84-2-Ordinance-Creating Mobile Home and Park requirements-05/21/1984CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 84-z AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTITLED MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE DEFINING CERTAIN WORDS: PROVIDING FOR THE PARKING OF MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS, EXCEPTIONS: REQUIRING A PERMIT TO OPERATE, CONSTRUCT, ALTER OR EXTEND ANY MOBILE HOME PARK, ESTABLISHING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, A MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT FEE, A PERMIT TRANSFER FEE: ESTABLISHING MOBILE HOME PARK REQUIREMENTS: RESPONSIBIL- ITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OPERATORS AND OWNERS, RESPONSI- BILITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OCCUPANTS: MOBILE HOME DEVELOPMENTS DESIGNED FOR HOME AND REAL ESTATE SALES: COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY, THE LEGALITY OF EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS AND THEIR COMPLIANCE WITH CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: SPECIAL USE PERMITS: REVO- CATION OF PERMIT: PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OF THE BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 7: MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE A. TITLE OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Mobile Home Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas." B. DEFINITIONS As used in this Ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section: (1) Mobile Home. A movable or portable dwelling constructed to be towed by a motor vehicle on its own chassis over Texas roads and highways under special permit, connected to utilities and designed without a permanent foundation for year-round living. It may consist of one or more units that can be telescoped when towed and expanded later for additional capacity, or of two or more units separately towable, but designed to be joined into one integral unit. (2) Travel Trailer. A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary living facility for travel and recreational purposes, having a body which does not require a special permit to be towed on Texas Highways. (3) Mobile Home Park. An area consisting of accommodations for a minimum of ten (10) mobile home spaces designated, arranged and used for the leasing of lots for the purpose of parking or storing of Mobile Homes which are occupied or intended for occupancy as living quarters for individuals or families. (4) Permit. A written permit of certification issued by the City Council permitting operation, the construction, alteration or extension of a Mobile Home Park under the provisions'of this ordinance and the City Zoning Ordinance. CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY C. PARKING OF MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS It shall be unlawful for any person to park, place or locate a Mobile Home within the City of Sanger for a longer period of time than forty-eight hours except in an approved Mobile Home Park as provided for in this Ordinance and the City Zoning Ordinance. Mobile Homes and/or Travel Trailers shall not be parked on city streets. D. EXCEPTIONS The provisions of the above Section C shall not apply to: (1) A Mobile Home or Travel Trailer parked upon a lot where Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers are sold and where no person occupies such Mobile Home or Travel Trailer as a dwelling or sleeping place. (2) A Mobile Home or Travel Trailer temporarily parked (less than 48 hours) upon a lot as an office or display unit and where no person occupies such Mobile Home or Travel Trailer as a dwelling or sleeping place. (3) A Travel Trailer parked upon a lot or tract of land and where no person occupies such Travel Trailer as a dwe11- ing. (4) A Mobile Home or Travel Trailer temporarily parked upon a lot or tract of land and used to provide temporary shelter or temporary living quarters for a guard, watch- man or supervisor of a public or private construction project. The maximum length of time permissable for such usage without approval shall be 180 days. (5) Travel Trailers parked in recreational areas which have been designated as such by the City Council. E. PERMIT REQUIRED It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, maintain, construct, alter or extend any Mobile Home Park within the City of Sanger unless he has valid permit issued by the City Council for the operation and/or specific construction, alteration or extension proposed. F. MOVING MOBILE HOMES It shall be unlawful for any Mobile Home owner, Mobile Home Park operator or owner, or any other person to move a Mobile Home on streets and roadways of the City of Sanger without first obtaining Police escort by the City of Sanger Police Department. G. MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT APPLICATION An application for a Mobile Home Park Permit shall contain the following: (1) Name and address of applicant. (2) Location and legal description of the Mobile Home Park. (3) Name and address of the owner of the property. (4) A site plan of scale 20 feet to one inch in six copies showing the following prepared by a licensed engineer: (a) Date, scale, north point, name of owner and name of person preparing the plan. (b) Location of existing boundaries and dimensions of the .tract. -2- CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY (c) Location and width of private driveways used for ingress and egress. H. I. . J. K. L. (d) Location and width of private drives and streets within the park. (e) Locations, dimensions and yard setbacks of all unit plots. (f) Location of permanent structures and accessory structures. (g) Designation of parking, recreational and landscaped areas. (h) All required front, side and rear yard building setback lines in compliance with this ordinance and the City Zoning Ordinance. (i) Names of contiguous subdivisions and the owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land and an in- dication of whether or not contiguous properties are platted. MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT AND RENEWAL FEES (1) The initial permit fee for each Mobile Home Park shall be Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00), plus Three Dollars ($3.00) for each Mobile Home lot. The permit fee must accompany each application for a Mobile Home Park Permit. (2) A Mobile Home Park Permit shall be effective from January lst of one year (1), or when granted, until December 31st of said year. The fee for yearly renewal applications on each Mobile Home Park shall be Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00). TRANSFER OF PERMIT Each person holding a Mobile Home Park Permit shall give notice in writing to the City Building Official within seventy-two (72) hours after having sold, transferred, given or other- wise disposed of interest in or control of a Mobile Home Park. The transferee of the permit shall make application for trans- fer of said permit within seven (7) days after such notifica- tion to the City Building Official. Upon receipt of such application, the City Building Official determines that the Mobile Home Park is in compliance with all applicable pro- visions of this ordinance and the City Zoning Ordinances before transferring said permit. PERMIT TRANSFER FEE An application for a permit transfer shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty -Five Dollars. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT The City Council shall issue a permit for the proposed Mobile Home Park when the proposed plan meets the requirements of this -and other applicable ordinances. MOBILE HOME PARK SPACE REQUIREMENTS (1) Each Mobile Home Park shall consist of accommodations for a minimum of ten (10) mobile home spaces with utility facilities installed ready for use prior to first occupancy of any space. -3- (2) The minimum area of a Mobile thousand (5,000) square feet. area for travel trailer lots shall be two thousand (2,000) CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY Home Lot shall be five The minimum allowable within a Mobile Home Park square feet. (3) Off street parking for at least two (2) vehicles per stand shall be concrete and all other parking areas shall be constructed of all weather materials and located to eliminate interference with access to parking areas provided for other mobile homes, travel trailers and for public parking within the mobile home park. (4) A minimum parking area of one hundred and sixty (160) square feet per mobile home space shall be provided for storage of boats or vehicles in excess of two (2) per mobile home unit to minimize on -street parking and to facilit a t e the movement of emergency vehicles into and through the mobile home park. (5) Each mobile home shall be placed on a concrete foundation pad to provide adequate support. The concrete foundation pad shall be constructed in accordance to the specifi- cations of Appendix A (attached) and shall cover the area of the mobile home. (6) No Mobile Home shall be parked in a Mobile Home Park with less than minimum blocking and anchoring. Minimum blocking and anchoring shall be according to Texas State Law. (7) No Mobile Home or Travel Trailer shall be parked closer than twenty feet 1% 01 to the property line adjoining a public street or private property line. (8) No structure, Mobile Home or Travel Trailer unit shall be permitted within twenty (20) feet of a street designed for use as access circulation of service within the park, said measurement being from the edge of the street to the nearest corner of the Mobile Unit or structure. (9) The minimum side yard requirement on each Mobile Home or '''ravel Trailer lot shall be ten (10) feet, but no Mobile Home or Travel Trailer shall be located closer than Thirty (30) feet to another Mobile Unit at any point (open canopies not included). (10) The height limit for any mobile home or travel trailer in the park shall be eighteen (18') feet. The height of the mobile home frame above the ground elevation, measured at ninety degrees (90°) to the frame, shall not be greater than three (3') feet; and for travel trailers not greater than two (2') feet. (11) Entrance drive -ways and roadways from a public street into a Mobile Home Park shall be a minimum of thirty- five (35) IL width measured at the property line, unless otherwise required by State Highway Officials. (12) An internal street or common access route shall be pro- vided to each stand. Local streets shall be a minimum of thirty-four (34') feet in width from back of curb to back of curb. The collector streets shall be a minimum of forty (40') feet in width from back of curb to back of curb. The internal streets shall be continuous and connect with either outer streets