09/04/2018-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularSANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are alloived 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Regular Meeting, August 20, 2018 b) Approve Ratification of the Following Change Orders Related to the I-35 Outfall Sewer Phase III Project: 1. Change Order #1 With Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. for Additional Boring Under View Road for Water and Sewer at a Cost of $42,478.00, 2. Change Order #2 With Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. for Additional Boring at a Cost of $16,701.00. 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Proposal for Award of Contract for Solid Waste and Recycling Services: Choosing a Provider; Frequency for Residential Service at One (1) or Two (2) Times a Week at the Rates Provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP); and, Direct City Manager to Notify Provider and Negotiate the Solid Waste and Recycling Services Agreement for Council Award and Approval. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Variance to Allow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can be Contained Within two (2) — 60" Pipes; and for Delaying Construction of the Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final PIat of Lots I & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Fee East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and I-35 Northbound Service Road. l 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request for a Variance to Allow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can he Contained Within two (2) --- 60" Pipes; and for Delaying Construction of the Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Fee East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and 1-35 Northbound Service Road. 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. 9. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates. Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive, and North and East of Lake Ridge Phase I. 10. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way. 11. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located Southwest of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. 12. Conduct the Second Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues From Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 12.70% with the Proposed Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100 of Assessed Valuation (Tax Rate is Proposed to Remain the Same as the Preceding Year's Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100). Schedule and Announce Meeting Date and Time to Adopt Tax Rate (3-14 Days From This Date). 13. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment #5 With Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. in the Amount of $47,923 for Additional Resident Project Representation Fees Related to the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plan Improvement Project. 14. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 3 Between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Company Related to the Sanger Wastewater Treatment PIan Improvement Project Which Includes ($390.48) in Credit and Seventy (70) Additional Days of Contract Time. 15. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 2 for the McReynolds Road Project with Pavecon Public Works, LP for a Reconciliation for the Total Project with a Projected Reduction in Cost of $222,202.04 Before Considering Additional Change Orders. 16. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 3 for the McReynolds Project with Pavecon Public Works, LP for 2 an Additional Cost of $33,978.00 for Changing a Typical Wing Wall for a Storm Water Structure to a Parallel Wing Wall. 17. Update on Capital Projects: The Wastewater Treatment Plant and McReynolds Road provided by Director of Public Works, Neal Welch. 18. INFORMATION ITEMS: a. Financial Report — July 2018 b. CapitaI Projects Recap —August 30, 2018 c. Library Quarterly Report and Update d. Monthly Disbursement Report — August 2018 19. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: {The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring for;vard items they ivish to discuss at a ficture meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items maybe placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayoi). 20. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time: (c�,c�,��— 31 , Wj$ at qr 00 /\ . M., and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hou prior to the scheduled tWP,9Ssaid meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. ``���' {� `�'�• y /�iyG ,x Cheryl r' e City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas .�� `tea This facility is wheelchair accessibleara�te parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. 3 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20, 2018 — 7:00 PM. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Bill Boutwell, COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman David Clark. The Mayor and three (3) Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; Finance Director Clayton Gray; Police Chief Curtis Amyx; City Secretary Cheryl Price. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation., Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir on Monday, August 6, 2018 at 7:17 PM, The Invocation was given by Councilman Boutwell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Bilyeu. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Dan Redding was recognized. He noted he has cattle on both sides of McReynolds Road. He advised that contractors have begun construction on the new permanent fence along McReynolds Road. They have had a temporary fence for a while. He noted he provided them with extra land for storage of their equipment during the construction of McReynolds. He stated that the agreement was, from the beginning, that their fence would be constructed up to Farm Service Agency Specifications, which is not anything more than just a good solid fence. What they are constructing is not that. He noted the pipe is too small and too light and the corners are not right. He noted the fence on the cast side of the High School, on the south side is a good example, that there is a coiner there that is the same type of material and it is almost pulled completely out of the ground. It seems that the contractor is doing everything as fast as he can and instead of asking permission he wants to build it and ask for forgiveness. He felt it would be good for everyone if it gets built right first, because it will be more expensive to have to go back and fix it. All they are asking for is what the agreement was for in the beginning. Patricia White, 301 Oak, Sanger, Texas was recognized. She stated she is 83; and, has lived in Sanger for 20 years and wanted to express her concern regarding her utility bills. They have been running from $400 to $550 per month and it is really taking a toll on her finances. She wanted to know if Council would consider giving Seniors froim 65 or 70 over a discount on their utility bills. James Frank Jones, 3087 Betz Road, Sanger, Texas was recognized. He stated that his school taxes are frozen and asked if they pass a bond for the school district will his taxes still be frozen. Mayor Muir noted he could not speak for the school district. He posed several questions and concerns regarding his school district taxes. Mayor Muir noted that he would need to go to the M School Board to address his questions and concern. Staff noted that their meetings were posted online. He noted he did not have a computer so staff provided Mr. Jones with the date and time and place for the next School Board Meeting. Joe palls, McReynolds Road was recognized. He noted that staff has a copy of the agreement that was made with him regarding the McReynolds Project. He also noted staff has a CD where the property was flown over by drone if Council would like to see it. He noted he is available to work. with anyone that can meet with him on what needs to -be done. He is present to formally report this and get on record that this project needs to be completed. He is not new to public works issues and summarized reasons he could no longer wort. with Neal Welch. He noted he is getting exhausted because performance has not happened on getting his items completed. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, August 06, 2018 2. City Council Regular Meeting, August 6, 2018 A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tenn. Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The notion carried unanimously with 3-0 vote (Councilman Chick{ and Councilman Clark absent). 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Proclamation for United Way of Denton County Declaring September 2018 Live United Month. Representatives from United Way were recognized and introduced Jane McCloud, a resident of Sanger and a long time Board Member of the United Way to speak. She noted she has lived in Sanger for three week and loves it in Sanger. She stated she is proud of United Way and what Sanger had done to help with United Way. She just wanted to say thank you for the City of Sanger's support. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve the proclamation to September 2018 Live United Month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously with a 3-0 vote (Councilman Chick and Councilman Clark absent). Mayor Muir read the Proclamation declaring September 2018 Live United Month and a photo was taken with Mayor, Council and the United Way Representatives. 6. Public Hearing to Consider Continuing, Abolishing, or Modifying the City's Juvenile Curfew Ordinance. Police Chief Curtis Amyx was recognized for a summary before the public hearing was opened. He advised that the Texas Local Goven-iment Code requires for the City to review the curfew 5 ordinance every three (3) years. He noted that after going through the Ordinance he found an item that needs to be changed. He pointed out the hours in 8.600 a. Curfew Hours 11:00 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday until 6:00 a.m. of the following day and 2. 12:01 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. on any Saturday or Sunday He advised that there used be hours from 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. included in the ordinance. In November of 2001 our City Attorney advised us that we needed to take the daytime curfew out of our ordinance. We took the daytime hours out of the ordinance, but Curtis noticed when reviewing the ordinance for this agenda that we did not take out the additional language that pertains to the daytime curfew hours Section 8.603 Defenses, Subsection "c". This section needs to be deleted from the ordinance because it no Ionger has any bearing. That was the only change that he recommends. He advised that the curfew helps parents and gives them a reason to say you don't need to be out at night. It was noted that this applies to all minors 16 and under. He explained that a minor is 16 and under. That in law enforcement the age of 17 is considered an adult. In the Penal Code that is how it is worded. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7.42 PM and solicited anyone who wished to comment on the Curfew Ordinance. There being no persons coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:43 PM. 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on Ordinance 408-23-18 to Continue in Effect Chapter 8, "Offenses and Nuisances" Article 8.600 Sections 8.601 Through 8.605, The Juvenile Curfew Ordinance of the City of Sanger; Providing for a Repeal of All Ordinances, A Penalty Clause, A Severability Clause; and, Providing for an Effective Date. Councilman Boutwell asked a question siting No. 8 of 8.603 Defenses regarding rights protected by the United States Constitution such as free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly. Police Chief Amyx noted that what this section is meant for is an approved assembly that runs past curfew hours. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #08-23-18 to continue in effect Chapter 8, "Offenses and Nuisances" Article 8.600 Sections 8.601 Through 8.605 and striking subjection "c" under Section 8.602 Defenses of the Juvenile Curfew Ordinance of the City of Sanger; providing for a repeal of all ordinances, a Penalty Clause, a Severability Clause; and, providing for an Effective Date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. The motion carried unanimously with a 3-0 vote (Councilman Chick and Councilman Clark absent). 8. Conduct a Public Hearing for the Proposed Budget for the City of Sanger for Fiscal Year 2018-19. Mayor Muir provided a summary of the budget process the Council has been working on since the beginning of the summer. He noted that the proposal is keeping the same tax rate as last year $0.6791 per $100 of assessed valuation. Mayor Muir opened the public hearing on the budget at 7:48 PM and solicited anyone who wished to speak on the proposed budget. There being no one who wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:49 PM. no 9. Conduct the First Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues from Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 12.70% with the Proposed Tax Rate $0.6791 per $100 of Assessed Valuation (Tax Rate is Proposed to Remain the Same as the Preceding Year's Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100 of Assessed Valuation). The public hearing was opened at 7:50 PM and Mayor Muir solicited anyone who wished to speak on the rate. Patricia White, 301 Oak, Sanger, Texas was recognized and asked if anything was going to be done with the streets. Mayor Muir explained the process of the prioritization of the street improvements and also noted the challenge of the aging infrastructure under the streets in the core are of the City. He explained that the infrastructure (water and sewer) had to be replaced before we make new improvements on the streets; and, that we are trying to do it right the first time so we don't have to redo them. Mayor Muir provided information regarding the budget and informed her of the additional revenues that would be added into the streets. Mayon Pro Tern Bilyeu elaborated on the information the Mayor provided noting that Road Impact Fees have also been implemented. Councilman Boutwell noted McReynolds Road and that the Denton County Road and Bridges offered to do the road if the City paid for a portion that was less than a quarter of the cost so the City came up with the money to make the deal work. Mayor Muir noted that anytime we only have to spend a dollar and get five or six back on a project we are going to do it. Ms. White stated that she was glad to hear that the Council was aware of the concern over the roads. There being no further citizens who wished to speak the Public Hearing was closed at 7:56 PM. 10. INFORMATION ITEMS: a. All American Dogs Report. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of speck factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). Councilman Boutwell noted that he would like to see something regarding putting up no parking signs along the service road adjacent to IH-35 near Dairy Queen and Taco Bell. He noted the big 18 wheelers park along the road and there is noway to see to exit the parking lot. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that she has already spoken with Chief Amyx and he is going to look into this issue. Police Chief Amyx noted at one time several years ago that there were no parking signs put up in that location by TxDOT, but they have disappeared. 12. ADJOURN. There being no farther business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM. 7 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special ® Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials ftu Date nq ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Change Order ##1 With Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. for Additional Boring Under View Road for Water and Sewer at a Cost of $42,478.00. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑C1P ❑BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Change Order #1 included additional boring under View Road for R&L Carriers to tie onto the new water and sewer lines. Initially the water and sewer lines were planned to be on the south side of View Road, but both lines were extended to the north side of the road. It also included the additional pipe for the bore and realignment of the pipeline to adjust for the location of an underground fiber optics cable and the location of some utility poles. A small amount of additional seeding was included in this change order. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order # 1 Other Agencies: BANGER TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Neal Welch, Director of Public Works Date: August 29, 2018 Subject: Change Order Number One, Outfall Sewer/Water Phase III Change Order Number One included additional boring under View Road for R & L Carriers to tie onto the new water and sewer lines. Initially the water and sewer lines were planned to end on the south side of View Road, but both lines were extended to the north side of the road. it also included the additional pipe for the bore and a manhole under Lois Road that was initially planned in Phase II. A small amount of seeding was included in the Change Order. 940.458.7930 1301 Bolivar I PO Box 1729 1 Sanger, TX 76266 1 www.sangertexas.org f facebook.com/SangerTexas .V @CityofSanger 9 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY3 INC. email• dcr.jld rtsbcgtoM ner P. O. BOX 181 phone ft (972) 3Ba-IL23 CELINA, TEXAS 75009 ra. F (973) 382- 04 City of Sanger North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase III Change Order No. 1 A Intent of change order: The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract between the City of Sanger, Texas and Dickerson Construction Company, Inc- for the construction of North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase M. B Description of change: This change order covers increasing items No W-2, S-2, S-11 and S-12 to quantities actual install over the bid quantities. r� Cifn ni of ..hnn nn fn rnnirotq amni int- i Description Quantity Unit Price each Total Item W-2 seeding 21 If@ $10.00 $$210.00 S-2 seeding 2 If@ $2 00 $4,00 S-11 30" bore 20 I# $600.00 $12,000.00 S-12 12" SDR-26 388 If@ $78.00 $30,264 00 TOTAL $42,478 00 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION CO„ INC _ f/-ra date CITY OF SANGER d ate Original Contract Amount Change Order No. 1 Revised Contract Amount PACHECO KOCH ENGINEER LILCOVAEFTWIMIN $42,478.00 51 016 968 s0 date 01 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P. 0. BOX 181 CELINA, TEXAS 75009 (972) 382.2123 FAX # (972) 382-2043 PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT Periodical Estimate NO: FOUR Period 513/2018 to 7/9/2018 Owner: CITY OF SANGER Address: P_O. BOX 1729 -- _ SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Project: NORTH INTERSTATE 35 Est. Contract Cast: _ $974,490.50 OUTFALL SEWER PHASE III Item # Descrl lion Unit Quant' Complete Unit Price Total G1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $30,000.00 $30.000.00 G2 BARRICADES MO 6 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 G3 SITE PREPARATION LS 1 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 G4 EROSION CONTROL LS 1 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 W1 4" TOPSOIL LF 6100 6100 $5.00 $30,500.00 W2 SEEDING LF 6100 0 $2,00 $0.00 W3 REMOVE &REPLACE ASPHALT LF 4S 0 $60.00 $0.00 W4 REMOVE & REPLACE ROCK LF 24 24 $10.00 $240.00 W5 FIRE HYDRANT EA 22 22 $3,100.00 $68,200,00 W6 D.I. FITTINGS TON 5 5 $8,200.00 $41,000,00 W7 12" GATE VALVE EA 14 14 $2,050.00 $28.700.00 r W8 6" GATE VALVE EA 22 22 $800.00 $17,600.00 W9 12" PVC C-900 LF 6099 6099 $37.00 $226,863.00 _- UV10 12" PVC C-900 WICSBF LF 20 20 $90.00 $1.800.00 L W11 6" PVC C-900 LF 445 300 $40.00 $12,000.00 W12 20" BORE & STEEL CASING LF 405 405 $275,00 $111,376.00 W13 6" BLOW OFF EA 1 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 W14 REMOVE & REPLACE FENCE LF 370 370 $10.00 $3,700.00 W15 TRENCH SAFETY LF 6169 6159 $0.50 $3,079.50 S1 4" TOPSOIL LF 4300 4300 $5.00 $21,600.00 S2 SEEDING LF 4300 0 $2.00 $0.00 S3 4' MANHOLE 0'-6' EA 17 17 $2,500.00 $42,500.00 S4 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE VF 55 55 $175.00 $9,625.00 $5 20" BORE & STEEL CASING LF 140 224 $300.00 $67,200.00 86 12" PVC SDR-26 LF 4344 4344 $50.00 $217,200.00 S7 ROCK PAVEMENT REPAIR LF 25 25 $10.00 $250.00 S8 REMOVE & REPLACE 18" RCP LF 8 8 $100.00 $800,00 S9 TRENCH SAFETY LF 4204 4204 $2.00 $8,408.00 $10 REMOVE & REPLACE 18" H FADWALL EA 1 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 S11 REMOVE & SALVAGE ROCK RIP -RAP SY 21 21 $50.00 $1,050,00 NORTH INTERSTATE PHASE III W-2 SEEDING LF 241 21 $10.00 $210.00 S-2 SEEDING LF 8500 2 $2.00 $4,00 S-11 30" BORE LF 524 20 $600.00 $12,000-00 S-12 21" SDR-26 LF 8873 388 $78.00 $30,264.00 Total Value of Work Performed Materials on Hand Total Value of Work to Date Less 6% Retained Less Previous Payment BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $1,012,868.50 $a.00 $1.012, 868.50 - ($921,870.97) $42,478.00 11 Periodical Estimate No: FOUR Period: 5/3/2018 to Project: Owner: CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL ADDITIONS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS REVISED AMOUNT: PERIODIC ESTIMATE NORTH INTERSTATE 35 OUTFALL SF-VVr=R PHASE III CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 1729 SANOER. TEXAS 76266 $974,490.50 $42,478.00 $0.00 $1,016,968.50 SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed: $1,012,868.60 Materials on Hand $0.00 Total Work and Materials $1,012,868.50 7/9/2018 ACCOUNT# 1204 JOB # _ 715_ INVOICE 18118 DATE 7/912018 Engineer: PACHECO KOCH ENGR. 6160 WESTERN PLACE, SUITE 1001 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 761107 Contractor: DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC P, O, BOX 181 CELINA, TEXAS 76009 —� START CONSTRUCTION CALENDAR DAYS {SAYS USED DAYS COULDN'T WORK SIGNATURES: SU6MITTtW© DICKER ON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. DATE: 7/9/2018 RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL: a ess 5% Retained 5,19.53) . PAGifEC ' ROCH ENGR, DATE: 7— 11-le Balance $964,348.97 RECO END FOR APPROVAL: i.ess Previous Payment ($921,870.97) IN PECTOR DATE: Am. Due This Period $42,478.00 APPROVED .FOR PAYMENT: CITY OF SANGER SATE: 12 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special ® Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Change Order #2 With Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. for Additional Boring at a Cost of $16,701.00. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CIP []BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The Phase III Water and Sewer Project on the east side of 1-35 required a change order to go underneath the utility poles and guy wires in front of the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. The water and sewer lines were moved five feet east to avoid contact with an existing fiber optic line. When the water and sewer lines were moved five feet they were beneath the City's overhead power lines that crossed 1-35. This created a situation requiring a bore under the power lines and guy wires. Boring the pipelines required additional steel casing to place the PVC pipe in. The contractor could not dig an open trench because of the proximity of the guy wires. Mike Prater said that the Electric Department does not have a truck large enough to hold the pole in place while the trenching operation took place. