73-3-Ordinance-Regulating the Moving of Buildings along Streets and Highway-05/21/1973NO 73-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE rODE OF ORDINANCES OF TIDE CITY BANGER, TEXAS, REGULATING THE MOVING OF BUILDINGS OVER, ALONG" OR ACROSS HIGHWAYS, STREETS -,AND ALLEYS IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR PROTECT ION OF THE CITY FROM DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF SUCH OPERATIONS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ISSUE PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY® THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAB, HEREBY ORDAINSs Section 1, Definitions For th.o purposes of thas ordinance the Following terms, phrases, wards and their deriva.taons sha,I_l have the meaning given herein (1) ildang" as a structure designed, built or occupied as a shelter or roofed enclosure for persons, aniemals or property anA used for. residential, Yausaness, mercantile, storage, commercial, indus tr:aI., institutional, assembly, educational or recreational purposes® Buildings not exceeding twelve (12) Feet in widtk , sixty (60) feet in length, and thirteen feet six inches (1316") in height above the street level are exempted from this definition and terms of this Ordinance, (2) "Building Inspector" is the Buia.dang Inspector of the C a_ty of Sanger, Texas (3) "City" i s the City of Sanger, Texas® (4) "Person" as any person, Farm, partnership, assooiation, corporation, company or organization of any Kand® Wage 2 Section. 2. Permi.t Required® CITY 113XI `CD lfw; No person shall move any building or portion thereof over, among or across any highway, street or alley in the City wa.thout first obtaining a permit From the Building Inspector; no mova.ng shall be permitted between the hoursa.m® and 9s00 a®m® or ��s00 p®m® and 6a00 p®m® No house moving will be allowed on weekends or'holidays® Section 3® General Requirements® No application for s.n.y permit to move buildings or other oversized loads will be aocepted until the appl.�.cant shall have the following on file with the Building Inspectors (a) A bond, approved as to Corm by the City Attorney, exe� Doted by a bonding or surety oompany authorized to do business in the State of texas in the amount of Five 'Iho��sand (`�5, 000®®U ) Dollars, conditioned upon the assurance that this and other applyoablpe Qrdinanoes and laws will be complied with® Such bond shall run to the City and shall be on" ditioned on. payment for any expense or damage to public property, and payment of any expenses, damages or losses resulting from any ma,lfea.sons, misfea.sons, on�feasons, or negligency in conneoti n.on with any of the activities upon which a house moving permit applied for is granted® (b) In addition to the foregoing requirement for a bond, a liability insurance policy a_n. full force and effect shall be rr--.� quired in the mtnimum sum of Fifty Thousand ($50, 040 ®00 ) Dollars f or injury or death to more than one (1) person From an,y one accident and the minimum sum of Twenty�Five `thousand ($2.5, 000 W 00 ) Dollars for property damage for any one accident and such policy page 3 shall contain a provision obligating the insurer to give written notice of cancellation not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of suoh cancea_latlon to the Building Inspectors Section® Application® A person seeking issuance o a permit hereunder shal7p life an application for suoh permit with the Building Inspector, (1) F'orm® The application shall be made in writing upon �'ortr►s provided by the Building Inspector, and shall be Filed in the o�'�'ice o1' the Bu�wlding Inspector® (2) Contents® The application shall set �orth� (a) A description ofi th.e building proposed to be moved, giving street number, construction materials, dimensions, number of rooms and condition of ex� terior and interior maximum height of building above ground level when mounted on moving apparatus; (b) A legal de sr,ra.ption off' the lot From which the buil.ding:is to be moved, giving the lot, block, tract number, and street address, if_ located in the City; (c) A legal. description off' the lot to which 1t 1s pro® posed to move suoh budding, giving lot, block, tract number, and street address, 1' located in the City or 1 outside the City the destination; (d) The portion of the lot to be occupied by the bu�.lding when moved® (e) The highways, streets, and alleys over, along or across which -l;he building is proposed to be tnaved; (1') Proposed moving date and hours; (g) Any adda,tIon.al informat.