in the park, public streets or, in the alternative, shall be provided with a cul-de-sac having a minimum radius of sixty (60') feet. All other streets shall have a minimum radius at inter- sections of thirty (30') feet. No internal street ending in a cul-de-sac shall exceed one thousand (1,000') feet in length. -4- a MY GINAL Copy (13) All internal streets shall be curbed and guttered and paved in compliance with City of Sanger: (a) Curb and gutter shall be constructed as a unit with battered curbs not less than six inches (6") in depth and reinforced with three (3) No. 3 bars of reinforcing steel running longitudinally, two (2) in curb section and the third in the gutter section. Concrete shall consist of not less than five (5) sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard and the surface shall be troweled.with a steel trowel and finished by brushing transversely with a wet brush. The curb and gutter shall be constructed on a two inch (2") minimum sand cushion. Expan- sion joints shall be constructed at a minimum distance of sixty feet (60') between expansion joints with tooled or saw cut joints every twenty feet (20'). (b) All clearing and grubbing shall be to a depth of not less than one foot (1') below subgrade. (c) Subgrade shall be scarified to a minimum depth of four inches (4") and recompacted to a minimum density of ninety percent (90%) standard proctor. If natural subgrade has a P.I. of twenty-five (25) or greater, it shall be treated with lime. If sufficient depth of suitable subgrade material is not available, it shall be removed and replaced with suitable material. (d) A minimum of five inches (5") of flexible base material consisting of crushed stone shall be com- pacted to a minimum density of ninety percent (90%) standard proctor. All materials and construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City of Sanger. (e) After completion of the flexible base and prior to surfacing, there shall be applied to the surface of the base an asphaltic prime coat complying with the requirements of the City of Sanger at a rate of 0.20 to 0.30 gallons per square yard. (f) After the prime coat has been absorbed by the base it shall be surfaced with a minimum of two inches ( 2) of hot mix asphaltic concrete, type "D", complying with requirements of the City of Sanger, with coarse aggregate limited to crushed limestone. Asphalt street: two (2) coats of asphalt; Prime: AC 10 (summer) and RC5 (winter); Treated Rock: PB4. (14) Internal streets shall be maintained free of cracks, holes and other hazards at the expense of the licensee. Inspection of streets shall occur at least yearly in conjunction with other City of Sanger inspections of mobile home parks or tourist courts. The inspection shall be made by the city and shall cover the hazards listed above. (15) Protective lighting shall be provided on the site. (16) The ground surface in all parts of a mobile home park shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner. The adequacy of drainage facilities shall be verified by a licensed professional engineer. There shall be an analysis and design of the 100 year flood improvements to meet FEMA requirements. -5- M. (17) There shall be constructed and maintained a permanent privacy fence of wood fencing material or masonry materials not less than six (6') feet in height on all sides of the park except where natural barriers exist to form all or part of such a screen, or where roadways exist to create a traffic hazard. (18) All streets within each park shall be numbered or named in an approved manner. (19) Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces and burning stoves stoves shall be located, constructed, maintained and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on which used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be permitted. No fuel shall be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors. (20) Fire resistant skirting or an equal substitute approved by the building official shall be required on all mobile homes and shall be installed within thirty (30) days after emplacement of the mobile home. MOBILE HOME PARK UTILITIES (1) Water supply for human consumption and fire protection must be obtained from the City of Sanger Water Supply System. Each Mobile Home Park shall have a master water meter. The basic water fee will be charged for each mobile home. (2) Water mains will connect to the City of Sanger Water Supply System and will be installed at the expense of the Mobile Home Park. (3) Sewage disposal must be through the City of Sanger collec- tion, treatment and disposal system. (4) Sewer mains required to connect to the City of Sanger Sewer System will be installed at the expense of the Mobile Home Park. Each Mobile Home shall be charged a separate sewer fee. (5) Internal Mobile Home plumbing must comply with minimum standards set for Mobile Homes by the State of Texas. External plumbing must comply with the City of Sanger Plumbing Code and standard specifications. (6) Electrical Systems within the City of Sanger certified area must connect to the City of Sanger Electrical Distribution System and comply with the City of Sanger Electrical Code. Each Mobile Home shall have a separate electric meter. (7) Approaches to all travel trailers and mobile homes shall be kept clear for fire fighting. (8) Water supply facilities for fire department operations