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Change Order #2 Other Agencies: 13 SANGER *TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Neal Welch, Director of Public Works Date: August 30, 2018 Subject: Change Order Number Two, Outfall Sewer/Water Phase Ill The Phase III Water and Sewer Project on the east side of 1-35 required a Change Order to go underneath the utility poles and guy wires in front of the WalMart Distribution Center. The water and sewer lines were moved five feet east to avoid contact with an existing fiber optic line. When the water and sewer lines were moved five feet they were beneath the city's overhead power lines that crossed 1-35. This created a situation requiring a bore under the power lines and guy wires. Boring the pipelines required additional steel casing to place the pvc pipe in. The contractor could not dig an open trench because of the proximity of the guy wires. Mike Prater said that the Electric Department does not have a truck large enough to hold the pole in place while the trenching operation took place. 940.458.7930 1 301 Bolivar I PO Sox 1729 I Sanger, TX 76266 1 wwwsangertexas.org f facebook.com/SangerTexas 9 C&CityofSanger RECEIVED A OG .(I �, 2018 BY:. I<..'.......•••..... DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPNAY, INC. P.Q. BOX 181 CELINA, TEXAS 75009 (972) 382-2123 fox (972) 382-2043 City of Sanger Norfh Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase III Change Girder No. 2 A. Intent of change order: The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract between the City of Sanger, Texas and Dickerson Construction Company, Inc, for the construction of North Intersfate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase III, B. Description of change: This change order covers increasing item No. S-5 to quanfities actual install over fhe bid quantities, C. Effect of change to contract amount: Item S-5 20" Bore & Steel Casing 55.67 LF @ $ 300,00 16,701.00 CHANGE ORDER #2 TOTAL $ 16,701.00 l Confract Amount $1,016,968.50 Change Order No.2 : 16 7-01 00 Dickerson Cans 'Uction Co., Inc. City of Sanger Revised Contract Amount $1,033,669,50 Pacheco Koch Engineer 4 r/ 15 REGULAR AGENDA it. BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Finance [Reviewed by Legal ® Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable COUNCIL. MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Clayton Gray, Finance Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials (� Date 0 /), os ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on a Proposal for Award of Contract for Solid Waste and Recycling Services: Choosing a Provider; Frequency for Residential Service at one (1) or two (2) times a week at the rates provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP); and, Direct City Manager to Notify Provider and Negotiate the Solid Waste and Recycling Services Agreement for Council Award and Approval. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Three responses to the City's RFP for solid waste and recycling were received. An RFP Review Committee has met, reviewed and evaluated the proposals. Selections to be made include (1) frequency of residential service and (2) service provider. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: 17 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE N Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance Yes Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive M Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal I Lj Yes Z Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date 50 IR1 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE �❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS MOTHER Public Hearing AGENDA CAPTION Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Variance to Allow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can be Contained Within two (2)-60" Pipes; and to Allow Development Without a Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final Plat of Lots I & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Feet East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and I-35 Northbound Service Road. FINANCIAL SUMMARY MN/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP [_]BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.04 — Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements of City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 — Subdivision Regulations, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance for the following: 1. Allow open channel for storm water runoff which can be contained within two (2)-60" pipes; 2. Allow development without a detention facility to return downstream discharge to pre - development conditions, for proposed Final Plat of lots 1 & 2, Block A STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See Staff Repoli. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Notification Reponse Form Agencies: i;7 Response Form 18SANZON-0040 Lois Road Warehouse Variance In order for your opinion to be counted, please Gornplete and mail this form to: aevelopinent Services Department ,Attn: Muzaib R`taa P.Q. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: mriaz sangertexas.org Fax: (940) 458-2072 Project No: ISSANZQN-0040/ Variance (Lois Road Warehouse) . r Please circle on . In fav .reOpposed to request Comments: ! ,, OR Printed Name / L 14 xy D C1 t -- small Address Physical Address of Property within 200 %et r O 19 SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT *TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0040 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance to AIlow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can be Contained Within two (2)-60" Pipes; and for Delaying Construction of the Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Feet East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and h-35 Northbound Service Road. Applicant: Earl Escobar, P.E., Crannell Engineering, Corp. Case Overview The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.04 — Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements of City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 — Subdivision Regulations, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance for the following: 1. Allow open channel for storm water runoff which can be contained within two (2)-60" pipes; 2. Allow development without a detention facility to return downstream discharge to pre - development conditions, for proposed Final Plat of lots 1 & 2, Block A Notification Response Form Staff mailed five (5) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Staff Recommendation Please see engineer's comments. 20 Actions for City Council The City Council should approve the requested variance from subdivision regulations if it finds it to be in conformance with Section 10 (Other Requirements) of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 — Subdivision Regulation, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger Texas. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Lois Business Park Final Plat Engineer's Comments • Existing Site Drainage Area Map • Proposed Site Drainage Area Map • Overall Drainage Area Map • Notification Response Form 21 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCILAGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE M Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Ll Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL, ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS [_]OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider Discuss and Act on a Request for a Variance to Allow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can be Contained Within two (2)-60" Pipes; and to Allow Development Without a Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Feet East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and 1-35 Northbound Service Road. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CIP []BUDGETED [:]NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.04 — Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements of City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 — Subdivision Regulations, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance for the following: 1. Allow open channel for storm water runoff which can be contained within two (2)-60" pipes; 2. Allow development without a detention facility to return downstream discharge to pre - development conditions, for proposed Final Plat of lots 1 & 2, Block A STAFF OPTIONS & RI?.COMMENDATION See Staff Report List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Staff Report Agencies: • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Lois Business Park Final Plat Engineer's Comments • Existing Site Drainage Area Map • Proposed Site Drainage Area Ma 22 • Overall Drainage Area Map • Notification Reponse Form 23 BANGER *TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0040 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance to Allow Open Channel for Storm Water Runoff Which can be Contained Within two (2)-60" Pipes; and to Allow Development Without a Detention Facility to Return Downstream Discharge to Pre -Development Conditions, for Proposed Final PIat of Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Lois Business Park Addition, Being 4.29 Acres and Generally Located South of Lois Road East and Approximately 1000 Feet East of the Intersection of Lois Road East and I-35 Northbound Service Road. Applicant: Earl Escobar, P.E., Crannell Engineering, Corp. Case Overview The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6,04 — Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements of City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 — Subdivision Regulations, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance for the following: 1. Allow open channel for storm water runoff which can be contained within two (2)-60" pipes; 2. Allow development without a detention facility to return downstream discharge to pre - development conditions, for proposed Final Plat of lots 1 & 2, Block A Notification Response Form Staff mailed five (5) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Staff Recommendation Please see engineer's comments. 24 Actions for City Council The City Council should approve the requested variance from subdivision regulations if it finds it to be in conformance with Section IQ (Other Requirements) of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter I0 --- Subdivision Regulation, Exhibit A — Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger Texas. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Lois Business Park Final Plat Engineer's Comments • Existing Site Drainage Area Map • Proposed Site Drainage Area Map • Overall Drainage Area Map • Notification Response Dorm 25 Response Farm 18SANZON-0040 Lois Road Warehouse Variance In order for your opinion to be counted, please complete and mail this form to: Development Services Depanment Attn: Muzaib Riaz 10 9 N M i' -' - , Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: mriaz@sangertexas.org Fax: (940) 458-2072 Project No: 18SANZQN-0040/ Variance (Lois Road Warehouse) Please circle on Ira favor of re Opposed to request Comments: /I) Printed Name V Ild-b 4Lt - y1n 11 t Mtn 1)'ro'b '-) Emall Address Physical Address of Property within 200 feet 0 � iii La 287.5 575 TIT I'l 1411 P J N w E S SANGER _*TE Location Exhibit: Lois Road Warehouse Variance Ord # Exhibits C3 DISC AIMER: .—Z r"y f..t,.,m 1hmp 1M, "P .......... 27 SP�(�1GEF *T6J[rtY VARIANCE APPLICATION Describe the ubject roperty { ddress, locatf , si a etc.): Prof ery IS fl- - I � on scut a do of Lois Road just oast of 1-35 Describe the proposed variance (how much, where on the property, for what purpose); '1. An enclosed storm drain system is required In lieu of the proposad open channel. Only storm water runoff that cannot be contained within (2)-60" pipes can be directed via open channel. 2. No detention has bftn..ProvJded to raturn downstream distchargle rates t4 predevelopment condition, Due to Negligible rotor s in runoff from development and size of overall drainage shed, IncreasO in runoff will not occur by this owner office Use Fee Date city 0f Sanger ZOA BoRk prlP.P B-,1729 Sanger, 7f 752GG 9440-453-2059(vfjfcel 940-95P-4072(fGx) Wo-3421W MIS,()r4 Date We CRANNELL, CRANNELL & MARTIN CORPORATION 2570 Justin Road Suite toy, Highland Village, Texas 75077 Office: c)72-6g1-66aa June 18, 2018 City of Sanger RE: Lois Road Industrial ParkLetter of Intent - Variance Sanger, Texas The intent of this variance request is to request a waiver on the requirement: 1. An enclosed storm drain system is required in lieu of the proposed open channel. Only storm water runoff that cannot be contained within (2)-60" pipes can be directed via open channel. Due to only one spec building being constructed at this time, it is cost prohibitive to be required to construct an underground storm pipe system to convey all on site and offsite drainage through this development. We would like to proposed an open earthen channel in lieu of an underground storm pipe system. The earthen channel will be sized to accommodate fully developed flows through the development. The easement for this channel will be proposed as a "public easement with private maintenance", so the City will not be burdened with maintenance of this channel, but has a right to access the channel if needed. 2. No detention has been provided to return downstream discharge rates to predevelopment condition. Due to Negligible increase in runoff from development and size of overall drainage shed, increase in runoff will not occur by this development on downstream properties. The size of the overall drainage shed on adjacent property to the south is over 600 acres. The proposed development is contributing only 28.15 acres of this overall drainage shed. The difference between existing and proposed flows by development is only 8.9 cfs. With a significant difference in time of concentration between site flows and remainder of upstream drainage shed (10 minutes versus 60 minutes), the peak site flows will be done and gone before the peak drainage shed flows arrive to the adjacent property to the south. Therefore, no negative impact will result on adjacent property to the south. Please feet free to contact me at the office if you have any questions. Thank you, Earl A. Escobar, PE Crannell, Crannell & Martin Corp. 29 Belcheff & Associates, Inc. Municipal Engineering & Program Management TBPE Reg. No. F-368 ioo Trophy Club dr., Ste. io3 Trophy Club, Texas 76262 June 5, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner Economic & Community Development City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Lois Road Warehouse No. 1— Final Plat and Construction Plans Dear Muzaib: Concerning our review of the Final Plat dated May 14, 2018 and construction plans for Lois Road Warehouse No. 1 dated April 25, 2018 by Jeff D. Crannell, P.R. with Crannell, Crannell, & Martin, Highland Village, Texas, representing owner PAAGE Ltd. and Randall Smith, Flower Mound, Texas, the following comments are provided for the Cityrs consideration with respect to its Subdivision Ordinance and Regulations: Final Plat 1. The subdivider should pay for constructing one-half of perimeter thoroughfare - Lois Rd. a. If the construction of the thoroughfare is to be deferred to a later date, monies for the construction of one-half thoroughfare should be placed in an escrow account. Storm Water Improvements 1. An enclosed storm drain system is required in lieu of the proposed open channel. On- ly storm water runoff that cannot be contained within (2)-60" pipes can be directed via open channel. a. Open channel conveyance of storm water could be allowed if a variance is granted by City Council, however additional engineering design and calcula- tions will be required to determine adequacy of proposed open channel ditch as shown by the Applicant. 2. No detention has been provided to return downstream discharge rates to pre - development condition. a. If a variance is granted by City Council to delay construction of the detention facility, said deferral should be tied to a specific condition (i.e. Lot 2/3 devel- opment, building permit, etc.) Paving Improvements Proposed access location, length and fire lane widths should be accompanied by Fire Marshall approval. ZASangeriPermit ReviewslLois Road Warehouse No IV ois Rd Warehouse No i Final Plat Consfrucfion Plans.dou 827-49s-2776 manderson@belcheff.com Fax 817-491-2749 LOC Muzaib Riaz June S, 2018 Page 2 of 2 Sewer Improvements 1. Proposed 81-LF of 6" SS should be labeled as a private service line; maintenance the responsibility of property owner. Water Improvements 1, Proposed on -site 8" water main should be looped back into the public water system with connection made to Lois Road 12' water line. 2. It is recommended that proposed 8" WL should be relocated to opposite (east) quarter point of proposed driveway to decrease lead lengths and reduce potential for water quality issues. Additional comments 1. Any public improvements, onsite or offsite necessary to support this proposed devel- opment should be included within a Developer's Agreement, including any council variances to defer or special requirements for the construction of the following: a. Escrow funds for the Applicant's responsibility of 1/2 ultimate roadway im- provements for Lois Road. b. Allow open channel storm water conveyance (temporary or permanent) in lieu of enclosed pipe. c. Storm Water Detention facility to future development of any lot or building permit. d. Looping of proposed 8" waterline to future development of any lot or building permit. 2. Additional submittals may generate further comments based on new information pro- vided by the applicant. Recommendation It is recommended that the Final Plat and Construction Plans be denied for approval as submit- ted. If however, the City is inclined to approve the Final Plat and Construction Plans for Lois Road Warehouse No. 1, it recommended that the comments listed above be resolved prior to filing of the Final Plat or proceeding with construction. Sincerely, Aw Mike Anderson, P.E. cc: Alina Ciocan, City Manager Neal Welch, Director of Public Works and Engineering Service 31 LEGEND LOJS ROAD I 32 m®moom® - ammoomlRu�1�-- cammmmmm.. m®moom® DUE TO INSIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF INCREASE IN RUNOFF RETWEEN PRE AND POST DEVELOPMENT FLOWS FOR DRAINAGE AREA 02, ON -SITE DETENTION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR LOT 1 DEVELOPMENT. ADDITIONAL ANALSIS IS REQUIRED UPON DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE RUILDINGS MTHIN THIS DEVELOPMENT. � I N WL 5 LEGEND c o (V Qa Qj A O C NF 01 * Luru Now C LLan o L a a �a a 4 W� �a NW N < QW a¢ 0Z a 0 IR1,1 Q0D 33 N��1} 5 �s eur.n�i �sawA LEGEND r ' aim ssa 5 t ' ` 621.0 i 819.4 I ' Al 34 BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ®Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes X Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date WN ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to subdivide 9.118 Acres of tract into 2 lots of 4.0 acres (Lot 1) and 4.760 acres (Lot 2). The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger. The subject property is within the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Overlay and was zoned as AG — Agricultural (I0-acreminimum) previously. The applicant submitted a rezoning request to Denton County Planning in order to rezone the subject property to R-4 Residential Estate Medium Density District (4- acre minimum) which was approved on August 20, 2018. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See staff report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Ocher • Staff Report Agencies: • Location Map at • Application The Planning & Zoning Commission approved the final • Letter Intent plat on August 13, 2018. The vote was unanimous. • Final Plat SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT *TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0038 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, BIock A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. Applicant: Jerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyors, LLC Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide 9.118 Acres of tract into 2 lots of 4.0 acres (Lot 1) and 4.760 acres (Lot 2). The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger. The subject property is within the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Overlay and was zoned as AG — Agricultural (10-acre minimum) previously. The applicant submitted a rezoning request to Denton County Planning in order to rezone the subject property to R-4 Residential Estate Medium Density District (4-acre minimum) which was approved on August 20th. Water services will be provided by Bolivar Water and electric service will be provided by Cosery Electric. The Plat was sent to Denton County Planning for a courtesy review and Denton County Planning comments have been incorporated into the Plat. Staff Recommendation The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends APPROVAL of the plat. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (5-0) of the plat on August 13, 2018. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat 36 N W E S Location Exhibit: Red Willow Addition SANGER Ord # *TEXAS ®Exhibits Parcels ❑{SCLAIMpfI; Ptis maywas genemled by GIS data Cly p by NCSanger GlS OepaNrenL The F of saryerdae9 nol e�ra�ree u£ eerreane� or urary ofany realv<s on IM map. e map pia OeaYa are Wr I orgy y.and m1. :LWfrorsiezpec'�c derision makhq, GIS data miseR la mr�a�d Uiarges, aM mayndhe Do,arcM arcmetl. are:ymrmt82Miax:aaaai oo�rrama. L«aaonL.nrow_leednlm�naelan 37 BANGER .,Exa= SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Anolicant Owner (if different from aoolicant) Name: Name: JLQ.1r.Lo YSfg5AN1 CDOI T'IN % PELV.A Company: Company: LANDMA12—k— SuRv =y0jZS Lt,c Address: Address: A. 23 8 S -3 S JAG 2 45' IFM 407 W City, State, Zip City, State, Zip DI-N-roN TIc 76 2t9 ARGYLE rx 7b�26 Phone: Phone: (.940) 3e2-- +016 (017) 729- 85-4.1 Fax: Fax: (940) 397- 976 - Email: Email: i.