76-1-Ordinance-Adopting the 1975 National Electric Code-01/19/1976ORDINANCE NO. 76-1 ELECTRICAL CODE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATTONA.L ELECTRICAL CODE, 1975 EDITION; SETTING FORTH MINIMUM STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR T:r E OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF SAME; EXECU® TION O:h A SURETY BOND; PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF ALL WIRING; PROHTBITING CONCEALED WIRING WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; REQUIRING EVERY PERSON TU OBTA.IN A MASTER OR JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN'S LICENSE OR HOMEOWNER'S PERMIT FROM TH:E CITY OF BANGER BEFORE INSTALLING, CI-IANGING, OR REPAIRING ANY ELECTRICAL WIRING OR APPARATUS USED IN CONNECTION WITH ELECTRIC HEATING, LIGHTING, OR POWER; PROVIDING FOR AN EXAMINATION TO OBTAIN A LICENSE OR HOME— OWNER'S PERMIT; RECOGNIZING VALID LICENSES FROM OTHER CITIES; REQUIRING A LICENSE FEE TO BE PAID; REQUIRING EVERY COMPANY, FIRM, CORPORATION, ASSOCIATION OR PARTNERSHIP WISHING TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF IN— STALLING, REPAIRING, OR CHANGING ANY WIRING OR APPARATUS TO APPOINT A CHIEF ELECTRICIAN WHO SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH BUSINESS IS ENGAGED IN, TO OBTAIN A MASTER ELECTRICIAN°S LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR REVOCATION AND REFUSAL OF LICENSE; REQUIRING A BOND OF EACH PERSON OBTAINING A. MASTER ELECTRICIAN'S LICENSE; REQUIRING A PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF BANGER BEFORE ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLINGr, CHANGING, OR REPAIRING AIVY ELECTRICAL WIRING OR APPARATUS; SETTING FORTH A FEE SCHEDULE FOR SAID PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTI— FICATE OF SATISFACTORY INSPECTION OF ALL WORK DONE; PRESCRIBING RULES CONCERNING LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY WORK DONE; SETTING FORTH REGULATIONS FOR PROVIDING ELECT.EZICAL SERVICE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXASa SECTION I. COMPLIANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1975 EDITION REQUIRED. A. All electrical construction, alteration, replacement, repair and all material and apparatus used in connection with electrical work and the placement and operation of all eleotrical apparatus in the city shall be in strict compliance with the standards established by the 1975 edition of the National Electrical Code as amended, such code being the publication of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for electri- cal wiring and apparatus as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association. B. The electrical inspector shall keep a copy of the 1_975 edition of the National Electrical Code in his .off ice at all times --for public inspection and use. SECTION II. MINIMUM STANDARDS OF WORK. A. Aluminum wire shall be prohibited unless used in conduit® (1) CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY B. Copper wire smaller than No. 2 THW and aluminum wire smaller than 2/0 THW shall be prohibited for service entrance cables. C. A mast type service pole shall be required and shall be of such construction and so supported that it will withstand the strain imposed by the service dro . The meter base must be not less than five feet six inches (516" nor more than 7 feet (?') above round. The droop pigtail shall be a minimum of eighteen inches (18" long. The roof jack should be of rigid conduit not less than twenty four inches (2%F") nor more than thirty-six inches (3611) above roof. A sup- port service bracket is required. All outside air conditioners will be required to have a weatherproof non®fused disconnect switch within eyesight on or near the unit. SECTION III. THE OFFICE OF EG,ECTRICAI, INSPECTOR. A. The office of Electrical Inspector in and for the City of Sanger shall be filled by appointment by the City Secretary, with consent of the City Council. versedvell of - National Electric Code. C. Before assuming any authority conferred by this article, the said Electrical Inspector shall file with the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, a Good and Sufficient surety bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the City of Sanger, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. D. Duties It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and to keep a record of all electrical wiring and apparatus inspected by him. SECTION IV. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. A. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to hinder the Electrical Inspector while he is acting in the line of duty. B. He shall be given free and prompt access to all buildings, whether public or private, or to any other place he deems necessary to the proper inspection of any electrical wiring or apparatus' within the City of Sanger. C. No electrical apparatus, device, or wire, which in the opinion of the Electric Inspector, might pause a hazard to human life, shall be constructed or maintained, and the Electrical Inspector shall have the right, through the authority of the City Council to discontinue elpetrie current supplying the building or place in which such hazard exists until such time as said hazard is removed or remedied to the satisfaction of said Electrical Inspector. D. Upon notification by the Electrical Inspector, -the Sanger Electric System of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby authorized to immediately cut off, or cause to be cut off, any and all electrical power from any room, building, power line, or district, when public (2) safety so demands, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by said Electrical Inspector, SECTION V. CONCEALED WIRING, CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY A. Permission of electrical inspector required: No person, Firm or corporation shall conceal, or cause to be concealed any electric wiring or apparatus, except with the express permission of the elec- trical inspector, and the electrical inspector is hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed any material whatsoever which may conceal any electric wiring or apparatus contrary to this article. B. Notice of inspection: Upon completion of the inspection of any electric wiring or apparatus designed to be concealed which is found to be in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter the electrical inspector shall post a notice of inspection at the distri® bution panel and the posting of said notice shall constitute permission to conceal said electric wiring or apparatus. SECTION VIa LICENSE REQUIRED. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to install electric wiring or apparatus or to make any repairs, alterations, additions or changes to electric wiring or apparatus used in connection with elec® tric lighting, heating, or power, unless such person shall have previously obtained a master or journeyman electrician's license or homeowner's permit from the City of Sanger, or unless such person is a bona fide employee working under the direct supervision of a licensed electrician. SECTION VII. METHOD OF 0�3TAINING LICENSE. obtain a master or journeyman electrician l�_cerise or home® owner's permit, an application sha11 be made in writing through the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, The application shall show the applicant's name and such other information as hereinafter prescribed by this ordinance or by the electrical code board. B. Applicants for master electrician's license shall show evi� dense of having had at least five (5) years experience in the instal® lation, alteration, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, wiring and apparatus and/or experience considered equivalent thereto by the electrical code board. Applicants shall furnish the name and address of former employers, period of time employed and in what capa® city, proof of which shall be furnished in a manner satisfactory to the electrical code board. Every applicant shall be required to answer a reasonable number of questions in writing to show sufficient knowledge and technical training to plan, perform, and/or supervise the work and the installation, alteration, repair of electrical equipment, wiring, and apparatus authorized by permits issued by the electrical inspector's office, C. Applicants for a journeyman electrician's license shall show evidence of having had at least three (3) years experience in the in� stallation, alteration, and repair of electrical equipment, wiring, arid apparatus and/or equivalent experience acceptable to the electrical code board. Every applicant shall be required to answer a resonable number (3) of questions in writing to show that :he has sufficient knowledge and techinal training to 'perform the work under the supervi.si on of a master electrician, D, Applicants for a homeowner°s permit need not show evidence of any previous experience, Every applicant shall, however, be required to answer a reasonable number of questions in writing to show that he has sufficient knowledge to perform the permissible work as hereinafter set out, E, After having successfully passed the required examination, a master or journeyman electrician shall be issued a certificate of licensing showing that he has the necessary qualifications to perform the work so licensed by the requirements of this code, F, After having successfully passed the required examination, a homeowner shall be issued a permit showing that he .has the necessary qualifications to perform electrical work in the dwelling in which he resides. Any person constructing a dwelling for resale purposes shall not be