83-5-Ordinance-Designating Streets as One-Way-06/03/1989MINUTE ORDER pt the regular schedule eetir,g of the Sanger City Co41nCi1 held .7„nP,_„3_, 1c $3.,_._._..._...._.. ir, the Cc 4 r,ci1 Ch rnbers t City Ha11, '::G1 Solivar Street, .the follc wir,g itern was discussed and/car acted upc r, by the City Cc ur,ci 1. . 7. Council considered the Texas Highway Department's request to approve an ordinance declaring I-35 Service Roads as one-way. They. are proposing to rebuild all of the ramps in this project. The City -asked for an access ramp at Bolivar Street and an overpass at .`Bolivar Street. The Highway Department saw no problem in constructing a new ramp at Bolivar Street; however they would have to elimanate the present off -ramp in front of the Dairy Queen. The Highway Department stated the city's growth projection for the future were not large enough to justify the expenditure of the overpass. Improvements are contigent upon the frontage roads being changed to one way. The highway project will be started in approximately two years. They plan to lay 2" of asphalt and top with 5" of concrete. The lanes will be wider but Council requested Lloyd to check with the Highway Department and see if they could provide a walkway across I-35. Discussion. Motion was made by Spindle to aopt Ordinance No 83-5 declaring I-35 Service Roads as one-way. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE 83-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, OF THE SANGER CITY CODE BY DESIGNATING STREETS AS ONE-WAY, PROVIDING A PENALTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 1, Flosalie Garcia, City Secretary far the Ci• y cif 5anr er, do • hereby certify that the above rnir,utes o•F the described rneetir,g ;re tr .ie sr,d correct ccc ur,t cif the pr eedir,y held car, the 3 rd - day a'F _ June _____..._.___.. 1 .___.__• Giver, under my h nd, r,d seal of the C y cif Sanger, this _---1 daY of AePr1 ._v 1S__ r F205AI...l GARCIH, CT'TY 5CCF k"I'At2Y