Manager Brice noted that as long as we do not have a whole lot of growth on the west side of town, we should be ok; however, if we have growth on the west side of town we will have to buckle down and find the money to complete the project sooner. There was question as to electrical problems at Cowling that were mentioned in the past and it was noted they have been repaired. If we take in enough tap fees we may be able to go ahead and do it. It is about a 3-million-dollar project. City Manager Brice noted it was still going to be 18 months to two years before they even finish the engineering. Councilman Chicle asked about the progress on the wells and it was noted we were just waiting on the SCATA to be completed. 14. ADJOURN There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m. 5/11/2017 4:21 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT NO# AMOUNT 00600 CITY OF SANGER I -APR 17 ELECTRIC 3/13/17-4/13/17 D 5/11/2017 28,846.44CR 000000 I -APR 17A ELECTRIC 3/13/17-4/13/17 D 5/11/2017 579.77CR 000000 29,426.21 26810 BANK OF TEXAS I-05152017A SANG412GOR PRINCIPAL,INTEREST, D 5/11/2017 375,725.000R 000000 I-05152017B SANG1115CO INTEREST, AGENT FEE D 5/11/2017 98,150.000R 000000 473,875.00 26180 ACME UTILITY INSPECTION SERVICES, INC I-3082 LOCATE FOR SEWER PROD R 5/11/2017 2,080.000R 066294 2,080.00 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-00000004045V STREAM RESTORATION R 5/11/2017 1,667.96CR 066295 1,667.96 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156840515 FLEET UNIFORMS R 5/11/2017 31.22CR 066296 I-1156840516 STREETS UNIFORMS R 5/11/2017 30.28CR 066296 I-1156840517 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES R 5/11/2017 8.46CR 066296 I-1156840518 WATER UNIFORMS R 5/11/2017 61.14CR 066296 I-1156840519 PARKS UNIFORMS R 5/11/2017 26.73CR 066296 157.83 02460 AT&T 140BILITY I-04282017 CELL PHONE MAY 2017 R 5/11/2017 1,445.12CR 066297 1,445.12 01550 ATMOS 1-4/2/17-5/l/17 GAS 4/2/17-5/1/17 R 5/11/2017 486.62CR 066298 486.62 12680 BAILEY ENVIRONMENTAL, CORP I-201705036629 SPRING HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 5/11/2017 4,650.000R 066299 4,650.00 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-100143524118 DENTON CO TX MV REGISTRATION R 5/11/2011 8.50CR 066300 I-1765 HOMEDEPOT/GARAGE DOOR OPENER R 5/11/2011 62.52CR 066300 I-1959-319972 OREILLY AUTO PARTS R 5/11/2011 40.84CR 066300 I-1992991 FACEBOOK-FREDDOM FEST BOOST R 5/11/2011 31.73CR 066300 I-201705046633 DENTON CO TX MV VEHICLE REGIS R 5/11/2011 1.01CR 066300 I-201705046634 TRAILER TAGS R 5/11/2017 37.50CR 066300 I-201705116635 RESQUE-1 LLC R 5/11/2011 35.000R 066300 I-201705116636 AMAZON-POSTERMYWALL R 5/11/2017 2.99CR 066300 I-201705116637 AMAZON-POSTERMYWALL FREEDOM FE R 5/11/2017 2.99CR 066300 I-201705116638 DOMINO'S PIZZA-HALLOWEEN FUN R R 5/11/2017 113.10CR 066300 1-201705116639 SNOWSOURCE-SNOW BLOWING SNOWMA R 5/11/2017 349.000R 066300 1-2247091 FACEBOOK-HALLOWEEN FUN RUN BOO R 5/11/2017 6.85CR 066300 I-408253076374 JET/SAFETY GLASSES R 5/11/2017 63.20CR 066300 I-4390408 4IMPRINT-PARKS HATS R 5/11/2017 363.52CR 066300 I-47682402 NORTHERN TOOL -SPRAYER R 5/11/2017 242.76CR 066300 I-598024 NORTH TEXAS FIRE MARSHAL'S CON R 5/11/2017 471.93CR 066300 I-677125652-01 ORIENTAL TRADING -GLOW ITEMS R 511IY2017 134.93CR 066300 I-83508990 PRICELINE.COM/M4PTON INN R 5/11/2017 600.25CR 066300 I-C434961617 H014E DEPOT R 5/11/2017 1,318.000R 066300 3,886.62 5/11/2017 4:21 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/11/2017 00550 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES I-2703095 GREASE DISPENSER R 5/11/2017 29560 CLAYTON GRAY I-201705116646 INCODE CONFERENCE R 5/11/2017 03730 COLLIN COLLEGE, COURTYARD CENTER I-S0062192 DEAF&HARDOFHEARING/C.ANINEENCOU R 5/11/2017 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-CM201791 ICE MACHINE RENTAL -MAY 17 R 5/11/2017 31510 CUST014 AUTO REPAIR - RANDELL DAARON BALL I-998780 REPAIR HAIL DAMAGE R 5/11/2017 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT I-14660 2017 CONTRACT 140WING R 5/11/2017 22400 DUNN, REECE I-201705116642 14EAL MONEY 5/8 CLASS R 5/11/2017 I-201705116643 MEAL MONEY 5/15 CLASS R 5/11/2017 I-201705116644 MEAL MONEY 5/23 CLASS R 5/11/2017 I-201705116645 MEAL MONEY 5/26 CLASS R 5/11/2017 31420 ECOLO ENVIRONMENTAL INC I-26824 ODOR NEUTRALIZING SYS R 5/11/2017 29750 FELIPE IBARRA I-346732 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT R 5/11/2017 18790 FUELMAN I-NP50345709 FUEL 5/1/17-5/7/17 R 5/11/2017 25560 GARY DILL BACKHOE SERVICE I-2178 14ANHOLES R 5/11/2017 I-2179 WATER SVC UNDER ROAD R 5/11/2017 1 JAMES B. JOHNSON I-201705116640 OVER PAYMENT R 5/11/2017 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 066301 "VOID" 1,312.33CR 066302 1,312.33 1,000.59CR 066303 1,000.59 25.000R 066304 25.00 354.000R 066305 354.00 4,410.000R 066306 4,410.00 13,592.98CR 066307 13,592.98 25.000R 066308 25.000R 066308 25.000R 066308 25.000R 066308 100.00 11,590.000R 066309 11,590.00 86.59CR 066310 86.59 1,456.16CR 066311 1,456.16 9,500.000R 066312 3,800.000R 066312 13,300.00 79.20CR 066313 79.20 5/11/2017 4:21 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT N04 AMOUNT 22370 JOHN WRIGHT ASSOCIATES I-46145 REFLECTIVE PLATES FOR LIGHTS R 5/11/2017 52.00OR 066314 52.00 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-2806040 INTERNET VAULT -RUG R 5/11/2017 1,134.60CR 066315 I-2918658 INTERNET VAULT-NOV R 5/11/2017 1,175.40CR 066315 I-2953733 INTERNET VAULT -DEC R 5/11/2017 1,182.000R 066315 I-2989646 INTERNET VAULT-JAN R 5/11/2017 1,197.60CR 066315 I-30966994 INTERNET VAULT -APR 17 R 5/11/2017 1,198.20CR 066315 5,887.80 1 KIM KINCAID I-201705116641 CC DEPOSIT REFUND R 5/11/2017 100.00CR 066316 100.00 16970 LONGHORN, INC. I-S3162881.001 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES R 5/11/2017 3.86CR 189.37CR 066317 I-S3162881.002 RAINBIRD DIAPHRAM R 5/11/2017 2.11CR 103.59CR 066317 I-S3167825.001 PAID & IRRIGATION SUPPLIES R 5/11/2017 2.50CR 122.50CR 066317 415.46 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. C-56205A CREDIT FOR TAX R 5/11/2017 7.76 066318 I-56205 BATTERIES R 5/11/2017 101.81CR 066318 94.05 08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-37611035 HAND CART R 5/11/2017 114.48CR 066319 I-37736134 TOOL SETS R 5/11/2017 489.96CR 066319 604.44 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-320198 16 OZ MIR TRT (1959-320197) R 5/11/2017 11.99 066320 C-1959-324500 BATTERY FEE (1959-324420) R 5/11/2013 86.82 066320 I-1959-321490 2.6 OZ 2 CYCLE R 5/11/2017 0.14CR 7.02CR 066320 I-1959-321737 DOOR MOLDING R 5/11/2017 0.08CR 3.91CR 066320 1-1959-323441 INT DR HNDL R 5/11/2017 1.80CR 88.19CR 066320 0.31 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-921036191001 CLEANER, PAPER, SOAP, TISSUE, R 5/11/2017 65.38CR 066321 65.38 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. I-3763 NITRICATION ACTION PLAN R 5/11/2017 6,899.000R 066322 6,899.00 24230 PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY I-INV635481 MAX AEROSOL WHITE R 5/11/2017 123.000R 066323 123.00 51111201V 4:21 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AI4OUNT NO# AMOUNT 17270 PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS I-1374566-00 BELT & BLADE R 5/11/2017 179.94CR 066324 179.94 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I -APR 17 SOLID WASTE APR 17 R 5/11/2017 56,346.65CR 066325 56,346.65 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OOG35885 UNIFORMS R 5/11/2017 746.85CR 066326 746.85 29400 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-431532 WATER DELIVERY R 5/11/2017 6.50CR 066327 6.50 30050 SAMANTHA SPRINGS 1-431697 WATER R 5/11/2017 6.50CR 066328 6.50 04290 SANGER CHAI4BER OF COMMERC I-QTR 3/31/17 CRA14BER PAYMENT FOR HOTEL TAX R 5/11/201J 2,369.89CR 066329 2,369.89 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B67178 80# S.AKRETE R 5/11/2017 16.47CR 066330 I-C13778 804 S.AKRETE R 5/11/2017 5.49CR 066330 21.96 16240 SCHAD & PULTE 1-199499 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 5/11/2017 19.00OR 066331 1-202044 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 5/11/2017 45.00OR 066331 64.00 27070 NEAL WELCH I-201705116647 REPLACE CK 66271/LOWERPERDIEM R 5/11/2017 75.00OR 066332 75.00 26110 SPECTER INSTRUMENTS, INC I-1704051613 ANNUAL RENEWAL -SOFTWARE MAINTE R 5/11/2017 495.00CR 066333 495.00 25400 TCAIR4/WISE COUNTY DOOR & GATE I-7099 LOGIC BOARD/CHAIN/INST.AL R 5/11/2017 1,685.48CR 066334 1,685.48 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 40 10.49 137,920.21 137,930.70 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 2 0.00 503,301.21 503,301.21 VOID CHECKS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 43 10.49 641,221.42 641,231.91 5/11/2017 4:21 214 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK # VENDOR NAME 066300 99-22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER 066300 99-22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER 066308 99-22400 DUNN, REECE 066308 99-22400 DUNN, REECE 066308 99-22400 DUNN, REECE TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS ERROR LISTING PAGE ERROR MESSAGE 5 1 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE 1 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE 2 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE 2 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE 2 CHECK DATE < ITE14 DATE NOTES THAN NO#: I-1959-319972 THAN NO#: I-598024 THAN NO#: I-201705116643 THAN NO#: I-201705116644 TRAN NO#: I-201705116645 5/11/2017 4:21 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 08817 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP '* FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD AMOUNT 001 5/2017 92,155.76CR 003 5/2017 165,334.000R 008 5/2017 368,981.19CR 050 5/2017 2,369.89CR 180 5/2017 10,712.62CR 840 5/2017 1,667.96CR ALL 641,221.42CR CHECK AMOUNT 5/17/2017 3:05 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-20170512-2005 POSTAGE MACHINE REFILL D 5/17/2017 300.000R 000000 300.00 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-S100053515.001 METER BOX W LOCK LID R 5/17/2017 222.36CR 066335 222.36 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-1086 235-75-15 CORNELL R 5/17/2017 75.000R 066336 75.00 00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-266305 PIN LOCK, HEX KEY, ECT... R 5/17/2017 338.27CR 066337 338.27 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 1-1156851707 MATTS/CITY HALL R 5/17/2017 17.54CR 066338 17.54 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82472221 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/17/2017 59.87CR 066339 I-82476053 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/17/201J 468.17CR 066339 I-82481410 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/17/2017 180.72CR 066339 708.76 31400 DBA BYO-GON PX-109 I-0417-4616 BYO GON PX 190 R 5/17/2017 412.41CR 066340 412.41 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-002629067 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE R 5/17/2017 250.000R 066341 I-002629068 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE R 5/17/2017 250.000R 066341 I-006246 CLASSEN BUCK SEMINARS R 5/17/2017 40.000R 066341 I-01528G CHILDREN'S BOOK R 5/17/2017 16.000R 066341 1-02882Z JOANN FABRIC AND CRAFT STORE R 5/17/2017 6.48CR 066341 I-03264 BLDG INSP RETIREMENT R 5/17/2017 158.68CR 066341 I-03265 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 5/17/2017 14.98CR 066341 I-0785480J TWWWA-UTILITY SAFETY -GARRET R 5/17/201J 285.000R 066341 1-091942 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-094641 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-095739 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-100000774 ATHLETE RACE NU14DERS R 5/17/2017 145.20CR 066341 1-101755 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-104701 DOMINO'S PIZZA R 5/17/2017 88.07CR 066341 1-111754 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 25.000R 066341 1-1118513856 .ORG DOMAIN RENEWAL R 5/17/2017 100.85CR 066341 I-11234254 SITES.COM R 5/17/2017 119.40CR 066341 I-12074536 TEXAS ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL CON R 5/17/2017 300.000R 066341 1-121-786-854-38 TCCA CONFERENCE AIRFARE R 5/17/2017 298.40CR 066341 I-124127 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 3.000R 066341 I-124648 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-124719 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-12940 BUILDING PROFESSIONAL INSTITUT R 5/17/2017 240.000R 066341 I-12Z02V3VQ TCEQ IND RENEWAL R 5/17/2017 111.000R 066341 1-13683369 4IMPRINT R 5/17/2011 192.61CR 066341 1-144945 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-145343 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-163410202 RECEIPT BOOKS R 5/17/2017 510.91CR 066341 5/17/2017 3:05 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# I-19584905 AUTO.ANYTHING R 5/17/2017 204.99CR 066341 I-201704136588 TEXAS ELECTRIC POWER CONFERENC R 5/17/2017 250.000R 066341 I-201704176619 ADULT FICTION BOOK R 5/17/201V 10.000R 066341 I-201704266624 CLASSED BUCK SEMINAR ONLINE CL R 5/17/2017 50.000R 066341 I-201705026628 CHILDRENS BOOK ORDER R 5/17/2017 10.000R 066341 I-201705176684 TX DPS DL OFFICE R 5/17/2017 45.000R 066341 I-201705176685 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 3.000R 066341 I-201705176686 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 22.75CR 066341 I-201705176687 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/201V 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176688 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176689 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176690 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176691 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176692 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176693 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 25.000R 066341 I-201705176694 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 22.75CR 066341 I-201705176695 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 10.50CR 066341 I-201705176696 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176697 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 2.000R 066341 I-201705176698 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 3.000R 066341 I-201705176699 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176700 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 34.50CR 066341 I-201705176701 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 31.50CR 066341 I-201705176702 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 34.50CR 066341 I-201705176703 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 17.25CR 066341 I-201705176704 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 6.000R 066341 I-201705176705 TAPATIO SPRINGS R 5/17/2017 17.28CR 066341 I-214746 NCTCOG CLASS R 5/17/2017 480.000R 066341 I-245182506 TABLE 3 CHAIRS R 5/17/2017 276.000R 066341 I-2511265 FACEBOOK-ADS FOR EASTER & RUN R 5/17/2017 51.09CR 066341 I-251557 FIVE BELOW-DENTON R 5/17/2017 69.28CR 066341 I-2530066 FACEBOOK-FUN RUN BOOST R 5/17/2017 23.91CR 066341 I-2937 HAULING WELDER TO SHOP R 5/17/2017 500.000R 066341 I-295049 APPA/SAFETY MANUALS R 5/17/2017 185.50CR 066341 I-3071461A TWWW.A-GROUNDWATER PRODUCTION R 5/17/2017 285.000R 066341 I-31805003 COFFEE FEB 16 R 5/17/2017 67.45CR 066341 I-32655026 COFFEE APR 16 R 5/17/2017 67.45CR 066341 I-32JQSHKL HOTEL STAY AT RENAISSANCE R 5/17/2017 420.90CR 066341 I-38191 LOWE'S/SAWZALL BLADES R 5/17/2017 101.90CR 066341 I-3973023 WINDEX, LYSOL FLOOR, LYSOL TOI R 5/17/2017 109.16CR 066341 I-3979421 INK R 5/17/2017 92.25CR 066341 I-4043251B MISSING/EXPLOITED CHILDREN CIA R 5/17/2017 28.000R 066341 I-4541039 PAPER TOWELS R 5/17/2017 66.17CR 066341 I-459016 FULLCOLOR/CITY HALL SANGER PHO R 5/17/2017 683.15CR 066341 I-466255444 NTTA/TOLL TAG R 5/17/2017 40.000R 066341 1-48 TABLE/CHAIRS FOR KITCHEN R 5/17/2017 276.000R 066341 I-5000 STAFF LUNCH R 5/17/2017 87.68CR 066341 I-5150703 FORT WORTH BOLT & TOOL/DRILL B R 5/17/2017 24.36CR 066341 I-5242889 LUNCH INTERVIEW R 5/17/2017 57.000R 066341 I-5458 BOOTS R 5/17/2017 150.000R 066341 1-5568 JYRO SIGNS R 5/17/2017 474.90CR 066341 I-5WRQ8I FLIGHT TO AUSTIN R 5/17/2017 78.94CR 066341 PAGE: 2 CHECK AMOUNT 5/17/2017 3:05 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT I-61VR1154166LC VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 16.25CR 066341 I-61VR1331774B7 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 5/17/2017 19.000R 066341 I-683229319 SUMMER READING PRIZES/GAMES R 5/17/2017 168.90CR 0666341 I-68717996 EXPEDIA R 5/17/2017 91.89CR 066341 I-6910640 BLEACH (AMAZON) R 5/17/2017 75.48CR 066341 I-7158 SAM'S CLUB R 5/17/2017 6.98CR 066341 I-7892675 SUPER SHUTTLE SERVICE R 5/17/2017 22.80CR 066341 I-945581 B DOUBLETREE R 5/17/2017 245.18CR 066341 I-9463402 AMAZON: OFFICE/JANITORIAL R 5/17/2017 129.88CR 066341 I-ADD010528054 ADOBE -CREATIVE CLOUD R 5/17/2017 892.37CR 066341 I-D89F1C92 SAM'S CLUB R 5/17/2017 68.88CR 066341 I-H6840-46455 REFRIGERATOR FOR BREAK ROOM R 5/17/2017 378.18CR 066341 I-HA-VNYLWF HOTEL/HOMEAWAY R 5/17/2017 530.000R 066341 I-K2Z02EP46Z TCEQ IND RENEWAL R 5/17/2017 111.000R 066341 I-NO1539644 TEEX-67ASTEWATER COLLECTIONS-DA R 5/17/2017 390.000R 066341 I-NO1539646 TEEX-WATER UTILITIES C.ALCULATI R 5/17/2017 780.000R 066341 I-PG0091325319 THE GLOVE GUY R 5/17/2017 60.000R 066341 I-SO6642459 SHELVES R 5/17/2017 56.02CR 066341 I-VK267474F ADULT NONFICTION BOOK R 5/17/2017 18.97CR 066341 I-WPE2 STEVE'S BAKE SHOP R 5/17/2017 15.25r_R 066341 12,964.22 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066342 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066343 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066344 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066345 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066346 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066347 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066348 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 066349 **VOID** 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-995469 DRUG SCREEN R 5/17/2017 110.000R 066350 110.00 02490 CENTURYLINK I-5/10/17-6/9/17 PHONE 5/10/11-6/9/17 R 5/17/2017 1,602.16CR 066351 1,602.16 5/17/2017 3:05 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP I-448597-CRC-1 OIL PADS R 5/17/2017 I-448598-CRC-1 OIL PADS R 5/17/2017 I-448599-CRC-1 POWER KEG R 5/17/2017 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-111910 MIKE PRATER BUSINESS CARDS R 5/17/2011 18190 DEPART14ENT OF INFOP14ATION RESOURCE I-17031022N 14AR LONG DISTANCE R 5/17/2017 20460 DODSON, ANTHONY I-201705166648 MEAL MONEY 5/23 SEARCH & SEIZU R 5/17/201J 28070 EPP, CINDY I-APRIL 2017 YOGA INSTRUCTION FOR APRIL R 5/17/2017 13810 FIRE PROGRAMS I-7717 SUPPORT SERVICE R 5/17/2017 14980 FORT BEND SERVICES, INC I-0209032-IN 4504 DRUM - POLYMER R 5/17/2017 01070 GALLS INC. 1-007426379 VOODOO LT. WEIGHT TACT COVER R 5/17/2017 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-42817 BALANCE 2 TIRES R 5/17/2017 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1017954 TIRES FOR UNIT 05-20 R 5/17/2017 I-233-1017989 TIRES FOR UNIT 02-20 R 5/17/2017 16860 GRAINGER I-9427620670 CORDLESS GREASE GUN R 5/17/2017 26830 JZ SOUTHERN BOYZ SERVICES LLC I-1268 INSTAV.ALVE R 5/17/2017 08210 KG]IK KAR I-66186 INSPECTION 2005 CHEVY 3500 PIC R 5/17/2017 PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 197.04CR 066352 197.04CR 066352 349.00r_R 066352 743.08 77.15CR 066353 77.15 30.97CR 066354 30.97 25.000R 066355 25.00 320.00OR 066356 320.00 1,556.000R O66357 1,556.00 1,642.45CR 066358 1,642.45 99.01CR 066359 99.01 13.90CR 066360 13.90 562.73CR 066361 731.31CR 066361 1,294.04 301.05CR 066362 301.05 13,900.000R 066363 13,900.00 7.000R O66364 7.00 5/17/2017 3:05 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 26900 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION I-1787681 ASPHALT R 5/17/2017 31540 TLMC INC / LIBERTY MARKETING CO I-36552 FULL COLOR DISPLAY AD MAPS R 5/17/2017 28050 LIONS CLUB I -MAY 2017 MEMBERSHIP R 5/17/2017 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-14759 ELECTONIC, SPACER, COUPLINGS, R 5/17/2017 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-LAB-0016559 TESTING R 5/17/2017 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG G ALLEN, PC I-147777 AAPRIL WARRANT COLLECTION R 5/17/2017 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-495206 NAPA SYN 51730 55 GAL R 5/17/2017 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-362588 CREDIT ON 2 BATTERIES INV 36625 R 5/17/2017 I-1959-361420 OIL FILTER R 5/17/2017 I-1959-362431 DEF FUEL R 5/17/2017 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-920711111001 INK R 5/17/2017 I-921033409001 1/3 CUT MANILLA FILE FOLDER R 5/17/2017 I-921780396001 RETURN AD➢RESS STA14P R 5/17/2017 I-922042642001 BLACI( FRAME CORK BOARD R 5/17/2017 I-922042881001 PUSH PINS FOR THE CORK BOARD R 5/17/2017 20450 PARKER, CARL I-201705176683 MEAL MONEY FOR CLASS 5/23 R 5/17/2017 19200 PATH14ARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF TEYAS,INC. I-022588 BRACKETS, POSTS 6 SIGNS R 5/17/2017 09090 PERKINS ENTERPRISE I-3107 2Q17 COMPRESSOR 14AINTENANCE AI R 5/17/2017 PAGE: 5 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AI4OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1,519.18CR 066365 1,519.18 329.50CR 066366 329.50 75.00OR 066367 75.00 240.20CR 066368 240.20 207.70CR 066369 207.70 181.80CR 066370 181.80 629.99CR 066371 629.99 36.00 066372 O.08CR 3.91CR 066372 0.80CR 39.17CR 066372 7.08 39.59CR 066373 4.53CR 0666333 30.14CR 066333 169.00OR 066333 3.99CR 066373 247.25 25.00OR 066374 25.00 1,725.69CR 066335 1,725.69 550.00CR 066376 550.00 5/17/2017 3:05 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 31160 PHILIP D SICKEKING I-lA GIS TRAP CREATION/DATA CLEANUP R 5/17/2017 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF IN, INC I-1202805660 ROLLOFF - SLUDGE R 5/17/2017 25970 REPUBLIC 14FTER INC I-17-2563 ERTS R 5/17/2017 18620 STERICYCLE I-4007033526 EPOS SUPPLIES R 5/17/2017 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAPHICS LLC I-201705166649 COFFEE RUN SHIRTS R 5/17/2017 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1473679-00 8"REFLECTOR GLOBE R 5/17/2017 I-1473729-00 WIRE, GRND LUG, CONDUIT R 5/17/2017 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST 1-17-06388 APRIL MESSAGE FEES R 5/17/2017 16910 TRI-COUNTY MATERIALS a SERVICES,LP I-17552 6.57 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175566 77.21 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175572 8.90 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175613 6.85 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2013 I-175629 6.69 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175639 66.75 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175689 66.76 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175698 66.09 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175707 55.83 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175714 77.05 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175725 77.01 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175750 66.41 TON CONCRETE ROCK R 5/17/2017 I-175758 77.68 TON CUSHION SAND R 5/17/2017 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/17/2017 30980 TWO CLOVER SERVICES INC I-17-5 WWTP CONSULTANT R 5/17/2017 PAGE: 6 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 980.00OR 066377 980.00 2,120.31CR 066378 2,120.31 11,620.40CR 066379 11,620.40 210.79CR 066380 210.79 483.000R 066381 483.00 251.75CR 066382 37.50CR 066382 289.25 140.60CR 066383 140.60 68.99CR 066384 75.71CR 066384 93.45CR 066384 71.93CR 066384 70.25CR 066384 70.88CR 066384 70.98CR 066384 63.95CR 066384 61.22CR 066384 74.03CR 066384 73.61CR 066384 67.31CR 066384 49.92CR 066384 912.23 066385 **VOID** 652.50CR 066386 652.50 5/17/2017 3:05 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR N724E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 09550 WATER TECH, INC. I-107184 CYLINDER RENTAL R 5/17/2017 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1308 WELLSPRING CONSULT FEES R 5/17/2017 ** T 0 T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE —WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 7 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT 7124OUNT NO# AMOUNT 36.000R 066387 36.00 2,000.00CR 066388 2,000.00 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 45 0.88 61,643.84 61,644.72 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 300.00 300.00 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 55 0.88 61,943.84 61,944.72 5/17/2017 3:05 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 08826 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT 001 5/2017 14,788.13CR 008 5/2017 37,920.78CR 180 5/2017 8,809.08CR 41 5/2017 425.85CR ALL 61,943.84CR CHECK N04 CHECK AMOUNT 5/17/2017 3:09 P14 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08822 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I.D. NA14E TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 1 BRIGGS, KEITH I-000201705176650 BRIGGS, KEITH R 5/17/2017 9.37 066389 9.37 1 CARAMELA, SHIRLEY I-000201705176659 CARAMELA, SHIRLEY R 5/17/2013 288.87 066390 288.87 1 CHANDLER, TA MY I-000201705176657 CHANDLER, TAMtfY R 5/17/2017 37.26 066391 37.26 1 CHENAULT, LOUIS I-000201705176681 CHENAULT, LOUIS R 5/17/2017 229.25 066392 229.25 1 ➢OBBINS, NORMA KAY I-000201705176677 DOBBINS, NORMA KAY R 5/17/2017 37.93 066393 37.93 1 DREWS, LINDA I-000201705176651 DREWS, LINDA R 5/17/2017 277.01 066394 277.01 1 DUFRESNE, JAY I-000201705176660 DUFRESNE, JAY R 5/17/2017 862.42 066395 862.42 1 HARMON, CHRISTOPHER I-000201705176679 HARMON, CHRISTOPHER R 5/17/2017 35.63 066396 35.63 1 HUGHES, JASON L I-000201705176655 HUGHES, JASON L R 5/17/2017 10.72 066397 10.72 1 HUGHES, JOHN I-000201705176658 HUGHES, JOHN R 5/17/2017 187.07 066398 187.07 1 IMPRESSION H014ES I-000201705176666 IMPRESSION HOMES R 5/17/2017 558.85 066399 558.85 1 JAY, EMMETT I-000201705176678 JAY, EMMETT R 5/17/2017 109.52 066400 109.52 1 JBM HOMES I-000201705176661 JBM HOMES R 5/17/2017 713.87 066401 713.87 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201705176670 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 5/17/2017 575.19 066402 575.19 1 LGI H014ES TEXAS LLC I-000201705176672 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 5/17/2017 562.64 066403 562.64 5/17/2017 3:09 PI4 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08822 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I.D. NAME TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1 LGI H0I4ES TEXAS LLC I-000201705176673 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 5/17/2017 77.68 066404 77.68 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201705176674 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 5/17/2017 34.61 066405 34.61 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201705176676 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 5/17/2017 36.30 066406 36.30 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201705176668 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 5/17/2017 21.74 066407 21.74 1 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201705176669 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 5/17/2017 21.74 066408 21.74 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201705176671 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 5/17/2017 527.54 066409 527.54 1 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201705176615 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 5/17/2017 574.75 066410 574.75 1 PARKER, DONALD I-000201705176652 PARKER, DONALD R 5/17/2017 34.38 066411 34.38 1 S&T PROPERTIES I-000201705176653 S&T PROPERTIES R 5/17/2017 12.26 066412 12.26 1 SALAZAR, RAUL I-000201705176654 SALAZAR, RAUL R 5/17/2017 58.10 066413 58.10 1 SMITH, JESSICA I-000201705176667 SMITH, JESSICA R 5/17/2017 65.10 066414 65.10 1 TURKIA, AVI I-000201705176680 TURKIA, AVI R 5/17/2017 88.08 066415 88.08 1 TURNER, TOM I-000201705176656 TURNER, TOM R 5/17/2017 89.08 066416 89.08 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201705176664 ULTRA HOMES R 5/17/2017 402.43 066417 402.43 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201705176665 ULTRA HOMES R 5/17/2017 388.56 066418 388.56 5/17/2017 3:09 PM REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08822 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. N7114E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1 WANG, FANG I-000201705176663 [GANG, FANG R 5/17/2017 52.01 066419 52.01 1 WHITNEY, REBECCA I-000201705176662 WHITNEY, REBECCA R 5/17/2017 1.37 066420 1.37 ** B A N K T O T A L S ** NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 32 0.00 6,981.33 6,981.33 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK TOTALS: 32 0.00 6,981.33 6,981.33 5/17/2017 3:09 P14 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 08822 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: ALL ** REGISTER GRAND TOTALS * * T 0 T A L S * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 32 0.00 6,981.33 6,981.33 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 32 0.00 6,981.33 6,981.33 ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD A14OUNT 008 5/2017 6,981.33CR ALL 6,981.33CR TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 5/31/2017 1:03 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08850 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AI4OUNT N04 AMOUNT 30600 TASC I-FSCPY4.28.17 FLEX D 5/26/2017 208.33CR 000000 I-FS14PY4.28.17 FLEX D 5/26/2017 2,020.28CR 000000 2,228.61 22620 ARAMARK UNIFOR14 SERVICE I-1156874184 MATTS/CITYHALL R 5/31/2017 17.54CR 066482 17.54 23600 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR 1-891520 REAR MOUNTED 60" FEILD FI R 5/31/2017 539.37CR 066483 539.37 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC C-70243494 E14S MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/31/2017 31.79 066484 1-82484236 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/31/2017 85.25CR 066484 I-82491642 E14S 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/31/2017 266.05CR 066484 I-82497352 E14S 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 5/31/2017 110.88CR 066484 430.39 03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE I-541248 E14ERGENCY TIRE REPAIR R 5/31/2017 493.00OR 066485 493.00 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-996525 POST ACCIDENT TEST R 5/31/2017 75.00OR 066486 75.00 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-147860 REPLACED DISCONNECT -DAY ROOM R 5/31/2017 165.00OR 066487 165.00 24570 DEFENDER SUPPLY I-17125 12 V SOLENOIDS R 5/31/2017 110.00OR 066488 110.00 15580 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS I-201705316714 ELECTION CONTRACT R 5/31/2017 2,611.53CR 066489 2,611.53 23010 FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. 