8-7-72-Ordinance-Establishing Prima Facia Speed Limits on several streets-08/07/1972ORDINANCE 8-7-72 SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW SPEED LIMIT FOR VEHICLES ON KATHRYN DIANE, HILLCREST, HOUSTON; JACKILU AND WAYNE F: T ORDIN TOF FI IN 31VD FST.9:BLISI IN 1 N '•", :` PE D LI IT Osi IOUI: S 9 UPON TIiF -iSIS OI' -'iN DITI :N NGINI; i ,INS r ND F'I'IC IhTSTI( TI N , ON I 1THI'L ! , DI_ NL, II,LOsWFST Da i,m , b*IGUSTONe' J .CIiILU ttiD i','r l'NE, s II'IiII T TIIF LIhS'ITS OF TRF CITE OF 5 : Oi'.R, T ' S S SFT OUT IN TIiIS ORDIN IOF, I- O TIDIN Tdi'^ T VIOLATION OI' ' tIIS OI . IN yNC SII_:I.I,L OONSTITUT IIS— DF F, ' NOId-., D Ig ,OVIDIN _ 'I,a T_`!LTY' ON CONVIOTIGN OF FINF NOT TO F iCEFD 200a00 FOR VIOL TION OF S_ID ORDINkNCF. 'IIIEr'1S, the state of ?'exas, provides ths.t whenever the bovern— ing bodg of the citg shall deterrtairae upon the basis of an ealgiraeerirag and. traffic investigation, a reasonable arad s .fe prima facie speed lianit capon the streets -end hig a s, of the city, tal iaag into con— sideration the Yidth and condition of the pavement and other circu c- stances on said streets arad high a. s, the governing bodge of said city ffiag declare siad reasonable E d safe speed limit thereon appropiate signs giving notice thereof are erected ors said streets and high rays4 C . BF IT OD, 3. IN D L T1 F OITY C1 IINOIL OF T OITY OF S N I , TES _ r y a•, -s • • r. w -r, r r. r .! c r. a r iir ; u; t . 't ` t 'f fi i . SFI;FD O1VF at Pr9n Diane IIillcrest Jre Iiouston {west of 5 '} r r - T y• s: m . i ' i SFCTIOi d 2 pEFD LINT Y person violating crap of the provisions of this ordinance s aall be dee s.ed guilty of a misdeanearaor, seed upon conviction tiaere— of shall be fined in ang sum not more t' era t ^ro hundred ( 200 ®00 r Y r aaj.1 PUZ LOS a I r conflict with any of provisions of a ordinance a _s_ r r s,• -a r -o as P ASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE