1975-5-Ordinance-Establishing Utility Bill Due Dates-11/03/1975ORDINANCE 1975-5 ESTABLISHING THE DATE MUNICIPAL UTILITY BILLS BECOME DUE ti •-•, 1:,n XAXE IVIUD-I-CZPAL.. BECOMETILITY BILLS DUE2* SETTING THE DATE AYMENT BECOMES DELINQUENT; PROVIDING A LAUSE ! DECLARING DATE, BE ZT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BANGER, TEXASa SECTION 1® Sanger Electric System a.® All bills for electric service are due and payable at the office of the Sanger Electric System on the first day of each month. b® Payments become delinquent after the fifteenth day of each month whereupon a ten percent penalty is assessed to each delinquent bill® c® Service ma.y be discontinued, upon due written notice, to customers having past due bills on the twenty®seventh day of the month, in addition, a six dollar ($6®0O) reconnect fee will be assessed to all customers whose service has been discontinued® SECTION 2® Municipal Water, Sewer and Sanitation® a® All bills for municipal water, sewer, and sanitation service are due and payable at City Hall on the first day of each month® b® Payments become delinquent after the fifteenth day of each month whereupon a ten percent penalty is assessed to each delinquent bill® c® Water service may be discontinued, upon due written notice, to customers having past due bills on the twenty®seventh day of the month® In addition, a 4; 44 dollar ($6®00) reconnect fee will be assessed to all customers whose water service has been discontinued. SECTION 3® Severability Clause® If any section or sections of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remain- ing sections of this ordinance if it had known that such sec- tion or sections thereof would be declared invalid® SECTION 4® Effective date® This ordinance .shall. take effect from and after the da-te of its passage® PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE J.1. DAY OF ', e 1975® Mayor ATTEST® Vltiy ecreta.ry