1-10692 BLUE SHOP TOWELS R 5/31/2017 54.52CR 066490 54.52 18790 FUELMAN I-NP50460330 FUEL 5/22/17-5/28/17 R 5/31/2017 2,142.03CR 066491 2,142.03 01070 GALLS INC. I-007520662 FT009 BLK BOOTS R 5/31/2017 122.89CR 066492 122.89 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1017882 TIRES R 5/31/2017 1,051.78CR 066493 1,051.78 5/31/2017 1:03 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08850 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT 71140UNT N04 AMOUNT 16860 GRAINGER I-9439405102 BLUE FLAGS R 5/31/2017 58.30CR 066494 I-9439905754 GREEN FLAGS R 5/31/2017 92.70CR 066494 I-9439905762 ORANGE VEST R 5/31/2017 20.29CR 066494 171.29 25050 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY I-193026574 FERTILIZER R 5/31/2017 364.000R 0666495 364.00 07750 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES I-9020936 FRAME HANGERS R 5/31/2017 9.54CR 066496 9.54 28640 JUSTIN'S FARM & RANCH SERVICES I-R51269B 140WING 600 N STEIU40NS CWO R 5/31/2017 600.000R 066497 600.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-67279 INSPECTION 2016 FREIGHTLINER R 5/31/2017 7.00CR 066498 7.00 30560 MUTUAL OF OMAHA I-000637553002 JUNE 2017 LTD R 5/31/2017 736.22CR 066499 736.22 31620 NORTH A14ERICA FIRE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. I-877555 ADAPTERS & WRENCH R 5/31/2017 333.19CR 066500 333.19 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT I-119 Permit Fees R 5/31/2017 4,563.50CR 066501 4,563.50 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-362493 OIL FILTER R 5/31/2017 0.12CR 5.80CR 066502 1-1959-362576 2 BATTERIES R 5/31/2017 6.76CR 331.24CR 066502 I-1959-362584 8 OX RAG OIL 100,10.3 OZ SILIC R 5/31/2017 0.63CR 30.84CR 066502 I-1959-362599 WELD HELMET R 5/31/2017 2.40CR 117.59CR 066502 I-1959-362604 A/C DYE R 5/31/2017 0.44CR 21.55CR 066502 1-1959-36317 SOLENOID R 5/31/2017 0.46CR 22.67CR 066502 I-1959-363297 COUPLER R 5/31/2017 0.58CR 28.62CR 066502 I-1959-364290 OIL FILTER R 5/31/2017 0.13CR 6.13CR 066502 1-1959-364376 94RPLT BATTERY R 5/31/2017 3.56CR 174.24CR 066502 1-1959-364477 90EXT BATTERY R 5/31/2017 2.36r_R 115.49CR 066502 I-1959-364485 CAPSULE R 5/31/2017 0.29CR 13.99CR 066502 1-1959-364539 BATT COUPLER R 5/31/2017 0.34CR 16.53CR 066502 I-1959-364543 WIRE, ELECT TAPE, BATT CABLE R 5/31/2017 4.44CR 217.75CR 066502 I-1959-364791 CIRCUIT BRAKER, GROMMETS R 5/31/2017 0.25CR 12.03CR 066502 I-1959-365950 IMPACT ADAPT R 5/31/2017 0.36CR 17.63CR 066502 I-1959-366664 BLUE DEF R 5/31/2017 1.20CR 58.76CR 066502 I-1959-366665 TIRE SHINE R 5/31/2017 0.50CR 24.45CR 066502 I-1959-367628 DE -GREASER AND GREASE FITTINGS R 5/31/2017 0.57CR 27.76CR 066502 1,243.07 5/31/2017 1:03 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08850 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/31/2017 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-926005237001 PENS, POST -IT, BINDER CLIPS, W R 5/31/2017 31320 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE I-934572342 HEART MONITOR R 5/31/2017 25490 PLASTICPLACE I-155473 TRASH BAGS R 5/31/2017 26560 PRECISION DELTA CORPORTATION I-9040 QUALIFYING AM140 CONTRACT R 5/31/2017 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-360987 CLEANING SUPPLIES R 5/31/2017 I-361042 MOP HEAD/TRIFOLD PAPER TOWELS R 5/31/2017 25020 SANGER HARDWARE C-C15668 FASTENERS & BOLTS R 5/31/2017 I-B69836 FENDER WASHERS, NYLON LOCK NUT R 5/31/2017 I-B70149 BATTERY R 5/31/2017 I-B70150 SOCKET SETS R 5/31/2017 I-B70430 RISER, BUSHING, & BATTERIES R 5/31/2017 I-B70431 BATTERY R 5/31/201V I-B70509 ELBOW, BALBE GATE BRASS R 5/31/2017 I-870963 CABLE TIE R 5/31/2017 I-B71582 ADAPTER & VALVE GATE R 5/31/2017 I-B71601 THREAD R 5/31/2017 I-B71617 CONNECTGAS & BATTERY R 5/31/2017 I-371871 TOOL AND DUCT TAPE R 5/31/2017 I-B71872 BATTERY R 5/31/2017 I-C15666 BOLT R 5/31/2017 I-C15676 BATTERY R 5/31/2017 I-C16371 NEW HOSE REEL ADAPTERS R 5/31/2017 I-C16635 2 CYCLE GAS AND GAS CAN R 5/31/2017 I-C16787 NUTS AND WASHERS R 5/31/2017 I-C16790 BLUE AND GREEN PAINT R 5/31/2017 I-C17502 REPLACE BROKEN DOOR KEY R 5/31/2017 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 5/31/2017 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 066503 **VOID** 47.49CR 066504 47.49 37,430.000R 066505 37,430.00 302.60CR 066506 302.60 99.50CR 066507 99.50 44.67CR 066508 34.32CR 066508 78.99 5.12 066509 6.02CR 066509 13.99CR 066509 179.98CR 066509 47.40CR 066509 9.99CR 066509 45.98CR 066509 19.98CR 066509 39.57CR 066509 1.99CR 066509 48.98CR 066509 32.20CR 066509 15.99CR 066509 9.98CR 066509 14.99CR 066509 41.92CR 066509 32.98CR 066509 10.58CR 066509 45.54CR 066509 2.99CR 066509 615.93 066510 **VOID** 5/31/2017 1:03 PM PACKET: 08850 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-110 12 CYLINDER LEASE I-202311 C014PRESSED OXYGEN 00100 TMRS I-RETPY5.12.17 Tt4RS I-RETPY5.26.17 TMRS 27550 WINSTON WATER COOLER, LTD I-S1654725.001 SLOAN REPAIR KIT ** T 0 T A L S *' REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL EARNINGS: 0 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT NO# AMOUNT R 5/31/2017 240.00OR 066511 R 5/31/2017 45.00OR O66511 285.00 R 5/31/201V 19,596.95CR 066512 R 5/31/2017 18,031.94CR 066512 37,628.89 R 5/31/2017 209.48CR 066513 209.48 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 30 25.39 92,538.74 92,564.13 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 2,228.61 2,228.61 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 25.39 94,767.35 94,792.74 5/31/201V 1:03 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08850 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NA14E / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD A14OUNT 001 5/2017 66,706.44CR 008 5/2017 14,675.84CR 180 5/2017 12,344.69CR 41 5/2017 1,040.38CR ALL 94,767.35CR CHECK NO# CHECK AMOUNT Cheryl Price From: Scott Biggerstaff Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 12:35 PM To: Cheryl Price Subject: AP Regular Payables Check Register - 4799.pdf Attachments: AP Regular Payables Check Register - 4799.pdf 5/31/2017 12:34 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08849 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK EMP B E14PLOYEE BENEFIT FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-68823 NNE 17 LIFE INSURANCE COVERAG R 5/31/2017 86.66CR 000468 86.66 30560 MUTUAL OF OMAHA I-000637553002B JUN 2017 LIFE INSURANCE R 5/31/2017 1,437.18CR 000469 1,437.18 30590 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY I-093336188057 HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE JUN R 5/31/2017 42,155.89CR 000470 42,155.89 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 3 0.00 43,679.73 43,679.73 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 3 0.00 43, 09.73 43,679.73 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 5/31/2017 12:34 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08849 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A-IOUNT NO# ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD A140UNT ------------------------------------------- 110 5/2017 43,679.73CR ------------------------------------------- ALL 43,679.73CR PAGE: 2 CHECK AMOUNT Gouij}.� DENTON COUNTY Office of Michelle French, P.C.C. Tax Assessor/Collector 1505 E. McKinney St. Denton, TX 76209 May 22, 2017 Dear Taxing Entities, The 2017 Denton County Interlocal Collection Agreement has been finalized for issuance. The parcel fee for consolidated collections for the 2017 tax year is $0.82 per parcel. There are no significant changes in the Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement is to be submitted to the Denton County Tax Office by September 5, 2017. This will provide the necessary time to add the Agreement to the Denton County Commissioners Court Agenda to be properly executed prior to October 1, 2017. We are providing the Agreement in form-fillable PDF format for your convenience. Please complete the Agreement inserting the name of your entity and dates. Once the form is complete, please print three (3) copies for submittal. The Agreement must be submitted to our office in triplicate. Please print three (3) copies of the completed Agreement and have all copies signed by the appropriate person in your entity. Failure to submit three (3) originally signed Agreements may delay processing through Commissioners Court. Municipalities that have approved the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) must complete the Public Improvement District Agreement. The proper Agreement will be dependent on whether the PID is a rate based or fixed lien assessment district. Please feel free to contact our office to assist you should you have questions about which district Agreement you may need to complete. The address to mail the completed Agreements is as follows: Office of Michelle French Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector P.O. Box 90223 Denton, TX 76202 Attn: Michelle French The physical address is as follows: Office of Michelle French Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector 1505 E. McKinney Street Denton, TX 76209 Attn: Michelle French As always, our office is here to assist you with any questions or concerns. We thank you for allowing Denton County to provide consolidated collections to your entity in order to better serve our mutual constituents. Best Regards, eicAelle CFzenrA Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector Motor Vehicle Department www.tax.dentoncounty.com Property Tax Department P.O. Box 90204 P.O. Box 90223 Denton, TX 76202-5204 Denton, TX 76202-5223 940-349-3510 940-349-3500 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR TAX COLLECTION BETWEEN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND CITY/ TOWN OF Sanger, Texas THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2017, by and between DENTON COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and, the City/Town of Sanger, Texas Denton County, Texas, also a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WHEREAS, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Section 6.24 and 25.17 and; WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY has the authority to contract with the COUNTY for the COUNTY to act as tax assessor and collector for MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY has the authority to so act; NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements herein contained, do agree as follows: 1 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT I. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the 1st day of October, 2017. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one year, from October 1, 2017, to and through September 30, 2018. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for an additional one (1) year term at the discretion of the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, unless written notice of termination is provided by the terminating parry to the other party prior to one hundred - fifty (150) days of the expiration date of the current term of the Agreement. MUNICIPALITY agrees to deliver this agreement no later than September 5, 2017 or the first Monday of September 2017 in manner required by COUNTY to fully execute said collection services by COUNTY. II. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, COUNTY shall provide the following necessary and appropriate services for MUNICIPALITY to the maximum extent authorized by this Agreement, without regard to race, sex, religion, color, age, disability, or national origin: 1. COUNTY, by and through its duly qualified tax assessor -collector, shall serve as tax assessor -collector for parcels in Denton County of t h e MUNICIPALITY for ad valorem tax collection for tax year 2017, and each tax year for the duration of this Agreement. COUNTY agrees to perform all necessary ad valorem assessing and collecting duties for MUNICIPALITY and MUNICIPALITY does hereby expressly authorize COUNTY to do and perform all acts necessary and proper to assess and collect taxes for MUNICIPALITY. COUNTY agrees to collect base taxes, penalties, interest, and attorney's fees. 2. COUNTY agrees to prepare and mail all current and delinquent tax 2 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT statements required by statute, supplemental changes for applicable property accounts, as well as prepare and mail any other mailing as deemed necessary and appropriate by COUNTY; provide daily and monthly collection reports to MUNICIPALITY; prepare tax certificates; develop and maintain both current and delinquent tax rolls, disburse tax monies to MUNICIPALITY daily (business day) based on prior day tax postings. COUNTY agrees to approve and refund overpayment or erroneous payment of taxes for MUNICIPALITY pursuant to Texas Property Tax code Sections 31.11 and 31.12 from available current tax collections of MUNICIPALITY; meet the requirements of Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code; and to develop and maintain such other records and forms as are necessary or required by State law, rules, or regulations. 3. COUNTY further agrees that it will calculate the effective tax rates and rollback tax rates for MUNICIPALITY and that such calculations will be provided at no additional cost to MUNICIPALITY. The information concerning the effective and rollback tax rates will be published in the form prescribed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, and as required by Section 26.04 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. MUNICIPALITY shall notify tax assessor -collector no later than July 25th of each year that MUNICIPALITY wishes publication of forms or notices specified in this section. MUNICIPALITY further agrees that if COUNTY calculates effective and rollback tax rates, COUNTY shall publish the required notices on behalf of MUNICIPALITY. It is understood and agreed by the parties that the expense of publication shall be borne by MUNICIPALITY and that COUNTY shall provide MUNICIPALITY's billing address to the newspaper publishing the effective and rollback tax rates. 3 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 4. COUNTY agrees, upon request, to offer guidance and the necessary forms for posting notices of required hearing and quarter -page notices as required by Sections 26.05 and 26.06 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code and Section 140.010 of Local Government Code, if MUNICIPALITY requests such 7 days in advance of the intended publication date, COUNTY agrees to manage all notices and publications on behalf of MUNICIPALITY if request is received no later than July 25th. MUNICIPALITY must approve all calculations and notices, in the format required by COUNTY, before publication may proceed. The accuracy and timeliness of all required notices are the responsibility of MUNICIPALITY. 5. Should MUNICIPALITY vote to increase its tax rate above the rollback tax rate the required publication of notices shall be the responsibility of MUNICIPALITY. 6. COUNTY agrees to develop and maintain written policies and procedures of its operation. COUNTY further agrees to make available full information about the operation of the County Tax Office to MUNICIPALITY, and to promptly furnish written reports to keep MUNICIPALITY informed of all financial information affecting it. 4 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 7. MUNICIPALITY agrees to promptly deliver to COUNTY all records that it has accumulated and developed in the assessment and collection of taxes, and to cooperate in furnishing or locating any other information and records needed by COUNTY to perform its duties under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8. COUNTY agrees to allow an audit of the tax records of MUNICIPALITY in COUNTY'S possession during normal working hours with at least 48 hours advance, written notice to COUNTY. The expense of any and all such audits shall be paid by MUNICIPALITY. A copy of any and all such audits shall be furnished to COUNTY. 9. If required by MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY agrees to obtain a surety bond for the County Tax Assessor/Collector. Such bond will be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Tax Assessor/Collector's lawful duties, will be made payable to MUNICIPALITY and in an amount determined by the governing body of MUNICIPALITY. The premium for any such bond shall be borne solely by MUNICIPALITY. 10. COUNTY agrees that it will post a notice on its website, as a reminder that delinquent tax penalties will apply to all assessed taxes which are not paid by January 31, 2018. 11. COUNTY agrees that it will post to a secure website collection reports for MUNICIPALITY listing current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties and interest on a daily 5 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT basis through September 30, 2018. COUNTY will provide monthly Maintenance and Operation (hereinafter referred to as "MO"), and Interest and Sinking (hereinafter referred to as "IS") collection reports; provide monthly recap reports; and provide monthly attorney fee collection reports. 12. MUNICIPALITY retains its right to select its own delinquent tax collection attorney and COUNTY agrees to reasonably cooperate with the attorney selected by MUNICIPALITY in the collection of delinquent taxes and related activities. 13. MUNICIPALITY will provide COUNTY with notice of any change in collection attorney on or before the effective date of the new collection attorney contract. COUNTY hereby designates the Denton County Tax Assessor/ Collector to act on behalf of the County Tax Office and to serve as Liaison for COUNTY with MUNICIPALITY. The County Tax Assessor/Collector, and/or his/her designee, shall ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY; shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the County Tax Office employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. 6 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT IV. COUNTY accepts responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions related to property tax service of all COUNTY employees and agents, sub -contractors and /or contract laborers, and for those actions of other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with COUNTY to the extent allowed by law. V. MUNICIPALITY accepts responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all MUNICIPALITY employees and agents, sub -contractors and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with MUNICIPALITY to the extent allowed by law. VI. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representatives of COUNTY. COUNTY understands and agrees that COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representatives of MUNICIPALITY. 7 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT VII. For the services rendered during the 2017 tax year, MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay COUNTY for the receipting, bookkeeping, issuing, and mailing of tax statements as follows: 1. The current tax statements will be mailed by October I Oth or as soon thereafter as practical. In order to expedite mailing of tax statements the MUNICIPALITY must adopt their 2017 tax rate by September 29, 2017. Failure of the MUNICIPALITY to adopt a tax rate by September 29, 2017 may cause delay in timely mailing of tax statements. Pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code §26.05 the MUNICIPALITY must adopt a tax rate by the later of September 301h or 60 days after the certified appraisal roll is received. Failure to adopt and deliver a tax rate by the later of September 30th or 60 days after the certified appraisal roll is received may result in delay of processing and mailing MUNICIPALITY tax statements. MUNICIPALITY agrees to assume the costs for additional delayed tax statements, processing and mailing as determined by COUNTY. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Tax Code, if MUNICIPALITY fails to deliver the adopted tax rates (M&O and I&S) to the Tax Assessor Collector by September 29, 2017, it may will cause a delay in the publication and release of tax statements. 2. COUNTY will mail an additional notice during the month of March following the initial mailing provided that MUNICIPALITY has requested such a notice on or before February 28, 2018. The fee for this service will be a rate not to exceed $0.82 per statement. 3. At least 30 days, but no more than 60 days, prior to April 1st, and following the initial mailing, COUNTY shall mail a delinquent tax statement meeting the 8 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT requirements of Section 33.11 of the Texas Property Tax Code to the owner of each parcel to the owner of each parcel having delinquent taxes. 4. At least 30 days, but no more than 60 days, prior to July 1st, and following the initial mailing, COUNTY will mail a delinquent tax statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code will be mailed to the owner of each parcel having delinquent taxes. 5. For accounts which become delinquent on or after June 1st, COUNTY shall mail a delinquent tax statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.08 of the Texas Property Tax Code to the owner of each parcel having delinquent taxes. 6. In event of a successful rollback election which takes place after tax bills for MUNICIPALITY have been mailed, MUNICIPALITY' agrees to pay COUNTY a programming charge of $5,000.00. COUNTY will mail corrected statements to the owner of each parcel. COUNTY will charge a fee for this service at a rate not to exceed $0.82 per statement pursuant to Property Tax Code Section 26.07 (f). When a refund is required per Property Tax Code Section 26.07 (g), COUNTY will charge a $.25 processing fee per check, in addition to the corrected statement mailing costs. Issuance of refunds, in the event of a successful rollback election, will be the responsibility of the COUNTY. MUNICIPALITY will be billed for the refunds, postage and processing fees. 7. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that COUNTY will, no later than January 31 st, deduct from current collections o f t h e MUNICIPALITY the "Total Cost" of providing all services described in paragraphs 1-5 above. This "Total Cost" includes any such services that have not yet been performed at the time of deduction. The "Total Cost" of providing all services described in paragraphs 1-5 above shall be the total of. 9 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT $0.82 x the total number of parcels listed on MUNICIPALITY's September 30, 2017 end of year Tax Roll for tax year 2016. In the event that a rollback election as described in paragraph 6 takes place, COUNTY shall bill MUNICIPALITY for the applicable programming charge, check processing fees, refunds paid, and refund postage costs. MUNICIPALITY shall pay COUNTY all billed amounts within 30 days of its receipt of said bill. In the event costs for additional delayed tax statements, processing and mailing are incurred as described in paragraph 1, COUNTY shall bill MUNICIPALITY for such amounts. MUNICIPALITY shall pay COUNTY all such billed amounts within 30 days of its receipt of said bill. 8. MUNICIPALITY further understands and agrees that COUNTY (at its sole discretion) may increase or decrease the amounts charged to MUNICIPALITY for any renewal year of this Agreement, provided that COUNTY gives written notice to MUNICIPALITY sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of the initial term of the Agreement. The County Budget Office establishes collection rates annually based on a survey of actual annual costs incurred by the COUNTY in performing tax collection services. The collection rate for each year is approved by County Commissioners' Court. All entities are assessed the same per parcel collection rate. VIII. COUNTY agrees to remit all taxes, penalties, and interest collected on MUNICIPALITY's behalf and to deposit such funds into the MUNICIPALITY's depositories as designated: 10 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 1. For deposits of tax, penalties, and interest, payment shall be by wire transfer or ACH to MUNICIPALITY depository accounts only, and segregated into the appropriate MO and IS accounts. Only in the event of failure of electronic transfer protocol will a check for deposits of tax, penalty and interest be sent by mail to MUNICIPALITY. 2. If MUNICIPALITY uses the same depository as COUNTY, the deposits of tax, penalty and interest shall be by deposit transfer. 3. In anticipation of renewal of this Agreement, COUNTY further agrees that deposits will be made daily through September 30, 2018 It is expressly understood, however, that this obligation of COUNTY shall not survive termination of this Agreement, whether by termination by either party or by failure of the parties to renew this Agreement. 4. In event that COUNTY experiences shortage in collections as a result of an outstanding tax debt of MUNICIPALITY, the MUNICIPALITY agrees a payment in the amount of shortage shall be made by check or ACH to COUNTY within 15 days after notification of such shortage. IX. In the event of termination, the withdrawing party shall be obligated to make such payments as are required by this Agreement through the balance of the tax year in which notice is given. COUNTY shall be obligated to provide services pursuant to this Agreement, during such period. 