-AM0MAf KSV6)A0L-- Cot-4 Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: Six (6) Copies of Plat (24"06", folded to 1/4 size) One (1) PDF Copy of Plat Letter of Intent Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Supporting Materials (list if provided): 4 Z) Owner Signature Appli ,7. lv' N Date /7 Ju% 20 f a Date Office Use: Revlewed by Director of Development Services Complete( heckN i Incomplete (Returned to ApplicantJ_J j CltY of Sorrryer 201 Butfvur/ P.013ox 1729 Sunper, TX 76266 9,10-M-2059 (offke) 940-'158 11072 (fox) 4vwtv,sorlyertexns•orrl Effective Date 5/29/2018 38 City of Sanger, Texas July 18, 2018 Muzaib Riaz Planner, Development Services Muzaib, Please see attached documents for submittal of the Minor Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A of Red Willow Addition. Enclosed are: Plat (6 copies) Application (1 copy) .pdf (1 copy) We are simply dividing a 9 acre tract into two lots. The property is in the ETJ of Sanger and the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning District. We have already applied for a zoning variance of lot size through the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning District. Sincerely, Jerald D. Yensan President, Landmark Surveyors LLC 4238 1-35 K Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 382-4016 W i VICINITY MAP SCALE V - 2000' Ux GFUPHIC SCALE 1-30' Y1NAf. 1'l.AT AFU 1111J.tlll'Al)IN)1U\' loll' 1.4,\'U L nLCCA.f k. 11F.'nl1i6Y11RI?. S�n�19 E DE \'R.V LYIWlI: SE1'.l5 U'1 J BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE M Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ),,00 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE [:]RESOLUTION ®APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey Abstract No 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive, and North and East of the Lake Ridge Phase 1. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA [:]GRANT FUNDS [:]OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS' Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 54 lots of record within the Lake Ridge Subdivision. The lots meet the Lake Ridge Estates Planned Development Standards per Ordinance # 05- 06-18. Water and Sanitary Sewer will be provided by the City of Sanger. Electric service will be provided by Coserv. The applicant has submitted Construction/Civil Plans which are under review at this time. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for floodplain within the subject property was issued by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on June 26, 2018 and will be effective November 9, 2018. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See staff report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Staff Report Agencies: • Location Map The Planning &Zoning Commission approved the final • FEMA LOMR Cover Letter plat on August 13, 2018. The vote was unanimous. • FEMA LOMR Determination Document 1 41 • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat W SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case ##: 18SANZON-0036 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey Abstract No 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive, and North and East of the Lake Ridge Phase 1. Applicant: Joseph Palmer Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 54 lots of record within the Lake Ridge Subdivision. The lots meet the Lake Ridge Estates Planned Development Standards per Ordinance # 05-06-18. Water and Sanitary Sewer will be provided by the City of Sanger. Electric service will be provided by Coserv. The applicant has submitted Construction/Civil Plans which are under review at this time. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for floodplain within the subject property was issued by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on June 26, 2018 and will be effective November 9, 2018. Staff Recommendation The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision regulations and Planned Development (Lake Ridge PD) Ordinance # 05-06-18. Staff recommends APPROVAL contingent upon the following conditions: 1. Off -site easements will be acquired by separate instrument(s) and acknowledged (with filing information noted on the Plat) by the City prior to Plat filing. 2. Building permits for individual lots and final acceptance by the City of public facilities not be provided until after November 9, 2018, the effective date contained in the FEMA Letter of Map Revision Determination Document dated June 26, 2018. PlanninIZ & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (5-0) of the plat with staff recommended conditions on August 13, 2018. 43 Attachments • Location Map • FEMA LOMR Cover Letter • FEMA LOMR Determination Document • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat Eit A F;�O OR PER 5 PM 1�d tes I '0 7 Or AO 0 Me WOOLBS Federal Emergency Management Agency CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Thomas Muir Mayor, City of Sanger P. O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Muir: Washington, D.C. 20472 June 26, 2018 IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 18-06-0546P Community Name: City of Sanger, TX Community No.: 480786 Effective Date of This Revision: November 9, 2018 The Flood Insurance Study report and Flood Insurance Rate Map for your community have been revised by this Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued in your community, Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding this LOMR. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are included. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination Document. If you have any questions regarding floodplain management regulations for your community or the National Flood Insurance Program. (NFIP) in general, please contact the Consultation Coordination Officer for your community. If you have any technical questions regarding this LOMR, please contact the Director, Mitigation Division of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Denton, Texas, at (940) 898-5127, or the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll fi•ee at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP). Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip. Sincerely, 4��--4v Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration List of Enclosures: Letter of Map Revision Determination Document Annotated Flood Insurance Rate Map Annotated Flood Insurance Study Report cc: Mr. Neal Welch Director of Public Works and Engineering Service City of Sanger Mr. Matthew Haskin, P.E. Project Manager Homeyer Engineering, Inc. MC Page 1 of 5 Issue Date: June 26, 2018 Effective Date: November 9, 2018 Case No.: 18-06-0546P LOMR-APP Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 tt'�llNll 5�0'� LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT COMMUNITY AND REVISION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF REQUEST City of Sanger FILL HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Denton County CULVERT HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Texas UPDATED TOPOGRAPHIC COMMUNITY DATA COMMUNITY NO.: 480786 IDENTIFIER Ranger Branch, Tributaries 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE: 33.362,-07.156 SOURCE: Other DATUM: NAD 83 ANNOTATED MAPPING ENCLOSURES ANNOTATED STUDY ENCLOSURES TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 48121CO210G DATE: April 16, 2011 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: April 18, 2011 PROFILES: 203P, 303P, AND 304P SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES TABLE: 5 Enclosures reflect changes to flooding sources affected by this revision. FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map FLOODING SOURCE(S) & REVISED REACH(ES) See Page 2 for Additional Flooding Sources Ranger Branch Tributary 2 - from approximately 240 feet downstream of McReynolds Road to the downstream side of FM 455 SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Ranger Branch Tributary 2 Zone A Zone AE YES YES No BFEs* BFEs NONE NONE Zone AE Zone AE YES NONE BFEs BFEs YES NONE Zone Zone YES YES " 8FEs - Base Flood Elevations DETERMINATION This document provides the determination from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the area described above. Using the information submitted, we have determined that a revision to the flood hazards depicted in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report and/or National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map is warranted. This document revises the effective NFIP map, as indicated in the attached documentation. Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplaln management purposes and for all flood Insurance policies and renewals in your community. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional Information regarding this determination, If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchango toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at httos:llwww.fema.novinational-flood-insurance-program. Patrick'Rick' F. Sacblbit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 18-06-0646P 102-I-A-C 47 Page 2 of 5 Issue Date: June 26, 2018 Effective Date: November 9, 2018 Case No.: 18.06-0546P LOMR-APP Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER FLOODING SOURCES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION FLOODING SOURCE(S) 8, REVISED REACH(ES) Ranger Branch Tributary 2.1 - from approximately 200 feel downstream of McReynolds Road to the downstream side of FM 455 Ranger Branch Tributary 2.2 — From the confluence with Ranger Branch Tributary 2 to approximately 1,270 feet upstream of the confluence with Ranger Branch Tributary 2 SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Ranger Branch Tributary 2.1 No BFEs* BFEs YES YES Zone A Zone AE YES YES Zone X (Unshaded) Zone AE YES YES Zone X (Unshaded) Zone A YES YES Ranger Branch Tributary 2.2 No BFEs BFEs YES YES Zone A Zone AE YES YES BFEs - Base Flood Elevations This determination Is based on the flood data presently available, The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toil free at 1-677-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue. Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at ht! s:llwww.fema. ovinalional-flood-Insurance- ro ram. Palrlck"Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mil€gal€on Administration 18-06-0546P 102-1-A-C i • Page 3 of 5 Issue Date: June 26, 2018 Effective Date: November 9, 2018 Case No,: 18-06-0546P LOMR-APP �narn J Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 {tNo 5t�" LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION APPLICABLE NrIP REGULATIONS/COMMUNITY OBLIGATION We have made this determination pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) and in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, P.L. 90-448), 42 U.S.C. 4001-4128, and 44 CFR Part 65. Pursuant to Section 1361 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, communities participating in the NFIP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed NFIP criteria. These criteria, including adoption of the FIS report and FIRM, and the modifications made by this LOMR, are the minimum requirements for continued NFIP participation and do not supersede more stringent State/Commonwealtli or local requirements to which the regulations apply. NFIP regulations Subparagraph 603(b)(7) requires communities to ensure that the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained. This provision is incorporated into your community's existing floodplain management ordinances; therefore, responsibility for maintenance of the altered or relocated watercourse, including any related appurtenances such as bridges, culverts, and other drainage structures, rests with your community. We may request that your community submit a description and schedule of maintenance activities necessary to ensure this requirement COMMUNITY REMINDERS We based this determination on the 1-percent-annual-chance discharges computed in the submitted hydrologic model. Future development of projects upstream could cause increased discharges, which could cause increased flood hazards. A comprehensive restudy of your community's flood hazards would consider the cumulative effects of development on discharges and could, therefore, indicate that greater flood hazards exist in this area. Your community must regulate all proposed floodplain development and ensure that permits required by Federal and/or State/Commonwealth law have been obtained. State/Commonwealth or community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, inay set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain. areas. If your State/Commonwealth or community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria, those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements. We will not print and distribute this LOMR to primary users, such as local insurance agents or mortgage lenders; instead, the community will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information in this LOMR by preparing a news release for publication in your community's newspaper that describes the revision and explains how your community will provide the data and help interpret the NFIP maps. In that way, interested persons, such as property owners, insurance agents, and mortgage lenders, can benefit from the information. This revision has met our criteria for removing an area from the 1 percent annual chance floodplain to reflect the placement of fill. However, we encourage you to require that the lowest adjacent grade and lowest floor (including basement) of any structure placed within the subject area be elevated to or above the Base (I percent annual chance) Flood Elevation. This determina(lon Is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding (his determination, If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FFMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue. Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304.6426. Additional Information about the NFIP Is available on our websiie at h(lps:l/www.fama-goylnatlonal-flood-insurance-program. Patrick"Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Englneering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Miligaflon Administration 18-06-0546P 102-1-A-C ER Page 4 of 5 Issue Date: June 26, 2018 Effective Date: November 9, 2018 Case No,: 18-OB-0546P LOMR-APP , Ede;"` Federal Emergency Management Agency kx _� Washington, D.C. 20472 FIND sF LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) We have designated a Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) to assist your community. The CCO will be the primary liaison between your community and FEMA. For information regarding your CCO, please contact: Ms. Sandy Keefe Director, Mitigation Division Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region VI Federal Regional Center, Room 202 800 North Loop 288 Denton, 'I'X 76209 (940) 898-5127 STATUS OF THIS COMMUNITY NFIP MAPS We will not physically revise and republish the FIRM and FIS report for your community to reflect the modifications made by this LOMR at this time. When changes to the previously cited FIRM panel(s) and FIS report warrant physical revision and republication in the future, we will incorporate the modifications made by this LOMR at that time. This determination Is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FFMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at hitas:pvnvw.fema.eovinational-flood-Insurance-oroRram. Palrick"Rick° F. 5aebibil, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 18.06.0546P 102-1-A-C ce Page 5 of 5 Issue Date: June 26, 2018 Effective Date: November 9, 2018 Case No.: 18-06-0546P LOMR-APP Federal. Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF REVISION A notice of changes will be published in the Feeleral Register. This information also will be published in your local newspaper on or about the dates listed below, and through bEMA's blood Hazard Mapping website at https:llwww, flood reaps. fema.govHhm/bfe_status/bfe_m ai n, asp LOCAL NEWSPAPER Name: Denton Record -Chronicle Dates: July 5, 2018 and July 12, 2018 Within 90 days of the second publication in the local newspaper, any interested party may request that we reconsider this determination. Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data. Therefore, this letter will be effective only after the 90-day appeal period has elapsed and we have resolved any appeals that we receive during this appeal period. Until this LOMR is effective, the revised flood hazard determination presented in this LOMR may be changed, This determination Is based on the flood data presently available, The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determinatlon. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange loll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LONG Clearinghouse, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue. Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at hi(ps:/Avww.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Patrick"Rick' F. Saebibil, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 18-06-0546P 102-1-A-C 51 TABLES. SUMMARY OFDISCHARGES (Coned) PEAK DISCHARGES (efs) DRAINAGE 10% 2 % 1% 0.2% AREA Annual Annual Annual Annual FLOODING SOURCE AND LOCATION (sq. miles) Chance Chance Chance Chance Ranger Branch Tributary 2 Approximately 230 feet downstream of McReynolds Road Approximately 360 feet upstream of confluence with Ranger Branch Tributary 2.2 Approximately 770 feet downstream of West Chapman Road (F.M. 455) Just upstream of West Chapman Road (F.M. 455) Ranger Branch Tributary 2.1 Approximately 890 feet upstream of McReynolds Road Approximately 1,660 feet upstream of McReynolds Road Approximately 610 feet downstream of West Chapman Road (F.M. 455) Just upstream of West Chapman Road (F.M. 455) Ranger Branch Tributary 2.2 Approximately I,330 feet upstream of confluence with Ranger Branch Tributary 2 ' Data not available 0.89 --' --' 2,955 --' 0.77 -� --� 2,470 --� 0.49 - - ' 1,775 --' 0.39 1,480 --' 0.48 --' --' 1,842 --' 0.28 972 --� 0.06 533 --� 0.02 --' 95 --' 0.08 --' --' 396 --t 39 (a) REVISED TO REFLECT LOMR EFFECTIVE. November 9, 2018 52 2380000 FT JOINS PANEL 0070 Denton County 0 z Unincorporated Areas ZONE A 480774 z ZONE A U1 V WlthoutSase Flood Elevation (BFE) LLJ� ZoneA.v, A99 f � 676.tJ _ With 6FE arf7epth 2oneAE A0.4H. VE AR J7 � SPEO[ALFL000 45 700.2 HAZARD AREAS RegulatatyFlooaway Ranger Branch 3 ZONE 694.1 02%Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas Tributary 2 AE 690.8 of 1%annua[ ehaneetlood with average depth less than onefootorwith drainage 67M 68S•0 areas oflessthan one square tulle Z°nex Ranger Branch Tributary 2.2 ` 6$1.2 ; " - Future Conditions 1%Annual _ . - -- - Chance Flood Hazard zone x OTHER AREAS OF - - - Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee 668.5 677.7 FLoonHAZARD _ Sae Notes. Z°°ex 671.6 ' REVISED �� 667.3 6)2 674.7 SCALE ONE 666.7 Q AREA 13 A 668. MapP ac[tlesea •] O NAD'oSmtek-e Terns North Cenma FPS 4202 Fe= 11. Hemisphere-. Vernra1 Darurz NAVD 68 /� 15 7 8 Ox9� 664.9 N 1 inch =1,000 feet 1:12,000 6 ZONE f 667.4 LANE KEY TO NUMBERED STREETS D 500 1,000 2,000 12 AE z 660.0 FIELD 1--.RIDGEVIEW r et 10 m , 2...LAKE RIDGE Meters 3...LAKE SIDE D 150 300 600 656 665 3 ZONE 4...WATERFRONT 14 3AE 6._SABLE CREEK E NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM 7... HERON BAY cs FLOOD INSURANCE PATE NIAP 5 B...HERON . 653.8 iNf0 3s IXAS HIGHLAND 651• 661.0 Pond o.KRA Ra��deao 11.-.PLEASANT V" P60.2 ' 12..SANE)PIPER V PANF1 21.0 OF 750 ` City of Sanger. >w ..o, 3 13....CHUKAR , 14_..BLUEBIRD s Panel Cor.;ains: - - 480786 ' 15...CREEKSIDE �. 650.6 1 4 653.8 COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX 648.2 . Ranger Branch Tributary 2.1 -0 DeIMNCOUN'TY 4S0774 =0 G ZONE A 648.1 1 / / _- n DEMON. CITY OF 480194 0=0 G Q5.6 j 0 SANGEi.CrrYOF 450786 D2'_O G 11 Culvert 2 Lake /Pond Denton County 7n-. 645.8 REVISED TO Unincorporated Areas '�> Ranger Branch ' _�. REFLECT LOMR 643.5 MCREYNOLDS ROAD 480774 DOVE RIDGE ROAD 642.9 � - EFFECTIVE: November 9, 2018 CHAPARRAL ROAD 642.3 64a.2 LA PALOMA ROAD RangerBranch"- ZONE AE 1°!-ANNUAL-CIiANCE FLOOD _.__:__ __ - -- VERSION NUMBER Tributary 2 640.2 DISCHARGE CONTAINED 2.1.3.fl Ranger Branch IN CULVERT -._ PNUMBER Tributary 2.1 City of Sanger - 48�CO21 G MAPRENSEO Lake I Pond -_-o ZONE..A Lake /Pond 480786 APRIL 18, 2011 t SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Annlirant nwnpr [if riiffornnt frnm nnniirnntl Name: Name: 765,6joll 51LM&ffl Company: #11-4.9 Company: NOW Address: os Iv, Amerz 9P. Address: City, State, Zip City, State, zip T 750 Phone: Phone: Z r Fax: Fax: Email: Email: V41- E 10- UtiPiZaN. NeT als Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: ______ /,_ Six (6) Copies of Plat (24"x36", folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) ed): wnerSigna ure Date 74P-►? plicant Signa ure Date Office Use; Reviewed by Director of Development Seivlces Complete (Check 8 incomplete (Returned to Applicant�J�/ i City of Sanger 261 Balivor/P,O Box 1729 Sanger, 7X 76266 940-458-2059 (office) 940-458-4072 (fax) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date 5/29/2018 57 HOMEYER ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING -PLATTING SITE & LANO PLANNING July 12, 2018 City of Sanger Mayor and Town Council 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Final Plat Application for Lake Ridge Estates Phase-3 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Homeyer Engineering, Inc., on behalf of Marion Hills Apartments, LLC, is submitting this Final Plat application for 54-lots (11.15 acres) within the Lake ridge Subdivision. Phase-3 is currently zoned as a PD per Ordinance # 09-29-03. The PD allows for lots with a minimum width of 60-feet and a minimum depth of 100-feet for a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. A portion of the site is currently within a FEMA designated flood hazard area. However, a Letter Of Map Revision (LOMR) case number of 18-06-0546P has been obtained. The letter of determination was sent out on .tune 26, 2018. Final Plat for Lake Ridge Phase-3; • 11.15 acres with 54 lots. I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration of this request and would respectfully ask that you support our application for this Final Plat request. Sincerely, HOMEYER ENGINEERING, INC. TBPE Firm Registration No. F-8440 Matthew Haskin, P.E. Project Manager P.O. BOX 294527 • LEWIGVILLE,TX 75029 58 \\\ T x i , o , 911 ° - nni g°LOT1 / sw� LOTR a LOi9 s�' LOT4 Lois T nLpY6 Amn 9 _ mw _ 5 9 iBT °rmbx e�, mw my w,e. iOTB gg 9 ° 8 a O110 9 _ 8 LOT6 T.- LOT a S LOT � ur��. AIM 1,arum �.. •n�..� ... - .._ -, - I -@I - . eanra.y: Breen _1�an us .,,•� a EAGLE '•`+aca SURVEYING � w,n oa».., ,r,,,�.„r, x r+JR [ISI ww-erk-, � uxn'vi �a Wb � mxao,m, .,. -T11 I ` I + Lois , .r r ."M ,.r r• I u.0 au� I �I§ II ��� F r L.T. L.at4 �aa asl .azo.m �y LOTa LOT 16 rI 1 I MATCH LINE N FINAL PLAT LAKE RIDGE ESTATES, °L PHASE g LOTS 1-22, BLOCK B, L075 1-13, BLOCK G, LOPS 2-B, BLOCK F & LOTS I - 11. BLOCK H [s acaTs or uxro s [ruxTEn cN n1e rss"vos.� a m iE scmmvm, ensraecr a�v �, tam a .w crna:rioTL�cin�or snnos� a� OEYLO:l CO[1NTY, n:]„lb 59 N ° ATCH LINE — — — — — — r ,� �a TO � i-,i, f s LOT 18 i a rk I Mm IA»T 11 F. LOT: SLOT 19 Wa LOT RO wWA7E_AFR. ..... ONT ERNE _ ' BPS .. w.•�r_ — nl L.T. LIT I ,.e[• ,n.�, - s,n,u. �LOT47f LOTS �aL mT.an t oz— ...e.. .� _ FINAL PLAT LMM RIDGE ESTATES, .,... PHASE 3 LOTS I-22, BLOCK $LOTS 1 13, BLOCK G, � EAOIEb11=11G, LLC n... _ ,w �s� III KF LOTS 1-I1,BLOCKH LOTS 2-S. .LO & +yyma EAGLEno Molw.TS:6�°, "niwu fWoYmyo9 a,µxN� , II.lS ACAE90F1.W�SITIklIE61N'FIIE +ap SURVEYING pN p ONiO'IIIE: CIAlI�'OPA6MOCR, URNTON C61MfY, TE!L13 EAGLE SURVEYING FINALPLAT LAKE RUDGE MTATFS, PHASE 3 LOTS 1-22, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK G. LOTS2-8,BLOCK F& LOTS t-MBLACK II NEI,HFN—In-T—E C— OF — FACE eia 4 oENro:J- 61 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCILAGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: []ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL, OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way, FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANTFUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑C1P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility [] $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 57 lots of record for single family residential development. The subject property is located within the ETJ of City of Sanger. The Plat has been sent to Denton County for a courtesy review. Water service will be Bolivar Water, electric will be provided by Cosery Electric. The plat meets Denton County subdivision regulations. The applicant has also submitted Construction/Civil Plans to Development Services which are currently being reviewed by a third party engineer. