75-6-Ordinance-Installation of Traffic Control Devices-12/01/1975ORDINANCE 75-6 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE INSTALLATION OF NEW TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNALS AND SIGNS T'RA:F:t{ TC CON'T'R()1, 17Kv 1;CT?S MOUNANGA (JRI T.I ANCT; A_IiT!ZfG).R1: L1 (T CI C `1' I T I'RAT ''l;C CUINJ'C()T, I; NSTA,I,1,A 'fON OF NFW TRAFFIC C()1 1`1'1;()1 01W I.CT ,S ® 5.F N.A1,18 AND S:;(ANSI AN0 1) fRRCTING I't1E CITY MA.NA.CFIR 'TO ERt ,CT SIMI DRRVTCF ISO STGNAIIS AM) S,"fGNS AS )MAY BE PROVIDED FOR, IN ANY SUBSEQUENT CR177N.A.NCT AND PRCV;1"D1;1VC- FOR 1:(f1'}U1VIA FA.0 1 l ;VTI),1 1(s1t11 Il J H RESPECT TO SUCH DNV WR o S f.GNATiS AND SIGNS AS MAY BE A.CTUALLY fNS'T'A,T,LRD S c .ran. ;1 A11 m'r; • .`' ': .c c;on.i;ro. dP r .r ,ncsl.ta.rT .n , ; . ;n; raa1. , ar?ri rraar^it i n (pavement and/or Curb) lnstra.1 1 rid or used for tho ?urpose of d1roc;tIng and c°ontrol.hlna traffic wa thi..n. the CIty of Sangerr shall Conform with the Texas Manua). on 11ni fi orrn 'T'rraff) o Control, Dry a"raps for Streets and Hlphwn Vol.urneft- T and T, (hereafter called ,ho Mantaal_ , Artic1_c )701.d, Vernon's CAND.. Sto1;u"t,os states'; a11, a 9 na : a.0 ra.a,1 ® a.nd rna.a k tngs erec tee or' used by the C I ty of Sanger sha,l.l. be uni.form and be located so far as practicable accos•cl_'ngr to the di..rocti.orrs shown. In the Manual throughor..at the c;:t,ty® A.11 oxisti.'rap, tra.ff'i.r.. control. do i,cora and ika,os;o orrc tod to the f'r,at;ta.:re by the r s bo'r.ng consIstant wi..th the Manual., State l.aw and -t,h1s Ordi,n.anrp shall, be o io .a.t traf In control. doaii,cac s Sr rj-ti,on 2 ® r['kao dr°i axc r of a,n Groh ° ra l.o, rraotor rreahi o l. a or ani ma.l r,h.a.:71. oborr "t,ho intsr.ru tiTons oll. any or'f'iPi a.1 1;a°9-11i.r COnJO,ToV vV, 4>wt.{'jn #a. n.<r1. or ma,'rizi.rar aTaTal..i,co.b1 "i;hor°oho p1aoor3 :in 7,oeorcta,tnro wT.tka v) Mc Ordinances the. Mantiall r=a ld any Ord, Il nanop dlxpot"J,ng i;ha,t such 1;r•a.f'fi,c., control devise v sign or signal. shal-1, be installed or erected ranl.oss o"ihorwi sc rt i ;rrrtocT b a pot 1 cao o ff.1100V, s4ilbjeot to the osr r cep t%ons granted the dri.vor of an a.tithort yxid emorgenoy voha.cl.e pormItted by th i, s Ord i.n.a,rowe an. authoriv,cd crrcr ;rrc vehicl,09a,The dr)verof . ray i;hc tr3r`•rrr °°a.arth.or:t, rad r rrarrr{r rac } ohtr~7,c- °° 1.r- cir f':_rr rd b;}i S'i;a.'f;c 1.sa.wa 4vhe", responding to a.n Pm,ei,"gao vy cr` .1.1. or w-bpn 1.n the pi'tt ool.l.t of an letual, or suspected w1ol n.tor of tkac law, or when res.pondi,ng to bu.t not upon re t urni. V, from om a, fi.ro of are°m, may the sear, "Ort1r J.n this :(i,Iw ,°ti on® bra"f; ; laT) Jen e; to thn, f'r1ndl `I` l on -le p:J. 1, f,14ta B p ,j (b) 1'I"rr' 9 0 (' r .r'1, r't,l., 1,h() f" A / F?cT r rraor r)l't a it t/('.li 1,t°, 1 C? PYl<`a.