11 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT X. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and/or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XI. Any and all written notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be delivered or mailed to the listed addresses: COUNTY: County Judge of Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone 940-349-2820 MUNICIPALITY: The City/Town of Sanger, Texas, Address: P O Box 1729 / 502 Elm Street City, state, zip: Sanger TX 76266 Telephone:940-458-7930 Email: mbrice@sangertexas.org 12 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT XII. MUNICIPALITY hereby designates M i ke Brice to act on behalf of MUNICIPALITY, and to serve as Liaison for MUNICIPALITY to ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of MUNICIPALITY as stated in this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY's designee shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the MUNICIPALITY employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. XIII. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XIV. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties. Each party hereby certifies to the other that any resolutions necessary for this Agreement have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. Executed in duplicate originals this, day of ,2017. 13 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT COUNTY Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 BY: Honorable Mary Horn Denton County Judge ATTEST: BY: Juli Luke Denton County Clerk APPROVED FORM AND CONTENT: MUNICIPALITY Town/City: Sanger. Texas Address: P O Box 1729 / 502 Elm Street City, State, Zip: Sanger TX 76266 BY: Name: Thomas E. Muir Title: Mayor ATTEST: BY: Name Cheryl Price Title City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Michelle French Name Denton County Denton County Assistant Tax Assessor/Collector District Attorney 14 of 14 2017-2018 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ® Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes -ff Not Applicable Hearing Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: June 5, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials 4-f� Date c1-1-'/T ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ®OTHER Public Hearing AGENDA CAPTION Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning A Minor Plat of the Bella Addition, 0.254 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at the Northwest Corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. The purpose of this replat is to combine two lots into one. The applicant is intending to build a single family residence on this lot. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Coµneil, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: The Planning & Zoning Commission approved this item at their May 8, 2017 meeting. CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearing Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: June 5, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials MQ Date 6'_/_ 7 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ®APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on A Minor Plat of the Bella Addition, 0.254 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at the Northwest Corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. The purpose of this replat is to combine two lots into one. The applicant is intending to build a single family residence on this lot. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff has found the plat to be in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Staff Report • Location Map The Planning & Zoning Commission approved this item • Minor Plat at their May 8, 2017 meeting. • Application • Letter of Intent • Response Forms STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 5, 2017 Case #: 17SANZON-0003 Case Coordinator: Alina Ciocan Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on A Minor Plat of the Bella Addition, 0.254 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Applicant: Everett Armstrong — Florian Property Solutions Case Overview The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Oak Street and Wood Street. It is zoned Single -Family Residential District 8 (SF-8). The purpose of this replat is to combine two lots into one that would allow the applicant to build a single family residence on the lot. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Notification Response Form Properties within 200 feet of the subject property must be notified of this request pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code. Staff mailed twenty-nine (29) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. At the time of this report, staff received: • Three (3) forms in favor of the request • One (1) opposed to the request • Two (2) notices were returned as undeliverable Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission approved the plat on May 8, 2017. Replat - Bella Addition This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitablefor legal, engneedng, E""' CO D (] NTy or surveying It purposes. does not represent an on -the -ground Technology survey and represents only the approximate remtivelocationofpropertyboundaries. 0 25 50 100 Denton Countydoes riot guarantee the correctness ►' e r v i c e s Feet uct and anyibility lnectionhis nthe assumes noyresponsoraccuracof neaturesconon w h. t • • http://www.dentoncounty.com This product may be revised at any limewithout notification to any user. i VICINRY MAP NO,0 I r rm POET .0 r I n wx 0 3o 30 DWNFRS r.F .AiIDN . t19Y65' [ t045tl' I pn,er wum.ln.wo � mwr.or:ucr.:wrm _�___ glAPnrc gut[ IN 1¢1. 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" oa IF cEP,c[ In0 IM ew of xoren Pueno, 5mm°er rww rnnrrFwn ui I ry4 KM, ..n wr _.w_r. r_..w po Nww, I,Y r9eawr 9.,. O�ix�n�v.0) LEGEND -__- Mll "I rLNAlrol ----_------ uc A— wuc GENERAL NOTES -- R °:w:, orrnm uxc NP11 Al III��5e51,o+. KNr ' P° wP"Ilrm°�'�5c"A,�'F.""0 a'�P-;a a:°r ,RAR°SNwrr1—N r0° SUPYEYOR OWNED A,) TML sU� xx a C0N APP 1 r0 u[ vnrr 1 —'I (A— P.'tw 1r r0 01 NO,ALL�idxS lx ticu0 1S°0�H 0 —2 ic0 R I. —Y 1NOIaNR LLC. u@°clCil YpN°iJ1iAsaAu niA rt�m�um� ieP ..... �APu�HRR1A�oNpcouuuxriv PM'R 11�mr°fl°eAzl° a APPUR Iry __O °01(aiu) me 1.1 m slµ(°° ojrns�e iaeu °r° 5.) PUPP= °r ,Nu Pui I5 r0 -- — — — Rcrnml — t,w'0.— MINOR PLAT BELLA ADDITION LOT IR, BLOCKI BEING A REPLAT OF THE WEST HALF OF BLOCK NO. I M.F. HAMPTON ADDITION VOLUME 50, PAGE 599. DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACTNO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Preliminary Plat Minor Plat Applicant TTEXAS SUBDIVISION APPLICATION BY. -La ------- Final Plat Amended Plat nwnor (if riifforont frnm annlirmntl Name: Name: r Ak A u Company: Company: � lnk 0 (,A L� Address: Address: p City, State, Zip S��►� I A City, State, Zip �r Phone: 146 Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: (j {• I O ri aye prG % �o � U-�'1(d1S� CJ ��GI.►� , C.�t Email: Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: ) I' Six (6) Copies of Plat (24"06", folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Supporting Materials (list if provided): Owner Signature , Applicant Signature Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services ✓41 f Complete (Check# , -5 0 0 Incomplete (Returned to Applicant d City of Sanger 201 Bolivar/ P.0 Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) 940-458-4072 (fax) wwmsmigertexos.org -If//I// I Date Date April 11, 2017 City of Sanger, This letter of intent is for the purpose of explaining the reason for the proposed re -plat of 212 Oak St. in Sanger, TX. The purpose for the plat change is to combine two tracts of land into one, so that a new single family residence may be constructed on the site. Neither tract of land meets the minimum lot square footage for construction of a new residence. Once the re -plat is completed this lot will exceed the minimum square footage required for permitting. Everett Armstrong, Manger Florian Property Solutions LLC 940-458-5569 05/01/2017 MON 7:28 FAX 8174889792 GRAPEVINE INTERNAL MEDS 0001/001 Response Form 17SANZON-0003 Replat— Bella Addition In order for your opinion to be counted, please complete and mail this form to: Economic & Community Development Department Attn: Alina Ciocan P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: aclocan@sangertexas.org Fax: (940) 458-4072 Project No: 17SANZON-000.3 / Replat — Bella Addition Please circle o e: i favor of request apposed to request Comments: Printed Name Mailing Arlrlrpss ra ~"" Phone Number b� ��a$`�� rig ��� . , .. , .. � _ � m .� � a � � �-.�. �-, .�.. � .�.�- . .. _ 17SANZON-0003 Replat — Bella Addition In order for your opinion to be counted, please complete and mail this form to: Economic & Community Development Department Attn: Alina Ciocan P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: aciocan@sangertexas.org Fax: (940) 458-4072 Project No: 17SANZON-0003 / Replat — Bella Addition Please circle one: In favor of requester Opposed to request Comments: Ice 1 ure Printed Name ��e &1 —Ig-" / Mailing Address %a- wn7 City State Zip �Od�f' / 7 Phone Number Email Address Physical Address of Property within 200 feet %�L '® Response Form 17SANZON-0003 Replat — Bella Addition In order for your opinion to be counted, please complete and mail this form to: Economic & Community Development Department Attn: Alina Ciocan P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: aciocan@sangertexas.org Fax: (940) 458-4072 Project No: 17SANZON-0003 / Replat — Bella Addition Please circle one: In favor of request �pposed to request Comments: ture Printed Name lV e l— l , 410 R 6- Le-5 6,1) 9 i2C/,v A/LtL-)A P/ CitV, State Phone Number Email Address / C PhVsical Address of Property within 200 feet '� a 2 zd14Ld1</ 4- 1 Agreement for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 AMMENDMENT 2 TO SCOPE OF SERVICES LIFT STATION AND WASTEWATER PIPELINE IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT to the AGREEMENT dated November 10th 2014 between the City of Sanger, Texas, (hereinafter "Owner"), and ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter "Engineer"), 1320 South University Drive, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Texas 76107 is made on this the of , 2017 and to have an effective date for all eligible engineering services rendered on and after the execution date of this Amendment. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Basic Services for Phase 1 and Phase 2, as described in EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT D provided by the ENGINEER are amended with the Scope of Services as defined in the activities and tasks below. ACTIVITY G — ADDITIONAL PROJECT COORDINATION Task 1— Monthly Progress Meetings Monthly Progress Meetings - ENGINEER shall coordinate, prepare for, and conduct coordination monthly meetings to review progress with the OWNER and the consultants working on the design. Meetings shall take place at the OWNER's office in Sanger. a. ENGINEER shall prepare an agenda for the meetings. b. ENGINEER shall moderate the meetings. c. ENGINEER shall prepare and distribute draft meeting notes for review within 5 business days of the progress meeting. After receipt of comments, the meeting notes shall be finalized and distributed to the OWNER and sub -consultants for record purposes. d. Up to four (4) additional monthly progress meetings shall be held. Deliverables: • Draft and Final Meeting Notes Task 2 — Project Management Provide project management caused by delays in the design schedule that occurred for reasons beyond the control of the ENGINEER and to accommodate the added Activities G through K identified below. This task includes attendance at City Council Work Sessions and Public Meetings requested by the OWNER that were beyond the scope of the Agreement as modified by Exhibit D (Amendment No. 1). Additional project management tasks shall include, but are not limited to updating the project management plan; tracking and managing internal schedules of 1-11 Alan Plunvner Associates, Inc. Agreement for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 work; monitoring and addressing issues related to the scope of work, budget and deliverables; preparing and processing monthly billings; providing labor resources necessary to fulfill scoped work; scheduling and participating in quality control reviews; and providing updates to the OWNER on a regular basis. a. ENGINEER shall coordinate design efforts on project tasks identified below. b. ENGINEER shall prepare a common monthly invoice for all services. Deliverables • Monthly Invoices ACTIVITY H — GRAVITY PIPELINE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Task 1— Gravity Pipeline Route TM a. The ENGINEER shall complete the conceptual design as follows: Complete a route study for the Gravity Pipeline to convey up to _ MGD from the existing Cowling Lift Station site to location of the new Railroad Ave Lift Station location identified on the future Regional WWTP site including: a) Evaluation of up to two alignments based on available USGS or Lidar topographic data. b) Preparation of a Conceptual Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) of the recommended pipeline improvements. Prepare a Route Study Technical Memorandum (TM) documenting the selection criteria used, alternative alignments considered, issues of concern, recommended alignment for the pipeline routing and Conceptual OPCC reflecting the recommended design. Incorporate a preliminary plan and profile for each alignment based on available topographic data. Meet with the OWNER and present the draft section of the TM to the OWNER. Receive input from the OWNER, update and finalize the TM. The meeting will occur in concert with a monthly progress meeting. b. Deliverables: • Draft and Final Pipeline Route Study Technical Memorandum ACTIVITY I — GRAVITY PIPELINE PRELIMINARY DESIGN The ENGINEER shall advance the lift station and pipeline design to approximately 30% complete as follows: a. Obtain Right of Entry 1. ENGINEER shall identify land owners contact information for those parcels impacted by the selected force main alignment and request Right -of -Entry (ROE) by letter to facilitate inspection of the alignment by the ENGINEER, survey and collection of geotechnical samples. 2. ENGINEER will notify OWNER of those parcels that are non -responsive or have refused granting ROE within 30 days of sending notification letters. 3. ROE for non -responsive or refusal parcels shall be obtained by the OWNER. Alternately, if requested by the OWNER, the ENGINEER shall make additional attempts to contact the parcel 2-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 owners in question as an Additional Service subject to the budgetary constraints identified in Compensation below or to the amount approved by the OWNER in an Amendment to the AGREEMENT. b. The ENGINEER shall conduct survey, archeological and geotechnical sample collection as described in Special Services below. c. Environmental Analysis: 1. Field Investigation - Conduct field investigations needed to modify delineate jurisdictional wetlands and/or waters of the U.S. and documentation of potential threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat for species listed for the counties in which the site(s) and recommended site and alignment. Field investigations the along the recommended pipeline alignment will also be conducted. The pipeline field investigation shall include: a) ENGINEER will walk the recommended alignment using both environmental staff and pipeline design staff to collect field data and information related to potential project impacts. DISTRICT staff will also participate in field work activities. Information documented through notes and photographs will include, but not be limited to: • Current land use • Riparian areas • Jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including wetlands • Upland areas • Vegetation • Soils • Threatened and endangered species • Limited tree survey (for alignment adjustment in sensitive environmental areas) • Archeology (refer to Special Services for specific scope of work) b) Based on field observations made, ENGINEER will confer with OWNER staff and make preliminary refinements to the alignment in the field. c) ENGINEER will provide documentation of the field investigation as an appendix to the Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum (TM) identified below. d) The ENGINEER shall survey trees as described in Special Services. Identification of the species of specific trees provided under Basic Services shall be limited to large (approximately 24-inch to 36-inch and larger) specimens noted during the ENGINEER's walk through of the alignment corridor. Identification of smaller tree species on the Lift Station site or along the pipeline alignment shall be provided as an Additional Service. Cultural resources field activities will be conducted if necessary at the site and along recommended pipeline alignment. Refer to Special Services for the cultural resources scope of work. If necessary a cultural resources report will be prepared in conjunction with the environmental reports. Refer to Special Services for the cultural resources scope of work. d. Pipeline Material and Mechanical Equipment Selection: 1. The material for the gravity pipeline shall be PVC. 2. The study and recommendation of alternate materials, if requested by the OWNER, shall be provided as an Additional Service. e. Develop 30% plans for the gravity pipeline. 30% plans shall include plan and profile drawings. Gravity profile information shall be limited to surveyed top of ground and a draft line reflecting approximate planned top of pipe (depth of burial). 3-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 f. ENGINEER will prepare an updated OPCC for review by the OWNER in conjunction with the preliminary design of improvements. g. Participate in a 30% design quality control review meeting with OWNER's personnel. The meeting will occur in concert with a monthly progress meeting. ENGINEER will furnish four sets of the draft plans, specifications and bidding documents to the OWNER approximately 7 days prior to the meeting. Provide a written record of OWNER comments and the ENGINEER's responses. Deliverables: 1. Draft and Final Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum 2. 30% Gravity Pipeline Improvements Plans 3. 30% OPCC for the gravity pipeline 4. Construction Contract Document Table of Contents for lift station and pipeline improvement bid packages 5. Core specifications ACTIVITY J — GRAVITY PIPELINE DETAILED DESIGN The ENGINEER shall develop the final plans and specifications as follows: a. The ENGINEER will develop and submit core drawings to the OWNER for review in advancing the design. The OWNER will review and comment. ENGINEER will provide a written response to OWNER comments and will modify drawings incorporating required changes. b. Perform design calculations; develop plans to 60% and 90%. Present 60% and 90% quality control plans to the OWNER for review accompanied by required specifications and an OPCC as described below. The construction plans at a minimum shall include: 1. Plan and Profile sheets shall show the following: proposed plan/profile and recommended pipe size, valves, isolation valves, manholes, that are to be installed or replaced, existing utilities and utility easements, and pertinent information needed to construct the project. Property lines, legal description (Lot Nos., Block Nos., and Addition Names) along with property ownership shall be provided on plan view. Plans will reflect actual conditions to a distance of at least 25 feet on either side of the proposed force main. 2. The ENGINEER shall prepare standard and special detail sheets for the lift station, force main and any required gravity piping. 3. The ENGINEER shall prepare separate plan sets for the lift station and pipeline improvements. Separation of the recommended improvements into more than two (2) bid packages shall be provided as an Additional Service. c. Meet with the OWNER approximately 7 days following delivery of review documents to collect comments. ENGINEER will provide a written response to OWNER comments and will modify documents incorporating required changes. d. The ENGINEER will consult with the OWNER, public utilities, private utilities, TxDOT, the county and other facilities that have an impact or influence on the project. e. ENGINEER shall complete and submit TxDOT permit applications for highway crossings and entrances. 4-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 f. After completion of the 90% quality control review meeting the ENGINEER shall advance the design to 100% completion. The ENGINEER shall provide sealed construction contract documents to OWNER. g. Final Sealed Plans, the following documents will be provided by the ENGINEER after sealing the contract document sets: Four (4) sets of half size (11-in x 17-in) plans and four (4) specification books. Electronic (PDF OCR) files of plans and specifications via optical disc. h. Prior to the advertisement for bids, ENGINEER will prepare contract documents to comply with TCEQ requirements. ENGINEER shall submit required notification to the TCEQ. When requested the ENGINEER shall provide plans and specifications to the TCEQ for review. Prepare specifications for the gravity pipeline to fully describe the intended work and convey the intent of the design. The ENGINEER will develop and submit specifications to the OWNER for review in advancing the design. The OWNER will review and comment. ENGINEER will provide a written response to OWNER comments and modify specifications incorporating required changes. j. ENGINEER will update the OPCC for submittal with the 60% and 90% quality control review of the plans and specifications. Following completion of the design the ENGINEER will update the OPCC for submittal with the final sealed plans and specifications and the Engineer's Cost. k. Incorporate the required additional specification sections into the specification book prepared by the ENGINEER to support bid and construction of the lift station and pipeline improvements provided under Exhibit D (Amendment No. 2) to the Agreement for review at approximately 60% and 90% design completion. The OWNER and ENGINEER agree that the two (2) specification books referenced in Activity D, Task 3 - Specifications on Page 7-16 in Exhibit D (Amendment No. 2) shall be used to bid the WWTP Outfall Pipeline and subsequently at a later date the lift station, force main and gravity pipeline. Additional bid packages shall be provided as an Additional Service. The ENGINEER shall update specification sections required for the gravity pipeline in the specification books prepared under Exhibit D (Amendment No. 2) for the lift station and force main prior to applying final seals. m. Deliverables: 1. 60% and 90% quality control review plans and specifications gravity pipeline. 2. 60% and 90% OPCC and Final OPCC (Engineers Cost) for the gravity pipeline. 2. Final Sealed plans and specifications for the gravity pipeline. ACTIVITY K — ADDITIONAL WWTP OUTFALL PIPELINE DESIGN SERVICES The ENGINEER shall perform additional conceptual design services for the WWTP Outfall Pipeline detailed in Exhibit D (Amendment No. 1) as follows: a. The ENGINEER shall update alignment identified in the route study to accommodate a discharge location south of Paddock Lake. b. The ENGINEER shall provide an updated Pipeline Route Study Technical Memorandum covering the proposed route. 5-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. for Professional Services III. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL SERVICES APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 Additional Special Services for the gravity pipeline between the Cowling Lift Station and the proposed Railroad Avenue Lift Station are incidental to the Project, but not included within the scope of the Agreement as modified by Amendment No. 1 or within the Additional Services covered in Amendment No. 2 above. These services may be performed or arranged for separately by the OWNER, or may be added to the ENGINEER'S responsibilities by mutual agreement and written authorization, include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: Task 1— Additional Survey Surveying for the gravity pipeline between the Cowling Lift Station and the proposed Railroad Avenue Lift Station will be conducted after successfully obtaining right -of -entry (ROE), survey scope of work will include the following tasks: a. Utility coordination. Prior to commencing any topographic fieldwork, surveyor will coordinate with, collect and review available public and private utility records within the project limits. The surveyor will submit a utility locate request for the project limits to Texas 811. b. Right -of -Way and Property. Survey will locate and tie existing ROW, property lines and easements including type, size, volume and page, where applicable. c. Survey will horizontally and vertically pick up surface features; drainage features; building locations; fences/retaining walls; trees and/or tree lines; roadways; railways; and city, county and franchise utilities (as provided by Texas 811 utility locate request) within the project area to the following limits: 1. Approximately 4,300 LF of force main, sanitary sewer and outfall pipeline alignment mapping to support the design of wastewater pipeline improvements. 