eligible for a homeowner's permit, G, Any person w�.shing to obtain a master or journeyman°s else® trician license or a homeowner's permit shall so indicate to the City Secretary of the City of Sanger; whereupon said City Secretary shall call together, within the next fourteen days, the electrical code board to examine said applicant as to his worthiness for such license or permit, SECTION VIII, RECOGNITION OF LICENSES FROM OTHER CITIES, A, Electricians holding a currently valid license or certificate of registration in another city may apply for and receive a similar license or certificate of registration in the City of Sanger without taking an examination, provided the following conditions are complied with: 1. He shall submit evidence satisfactory to a majority of the electrical code board that his license or certifi® cafe of registration was issued under conditions not less restrictive than required by the Sanger Electrical Code for issuance of a master or.journeyman electrician license, and that an electrician holding a license issued by the City of Sanger would be permitted to apply for and receive a similar license or certificate of registration in such other city under reciprocal conditions, 2, He shall pay the registration. fee required and comply with all other requirements of the Sanger Electrical Code, SECTION IX, LICENSE FEES, A. Initial license fee, An initial la_cense fee of -rw�n�y�F;ve (9�z�.oa) dollars shall be paid in advance by eacYi person licensed as a master electrician by the City of Sanger, An initial license fee of fifteen (t'15. 00) dollars shall be paid in advance by each person licensed as a journeyman electrician by the City fee of ten ($10.00) dollars shall be granted a homeowner's perm t. -by the of Sanger. An initial license paid in advance by any person City of Sanger. B. Renewal fee. A fee of fifteen ($15.00) dollars shall be paid annually by each holder of a master electrician's license for the renewal of the license. A fee of five dollars ($5,00) shall be paid annually by each holder of a journeyman electrician's license for the renewal of the license. A fee of five ($5.00) dollars shall. be paid annually by each holder of a homeowner's permit for the renewal of the permit. i C. Each master and journeyman electrician's license or home owner's permit shall automatically expire on December 31st of the year of issuance unless the required annual renewal fee is paid in advance of the expiration date. SECTION X. COMPANIES ENGAGING IN SUCH BUSINESS. A. Any company, firm, corporation, association or co®partnership wishing to engage in the business of installing, repairing, changing, or altering any electrical wiring or apparatus, shall first appoint a chief Electrician, who shall, before such company, firm, corporation, association or co®partnership may engage in such business, obtain a Master Electrician's License as hereinbefore provided. B. Said Chief Electrician shall be fully responsible for the work of all employees of said company, firm, corporation, association, or compartnership, and he shall be directly liable for all damages, injuries, or violations of law arising from the work of such employees. SECTION XI. REVOCATION OR REFUSAL OF LICENSE. A. Any failure on the part of the holder of a master electrician's license, or any of his employees to comply with the provisions of any ordinance of the City of Sanger regulating the installing, repairing, changing, or altering any electrical wiring or apparatus shall be deemed sufficient cause for revoking said Master Electrician's License, to� gether with all rights and privileges thereunder and for the forfeiture of the bond filed with the City Secretary pursuant to the requirements of Section; XII of this article. SECTION XII, SURETY BOND REQUIRED. A. Before any master electrician's license shall be issued, the applicant shall file with the City_Seoretary a good and sufficient surety bond in the penal sum of o e thousand dollars, payable to the City of Sanger, Texas, conditioned that the person making such bond, and his personal employees, shall faithfully comply with all ordinances of the City of Sanger regulating the installing, changing, repairing, or altering of electric wiring and or apparatus, and that he and or his employees will fulfil any contract made for such work. B. Said bond .may be sued upon by the City of Sanger, or by any person having cause of action growing out of installing, changing, re® pairing or altering of electric wiring or apparatus by the princa.pal (5) or any of his employees, CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY SECTION XIII, WORK PERMIT REQUIRED* A, It shall be unlawful for any person to install, change, alter, or repair_ any electric wiring or apparatus (except routine repairs such as the replacement of fuses and lamps, and alleviation of short circuits), until after such person has First obtained a permit in writing to do so, :from the City of Sanger, and upon the approval of such work, said permit shall be returned to said City of Sanger, SECTION XIV, WORK PERMIT FEES• A, The following inspection fees shall be paid to the city prior to the issuance of any permit required by this ordinance, ;%' 1 • Residential a s �g1e, n ell single, a �1s 2• Residential: multi le, multi , ��Ij� 3• Commercial and In ,ustr'. Gar t� with a $10. 