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See staff report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Staff Report Agencies: • Location Map The Planning &.Zoning Commission approved the final • Application pp plat on August 13, 2018. The vote was unanimous. • Letter of Intent • Final Plat W SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT *TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0037 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way. Applicant: David Tucker Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 57 lots of record of minimum 1-acre for single family residential development. The subject property is located within the ETJ of City of Sanger. The Plat has been sent to Denton County for a courtesy review. Water service will be Bolivar Water, electric will be provided by Cosery Electric. The plat meets Denton County subdivision regulations. The applicant has also submitted Construction/Civil Plans to Development Services which are currently being reviewed by a third party engineer. Staff Recommendation The plat meets Denton County subdivision regulations and Staff recommends APPROVAL of the plat. Plannin & Zonin Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (5-0) of the plat on August 13, 2018. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat vzzz/zM/l vZZZZZZM 0 40 rzzzzzzA/.jo rZZZZZZZw 0 0 zrzzzzzzo 0 Este win Vs f-dnrl,i�z�; omps v// BANGER SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Anoticant Owner (If differentfrom applicant) Name: '� I I L--�'" V l G V K Name: t?e' i -I . C e ✓` Company: to � Company: I / le) -e_ c t e > w e- -i .�.✓ e r pl e v � fi e. ! Address: 0 Address, J or • JJ / 7 es�oin �J ' City, State, Z16 City, State, Zip Phone: Phone- ?- / q, .� 5 Fax: Fax: Emalll: �7V.el j] % Email: r t�/i..rcfe. Iff k1aA e- 0S$vAes' e'o ''1 Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: Six (6) Copies of Plat (24"06", folded to 1/4 size) One(l) PDF Copy of Plat Letter of Intent Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Supporting Materials (list if provided): Applicant Signature Office Use: Reviewed by Director afDevelopment SeNkes Complete {Check # } Incomplete (Returned to Applicanti city g(sangr:r 20d IDolk-or/p.0 Box 172P song r, 1X AW66 94()?SS-209fvfficet 940-458.407 f i4) €s�vr�,sa+l9:r'hrxns.vr4 Date Date Lifrc.tivc Dattr 5/29/1018 r A Mr. David Tucker and John Brennan Sanger 66 Development, GP 17330 Preston Rd. #200 D Dallas, Texas 75262 Tel. 214,614.5255 Off, 469.801.2212 Email, Dtucker@windandwaterhomes.com July 17, 2018 Letter of Intent Muzaib Riaz Planner, Economic and Community Development City of Sanger, Tx 940-458-9096 Office www.san ertxedc.or Re. Estates of Windsong Hill, ( formerly Kenzie Park Addition ), City of Sanger E.T.J., Texas. Dear Muzaib, Nathan Olson at the contact information below will be submitting documents and should be included in correspondence regarding this project; IDES, Inc. Nathan Olson, President 705 Jones Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tel. 940.595.0628 info@nate-olson.com The intent of the application today is to gain review and acceptance of the final plat for this addition. The development is planned to contain 57 lots at a minimum area of one acre. It is approximately 1,000 feet north of the intersection of F.M. 455 and Klldee Trail which is four miles west of downtown Sanger. The land to be developed is approximately 66 acres and is intended. for single family residential use. Please review the PDF and paper documents submitted today. We hope for it to be approved by the City of Sanger and Denton County. Thank you for your consideration and exemplary aid with this project. Sincerely, David Tucker and John Brennan Letter of Intent aA a"v °�ciP N 35'56'S0'E 1931.0S'- t fi��a',• I .NTp'+„aa — - _______I __� - �� e:Ewn.m __ __, cros - xv.a� m.w^ "' � _--` ue.ae• , lu.rs �a.u� uass� iu.m' --- urza• --- lux' ---I runr nsa,• r 1 A EMS 8� IOIS LM E� Lm0 � [mg I« I LmE E� ?I '.I � yS• � # i •om w rmc +v+.n- II R :nim L I of I u a'a— [ ga sy rs I s`a tll kl �I 'I ui ix no.aa r I F �A°�SF"am I a�s I I u,.tt• la n OlA wnn I c b - I W"�'.a W 1Er.r" I �w ap4 mr of I.•. I I 'f Sw as'°4i I k ,L1I �I IJ -� �� _I � I 1�Yf NdY—+- +✓ 1 I 1 1 � na�i1• I.'... � EccAmn I � i ! I 'duxm [ l Ham I Loin ;�,� gOSt Ems r rs I p1' 331 damn Lm xr I ego,.a;s'' i acra , 5 ioo I e I � � [_ �� I im6r mar n. N 8§'S4' S3'ri T74.83' un, . • ' ' ..... ' ' . . ifi imn pl- I s lma � S e {�.'.'.:�:.'.'.'.'.':'::� I I I I I X BB'¢7 8•Y� a6 �.7�' g aar 3 s�*A"I' l .' 1 f I' III �I a I, r 4�rrR"oo' I �,. �d•"�dj,� 1,-: - �~~'�-� I I I —•- I I � ,1 I/f rmnw Asa i �.B.os}. t'.......... ...� N. MR MRS` MAY la• e.n.o.l wT � --- __-_ re l� _----_Lb9+_ J S,nrn J_______ o S:'; R I He'll Q•E a'f0'n'f 1 - an.a• S1 aam• I .JI man qqI! -I dam a I voer 11 _ W mile u. r'''ort yll_5�t Lmmr :gy Lm e9 lil i 'Ii®6 I_ = •r � u.! f 1m.se' � 2 nl.sr aw`an $ ------- rrar-- .. =a��----mom-------- ` 10!i! Imo/ VICINITY MAP �P.�. PE LEEiENO - AK.�eol-n,x J.E.. THCI�Am'SOry � .L.Ldeu:awewl suw6w�a 1 t H LIyOry gr, W rvES�YLE. T%%LCM ESE e.o.Ee+n,m STAN6W@ EASEMENTS - uru T 1 4 I AIHA4"T rasvrrorawocn,cxa� wn ESTATES AT WIND SONG HILL ADDITION LCIT5140,SLa0RA Lois 1-1s, 8LOCK8 cnv e[uciarv.cnraf sxw[Rrrx+n L.T61-1l. SLV-c e6.lal AcnFs Ni THE I.A.B. JARVARY SVRYEY AMSTPACT ri[].96E EEJ oErmon me VLsAH:oulrrr, TEAS PREL011INARY FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY ESTATES AT WAND SONG HILL ADDITION LOTS!-06.BLOCKA LC _ S CCK a LOTS t-il. BLOCK C —.1 ACRES m THE l8,R.-NVARY Sl1RYEY ABSTNAC. NO. m ETJ CRY OF SANCER o{NTON CCUMY,'[F)u5 BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ETYes M Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots I -3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located South and West of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. FINANCIAL SUMMARY MN/A ❑GRANTFUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to amend the existing plat of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition to decrease the total number of lots from 3 to 2 lots (Lot 1-A; Lot 2-A). The subject property is located in SF-10 (Single Family Residential District - 10) Zoning District and meets all SF-10 zoning standards. The amended lots meet the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The property is served by all City of Sanger utilities, STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See staff report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Staff Report Agencies: • Location Map The Planning & Zoning Commission approved the final • Application plat on August 13, 2018. The vote was unanimous. • Letter of Intent • Amended Plat • Previous Final Plat �. SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT *TEXAS Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Case ##: 18SANZON-0039 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A- 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located South and West of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. Applicant: Jerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyors, LLC Case Overview The applicant is proposing to amend the existing plat of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition to decrease the total number of lots from 3 to 2 lots (Lot I -A; Lot 2-A). The subject property is located in SF-10 (Single Family Residential District - 10) Zoning District and meets all SF-10 zoning standards. The amended lots meet the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The amendment does not attempt to remove any restrictions, increase the number of lots, or require the creation of new streets or make necessary extension of municipal facilities. The property is served by all City of Sanger utilities. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and recommends APPROVAL. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (5-0) of the plat on August 13, 2018. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Amended Plat • Previous Final Plat 70 A-v A PAW Alp E-WILLOW 50 100 200 Feet li N Location Exhibit- Kirkland Street Addn .11.1I.E., T ,mp ge-.I.dWG3dal, p,AdM bym.5=,GS=MTh.Ctye .............. ............ S,�,,d .... 19—a-t—w .. . . v . p �-map w E SANGER Ord" pnm aau "' w fw*-V�V--Nynd *TEXAS I r Exhibits S C3 L—fi.NhUkMKwIf-M5t--tMd- - Ir%� I T 71 BANGER SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat AnDlicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: JF-21-\t-D -10sC►'+-1 STROTMAT IZ Company: Company: L-A NDMA2UC SvRvt=yn25 L-C DCNlex i NV0S`rMGNT$ PLC: Address: Address: .4-238 -T-5 - N, -tool NAv,4. 0 5-rM6-r- City, State, Zip City, State, Zip DE rr orq TK 7 6 2q-7 Dr=NTCK i x 7 6 ZOS Phone: Phone: ( +0) 382 - 4016 (9 4p) Fax: Fax: (9 4,0) 387- 978 4- Email: Email: L-Ahto i"Af81LSV 6 A01-,Cosr-1 Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date: Six (6) Coplesof Plat (24"x36", folded to 1/4 size) One (1) PDF Copy of Plat Letter of Intent Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Supporting Materials (list if provided): Owner Signature Applicant `7r-/l-I 9. Date .Suzy 17f 20, 1; Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services Complete (Check N I Incomplete (Returned to Applicant �_/ 1 City of Sa++rrer 201 Bullvar/ P.O Pox 1729 Srrrrgm IX 76266 940-4-rX-2059 (office) 9d0-458.4072 (fax) MV1vsrrrr0ertcxns.urg Effective Date 5/29/2018 72 City of Sanger, Texas July 18, 2018 Muzaib Riaz Planner, Development Services Muzaib, 2-A Please see attached documents for submittal of the Amending Plat of Lots 1 A and -A, Block A of Kirkland Addition. Enclosed are: Plat (6 copies) Application (1 copy) .pdf (1 copy) We are simply combining three platted lots into two lots to make the lots more favorable for development.. Sincerely, Jerald D. Yensan President, Landmark Surveyors LLC 4238 1-35 N. Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 382-4016 73 WLL,OW STREEr VICINITY MAP SCALE P - 2000' CRAPHIC SCALE 1-20' AhfPND7A'GPL,t7' 74 WILLOW STREET VICINII:Y XIAP SCALE V = 20OD' --XIRKLAND-GTREET- IICSCALE I-20' .. . ..... . ..... FINAL PLAT 75 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by ® Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Finance Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: September 4, 2018 Clayton Gray, Finance Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials kc, Date ACTION REQUESTED: []ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION [:]APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Conduct the Second Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues from Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 12.70% with the Proposed Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100 of assessed Valuation (Tax Rate is proposed to Remain the Same as the Preceding Year's Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100). Schedule and Announce Meeting Date and Time to Adopt Tax Rate (3-14 Days from this Date). FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE❑CIF ]BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM This is the second of two required public hearings on the City's proposed tax rate for the 2018-2019 year. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, • Notice of 2018 Tax Year Proposed Property Tax Rate Commissions or Other Agencies: . 2018-19 Budget Calendar 76 CITY OF SANGER A tax rate of $0,679100 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of CITY OF SANGER, This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. The governing body of CITY OF SANGER proposes to use revenue attributable to the tax rate increase for the purpose of street improvements. PROPOSED TAX RATE PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ROLLBACK TAX RATE $0.679100 per $100 $0.679100 per $100 $0.639033 per $100 $0.680797 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for CITY OF SANGER from the same properties in both the 2017 tax year and the 2018 tax year. The rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate that CITY OF SANGER may adopt before voters are entitled to petition for an election to limit the rate that may be approved to the rollback rate. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount = (rate) x (taxable value of your property) / 100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Michelle French Denton County Tax Assessor -Collector 1505 E. McKinney Street Denton, TX 76209 940-349-3500 property.tax@dentoncounty.com tax.dentoncounty.com You are urged to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on proposed tax rate: First Hearing: 08/20/2018 7:00 PM at Sanger City Hall 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX 76266 Second Hearing: 09/04/2018 7:00 PM at Sanger City Hall 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX 76266 77 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS BUDGETTHE rA• • Date Item Monday, March 26, 2018 Announce Budget Schedule at Staff Meeting Thursday, April 12, 2018 Director -level Budget Meeting Friday, April 13, 2018 - Friday, April 27, 2018 Finance Director Prepares Preliminary Budget Monday, April 30, 2018 Finance Director and City Manager meet to discuss revenues Monday, May 07, 2018 Submit Preliminary Budget to City Manager for Review Monday, May 07, 2018 - Wednesday, June 13, 2018 City Manager Review of Budget Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Preliminary Budget Completed Monday, June 18, 2018 City Council Budget Workshop Monday, July 02, 2018 City Council Budget Workshop Monday, July 16, 2018 City Council Budget Workshop (if needed) Monday, July 23, 2018 Chief Appraiser Certifies Tax Roll Monday, July 30, 2018 Budget Filed with the City Secretary and Posted on the City's Website City Council Meeting to Discuss Tax Rate Monday, August 06, 2018 If Proposed Tax Rate Will Raise More Revenue than the Proceeding Year, Take Record Vote and Schedule Public Hearing Publish Notice of Public Hearing on Budget Thursday, August 09, 2018 Publish Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Property Tax Rate Monday, August 20, 2018 Public Hearing on Budget First Public Hearing on PropsedTax Rate Tuesday, September 04, 2018 Second Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Rate City Council Vote on Adoption of Budget Monday, September 17, 2018 City Council Vote on Adoption of Tax Rate City Council Vote on Adoption of Tax Rolls March Su I Mo Tu I We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April Su Mo Tu We Th Fr I Sa 1 2 3 4t1920 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 July Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa - 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 May Th Fr Sa 3 4 5 10 it 12 W 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 August Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive El Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment #5 with Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. in the Amount of $47,923 for Additional Resident Project Representation Fees Related to the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A []GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: Gencral ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM See Attachments from Alan Plummer and Associates. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Amendment #S Other Agencies: • Letter -- Alan Plummer Associates 79 Agreement for Professional Set -vices APAI Proiect No. 1416-002-01 A4 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Project No. 1416-002-01 AMENDMENT NO. 5 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the_ day of , 2018, by and between the CITY OF SANGER, Texas, (hereinafter called "Owner") and the firm of ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC., a Texas Corporation with its corporate office at 1320 South University, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, (hereinafter called "Engineer"). Name: City of Sanger. TX Billing Address: P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 OWNER INFORMATION Contact: Ms. Alina Ciocan Title: City Manager Telephone: (940) 458-7930 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein, Owner and Engineer agree as follows: SCOPE OF SERVICE: Owner requests and authorizes Engineer to perform BASIC ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES to and as further described in Exhibit A, "Letter Submitted to Alina Ciocan August 8, 2018," and hereinafter called the Project as set forth in this Agreement. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Authorization to Proceed Execution of this Agreement by the Owner will be authorization for ALAN PLUMMER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ("Engineer') to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 2. Salary Costs Engineer's Salary Costs, when the basis of compensation, are the amount of wages or salaries paid Engineer's employees forwork directly performed on Owner's Project plus a percentage applied to all such wages or salaries to cover all payroll -related taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits. 1-5 Alan PlIonmer Associates, 117e. Agreement for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-002-01 A4 3. Per Diem Rates Engineer's Per Diem Rates, when the basis of compensation, are those hourly or daily rates charged for work performed on Owner's Project by Engineer's employees of the indicated classifications. These rates are subject to annual calendar year adjustments and include all allowances for salary, overheads, and fee, but do not include allowances for Direct Expenses, 4. Direct Expenses Engineer's Direct Expenses, when part of the basis of compensation, are those costs incurred on or directly for the Owner's Project, including, but not limited to, necessary transportation costs, including Engineer's current rates for Engineer's vehicles; meals and lodging; laboratory tests and analyses; computer services; word processing services, telephone, printing, binding, and reproduction charges; all costs associated with outside consultants, subconsultants, subcontractors, and other outside services and facilities; and other similar costs. Reimbursement for Direct Expenses will be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of current rates when furnished by Engineer. 5. Cost Opinions Any cost opinions or Project economic evaluations provided by Engineer will be on a basis of experience and judgment; but, since it has no control over market conditions or bidding procedures, Engineer cannot warrant that bids, ultimate construction cost, or Project economics will not vary from these opinions. 6. Termination This Agreement may be terminated for convenience upon 30 days' written notice by either party with or without cause. On termination, Engineer will be paid for all work performed up to the date of notification. If no notice of termination is given and termination is not for cause, relationships and obligations created by this Agreement, except Articles 8 through 15, will be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Agreement, 7. Compensation Owner shall pay Engineerfor Basic Services and Additional Services rendered in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. Monthly invoices will be issued by Engineer for all work performed under this Agreement. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. Interest at the rate of 1-112 percent per month, or that permitted by law if lesser, will be charged on all past -due amounts starting 30 days after date of invoice. Payments will first be credited to interest and then to principal. In the event of a disputed or contested billing, only that portion so contested will be withheld from payment, and the undisputed portion will be paid. The Owner will exercise reasonableness in contesting any bill or portion thereof. No interest will accrue on any contested portion of the billing until mutually resolved. 8. Insurance Engineer, as a minimum, shall maintain insurance of a form and in amounts as required by state law and as set forth in the attachment Exhibit B, "Insurance". Engineer shall provide proof of said insurance requirements by attaching a Certificate of Insurance with the executed Agreement. 2-5 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 81 Agreement for Professional Services APAI Proiect No. 1416-002-01 A4 9. Independent Consultant Engineer agrees to perform all services as an independent consultant and not as a subcontractor, agent or employee of the Owner. 10. Engineer's Personnel at the Project Site The presence or duties of the Engineer's personnel at the Project site, whether as on -site representatives or otherwise, do not make the Engineer or its personnel in anyway responsible forthose duties that belong to Owner and/or to other contractors, subcontractors, or other entities, and do not relieve the other contractors, subcontractors, or other entities of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, all methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the work of those parties in accordance with their contract requirements and any health or safety precautions required by such work. The Engineer and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any contractor, subcontractor, or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty for inspecting, noting, observing, correcting, or reporting on health or safety deficiencies of any contractor, subcontractor, or other entity or any other persons at the Project site except Engineer's own personnel. Engineer neither guarantees the performance of any contractors, subcontractors or other entities nor assumes responsibility for their failure to perform their work in accordance with their contractual responsibilities. 11. Litigation Assistance Unless specifically set forth in the Scope of Services, the Scope of Services does not include costs of the Engineer for required or requested assistance to support, prepare, document, bring, defend, or assist in litigation or administrative proceedings taken or defended by the Owner. 12. Venue In the event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce this Agreement or any provision hereof, the same shall be brought in Denton County, Texas, and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 13. Severability and Survival If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired thereby. Limitations of liability and indemnities shall survive termination of this Agreement for any cause. 