2. Alignment swaths shall be approximately 100 feet wide centered on the centerline of the pipeline alignment corridor. d. The survey of trees shall include caliper size trunks approximately 6-in and larger. Based on the judgement of the ENGINEER the edge (tree line) of groups of trees or shrubs may be substituted for the survey of all trees within heavily wooded areas. In such areas, the ENGINEER shall survey trees that exceed 12-in caliper size. Identification of tree species beyond that provided under Basic Services shall be provided as an Additional Service. e. Methods and precision. Survey coordinates will be reported on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83 (+/- 0.01 feet) with vertical coordinates reported in the NAVD 88 Vertical System (+/- 0.01 feet). Horizontal and vertical control will be set using post -processed GPS static methods. Data will be collected using RTK GPS and robotic total stations for the majority of the survey. Laser scanning methods will be used at state highway and railroad crossings for safety reasons. All survey data collected will also be submitted in GIS format per project spatial data management and procedures with appropriate ground to grid conversion. g. The budget for survey established in this contract assumes full ground survey of the project limits. Billings will be based on actual work performed by the surveyor (whether ground survey, aerial survey or both. h. ENGINEER will research boundaries, subdivision plats, rights -of -way (ROW) and easements of which the surveyor has knowledge, which may affect the physical boundaries of the project. Easements with volume and page numbers will be identified and labeled in the survey submittal. Research will include public record resources, including but limited to: county records; TxDOT records; franchise utility records (gas, telephone, 6-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Agreement for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 electric, cable and others); ownership or easement records as available; and title/abstracting reports from owner on proposed easement parent tracts. i. ENGINEER will prepare a metes and bounds description of permanent and temporary construction easements, with accompanying exhibits, for up to 1 additional parcel. Deliverables will include: • An electronic abstract report with supporting documents for the parent tract on each proposed instrument. • Metes and bounds description with accompanying exhibit. • One electronic executed PDF of the complete instrument for the parcel. • Five (5) original hard copies of the complete instrument for the parcel. • All easement corners and HPI's will be staked with 1/2 inch iron rods or appropriate materials after final executed documents are delivered. Task 2 — Additional Geotechnical Engineering a. Geotechnical investigation for the gravity pipeline between the Cowling Lift Station and the proposed Railroad Avenue Lift Station will occur on parcels where ROE has been obtained at the selected sites. Soil borings will be advanced in selected locations based on surface conditions, pre-existing geotechnical data and other factors. When possible, soil borings will be placed on public ROW. Samples will be acquired and laboratory tests will be conducted to provide engineering data necessary for the design. Laboratory tests for each sample collected are anticipated to include: • Dry, saturated, buoyant and total unit weight • Cohesion • Particle size and gradation • Atterburg's limits • Unified Soil Classification • Internal soil friction angle • Void ratio • Elastic modulus • Resistivity Up to four of the samples collected will have the following special tests: • Chemical tests, including cation exchange capacity, specific surface area and total potassium • Mineralogy of samples including monmorillinite, kaolinite and illite. b. The geotechnical budget allowance is based on 3 soil borings up to 35 feet total depth (TD) each. The borings will be backfilled using cuttings and bentonite chips. Actual work required will be refined as the PROJECT progresses. Billing will be based on actual work performed by the geotechnical subcontractor. c. Deliverables; 1. Certified Laboratory Report Copies 2. Draft Geotechnical Report 3. Final Geotechnical Report 7-11 Alan Plunnner Associates, Inc. for Professional Services Task 3 — Additional Cultural Services APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 a. The Cultural Resources Sub -consultant will obtain an Antiquities Permit from the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and perform a pedestrian survey of the proposed gravity pipeline easement that include drainage channel banks and knolls. Shovel testing will be used at up to one (1) specific location where artifacts have been found exposed on the surface or where there is good reason to expect that buried prehistoric site deposits are to be encountered at depths of less than one meter. Excavation shovel tests will be more numerous in those locations deemed to have a high probability in the field shovel testing beyond that described above will be performed as an additional service. Shovel test matrices either will be screened through '/ inch hardware cloth screens or broken manually and inspected if the clay content is too high to allow for effective screening. Records, maps and photographs will be kept and will become a part of the permanent record. b. After conducting field investigation activities, a draft Cultural Resources report, which will meet the report standards of the Council of Texas Archaeologists (ND), will be prepared and submitted to the OWNER for review. After OWNER's comments are addressed, the report will be sent to the THC and the USACE for review. Following receipt of review comments from THC and USACE, one copy of the final report will be delivered to the THC and USACE. OWNER will be provided three (3) hard copies of the report and electronic files formatted for archiving in the OWNER's GIS system. c. Deliverables will include: a. Draft Cultural Services Report b. Final Cultural Services Report Billings will be based on actual work performed by the archeological subcontractor. 8-11 Alan Phaniner Associates, Inc. Agreement for Professional Services IV. COMPENSATION APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 OWNER will compensate ENGINEER on a cost reimbursable basis for the SERVICES rendered at Engineer's hourly rates provided in Attachment 1 to this Exhibit. All direct non -labor expenses, including mileage, travel and lodging expenses, but excluding subcontract expenses, applied to the BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES, shall be paid at invoice or internal office cost plus a fifteen percent (15%) service charge. Subcontract expenses shall be paid at direct cost plus a fifteen percent (15%) service charge. All sales, use, value added, business transfer, gross receipts, or other similar taxes will be added to Engineer's compensation when invoicing Owner. The total fee ceiling for the additional work defined above is broken down below by task as defined in this exhibit: Activity Task Description Fee Ceiling Activity G Additional Project Coordination $26,600 Activity H Gravity Pipeline Conceptual Design $6,300 Activity I Gravity Pipeline Preliminary Design $44,800 Activity J Gravity Pipeline Detailed Design $75,900 Activity K Additional WWTP Outfall Pipeline Conceptual Design $11,200 SUBTOTAL AMENDMENT NO.3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES $164,800 Task 1 Additional Survey $34,500 Task 2 Additional Geotechnical Engineering $11,500 Task 3 Additional Cultural Resources $11,500 SUBTOTAL AMENDMENT NO.3 SPECIAL SERVICES $ 57,500 ADDITIONAL SERVICES $20,000 TOTAL AMENDMENT NO, 3 FEE $242,300 The ENGINEER may submit interim statements, not to exceed one per month, for partial payment for SERVICES rendered. The statements to OWNER will be by task for the percentage of work actually completed. The OWNER shall make interim payments within 30 calendar days in response to ENGINEER's interim statements. No budgetary allowance has established for Additional Services. Additional services must be authorized by amendment of the agreement. Time and materials billing for ENGINEER'S labor will be at the hourly rates provided below. ENGINEER's direct expenses, including subcontractor expenses, will include a multiplier of 1.15. 9-11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. for Professional Services IV. SCHEDULE APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 The time period for performance design and bid phase tasks identified under BASIC SERVICES as detailed above shall be completed within time identified in the Agreement as modified by Amendment No. 1. OWNER: City of Sanger, Texas By: Title: Witness: ENGINEER: ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. 0 Title: Witness: 10 - 11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Agreement for Professional Services EXHIBIT B ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE 2017 APAI Project No. 1416-003-01 Staff Description Staff Code Range of Billing Rates Admin Staff Al-A3 $ 65.00 - $ 80.00 Senior Admin Staff A4 $ 90.00 - $ 120.00 Designer/Technician Cl-C2 $ 56.00 - $ 103.00 Designer/Technician III C3 $ 95.00 - $ 120.00 Senior Designer/Technician C4 $ 100.00 - $ 140.00 Electrical Engineer E1 $115.00 - $165.00 Senior Electrical Engineer E2 $200.00 - $275.00 Engineer/Scientist Intern ESO $ 50.00 - $ 75.00 Engineer-in-Training/Scientist-in-Training ES1-ES2 $ 80.00 - $105.00 Engineer-in-Training/Scientist-in-Training III ES3 $ 95.00 - $135.00 Project Engineer/Scientist ES4 $120.00 - $150.00 Senior Project Engineer/Scientist ES5 $135.00 - $165.00 Project Manager ES6 $170.00 - $220.00 Senior Project Manager ES7 $190.00 - $260.00 Principal ES8-ES9 $235.00 - $320.00 Billing rates are based on "salary cost" times a multiplier of 2.3. Salary cost is based on direct payroll costs times 1.43. Salary cost includes direct payroll costs, payroll taxes, vacation, holiday, sick leave, employee insurance, and other fringe. Range of billing rates shown may be adjusted by up to 4 percent annually (at the beginning of each calendar year) during the term of this agreement. The multipliers shown will not be adjusted. A multiplier of 1.15 will be applied to all direct expenses. 11 - 11 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. SRge�r xExes Memorandum To: Mike Brice, City Manager From: Clayton Gray, Finance Director 01— Date: May 11, 2017 Re: Utility Rate Study Recommendation After reviewing quotes from NewGen Strategies, Schneider Engineering and Willdan Financial Services, I recommend the City engage NewGen Strategies to perform a utility rate study. The final proposals from the three firms are as follows: NewGen Strategies $32,500 Schneider Engineering 42,000 Willdan Financial Services 39,000 While researching firms to prepare a rate study, NewGen was recommended to me by (1) Carolyn Marshall, CPA, who I worked with on a rate study for the Town of Highland Park; (2) Vicki Rodriguez with the City of Roanoke; (3) Linda Bantz with the City of Wylie; and (4) John Moran with the City of Mineral Wells. NewGen also quoted an optional 3-year study, which includes an initial study and annual updates for two subsequent years. The total price for this option is $52,500, I am attaching all three quotations for reference. May 11, 2017 Submitted by Chris Ekrut Dear Mr. Gray, NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC (NewGen) is pleased to have this opportunity to propose our assistance to the City of Sanger, TX (City) to prepare a five-year Financial Plan and Rate Study specific to the City's Electric, Water, and Wastewater utilities. Given the anticipated growth to be experienced by the City, and the capital improvements needed to support that growth, NewGen is excited to be considered to assist the City in preparing and implementing this critical financial plan which represents a cornerstone for achieving future success. NewGen recognizes the importance of this engagement to the long-term success of the City. To that end, we have assembled a Project Team with unmatched expertise and experience in electric, water, and wastewater rate -making specific to the State of Texas. Members of our Project Team possess decades of professional experience, are routinely called on to provide technical expertise to the states regulatory agencies, and translate and defend detailed and technical industry methodologies into a product that can be easily understood by our clients and all key stakeholders. However, it is not only the years of professional and consulting experience which differentiate NewGen for this project, but also our reputation for providing quality rate design studies that meet the goals and objectives of our clients while also withstanding the scrutiny of regulatory and judicial bodies. The following proposal details our Project Team's experience and anticipated plan for conducting the proposed engagement. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to assisting the City in this engagement. Should you have any questions regarding the following proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me at 972.232.2234 or via e-mail at cekrut@newgenstrategies.net newgenstrategies.net. Sincerely, Chris Ekrut Director NewGen Strategies & Solutions �I C } 1 j ` Our expertise includes utility business and financial planning, litigation support and provision of expert witness testimony in regulatory proceedings, and sustainability strategy for water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, electric and natural gas utilities. NewGen Strategies & Solutions has been in business for over four years, however, the five founding members of NewGen Strategies & Solutions possess in excess of 150 years of consulting experience. This experience has been acquired while members and/or owners were at recognized national consulting groups such as R. W. Beck, Inc. (now SAIC and Leidos), Navigant Consulting, and Touche Ross (now Deloitte), and regional practices such as Reed Stowe & Yanke. Additionally, NewGen Strategies & Solutions professionals come from the nationally recognized engineering firms of CDM Smith, Inc. and HDR, Inc. Individuals from NewGen Strategies & Solutions provide the expertise gained from more than 130 Cost of Service studies and 125 expert witness cases or filings supporting utility customers, regulatory staff, and utilities. R.W. Beck SA1CIleidos SYanke Cu. Education: University of North Texas, MPA - City Management West Texas A&M University, BA Public Administration PROJECT MANAGER Mr. Chris Ekrut will serve as the Project Manager for the engagement and will serve as the day-to-day contact for the engagement. In this role, he will also serve as the primary communicator before the City Council. Chris has been providing rate -making consulting services since 2004, with the majority of his consulting experience centered in the water, wastewater, and electric industries. He has filed expert witness testimony with regards to COS determination and rate design, as well as provided litigation support and expert witness testimony development before other rate regulatory agencies. He has also conducted a number of wholesale and retail water and wastewater rate studies, developed water wastewater rate models, storm water fee models, and assisted in the negotiation and/or litigation involving a number of wholesale water contracts. University of North Texas, BA Accounting QUALIFIED REVIEWER Mr. Jack Stowe, Jr. has more than 45 years of professional consulting experience and is a recognized expert in water, wastewater, natural gas, and electric rate matters, having testified numerous times as an expert witness on rate -making matters before regulatory agencies, as well as federal and state courts. Jack will provide the peer level review of all work products for this engagement, ensuring that they meet the expectations of the City while being of sufficient quality to withstand internal and external scrutiny. Education: University of Texas at Dallas, MBA Organizational Strategy Texas A&M University, BBA Management Certifications: Certified Public Manager (CPM) Certified Government Finance Officer (CGFO) i =1 j' j J'; I `' �' l i t', 1 i 1� t i l ij 11 1 SENIOR PROJECT CONSULTANT Mr. Mathew Garrett is an Executive Consultant with NewGen and has completed a variety of cost of service and rate design studies for engagements with water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities. Mr. Garrett has also assisted in the completion of impact fee, valuation, litigation support, and feasibility engagements. Prior to joining NewGen, Matthew served over five years as the Director of Finance for the Town of Prosper, Texas where he was responsible for implementing the Town's cost allocation plan during the budgeting processes. In that capacity, he oversaw not only the Budget and Accounting functions, but also managed Human Resources, Utility Billing and Information Technology. Before Prosper, he worked for Collin County for over five years holding the titles of Senior Financial Analyst, project with a depth of pragmatic management perspectives. Education: Texas A&M University, BBA Accounting FINANCIAL ANALYST Ms. Kim Bostik is a Senior Consultant with NewGen who has provided rate consulting services since 2007. Ms. Bostik has also served as a risk analyst for the energy industry as well as a consultant for municipal utilities. During her consulting career, Kim has provided a variety of services to utilities including, but not limited to, wholesale and retail cost -of -service and rate design studies, impact fee design, economic feasibility, advanced metering procurement, CCN valuations, and litigation support. Education: University of Texas at Dallas, MS Business Analytics -(May 2018) St. Edward's University, BBA Accounting 3 FINANCIAL ANALYST AND DATA ANALYTICS EXPERT Mr. Michael Sommerdorf provides financial modeling, large data manipulation, and financial analysis for a variety of industries. He joined NewGen Strategies and Solutions, LLC as an Analyst in 2o16 shortly after attaining a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. He is currently working towards a Master of Science in Business Analytics at the University of Texas at Dallas. Prior to joining NewGen, Mr. Sommerdorf held positions as a finance intern at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), a volunteer tax preparer, and an internal audit intern at a small semiconductor firm. Based on our prior e-mail and telephone conversations, multiple objectives should be satisfied by the selected consultants' work product, which includes the following: • Fully Fund Water, Wastewater, and Electric Utilities • Project increases necessary to fund the projected Capital improvements Plan requirements over the next five (5) year period • Achieve financial and debt coverage policies, as applicable • Minimize Customer Monthly Bill Impacts, where possible NewGen maintains a strong and active presence before the State of Texas' rate regulatory authorities and is routinely requested to provide expert opinions on rate matters by legal counsels representing clients throughout the State of Texas. For NewGen to maintain its reputation and presence within the regulatory environment, our product must be of such quality to withstand intense scrutiny. The product developed by NewGen for this engagement will withstand such scrutiny. To achieve this, as part of our work plan, NewGen has one of its executive level consultants, who is outside of the study's day-to-day process; provide an independent review of the study to test the assumptions and validity of the results and recommendations. Mr. Jack Stowe, who is a recognized expert in rate regulatory matters, will provide the quality control and assurance review for the project. NewGen will utilize the QA/QC procedures as outlined within this proposal. To perform the requested study, the Project Team proposes the following general work plan. This proposed work plan closely follows the approaches and methodologies utilized by NewGen's Project Team members in all of their cost of service and rate design studies. Therefore, the City can be assured that the work plan proposed by NewGen has been tested and proven in numerous studies across the state and nation. It is understood that, if selected, the Project Team will refine, customize, and finalize the work plan with the City upon award of the project and reflective of the City's anticipated work schedule and budget. In Phase I, NewGen will gather the necessary data required to determine the cost of providing utility service to City customers. Data to be collected will include City's budgets, audited financial statements, capital improvement plan, contractual documents, wholesale power purchase records, water pumpage and usage records, metered flow reporting, wastewater discharge monitoring reports, etc. NewGen will plan a teleconference to meet with the appropriate City staff in order to confirm our understanding of the provided data provided, as well as to discuss the capital improvements and said funding of improvements, projected for the next five (5) years. Once the necessary data has been collected, NewGen will review the historical and forecasted trends with regard to operations and maintenance costs, cash capital outlays, debt service, capital improvements, utility usage, and others as appropriate. NewGen will adjust expenditures as necessary (normalize, annualize, etc.) in order to develop an annual revenue requirement that is representative of each utility's financial needs. Upon completion of this phase we will have developed a five (5)-year revenue requirement forecast specific to each utility service. tit Phase II will involve calculating amended rates under the City's current rate structures that will recover the revenue requirements, as defined in Phase I, specific to each utility. In performing Phase II, the Project Team will also review the City's currently approved rate design structures and suggest changes based on industry standard methods, recent regulatory changes, and best practices as endorsed by the Texas Legislature. The impact of these potential rate design changes will be discussed with City staff to determine which potential changes should ultimately be discussed with the City Council. Please note that, at this time, our proposed pricing does not anticipate a change in the City's current rate design structure. To the extent City staff or the City Council wish to examine a potential change, these changes will be discussed with staff as commensurate changes may be needed to the anticipated project price. Upon completion of the first two phases of the Study, NewGen will issue a draft letter report for review by City Staff. Upon receipt of any comments, a final electronic copy of the study report will be provided to the City. As requested, NewGen will discuss the study and present the findings in up to two (2) meetings with the City Council. Additional meetings will be provided at a to be agreed upon rate if requested. The scope of services outlined above reflects the activities the Project Team believes are necessary to meet the goals and objectives outlined by the City. However, we recognize that additional services may be desired by the City to increase the overall effectiveness of the contemplated engagement. Such services may include, but may not be limited to, those outlined in detail below. Please note that the additional services as outlined are optional in nature and are not included in the standard, not -to -exceed price as previously outlined. Said services will only be provided upon receipt of the City's express, written permission. �TO �'J_ i ('fit, ' �l! i�'-�13 + l,ll� jla. The development of a financial forecasting and rate model for City use will occur throughout the course of the project. Once the project has been finalized, and if requested by the City, the Project Team will work to form this model into a "user-friendly" program for use by City staff. NewGen prides itself in developing user-friendly models which are specific to, and reflect the unique operational characteristics of, each client. While our Project Team utilizes standard best practices in developing rate models, each model we develop is unique and does not reflect a "canned" or "off -the -shelf" product. Given the unique nature of each of our clients, we believe it is important that the product created as part of a rate study also be unique and reflective of our client's overall goals and objectives. The model provided to the City will be built so as to be compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010 or newer versions. Within the model itself, instructions will be built-in so as to ensure that a user has immediate and constant access to understanding on the model's functions. All assumptions will be presented in blue font and all calculations/results presented in black font so the user is aware of fields that can be amended. Additionally, both a fully protected version and an unlocked version of the model will be provided to ensure staff has a tool that can be deployed to all classes of user, from novice to advanced. The City's model will allow staff to run "what -if" scenarios including, but not limited to, changes in operating, capital and wholesale costs, customer and volume growth or decline, debt service structure, source costs, inflation, capital project financing, and funding sources. The model will allow the user to assess the impact various scenarios will have on an existing typical monthly bill for each class of customer. The model will also generate financial statistics such as debt coverage ratios and average dollar and percentage change for each customer class. A visual dashboard will also be included within the model to assist City staff in communicating key financial and performance metrics, as defined by City staff, with the City's key decision -makers. To ensure the model is fully useable by staff, the Project Team will conduct a hands-on training session with key model stakeholders when the model is delivered and will discuss every worksheet within the model and fully demonstrate its functionality. i Based on the Standard Services outlined above, and assuming notice to proceed is received by the Project Team by May 19th, the Project Team anticipates the starting and completion dates for each Task as noted in the table below. I Determine the Water, Wastewater, May 22nd June 16th and Electric Revenue Requirements II Design the Retail Rates June lgth July 14th III Prepare and Present Findings July lyth August lath Please note that the Project Team's ability to meet these deadlines will be dependent on the timely receipt of accurate data as requested by the Project Team, and the availability of City staff and/or the City Council for the meetings indicated herein. 