✓/ ;> ort;5a.ra(1 t r:)(31 1)raC''r; l_`trc caI)r o r .s o77.r; c + ° ra.n r rar°clr.r°ar.nc ca e (%) I Y' JC°eed p.f s4 ,, ;a. r'od o rv'(;.op ; l.fc),%Y)n1, Or^ .'=vtoC ) ,`"i`l,griq T7ut, Only at tear K;l.o vi.n down a.s rna.,`a be n.crcacs ara,r i'or. rf .3 ca oorra,ti,ora (3) ExCE?(?d 1;hr3 prirna 'fqC'.i.p sp(',ed lArrai_ts so 1()a`a.{ a.s .1`aF) dC)E?s no"f, 1_i f'r or prot oo+ a CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY (4) l 7 nregardl %°egg rat;Ionc7 o <'rnJ Y1.€ ( '7.'i'."ect l.on of, movement; or t;u.rn i'log Kiln, open a ff i.e(t Kt i.rent tons a The (?7"f?mp _t.r) a > l)C?1 (?l.n ,7" ,'f1."i C?t (r)a,tt''(; ?.r7ra.7irar erfi'i"'gF'noy vehi dale Thal apply oral.. r Who n the driver of r'ny na. i,dt reh:i.(" to t.n. mot>.,10D sound attd i.hlo et...gr gal, h;yr boI 1 9 si_reng or exhauf'A wh t.c;l[le a, _ ma. r be oa s)o'na.hly i(jr?(";os1t,ionxyg and when the veh)"01 e I's) P(1Rt i to C"d w7, ;h at l,ea ;t, 011?o' 1.ikateart 1.a.rnp di.{)t)layir . ded ).i.r ht; r'i. "i.h1.r under nortttal. atmot)her:i_o raond7.fpt.,r)n W9 from a (li sq Test( of f've htandred .fee. to the ron't, of lr"fie ra aoped reh5al.eexcept ;hr.tdattthoraeremergency veta po1.'l oe veh'Ie e need not he nqu7 Aped v l,th or r '.s ).ny a, red 1 i.gh.i v i. i 1 1 f r om I.n front of the vekt_d.oIr a,t.tl h( r7, ,( rt ejmd.a"t en.o vrsh:7('1r) t'rordc the dutytodtri.w wo_t;h. ( r(a a 'el r."(r i 4rn ra F ( y (:) a, . . p(r cyn norhad :1 t (.h. r (a i.s7 ono prate! the drl re:r.' :from t:he conso(pue7'te os,, of h:i,s 4rC d kl..n;os, (i 1.;=iY'°ognrd 'or ` he sa ('` y ()f ot,hersA or' ,in view of any fa:l, ;hw ). t r`eet or alloy a.rr,j u a.t.a.t;l° or zed li,gV q ()"l_ t)a,l. ® mark t.t'7 o:r dev oe wh.t_ob. t'r:kar)rtn f,o be or i d -an .tr)? i a.`fA .r)n of, or rep emb1.os a.n oft rl,oI tI tra,t't'10 c;c)nt;ro 1, dov1.Ce 0V a°°a:,1roa.(1 t t.Pra 0rl i. na.1, or which, a.t (mpt a or r1 i recta t he movement of .tra. f'f l e o or wh.°t.rh h1den from view or interferes wt,t:h the e f feet ' tren.es a of any off l o.al^ control, device or any ra,l l ro a.rl sign or s)1_p;na.l , (h) .l fo pdar:)oo. ha1.1 plaro or traa0 .nt;a7,n. l'ut;hor`t por,m7,t; upon any I,).Vhwa-yp street or alloy any t;ra,ff ie sign or i. nal boara_n( ; thereon any COMM Tr l,a.l. advert i.aing r7o+ he'} rot) h1..ta t,h.p erect,t.on upon pr " ra.te t)roperta r ad., ar)en'c t,o R g(1VVayaq a`t;?rd ,o ,) or al,l,e;y or :a.6no ,,rt vi.rt , tt ca Dill. d .rect',ortal tnf orma t'l.on. and of a type thatc°onnota he rrtt.at;aken for off i.o "i.a,l. ;=;it(;t1.n.a1. or marfd.ny in, he:r. eh;;r dtr-? d'1.a.re(t "to (? a ptlhl.l.d A k A 1 a,PaCe9 a.tad thr? CtaI_(3. ( f'r)17.d r? ?,` heCP,hy mpowored to remove the same or onuee l.t; to he moved w llt,hout; notice, Seot,.o'Y1 , . No person sha,1,1 w l.,h.otat; la.l at'ta1_ at:tt;hori.,iay a, ta em.pt; to or a,t1, .fast; a.t.