14. Interpretation The limitations of liability and indemnities will apply whether Engineer's liability arises under breach of contract or warranty; tort, including negligence; strict liability; statutory liability; or any other cause of action, except for willful misconduct or gross negligence for limitations of liability and sole negligence for indemnification, and shall applyto Engineer's officers, affiliated corporation, employees and subcontractors. The law of the state of Texas shall govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance, and any other claims related to it. 3-5 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Agreement for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-002-01 A4 15. No Third Party Beneficiaries This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than the Owner and Engineer and has no third party beneficiaries. The Owner will include a provision in each agreement which Owner enters into with any other entity or person that such entity or person shall have no third -party beneficiary rights under this Agreement. Engineer's services are defined solely by this Agreement, and not by any other contract or Agreement that may be associated with the Project, 16. Indemnity and Liability To the fullest extent permitted by law, Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner and their officers, directors, members, partners, agents, consultants, and employees from reasonable claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of Engineer's negligent act or omission of Engineer, its consultants, or their officers, directors, members, partners, agents, or employees on services performed under this Agreement provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to ordestruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself), including the loss of use resulting therefrom. It is specifically understood and agreed that in no case shall the Engineer be required to pay an amount disproportional to Engineer's culpability, or any share of any amount levied to recognize more than actual economic damages Engineerwill strive to perform services underthis Agreement in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing similar work in the same locality under similar conditions during the same time. Engineer makes no warranties, express or implied, under this Agreement or otherwise, in connection with any services performed or furnished by Engineer. Engineer's services shall be governed by the negligence standard for professional services, measured as of the time those services are performed. The Owner's review, approval, or acceptance of, or payment for, any of these services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performances of this Agreement, and the Engineer shall be and remain liable in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the Owner caused by Engineer's omissions or negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Engineer's liability for Owner damages for any cause or combination of causes will, in the aggregate, not exceed the limits of the Engineer's professional liability insurance coverage. As used herein, Engineer includes the corporation, subcontractors, and any of its or their officers, or employees. As between the Owner and the Engineer, any contract claim must be brought within two years from the day following the act or omission giving rise to the breach of contract claim. 17. Documents and Notices Contract documents, reports, plans, specifications, memorandums, or other delivered documents (furthermore known as Documents), in printed paper format (also known as hard copies) prepared or furnished by Engineer, pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service but shall become the property of the Owner subject to Engineer's receipt of full payment for all services relating to preparation of the Documents. Engineer shall have the right to retain copies of Documents for information and reference. Signed and sealed printed form documents and plans shall be deemed superior and shall govern over same electronic format documents. 4--5 Alan Phowner Associates, Ine. 83 A reemew for Professional Services APAI Project No. 1416-002-01 A4 Contracted notices required by this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be delivered by: a, Person; b. Overnight courier with written verification of receipt; c. Electronic communication; or d. Certified mail, return receipt requested. 18. Assignment Neither Party will assign all or any part of this Agreement without prior written consent to the other party. Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Budget By execution of this Agreement, Owner authorizes Engineer to provide Basic Services for the Project in accordance with Exhibit A, "Letter submitted to Ms. Alina Clocan, August 8, 2018." Services covered by this Agreement will be performed in accordance with the Provisions attached to this form and any other attachments or schedules. This Agreement amends the prior Agreements dated and understandings and may only be changed by written amendment executed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and yearfirst written above. Owner: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.: By By ✓ < - Title Title Principal, Group Leader Wastewater Team Date Date August 8, 2018 5-5 Alan Plummer Associoles, Inc. 84 City of Sanger Sanger W ATP Permitting and Improvements Amendment 5. Constnrction Services 1416-002-05 L¢yel 2 tPhasej Na, and Besodptlon Pdndpul S,Proj Mgr ProJ Mgr PIq rngr RPR-Mall RPR-Dennis Ell QC Total Lebo' Percenlot Leve13 Tas No. and Desc' ( W ndron Project Dales hrs ( ) 1115 i ) 11rs ( 1 hrs ( � hrs ( ) hrs ( ) hrs ( ) hrs i ) flours Fe¢ $$$) t Total Fee Amendment 5- Consirvotion Services Start Date End Date 0 20 0 40 264 78 42 0 3&4 $ 47,923 10010% A Site Ylslts(Mamh JuTy) 0 20 a 4o 204 79 42 0 384 ; 47,923 W,014 1 RPR Sitey'arts (March- Illyy, 68 63 132 5 14 526 70.3% 2 RPR Sfte Srrt An6apatd(25 lleys,dh per dsy} AF::::::*- mm135 15 150 $ 19,395 78.4A _ T3 Address C swcfion I,- 40 42 102 1 S 15,000 31.3-A Total Labor Hours Total LalwrAmovnl Total Amounts by Labor Category Labor Category Percent of Total Labe' IPENSFS fsee hteakEown belew5 Total SuhcanxulWnts Total RelmhursaSles Total Expenses 3 TOTAL -Amendment 5-Cons CI rnr`(1MCI Ir TAMT PYPPMI PS 0 20 0 40 204 11 42 0 384 ; 47,923 E - $ $ 6,200 $ 25,786 E 7.131 3 4,780 $ ; 47,923 0.01 10.5X O.OX 19.9% 51.9% 14.1% 9A-A GA% S S $ Code tlescrlpdon Budget (0) Markup rea($SSy CA Architect Consultan i S 1.15 3 CC Civil Engr Consultant 5 1.15 S CE FJacir .Consuhanl $ 1.15 5 C6 6eoterhnEral CansuHan! 5 1.15 S CM Machanical Co-nwltant $ 1.15 S CO Cher Consultant 5 _ 1.15 S CS snu w al Consehant 1.15 5 CY Surveying Consultant S 1.15 S C7 E 1.15 ; C2 $ 1.15 S C3 5 1.t5 $ C4 S 1,15 5 C5 _ 3 1.15 $ C6 TOTAL SUBCONSULTANT EXPENSES $ ; n� Y REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Cod. I D-dptlan Budget (SS) Markup Fee(SES) RA Laboratory An 5 1.15 S RC CampNer S 1.15 5 RH I-astorlcal ; 1.15 $ RI In- Hausa Reproduction 5 1.15 S RL Long Distance Telephone $ _ 1.15 5 RM Employee Mlleag¢ 1.15 5 RO Clher Expenses $ 1.15 3 RP Pur'h ased Services $ 1.15 S _ RR Reproduction $ 1.15 $ Shipp�g• Delivery. Po-staga S 1.15 $ __ES RT Travel, Meats, Lodging S 1.15 $ HU 7elecommunMations S 1.0 $ Ri S 1.15 S R2 s 1.15 3 TOTALREIMBURSABLEEXPENSES I $ `•v 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107.5737 PHONE: 817.806.1700 FAX; 817.870.M6 wv+w.apalenvxom T6FE Firm No. 13 EXHIBIT A 1416-002-01 August 8, 2018 Ms. Alina Ciocan City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger,Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and Expansion Project Budget Amendment No. 5 Dear Mr. Ciocan: In May 2014, the City authorized Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., to proceed with the design and permitting of improvements and expansion of your wastewater treatment plant for a fee not to exceed $945,340. In June 2016, the City approved Amendment No. 1 for $63,318 which covered additional design and an initial evaluation of the stream restoration of Ranger Creek. Amendment No. 2 did not require additional budget but a reallocation of funds from the regulatory contract budget for additional design. Amendment No. 3 funded further evaluation and conceptual design of the Ranger Creek stream restoration project for $100,000, Amendment No. 4, signed in March 2017, covered redesign of the peak flow storage basin to raise it above the rock layer and associated redesign of the raw sewage pump station and grading to accommodate the change. This letter is a request for Amendment No. 5 for additional fees for Resident Project Representation. The original contract included providing a Resident Project Representative (RPR) for two separate construction projects, one for renovations and one for expansion. During the design project, the two separate projects were combined into one construction project. The total amount of time for the RPR in the contract budget was 686 hours at a corresponding fee of $82,047, For the 24-month construction period, this amounts to the RPR being on site 85 days, or at little less than one day per week throughout the construction period. Typically, the RPR services are most useful for work that cannot be reviewed once completed, such as concrete structures and pipeline installed below grade. Other types of work such as equipment installation can be reviewed after the fact at regular intervals. It was decided at the beginning of the project that the APAI RPR would be on -site during concrete installation and that the City staff would cover underground piping. For concrete installation, the RPR would first inspect the steel reinforcing layout to make sure that the appropriate amount reinforcing was installed and placed correctly. Then, the RPR would be on site during the pouring of the concrete. The RPR was on site to inspect the earthwork associated with the peak flow storage basin, Changes during the design project increased the amount of concrete work on the project from what was originally anticipated. These changes included: - Design a new influent lift station in lieu of utilizing the existing station. - Designing two new clarifiers instead of one larger clarifier, to reduce the hydraulic detention time during normal operation. One large clarifier would have too long a Ms. Alina Ciocan Page 2 August 30, 2018 EXHIBIT A detention time for the process to operate efficiently. With two clarifiers, the plant can operate just one normally, and bring the second clarifier on line during high wet weather events. Designing an ultraviolet (UV) disinfection structure in lieu of a new chlorine contact basin. The UV structure is more complicated structural than a chlorine contact basin would be. The RPR budget was spent in March. APAI has continued to provide RPR services for concrete inspection, other site visits when requested by the City or the contractor and for addressing coordination questions. After we passed the budget amount, our RPR has made 25 site visits for 132 hours at a fee of $14,528, Of those visits, 10 were in March and 8 were in April when concrete construction on the UV structure was finished, since then, we have made 2 site visits in May, 2 in June and 3 in July. If we follow this pattern through the end of the project, we anticipate approximately another 25 site visits. At an average of 6 hours a site visit that would be another 150 hours at a fee of $18,395, We still have about $8,000 remaining in our budget to assist the City during start-up activities. Those visits will not be charged to the Town as additional site visits. However, we have exhausted our budget for addressing contractor questions related to submittals, requests for information and change orders. We have spent a good deal of effort reviewing ways to reduce the cost of the project with the City and the contractor, We request an additional $15,000 dollars as time and material to address review items and construction questions that will arise. The following table is a summary of this request for additional fees: 1. RPR Site Visits since March $14,528 2. Projected RPR Site Visits remaining $18,395 3. Additional assistance with construction issues 15 000 Total Amount Requested as Time and Material $47,923 We are requesting $47,923 for these design modifications. It is believed that these modifications will result in a significant reduction in construction costs. A budget spreadsheet is attached to this letter. Attached are two signed copies of the contract Amendment No. 5. for the Sanger Treatment Plant Improvements and Expansion project as we discussed. Please sign both copies. Retain one for your records and return the second copy to us. Thank you again for your approval of this amendment. If you have any questions, please contact me at (817) 806-1723 (direct line) or (817) 343-0962 (mobile). Zcer affey, �PE Project Manager cc: Mr. Neal Welch, Director of Public Works, City of Sanger Ms. Betty Jordan, Principal, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: []ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 3 Between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Company Related to the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plan Improvement Project Which Includes ($390.48) in Credit and Seventy (70) Additional Days of Contract Time. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Change order #3 includes: • PCM-08 — Delete one channel of the UV facility. This was a redundant channel that was originally included for expansion in the future • PCM-09 — Requires the contractor, Felix Construction, to provide heat trace tape, heat trace junction boxes, additional insulation and additional air release valves • CMR-12 — Requires the contractors to utilize shotcrete in the place of concrete on the east and west slopes of the peak flow storage basin • CMR-13 — Additional steel tank repairs on Plant #I that were not planned and discovered when the plant was emptied • CMR-14 — Additional cost for Hydrotank. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order #3 Other Agencies: 88 +� ASSOCIATES, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 August 24, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Change Order No. 3 Dear Mr. Welch: Enclosed are three signed copies of Change Order No. 3 for the above -referenced project, which have been executed by our office and Felix Construction Company, and are ready for final processing. Five project modifications (PCM No. 8, 9 and CMR No. 12, 13, 14) are included in this change order. The change order includes ($390.48) in credit and 70 additional days to the contract time. The revised contract amount for the project is $11,065,435.69. The revised date for final completion is September 12, 2019. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. Jeffrey E. Caffey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 JEClcke Enclosure cc: Mr. Jeffrey E. Caffey, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH.TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817806,1700 FAX 017.870.2536 F;prol•.clsn4161002A14fionstruclignl lniinSConluIMndd;IhonslCij�� :?Ora ,C0-3100_n_We1ch_I.ICU0c www,apiicm.wm TBAE Firm No. 13 :K% CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO, 3 INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. II. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per PCM No. 8, delete UV disinfection channel drain and cleaning vat drain. b. Per PCM No. 9, Contractor shall provide heat trace junction boxes additional locations and heat trace and insulation for additional pipe lengths and air release valves as described in the PCM. C. Per CMR No. 12, Contractor shall use shotcrete in lieu of cast in place concrete to install the concrete side slopes on the east, west and south sides of the peak flow storage basin. d. Per CMR No. 13, add 60 days of additional time for repairs to the Plant 1 Tank Repairs. e. Per CMR No. 14, delete the casing for the submersible well pump and provide a hydropneumatics tank, associated piping, and heat tracing as noted in RFI-08. C:\Usefsknwelch\AppData\Local\Microsoh\WindowsXTemporary [ntemet FiloslContent.OullooklFPSEQ5XB\Sanger_ChangeOrderNo 3.doc 90 III. EFFECT OF CHANGE Item Description a. PCM-08: Delete UV Drains b. PCM-09: Heat Trace Junction Boxes c. CMR-12: Peak Flow Basin Shotcrete d. CMR-13: Plant 1 Tank Repairs e. CMR-14: Plant Water Pumps Subtotal IV. AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: a. Amount Original Contract Previous Change Orders This Change Order Revised Contract Amount b. Time Extended Additional Unit Cost Days Lump Sum ($ 13,556.39) 0 Lump Sum $ 19,049.14 5 Lump Sum ($ 12,600.81) 0 Lump Sum $ 0.00 60 Lump Sum $ 6,717.58 5 ($ 390.48) 70 Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Substantial: Completion Original Contract Date for Final Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Final Completion $ 10, 992, 845.00 $ 72,981.17 ($ 390.48) $ 11,065,435.69 April 28, 2019 37 days 70 days August 13, 2019 May 28, 2019 37 days 70 days September 12, 2019 C:1UsersknwelchL4ppDatalLocaiNicrosoft4WindowslTemporary tnlemet FilesLContent.OLMook%FPSEQ5XBNSanger ChangeOrderNo_3,doc 91 CONTRACTOR'S OFFER FOR PROPOSED CHANGE FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: Ryan Koontz Project Manager ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. Date: By: Date: Jeffrey E. Caffey, P.E. Project Manager CONCURRENCE WITH ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION CITY OF SANGER By: Neal Welch, P.E. Director of Public Works APPROVAL BY OWNER CITY OF SANGER By: Alina Ciocan City Manager Date: Date: C:1UserslnwelchL4ppDatelLocallMicrosoftlWjndowslTemporary lntemet Flies4Conlenl.OutlooklFPSEQ5XB1Sanger_ChangaOrderNo 3.doc 92 MEMORANDUM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and Expansion Change Order No. 3 Project No,: 1416-002-01 Date: August 30, 2018 Prepared For: Neal Welch, City of Sanger Prepared By: Jeffrey E. Caffey, P.E. cc: Alina Ciocan This memorandum documents the two (2) Proposed Contract Modifications (PCMs) and three (3) Contract Modification Requests (CMRs) included in Change Order Number 3. PCM-08 eliminates two drain lines, one for the UV Channel and one for the cleaning vat. The plant will utilize a small portable sump pump to empty the channel and vat when necessary. Since there is only one UV channel and the equipment can be removed from the unit, it will not normally need to be drained. The plant staff reviewed the proposed change and agreed with the concept. The Contractor's proposal for PCM-08 results in a cost savings of $13,556.39 and zero days of additional contract time. PCM-09 addresses additional heat trace circuits for piping at the Flow Split Area, UV structure, and Dewatering Building not originally shown in the contract drawings or included in the Contractor's bid. The Contractor's proposal for PCM-09 is a cost of $19,049.14 and 5 days of additional contract time. CMR-12 addresses the Contractor's request to use shotcrete in lieu of cast in place concrete for the east, west and south side slopes of the peak flow storage basin. This change was reviewed by the structural engineer and was acceptable to him. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-12 is a cost savings of $12,600.81 and zero days of additional contract time. rlc;S�'iiNllr�il nu�vrip ilni",, ry ;ntfonr-t ill,; .toni .,o )litlCr.,l•1fEr;.'rJ >h1?0'it? iris .lE.r-?,i{Jt a UC .'I r10. .. 1 of 2 93 City of Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and Expansion Change Order No. 3 CMR-13 is for the time and materials spent for unforeseen repairs on the Plant 1 tank. The repairs included: (1) Replacement of corroded metal in support channels and walls, (2) Repairing the welds at several tank wall seams that were beginning to delaminate due to rust. The delaminated portions of the metal were removed prior to re -welding the seams. The contractor requested 60 days of additional time for Plant 1 tank repairs. Contract time extension is included in Change Order Number 3 while costs incurred by the Plant 1 tank repairs will be requested in a field order under bid item BI-12. CMR-14 includes providing a hydropneumatic tank, associated piping, and heat tracing. The hydropneumatic tank will maintain the plant water system pressure more consistently than the pump by itself and will increase the life of the pump. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-14 incurs a cost of $6,717.58 with a contract time extension of 5 days. C:1ti„e;tt:.r; rpilatallnc'lll:1 -, o%vSttsinpcuinry inifri-r-1 (78-M. chennae wdcr ra. 3 i 1pl#nii {r;f'nv dc>t;x 2 of 2 94 I ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1120 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH.TEXAS 16107 PHONE 817106.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 w .apalewxom TRK Flrm No. 13 1416-002-01 June 4, 2018 Mr, Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed Contract Modification No, 08 (PCM-08): UV Drains Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-08 for the above -referenced project. This PCM eliminates two drain lines, one for the UV Channel and one for the cleaning vat. The plant will utilize a small portable sump pump to empty the channel and vat when necessary. Since there is only one UV channel and the equipment can be removed from the unit, it will not normally need to be drained. The plant staff reviewed the proposed change and agreed with the concept. The Contractor's proposal for PCM-08 is a cost savings of $13,556.39. 1 recommend that this item be approved and the cost savings be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PPLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. Jeffrey E. Caffey, P. TX P.E. 81896 JEClpam cc: F:lprojeels514164002-01%Constmciion AdminSContract ModifcationslPCM'sWCM-08 UV Drains%PCM-OB_RecommendationLetterdecx 95 p 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORTVVORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 617.806,1700 FAX 017.870.2536 Yn apaienvxom T8PE Flrm No. 13 ASSOCIATES, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 June 4, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed Contract Modification No. 9 (PCM-09): Heat Trace Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-09 for the above -referenced project. PCM-09 addresses additional heat trace circuits for piping at the Plow Split Area, UV structure, and Dewatering Building not originally shown in the contract drawings or included in the Contractor's bid. This PCM was originally submitted as PCM-07, but was revised to minimize the number of junction boxes required, thus reducing the cost of these additional circuits, and resubmitted as PCM-09. The Contractor's proposal for PCM-09 is a cost of $19,049.14 and 5 days of additional contract time. We have reviewed this proposal and recommend that this item be approved and included in a change order for a cost of $19,049.14 and 5 days of additional contract time. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUM ER ASSOCIATES, INC. Zefif'r'eyECafJfey, P. TX P.E. 81896 JEC/mlk cc: F:lprojectslSA 561042 011Conslruclion AdminSC onlracl ModiGcalionsl Wa%PCM•09 Heat Trace - ResubinilledSPCM-09—ReeommendalionLoller_decx 92 X 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806,1700 FAX B17.870.2536 wwwapalew.com TBPE Firm Na 13 ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 June 4, 2018 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 12 (CMR-12): Peak Flow Basin Shotcrete Credit Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-12 for the above -referenced project. The contractor has requested to use shotcrete in lieu of cast in place concrete for the east, west and south side slopes of the peak flow storage basin. This change has been reviewed by the structural engineer and is acceptable to him. