1972-4-Ordinance-Requiring Compliance with the National Electrical Code 1971-12/18/1972ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ORDINANCE 1972-4 AN ORDINANCE REQtTZRZNG COMPLIANCE WeL-Y ( THE NATIONAL .ELECTRICAL COKE, 1971 EDITION; CREATING THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR THE; APPOINTMENT OF SAME; EXECUTION OF A SURETY BOND; REQUIRING EVERY PERSON TO OBTAIN A MASTER ELECTRICIANS LICENSE FROM THE CITY OF SANGER BEFORE INSTALLING® CHANGING® OR REPAIRING ANY ELECTRICAL WIRING OR APPARATUS USED IN CONNECTION WITH ELEC® TRIC HEATING® LIGHTING® OR POWER; REQUIRING A LICENSE FEE TO BE PAID FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAID LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EXAMIN® ATION FOR ANY APPLICANT FOR SUCH: LICENSE; REQUIRING A BOND OF EACH PERSON OBTAINING A MASTER ELECTRICIANS LICENSE; REQUIRING EVERY COMPANY® FIRM® CORPORATION, ASSOCIATION OR PARTNERSHIP WISHING TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING® REPAIRING, OR CHANGING ANY WIRING OR APPARATUS TO APPOINT A CHIEF ELECTRICIAN WHO SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH BUSINESS IS ENGAGED IN® TO OBTAIN A MASTER ELECTRICIANS LICENSE; MAHINGPROVISION FOR REm VOCATION AND REFUSAL OF LICENSE; REQUIRING A PERMIT TO BE OB® TAINED FROM THE CITY OF SANGER BEFORE ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING® CHANGING® OR REPAIRING ANY ELECTRIC WIRING OR A APPARATUS; SETTING FORTH MINIMUM STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF ALL WIRING; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY INSPECTION OF ALL WORK DONE; PRO VIDING FOR RENEWAL FEES; PROHIBITING CONCEALED WIRING WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF THE INSPECTOR; PRESCRIBING RULES CONCERNING .LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES GROWING OUT OF ANY WORK DONE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY® SECTION Z® COMPLIANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRICAL GODE9 1971 EDITION REQUZRED. A. A1.1 electrical. construction, alteration, replacement, re® pa..r and all ma,teri al a.nct, apparatus used in connection with electrical. work and the placement and operation of all, electrical apparatus in the city shall be in strict com® pliance with the standards established by the 1971 edition of the National Electrical Codev such code being the publication of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for electric wiring and apparatus as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, B. The electrical_ inspector shall keep a copy of the 1971 edition of 'the National_ Electrira, , Code iqn h,aes of'f'ice at all times for public inspection and use. 1) SECTION TT,® CREATION OF THE OFFICE CF MLEUTKXU,Kls TAISPECTCV A.® The office of Electrical inspector in and for the City of Sanger i s hereby established, and said offi_re shall be filled. by appointment by the City Secretary, with consent of the City ro,1ncil.® n® Said Electrical Inspector shall be a competent electrician, well versed in the rules and regulations of the National, Electric Code® C nefore aSS ming any a. zthority conferred by this artiol,e, the said Electrical Inspector Shall file with the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, a Good and Sufficient surety bond .in the penal. Sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the City of Sanger, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his d"tiese SECTION :III w I,TCENSE I EQUTREIa A.® It Shall.., be unlawfi.al for any person. to i,nSta.11. electric wi ri.ng or apparatus or to alter, change or repair any wiring or a.ppara.tus used in connection with electric lighting, heating, or power, unless such person Shall have previously obtained a Master Electrician's License from the City of Sanger, Texas® na A license fee of 1a000 shall be paiad by any such person _apon the issuance of said "Master Electrician's License", to said City of Sanger, All license fees Shall be paid in advance, and so such license fee or any part thereof shall never be refunded® A. fee of 00 shall be paid for the renewal of each such license each year SECTION TV® MEmHOD OF OnTATNING TTCENSE® A ,® Any person wishing to olata.ien a Master Electrician's i.Gense shall So indiacate to the City of Sangerg whereupon said Cit j Secretary shall call together, within the newt ten days, a Board of three qualified, persons, appointed by Said City of Sanger, to examine Said. applicant as to his worthi,neSs for such lecense. B. Any person qualifying is Such examination shall.. be eli.,gible for "Master Ele tric,an°S J,i.cenSe", , pon the completion. of a,1.1 other prerequisites for such license as hereinafter Set out. C ® All licenses shall expire on the 31St day of December of the year of issuance® SECTION V. SURETY BOND REQUIRED, A. Before. any "Master Electri.rivan.