3 11 NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC. (NewGen) recognizes that the quality of our analysis and work product is of paramount importance. To serve as a trusted advisor to our clients, it is critical that our work be of the highest caliber. Mistakes challenge our credibility with colleagues and clients. Moreover, errors can lead to serious negative consequences including, but not limited to, potential litigation. NewGen is also proud of its role in serving as a qualified expert before state and federal rate regulatory agencies and courts of law. For us to maintain our credibility as experts, our work must withstand the scrutiny of opposing legal counsels and judicial bodies. Given this, each engagement must be conducted under strict quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) procedures. NewGen's internal QA/QC program involves three key levels of review - Personal, Peer and Product. These three levels are as follows: I y 1 uii At the first level of our QA/QC program, every consultant is personally responsible for his or her own work product. Any product developed internally should be considered "client -ready" prior to being submitted to higher levels of management for review. To assist consultants in ensuring that their work product meets these standards, NewGen has developed and utilizes a "Check-up" process. Utilizing this as an acronym, NewGen encourages its consultants to apply each of these standards to every analysis conducted or work product prepared. CALCULATIONS • Affirm internal checks are in place and not producing errors. Review model formula links and named ranges. Remove links to files that should not be included and remove unused named ranges. Printout and spot check final drafts to ensure accuracy. HOLISTIC • Have you gotten out the details and looked at the big picture? Look for changes in prior drafts. Do the changes in the model make sense? Compare model data with other sources of available information to ensure accuracy. Do our results make sense? ENGLISH • Propergrammar Spell check COMPOSITION ION How does your product look? Is it formatted correctly? • Is it organized and easy to follow? Remove unused data and side calculations. KNOWLEDGE • Does it reflect industry standards and represent a quality product? UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTES • Clearly document and affirm assumptions. Include notes/methodology description in analysis if calculations are complicated. This will help to explain why and how these calculations were done for future reference. PRINT READY • Make sure document is print ready. } The second level of our QA/QC process involves a peer review of all analysis and work product. As part of this process, NewGen has designated experts in each subject matter area to serve as "qualified reviewers". For each engagement, a qualified reviewer is assigned as part of the Project Team. The qualified reviewer serves as a third -party advisor during the conduct of each engagement, and is responsible for ensuring the quality of the work product. Each analysis or work product is reviewed periodically during the conduct of the engagement as well as formally approved by a qualified reviewer prior to further transmission to a client. The final level of review in our QA/QC process seeks to ensure that the product we develop and publish is reflective of the high standards of NewGen. Each deliverable is reviewed by our administrative staff to ensure it meets the quality standards of a NewGen product, regardless of the individual or specific office that produced the product. Each product is reviewed in comparison with the templates prepared by NewGen, and reviewed to ensure the technical writing is accurate and can easily be understood by key stakeholders and those outside the day-to-day study process. To implement the above outlined process, NewGen conducts annual training for employees on the QA/QC process. This includes in -person, multi -day workshops on project management and the proper application of the QA/QC procedures. To further emphasize the importance of our QA/ QC process, each employee's annual performance review has an entire section devoted to work quality that assesses the employee's specific application of the above outlined process. This review is key to determining an employee's annual bonus and salary adjustment. Failure to abide by the above standards may have impacts on an employee's compensation package and/or continued employment with the NewGen. NewGen appreciates that an analytical and structured approach to QA/QC is critical to maintaining cost, ensuring credibility, and, most importantly, protecting the client relationship. At its core, NewGen strives to serve as a trusted advisor to our clients, and the consistent application of the QA/QC program outlined above is critical to achieving our long-term success. NewGen proposes to invoice the City on a monthly basis for actual hours worked at our then applicable hourly billing rates, plus out of pocket expenses incurred at cost. Payment is due within thirty (30) days upon receipt. NewGen's hourly billing rates, effective through the term of the engagement, are as follows: General Manager President Director or Executive Consultant Senior Consultant Staff Consultant Analyst Administrative Assistant $295 $265 - $295 $210 - $295 $160 - $210 $140 - $160 $120 - $140 $85 Should the City desire to perform the initial study, and then have annual updates prepared to reflect changing conditions, NewGen proposes the following as optional annual pricing for the next three (3) year period. Under this pricing structure, provided pricing is on a fixed fee basis: By engaging NewGen, you agree that the services rendered by our Firm will be performed in accordance with instructions or specifications received by the City, and will be provided with the degree of skill and judgment exercised by recognized professionals performing services of similar nature and consistent with the applicable industry best practices. You further agree that compensation for services rendered will be provided to NewGen regardless of the final outcome of the engagement. We greatly appreciate the City's consideration of our Firm to conduct the engagement discussed within the proposal. As a Firm, we seek continuing client relationships, not simply projects. We look forward to establishing a relationship with the City of Sanger. As part of establishing this relationship, it is our aim that everything contained within our proposal be transparent and fully understood. This allows us to lay a solid foundation for a great working relationship both now and into the future. Should you have questions after reviewing this proposal, please do not hesitate to let us know. We're happy to clarify any information, or provide additional detail where needed. We are committed to working with the City to develop a scope of services that meets the City's goals and objectives, while recognizing the importance of being proper stewards of public funds. Please feel free to contact Chris Ekrut by phone at 972.232.2234 or via e-mail at cekrut newgen strategies. net with any questions or concerns you may have. Once you feel confident in the information provided, the scope of services, and are ready to move forward, please sign below and return this proposal to us. As an alternative, and dependent upon the requirements of your City Attorney, NewGen can also provide a standard Master Services Agreement for consideration, or we are happy to review the City's standard contractual language. Again, we appreciate this opportunity to apply our expertise to help the City of Sanger, TX. Clayton Gray, City of Sanger, TX Chris Ekrut, NewGen Strategies & Solutions SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LTD. SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING ENERGY. FOCUS. COMMITMENT. PREPARED FOR CITY OF SANGER APRIL 28, 2017 PROPOSAL - COST OF SERVICE / RATE STUDY FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS I APRIL 28, 2017 Client: City of Sanger Proposal: Cost of Service / Rate Study for Electric, Water, and Wastewater Utility Scope of Work: Schneider Engineering (SE) will provide cost of service analysis, financial assessment and forecast, recommendations regarding rates, and develop or amended rate ordinances to achieve utility financial plan. Scope of work for each utility study shall include the following: ® Phase 1— Cost of Service Analysis o Develop cost of service model and allocate test year revenues according to costs associated with serving various utility rate classes. o Develop revenue requirement by utility and by rate class. o Identify cost of service allocations and inadequacies in various utility rate classes. ■ Phase 2 — Financial Assessment and Forecast o Review financial statements of each utility and identify any issues or non -desirable aspects of the current financial position of the City. o Develop five year financial forecast to achieve revenue requirement for each utility system, including funding methodology for capital improvement plans in each utility. ■ Phase 3 — Rate Review o Review the current utility rate design and determine "proof of revenues" by rate / rate class. o Review the overall rate competitiveness and develop rate comparisons to surrounding utilities. o Identify any issues or non -desirable aspects of the current rate design and make recommendations based on financial and competitive goals provided by the City. o Develop rate ordinances to meet financial objectives. Cost Estimate: Schneider Fngineering. I td_ will nrnvidP sPrvirpq ralatari to the nhrniP SrnnP of Wnrk and will provide the City of Sanger itemized invoices for services performed. Services will be billed on an hourly/work performed basis, plus reimbursable expenses. Fees will be based on actual work performed. The estimated budget for completion of the above referenced Scope of Work is itemized below. The budget by phase is listed below: ■ Electric Utility o Phase 1- Cost of Service Study $5,000 o Phase 2 - Financial Assessment and Forecast $3,000 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LTD. 1 2 PROPOSAL - COST OF SERVICE / RATE STUDY FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS' APRIL 28, 2017 o Phase 3 - Rate Study $4,000 ® Water Utility o Phase 1- Cost of Service Study $5,000 o Phase 2 - Financial Assessment and Forecast $3,000 o Phase 3 - Rate Study $4,000 ® Wastewater Utility o Phase 1 - Cost of Service Study $5,000 o Phase 2 - Financial Assessment and Forecast $3,000 o Phase 3 - Rate Study $4,000 ® Council Meetings — 2 Trips $6,000 Total estimated project cost is $42 000 plus reimbursable expenses. Additional on -site meetings will be approved by the City of Sanger and will be billed on an hourly / work performed basis, plus reimbursable expenses, in accordance with Attachment 1. Proposed Schedule: Schedule for completing the above scope of work will be defined prior to project commencement. Estimated time for completion of all scope of work is 6 months from date of receipt of all data requested. Approved By: Date: SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LTD. 1 3 The Owner shall pay the Engineer / Consultant for services performed under this Agreement as follows: POSITION HOURLY RATE Engineer VIII / President J $200.00 Engineer VIII / Principal $185.00 Engineer VII / Senior Consultant IV $170.00 Engineer VI $155.00 Engineer V $140.00 Engineer IV —I $125.00 Engineer 111 $110.00 _ ^P3 9 6=F� Engineer II $100.00 Engineer 1 $85.00 Project Manager III / Senior Consultant 111 $155.00 Project Manager II / Senior Consultant II M $140.00 ^` Project Manager I / Senior Consultant 1 I $125.00 Project Analyst IV $120.00 Project Analyst 111 MmTiLm- $105.00 Project Analyst 11 Project Analyst 1 _ $90.00 $75.00 Technician V Technician IV / Designer 111 Technician III / Designer II Technician 11 / Designer 1 Technician 1 $115.00 $105.00 $95.00 $85.00 $75.00 Technician Assistant $60.00 Administrative Staff $65.00 i Administrative Assistant v $55.00 Y �Jci 1�01 �?JV.uu PERSONNEL OVERTIME CHARGES Hourly personnel overtime work will be invoiced at the base billing rate plus a multiplier of 1.5 times the employee hourly rate. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Mileage Reimbursement: $0.57/mile for cars, $0.75/mile for trucks, $0.85/mile for fully equipped off -road survey trucks ■ The following will be billed at cost plus 12%: o Copying costs o Transportation, subsistence and lodging o Approved sub -contract services SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LTD. 1 4 Clayton Gray From: Dan Jackson <DJackson@willdan.com> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 2:14 PM To: Clayton Gray Cc: Mike Brice Subject: RE: Proposal for Rate Study Clayton: I am certainly willing to work with the City on the price. Cost proposals are always going to be a little speculative, because they are based on a combination of assumptions about quality of the data, the timeframe for the analysis, the expectations of the client, and the budget expectations of the client. That being said, I wont let our proposal be priced out of consideration. Upon reflection, I think that the combination of 3 studies and model development will be a little more complicated than I originally thought during our meeting, so I don't think $30 could work. I could probably come in at $40 (or better yet, $39) if the City could make that work. Again, I want to settle in on a price and level of effort that we are all comfortable with. Let me know what you think. Dan V. Jackson Vice President Willdan Financial Services Economists.com 5500 Democracy Drive Ste. 130 Plano TX 75024 (972) 378-6588 (972) 998-0417 cell djackson@willdan.com From: Clayton Gray [mailto:CGray@sangertexas.org] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 2:07 PM To: Dan Jackson <DJackson@willdan.com> Cc: Mike Brice <MBrice @sangertexas.org> Subject: RE: Proposal for Rate Study Dan, thank you for proposal. It was a pleasure to meet you last week and learn more about your company and services. I will take time to review it thoroughly, but something caught my eye right off the bat. In our meeting last week, you stated you expected the fee to be $30,000 to $40,000. Based on your statement, I am very surprised to see the proposal that is 23%-63% above that amount. 1 Thank you. Clayton Gray Finance Director City of Sanger, Texas From: Dan Jackson f mailto:DJackson@willdan.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 1:50 PM To: Clayton Gray <CGraV@sangertexas.org> Subject: Proposal for Rate Study Clayton: Once again thank you for taking the time to meet with me this past Thursday. Per our discussion, I have prepared a proposal for our services in preparing for the City a comprehensive Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Long -Term Financial Plan. I have included background material on our firm and our experience for your review as well. We would be ready to move forward at any time you consider it appropriate. All we would need is for you to execute the proposal letter and send it back to us with a specified timeframe you would like to begin. For budget purposes it is useful to have this document so you are informed of the cost and level of effort of this project. If your intention is to wait until the beginning of FY 2018, then we are fine with that. However, in that case we would suggest commencing with the study in the September timeframe in order to ensure that it would be complete in time for a January rate implementation. Thanks again. Let me know if you have any further comments or suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you. Dan V. Jackson Vice President Willdan Financial Services Economists.com 5500 Democracy Drive Ste. 130 Plano TX 75024 (972) 378-6588 (972) 998-0417 cell diacksono.willdan.com 2 WILLDAN I --o April 24 2017 Mr. Clayton Gray City of Sanger 502 Elm St. Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Proposal to Prepare am Electric Water and Wastewater Rate Study for the City of Sanger Dear Mr. Gray: Thank you forthe opportunity to present this proposal for a comprehensive Electric, Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Study for the City of Sanger ("The City"). Willdan Financial Services is one of the largest public sector financial consulting firms in the United States. Our company has helped over 800 public agencies successfully address a broad range of financial challenges, such as financing the costs of growth and generating revenues to fund desired services. On April 6, 2015, Willdan merged with Economists.com, a Texas -based economic and financial consulting firm established in October 1997. Our combined firm specializes in municipal and public sector utilities and our principal clients are national, state and local governments. Each of our clients is served directly by our senior level professionals with decades of experience in utility consulting and economic/financial management. We are proud of our history of building long term relationships with clients based on affordability, professionalism and performance. I will personally serve as Project Manager for this engagement. Willdan/Economists.com believes that we are best suited to prepare the City's Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study for the following reasons: We do not miss due dates or issue change orders, nor do we fail to deliver a product of top quality that meets all expectations. Our references will confirm these assertions and will assure you that our team will meet or exceed all expectations and deliver a superior quality product for this engagement. Economists.com has had the privilege of working with numerous cities throughout North Texas. Cities in North Texas where we have completed similar rate studies include but are not limited to: Balch Springs, Duncanville, DeSoto, Frisco, Hutchins, Allen, McKinney, Garland, Richardson, Plano, Sachse, Rowlett, Midlothian, Waxahachie, Crandall, Princeton, Little Elm, Prosper, Celina, Springtown, Oak Point, Aubrey, Royse City, Rockwall and Venus. We understand local water issues and challenges better than any other firm. In addition to our North Texas experience, we have worked for over 50 cities across the state of Texas and 150 cities across the Southwest. We work for both large cities (Allen, McKinney) and smaller communities (Hutchins, Aubrey, Venus). No firm has a better record of service and experience with municipal utilities in Texas than ours. Most if not all of these cities are facing challenges with regards to both the supply of and the cost of water resources, and we have developed extensive expertise in assist our clients in meeting these challenges. Our project team members are primarily Texas -based and will conduct the analysis for this study both at the City and in our Plano, Texas office. We present a team of professionals with decades of experience providing economic and financial consulting services to the utility industry. Our team includes professionals with nation-wide reputations and experience in the industry, and impeccable academic credentials, including Masters' Degrees from the University of Chicago, the University of Phoenix and Wake Forest University. Our team members are part of a larger organization that gives us a distinct advantage over "sole proprietors" or single consultants. While sole proprietors can sometimes offer competitive fees, they W�VILLDAN I Economists.com can also be limited by lack of physical resources, scheduling conflicts and lack of supporting analytical expertise. Complex rate analyses for cities like Sanger require the time and resources of a team of experts, not a single person. Our team has the manpower, resources and expertise to complete our engagement for the City on time and on budget. ■ Unlike many consulting firms, we do not delegate the primary technical analysis in these studies to lower -level personnel with limited experience, while leaving senior personnel to perform oversight roles. As will be shown in our proposal, senior level personnel will be responsible for all aspects of this engagement. ■ Unlike many proposals, we do not "pad" our proposals with engagements from personnel not involved in this project, nor do we list project team members in proposals who will not take part in the actual engagement. The members listed are the ones who will work with the City to make this a successful engagement. ■ Many regard the process of rate studies as simply writing a report, delivering it to the client, and leaving. We consider rate studies to be part of an overall process, the ultimate goal of which is to adopt a formal, and final rate and financial plan. This involves far more than the completion of a report — the public involvement process is critical and we will work tirelessly with staff to ensure that our recommended alternatives are successfully implemented. Our proposed fees include the entire process of adopting the rate plan for the price quoted in this proposal. ■ We understand and appreciate the fact that the political, social and economic impact of rate alternatives on ratepayers is of critical importance to the successful completion of these studies. We recognize that it is never easy to ask ratepayers to pay more for utility service. Therefore, we will work with City staff to design rate alternatives that will recover the revenue the utility requires, while to the best extent possible minimizing the impact of any increases on ratepayers and their families. ■ We also believe that our public presentations are of a superior quality, both in terms of overall presentation and understandability. I have provided over 200 public presentations in my career, to such diverse clients as border communities, large cities and suburbs, and Pacific island nations. I understand how to make presentations to non -financial audiences. We take pride in the frequent compliments we receive from clients about the ease and understandability of our presentations, and the fact that they present critical information required to make decisions in a straightforward and easy to follow manner. ■ We combine large firm experience and qualifications with small firm pricing and attention. We will _.._ r:_.Y,- level of quality and satisfaction. v �"I *�VILLDAN I Economists. (com We are offering to complete this engagement for a not to exceed price of $49,000. We pledge to complete all deliverables listed in the scope for the price quoted in this proposal. We are ready to begin work at any time you consider to be appropriate. If the scope, terms and price contained in this proposal is acceptable to you, please sign this cover letter and email or mail a copy back to us. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any further clarification. I can be reached directly at (972) 378-6588, extension 1, or via email at diackson willdan.com. Thank you once again for this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully submitted, Dan V.Jackson Vice President Willdan Financial Services Economists.com ACCEPTED BY; Date r►�'I -����| ~�� Contents ~ � � Table �x| v~�������s Tob|eofContent----------------------------------------------------iii A. Firm Overview .--------------------------------------------------'l FirmProfile .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 B. Proposed Project Team, Staff Qualifications, Experience and Credentials ............................................................ 4 ProjectTeam Biographies ............................................................................................................................................. 4 C. Description ofServices ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Project Understanding and Scope ............................................................................................................................... 14 VNUdon'sUnique Project Approach ............................................................................................................................ 1S �Deliverables ................................................................................................................................................................. 16 RepresentativeEngagements ..................................................................................................................................... 18 ReferenceProjects ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 D. Fee Structure ........................................................................................................................................................ Z7 WILLDAN Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Economists.com Joins Willdan Financial Services Economists.com is excited to announce that they have joined forces with Willdan Financial Services (WFS), one of the largest public sector financial consulting firms in the United States. As of April 6, 2015, the Plano, Texas, office of Economists.com is part of Willdan Financial Services (WFS) - a subsidiary ofWilldan Group, Inc. (WGI). The firm is a leader in economic and financial analysis, utility cost -of -service studies, and regulatory representation and litigation support. Economists.com has provided economic analysis and innovative financial solutions since 1997 to a wide range of municipal and public sector utilities and other critical infrastructure organizations. This consolidation gives both companies access to significantly more resources - combining the skills of Willdan's seasoned professionals with the competency and experience of Dan Jackson and Rebecca Schafer from Economists.com. Both organizations share a strong commitmentto clientservices and an individualized approach to each project as well as common values and methodologies. WGI was founded in 1964 and is a leading provider of professional technical and consulting services, with clients in more than 2,000 cities, counties, private and state agencies, and special districts. The company services four complementary markets through the following service segments: Engineering, Energy Efficiency, Public Finance and Homeland Security. Willdan Financial Services is experienced in the industry, actively participating in the development of professional standards in municipal financial planning and rate making with AWWA committees and for incorporation in manuals of practice. With a staff of more than 60 full-time consultants, WFS currently has office locations in Phoenix, Arizona; Oakland, California; Temecula, California; Denver, Colorado; Orlando, Florida; and Washington, DC. While the Willdan name will appear on your reports and invoices, you will still be served by the Economist.com team members you have come to know and trustover the years. We appreciate ourclients and are committed to providing the same level of service and reliability you have come to expect from Economists.com over the past 15 years. We look forward to building an even strongerteam as we continue to serve you. For additional information about Willdan and its services, visit ourwebsite atwww.willdan.com. V Y' LLDAN I 1 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Mailing / Physical Address: Willdan Financial Services is one of four operating divisions within Willdan Group, Inc. (WGI), which was founded as an engineering firm working with local government. Today, WGI is a publicly -owned company on NASDAQ (NASDAQ ticker: WLDN). WGI provides technical and consulting services that ensure the quality, value and security of our nation's infrastructure, systems, facilities, and environment. The firm has been a consistent industry leader in providing all aspects of municipal and infrastructure engineering, public works contracting, public financing, planning, building and safety, construction management, homeland security, and energy efficiency and sustainability services. At present, WGI employs over 500 individuals in established offices throughout California and in Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas and Washington. ENGINEERRIG & EHERGY EFFIC6 ICY FINANCIAL & ?IATICNAL PREPAREDNESS B PLANNING MIS IAMMARlOY cGltdstit IHIG SYkvictS MTEROPERABILOY Founded in 1988, Willdan Financial Services is a wholly -owned subsidiary of WGI and is one of the largest public sector financial consulting firms in the United States. Since that time, we have helped over 800 public agencies successfully address a broad range of financial challenges, such as financing the costs of growth and generating revenues to fund desired services. Willdan assists local public agencies by providing the following services: ■ Real estate economic analysis ■ Economic development plans and strategies ® Tax increment finance district formation and amendment ■ Housing development and implementation strategies ■ Financial consulting ® Real estate acquisition ® Development impact fee establishment and analysis ■ Feasibility studies ■ Debt issuance support ■ Long-term financial plans and cash flow modeling ■ Cost allocation plans and user fee studies ® Property tax audits Our staff of over 60 full-time employees supports our clients by conducting year-round workshops and on -site training to assist them in keeping current with the latest developments in our areas of expertise. AWY I LLD, `N ( 2 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services The following map represents the location of Willdan/Economists.com's client base. INTERHATIONAL EXPERIENCE r"I n)oB 1 Amorican Samoa Saioan Guam Palau Utility Rate Analysis Experience Willdan's professional staff has provided professional consulting services, including financial planning; rate and cost -of -service studies; alternative and feasibility analyses; and operational and management studies for water, reclaimed water, wastewater, reclaimed water, solid waste, and stormwater utility clients across the United States. Additionally, Willdan staff are involved with the development of the rate -setting methodologies set forth in the American Water Works Association (AWWA) M1 manual "Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges," and the AWWA M29 manual, "Water Utility Capital Financing." Willdan is nationally recognized for its expertise with its staff frequently being called upon to speak or instruct on utility financial matters, as subject matter experts, including the AWWA Utility Management conference. Willdan staff is experienced in a broad range of utility planning services; and therefore understand the importance of an approach that integrates elements of utility planning, engineering, and finance. Willdan team members possess considerable experience in utility rate and cost -of -service studies and have performed these services for hundreds of utilities throughout the country. Our team includes staff with public sector experience spanning 30 years, some of which are on the forefront of utility rate -making and rate -modeling. In addition, team members have held positions as finance directors, deputy city managers, and auditors, and therefore understand the financial, operational and political realities faced by governmental staff and management. V V I LLDAN I 3 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Our management and supervision of the project team is very simple: staff every position with experienced, capable personnel in sufficient numbers to deliver a superior product on time and on budget. With that philosophy in mind, we have selected several experienced professionals for this engagement. All of our