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-08 is a cost savings of $12,600.81. 1 recommend that this item be approved and the cost savings included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PL.�MER ASSOCIATES INC. J ffrey E. Caffey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 l JEC/pam cc: F:Sprojeclsl141M002-014Construction AdmAGanVacl Modifkca1ion55CMR's%CMR-12 Peek Flow ©asin 5hotcrela%CMR-12_Recemmendalianlelterdocx I; 97 BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD QF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 2 for the McReynolds Road Project with Pavecon Public Works, LP for a Reconciliation for the Total Project with a Projected Reduction in Cost of $222,202.04 before Considering Additional Change Orders. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑NIA ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Change Order No. 2 is the reconciliation for the bulk of the McReynolds Road Paving Project. Pavecon Public Works, LP finalized the pay items with the proposed current costs as is. Two additional change orders have been created since this document was update, the final costs will vary depending on the change orders and the costs involved with those change orders. One additional change order may be required for reinforcement of the barb wire fencing, additional water gaps and adding one driveway to the project. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order No. 2 Other Agencies: SANGER *TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Neal Welch, Director of Public Works Date: August 30, 2018 Subject: Change Order Number Two, McReynolds Project Change Order Number Two is the reconciliation for the bulk of the McReynolds Paving Project. Pavecon Public Works finalized the pay items with the proposed current costs as is. Two additional Change Orders have been created since this document was updated, so the final costs will vary, depending on the Change Orders and the costs involved with those Change Orders. One additional Change Order may be required for reinforcement of the barb wire fencing, additional water gaps and adding one driveway to the project. 940.458.7930 1 301 Bolivar 1 PO Box 1729 1 Sanger, TX 76266 1 www.sangertexas.org f facebook.com/SangerTexas tyofSanger 99 DISTRIBUTION TO: CHANGE OWNER ORDER ENGINEER CONTRACTOR AIA DOCUMENT G701 FIELD OTHER � 1� PROJECT: McReynolds Road CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: PCO 2 Sanger, TX INITIATION DATE: July 20, 2018 TO (CONTRACTOR): ENGiNEER`S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: Pavecon Public Works, LP PO Box 535847 CONTRACT START DATE (PER NTP): NA Grand Prairie, Texas 75053 CONTRACT TIME: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 0 DAYS I FINAL COMPLETION 0 DAYS .o _J ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED TIME: D BAYS. COMPLETION DATES: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION NA FINAL COMPLETION NA YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE. FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THIS CONTRACT: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4" Type B DGHMA (Method PG 64-22) .2670 SY $16.06 -$42,680.20 Lime Material for Treated Subgrade .263.673 TON $162.59 -$41,228.43 a" Cement Treated Base -222 SY $7.96 -$1,767.12 Cement Material for Treated Base Material -90 TON $145.48 -$13,093.20 6" Flexible Base Driveway Approach 766 SY $32.13 $24,611,60 6" Asphaltic Concrete Driveway Approach -29 SY $126.49 -$3,668.21 18" RCP 336 LF $75.31 $26,304.16 18" Safety End Treatment 21 EA $1,124.00 $23,604.00 36" Safety End Treatment 2 EA $5.520.00 $11,066,00 Temporary Asphalt (2" Type D) -3,117 SY $56.00 -5171,435.00 Type 11 Reflective Pavement Marking (6" Solid While) 316 LF $3.42 $1,080,72 Type $1 Rellective Pavement Masking (24" Solid While) 106 LF $17.11 $1,813.66 Deduct Traffic Control {Bid Item 2) 1 LS $51,600.00 -$51,600.00 Traffic Control (Road Closure During Culvert Construction) 1 LS $21,600.00 $21,600.00 Green Springs Water Repairs to Damaged Line 1 LS -$5,60D.00 $5,600.00 TOTAL ($222,202.04) Not vaAd until signed by both the Owner and Engineer. Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herevAlh, including any aAusbnenl in the Contract Sum or Contracl Tvno THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM WAS NET CHANGE BY PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS THE CONTRACT SUM PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER WAS THE CONTRACT SUM WILL BE: {INCREASED) BYTHISCHANGE ORDER INTHE AMOUN7OF THE NEW CONTRACT SUM INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL 9E THE CONTRACT TIME WILL BE: IUNCHANGEDI DY THIS CHANGE ORDER IN 3NEAMOUNTOF _ ENGINEER ADDRESS DATE Pavecon Public Works, LP CONTRACTOR PO Box 535847 Grand Prairie. Texas 75053 ADDRESS Russel?A. Harris DATE'. Friday July 2R 2018 City of Sanger OWNER 502 Elm Streol Sanger, TX 76266 ADDRESS BY: $8,275,331.57! .� $88,989 04 $6,364.300.71 ($222.202.04) $6,142,098.67 0 DAYS l BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ® Not Applicable ❑ Yes Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date 0B W ilt ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 3 for the McReynolds Project with Pavecon Public Works, LP for an Additional Cost of $33,978.00 for Changing a Typical Wing Wall for a Storm Water Structure to a Parallel Wing Wall. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP []BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Change Order No.3 is the additional cost for changing a typical wing wall for a storm water structure to a parallel wing wall. Pavecon Public Works, LP discovered that the Atmos gas transmission line on the north side of the road was not moved far enough to the north to avoid the storm water structure. Atmos does not want the gas line covered up with concrete. To avoid the gas line the wing wall was changed to a parallel wall. The new parallel wall is longer and taller than the original wing wall, requiring an additional cost. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Change Order No.3 Other Agencies: 101 SANGER *TEXAS PUBLIC WORKS TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Neal Welch, Director of Public Works Date: August 30, 2018 Subject: Change Order Number Three, McReynolds Project Change Order Number Three is the additional cost for changing a typical wing wall for a stormwater structure to a parallel wing wall. Pavecon Public Works discovered that the Atmos gas transmission line on the north side of the road was not moved far enough to the north to avoid the stormwater structure. Atmos does not want the gas line covered up with concrete. To avoid the gas line the wing wall was changed to a parallel wall. The new parallel wall is longer and taller than the original wing wall, requiring an additional cost. 940.458.7930 1301 Bolivar I PO Box 1729 I Sanger, TX 76266 I www.sangertexas.org f facebook.com/SangerTexas V (�bCityofSanger 102 DISTRIBUTION TO CHANGE OWNER ORDER ENGINEER 0 CONTRACTOR.I AIA DOCUMENT G701 FIELD OTHER PROJECT: McReynolds Road Sanger, TX TO (CONTRACTOR): I Pavecon Public. Works, LP PO Box 535847 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: INITIATION DATE' ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACT START DATE (PER NTP): CONTRACT TIME: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION FINAL COMPLETION ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED TIME: COMPLETION OATES: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION FINAL COMPLETION PCO-3A July 20, 2018 NA 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 0 DRYS NA NA YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THIS CONTRACT: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 DELETE: Wingwall (SW-0)(HW=7') -1 EA $18,102.00-$10,102.00 2 ADD: Parallel Wingwall (PW-0) (15' length wings) 1 EA $52,080.00 $52,080.00 TOTAL $37,97B.00 Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Engineer Signature or lie Contractor Incilcates his agreement hetevdth, inGUding any adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM WAS _ ..__, $6,275,331.67 NET CHANGE BY PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS IS _ (3133,233.00) THE CONTRACT SUM PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER WAS ._.-_ $6,142,090.67 THE CONTRACT SUM WILL BE: (INCREASED y BY THUS CHANGE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OFm $33,978.00 THE NEW CONTRACT SUM INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL BE _-�W- , -..._,� $6,176,076.67 THE CONTRACT TIME WILL BE: (UNCHANGED) BY THIS CHANCE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 0 DAYS ENGINEER ADDRESS Pavecon Public Works, LP CONTRACTOR PO BOX 535847 _Grand Prairie Texas 75053 ADDRESS BY Russ II A, Harris DATE: June 20,2018 City of Sanger _ OWNER 502 Elm Street Sanger TX 76266 ADDRESS DATE: 103 INFORMATION ITEMS ilia BANGER *TEXAS MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT July 31, 2018 This is the financial report for the period ended July 31, 2018. Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1, 2017 through July 31, 2018 or seventy-five percent (83%) of the fiscal year. GENERALFUND • The General Fund has collected ninety-six percent (96%) of projected revenues. Revenues are performing within projections with the excepton of Municipal Court fines and Miscellaneous Revenues, which are performing under projections. • Year to date General Fund expenditures are seventy-three percent (73%) of the annual budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. ENTERPRISE FUND • The Enterprise Fund has collected eighty-two percent (82%) of projected revenues. All revenue categories are performing within projections. • Year to date Enterprise Fund expenditures are ninety-two percent (92%) of the annual budget. Waste Water Department expenditures are at 97% of budget and are projected to exceed the annual budget before the end of the year. All other departments are within projections. Combined General & Enterprise Fund Expenditures by Classification Expenditure Category Annual Budget Expenditures & Percent of Encumbrances Budget Salaries & Benefits $ 5,833,353 $ 4,104,761 70% Supplies & Materials 551,280 373,327 68% Maintenance & Operations 7,151,574 6,131,479 86% Contract Services 1,648,519 1,433,748 87% Utilities 528,750 361,187 68% Capital Expenses 859,504 342,164 40% Debt Service 1,758,581 1,429,010 81% Other Department Expense 49,126 29,557 60% Transfers 986,800 945,380 96% Total $ 19,367,487 $ 15,150,613 78% Page 1 of 11 105 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2018 Operating Revenues Property Taxes Sales & Beverage Taxes Franchise Fees Solid Waste Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Department Revenues Interest & Miscellaneous Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenditures Administration Police & Animal Control Fire & Ambulance Municipal Court Development Services Streets Parks & Recreation Library Solid Waste Total Operating Expenditures Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Transfers In From Enterprise Fund Transfers Out to Capital Projects Fund Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Annual Year to Date % of Budget Balance Bud et Actual Bud et $ 3,181,000 $ 3,263,602 103% $ (82,602) 905,000 722,182 80% 182,818 827,800 716,507 87% 111,293 770,500 692,352 90% 78,148 206,070 294,212 143% (88,142) 112,000 68,394 61 % 43,606 676,900 720,120 106% (43,220) 81,500 34 565 42% 46,935 6,760,770 6,511,934 96% 248,836 595,399 416,662 70% 178,737 1,724,546 1,251,561 73% 472,985 1,272,364 849,116 67% 423,248 227,155 128,842 57% 98,313 311,494 225,745 72% 85,749 669,996 485,067 72% 184,929 730,867 551,155 75% 179,712 276,810 204,087 74% 72,723 700,000 622,805 89% 77,195 6,508,631 4,735,040 73% 1,773,591 252,139 1,776,894 (1,524,755) 292,999 278,832 95% 14,167 460,000 (460,000) 100% - $ 85,1.38 $ 1,595,726 $ (1,510,588) - $ (1,510,588) 1,745,609 1,745,609 1 830 747 3,341,335 General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget Properly Taxes 103% -r - r-- - - - r- Sales & Beverage Taxes 80% Franchise Fees 87% Solid Waste 90% Other Revenues 104% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Administration Police & Animal Control Fire & Ambulance Municipal Court Development Services Streets Parks & Recreation Library Solid Waste General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget 70% 73% 67% 57% 0% 25% 72% 72% 75% 74% 89% 50°/a 75% 100% uYTD Actual wBudget uYTD Actual nBudget Page 2 of 11 106 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS July 31, 2018 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 i Y 2017-2018 $1,50Q400 0 2016-2017 $1,000,000 0 2015-2016 $500,000 A oG�°metPJ�Jy� 0& e SALES & BEVERAGE TAX REVENUE $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 9 2017-2018 $400,000 112016-2017 0 2015-2016 $zoa,a4a MUy'�'' o`er°met �e��e` Ge��et l�c�ata e�tJakA e FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE $1,000,000 $900,000 W0,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $00,000 Irr $100,000 rim u, °roec Fie( ��et cJa�I yJatA acr QQ�` i C 0 2017-2018 112016-2017 0 2015-2016 gee Page 3 of 11 107 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2018 Annual Year to Date % of Budget Budget I Actual I Budget Balance Operating Revenues Water $ 1,890,000 $ 1,678,762 89% $ 211,238 Wastewater 1,850,000 1,568,377 85% 281,623 Electric 8,122,500 6,471,644 80% 1,650,856 Penalties & Fees 210,000 176,449 84% 33,551 Interest 15,000 14,305 95% 695 Miscellaneous 52,000 64,983 125% (12,983) Total Operating Revenues 12,139,500 9,974,520 92% 2,164,980 Operating Expenditures Administration 1,389,263 972,212 70% 417,051 Water 1,294,212 982,615 76% 311,597 Wastewater 670,169 649,263 97% 20,906 Electric 6,945,645 5,622,908 81% 1,322,737 Debt Service 1,572,767 1,243,196 79% 329,571 9,470,194 80% 2,401,862 Total Operating Expenditures 11,872,056 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 267,444 504,326 (236,882) Transfers Out Transfer to General Fund 100,000 100,000 100% - Transfer to 4A 25,000 25,000 100% - Transfer to WW CIP Reserve 156,800 154,167 98% 2,633 Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund 160,000 135,375 85% 24,625 Transfer to General Fund - PILOT 85,000 70,833 83% 14,167 Total Transfers Out 526,800 485,375 0 41,425 Net Change in Fund Balance $ (259,356) $ 18,951 $ (278,307) 3,982,069 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 3,982,069 - Fund Balance, End of Year $ 3,722,713 $ 4,001,020 $ (278,307) Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget Water 89% ___ --- Wastewater 85% -� - urrDActuai Electric 80% �raudget Other Income 92% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget Administration 70% Water 76% Wastewater 97% „YrD Actual Electric 81% .-_ _ g osud et Debt Service - 79 /° 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Page 4 of 11 108 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND 3-YEAR REVENUE TRENDS J u ly 31, 2018 WATER SALES REVENUE $1,800,000 $1, 600,000 $1, 400,000 $1, 200,000 $1,000,000 0 2017-2018 $800,000 $600,000 N 2016-2017 $400,000 Q 2015-2016 $200,000 Bldg' cJa6 `Ja16A z WASTE WATER SALES REVENUE $1,800,000 $1, 600,000 $1,400,000 $1, 200,000 $1,000,000 0 2017-2018 $800,000 $600,000 u 2016-2017 $400,000 0 2015-2076 $200,000 own o°roe` ,e sec ce r�� >a�a�a er Jaia�Gr ELECTRIC SALES REVENUE $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 0 2017-2018 $3,000,000 0 2016-2017 $2,000,000 0 2015-2016 $1,000,000 mwm 101 f� o`�a�e� ae��e` curet A ,a e rlo Oe F �eQ Page 5 of 11 109 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2018 Name General Fund Enterprise Debt Service Capital Total Fund Fund Projects Fund UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations $ 2,934,756 $ 629,458 $ - $ - $ 3,564,214 Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,015,517 1,012,665 - - 2,028,182 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED $ 3,950,273 $ 1,642,123 $ - $ - $ 5,592,396 RESTRICTED Debt Service $ - $ 1,414,582 $ 645,715 $ - $ 2,060,297 Water Deposits - 437,240 - - 437,240 Equipment Replacement 215,237 115,038 - 330,275 Electric Storm Recovery - 940,295 - - 940,295 Hotel Occupancy Tax 36,684 - - - 36,684 Grant Funds 9,326 9,326 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB) 5,526 - - 5,526 Library 94,564 - - 94,564 Court Security 8,589 - - 8,589 Court Technology 75 - - - 75 Child Safety Fee 26,665 26,665 Donations 13,264 - - - 13,264 TOTAL RESTRICTED $ 409,930 $ 2,907,155 $ 645,715 $ - $ 3,962,800 CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects $ -- $ - $ - $ 1,062,538 $ 1,062,538 Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 9,366,981 9,366,981 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $ - $ - $ - $ 10,429,519 $ 10,429,519 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 4,360,203 $ 4,549,278 $ 645,715 $ 10,429,S19 $ 19,984,715 Total Cash & Investments Enterprise Capital Projects... Unrestricted Contingency Reserves for Operations 36% Cash fc Operatic 64% Capital Projects General Capital Projects 10% Page 6 of 1 1 Debt Service 43% Restricted Water Deposits -., Equipment eplacement 7% 21% Electric Storm Recovery 20% 110 GENERAL FUND CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2018 Current Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior. Period Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05% $ 3,854,743 $ 3,627,772 Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20% 16,413 14,941 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20% 79,520 31,259 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 158,153 150,904 OPERATING ACCOUNTS $ 4,108,829 $ 3,824,876 GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20% $ 594,943 $ 595,045 GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2019 0.55% 208,990 209,511 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2018 0.45% 210,883 210,961 CONTINGENCY RESERVE $1,014,816 $ 1,015,517 * GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20% $ 151,389 $ 151,840 * GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2018 0.45% 63,373 63,397 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES $ 214,762 $ 215,237 * Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 $ 33,123 $ 36,684 * Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 9,326 9,326 * Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 28,228 28,478 * Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 14 * Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,526 5,526 * Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 42,904 43,254 * Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2019 0.45% 51,283 51,310 * Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 12,878 12,878 * Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 248,279 269,279 * Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 8,493 8,589 * Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 72 75 * Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 26,665 26,665 * Police Donations 620-00-1000 (1,077) (1,077) * Fire Donations 624-00-1000 6,000 6,000 * Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 2,536 2,536 * Library Donations 642-00-1000 5,745 5,805 OTHER $ 479,995 $ 505,342 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 5,818,402 $ 5,560,972 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED $ 5,123,645 $ 4,840,393 *Restricted Funds Page 7 of 11 111 ENTEPRISE FUND CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2018 Current Name Acct. # Maturity Yield: Prior Period ;balance Ponied Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%a $ 685,264 $ 629,458 OPERATING ACCOUNTS $ 685,264 $ 629,458 * Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05% $ 144,330 $ 137,240 * Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2019 0.45% 300,000 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT $ 444,330 $ 437,240 *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20% 1,334,356 1,414,582 BOND FUNDS $1,334,356 $ 11414,582 EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20% $ 593,473 $ 593,574 EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2019 0.45% 313,065 313,233 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2018 0.45% 105,801 105,858 CONTINGENCY RESERVES $ 1,012,339 $1,012,665 * EF Storm Recovery MM- 2% Electric Rev 008-00-1033 0.20% $ 926,600 $ 940,295 * EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20% 114,662 115,038 OTHER $ 1,041,262 $1,055,333 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 4,517,551 $ 4,549,278 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED $1,697,603 $ 1,642,123 *Restricted Funds Page 8 of 11 112 DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2018 DEBT SERVICE FUND Current Name Acct # Maturity Yield Prior Period Balance Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05% $ 923,509 $ 588,599 * DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20% 57,107 57,116 TOTAL RESTRICTED $ 980,616 $ 645,715 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Current Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior-:Perlod Balance * Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05% $ (104,338) $ 1,062,538 TOTAL RESTRICTED $ (104,338) $ 1,062,538 ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20% $ 694,828 $ 710,362 * Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20% 1,949,575 1,988,907 * SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE - TAP FEES $ 2,644,403 $ 2,699,269 * Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 840-00-1037 0.20% $ 1,095,071 $ 1,114,006 * Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05% 4,282,127 3,499,923 * General CIP Money Market 2674823 840-00-1013 0,05% 2,053,606 2,053,783 TOTAL RESTRICTED $10,075,207 $ 9,366,981 *Restricted Funds Page 9 of 11 113 4A & 4B FUNDS CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2018 4A FUND Current Name Acct. # Maturity Yield. Prior Period Balance * Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05% $ 527,836 $ 561,663 * Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05% 397,416 392,344 * 4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20% 470,599 470,816 * Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 10/2/2018 0.25% 94,723 94,750 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,490,574 $ 1,519,573 4B FUND Current Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period. Balance Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05% $ 430,513 $ 465,313 * Cash MM 2379694 * 4B CD 653500 42-00-1010 0.05% 189,689 189,697 42-00-1013 4/3/2019 0.45% 21,797 21,808 * 4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2018 0.45% 21,548 21,559 * 4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2018 0.45% 21,633 21,644 * 4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2018 0.45% 21,582 21,589 * 4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2018 0.45% 21,566 21,578 * 4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2018 0.45% 21,479 21,490 * 4B CD 694371 42-00.1019 10/14/2018 0.45% 21,553 21,565 * 4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2018 0.45% 21,668 21,679 * 4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2018 