shall be connected to the City of Sanger water supply. Water mains for fire protection purposes are to be sized six (6) ID or larger with standard City of Sanger hydrants located within three hundred feet (300') of all mobile home sites, measured along driveways or streets, and such water supply systems shall meet the minimum standards for fire fighting purposes as required by the State Board of Insurance. Fire hydrants will be subject to periodic inspections by the Sanger Fire Department. It shall be the responsibility of the park licensee to insure that the fire hydrants in need of immediate repair shall be repaired in a satisfactory manner within twenty-four (24) hours. Non -emergency -6- N. repairs shall be made within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of notification. Non -emergency, for purposes of this paragraph, shall mean of a nature not impairing the actual use intended. (7) The park licensee or his agent shall provide an adequate system of collection and safe disposal of rubbish, approved by the City's fire marshal and sanitation department. (10) The park licensee or his agent shall be responsible for maintaining the entire area of the park free of dry brush, leaves, limbs and weeds. RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OPERATOR OR OTJI�TER (1) The operator or owner of a Mobile Home Park shall operate the park in compliance with this and other applicable ordinances, and shall provide adequate super- vision to maintain the park, its facilities and equip- ment in a safe and sanitary condition. (2) The operator or owner of the park shall be responsible for the proper placement of each Mobile Home on its lot, including the security of its installation and the installation of its utility connections. (3) The operator or owner of the park shall notify .all park occupants of applicable provisions of this ordinance and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this ordinance. (4) The City of Sanger Building Inspector shall inspect and approve utility connections prior to authorizing City of Sanger utility services. RESPONSIBILITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OCCUPANTS (1) Each Mobile Home occupant shall comply with the pro- visions of this ordinance and shall maintain his Mobile Home lot, facilities and equipment in a clean and sani- tary condition. (2) Porches, awnings and other additions, when installed shall meet City of Sanger Building Code requirements. The space underneath a Mobile Home unit shall be skirted and shall be permitted for storage only under the follow- ing conditions. (a) Stored items shall not interfere with the under- neath inspection of the Mobile Home. (b) The storage area shall comply with the City Fire and Sanitary regulations. (3) Storage facilities with a minimum capacity of two hundred (200) cubic feet per stand may be provided on the stand, or in compounds located with one hundred (100') feet of each stand. Storage facilities shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the appearance of the park and shall be faced with masonry, porcelained steel, baked enameled steel or other material equal in fire resistance, durability and appearance, or of an equal material approved by the building official. COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY (1) No Mobile Home parked in used to house, store or meet for sale or resale. a Mobile Home Park shall be display merchandise or equip- -7- (2) Commercial and business activity, such as coin -operated laundry and dry cleaning establishments and other like commercial operations which provide service to park occupants, may be conducted when such operations: (a) Occupy not more than a total of ten percent (10%) of the park area. (b) Are subordinate to the residential use and character of the park. (c) Are located, designed and intended to serve the needs of persons residing in the park. (d) Present no visible evidence of their commercial character outside the Mobile Home unit other than a single unlighted sign not to exceed one (1) foot square attached flat against the Mobile Home Unit. (e) Provide adequate parking to prevent blocking of streets and driveways. Q. INSPECTIONS REQUIRED (1) The building official, the city -county health director, the fire chief, the fire marshal, the police chief, the city engineer, the director of utilities, and the tax assessor -collector or their representative are hereby authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to determine compliance with this article. (2) The building official, the city -county health director, the fire chief, the fire marshal, the police chief, the city engineer, the director of utilities, and the tax assessor -collector, or other city official shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforce- ment of this article and for the maintenance of the utilities. (3) The building official the city -county health director, the fire chief, the fire marshal, the police chief and the tax assessor -collector shall have the power and authority in discharging their official duties to inspect the register containing a record of all residents of the mobile home or travel trailer park. (4) It shall be the duty of every occupant of a mobile home or travel trailer within a licensed park to give the licensee, his agent, or authorized employee access to any part of such park at reasonable times