®on which the �3ualding Inspecl.or shall Find necessary to make a �aJPor det� ermination of whether a. permit should be issued, (3) Ao c ompanya.ng papers (a) Tax Certifioa'�e Q Th.e owner of_ the building to be moved shall :�'11e with the application su�'.f- iolent Wage evidence that the building and lot from wo ch it is to be removed are free of any encumbrances and that all takes and any City charges against the same have been paid in full® (b) Certificate of Ownership ox Ent.itlement0 The appliL cant, if other than the owner, shall file with the application a written statement or bill of sale signed by the owner, or other sufficient evidence, that he is entitled to the building® (o) Texas highway Department Permit® The applicant shall file with the application a Texas Highway Depart« ment Permit for moving oversized load if any part of the proposed route is along a desXgnated U. S. or State numbered highway route® (�F) Fee® The applira,tion shall be accompanied by a permit fee in the amount of one anal one®Fourth cents per square Foot for eaoh square �'®ot of floor space in the building to be moved, or Fifteen 00) Dollars, whichever is greater® Section �® Depos4.ts for Expense or Damage to City® (1) Upon receipt of an application It shall be the duty of the Building Tnspeotor to procure from the Utilities Department and other appropriate agencies an est�i.mate of the expense that wall_ be inourred in removing, replacing or altering any electric wires, street lamps, or pole lines belonging to the City or any other property of the City, the removal, replacement or alteration of which will be required by reason of the moving of the building, together with the cost of materials necessary to be used in making such removals, replacements and/or alterations® Thereafter, rior to is suance ssuance of the permit® the Building Inspector shall require of the applicant a, deposit of a sum of money equal to three times the amount of the estimated expense, or Three Uundred (41300®00) Dollars, whichever sum is greater® Y'- F Page (2 ) Additionally, said deposit shall be used as an idemn,ity or any damage which the City may sustain by reason of damage or injury to any highway, street or alley, sidewalk, Fire hydrant, shade tree, tJ CA f .c control device, ut Llity liana, or other property of the Caty, whioh ma.y be oaused by or be inoidental to the moving of any building over, along or across any street o the City® Seoti_on bButies oaf' Buildir� Inspector® (1) Inspection® Prior tci the issuance off' the permimt, the Bui.�.ding Inspeotor shall inspect the building and the applicant°s equipment to determine oompJ.ia�ce with the standards listed below: (2) Standards �'or Issuance, The Building Inspeotor shall rei'use to issue a permit if he Finds (a) That any application requirement or any �'ee or deposit requirement ha.s not been complied with; (b) That the building is too 1arge to move without en® dangering persons or property in the by (c ) That the building has deteriorated more than �'ii'ty per cent (i0%) of .its original value Y�y d ire or other ale ment, or is otherwise so structurally unsafe that it cannot be moved without endangering persons or property in the City; (d) That the building is structurally unsafe or unfit liar the pur�aose for whioh moved, i£ the proposed a_oca.tion is in the City; (e) That the applicant's equipment is unsafe, unlicnnsed, or otherwise n.ot in conormity with hhe law, or that per® sons or property would be endangered by its use; (i') That any municipal ordinance or other law would be violated by the building in its new location; (g) That for any other reason persons or property in the City would be endangered by the moving off' the buuilding® Wage 6 (3) Fees and Deposits. (a) Deposit. The Building Inspector shall deposit all .fees and deposits with the City Secretary. All bonds and insurance policies shall be filed in the Building Inspector's Office. (b ) Return upon non a,ssuance ® Upon his'efusal to a.ssue a permit the Building Inspector shall return to the applicant all deposits® A processing fee of Fifteen (' 15.00) Dollars will be charged to defray expenses of inspection. Any permit fee in excess of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars will be returned to the applicant. (c) Return upon allowance for expense. After the building has been moved. the Building Inspector shall Furnish a written statement;:of all expenses incurred in in removing and replacing all property belonging to the City, and of all material used in the moving and replacement together with a statement of all damages inflicted upon property belonging to the City. Fro vided, however, that if any wires, poles, lamps or other property are not located in conformity with governing ordinances or state law, the permittee shall not be liable for the cost of removing the same. The Building :inspector shall return to the applicant all deposits after the City Secretary deducts the sum sufficient to pay for all costs, expenses, and damages to the property of the City by the moving of the building. �1�1,e Building Inspector shall secure approval of the proposed route from the Utilities Department, Department of Public Vdorks, and other utility