project team members are long- time residents of Texas. We are confident that our team possesses the depth of experience that will successfully fulfill the desired work performance. We also note that all of our project team members have a minimum of 20 years' experience preparing water and wastewater rate studies and long-term financial plans. Unlike many other consulting firms, our senior personnel do not just perform periphery roles while assigning most of the responsibility for these engagements to less experienced personnel. Our senior level team members will be responsible for every aspect of this engagement. Mr. Dan V. Jackson is a co-founder, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Economists.com. Since the acquisition of Economists.com, Mr. Jackson now serves as a Willdan Financial Services Vice President. Mr. Jackson will serve as Project Manager for this engagement. In this role, Mr. Jackson will participate in the kick-off meeting, provide direction and supervision throughout the project, and present preliminary and final recommendations to City staff and the City Council. His experience encompasses a wide range of utility finance issues, including: wholesale and retail ratemaking, revenue bond financial feasibility reports, valuation studies for acquisitions and mergers, capital financing analyses, economic feasibility studies, assessment programs and cost of service studies. Mr. Jackson has also made presentations associated with the financial feasibility of capital funding programs to local government commissions, rating agencies and bond insurers in orderto assist bond issuers in improving their credit ratings and lowering issuance costs. He has 30 years of experience in financial consulting for water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste and electric utilities throughout Texas, the southwest, the United States and Pacific Region. Mr. Jackson is a frequent speaker at utilities conferences and trade associations. He received a B.A. in Social Science and a M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting from the University of Chicago in 1984. Mr. Jackson is also a published author; his novel The Forgotten Men is available at Amazon.com and other media outlets. Mr. Rebecca Schafer will serve as Senior Manager for this study. Ms. Schafer possesses over 20 years of financial rnncnitina ovnorionro nnrl hnc nnr+irinn+o 4 in mnro +ko 9Or%..,o+er —A studies and impact fee studies. She will provide rate development analysis and support for this engagement. She has been involved with many different facets of management consulting for water and wastewater utility systems including strategic planning, assisting with rate and regulatory matters, analyzing capital funding alternatives and instituting financial mechanisms to provide for sufficient and equitable recovery of operating and capital costs. Mr. Dennis Goral will serve as Project Analyst on this engagement, supporting the project team with data entry and preliminary analysis and research. VWI LLDAN I 4 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Education Master of Business Administration, University of Chicago, 1984; Specialization in Finance/Accounting Bachelor of Arts, University of Chicago, 1982; Major in Social Sciences Dean's Honor List Areas of Expertise Rate Design Cost of Service Financial Forecasting Strategic Planning Utility/Company Valuation Acquisition Analysis Privatization Analysis Economic Impact and Development Expert Witness Testimony Affiliations Member, American Water Works Association National Association for Business Economics Commissioner, Community Development Commission, City of Dallas, Texas, 1993-1995 Other The Forgotten Men — Fiction — Mediaguruz Publishing; Amazon.com 30 Years' Experience Mr. Jackson has 30 years' experience as an international financial expert, having completed more than 200 water, wastewater, electric, gas, solid waste and stormwater rate/cost of service studies and long-term financial plans for clients in the USA and the Pacific region. He also has served as an expert witness in state court, federal court and before several public utility commissions. Mr. Jackson's prior experience includes positions with Deloitte and Touche, Arthur Andersen and Reed -Stowe and Company. In 1997, Mr. Jackson co-founded Economists.com LLC, which became an international consulting firm with offices in Dallas and Portland, Oregon. Willdan acquired Economists.com in 2015, and Mr. Jackson now serves as Vice President and Managing Principal. Mr. Jackson has given dozens of lectures and presentations before professional associations, and is also a published author; his novel The Forgotten Men is available on Amazon.com. His experience is summarized below. Water/Wastewater — Rate Studies and Long Term Financial Plans for which Mr. Jackson served as Project Manager ■ Allen, TX ■ Amarillo, TX ■ Balch Springs, TX ■ DeSoto, TX ■ Duncanville, TX ■ Frisco, TX ■ Fairview, TX ■ Garland, TX ■ Hutchins, TX ■ Little Elm, TX ■ Leander, TX ■ Midlothian, TX ■ Oak Point, TX ■ Parker, TX ■ Plano, TX ■ Princeton, TX ■ Prosper, TX ■ Richardson, TX ■ Royse City, TX ■ Sachse, TX ■ Rowlett, TX ■ Waxahachie, TX ■ Aqua Water Supply Corporation, TX ■ Brady, TX ■ Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, TX ■ Donna, TX ■ El Paso County WCID #4, TX ■ El Paso County Tornillo WCID, TX 2007, 2009, 2012,2016 2017 2016 2005 — 2015 2002, 2003, 2007, 2013, 2014 2017 2016 2009 — 2012 2016 2001, 2004, 2008 — 2016 2017 2000, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2016 2006, 2011 2016 2017 2012 2005, 2017 2016 2007, 2011 2014 2013 2008 2003 2017 2012, 2015, 2017 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013,2015, 2016 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2015 2006, 2010 WILLDAN I 5 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services ■ Groesbeck, TX 2001, 2004 ■ Hackberry, TX 2006 ■ Harker Heights, TX 2006 ■ Hewitt, TX 2009-2015 ■ Jonah Special Utility District, TX 2006 ■ Kaufman, TX 1994 ■ Kempner WSC, TX 2014 — 2015 ■ Laguna Madre Water District, TX 1991, 1994, 1999, 2005, 2014 D.Jackson ■ La Villa, TX 2007 Resume Continued ■ Los Fresnos, TX 2007 ■ Mercedes, TX 2001, 2003 ■ McKinney, TX 2016 ■ North Fort Bend Water Authority, TX 2011, 2016 ■ Paris, TX 1995 ■ Port of Houston Authority, TX 2001 ■ Raymondville, TX 2001 ■ Robinson, TX 2012, 2014, 2015 ■ Robstown, TX 2014, 2015 ■ Schertz, TX 2012 — 2015 ■ Seguin, TX 2015 ■ Schertz-Seguin Local Govt Corporation, TX 2010 — 2016 ■ Sonora, TX 2012 ■ Southmost Regional Water Authority, TX 2001 ■ Springtown, Texas 2016 ■ Troup, TX 2006 ■ Venus, TX 2005, 2012 ■ West Harris County Regional Water Auth, TX 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011 ■ Webb County, TX 2011 ■ Whitehouse, TX 2008 ■ Winona, TX 2009 ■ Venus, TX 2005, 2012 ■ Yancey Water Supply Corporation, TX 2005 ■ Bisbee, AZ 2000 — 2005 ■ Buckeye, AZ 2013, 2015 - .N v - -a.- -., i v�.��� ��t, �[- --' LUuu ■ Casa Grande, AZ 2009 ■ Chino Valley, AZ 2010 — 2015 ■ Chloride Domestic Water Imp District, AZ 2003 ■ Clarkdale, AZ 2005 ■ Cottonwood, AZ 2004, 2007, 2009 ■ Douglas, AZ 2009, 2011 ■ Eagar, AZ 2006, 2011, 2012 ■ Eloy, AZ 2007, 2011— 2013 ■ Florence, AZ 2008, 2012, 2017 ■ Flowing Wells Improvement District, AZ 2008 ■ Goodyear, AZ 2014, 2015 ■ Holbrook, AZ 2004 ■ Marana, AZ 2008— 2013, 2016 ■ Miami, AZ 2010— 2012, 2015 WILLDAN Financial Services ( 6 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study ■ Nogales, AZ 2011, 2015 - 2016 ■ Patagonia, AZ 1999, 2002 ■ Payson, AZ 2006, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 ■ Prescott, AZ 2008 ■ Quartzsite, AZ 2004, 2009, 2011, 2012 ■ Queen Creek, AZ 2004, 2007, 2015, 2016 ■ Safford, AZ 2006 ■ San Luis, AZ 2002, 2012, 2013 ■ Show Low, AZ 2011, 2014 ■ Somerton, AZ 1999, 2002, 2005 - 2010 ■ Tombstone, AZ 2001 ■ Wellton, AZ 2003 ■ Willcox, AZ 2002 ■ Yuma, AZ 2007, 2014, 2015 ■ North Chicago, IL 2001, 2005 ■ Ada, OK 2014, 2015 ■ Chickasha, OK 2016 ■ Edmond, OK 2010, 2015 ■ Miami, OK 2009, 2014 ■ Pryor, OK 2016 ■ Hot Springs, AR 2005, 2009 - 2017 ■ North Little Rock Wastewater Utility, AR 1999, 2003, 2006, 2011- 2015 ■ Russellville, AR 2013, 2014, 2015 ■ South Adams County WSD, Colorado 2013 Electric Rate Studies and Long Term Financial Plans ■ Miami, OK 2011, 2015, 2017 ■ College Station, TX 2016, 2017 ■ Pryor, OK 2016 ■ Hempstead, TX 2015 ■ CUC, Saipan 2006-2017 ■ EPC, Samoa 2013 ■ ASPA, American Samoa 2006, 2012 ■ PPUC, Palau 2008 Solid Waste and Stormwater - Rate Studies and Long Term Financial Plans ■ Duncanville, TX 2007 ■ Hewitt, TX 2010 ■ Mercedes, TX 1999 ■ San Luis, AZ 2003, 2013 ■ Douglas, AZ 2017 ■ Somerton, AZ 2006 ■ Hot Springs, AR 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 ■ Miami, OK 2009 V V 1 LLDA `+ I 7 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services D.Jackson Resume Continued Water/Wastewater — CCN/ System Valuations and Acquisitions ■ Aubrey, TX 2015 ■ Arlington, TX 1999, 2001 ■ Celina, TX 2006, 2015 ■ Forney Lake WSC, TX 2016 ■ Gunter, TX' 2006 ■ Taylor, TX 1999 ■ Whitehouse, TX 2006 ■ Rockwall, TX - 2005 ■ Trinity Water Reserve, TX 2000 ■ Avondale, AZ 2006 ■ Buckeye, AZ 2013-2015 ■ Casa Grande, AZ (private) 2015 ■ Chino Valley, AZ 2006 ■ Cottonwood, AZ 2009, 2012 ■ Clarksdale, AZ 2009 ■ Florence, AZ 2007, 2014 ■ Marana, AZ 2009, 2010 ■ Pine Strawberry Water Imp District, AZ 2009 ■ Prescott, AZ 2006 ■ Prescott Valley, AZ 1998 ■ Queen Creek, AZ 2008, 2011 ■ Show Low, AZ 2010, 2011 ■ North Chicago, IL 2001 ■ North Little Rock WWU, AR 2015 Water/Wastewater — Impact Fee Studies ■ East Medina County Special Utility District, TX 2000 ■ Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, TX 2015 ■ Harlingen, TX 2005 ■ Laguna Madre Water District, TX 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003 ■ Los Fresnos, TX 2006 ■ Mesquite, TX 1996 ■ San Luis. AZ 2002 ■ Marana, AZ 2011- 2014 ■ Wellton, AZ 2003 ■ Prescott, AZ 2007 ■ Yuma, AZ 2004, 2007, 2016 ■ Hot Springs, AR 2005, 2009, 2017 Water/Wastewater — Other Studies City of Paris, TX — Campbell's Soup Co. wholesale contract review/negotiations. City of Conroe, TX — Evaluation of proposed long-term wholesale contract. Cities of Bellmead, Woodway and Hewitt, TX — Least cost alternative analysis and assistance with wholesale contract negotiations with City of Waco. City of Lubbock, TX —Analysis of reasonableness of rates for Franklin Water System, January 2002. WILLDAN Financial Services 8 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study D.Jackson Resume Continued City of Rockwall, TX — Wholesale contract review, 2005. City of Miami, OK — Non -rate revenue study, 2010. Town of Payson, AZ— Financial feasibility and economic impact study of C.C. Cragin Reservoir, 2011. City of Duncanville, TX — Water and wastewater cost allocation study, 2002. City of Whitehouse, TX — Economic analysis of potential acquisition of a water supply corporation, 2006. City of Midlothian, TX — Drought management plans, 2001. City of Midlothian, TX — Assistance with wholesale contract negotiations, 2000-2001. City of Arlington, TX — Cost of service study for non water/sewer revenues, 1997. City of Arlington, TX — Lease vs. purchase analysis of city fixed assets, 1998. City of Donna, TX — Water and wastewater affordability analysis, 2005. Southmost Regional Water Authority — Economic and financial impact of proposed desalination treatment plant, 2001. Texas Water Development Board Region M — Financial feasibility analysis of water resource alternatives, 2006. Laguna Madre Water District— Lost/unaccounted for water study, 1992.Schertz Seguin Local Government Corporation — Assistance in contract negotiations with SAWS, 2010. California -American Water Company— Reasonableness of rate structure for City of Thousand Oaks, 2003. California -American Water Company — Reasonableness of rate structure for City of Felton, 2004. Forsyth County, GA — Business plan with extensive recommendations for managing unprecedented growth in volume and customer connections. Ten-year projection of operating income, 1998. City of Lakeland, FL — Valuation of wastewater reuse alternatives over 20-year timeframe. Border Environment Cooperation Commission and City of Bisbee, AZ — Wastewater system improvements plan, 2003. Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona — Evaluation of 40-year wastewater construction financing plan for Lake Havasu City, 2002. Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona — Comprehensive residential water and wastewater rate survey for the state of Arizona, 2004-2008. City of Plano, TX — evaluation of long-term contract with North Texas Municipal Water District, 2015-2016. Regulated Utilities — Pacific Region Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Saipan — Ongoing rate and financial consulting assistance, 2006 — 2016. Palau Public Utilities Commission — Electric rate study, 2008. American Samoa Power Authority — Electric, water, wastewater and solid waste rate study, 2009, 2014, 2016 W1 LLDAN Financial Services 9 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study EPC, Independent State of Samoa — Electric cost of service and tariff study, 2013. Water Authority of Fiji — Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study, 2016, 2017. Regulated Utilities — USA City of Miami, OK — Electric, water and wastewater and electric rate study, 2006. Bonneville Power Administration — Participation in Average System Cost (ASC) program, including proposed changes in ASC methodology, 1988-1990. Houston Lighting & Power — Feasibility/Prudence analysis of South Texas Nuclear Project vs. alternate forms of energy. Analysis formed the basis of partner's expert testimony before the Public Utility Commission of Texas, 1988. Kansas Power & Light — Analysis of proposed merger with two separate companies, 1988. Greenville Electric Utility System — Development of short-term cash investment policy in accordance with state law, 1989. Horizon Communications — Business plan development, 2000. City of Mercedes, TX — Economic Impact of New City Projects, 2000. Publications/Presentations/Seminars D. Jackson ■ The Forgotten Men (fiction) — Mediaguruz Publishing, 2012. Resume Continued ■ Raising Water and Wastewater Rates — How to Maximize Revenues and Minimize Headaches —Arizona Small Utilities Association, August2002; Texas Section AWWA, April 2003 ■ Wholesale Providers and the Duty to Serve: A Case Study — Water Environment Federation, September 1996. ■ Lease vs. Purchase —A Guideline for the Public Sector —Texas Town and City, March 1998. ■ An Introduction to Lease vs. Purchase —Texas City Managers Association — May 1998. ■ Technische Universiteit Delft — Delft Netherlands -- Annual Infrastructure Conference — May 2000, 2001. ■ The US Water Industry —A Study in the Limits of Privatization -- Technische Universiteit Delft — Delft Netherlands — March 2007. v TG.- Al-, Grande Valley Economic Summit — October 2000. ■ The Financial Benefits of Regionalization — A Case Study — Texas Water Development Symposium — September 2010. ■ Developing Conservation Water Rates Without Sacrificing Revenue —TWCA Conference, San Antonio Texas, October 2012. ■ Water Rates — Challenges for Pacific Utilities — Pacific Water and Wastes Conference, American Samoa, September 2014. WI LLDAN I 10 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Rebecca Schafer Senior Manager Education Ms. Schafer has 20 years of experience in financial consulting with Economists.com. Ms. Schafer Master of Business is a Senior Project Manager with over a decade of experience in utility financial analysis. She Administration, University of Phoenix specializes in cost of service rate studies for water, wastewater, reuse and stormwater, as well as financial feasibility analysis. She has worked with a wide variety of clients of varying sizes and Bachelor of Science, complexity, designing customized software rate models used as financial planning tools. She has Business Administration, Indiana University, extensive experience in such areas as budget analyses, customer and usage analyses, Bloomington development of revenue requirements, cost of service allocations, and sensitivity analyses related to the implementation of rate structures designed to achieve revenue and consumption Areas of Expertise goals. Ms. Schafer is proficient in the development of comprehensive reports and presentations Management Consulting designed to capture the significant facts and issues of a project and convey them in an easily understood manner to audiences with varying levels of expertise. Business and Financial Analysis Professional Experience Development of extensive and dynamic computer models for water, wastewater and reclaimed Dynamic Computer Modeling water rate studies, feasibility studies, forecasts, and user rate studies for public utilities. Recent clients include the City of Princeton, TX; City of Royse City, TX; City of Ada, OK; City of Buckeye, Utility Rate and Cost AZ; Town of Quartzsite, AZ; Town of Queen Creek, AZ; City of Robinson, TX; City of Sachse, TX; Studies Thunderbird Water Improvement District, AZ; and Texas Municipal Utility Districts ("MUD") including Fort Bend MUD #23; Fort Bend MUD #50; and the Lazy Nine MUD. Feasibility and Financial Analysis and Reporting Development of capital funding plans and user rates and charges including the preparation of water, wastewater, and reclaimed water user rate studies for public utilities on a year-to-year or Debt Structuring Analyses recurrent basis. Recent clients include the City of Allen, TX; City of Buckeye, AZ; City of DeSoto, TX; City of Duncanville, TX; City of Edmond, OK; City of Garland, TX; and City of Robinson, TX. Affiliations American Water Works Assistance and documentation for revenue and other special forms of tax-exempt bond financing Association including detailed projections and reports to support the issuance of long-term indebtedness. Clients include the City of Ada, OK; City of Buckeye, AZ; City of Garland, TX; Town of Quartzsite, Texas Section American AZ, Town of Queen Creek, AZ; City of Robinson, TX; and Town of Springerville, AZ. Water Works Association ZO Years' ExperienceSelected Relevant Experience City of Royse City, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as project manager and lead analyst to provide long term financial plan and cost of service based rates sufficient to assist the City during a period of high growth and to fund approximately $30 million in capital improvements over 10 years while also recovering steeply increasing operational cost increases from the wholesale water provider. Many alternatives detailing varying CIP project scenarios were considered and presented to staff and Council, culminating in unanimous approval of the final rate recommendations. Completion date December 2015. City of Sachse, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as project manager and lead analyst to provide long term financial plan and cost of service based rates sufficient to fund $36 million in capital improvements over 10 years while also recovering steeply increasing operational cost increases from the wholesale water provider. Many alternatives detailing varying CIP project scenarios were considered and presented to staff and Council, culminating in unanimous approval of the final rate recommendations. Completion date 2014. W' ` LD' `N I 11 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services City of Allen, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as senior manager and R. Schafer analyst for these comprehensive studies since 2006. The City of Allen receives treated water and Resume continued wastewater treatment services from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD). The scope of each study included an analysis of the effects of mandated conservation and irrigation restrictions and erratic weather patterns on the City's consumption history. Also integral to each study, were the steeply increasing charges from NTMWD. Willdan/Economists.com has continued to provide ongoing advice and direction to the City and has completed formal updates to the water and wastewater rate study periodically since 2007. Completion dates 2007, 2009, and 2012. City of Princeton, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as project manager and lead analyst to provide long term financial plan and cost of service based rates sufficient to assist the City to during a period of high growth and to fund approximately $42 million in capital, improvements over 10 years while also recovering steeply increasing operational cost increases from the wholesale water provider. Many alternatives detailing varying CIP project scenarios were considered and presented to staff and Council, culminating in approval of the final rate recommendations. Completion date November 2015. City of DeSoto, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as analyst and subsequently project manager to perform annual revenue and expense updates for water and wastewater annually since 2007, with the completion of a full-scale rate study every five years. Each year a comparison of forecast to actual account growth, consumption and revenues is performed, followed by an update of the rate model with revised operating, capital and debt service scenarios. Modifications to the rate plan are recommended in concert with additional scenarios and guidance as requested relative to fund balance, financing, and more. Completion dates 2007 through 2014. City of Duncanville, TX — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Served as senior analyst to establish a long-term plan to finance needed capital improvements to the water distribution and wastewater collection systems and to update rate structures and rate plans following significant policy changes within City government. Participated in presentations to staff and Council to fully explain the issues and financial options available. Completion date 2014. City of Buckeye, AZ — Water, Sewer, Reclaimed Water and Flood Irrigation Cost of Service Rate Study Update: Served as lead analyst for this water, sewer, reclaimed water and flood irrigation rate study and long-term financial plan update, having also served in the same capacity in the original comprehensive rate study in 2012. Buckeye is one of the tastest growing municipalities in the country and town limits encompass more than 660 square miles just west of Phoenix. Given the high level of growth and recent new debt issuance for water and wastewater capital improvements, the update objectives included a review and update of the financial plan developed in the 2012 study incorporating operating adjustments, new debt obligations and potential water rights acquisitions to ensure ongoing ability to fully fund revenue requirements and minimize customer impact. Completion date 2014. Town of Queen Creek, AZ — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Serving as project manager and lead analyst on this study to provide a detailed review and projection of revenue requirements including O&M expense, recurring capital expenditures, existing debt service, cost of new debt, and adherence to all financial and capital policies and covenants. A primary factor in the Town's planning is the sizable variance in growth over the past decade. This has posed significant challenges for the Town due to their initial reliance on capacity fees for funding of its participation in a regional water reclamation plant. This project is ongoing. -IWV V' L.L.DAN I 12 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services R. Schafer City of Edmond, OK — Water and Sewer Cost of Service Rate Study: Serving as lead analyst for Resume Continued this comprehensive cost of service rate study which includes the development of equitable wholesale water supply and wastewater treatment rates for services provided to interested parties outside the Edmond municipal limits. The City anticipates the issuance of approximately $200 million in future debt overthe next 10 years to finance its capital improvement plan forthe water and wastewater system. This project is ongoing. In addition, Ms. Schafer brings extensive operational and management experience gained from her 15 years of private sector work in manufacturing and utilities industries. This includes marketing, development of operations infrastructure, process and procedure development, soft skills assessment and training for clients including General Motors, AT&T, and several start-up companies. WV V I LLDAI V I 13 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study "'Financial Services C. Description of Services y� it, r f ,� It is the understanding of the Willdan Financial Services/Economists.com ("Willdan") project team that the City seeks a comprehensive electric, water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial plan for the current year and a 10-year forecast period. The overall objective is to establish user rates and charges that are sufficient to meet future system revenue requirements including debt service coverage, capital expenditures and operating reserves. The project team will also work with the City to establish rates around a broader set of goals or objectives, including but not limited to financial/rate stability, conservation, and minimizing customer impacts. To accomplish these overall goals and objectives, our team's approach will utilize the "generally accepted" Cash Basis rate setting methodology as delineated in the American Water Works Association's Manual M-1. Our team uses the M-1 manual as the basis for all of our studies. We will tailor our application of the Cash Basis methodology to the specific circumstances of the City. The project team will employ such standard inputs as account growth projections, historic and forecast adjusted electric and water consumption, account/usage/revenue data from the City's billing system, and current budget information to develop its forecast of future costs. Central to the forecast will be the City's forecast electric, water and wastewater capital improvement plan. The CIP used in the study will be the result of discussions between City staff, engineers and the project team in order to balance system needs with the City and ratepayers' willingness to pay. Upon finalization of the inputs outlined above, the project team will develop a comprehensive 10-year forecast model that will present alternative long-term electric, water and wastewater rate plans sufficient to fund operating expenditures, debt service, and the forecast CIP. The model will functionalize costs for electric between generation, transmission and distribution, administration and customer. The model will functionalize water and wastewater costs between treatment, distribution/collection, administration and customer billing, and will allocate costs between customer classes. Historic oeakin factors will be used to classify water cysts hptwppn hasp and extra ranarity Thp functionalization, classification and allocation of costs will be fully in accordance with AWWA M-1 Cash Basis guidelines. Another benefit of a 10-year financial plan is that it will enable the City to better evaluate the potential economic and financial impact of the previously -discussed capital improvements and future inevitable increases in the cost of service. This includes addressing such questions as whether future system and revenue growth will finance some of these improvements and lessen the need for rate increases. It also will allow the City to determine whether it may be appropriate to implement rate adjustments over a period of several years. To summarize, the information developed during the course of this rate study will allow the City to choose a financial and capital plan that will minimize the impact on all classes of ratepayers while still allowing it to meet expense increased demands and environmental/water quality standards. Finally, in listing these objectives it is also important to delineate what are not the objectives of the