0.45% 21,583 21,595 * 4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2019 0.45% 21,389 21,401 * 4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2019 0.45% 21,292 21,304 * 4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2019 0.45% 21,057 21,068 * 4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2018 0.45% 21,091 21,103 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 899,440 $ 934,393 *Restricted Funds Page 10 of 11 114 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT July 31, 2018 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accorance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). Clayton Gray Finance Director Alina Ciocan Acting City Manager Page 11 of 11 115 BANGER *TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECTS RECAP August 30, 2018 PROJECT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION OTHER TOTALS Project Project Description a /o Complete Contract Change Total Budget Actual to Contract Change Total Budget Actual to Date Budget Actual to Budget Actual to Date 0 /o Number Orders Date Orders Date C001 McReynolds Road Reconstruction 67% $ 437,919 $ S 437,919 $ 458,730 S 6,275,331 $ 85,969 $ 6,364,300 $ 5,700,579 S 125,619 $ 125,619 $ 8,927,838 $ 6,314,928 91% E001 Phase I: West 135 Water/ Wastewater 100% $ 124,864 $ $ 124,864 $ 129,131 $ 540,562 $ - $ 540,562 $ 536,400 $ 11,163 $ 11,163 $ 676,589 S 676,694 100% Line E002 Phase 11: East 135 Water/Wastewater 100% $ 151,516 S $ 151,516 $ 127,238 $ 1,594,118 $ - $ 1,594,118 $ 1,657,767 $ 62,420 $ 62,420 S 1,808,054 $ 1,847,424 102% Line E003 Phase III: View Road Line Extension 98% $ 138,305 $ $ 138,305 $ 153,877 $ 974,491 $ 42,478 $ 1,016,969 $ 970,391 $ 5,800 $ 5,800 $ 1,161,074 $ 1,130,068 97% E004 Water Well & Ground Storage 100% $ 159,460 $ $ 159,460 $ 195,098 $ 1,828,507 $ - $ 1,828,507 $ 1,890,738 $ 32,980 $ 32,980 $ 2,020,947 $ 2,118,816 105% E005 Wastewater Treatment Plant 52% $ 1,108,955 $ $ 1,108,955 $ 996,303 $ 10,992,845 $ 72,777 $ 11,065,622 $ 8,231,374 $ 345,264 $ 345,264 $ 12,519,841 $ 9,572,941 76% E006 Railroad Lift Station, Force Main & THD $ 901,566 $ $ 901,566 $ 683,066 $ 247,000 $ (112,840) $ 134,160 $ 134,160 $ 7,336 $ 7,336 S 1,043,062 $ 824,562 79% Gravity Line E007 Capital Improvement Plan 100% $ 47,800 $ $ 47,800 $ 40,768 $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,80C $ 4C,768 85% E008 Nitrification 100% $ 47,800 $ $ 47,800 $ 10,462 $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ 47,8C0 $ 10,462 22% E009 WWTP Outtall Pipeline 98% $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ 97,556 $ $ $ $ 1,668 $ 336 $ 336 $ 100,336 $ 99,560 99% Totals $ 3,218,185 $ $ 3,218,185 $ 2,922,227 $ 22,452,854 $ 91,384 $ 22,544,238 $ 19,123,077 $ 590,919 $ 590,919 $ 26,353,342 $ 22,636,222 BANGER Sanger Public library Quarterly Statistics — Oct 1- Jan 1- Apr 1- FY17-18 Dec 31 Mar 31 Jun 30 Patron Visits 6,554 7697 9748 Use of Library's Public Computers 739 805 820 Computer Assistance 180 315 193 Reference Assistance 274 486 311 Total Borrower Cards 5,194 5231 5401 New this Quarter 79 37 170 Circulation: Adult Physical Materials (Books, A/V) 2,744 2,636 2802 Juvenile Materials (children-YA, books, A/V) 2,431 2,195 3806 Adult eBooks & Downloadable Audio Books 187 192 249 Downloadable Music 87 128 138 Children's eBooks & Downloadable Audio 53 29 92 Equipment (Laptops, Launchpads) 17 13 32 Interlibrary Circ. Borrowed - NTLC 507 488 563 Borrowed from Other Libraries 6 13 7 Total: 6,032 5,694 7689 Interlibrary Loan - to NTLC Libraries 311 276 396 Interlibrary Loan —to Other Libraries 59 73 51 Collection: Books 21,059 21,777 21,932 Audio - Physical Materials 1,853 1,324 1,324 Video - Physical Materials 2,034 2,049 2,067 eBooks - Downloadable (library selected) 4,037 7,867 7,956 Audio - Downloadable (library selected) 318 265 274 Video - Downloadable ( " " ) 0 0 0 Licensed Databases (Texshare) 69 69 68 Programs: Children's Programs 20 19 29 Children in Attendance 393 226 556 Adults in Attendance 216 118 216 Teen Programs 2 3 9 Attendance 11 13 88 Adult Programs 30 23 30 Attendance 109 146 219 117 Sanger Public Library Quarterly Statistics Information on Overdue Items: Overdue Fines Collected Payments for lost/Damaged Items Overdue Items by Quarter: Total Overdue Items Still Checked Out Items with Due Dates in Q2, still checked out Items with Due Dates in Q3, still checked out Items Returned that were less than 10 days overdue* Items Returned that were 10 or more days overdue* *From special SQL Query provided by consortium's Technology Officer for Q2 report Patrons with Overdue Items: Total Number of Patrons with Overdue Items, as of Q3 Patrons with Q2 overdue items Q2 Overdue Patrons as percentage of Total Active Accounts Patrons with Q3 overdue items Q3 Overdue Patrons as percentage of Total Active Accounts Oct 1- Jan 1- Apr 1- Dec 31 Mar 31 Jun 30 $225.40 $227.95 $205.29 $50.98 $19.29 $117.98 Historical Report: Total Overdue Items Prior to Jan. 1, 2018* 823 *Many long -overdue items were moved to Lost status after this report and new reports use different parameters. 380 408 52 46 40 932 142 160 11 .003 18 .005 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK; POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-3ULY 2018 ELECTRIC 06/20/18-07/20/18 D 8/06/2018 31,654.99 000000 31,654.99 02270 SAM`S CLUB C-201908027593 WATER FOR FREEDOM FEST/MOVIES N 8/06/2018 36.14CR 000000 C-201908027594 FREEDOM PEST FOOD N 8/06/2018 689.42CR 000000 I-201807177556 WATER FOR FRDM FEST/MOVIES N 8/06/2018 36.14 000000 I-201907177557 FRDM FEST- BRGRS,HTDGS,CHPS N 8/06/2018 689.42 000000 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBAPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2019 197.S4 000000 I-cBwPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2019 419.54 000000 I-c32PY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2019 325.00 000000 I-C)BPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2018 184.62 000000 I-C3MPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2019 341.17 000000 I-CSAPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2018 189.23 000000 I-CSCPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2018 190.62 000000 I-CSDPY8.3.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/03/2018 263.08 000000 2,110.80 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CATPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 103.8S 000000 I-CBAPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 197.54 000000 I-CBWPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 419.54 000000 i-C32PY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 325.00 000000 i-C3BPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 184.62 000000 I-C3MPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 8/17/2018 341.17 000000 I-CSAPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 9/17/2018 189.23 000000 i-CSCPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 9/17/2018 190.62 000000 I-CSDPY8.17.18 CHILD SUPPORT D 9/17/2018 263.08 000000 2,214.65 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FEDERAL I-Tl PY8.3.18 W/H D 8/03/2018 12,879.97 000000 I-T3 PY8.3.18 FICA PAYABLE D 8/03/2018 18,203.58 000000 I-T4 PY8.3.18 FICA PAYABLE D 8/03/2018 4,257.20 000000 35,340.75 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FEDERAL I-T1 PY8.17.18 W/H D 8/17/2018 12,755.19 000000 I-T3 PY8.17.18 FICA PAYABLE D 8/17/2018 17,925.28 000000 I-T4 PY8.17.18 FICA PAYABLE D 8/17/2018 4,192.16 000000 34,872.63 30600 TASC I-FScPY7.6.18 FLEX D 8/13/2018 208.33 000000 I-FSMPY7.6.18 FLEX D 8/13/2019 1,970.85 000000 2,179.18 CO 1 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 07370 EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS I-INVPY8.3.18 EDWARD ]ONES - O'CONNOR R 8/03/2018 10.00 069757 10.00 14470 UNITED WAY I -UN PY8.3.18 DONATIONS R 8/03/2018 5.00 069758 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY8.3.18 FOUNDATION-ISD R 9/03/2018 7.50 069759 7.50 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES 1-1024 TIRE PATCH R 8/06/2019 12.00 069760 12.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 1-1157S8S711 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/06/2019 20.17 069761 20.17 32340 BELCHEFF & ASSOCIATES INC 1-170420.0107 LAKE RIDGE ESTATES R 8/06/2018 445.00 069762 445.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC 1-82927614 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/06/2018 16.77 069763 16.77 27670 BROOKSWATSON & COMPANY, PLLC I-SANG.07.30.2018 AUDITING SERVICES R 8/06/2018 5,000.00 069764 5,000.00 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-06/14/18-07/11/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING R 9/06/2018 200.00 069765 200.00 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-AUG-18 AUGUST DISPATCH R 8/06/2018 3,900.08 069766 3,900.08 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESO I-18061024N JUNE LONG DISTANCE R 8/06/2018 32.47 069767 32.47 28150 ENDERBY GAS I-68659 40# BOTTLE REFILL R 8/06/2018 33.75 069768 1-68661 40# BOTTLE REFILL R 8/06/2018 33.75 069768 67.50 18790 FUELMAN I-NP53819876 FUEL 07/23/18-07/29/18 R 8/06/2018 2,683.14 069769 2,683.14 01070 GALLS INC. 1-010308258 2 POLO SHIRTS (771) R 8/06/2019 74.55 069770 1-010323274 PANTS & POLO SHIRTS - 770 R 8/06/2019 219.00 069770 1-010338616 C2) STRYKE PANTS - 779 R 8/06/2018 128.00 069770 1-010338620 C5) POLO SHIRTS -785 R 8/06/2018 132.81 069770 554.36 N C) 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 03740 GRAYSON COUNTY COLLEGE I-CWL445 ICC CRIME SCENE 7/17-20 BAIRD R 8/06/2018 40.00 069771 40.00 30330 ]M TEST SYSTEMS, INC. I-S555083-IN DIELECTRIC TESTING R 8/06/2018 3,911.25 069772 3,811.25 26900 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORPORAT 1-1908539 TYPE D RAP 6.57/12.73 R 8/06/2018 1,027.72 069773 I-1908656 TYPE D RAP 5.99 R 8/06/2018 318.97 D69773 1,346.69 280SO LIONS CLUB I-AUG18 MEMBERSHIP R 8/06/2018 50.00 069774 50.00 29780 MARKY'S DRY CLEANERS I-02/15/17-06/25/18 DRY CLEANING 349 SHIRTS*52.75 R 8/06/2019 959.75 069775 959.75 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-462615 AD ACTUATOR {RETURN 462506) R 8/06/2018 47.99CR 069776 C--1959-462633 FLUID RSRV, CORE RTRN, SUP BRG R 8/06/2018 171.65CR 069776 C-1959-464308 CREDIT (RECEIPT 1959-464200) R 8/06/2018 111.86CR 069776 C-1959-464442 CORE RETURN (RCPT 1959-464441) R 8/06/2018 18.000R 069776 C-EB49985426 MAY FIRST CALL EB R 8/06/2018 9.89CR 069776 I-1959-463124 BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH R 8/06/2018 19.05 0.38CR 069776 I-1959-464198 HARNESS CAPSULE UNIT 25-50 R 8/06/2018 47.72 0.95CR 069776 1-1959-464200 BLOWER MOTOR UNIT 21-50 R 8/06/2018 111.86 2.24CR 069776 I-1959-464223 PIGTAIL, BAT FEE, CORE CHRG R 8/06/2018 265.24 5.30CR 069776 1-1959-464299 GEAR OIL UNIT 25-50 R 8/06/2018 14.99 0.30CR 069776 I-1959-464441 BATTERY, CORE CHRG, BAT FEE R 8/06/2018 178.32 3.57CR 069776 265.05 25830 PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-43070 LOIS - VIEW ENGINEERING R 8/06/2018 601.50 069777 I-43089 MCREYNOLDS ENGINEERING R 9/06/2018 950.00 069777 1,551.50 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF T I-028384 KATHRYN/HOUSTON/CHAPMAN SIGNS R 9/06/2018 209.00 069778 209.00 31900 ROSE CONTRACTING 1-4080 SURFACE SEAL R 8/06/2018 49,976.88 069779 49,976.88 25930 SAFARILAND LLC I--118-066351 MAGAZINE HOLDER/HNDCFF POUCH R 8/06/2018 46.00 069780 46.00 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-201807107543 VEGETABLES FOR FREEDOM FEST R 8/06/2018 81.32 069781 I-201908027595 WATER FOR FREEDOM FEST/MOVIES R 8/06/2018 36.14 069791 I--201908027596 FREEDOM FEST FOOD R 8/06/2018 689.42 069781 806.88 3 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 02380 ROBERT A. SINGLETARY I-1821 JULY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R 8/06/2018 85S.00 069782 855.00 02450 SOLOMON, CORP. I-309063 TRANSFORMER REP R 8/06/2018 1,630.00 069783 1,630.00 31970 DAVID STONEKING I-17 GIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R 8/06/2018 340.00 069784 340.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1479334-01 CONNECTOR, PLUG, RODS R 8/06/2018 537.60 069795 537.60 00100 TMRS I-RETPY7.20.18 TMRS R 8/06/2019 20,111.32 069786 I-RETPY7.6.18 TMRS R 8/06/2019 20,067.44 069786 40,178.76 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-23748 JANITORIAL SVC & SUP R 8/06/2018 2,948.00 069787 I-24200 JANITORIAL SVC & SUP R 8/06/2018 300.00 069787 3,248.00 32750 XL PARTS, LLC I-0110BA4614 SEAL DIFFERENTIAL - UNIT 25-50 R 8/06/2018 17.13 069789 17.13 1 ALLEN, JUSTIN 1-000201808017575 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 100.78 069789 100.78 1 BUSSEY, JOSEPH C 1-000201808017571 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 29.83 069790 29.83 1 CABALLERO, ISRAEL 1-000201808017589 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 87.07 069791 87.07 1 CANALES, ZACHARY 1-000201808017573 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 227.65 069792 227.65 1 CASWELL, CORTNI 1-000201809017579 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 39.88 069793 39.88 1 FANCHER, STEPHANIE I-000201808017576 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 15.00 069794 15.00 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808017582 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 26.48 06979S 26.49 N N 4 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808017585 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 24.32 069796 24.32 1 LOPEZ, JUSTIN 1-000201808017580 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 147.65 069797 147.65 1 LUCKY, CURTIS 1-000201808017574 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 162.11 069799 162.11 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC 1-000201808017596 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 21.89 069799 21.89 1 PARAGH, RAJ P 1-000201808017578 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 57.70 069800 57.70 1 PARK BROOK HOMES INC 1-000201808017584 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 470.01 069801 470.01 1 PHILLIPS, ANDREW I-000201808017572 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 12.55 069802 12.55 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808017581 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 543.80 069803 543.90 1 RICHARDSON, ELMA 1-000201808017577 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 71.81 069804 71.81 1 RKM UTILITIES 1-000201808017591 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 942.97 069905 942.97 1 SANCHEZ GOMEZ , MARC 1-000201808017589 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 39.53 069806 39.53 1 SCHROEDER, ANNETTE 1-000201808017590 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 72.49 069807 72.49 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201808017S83 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 77.SO 069808 77.50 1 VEANUEVA, BARRY 1-000201908017587 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 196.68 069809 196.68 1 ALLISON, KELLY 1-000201808067603 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 127.93 069810 127.93 N W 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ➢ATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 9/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 BEAUDOIN, DEREK 1-000201808067636 US REFUND R 9/06/2019 7.60 069811 7.60 1 BIG E EXCAVATING 1-000201808067634 US REFUND R 8/06/201B 948.52 069812 948.52 1 CHANEY, TERRY A 1-000201808067602 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 299.48 069813 299.48 1 GREENE, 3ESSICA L 1-000201808067633 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 195.18 069814 195.18 1 HARVICK, ARAM & BETH 1-000201808067606 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 39.21 069815 39.21 1 HOLLINGSWORTH, STEVE 1-000201808067597 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 48.11 069816 48.11 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808067620 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 538.45 069817 538.45 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000201808067621 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 467.03 069818 467.03 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808067622 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 477.12 069819 477.12 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201809067623 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 568.37 069820 568.37 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808067626 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 592.27 069921 592.27 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000201808067627 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 407.40 069922 407,40 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201808067628 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 585.15 069823 585.15 1 3ACOBS, MELANIE 1-000201808067605 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 30.52 069824 30.52 1 3IGMOND, RICARDO 1-000201908067630 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 37.62 069825 37.62 6 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 LEVEL ONE PAVING 1-000201809067604 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 963.69 069826 963.69 1 LOSER, SUE 1-000201808067631 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 45.68 069827 45.69 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC. 1-000201808067617 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 453.81 069828 453.81 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC 1-000201808067618 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 549.52 069829 549.52 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201908067619 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 355.14 069830 355.14 1 MORRIS, TAYLOR 1-000201908067601 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 163.95 069831 163.85 1 MURTAZA, SYEDA U 1-000201808067637 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 61.49 069832 61.49 1 CNC 1-000201808067598 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 551.94 069833 551.94 1 PHILLIPS, NATHAN 1-000201808067599 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 192.36 069834 192.36 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067607 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 560.20 069835 560.20 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067608 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 588.11 069836 588.11 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067609 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 512.69 069837 512.69 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067611 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 567.70 069838 567.70 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201809067612 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 562.56 069839 562.56 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201809067613 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 715.56 069940 715.56 N Ul 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 9/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067614 US REFUND R 8/06/2019 577.79 069841 577.79 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067615 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 535.26 069842 535.26 1 PPG CONSTRUCTION 1-000201808067616 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 546.29 069843 546.29 1 SAGER, MATTHEW 1-000201808067635 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 297.66 069844 297.66 1 SAMUEL CUSTOM HOMES, 1-000201808067610 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 564.36 069845 564.36 1 SHANNON, SACHA I-000201808067632 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 10.28 069846 10.28 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201808067624 US REFUND R 9/06/2019 367.98 069847 367.98 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201808067625 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 347.76 069848 347.76 1 WARD, RICHARD I-GO0201809067629 US REFUND R 9/06/2018 48.12 069849 48.12 1 WILLIAMS, SPIVEY LYN 1-000201808067600 US REFUND R 8/06/2018 24.61 069950 24.61 00200 A➢AMS EXTERMINATING CO. I-686684 CITY HALL EXTERMINATING R 8/13/2018 95.00 069851 I-686685 LIBRARY EXTERMINATING R 8/13/2018 145.00 069851 240.00 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-000000042542 REP COWLING RD LFT STAT R 8/13/2018 28,215.83 069852 28,215.83 06210 ALERT -ALL CORP I-218070491 HATS, STICKERS FOR PUBLIC ED R 8/13/2018 550.00 069853 550.00 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-3560 AUGUST SHELTER SERVICE R 8/13/2018 4,080.00 069854 4,080.00 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 1-001157562881 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 28.90 069855 1-001157562982 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 23.70 069855 I-001157562883 MATS/UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 44.08 069855 1-001157562884 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 26.73 069855 I-001157574326 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 31.28 069855 i-0011S7574327 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 23.70 069855 1-001157574328 MATS/UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 44.08 069855 1-001157574329 UNIFORMS R 8/13/2019 26.73 069855 1-1157596916 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/13/2018 20.17 069855 269.37 02460 AT&T MOBILITY 1-07282019 CELL PHONE 6/23/18-07/22/18 R 8/13/2018 825.95 069856 82S.95 01550 ATMOS I-3023851975AUG18 GAS 07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 45.06 069857 45.06 01550 ATMOS I-3023852778AUG18 GAS 07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 45.06 069858 4S.06 01550 ATMOS I-3023885028AUG18 GAS07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 45.66 069859 45.66 01550 ATMOS I-3023887491AUG18 GAS07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 51.69 069860 51.69 01550 ATMOS I-3033356465AUG19 GAS07/03/18-08/01/18 R 9/13/2018 51.39 069861 51.39 01550 ATMOS 1-4003476999AUG19 GAS07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 48.78 069862 48.78 01550 ATMOS I-4004620446AUGIS GAS07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 48.78 069863 48.78 01550 ATMOS i-4014283051AUG18 GAS 07/03/18-08/01/18 R 8/13/2018 48.78 069864 48.78 01550 ATMOS I-4018479164AUG18 GAS 07/03/18-08/01/19 R 8/13/2018 48.78 069865 48.78 31670 BOOT BARN I-IVC0143303 BOOTS - J. NIXON R 8/13/2018 100.00 D69866 100.00 N 4 7 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC C-CREDIT000000016182 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 24.00CR 069867 1-82929000 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 136.05 069867 1-82929001 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 217.68 069867 1-82929002 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 131.53 069867 1-82930241 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 455.04 069867 1-82930242 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 459.50 069867 1,374.90 03730 COLLIN COLLEGE, COURTYARD CENT I-SO068587 ARREST, SEARCH, SEIZURE - 783 R 8/13/2018 40.00 069868 40.00 15230 CRAFCO, INC I-9401884795 CONCRETE COLD PATCH R 8/13/2018 1,796.00 069869 1,796,00 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP1802420 7ULY LATE BILLS & AUGUST BILLS R 9/13/2018 2,774.23 069870 2,774.23 28070 EPP, CINDY I-08/07/18 YOGA INSTRUCTION FOR 7ULY R 9/13/2018 280.00 069871 280.00 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-13A SEWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION R 9/13/2018 765,348.47 069872 765,348.47 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0958092-1 METER LIDS & COVERS R 8/13/2018 513.37 069973 I-0963813 BRASS CAP, NIPPLE, BOLT GASKET R 8/13/2018 82.56 069873 I-0963827 METER LIDS & COVERS R 8/13/2018 644.75 069973 1,240.68 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENIN I-9664 S. BRADSHAW & R RINCON BG CHK R 8/13/2018 56.00 069874 56.