` e):•v riet'are ® t.:r). jcase 1cn.ocmll. ciot rxa or rd mo re a.rt. r o:#'f l.( -i.al. t;ra.r,f'i..d control tte rl.d e Sign or s)a. na.1 or anyraI roi.d si.,n;n ot° a iP;raa1 car any t.n d :r'i t 7 one ;)h i.el.dt or t,n51 ;nt,a. thereon, or any r>(ar't thereof.dy Seot7.on. h, a) The C`l.ta; ; Catandal.l, of theC:i .tay of Sanger skta,1,1., b41' ()rcl .)°1.a.nd`e ct reot, iahat; t;l'te C,tay' Ma.rlaer ha11_ ha rd t;h_( rtl.tt;lr of da5^e(;' :i.n or a.n.eta.11.7.n t7.f)on, over,a.1_o"w)Ln➢ or be ide any highway, street or alley sa.frrtal P ao,d mrark.r.nt aor r,a.tasr) thP eamP t;o be e,rento, d, 1.-ostaal.11.ed or t)1.a,cod i,n raroorda.nce w1tah thls Ordinance Rod consl.ntaant; w i. t h. the Ma..i xic e shall lJJ t. n ; a 11. e dra '1 t..mmedi a el r9 ora) ;goon a such apes l.:t 7.r (te rToo sign, or signalcan he procuredi (h) Whenever the City Manager has eredat;erl and In.staa.l.l_ect of r i r. la l ly by the City MRnage r devi.ceo o=i.gn or n"i.Un.n. , and wh i.ns-La l"7_cad o `11h.e CA.ty Ser, ret(ary of the C , ray 1Vlarla. er among the S'peretary, ` tr` Va17 rlfr' the type of tra f .f lt,r r; on l,r.'o.,_ ea`a Rod where the same was, e eoted or hra.7."1 `('i.7.c r1.r d M ).lt.nt(n i n. ;-,t.tc h rP.P0.rL ot'f.1 r 't.(Jnl'lrar o;f_' thea o f f i"r0 of "t;hn Srao %I.on r a 1.'t; bei,n. ; ta,ral awt a 1. ror ra.n.y sae rsOta o r.h.e r ha.n . c C tSr ivSan r a.ci;i_'n pursuant to ar) Ord .na.nne of ache Ci..`ry, to i.n.• TOP :. narta77. or rraae to heinnf,a.7.7 ed 7ndeV rt .n toC r°EEC"t ttlr? use of the i"f;'Y ('F 'Iasi or the no' i Y% 1 G.1 E';:7 0C1 f h()r n f7(?C F" ;"` ;Y 1 f3Yl p Yr?11 i.C'.7 P ® Cf1C)'I;r)'Y.'' Yr?h _C", f E? 0v c1P17 r11r' 17.s ® proof i in any proq(-An tti.on ror a. vlolat.i on of th s Ordi_nanC O or any traf fi r, Mrd.1. nanne, of the City of Sanger, that any%rafflc oontro7_ devi..oe, C ,i.gne sl.gnal or mark "n waa.r tua7.7 y to plrace on any street aha7...f con sti.tute pr .rna. f ark i e ra .dranr,e th.nt the a.mC wa,) i n 7t a.7 7.rac1 kay rhra C i ty Manager pursuant to the aafthor _ty oaf' this Ord'i_n.anoe and of the ord a npi.noe d i rerat Drr i 11P, i n 4t,n.7.7 ati on of otaoh dPvi"r,e ® n a.7. or marking, Secat.i.on a Any per ion. r.orl ' rtecl o'f' ra.o7_ati.ng any of the pr°o ri. 5 oni, of th s Ord i'nane,P,/Reso7 uti on, a.ha.7 l_ be punt hod by a. fIn.e of not 7 en s than One Do7 7.ar (I,7) nor more than 'Iwo 1-ltandred Oo7 'l.ar , (:l?OO) q 1'rasC ed, adcl,ni;ed a.rad aYl,rJro ed f ocrptnry thi s tkI ,, da.tyr caf rtJ3t r._. lva.yor.