report. The purpose of many water and wastewater rate studies is to provide a recommended set of rates that are based solely WI LLDAN Financial Services 1 14 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study on the cost of service for each customer class. However, in our opinion, the cost of service, while important, will not be the sole factor in setting the rate design for each customer class. Rate design is more than just a series of mathematical calculations; the proposed rate structure must balance the sometimes -conflicting issues of utility funding requirements, the cost of service to customer classes, and users' ability to pay. We agree with these sentiments and, based on our experience throughout the United States, we believe they are socially and politically acceptable. The project team will reach these objectives through the use of financially and technically sound approaches resulting in rates and charges that are equitable and consistent with standard industry practices, state and federal regulations, and community needs and values. slldan's Unique Project Approach Willdan proposes to develop a spreadsheet -based utility financial planning model that will allow the City to test a variety of "what -if" futures, whereby the City can change assumptions related to growth, the capital improvement program, operational programs, and a variety of other planning, engineering, and financial variables and predict the financial outcome of that scenario and its effect on utility rates. This is especially useful in testing the affordability of the capital improvement program, allowing the user to turn new projects "on or off" in the model, change the costing with updated information, delay their funding, or look at cash vs. debt vs. fee -funding alternatives and their impact on affordability. Working with the professionals on our team and City staff, we will use advanced modeling techniques to test the City's capital improvement program for prioritization, timing and affordability of projects. In doing so, the City will be able to identify the resources available for implementing programs identified in the capital planning process. In the end, the process will allow the City to determine the optimum rate path for balancing the financial health of the system against political and other considerations. We cannot emphasize strongly enough the need for, and benefit of, a properly constructed public involvement process to introduce the recommended rate plan to the public. The general public and elected officials are naturally going to be inclined to oppose rate plans that involve higher rates and fees; after all, no one wants to pay more for anything at any time for any reason. Therefore, the burden is on the City and its consulting team to present any proposed rate plan to the public in a manner that is both easily understandable and emphasizes the benefits of implementation (i.e. a better quality of service). Consulting teams and rate plans that do not recognize both the need to present information in an understandable manner and take into account the sensitivity of ratepayers and elected bodies to cost increases are doomed to fail. With this in mind we would note the following about our services and the deliverables we will prepare for the City: ® We take pride in the quality of our written reports. The intent is to make our reports readable and easily understandable to those who are not ratemaking or financial professionals. We are frequently complimented by clients who tell us that they understood both the major points of our analysis and the benefits of our proposed rate plans. We pledge to produce both a final report and presentations to the City that will result in a similar reaction. ® Many regard the process of rate studies as simply writing a report, dropping it off to the client, and leaving. Rate studies should be considered overall processes, the goal of which is to ultimately adopt a formal rate and financial plan. This involves far more than the completion of a report —the public involvement process is critical and we will work tirelessly with staff to ensure that our recommended alternatives are successfully implemented. ® We also believe that our public presentations are of a superior quality, both in terms of overall presentation and understandability. Mr. Jackson has provided over 200 public presentations in his career, to such diverse clients as border communities, large cities and suburbs, and Pacific island nations. He understands how to make W1LLDAN I 15 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services presentations to non -financial audiences. We take pride in the frequent compliments we receive from clients about the ease and understandability of our presentations, and the fact that they present critical information required to make decisions in a straightforward and easy to follow manner. In conclusion, our project team offers the benefits of not only a first rate analysis and model development, and a well written and easily understandable report, but also a public involvement process that is designed to successfully implement the results of the analysis. Deliverables Based on the objectives as listed above, the project team will provide the following project deliverables: 1. A formal, documented and detailed schedule outlining the analysis, report development and public involvement process associated with this study. 2. Five bound copies and an electronic copy of a final rate study report that documents the results of the project, the recommendations presented in accordance with the objectives stated above, and detailed support for all conclusions. The report will describe the process used to: ® Determine electric, water and wastewater revenue requirements in the test year and a ten-year forecast. Revenue requirements include the operations and maintenance costs, capital outlays funded by rates, debt service funded by rates, non -rate revenues, and other pertinent utility costs. ■ Allocate costs between customer classes and functional areas. The revenue requirements will first be allocated to functional areas, including electric transmission, distribution, customer service, administration, and billing, water system average, peak -day, and peak -hour flows, and wastewater system flows and loading parameters. These costs will then be allocated to the customer classes based on their system demands. The calculation of these costs for the test year will be a crucial stepping -stone in the forecast of these costs over the next ten years. ■ Present alternative rate structures based as stated above on revenue requirements, cost of service, current standards and customers' ability to pay. We anticipate that the final rate plan will be developed as result of consensus between staff, governing bodies and the project team at the close of the public hearings. ■ PowerPoint presentations will be used in each of our presentations. With the approval of staff, we are prepared to conduct the following formal meetings with the City: o An initial staff meeting to review project goals and data requirements (with additional meetings with staff as necessary during the analysis course of this project); / I U I IIIQI JLQII IIICCU I Ir, LU ICV It: VV f f UI II I I I I I a I y IIIIUII Ir'J al I I C(.UI I I I I ICII Ua LIUI Is, aIIU LU III Kea UJ Us time ri is as necessary based on staff input; o A workshop with the City Council to review initial findings and recommendations; o If requested, a public hearing to explain to the public the rationale behind and benefits of the proposed rate plan; and o A final meeting with Council to approve the chosen rate plan. 3. A fully functional and debugged automated rate model to calculate and project electric, water and wastewater rates both for the present ('test") year and ten years into the future. The model will be presented in hardcopy form in the report. As stated above, an electronic copy will also be presented to the City so that staff will be able to verify data and follow along during discussions. The model will be designed in Microsoft Excel. Another of our specialties has been to design user-friendly input areas for ease of usage by City staff who may be less experienced in the software or ratemaking principles. To emphasize our philosophy of making our models as user-friendly as possible, we will incorporate the following common design points into the model: WILLDAN I 16 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services ® A single spreadsheet location for making inputs of model information, such as number of accounts and billed consumption by customer classification, billed volumes, budget and actual expense data, etc. This will consist of a single spreadsheet on the multi -spreadsheet model. This single input area will ensure that all changes can be made quickly and easily onto this single spreadsheet with no risk of leaving a factor or factors unchanged. All changes will automatically "ripple through" to appropriate areas on the remaining spreadsheets. ® Automated, interrelated modules that forecast service units, allocate costs between functional areas and customer classes, and calculate rates. The modules, while contained on separate spreadsheets, will be interrelated so that no duplication of information is required and the modules share relevant data. It will include automated forecasting modules that feed service unit data to other modules used to calculate rates. ® Summary spreadsheets will be automatically generated, which present budget and revenue requirement data, numerical and graphical presentation of consumption, revenue and expense data. ® The ability to produce a ten-year forecast of rates to enable staff to conduct a detailed analysis of potential fluctuations in revenues and rates due to each of the above -outlined scenarios. ® An ability for regular review of the impact of additional proposed capital improvements on electric, water and wastewater rates. WWILLDAN I 17 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Representative Engagements The following presents detailed descriptions of a portion of our firm's relevant recent experience. It must be emphasized that the Project Manager, Dan V. Jackson, and the professionals selected for our project team have managed or extensively participated in every engagement listed in this proposal. We do not "pack" our proposals with representative engagements in which designated team members did not participate, as it is our belief that a company's general experience not shared by proposed team members is not useful to, nor relevant to, the City's needs and requirements. We encourage all prospective clients to contact our references to assess the degree of satisfaction our past clients have with our work product and consulting services. A partial list of the clients for which our firm has provided utility rate and long-term financial planning includes: Ada, OK Edmond, OK Miami, OK Muskogee, OK Allen, TX Amarilli, TX Aqua Water Supply Corporation, TX Arlington, TX Bellmead, TX Brazos River Authority, TX Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, TX Cedar Hill, TX Celina, TX Denton, TX DeSoto, TX Donna, TX Duncanville, TX Eagle Pass, TX East Medina County SLID, TX rairview, 1A Frisco, TX Garland, TX Groesbeck, TX Hackberry, TX Harlingen, TX Hempstead, TX Hewitt, TX Jonah Water SUD, TX Laguna Madre Water District, TX Little Elm, TX McKinney, TX Mercedes, TX Mesquite, TX Midlothian, TX North Fort Bend Water Authority, TX Oak Point, TX Parker, TX Plano, TX Port of Houston Authority, TX Whitehouse, TX Woodway, TX Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Avondale, AZ Bisbee, AZ Buckeye, AZ Camp Verde, AZ Chino Valley, AZ Clarkdale, AZ Cottonwood, AZ Princeton, TX Chloride Domestic Water Prosper, TX Improvement District, AZ Raymondville, TX Douglas, AZ Richardson, TX Eagar, AZ Robinson, TX Eloy, AZ Rockwall, TX Rowlett, TX Royse City, TX Sachse, TX San Benito, TX Schertz, TX Schertz-Seguin Local Government Authority, TX Southmost Regional Water Authority, TX Taylor, TX Tomball, TX Tornillo Water Improvement District, TX Waxahachie, TX Laredo, TX Webb County, TX Leander, TX West Harris County Regional Water Authority, TX W! LLDAN I 18 Financial Services Flowing Wells Irrigation District, AZ Florence, AZ Goodyear, AZ Globe, AZ Holbrook, AZ Marana, AZ Miami, AZ Patagonia, AZ Payson, AZ Picacho Peak, AZ Pine -Strawberry Domestic Water Improvement District, AZ Pomerene Domestic Water Improvement District, AZ Prescott, AZ Quartzsite, AZ Queen Creek, AZ Safford, AZ Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Show Low, AZ San Luis, AZ Somerton, AZ Springerville, AZ Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona Wellton, AZ Willcox, AZ � Yuma, AZ Hot Springs, AR Hot Springs Village, AR North Little Rock, AR Russellville, AR South Adams County Water & Sanitation District, CO Saipan CNMI - Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Palau Public Utilities Corporation Electric Power Corporation - Samoa American Samoa Power Authority Guam Power Authority The following lists selected engagements completed in the last 24 months along with the names and contact information for our references. Please note that many of our projects completed in the last 24 months are for long- term ongoing clients. We are proud of the fact that many clients who initially engage us for rate studies are happy with our work project and subsequently engage us for additional work. We have helped many cities in Texas grow and expand, and we have worked for many of the listed clients for over a decade. We are also proud of our reputation for customer service and encourage you to contact the references listed in regard to our commitment to completing our projects within budget and agreed upon timelines. Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study; 2016 ( City of McKinney, TX Willdan/Economists.com was engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of the water and wastewater rates and complete a full cost of service rate study for the City of McKinney in May 2016. The City has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, which has added to the challenge of maintaining a superior quality water system. Further, the City has had to absorb significant cost increases from its regional provider, North Texas Municipal Water District. The study recommended a new comprehensive rate plan that will enable the City to fund its capital improvements and NTMWD rate increases. The study was concluded with the presentation and acceptance of the rate plan recommendations presented to Council in August 2016. Client Contact: Mr. Trevor Minyard, Senior Financial Analyst 222 N. Tennessee, McKinney, TX 75070 Tel #: (972) 547-7544; Email: tminyard@mckinnevtexas.org Mr. Tom Muehlenbeck, City Manager (retired) tmuehlenbeck@mckinneytexas.org Water Cost of Service Rate Study; 2017 1 City of Frisco, TX Willdan/Economists.com has just been engaged to complete a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial plan for the City of Frisco. Like other member cities of North Texas Municipal Water District, the City's treated water costs have been increasing significantly. Further, the City is experiencing remarkable growth and must ensure that its rates and other fees fairly and reasonably apportion costs between growth and existing customers. The study began in December 2016 and preliminary results are expected in Spring 2017. Client Contact: Ms. Anita Cothran, Director of Finance 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, 4th Floor, Frisco TX 75034 Tel #: (972) 292-5510; ACothran@friscotexas.gov WILLDAN 19 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Water Cost of Service Rate Study; 2017 1 City of Plano, TX Willdan/Economists.com has just been engaged to complete a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial plan for the City of Plano. Like other member cities of North Texas Municipal Water District, the City's treated water costs have been increasing significantly. Further, the City is close to build out and is in the process of transitioning from being a high growth to a low growth city. Therefore the City must ensure that its rates and other fees fairly and reasonably apportion costs between growth and existing customers. The study began in February 2017 and preliminary results are expected in Summer 2017. Client Contact: Ms. Karen Rhodes -Whitley, Director Budget and Researcy 1520 K Avenue, Plano TX 75086 Tel #: (972) 941-7472; I<arenr@plano.gov Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2016 1 City of Hutchins, TX Willdan/Economists.com has been engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of the water and wastewater rates and complete a full cost of service rate study for the City of Hutchins. While the City has been experiencing growth, over 90% of its water distribution and wastewater collection system is more than 30 years old. The City is a customer of Dallas Water Utilities but has struggled to pass through DWU increases due to opposition by Council and ratepayers to rate adjustments. The study will recommend a new comprehensive rate plan that will enable the City to fund its capital improvements and rate increases from DWU. The study remains in progress but results will be presented to Council in the near future. Client Contact: Carl Sherman, City Administrator, City of Hutchins 103 E. Palestine, Hutchins, TX 75141 Tel #: (972) 225-6121; Email: csherman@citvofhutchins.org Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; Annually 2004 through 2016 1 City of DeSoto, TX Economists.com was engaged to prepare a water and wastewater rate study for the City of DeSoto in August 2004. The City was interested in establishing a long-term plan that would enable it to continue its present policy of financing $2.25 million in capital improvements per year. Additionally, the City was interested in establishing an inverted block rate structure to encourage conservation. The City also sought a means by which to pass through its annual cost increases from Dallas Water Utilities. The original study was completed in August 2004, and recommendations were approved by the City Council. A comprehensive financial model was turned over to the City in electronic form. A fiscal year 2006 update was completed as well and the City engaged Economists.com again in Mav 2007 to perform a full study update Which was completed in September 2007. Then in June 2008 the City engaged Economists.com to complete a revenue and expense update, which was completed in July 2008 and confirmed that the City was on track with the recommended rate plan. In March 2009, Economists.com was engaged to update the full study to determine the effects of the current economic downturn on the City's revenue and plans. In 2010 and 2014 Economists.com again completed a water and wastewater rate study for the City with analysis and recommendations presented to Council and subsequently adopted. Revenue and expense analysis updates were completed in 2015 and 2016 to incorporate changes in provider rates from Dallas Water Utility and Trinity River Authority as well as changes in account growth and capital expenditures. Client Contact: Isom Cameron, Managing Director of Public Utilities 211 East Pleasant Run, DeSoto, TX 75115 Tel #: (972) 230-9640; Email: icameron@desototexas.gov Wl`LD' " ` I 20 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Water and Wastewater Cost -of -Service Rate Study; 2002, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2014 1 City of Duncanville, TX Economists.com originally completed a water and wastewater rate study for the City of Duncanville, a city of 40,000 on the south side of Dallas metroplex in 2002. The City is a customer of Dallas Water Utilities, and was interested in establishing a long-term plan to finance needed capital improvements to the water distribution and wastewater collection systems. Additionally, the City was interested in establishing an inverted block conservation rate structure. The studywas completed in April 2002, with alternate recommendations for rate increases. A comprehensive financial model was turned over to the City in electronic form. The City also hired Economists.com to complete a cost allocation study to determine the amount of general fund contribution from the water and wastewater fund. The City subsequently engaged Economists.com to provide rate assistance for fiscal year 2004, and in May of 2007. In 2014 the City engaged Economists.com to update the cost of service rate study and the cost allocation study. The rate recommendations were adopted by City Council and the studies completed in September 2014. Client Contact: Richard Summerlin, Director of Finance 203 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75138 Tel #: (972) 780-5005; Email: rsummerlin@ci.duncanville.tx.us Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2000 to present I City of Midlothian, Texas Economists.com has completed numerous engagements for the City of Midlothian since 2000 to the present time. Our initial engagement was a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study for the City. The City was realizing significant growth both from both its residential sector and its outside commercial customers. The City also has two large outside wholesale customers who use a substantial portion of its service. Additionally, the City must regularly update its rates to incorporate the increasing payments made to the Trinity River Authority for the use of its portion of the Joe Pool Lake water source. As with the other engagements, the major objective was to develop an "optimum" rate structure that maximizes utility revenues for future debt capacity, while providing an affordable cost to residents based on income and other factors. The initial rate study was completed in February 2000, with alternative recommendations for rate increases. The City has hired Economists.com for several follow-up studies, including drought management plans, contract negotiations, and growth impact forecasts. Economists.com has provided annual rate design recommendations and revenue forecasts to the City regularly since FY 2000. Most recently we completed the City's 2014 rate update and a comprehensive financial plan for the current budget year and beyond. Economists.com is proud of its successful, continuing relationship with the City of Midlothian. The initial rate study project was a fixed fee engagement and subsequent updates have been completed on a time and expense basis for the City. Client Contact: Mr. Chris Dick, City Manager, City of Midlothian 104 W Ave E, Midlothian, TX 76065 Tel #: (972) 775-3481; Chris.dick@midlothian.tx.us Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study; 2016 1 City of Richardson, TX WilIdan/Economists.com was engaged in 2016 by the City of Richardson to prepare a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial plan for FY 2016 and beyond. The objective was to provide the City with a long-term rate plan to enable the City to recover sufficient funds to meet all operating and capital expenses while minimizingthe impact on ratepayers. The City has soughtto complete a comprehensive re-evaluation of its rates structure. This includes re-evaluating its monthly minimum charge schedule, the volumes included in each of its volume blocks, the reasonableness of establishing separate commercial uniform rates, and its methodology for WI LLDAN I 21 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services charging for wastewater service. Additionally, the City seeks a long-term plan that minimizes the impact of the significant increases in wholesale water rates from North Texas Municipal Water District. The study remains ongoing at this time and is expected to be completed in summer 2016. Client Contact: Dan Johnson, City Manager 411 West Arapaho, Richardson, TX 75080 Tel #: (972) 744-4201; Email: dan.iohnson@cor.gov Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2006, 2009, 2012, 2013-Ongoing I City of Allen, TX Economists.com was engaged by the City of Allen in February 2006 to complete a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study. This steadily growing city of nearly 90,000 receives treated water and wastewater treatment services from the North Texas Municipal Water District. The scope of the study included a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the current cost and revenue requirements, current rates and rate structures, and a projection of operating and capital costs for a period of 10 years with recommendations for rate adjustments. Economists.com has continued to provide advice and direction to the City and has completed formal updates to the water and wastewater rate study since 2007. The 2012 rate study update was completed in August 2012 with the Council's adoption of the recommended rate plan. The City continues to consult with Willdan/Economists.com on an ongoing basis on matters pertaining to rates. Client Contact: Steve Massey, Community Services Director 305 Century Parkway, Allen, TX 75013 Tel #: (214) 509-4501; Email: smassey@cityofallen.org North Texas Municipal Water District Contract Review; 2015 — 2016 1 City of Plano, TX et. Al. Willdan/Economists.com has been engaged by the City of Plano and other member cities of NTMWD to review the financial impact of NTMWD's long term wholesale water contract. The member cities have been expressing increasing concern about both the increasing cost of NTMWD water and the take or pay provisions which do not allow for the impact of conservation or reduced water usage. The project team has conducted several meetings with member city representatives and with individual city councils, including McKinney's City Council. The purpose of these presentations has been to provide a more thorough briefing regarding both the contractual methodology and the financial impact of revising certain provisions. Most recently, the projectteam has prepared an analysis of the effective rate fnr nITnn XArn 1nxntar nnirl by o k of tho m km o 4 1 e+-m G+;-, n-11 +- +k- --t - :+: ­ ongoing. Client Contact: Bruce Glasscock, City Manager -- Plano 1520 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 Tel #: (972) 941-7121; Email: bruceg@plano.gov Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2014 1 City of Sachse, TX Economists.com was initially engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of the water and wastewater rates and complete a full cost of service rate study for the City of Sachse in early 2014. The City had fallen behind on capital investment in infrastructure and had not adequately passed substantial increases from wholesale providers through to its ratepayers. The City requested assistance in establishing a long-term plan that would enable it to fund $36 million in capital improvements over the next 10 years while also recovering increasing operational costs. The study was completed in August 2014, and recommendations were approved by the City Council in August 2014. • �' LLD" N I 22 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Client Contact: Teresa Savage, Finance Director, City of Sachse 3815-B Sachse Road, Sachse, TX 75048 Tel #: (469) 429-4772; Email: tsavage@cityofsachse.com Water and Wastewater Cost -of -Service Rate Study; 2001 to present I Town of Little Elm, TX Economists.com was originally engaged by the Town of Little Elm in 2001 to implement a conservation rate structure that would ensure that the Town would have sufficient revenues to finance its impressive rate of growth. The Town of Little Elm has experienced enormous growth, which in the past decade has had a transforming impact on the Town and its residents. Mr. Jackson, the project manager, also presented expert testimony before the TNRCC on the reasonableness of the Town's wastewater rates during CCN-related hearings. Economists.com was subsequently engaged to provide ongoing rate assistance to the Town every year since 2001 to ensure that sufficient