1975-2-Ordinance-Levying the Taxes for 1975-08/04/1975ORDINANCE NO 1975-2 LEVYING TAXES 1975 T3E IT ORDAINED k3Y THE CITY COITNCIL OF' THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS® lected for the use and support of •s governmentof the City of Sanger, and to provide Interest and Sinking Fund for the year nineteen hundred and seventy five, upon all pro real,personal r • mixed, with the corporate limits of Y • • 'ect to taxation,of '•• •! on each One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) valuation of property, said tax being •• levied and apportioned • the specific purposes aerein set forthe •nine c is • on each • - Hundred ' ••:.!•) valuation of property,and For • twenty• - cents ($0.21) )n each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property to •^ apportioned as • • specific items tnerein named. be and the same are hereby appro priated and set apart for the specific purpose indicated in each • that the Assessor.,• Collector Treasurer .• the City Secretaryk ..• these a.ccounts so as to readily and distinctly show the amount collected, the amounts expended r • the amounton • at any time, belonging to such Cunds., it is hereby made the duty of the Tax Assessor and Col Lector of Taxes3...• every person collecting money for+'t City )f Sanger, to deliver to the City Treasurer and the City Secre tary at the time of depositing any monies, a statement showing to what fund such deposit should be made and from what source ?eceived. All receipts for the City not specifically apportioned )y this ordinance are hereby made payable to the General Fund of ;he City. SECTION 3® That this ordinance shall take effect and. be in force from and after its passage® a PASSED AND APPROVED This the A®D® 1975 ATTEST® r City Secretary APPROVED. } 1 I o r