service companies deemed advisable by him before issuing the moving permit. Section 7® Duties of Permittee. Every pe rmittee under this ordinance shalla (1) Use approved route. Use designated streets and move the building only over the streets approved for. such use in the written pe.rmlt. ( 2 ) Nottify of revised moving time ® Notify the Building Ins �---� ~ speotor in writing of a desired change in moving date and/or time as proposed in. the application. at least 24 hours before the new PIPHIfIlIMM I maving time. �'�' �i d Page ' (3) Notify of Damage. Notify `the Building Inspector in writing of any and all damage done to property belonging to the City within twenty®Four hours after the damage or injury has occurred. (4) Display Fights. Cause red lights to be displayed during the night time on every side of the building, while scan® ding on a street, "in such a manner as to warn 'the public of the obstruction. Erect and maintain barricades across the streets in such manner as to protect the public From damage or injury by the moving of the building. (5) Street occupancy. Remove the building from City streets after forty®eight hours of such occupancy, unless an extension is granted by the Building Inspector. (6) Comply with Governing Law. Comply with all applicable ordinances and laws upon relocating the building in the City. (7) Provide for Escort. Provide such escort as may be required by -the Building Inspector to accompany the movement of the building to protect the public From injury. (8) Clear the old premises. Remove all concrete slabs, foun� dation remnants, rubbish and materials and fill all excavations to existing grade at the ori.gin.al building site so that the premises are left in a sanitary condition, (9) Remove Service Connection® Permittee shall notify all utility service companies to terminate and remove their services, and obtain from each uti llty service organization a release s<tAting that all service connections have been properly removed From the premises terminated. Section 8. Enforcement. (1) Enforcing Officers, The Building Inspector, the Police Department, the Utilities Department, and the Department of Public Works shall enforce and carry out the requirements of this ord� finance, (2) Permittee liable for expense above deposit. The per -no mittee shall be liable for any expense, damages or costs in ex� Page 8 cess of deposit amounts of securities, and the City Attorney shall prosecute an action against the permittee in a court of competent jurisdiction for -lhe recovery of such expenses, dam ages or costs, (3) Original premises left unsafe. Where permittee does not comply with leaving the original premises in a safe and san® nary condition, the City shall proceed to do the work, and. the cost thereof shall be charged against the general.. deposit. Section 9, Penalties, (1) Any person who shall violate a provision of this Code, or fails to comply therew7_th or with any a.f the requirerrants thereof, ar of a permit ar oerta_f'icate �.ssued thereunder, shaJcl be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than ten (�10,(�0) doJ.lars nor more than two hundred (�200,00) Dollars, Eaoh such. perms n shah. be deemed, guilty of a separate of dense for a,ach and every day or por-lion thereof dura.ng which any vio® lotion o:f spy of the provisions o�P this node is c:ommitted, or conta.nued, and upon conviction of any suoh violations such per son shall be punisi�ed wi-lkiin the limi-ls provided above, (2) The imposition of the penaJties herein prescribed shall not preclude the Ca_ty Attorney :from instituting an appropriate action or proceeding to prevent an unlawful movement or relocat® .on of a building within the terms of the ordinance stated above, or to restrain, correct or abate a violation of said ordinance, or prevent an Illegal act, conduct,, business or use in or about; any premises, PART 11 , Tnat if' any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this .ordinance, or application th.ereof to any person or circumstances is held Invalid by ayn�yy„ court of competent Page y jurisdiction, such hol-.ding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council of 1,1te City of Sanger, Texas, hereby deola,res a, VVkItA halve enacted such remaining porno°ns despi.te any such inva7sya The fact that the ordinance wh.i-ch presently regulates the mov.i ng of buildings in the City of Sanger . 1.s inadequate creates an urgent and immediate emergenoy relative to the preservation of -the public health, safety, and general welfare, °equ'i:ri.ng that this ordinance shall ta1 e ex"feot immediately from ar d a '-i;e ^ its passage a.nd it is accordingly so ordained® PASSED AN7 Ap1'ROVED -this 21st day of Jlay, A D 19'73 A CTTY 01 BANGER, TEAS A.Z'T1i;ST s r , RAVE PnARR, JR p , CIaTY SF( RETARY CIaI'Y OE BANGER ® TEXAS A1?L'ROVED AS TO J , GA , FORit 1 s r JONN Tay St1T,T,TV Alai