°S License" shall be issued, the applicant slia.lml ile vvi.th the City Secretary e. good a.nd Su.ff® a_r,ient surety bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, i payable to the City of Sanger, Texas, conditioned that th.e person making such bond, and his personae employees, shall, faithfully comply with all ordinances of the City of Sanger regulating the installing, changing, repairing, or altering of electric wiring and or apparatus, and that he and or hIs employees will fulfill any contract made for such worm® �® Said bond ma.y be sued upon by the City of Sanger, or by any person having cause of action growing out of installing, changing, repairing or altering of electric wiring or apparatus by the principal or any of his employees® SFC 'IQTt VT ® CaMk?�NIFS ENC�GIi`t�"� ICI SUCiI �IJSIIV SS0 �. any company, firm corporation, association or oo®part® nershi.p wishing to engage in thebusIness of installing, repairing, changing, or altering any electrical wiring or apparatus, shall first appoint a chief Electrician, who shall, before such company, firm, corporation, association or coy partnership may engage in such business, obtain a Master El.ectrIcian°s License is hereinbefore provided. �® Said Chief electrician shall be fully responsbl.e fc�r the work of all employees of saAd company, firm, corporation, assoc® lation, or co®partnership, and he shall be directly liable for all damages, injuries, or violations of law arising from the work of such employees. S�CI'I®1V VII. �rVCCA,TTCN C� !R��'USAI� OF' IaICEiVS.�s A.ny failure on the part of the holder of a Master Electrician®s License, or any of his employees to comply with the provisions of any ordinance of the City of Sanger regulating the installing, repairing, changing, or altering any electrical wiring or app� aratus shall be deemed sufficient cause for revoking said. Master Electrlceans License, together withall rights and privileges thereunder and for the forfeiture of the bond. filed with the City Secretary pursuant to the requirments of Section 5. of this article. SEC'I'TCN VIII. PERMIT RFOtJT,RED. Tt shall be unlawfull for any per:�on, whether one who d.ul,y and legally entitled to and,Inpossession ofa Master Electrician's Lecense, or an employee thereof, to Install., r..hange, alter, or repair any electric wiring or apparatus (exr.ept routine repairs such as the replacement of ruses and lamps, and alleviation of short circuets), until, after si,r.rh person has first obtained a permiat in wri,ti.ng to do so, from the City of Sanger, and upon the approval of such work, said permiat shall, be returned to said City of Sanger®' 70TTON TX MTNT.MUM ST.AND&RDS Gip WORK A. Tn all, n.pw work or revi.si,on.s of old. work® new knob and. tube wiring systems shall not be used. for .inter.or wiring in. the c1ty, ne nu. work shall be in metal. conduit except sangle and multi® family residences® Other speci fi is exceptions may be permitted with a wri.ti;Pn permit from the. city elec'rical inspector authori� zing such, specifications. b A111 w ring i n si.ngl.e a.nd multi ®f am,%,y rQsidenoes m�.y be i,nstR,Ll.,edwith non�wtalic sheathed cable which shall not be Less tba.n No, 12 guagrp as approved In the National Electrical. 'ode. With exception, of switch legs which may use number 1.4 guage copper or equal, i�® �lixmi.num warp small..er than No® 6 guage sha,lwl. be prohi,bitPd® Aluminum wire No® 6 nnd larger may be used only with ,approved c onnec tors and terminals. p,, Metal Boxes are, required and they are to be grounded prior to inspection. by plectr.ical Tnspector® p® There shall. not be more than `� ot�tlpts per circuit r® � mast type service poles shall_ be requ�°ed and shall be of such construction and so supported that it will withstand the strain imposed by the service drop,, The meter .use must be not Less than five feet six inches (5'6" ) nor more than. 7 meet above ground® The droop p%gtai.l shall be a mi,ni,mum of eighteen i nche s (1811) long® The roof Jack should be of