84-15-Ordinance-Texas Municipal Retirement System Supplemental Disability Benefits Funds-07/16/1984ORDINANCE NO 84-15 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, THE SUPPLEMENTAL DISABILITY BENEFITS FUND, AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL DEATH BENEFITS FUND BY THL CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS; WHEREAS, Subtitle G of Title 110B, Revised Civkl Statutes of "Texas, 1925, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "TMRS Act"), relating to tl-re Texas Municipal Retirement Systerrr, authorizes tl e governing body of each city or town to elect, at its option, to have one or more of the city departments participate in such System; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, finds tt►at it will be in the public interest for the city to have its employees participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System as hereinafter provided; now, therefore, 8E I"T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BANGER, TEXAS: Sectian 1. The City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on behalf of said City, hereby exercises its option and elects to have the City and all of the employees of all departments now existing and those hereafter created participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System as provided in the 'TMRS Act. Section 2. 7'he City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System that the City has elected to participate and have the employees of the city covered in said Systerrr. Section 3. Each person less than 60 years of age (or who was less than 60 years of age when that person became an employee of the City) who becomes an employee of any participating department on or after the effective date of participation of such department shall become a member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System as a condition of his or her employment. Section 4. !n accordance with the provisions of the TMRS Act, the deposits to be made to the Texas Municipal Retirement System on account of current service of the employees of the several participating departments are hereby fixed at the rate of five percent (5%) of the full earnings of each employee of said departments. Section 5. Each employee who qualifies for such credit shall be allowed "prior service credit''r(as e fined in Section 63.101 of the TMRS Act) at the rate of one hundred percent (!00%) of the "base credit" of such member, calculated in the manner prescribed in Section 63.105 of said Act. Section 6. For each month of current service rendered to this City by each of its employees who are ►nernbers of Texas Municipal Retirement System, the City will contribute to the current s rvice annuity reserve of each such member af, the time of his or her retirement, a sum that is __ 1 1QQ % (!00%, 150% or 20096) of such member's accumulated deposits for such month of employment; and said sum shall be contributed from the City's account in the municipality accumulation #und. l'a�e 2 of 3 Section 7. The City Secretary is hereby directed to remit to the Board of "I"rustees of the Texas Municipal ltetirernent System, at its office in Austin, "Texas, the city contributions to the System and the amounts which shall be deducted from the compensation or payroll of employees, all as required by said Board under the provisions of the TMRS Act, and the said official is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain and certify officially on behalf of this City the prior service rendered to the said municipality by eaci� of the employees of the participating departments, and the average prior service compensation received by each, and to rr7ake and execute all prior service certifications and all other reports and certifications which may be required of the City under the provisions of the TMRS Act, or in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Section $. 1'he City of Sanger, Texas, by its City Council hereby elects to have the employees of all participating departments of said city (as above defined) participate in and be covered by the Supplemental Disability Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retireirrent System, as provided by Sections- 62.003, 64.401 through 64.404, 65.313, and 65.408 of Title 110B, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended; and all of the benefits and obligations of participation in said Fund are hereby accepted by the City as to such employees. Section 9. 'the City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System that the City of Sanger, Texas, has elected to participate and have the employees of the above mentioned departments participate in the Supplemental Disability Benefits Fund of said System. Section 10. Each person who becomes an employee of any participating department on or after the effective date of participation of such department in said Fund shall as a condition of his employment be covered into the Supplemental Disability Benefits Fund of said System. The City of Sanger, Texas, may in the future refuse to add new departments or new employees to said Fund, but shall never discontinue as to any members who are covered into the Fund. Section 11. The City Secretary is hereby directed to remit rrronthly to the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System at its office in Austin, Texas, as the City's contributions to the Supplemental Disability Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, such percentage of earnings of the above -mentioned employees of said city as may be fixed by the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, provided that the rate of contribution to said Fund shall not exceed one-half of one percenturn (S,%) of the earnings of the employees of said city who are covered under said Fund; and such official shall make for the City such reports as the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System my prescribe. Section 12. That the City of Sanger hereby elects to participate in the Supplemental Death Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System for the purpose of providing in-service death benefits for each of the City's employees who are members of said System, and for the purpose of providing post -retirement death benefits for annuitants whose last covered errrploy�rtent was as an employee of the City, in the amounts and on the terms provided for in Sections 62.004, 64.601 through 64.605, 65.314, 65.409, and 65.502 of Title 1108, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended. a Section 13. The City of Sanger is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Director of the System of adoption of this ordinance, and of the participation of the City in said Fund. Section 14. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of l.e,wh_er , 1984. Passed and approved on this theday of ATTEST: City Secret# )or Clerk Mayor