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP53937337 FUEL 7/30/18 - 8/5/18 R 8/13/2018 2,837.59 069875 2,837.59 33060 RAMIE HAMMONDS I-201808087643 PER DIEM/MLGE BLDG OFF CONE R 8/13/2018 400.96 069876 400.96 01350 HENDERSON, 3OHN I-62818 TX 811 PIPELINE RESPONSE CLASS R 8/13/2018 11.45 069877 11.45 01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC. i-SO-0125956 PUMP & CORE R 8/13/2018 1,297.03 069878 1,297.03 N 00 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-3576674 MONTHLY BASE PLAN R 9/13/2018 1,246.20 069879 1,246.20 26900 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORPORAT 1-1911193 TYPE D RAP 6.03/6.03 R 8/13/2018 642.20 069880 1-1911194 TYPE D RAP 8.92 R 8/13/2018 474.99 069880 1,117.19 03920 LEHOTSKY, STEPHEN I-201808087640 MILEAGE REIMBURSMENT SRO CLASS R 8/13/2018 344.44 069881 I-201808087641 PARKING REIMB SRO CLASS R 8/13/2018 94.17 069881 438.61 16970 LONGHORN, INC. I-53409833.001 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES R 8/13/2018 154,26 3.09CR 069882 151.17 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. 1-67699 UTILITY SINK R 8/13/2018 129.60 069893 129.60 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. 1-519186CVW SENSOR R 8/13/2019 46.63 069884 I-519188CVW DRIVERS DOOR PANEL R 8/13/2019 331.20 069884 377.83 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-57 STREET REPAIR R 8/13/2019 2,767.00 069885 2,767.00 09870 NORTHERN TOOL I-40802987 FOLDING ALUM HAND TRUCK -DOLLY R 8/13/2018 66.49 069886 66.49 24940 NTTA I-616116611 TOLL UNIT 53-58 R 8/13/2018 9.40 069887 9.40 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 1-1959-464016 AUTO WELD & DEF R 8/13/2018 65.94 1.32CR 069888 64.62 02970 OFFICE DEPOT 1-170894709001 PAPER R 9/13/2018 119.96 069889 1-170957797001 COPY PAPER R 9/13/2019 59.98 069889 I-171214251001 FILE POCKET R 9/13/2018 28.17 069889 208,11 02050 PITNEY BOWES, INC. I-3306736717 LEASE ON POSTAGE MACHINE R 9/13/2018 393.00 069991 393.00 18380 R & T MECHANICAL I-33106 LIBRARY HVAC FEES R 8/13/2018 50.00 069892 50.00 N CO 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2019 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 24810 RLC CONTROLS, INC I-7062 SRV CALL: COWLING RD STATION R 8/13/2018 375.00 069893 I-7130 FLOW METER INSPECTION R 8/13/2018 250.00 069893 625.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE 1-3108743 FASTENERS R 8/13/2018 0.68 069894 I-C42200 ELECT OUTLET REP COVERS R 8/13/2018 286.84 069894 I-C45004 FLAPPER & FLUSH LEVER R 8/13/2018 13.58 069894 301.10 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-120394 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS R 8/13/2018 24.00 069895 24.00 02770 TEXAS PUBLIC POWER ASSC. 1-33516 ANNUAL DUES R 8/13/2018 1,774.00 069896 1,774.00 28940 ULINE, INC I-99504832 GATORADE R 8/13/2019 234.64 069897 234.64 31750 UN➢ERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-A70518700 REDO AC LOCATION @CHURCH R 8/13/2019 2,800.00 069898 2,800.00 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: YANG I-24140 JANITORIAL SVC & SUP R 8/13/2019 1,173.86 069899 1,173.86 16640 WATCH GUARD VIDEO I-ACCINVO016095 2 HIFI MIC/TRNSMTTR/RPLCMNT R 8/13/2018 42.00 069900 42.00 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE 1-1407 CONSULTING FEES R 8/13/2018 2,000.00 069901 2,000.00 30670 ZERO WASTE USA I-234261 DOGGIE WASTE BAGS R 8/13/2018 196.74 069902 196.74 29240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-52 CURB,GUTTER,SIDEWALK R 8/13/2018 3,380.00 069903 I-52A DRIVEWAY,CURB REPAIR R 8/13/2018 10,879.25 069903 14,258.25 07370 EDWARD ]ONES INVESTMENTS I-INVPY8.17.18 EDWARD JONES - O'CONNOR R 8/17/2018 10.00 069904 10.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY8.17.18 FOUNDATION-ISD R 8/17/2018 7.50 069905 7.50 W O 9/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 14470 UNITED WAY I -UN PY8.17.18 DONATIONS R 8/17/2018 5.00 069906 5.00 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER C-201808147649 DOMINOS INCORRECT CHARGE R 9/21/2018 2.66CR 069907 C-3382 CREDIT FOR TAX R 9/21/2018 6.85CR 069907 I-0015 PIZZA HUT - COUNCIL MEETING R 8/21/2018 43.26 069907 I-039544 BIG D PARTY RENTALS: CNCRT STG R 8/21/2018 817.60 069907 I-111230252942902 FACEBOOK: SMR RDG AD BOOST R 8/21/2018 7.83 069907 1-11554112 MPIX: CUSTOM BOOK R 8/21/2018 27.94 069907 I-1334415NI REGISTRATION UNIT 01-20 R 8/21/2018 10.25 069907 1-14127430 GLOBAL IND: PORTER BTHRM FAN R 8/21/2018 257.42 069907 I-160393 DOMINOS RFP REVIEW COMMITEE R 8/21/2018 32.66 069907 I-186680 TRAINING FOR MUZAIB R 8/21/2018 445.00 069907 I-2001863 AMZN: SMR RDG PRIZES R 8/21/2018 23.33 069907 1-201907027531 PIZZA HUT -COUNCIL MEETING R 8/21/2018 42,66 069907 I-201807067539 ONLINE CLASSES FOR R. KINNEY R 8/21/2018 75.00 069907 I-201907137554 BOAT ANNUAL CONFERENCE R 8/21/2019 300.00 069907 I-201807187562 REG #1334565 2018 CHEVY R 8/21/2019 17.75 069907 I-201807307565 SPRAY BOTTLE/DEODERIZERS R 8/21/2019 9.30 069907 I-201807307566 WLMRT: PENCIL SHRPNRS,BATTS R 8/21/2019 46.98 069907 I-201807307567 FACEBOOK: SR RDG AD BOOST R 8/21/2019 2.17 069907 1-201808027592 WLG LUNCHEON - EVENTBRITE R 8/21/2019 32.23 069907 I-201808087642 HILTON- ROOM FOR TASRO CONF R 8/21/2018 649.12 069907 I-201808087645 FACEBOOK - ADV FOR REC EVENTS R 8/21/2018 209.95 069907 I-201808097646 TCC - CLASS/PENNINGTON R 8/21/2018 250.00 069907 I-201808137648 SUPER SAVE: END OF SMMR PARTY R 8/21/2018 10.94 069907 I-201808167655 AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP R 8/21/2018 14.06 069907 I-201808167661 AMAZON: PRIME MEMBERSHIP R 8/21/2018 12.99 069907 I-203342C A/C BOTTLE & A/C CAP R 8/21/2018 107.36 069907 I-222151671 UNIFORMS FOR SACK R 8/21/2018 169.87 069907 I-306450155 WEATHER TECH: MATS FOR NEW TRK R 9/21/2018 217.90 069907 I-3133 SAW PUMP R 9/21/2018 99.99 069907 I-3329860 CONCRETE THERMOMETERS R 9/21/2018 25.83 069907 I-3710653 TRASH CAN LINERS R 8/21/2018 60.00 069907 I-4321854 AMZN: WIFI ADAPTER, STRGE DRV R 8/21/2018 47.89 069907 I-47048 EMOTORPRO: EXHAUST FAN MOTORS R 8/21/2018 493.87 069907 I-4879 HEX BIT AND SOCKET R 8/21/2018 89.83 069907 I-51218 DENTON AUTO -TINT: NEW TRK TINT R 8/21/2018 415.00 069907 I-61VR13470710X TX DMV VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 8/21/2018 10.25 069907 1-80857877 DENTON COUNTY CLERK R 8/21/2018 159.75 069907 I-86S3037 DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE RENEWAL R 8/21/2018 595.86 069907 I-C43225 SANGER HARDWARE: NAILS R 8/21/2018 3.99 069907 I-05001677 ENGEL - FRIDGE/FREEZER R 8/21/2018 524.04 069907 I-KSNZ3HH643K TML ANNUAL CONF 10/10-10/12/18 R 8/21/2018 360.00 069907 I-PO8153 VERMEER: NOZZLES R 8/21/2019 323,88 069907 7,024.24 W 9/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-1005 6 JUNK TIRES - DISPOSAL R 8/21/2018 12.00 069911 I-1006 12 JUNK TIRES - DISPOSAL R 8/21/2018 24.00 069911 I-1007A 57 JUNK TIRES - DISPOSAL R 8/21/2018 114.00 069911 I-1008 12 JUNK TIRES - DISPOSAL R 9/21/2018 24.00 069911 I-1031 ST 225-75-15 TIRES WW VEHICLE R 9/21/2018 75.00 069911 249.00 31790 ARCHPOINT LABS OF DENTON 1-2552 DRUG TESTING R 9/21/2018 225.00 069912 225.00 32340 BELCHEFF & ASSOCIATES INC 1-170420.0408 LAKE RIDGE ESTATES R 8/21/2018 870.00 069913 870.00 28000 BERMAN, JAMES I-26521043318140216 CERTIFIED COPY OF ORIG TITLE R 8/21/2018 5.45 069914 5.45 31670 BOOT BARN I-129154 BOOTS - B. MILLER R 8/21/2018 100.00 069915 100.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82940621 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/21/2018 507.53 069916 I-92941855 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/21/2018 37.45 069916 544.98 263SO C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-33570 CHANGE & ROTATE CHLORINE VALVE R 8/21/2019 603.50 069917 603.50 33030 COMMERCIAL TOOL & EQUIPMENT SE I-12013 GREENLEE TAMPER REPAIRS R 8/21/2019 186.49 069918 186.49 006SO CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP 1-467183 DRILL BITS R 8/21/2018 71.78 069919 71.78 17010 COOK'S CHILDREN MEDICAL CENTER 1-6050572 SEXUAL ASSAULT EXAM-SO3191885 R 8/21/2018 1,793.86 069920 1,793.86 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC 1-06/18/18-07/19/18 ELECTRIC AUGUST 18 R 8/21/2018 2,336.50 069921 2,336.50 22650 D&S ENGINEERING LABS, PLLC I-18-7-00025S WWTP CONTRACT WORK R 9/21/2018 519.75 069922 519.75 00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-18935 CITY OF SANGER EMPLOYMENT AD R 9/21/2018 251.00 069923 I-4016 LGL - NPH 07/29 FOR PNZ R 8/21/2018 37.40 069923 288.40 W N 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 26870 EIKON CONSULTANT GROUP I-17079.1-2 ENGINEERING REVIEWS R 8/21/2018 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0967448 METER BOX, METER LIDS R 8/21/2018 18790 FUELMAN I-NP53972302 FUEL 08/06/18-08/12/18 R 8/21/2018 32880 FX5 CONSTRUCTION & EXCAVATION, I-201808167660 ER URD ELECT REPAIRS R 8/21/2018 01070 GALLS INC. I-010368082 FLASHLIGH/BOOT/TOURNQUET - 785 R 9/21/2018 04220 GRIFFITH, MARK I-100453000 REIMBURSE FOR BOOTS R 8/21/2019 27760 HANSEN ELECTRIC I-669 2 FAN OUTLETS INSTALLED -PORTER R 8/21/2019 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-6732 SANGER NEWS R 8/21/2019 1 LLOGAN YOSTEN I-08/12/18 CHURCH DEPOSIT R 8/21/2018 08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-6793004051 WATER PUMP R 8/21/2018 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-172035336001 3 PACK OF USB STICKS R 8/21/2018 1-174563937001 BIN➢ER R 8/21/2018 I-175191231001 FBRZ SPRY, CUPS, CRMR, SUGAR R 8/21/2018 30770 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS I-ALC17241 SNAPCHAT INVSTGN & FRNSCS WEB R 8/21/2018 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF T I-028633 TRAFFIC PAINT R 9/21/2018 32910 READY REFRESH BY NESTLE I-08HO127279800 WATER/DELIVERY FEE R 8/21/2D18 W W PAGE: 15 INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 600.00 069924 600.00 780.40 069925 780.40 2,496.64 069926 2,496.64 4,000.00 069927 4,000.00 386.97 069928 386.87 180.00 069929 180.00 150.00 069930 150.00 275.00 069931 275.00 250.00 069932 250.00 119.98 069933 119.98 27.24 069934 19.72 069934 26.92 069934 72.98 99.00 069935 99.00 1,593.90 069936 1,593.90 103.58 069937 103.58 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 VENDOR I.D. NAME 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OOG61754 4 SHIRTS W/ SRGNT PATCH - 773 25970 REPUBLIC METER INC I-18-2861 WATER METER 27450 RICOH USA I-32280061 SERVICE CONTRACT 30260 RICOH USA I-100934172 SERVICE CONTRACT AUG 18 I-100947131 SERVICE CONTRACT MAY 18 I-100947132 SERVICE CONTRACT TUNE 18 I-100947133 SERVICE CONTRACT DULY 18 01800 SANGER INSURANCE I-72406 NOTARY RENEWAL 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-120820 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & SENSORS I-120965 COMPRESSED OXYGEN & CYLINDERS 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-000000044915 ERGOT TRANS OPER DESIGNATION 02450 SOLOMON, CORP. I-309593 TRANSFORMER REP 18620 STERICYCLE I-4007977281 HAZORDOUS DRUG DISPOSAL 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-18-12135 MESSAGE FEES FOR DULY 2018 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-02S-230542 COURT SOFTWARE SUPPORT I-025-231036 AUGUST WEB MAINTENANCE I-025-231037 AUG COURT WEB MAINTENANCE 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-1203243891 20 YD SEL CONTAINED SERVICE 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-3ULY-18 SOLID WASTE DULY 2018 W CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT R 8/21/2018 243.80 069938 243.80 R 8/21/2018 2,49S.00 069939 2,495.00 R 8/21/2018 709.97 069940 709.97 R 8/21/2018 142.04 069941 R 8/21/2018 1,017.20 069941 R 8/21/2019 1,017.20 069941 R 8/21/2019 1,017.20 069941 3,193.64 R 8/21/2019 71.00 069942 71.00 R 8/21/2019 24,00 069943 R 8/21/2019 240.00 069943 264.00 R 8/21/2019 245.26 069944 245.26 R 8/21/2018 295.00 069945 295.00 R 8/21/2018 216.31 069946 216.31 R 8/21/2018 98.80 069947 98.80 R 8/21/2018 4,600.01 069948 R 8/21/2018 110.00 069949 R 8/21/2018 125.00 069948 4,835.01 R 8/21/2018 699.63 069949 699.63 R 8/21/2018 59,885.02 069950 59,895.02 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 9/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 31140 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION CO I-1204 RETAINAGE 135 PHASE III RELEAS R 8/23/2019 51,693.48 069951 1-18118 N 135 OUTFALL CONST. R 8/23/2018 40,354.10 069951 1-19120 NI35 OUTFALL CONST R 8/23/2018 19,760.95 069951 111,798.53 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-3566 MAR-7UL SURRENDER/QUAR/CALL R 8/27/2018 1,650.00 069952 1,650.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 1-1157608192 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/27/2018 20.17 069953 20.17 31300 ASPEN RENTALS INC 1-6284761 SLUDGE BELT PRESS R 8/27/2018 8,500.00 069954 8,500.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC 1-82944388 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/27/2018 26.85 069955 1-82952733 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/27/2018 674.64 069955 701.49 32230 BOYDSTUN, 30SHUA I-201808207666 PER DIEM ALERT COURSE 8/25-26 R 8/27/2018 50.00 069956 50.00 02490 CENTURYLINK 1-08/10-09/09/18 PHONE 8/10/18-09/09/18 R 9/27/2018 1,646.63 069957 1,646.63 27460 CHINOOK MEDICAL GEAR, INC. I-0119285-IN 2 MEDICAL KIT R 9/27/2019 256.14 069958 256.14 32610 IAN CONCEPCION I-201808207667 PER DIEM ALERT COURSE 9/25-26 R 9/27/2018 50.00 069959 50.00 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-17947 LNDSCAP IRRG REPAIR R 8/27/2018 3,761.47 069960 3,761.47 23920 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 1-0968331 COUPLINGS, BRASS NIPPLES, VALV R 8/27/2018 471.81 069961 1-0968960 CLAMPS, OUT SERVICE DISK R 8/27/2018 136.76 069961 I-0968969 GRIP JOINT COMPRESSION CORP ST R 8/27/2018 87.26 069961 695.83 18790 FUELMAN I-NP54013907 FUEL 08/13/18-08/19/18 R 8/27/2018 2,369.94 069962 2,369.94 01070 GALLS INC. I-010498961 EARBONE MIC - 782 DUNN R 8/27/2018 76.35 069963 76.35 W Cn 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE 1-233-1019318 TIRES UNIT 12-58 R 8/27/2018 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-35784536 52 BOOKS FOR CLLCTN & PRCSSNG R 8/27/2D18 29530 JD MORRISON I-201808087644 PER DIEM COM & CNTRL CLASS R 9/27/2018 28640 JUSTIN'S FARM & RANCH SERVICES I-1196 R60133 NE CRNR RR@KIRKLAND R 8/27/2018 I--1211 R220299 701 CHURCH ST.MOWING R 8/27/2018 I-1212 R466273 WEST OF PLEASANT VLLY R 8/27/2018 17060 LEAD 11 EXCELLENCE I-07022018SFD CE FOR APRIL-JUNE R 8/27/2018 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97493886 WASTEWATER COMPLIANCE R 8/27/2018 16970 LONGHORN, INC. I-S416731.001 GLOBE VALVE & BRUSHING R 8/27/2018 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-CTCS680401 FRONT END ALIGNMENT 2005 SLVRD R 8/27/2018 04170 MIDWEST RADAR & EQUIPMENT I-163966 16 RADAR CERTS R 8/27/2018 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-58913927 MNTHLY-ON CAP MACH LEASE R 9/27/2019 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-545913 IMPACT WRENCH R 8/27/2019 I-545817 MOTOR OIL R 9/27/2019 08690 0`REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-463462 EXCHNG FUEL CAP FOR ACO TRUCK R 8/27/2019 C-1959-465957 RETURN OIL FILTER/CORE RETURN R 8/27/2019 C-1959-467741 STARTER/CORE RETURN R 8/27/2019 C-EB52250926 JUNE FIRST CALL EB R 8/27/2019 I--1959-459282 FLUID RESERVE R 8/27/2019 I-1959-460851 TRANSMISSION FLUID R 8/27/2018 I-1959-463456 FUEL CAP FOR ACO TRUCK R 8/27/2018 I-1959-464901 AIR/FUEL FILTER UNIT 617-30 R 8/27/2018 I-1959-464907 STARTER, CORE CHRG UNIT 20--50 R 8/27/2018 I-1959-464941 SAFETY SPEC, EYEWEAR R 8/27/2018 I-1959-465019 OIL FILTER UNIT 617-30 R 8/27/2018 W Cn PAGE INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 351.62 069964 351.62 682.53 325.00 210.00 100.00 350.00 648.00 330.00 20.46 79.95 640.00 348.42 429.98 1,199.98 6.20CR 20.40CR 134.56CR 18.96CR 35.51 43.98 12.49 89.36 167.28 93.50 10.40 6.83CR 069965 069966 069967 069967 069967 069968 069969 0.41CR 069970 069971 069972 069973 069974 069974 069975 069975 069975 069975 0.71CR 069975 0.88CR 069975 0.25CR 069975 1.79CR 069975 3.35CR 069975 1.87CR 069975 0.21CR 069975 675.70 325.00 660.00 648.00 330.00 20.05 79.95 640.00 348.42 1,629.96 18 8/29/2018 8:S2 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS I-1959-465115 OIL FILTER 617-30 R 1-1959-465927 GLASS TOWEL R i-1959-465945 TIE ROD END/BALL JOINT 12-58 R 1-1959-466140 CNTRL ARM ASSMBLY UNIT 12-58 R I-1959-466142 BRAKE HONES (SANDING STONES) R 1-1959-466607 OIL/AIR FILTER R I-1959-466644 BATTERY, CORE CHRG, BAIT FEE R I-1959-466795 AIR PLUG R 1-1959-466808 WIPER ARM R 1-1959-466811 DRAIN PLUG R I-1959-467533 OIL FILTER R I-1959-467576 AIR FILTER R 1-1959-469194 OIL FILTER R 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-181043630001 MANILA FOLDERS R i-185302098001 CREAMER, TISSUE, COFFEE CUPS.. R 18380 R & T MECHANICAL I-33157 NEW AC - SEWER PLANT R 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR C-00CS4494 PRICE DIFF FOR WRONG ARMOR R I-O0052587 BODY ARMOR & 2 CARRIERS - 774 R 21840 ROOF MASTERS 1-313 WTR LEAK TEST AT COURTS BLDG R 32870 SAM`S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK 1-201808167658 GATORADE R 1 SANDRA DOBBS I-609397 DBL PERMIT REF R 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B109006 VALVE STOP R I-B109326 REDUCING COUPLING R I-B109670 60W LED LIGHT BULB R I-B109900 FASTENERS R I-B109979 QUICK FIX COUPLING R I-C4S201 PAINT MIXER R I-C45308 DUCT TAPE R I-C45309 KEY WATER METER R I-C45724 2 CYCLE OIL R i-C4S753 PVC PIPE R I-C45799 YELLOW & WHITE PAINT MARKER R I-C46059 TOILET SEAT R I-C46489 BULB R I-C46693 NEW KEY R W 4 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 8/27/2018 7.18 0.14CR 069975 8/27/2018 47.88 0.96CR 069975 8/27/2018 170.82 3.42CR 069975 8/27/2018 221.12 4.42CR 069975 8/27/2018 14.99 0.30CR 069975 8/27/2018 76.93 1.54CR 069975 8/27/2018 140.83 2.82CR 069975 8/27/2018 4.62 0.09CR 069975 8/27/2018 27.74 0.55CR 069975 8/27/2018 3.33 0.07CR 069975 9/27/2018 6.79 0.14CR 069975 9/27/2018 167.99 3.36CR 069975 9/27/2018 6.55 0.13CR 069975 1,142.17 8/27/2018 13.59 069977 8/27/2018 51.67 069977 65.26 8/27/2018 2,920.00 069978 2,820.00 8/27/2018 412,18CR D69979 8/27/2018 1,179.40 069979 767.22 8/27/2018 225.00 069990 225.00 8/27/2019 75.36 069981 75.36 8/27/2019 125.00 069982 125.00 8/27/2018 19.58 069983 8/27/2018 4.29 069983 8/27/2018 9.99 069983 8/27/2018 9.60 069983 8/27/2018 20.68 069983 8/27/2018 9.59 069983 8/27/2018 7.99 069983 8/27/2018 12.99 069983 8/27/2018 13.99 069983 9/27/2018 4,29 069983 9/27/2019 18.36 069983 9/27/2018 19.99 069983 8/27/2018 4.99 069983 8/27/2018 2.99 069983 158.32 9/29/2018 8:52 AM VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 VENDOR I.D. NAME 25310 SANGER PLUMBING I-007355 REPLACE WTR HEATER AT PORTER 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-205381 COMPRESSED OXY & CYLINDERS I-5389 COMPRESSED OXY & CYLINDERS 30600 TASC I-IN132S930 RENEWAL FEE 32750 XL PARTS, LLC I-0110BA5792 CABIN FILTER UNIT 01-50 I-0110BA6513 SOCKETS 27-30 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-39050-RI-1 ]ULY 2018 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W271808 DULY 2018 08120 ICMA-RC I-4S7PY8.3.18 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN 08120 ICMA-RC i-457PY8.17.18 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21137945 ELECTRIC ]ULY 2018 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-14 SWER PLNT CONSTRUCTIN T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HAND CHECKS: DRAFTS: EFT: NON CHECKS: VOID CHECKS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 W 00 A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT NO 226 0 6 6 1 0 VOID DEBITS VOID CREDITS CHECK STATUS DATE R 8/27/2018 R 8/27/2018 R 8/27/2018 R 9/27/2018 R 9/27/2018 R 9/27/2018 E 9/15/2018 E 8/30/2018 E 8/03/2018 E 8/17/2018 E 8/15/2018 E 8/30/2019 0.00 0.00 INVOICE AMOUNT 92S.00 19.00 26.00 862.80 16.99 24.73 10,896.48 26,927.12 1,273.25 1,273.25 584,385.48 312,799.98 INVOICE AMOUNT 1,224,138.33 0.00 108,373.00 937,455.56 0.00 0.00 PAGE: 20 CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 069985 925.00 069986 069986 45.00 069987 862.80 069988 069988 41.72 999999 10,896.48 999999 26,827.12 999999 1,273.25 999999 1,273.25 999999 S84,385.48 999999 312,799.98 DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 51.39CR 1,224,086.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 108,373.00 0.00 937,455.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 8/29/2018 8:52 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT NO INVOICE AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 239 2,269,966.89 SANK: POOL TOTALS: 239 2,269,966.89 REPORT TOTALS: 239 2,269,966.89 W co PAGE: 21 CHECK CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 51.39CR 2,269,915.50 51.39CR 2,269,915.50 51.39CR 2,269,915.50 8/29/2019 9:01 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: ALL BANKS DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 8/31/2019 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 HOLLINGSWORTH, STEVE VOIDED C-CHECK HOLLINGSWORTH, STEVE VOIDED V 8/06/2018 069816 48.11CR 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT C-CHECK PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSVOIDED V 8/13/2018 069890 150.000R C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/21/2018 069908 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/21/2018 069909 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/21/2018 069910 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/27/2018 069976 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 8/27/2018 069984 T 0 T A L S NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 7 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 198.11CR 198.11CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: TOTALS: 7 198.11CR 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 7 198.11CR 0.00 0.00 O 9/29/2018 9:01 AM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 CITY OF SANGER BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 8/01/2018 THRU 9/31/2018 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VEN➢OR I.D. NAME STATUS BATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 32920 JAMES ROBERT POLLEY I-004 UMPIRE 2 SOFTBALL GAMES V 7/23/2018 70.00 069700 70.00 32920 JAMES ROBERT POLLEY M-CHECK JAMES ROBERT POLLEY UNPOST V 8/01/2018 069700 70.00CR 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 1-3313 AIR ANALYSIS V 8/13/2018 150.00 069890 150.00 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT M-CHECK PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSVOI➢ED V 8/13/2018 069890 150.00CR T O T A L S r NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 150.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 2 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 220.000R 220.000R 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 REPORT TOTALS: 2 0.00 0.00 0.00