ri.gizd conduit not less than twenty Four inches (2411) nor more than thirty six i,nchps (3611) above roof. A support service bracket is required® IT The entrance cable shall. be of number 6 copper or equal. SF;CTTCN X® CONCEALED WItiRNG® A® Permission of electrical in.sper.tor rpgi�.irpds No person, Firm or r.,orpcarati,on shall c;oncea,l,, or oa,i�se to be con.opa.lpd any eleotri.c wiring or apparatus; except with the express permission oaf' the electrical inspector, and the electrical inspector is hereby authorized. to remove, or cause to be removed any material, whatsoever which may conceal any electric wiring or apparatus contrary to this article® Bo Notiocp of inspeotion.s Upon. completion of the inspection �� any electric wiring or apparatus designed to lap corer>pa,lpd which .Is found to be in full. compliance with the rpovisions of this chapter the electrical inspector shall post a notice of i.nspertion at the distribution panel and the posting of said notice shall constitute permission to conceal said electric wiring or apparatus® SEC']'T.ON Ale INSFECTTON AND REPAIR s A. It shall be unl..awful for any person, firm,or corporation to hinder the Electrical. Inspector while he is acting in the .line of duty®' ITe shall, be given Free and prompt snows to all bui.ldi_.ngs, whether public or privates or to any other place he deems necess- ary to the proper inspecti..on of any electrical wiring or apparatus' within the City of Sanger. C® No elmentrical apparatus, device, or wire, which in the opinion of the Electric Inspector, might cause a hazard to human 13.fe, shall be constructed or maintained, and the Electrical In® Spector shall have the right, through the authority of the City Council to discontinue electric current supplying the building or place in which such hazard exists until such time as said hazard is removed or remedied to the satisfaction of said Electr® ical Inspector. T�. iJpon notif'i.cation by the Electrical Inspector, the Sanger Electric System of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby authorized to immediately cut off, or cause to be out off, any and all elec® trical power from any room, building, power line, or district, when public safety so demands, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by said Electrical Inspector. E. FEES• rl'he following inspection fees shal7bepa.id to the city prior to the issuance of any permit required by this article. l,. Residentia.J_s single, new construction 7.00 single, add®on 2.00 2. Residential: multiple, new construction, $7.00 per unit multiple, add�on 2.00 per unit 3. Commercial and Industrial shall be charged as follows wi tha $10.00 minimum for new construction and a $,5.00 minimum for add®on. SERVICE AT RATED CA.PACITY. Per A.mpere............................................. $ .Ol Lighting and power nirnui,ts® First fnLl.r C;ir('U1t1`-pi • •. e • • • m . o • • o • . • • o • o • • • • . e ... • e e . e • • 1. ®® Next f�Ve to f �:�ty C 1.rcUl.tu�' (eac�'1) • • • • • • o • • e • a o • • • • o • o • • ?� All over fifty circuits (each) ••e•e•.•...•••om•.•e••••o •10 Motors (one horse power or more) One to three mntnr`w' (each) ••m•eo•emm•o••m•o•emmm•••mee. �m�� All Over f.7.Ve m�tnrs (eanh) .•.••.e.••.os••o•e.•.m•..••e •l0 Small motors, fractional horsepower for ventilating, cooling, or heating fans. (First five motors • • • s • • e • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • s e • e e • s s • • • s • s s s • • e l • 2� ll over five motors ( each) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • 10 Cu.r_reAI consuming outlet A �eL'L 0 twenty® LVI.+ outl et n7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �� e 2,v/ ext twenty®six to fifty outlets (each) ••es••••••••••••• •05 All over fifty outlets (each) •••••••••••••••••••®.