for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with this article. (5) Whenever it is determined that there are grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this article, the city building official shall give notice of such alleged violation to the licensee or agent, as hereinafter provided. Such notice shall: (a) Be in writing; (b) (c) Include a statement of the reasons for its issuance; Allow a reasonable act it requires; time for the performance of the -8- R. (d) Be served upon the licensee or his agent; provided that such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such licensee or his agent when a copy thereof has been sent by mail to his last known address, or when he has been served with such notice by any method authorized or required by the laws of this state; and (e) Contain an outline of remedial action which, if taken will effect compliance with the provisions of this article. (6) Any person affected by the refusal of the building official to issue a permit under the provisions hereof, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the board of adjustment; provided that such person shall file within ten (10) days after the day the permit was refused, in the office of the building official, a written petition requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief statement of the grounds there- fore. Upon receipt of such petition the building official shall forward it to the city secretary who shall set a time and place for such hearing and give the petitioner witten notice thereof. At such hearing the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such permit should be issued. (7) Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of any provision of this article, by the building official may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the board of adjustment, provided that such person shall file within ten (10) days after the day the notice was served, in the office of the city secretary, a written petition requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief statement of the grounds therefore. The filing of the request for a hearing shall operate as a stay of the notice and of the suspension. Upon receipt of such petition, the city secretary shall set a time and place for such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing, the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such notice should be modified or withdrawn. EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS (1) Mobile Home Parks existing on the effective date of this Ordinance in compliance with existing ordinances and the City Code are hereby declared to be legal. All applications for Mobile Home Park Permits, or plans for expansions of existing Mobile Home Parks, submitted after the effective date of this ordinance must comply with its provisions. (2) All Mobile Home Parks, whether existing before or after the effective date of this ordinance, must comply with the provision of Section H (Renewal Fees); Section I (Transfer of Permit); Section J (Permit Transfer Fee); Section N (Responsibilities of Mobile Home Park Operator or Owner); and Section 0 (Responsibilities of Mobile Home Park Occupants). (3) Expansion of a non -conforming Mobile Home Park, expansion of a non -conforming use in a Mobile Home Park or expansion of a non -conforming use outside a Mobile Home Park existing on the effective date of this Ordinance is prohibited. (4) Building Permits will be required from the City of Sanger on all additional structures. -9- S._ REVOCATION OF PERMIT The City Council may revoke any Permit to maintain and operate a Mobile Home Park when the Park Owner and/or Operator fails to comply with the rules and regulations of this Ordinance. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitution- ality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitution- al phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made oIL declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars; provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION V This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this .,`I day of ' 1984 , by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: ty cretary APPROVED: yor -10- Appendix A City of Sanger Concrete Foundation Pad Specifications I. Concrete: A. 5 sack mix B. 31000 PSI C. Min. 4" thick II. Beams: A. Exterior Beams shall extend a minimum of six inches into undisturbed soil. B. Interior beam may rest on undisturbed soil. C. Interior beams shall not be more than 16' apart. III. Steel: A. All exterior beams shall have 2 5 rebar 3 5" from bottom of beam and 2 #5 rebar 2" from top of slab. B. All interior beams shall have 2 5 rebar 4" from top of slab. C. Entire slab with 3 rebar 18" oc each way in the top 3rd of slab. D. All 3 bars to extend within 1 2 " in. of exterior. General Notes 1. Use sand fill; except in area where high water table is encountered, use gravel, crushed stone or comparable material. 2. Bottoms of all beams shall extend 6" min. into undisturbed soil. 3. All concrete shall have a 28 day ultimate compressive strength of 3000 P.S.I. 4. No dead end beams allowed. 5. All beam and slab reinforcing shall extend to within 1 2 of exterior forms. 6. Beam reinforcing shall be tied and supported every 4'-0" min. 7. Lap all bar reinforcing 4. 8. Provide chairs or other suitable supports for slab and beam reinforcing.