revenues will be generated to fund the Town's remarkable growth rate. This assistance has included multiple updates to the comprehensive 10-year water and wastewater rate plan, the development of a volume -based wastewater rate structure, and review and revision of the Town's non -rate utility revenues. Economists.com has provided annual rate review and analysis to the Town, with presentations to the Town Council almost every year. The next Council presentation is scheduled for April 2016. Client Contact: Doug Peach, Assistant Town Manager 100 West Eldorado Parkway, Little Elm, TX 75068 Tel #: (214) 975-0475; Email: dpeach@littleelm.or Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2015 1 City of Princeton, TX Economists.com was initially engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of the water and wastewater rates and complete a full cost of service rate study for the City of Princeton in August 2015. Princeton receives treated water and wastewater treatment services from the North Texas Municipal Water District, as a Member City, The City has one wholesale customer and very robust growth projections. The City requested assistance in establishing a long-term plan that would enable it to fund needed capital improvements overthe next 10 years while also recovering increasing operational costs. The study was completed with recommendations approved by the City Council implemented in November 2015. Client Contact: Derek Borg, City Manager 123 West Princeton Drive, Princeton, TX 75407 Tel #: (972) 734-2416; Email: dborg@princetontx.us Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study; 2015 1 City of Royse City, TX Economists.com was initially engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of the water and wastewater rates and complete a full cost of service rate study for the City of Royse City in August 2015. The City receives treated water and wastewater treatment services from the North Texas Municipal Water District, as a Member City. The City currently has one wholesale customer that may soon leave their system and robust growth projections. The City requested assistance in establishing a long-term plan that would enable it to fund needed capital improvements over the next 10 years while also recovering increasing operational costs. The study was completed with recommendations approved by the City Council implemented in February 2016. Client Contact: Sharon Raymond, Director of Finance 305 North Arch, Royse City, TX 75189 Wl LLDAN I 23 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Tel #: (972) 524-4844; sraymond@roysecity.com Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study, 2009; Annual Updates, 2010 to present; Stormwater Drainage Study, 2009 1 City of Hewitt, TX Economists.com was engaged in May 2009 by the City of Hewitt to prepare a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial forecast for fiscal year 2009 and beyond. The objective was to develop a long-term rate plan that will enable the City to recover sufficient funds to meet all operating and capital expenses while minimizing the impact on ratepayers. The final report was completed in September 2009 with the acceptance of the rate plan by Council. In July 2009, Economists.com was engaged to prepare a stormwater utility financial analysis and rate forecast for the City. The following year Economists.com was engaged to provide an update to review revenues and expenses as well as the rate plan. Client Contact: Adam Miles, City Manager 105 Tampico Drive, Hewitt, TX 76643 Tel #: (254) 666-6171; Email: addammiles@cityofhewitt.com Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study; 2012 to present I City of Robinson, TX Economists.com was engaged in late 2011 bythe City of Robinson and Walker Engineering to prepare a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study and long-term financial plan for FY 2012 and beyond. The objective was to provide the City with a long-term rate plan to enable the City to recover sufficient funds to meet all operating and capital expenses while minimizing the impact on ratepayers. Importantly, the long-term rate plan included the impact of future capital improvements required to maintain and expand the system to meet the needs of growth and to ensure sufficient water supply. This included the analysis of potential sourcing of water from the City of Waco, and other options in conjunction with Walker Engineering, the City's engineering firm, through the development of the City's Water and Wastewater Master Plan. Economists.com was subsequently engaged by the City to evaluate the potential impact to the City of annexing additional land and exchanging existing property with the City of Waco. In 2014, Economists.com completed a revenue and expense update and revised rate plan for the City to fully incorporate the costs of purchasing wholesale water from the City of Waco and the changing rates of growth and consumption overtime. Client Contact: Karen Sanchez, Finance Director 111 West Lyndale, Robinson, TX 76706 Electric, Gas, Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Design Study 2014 1 City of Hempstead, TX Economists.com was engaged by the City of Hempstead in August 2014 to conduct a comprehensive rate study for their electric, water, wastewater and gas utilities for fiscal year 2015 and beyond. This study required a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the four utilities cost of service and revenue requirements as well as a review of each system's known capital improvement needs. One of the key issues with the electric study was the determination of the long term costs of generated power from. the City's supplier, LCRA. This is because LCRA is changing its resource mix to reflect alternative energy sources. A determination of the need for funding capital requirements through the issuance of long term debt was also developed in conjunction with City staff and a forecast of operating expenses over the next decade was developed. Principals on the project team were Dan Jackson and JoLynn Rains. Economists.com (now Willdan/Economists.com) was engaged by the City of Hempstead in November 2014 to conduct • ' I LLD' I 24 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services a comprehensive rate study for their electric, water, wastewater and gas utilities for fiscal year 2015 and beyond. Client Contact: - Michael Wolfe, Mayor, City of Hempstead 1125 Austin Street, Hempstead, TX 77445 Tel #: (979) 826-2486; Email: mayorwolfe1125@Vahoo.com Electric and Wastewater Rate Study 2014 1 City of Robstown, TX Economists.com was engaged by the City of Robstown in 2014 to conduct a comprehensive rate study for their electric and wastewater utilities forfiscal year 2015 and beyond. This study required a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the cost of service and revenue requirements as well as a review of each system's known capital improvement needs. The City was also undergoing a significant new infrastructure development, including the use of EB-5 funds to create a port of entry authority into the United States. The development of this port and the associated businesses and industries were forecast to have a significant impact on the City's electric demand. Wastewater rates were based on an outdated fixture model, and one of the project team's key recommendations was to replace this rate structure with a volume -based rate plan. The study was completed in late 2014. Principals on the project team were Dan Jackson and JoLynn Rains. Economists.com (now Willdan/Economists.com) was engaged by the City of Robstown in 2014 to conduct a comprehensive rate study for their electric and wastewater utilities for fiscal year 2015 and beyond. Client Contact: Ms. Paula Wakefield, City Administrator, City of Robstown 101 E Main, Robstown, TX 78380 (361) 387-4589; pakefield@cityofrobstown.com Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Design Forecast; 2012, 2015 1 City of Schertz, TX The City originally engaged Economists.com to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater rate plan for FY 2012 and beyond, with particular emphasis on the evaluation of the reasonableness of their conservation based rate structure. The City was interested in evaluating whether there was a need to refine the usage blocks or adjust the base charge. The project team also provided an analysis of the City's options regarding the financing of long term capital improvements to the water and wastewater system. The rate model was designed to include a specific cost of service for "cities distribution" to be included as an input to SSLC's annual cost of service updates. The City engaged Willdan/Economists.com to complete a comprehensive update in 2015, and the revised rate plan was adopted by the City Council in September 2015. Client Contact: John Kessel, City Manager, City of Schertz 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154 Tel #: (210) 619-1000; ikessel@schertz.com Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Design Forecast; 2015 1 City of Seguin, TX The City engaged Economists.com to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater rate plan for FY 2015 and beyond. The City has an aging infrastructure and is faced with millions of dollars of capital improvement needs in the coming years. With a lower income customer base this presents a particular challenge to the City. We designed a developed a rate structure that allowed for funding of the initial CIP with minimal increases from the ratepayers. The City Council adopted our plan in late 2015. W1 LLDAN I 25 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services Client Contact: Douglas Faseler, City Manager, City of Seguin 205 N. River Road, Seguin, TX 78156 Tel #: (830) 401-2302; cm@seguintexas.gov Reclaimed Water Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Design Forecast; June 2012 and Wastewater Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Design Forecast; August 2012 1Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, Schertz, Texas Economists.com was engaged to prepare a reclaimed water cost of service and long term rate and financial forecast for the Authority in June 2012. The primary objective was to analyze the cost of service incurred by the Authority to produce and provide reclaimed water to various customers, including the United States Air Force. This study developed a reclaimed water cost of service model that included the calculation of, and justification for a repair and replacement reserve for the assets that are used in the provision of reclaimed water service. At the request of the Authority in August 2012, the project team was asked to develop a wastewater cost of service rate model with similar objectives. Client Contact: Mr. Clint Ellis, General Manager, Cibolo Municipal Authority 100 Dietz Rd, Schertz, TX 78154 Tel #: (210) 658-6241; cellis@ccmatx.org Water Rate Analysis and Financial Review; 2008 to present I Schertz Seguin Local Government Corporation, Seguin, Texas Economists.com was originally engaged by SSLGC in 2008 to develop a wholesale rate and cost allocation methodology for each of SSLGC's five customer cities. The Board of Directors adopted the recommended rate structure unanimously. The project team has updated the analysis and provided rate recommendations for each of the past three years. Economists.com also assisted SSLGC in negotiating and executing a long-term contract for wholesale water service to San Antonio Water System ("SAWS"). Additionally, Economists.com assisted SSLGC in analyzing the merits and rate impact of a $40 million project to develop and transport Guadalupe County water to SSLGC's existing and proposed new customers. Most recently Economists.com was retained to complete a water and wastewater rate update in 2014. Client Contact: Mr. Alan Cockerell, General Manager, Schertz Seguin Local Government Corporation 600 River Dr W, Seguin, TX 78155 Tel #: (830) 433-0551; acockerell@seguintexas.gov WI LLDAN Financial Services 26 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study This section presents our proposed professional fees and expenses for this engagement. On the basis of the scope of work described in this proposal, we are proposing professional fees and expenses not to exceed $49,000. This represents a discount of approximately 20% from our already -low rates. D. Jackson Project Manager D. Goral Project Analyst R. Schafer Project Analyst Total Hourly Billing Rates $ 190 $ 90 $ 165 Electric 32 64 64 160 Water 24 56 56 136 Wastewater 24 40 40 104 Total Hours 80 160 160 400 Electric $ 6,080 $ 5,760 $ 10,560 $ 22,400 Water 4,560 5,040 9,240 $ 18,840 Wastewater 4,560 3,600 6,600 $ 14,760 Total Project Professional Fees $ 15,200 $ 14,400 $ 26,400 $ 56,000 Estimated Expenses 1,000 Total Professional Fees and Expenses $ 57,000 OFFICIAL BID (NOT TO EXCEED) $ 49,000 This is a fixed fee bid which includes the following scope of work and meetings: ® Using current budget, volume, and capital improvement plan ("CIP") data, the project team will create and customize a ten year electric, water and wastewater cost of service forecast model. The model will identify current and forecast operating expenses, capital outlays and debt service for the period FY 2018 — 2027. The model will adhere to AWWA ratemaking standards to ensure that the cost of service for each customer class is just, reasonable and accurate. WI LLDAN ( 27 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services l The project team will prepare several alternative proposed e I e ct r i c, w a t e r a n d wastewater rate structures forthe Staff and City Council to consider. Each alternative will enable the City to recover sufficient revenues to fund operating and capital costs. The project team will summarize its electric, water and wastewater analysis into PowerPoint summary presentations for discussion with staff and Council, and a full written report documenting the assumptions, methodology and final rate plan scenarios with appendixes containing critical backup data. We will conduct a meeting with City staff to review preliminary results, a workshop with the City Council to discuss our findings and recommendations, and a public hearing to discuss the impact of the rate plan on ratepayers. The purpose of the meeting and public involvement process will be to ensure that to the best extent possible, staff, council and ratepayers adequately evaluate alternative rate plans and choose the most appropriate rate. In summary, every project is unique in terms of scope, level of effort, travel, on -site time, challenges and deliverables. We believe we have properly taken into account all aspects of this engagement and have developed a fair and reasonable proposed price'that reflects total effort and ensures the production of a top-quality product. WILLDAN I 28 Electric, Water and Wastewater Rate Study Financial Services d ll-9 v ME ITEMS STTEXAS April 30, 2017 For the six months ending April 30, 2017 (58% of the fiscal year), the General Fund has collected 79% of revenues. Expenditures are 53% of budget. For the six months ending April 30, 2017 (58% of the fiscal year), the Enterprise Fund collected 51 % of revenues. Actual Enterprise Fund expenditures are 52% of budget. Salaries & Benefits Supplies & Materials Maintenance & Operations Contract Services Utilities Capital Expenses Debt Service Other Department Expense Transfers Total All categories are tracking within budget. Expenditures by Classification Budget Actual Percent of Budget $ 5,201,863 $ 2,814,753 54% 491,169 292,500 60% 7,239,478 3,852,046 53% 1,423,836 966,987 68% 543,964 273,525 50% 595,822 479,028 80% 1,452,919 374,219 26% 133,282 33,789 25% 1,126,800 243,103 22% $ 18,209,133 $ 9,329,950 51% Page 1 of 9 REVENUE - GENERAL FUND Property Taxes Sales & Beverage Taxes Franchise Fees Solid Waste Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Department Revenues Interest & Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES April 30, 2017 OVER (UNDER) YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 2,900,214 $ 2,844,518 $ 55,696 495,136 805,000 (309,864) 545,863 901,565 (355,702) 451,723 748,500 (296,777) 117,601 130,100 (12,499) 58,617 140,000 (81,383) 406,058 674,204 (268,146) 25,788 81,500 (55,712) 5,001,000 6,325,387 (1,324,387) ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE 79% (OVER) UNDER EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Administration 268,119 462,045 193,926 Police & Animal Control 994,001 1,670,743 676,742 Fire & Ambulance 578,370 1,206,529 628,159 Municipal Court 109,122 241,728 132,606 Development Services 148,384 280,235 131,851 Streets 295,541 580,139 284,598 Parks & Recreation 380,202 637,376 257,174 Library 158,590 278,751 120,161 Solid Waste 414,752 700,000 285,248 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,347,081 6,057,546 2,710,465 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1,653,919 267,841 1,386,078 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer In 101,119 342,999 (241,880) Transfer Out - (550,000) 550,000 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) 101,119 (207,001) 308,120 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 1,755,038 60,840 1,694,198 FUND BALANCE - BOY 1,745,609 1,745,609 - FUND BALANCE - EOY $ 3,500,647 $ 1,806,449 $ 1,694,198 ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 55% GENERAL FUND REVENUE uYTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET aBudget Property Taxes 102% Sales & Beverage Taxes 62% Franchise Fees 61 % Solid Waste 60% Other Revenues 59% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES uYTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET aBudget Administration 58% Police & Animal Control 59% Fire & Ambulance 48% Municipal Court 45% Development Services 53% Streets 51 1 Parks & Recreation 60% Library 57% Solid Waste 59% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Page 2 of 9 REVENUE - ENTERPRISE FUND Water Wastewater Electric Penalties & Fees Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE EXPENDITURES - ENTERPRISE FUND Administration Water Wastewater Electric Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer to General Fund Transfer to 4A Transfer to WW CIP Reserve Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund Transfer to General Fund - PILOT TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE- BOY FUND BALANCE - EOY ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES April 30, 2017 OVER (UNDER) YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 928,133 $ 1,740,000 $ (811,867) 926,680 1,700,000 (773,320) 4,051,724 8,087,500 (4,035,776) 111,262 210,000 (98,738) 7,833 15,000 (7,167) 22,513 42,000 (19,487) 6,048,145 11,794,500 (5,746,355) 51% (OVER) UNDER YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 625,612 1,078,104 452,492 804,319 1,334,749 530,430 436,357 628,574 192,217 3,550,795 6,766,493 3,215,698 322,684 1,216,867 894,183 5,739,767 11,024,787 5,285,020 308,378 769,713 (461,335) (150,000) 150,000 - (25,000) 25,000 (99,167) (156,800) 57,633 (94,354) (160,000) 65,646 49,583 85,000 35,417 243,104 576,800 333,696 65,274 192,913 (127,639) 3,982,069 3,982,069 - $ 4,047,343 $ 4,174,982 $ (127,639) 52% ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES Li YTD ActuaI PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET o Budget Administration 58% Water 60% Wastewater 69% __ Electric 52% Debt Service 27% 1 .4. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Page 3 of 9 UNRESTRICTED: Cash for Operations Contingency Reserves for Operations TOTAL UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED: Debt Service Water Deposits Equipment Replacement Electric Storm Recovery Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant Funds Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB) Library Court Security Court Technology Child Safety Fee Donations TOTAL RESTRICTED CAPITAL PROJECTS: General Capital Projects Enterprise Capital Projects TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS Total Cash & Investments CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS April 30, 2017 General Fund Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Total $ 3,375,154 $ 709,554 $ $ $ 4,084,708 1,010,765 1,008,504 2,019,269 $ 4,385,919 $ 1,718,058 $ $ $ 6,103,977 $ - $ 1,414,531 $ 928,537 $ $ 2,343,068 - 418,387 - 418,387 208,135 109,403 317,538 - 735,447 735,447 19,743 - 19,743 4,326 4,326 5,526 5,526 83,826 83,826 7,824 7,824 426 426 18,904 18,904 9,378 - - $ 358,088 $ 2,677,768 $ 928,537 $ $ 3,955,015 $ $ $ $ 741,789 $ 741,789 8,496,474 8,496,474 $ $ $ $ 9,238,263 $ 9,238,263 $ 4,744,007 $ 4,395,826 $ 928,537 $ 9,238,263 $ 19,297,255 Unrestricted Contingency Reserves for isoh rations, 33 % r Operations, 67% Restricted Water Deposits 11% Debt Service Equipment 59% Replacement 8% Electric Storm Recovery 19% Other 3% Enterprise Capital Projects 92% Capital Projects. - � iu I General Capital Projects... Page 4 of 9 GENERALFUND Cash and Investments April 30, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield* Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05% $ 3,395,387 $ 3,247,674 Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20% 20,802 20,802 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20% 70,951 73,119 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 33,517 33,559 OPERATING ACCOUNTS ' $ 3,520657 $ 3,375,154 GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20% $ 593,459 $ 593,556 GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2018 0.55% 207,149 207,430 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2017 0.45% 209,699 209,779 CONTINGENCY RESERVE, $ 1,010307 .$ 1,010,765 GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20% $ 144,645 $ 145,094 Y GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2017 0.45% 63,017 63,041 Y EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES $ 207,6621 $ 208,135 Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 $ 15,330 $ 19,743 Y Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 $ 4,326 $ 4,326 Y Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 $ (26,385) $ (26,385) Y Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,526 5,526 Y Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 32,104 32,854 Y Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2018 0.45% 50,953 50,972 Y Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 7,743 7,824 Y Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 411 426 Y Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 18,904 18,904 Y Police Donations 620-00-1000 1,385 717 Y Fire Donations 624-00-1000 4,750 4,750 Y Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 2,536 2,536 Y Library Donations 642-00-1000 1,375 1,375 Y OTHER $ 118,958 $, 123,568 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 4,857,584 $, 47717,622' TOTAL UNRESTRICTED $ 4,530,964 $ 4,385,919 Page 5 of 9 L U) Nd LL d' � O 6) d' ti M d' � d' O t0 00 ' to c0 O 00 '. M M 00 N O O O U-) . cm U., LC) � M O M'. t17 to CDN �- lx : I * 00 00 O'.. O O 00 O 00 " !F CV c- Lo 00 Ln of .�Y' wl 00 a) 0 I-- C= ti CDr: M 'cf' V -'. et O O Lt) C> CO O I& 00 a)r' M t -. C N m C i U t» en tom: ttr ea �r �r et> ets I� M O) O 6) O O : N CV V' 00 m 00 E` LO N O N c-' O O Lo �' � CV P- 00 CO O C' M O M CO M M C-4 Co 0 0o.: t• CN :. LO LC) CO O W d' 'Nt c- Lf) 00 CT O rP M, O O P O r M M O) O O (V O M i 00 O M.. LO M O. I� �- .. 0N I.- 0 d a `0 L CL � C Z � LL W � N d 0 O LO ON N Vim_' N N E M O : O O O O O O O O EL LU m >Z � Q Z W co U eo 00 i p N_ N N N M ~ N N M O O O) N V p O M M $ O CD O O O O O O t) O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O Q 00 00 00 00 : 00 W 00 00 00 O O O O '. O O O O O t- fn' M W N ON W i co W Z Q CO LO CZ)> U I- I--H V O.. z. N N O r- U) U N W N ui z0 N d LO Z Z 00 f" '� 0 a) � Z E Q Q = O U) U) 0�. tom) O U) m '0 N N I N (D �' Z 0 1 U Q 0 0 O J O � W LL C C U 0 G C, Q W a, a) O U U a) Q c — — Q 1E W a) E U U in coa n-� U w w w w w 6) 0 (D N I) M IL Cash and Investments April 30, 2017 DEBT SERVICE FUND Name Acct. # Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05% $ 866,232 $ 871,564 Y DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20% 56,964 56,973 Y GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05% $ 741,789 $ 741,789 Y ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1020 840-00-1038 0.20% 0.20% $ 469,651 1,559,669 $ 483,895 1,574,925 Y Y SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE - TAP'FEES $ 2,029;3201 $ 2,058,8201 Y Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Pooled Cash General CIP Money Market 2674823 840-00-1037 840-00-1000 840-00-1013 0.20% 0.05% 0.05% $ 785,145 3,821,427 2,052,324 $ 796,524 3,588,722 2,052,408 Y Y Y TOTAL, RESTRICTED' $ 8,688,216 1 $ 8,496,474 Page 7 of 9 4A FUND Cash and Investments April 30, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Currnet alance Restricted Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05% $ 790,194 $ 809,342 Y Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05% 473,458 468,391 Y 4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20% 468,259 468,389 Y Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 10/2/2017 0.25% 94,364 94,384 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,826,275 $ 1,840,506 4B FUND Cash and Investments April 30, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05% $ 558,113 $ 587,200 Y Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05% 189,571 189,579 Y 413 CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2018 0.45% 21,667 21,675 Y 413 CD 659924 42-00-1014 5/12/2017 0.45% 21,423 21,431 Y 46 CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2017 0.45% 21,511 21,519 Y 46 CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2017 0.45% 21,460 21,468 Y 413 CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/14/2017 0.45% 21,409 21,417 Y 4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2017 0.45% 21,326 21,334 Y 46 CD 694371 42-00-1019 10/14/2017 0.45% 21,404 21,412 Y 4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2017 0.45% 21,521 21,529 Y 46 CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2017 0.45% 21,441 21,449 Y 413 CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2018 0.45% 21,251 21,260 Y 4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2018 0.45% 21,159 21,167 Y 46 CD 720097 42-00-1024 7/9/2017 0.45% 20,925 20,932 Y 46 CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2017 0.45% 20,948 20,956 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,025,129 $ 1,054,328 Page 8 of 9 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT April 30, 2017 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (1) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (1). Mike Brice has a relationship with First United Bank that consists solely of a personal checking and savings account and a home mortgage. civylvGray Clayton Gray Finance Director Mike Brice City Manager I-WIt4a /7?fti0A-- Page 9 of 9 CITY OF SANGER CAPITAL PROJECTS As of May 31, 2017 ProjectOther Number C001 Project Description McReynolds Road Reconstruction Budget $ 437,919 Actual $ to Date 426,122 $ Budget 6,275,332 Actual $ to Date 294,560 Actual $ to Date 125,619 Actual $ Totals to Date 846,301 E001/2 Phase I: West 135 Water/ Wastewater Line $ 124,864 $ 114,170 $ 540,562 $ 536,400 $ 11,163 $ 661,733 E003/4/5 Phase II: East 135 Water/Wastewater Line $ 151,516 $ 190,180 $ 1,549,118 $ 802,018 $ 56,506 $ 1,048,704 E006 Phase III: East 135 Water/Wastewater Line $ 83,587 $ 55,816 $ 2,209,000 $ - $ - $ 55,816 E007 Water Well & Ground Storage $ 159,460 $ 167,855 $ 1,828,507 $ 1,890,738 $ 32,980 $ 2,091,573 E008 Wastewater Treatment Plant $ 1,108,955 $ 818,838 $ 10,992,945 $ - $ 314,091 $ 1,132,929 E009 Cowling Road Lift Station, Force Main & Gravity Line $ 659,266 $ 281,429 TBD $ - $ 4,589 $ 286,018 E010 Capital Improvement Plan $ 31,683 $ 26,246 $ - $ - $ - $ 26,246 E011 Nitrification $ 10,462 $ 10,462 $ - $ - $ - $ 10,462 E012 Stream Restoration TBD $ 97,556 TBD $ 1,668 $ - $ 99,224