•••••• 902 Fixtures, ceii,,ng fans o,r. neon or oold. cathode transformers for interior lighting, First fifty fa_xtures etc • e e • e s • • • s • s • e • • • • s s • • • o • • • • e • e All over fifty (each •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Electric siege circuiats. Per circuit (each neon transformer a.s ©ne c1rcult)•e0•s•••e••••s••e•eee••••••••s•••s•••ss®s.ss �• Any re inspection caused. by failtare of an ori.gi_nal inspect® ion, rough®in or final, shall cause the payment of a $10.00 reinspection fee, SFCT:i;OiV ITT• CEiITTFTCATF OF SATTSFACTORX INSPFCTIOIV• Vdhen any work examined by the Eler.trica.l Tnspector meets the approval of said 1ec'hriral Inspector, he shall issue a "CeJ, ficate to Satisfactory Inspection" to the electrician or electrical r_.ompany doing such work. SPCTION TIT • Duti.es: It sha.l.1 be the duty of the Electrical Tnspector to enforce the provisions of this Article, a,nd to keep a record of all electrical wiring and apparatus inspected by hi,m• SECTION XIV ® I,IABILTTY This article shall not in any way be construed to lessen the labil.ity of any person, fie, corporation or associa.tion of persons, i.nstal�.i.ng, ohanging, altering or repair n; a.nr elect:x:i.r,al. wiring or apparatus, or causing the same to be done, for damages to anyone injured thereby; now shall the City of Sanger be held to assume any liability by reason of the inspection authorized therein, or the certificate issued pursuant to the provisions h.ereofe (h) SECTIUN AV. REGUbATIUN CUNUMNNING SERVIUM A. It is provided that upon completion of inspection by the Electri_.cal Inspector, 'in the event he determines that any wiring, installing, repair or alteration so done upon the job or work he has inspected does not comply in every respect with the provis� ions of this ordinance, and if the same has not been done by a person holding a Master Electrician's License, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to notify the Sanger Electr:i.c Systern of the City of Sanger, Texas, of the location of sa,i.d place, the name of the owner of persons in charge thereof and of the fact said work or said job does not meet with theapproval. of .ich electrical.i s-nspector, and upon said written notice being given it shall_ be unlawful for anyperson or employee of said Sanger Electric System, Sanger, Texas® to connect any portion of said wiring, with an. electric power line operated or used by the City of Sanger® U. It is provided that all inspections, installation, repairs and alterations as provided for in this ordinance shall be sub® ject to such further rules and regulations that may be promul. gated by the City Council of said City of Sanger, Texas, and such rules and regulations shall be filed when so approved in the office of the City Secretary of Said City and shall be available for inspection and examination, and all penalties herein provided For shall, apply to such rules and regulations so promulgated® SECTIUN XVI. PENA.I,Tx Any person, eompa.ny, firm, corporation, copartnership or a.ssociat.on of persons vi.olati.ng any of the provisions of this Article, shall be deemed guilty of a, misdemeaner, and upon conviction, shall be fined in Dny sum not less than five dollars, not more than two hundred dollars and each day violation con® tinues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION XVII® SAVINGS CLAUSE In the event an.y section, sL�bsection, sentence, clause, defination or phrase of this ordinance shall be declared or ad® justed invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall in no means affect any other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases or definitions of this ordinance, but all the rest thereof shall be in full. force and effect just as though the section, subsection, sentence, clauses, definition or phrase so declared or adjudged invalid or uriconstitu.tional was not or® iginally a. part thereof. i7) fi€tip AL SECTION XVII1® r tvl {,H ANC r, ,A Sr The fact that The present ordinance of said City Or Sanger, TexaV), is wholly inadequate, does not provide sufficient and reason able fees for the expense of making inspections, and the further fact that it is necessary to provide .for and require a more com ple-te and thorough inspection of electr.1cala work: done in said City, and the further fact that i t is necessary to require more efficient electrical. installation, wiring, repair, and alteration within said City in order to promote the safety and welfare of said City con stitutes and creates and emergency and. an imperative public nece ssi.ty, that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at three sev® everal_ meetings of -the City Council of sa.i.d City before final. read ing to its passage, and the same shall be in full.. force and effect from the date after its passage, approval and 'publication, and it is so ordal ned s PASSEDANDAPPROVED THIS THE DAY OFAoDo 1972o 0 TEXAS TT ST City Secreta.ry of the City of Sanger, r('exas MAYOR, CTT A.R 'ROVED A.S TO FORM AND r,EGAI TTY ger City .Attorney of -the Casty of San, Texas ,