00 mir� mum fdr �U minimum for add�on• SERVICE AT RATED CAPACITYi t dd �w construcion $7.00 ®on '�•00 new construction 7.00 per unit add®on r',•00 per unit al shall be charged as follows new construction and a $5.00 Per Ampere,•..••.•••.•••.•.•.•.a..•..a.••..•,.••a..•••• � •01 bighting and power circuits: First four circuits.•••••••ae••••••,.•a•a•.e••a•••.eao• l•00 Next five to fifty circuits (each) 025 A11 over fifty circuits (each) 010 Motors (one horsepower or more) One t0 three motors (each) •••o•••••ae•.ea•o••a•oea•oo•• Allover Elva motors (each) a• a a a•••••••• a• a•• a• a as a a a as Smal]_ motors, fractional horsepower for ventilating, cooling or heating fans• First five motors e • • v a • • .. .. e • • • . • . • a • a . • • • • • e • . • • • e • • . A11 over five motors (each) a•.aa••..•••••••..••.••.•••. Current consuming outlets First twenty five out •.•••.••••••••••••.••.•.•.••.• 1a2S Next twenty�Six t0 fifty Outlets (eaOh) e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • ®5 A11 over fifty outlets (each) a02 Fixtures, ceiling fans or neon or cold cathode transformers for interior �.ighting. First etc, fifty f i x t u r e s , e v v a v v•• o e e•• v• e v• v e e• v• v a o v e 1 v 2 5 Al l O V e r f ..l_f t y ( each ) B 0•••• 0 B••• tl 0•• 0•• 0• B• B 0••••• P B••• a 0 2 (6) Electric sign circuits. RI ORIGINAL CO YY Per circuit (each neon transformer as o n e c l rc u 1 t) ♦ e a 90 a.♦. a a a e a a a. a a a a♦ a a a a.♦ a a e a a e e a a a a a a N a 7 5 ® Any reinspection caused by failure of an original in® spection, rough -in or final_, shall cause the payment of a $10.00 reins'pection fee. SECTION XV, CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY INSFECTION0 A. When any work examined by the Electrical Inspector meets the approval of said Electrical Inspector, he shall issue a "Certifi� ,ate to Satisfactory Inspection" to the electrician or electrical ,ompany doing such work. SECTION ?tVI. LIABILITY. A. This article shall not in any way be constructed to lessen the liability of any 'person, firm, corporation or association of per® sons installing, changing, altering, or repairing any electrical wiring or apparatus, or causing the same to be done, for damages to anyone injured thereby; nor shall the City of Sanger be held to assume any liability by reason of the inspection authorized therein, or the certificate issued pursant to the provisions hereof. SECTION XVII. REGULATION CONCERNING SERVICE. A. It is provided that upon completion of inspe,tion by the Electrical Inspector, in the event he determines that any wiring, installing, repair or alteration do done upon the job or work he has inspected does not comply in every respect with the provisions of this ordinance, and if the same has not been done by a person holding a Master Electrician's License, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to notify the Sanger Electric System of the City of Sanger, Texas, of the location of said place, the name of the owner of persons in charge thereof and of the fact said work or said job does not meet with the approvals of such electrical inspector, and upon said written notice being given it shall be unlawful for any person, or employee of said Sanger Electric System, Sanger, Texas, to connect any portion of said wiring, with an electric power line operated or used by the City of Sanger. Be It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to break the seal on any elec�ric meter without first notifying the Sanger Electric System, C. It is provided that all inspections, installations, repairs and alterations as provided for in this ordinance shall 'be subject to such further rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the City Council of said City of Sanger, Texas, and such office of the City Secretary of said city and shall be available for inspection and examination, and all penalties herein 'provided for shall apply to such rules and regulations so promulgated. SECTION XVIIIa PENALTY. (7) CITY SECRETARY A. Any person, company, Firm, corporation, co nrCssyip or association of persons violating any of the provisions of this Article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaner, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars ($5.00), not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and each day violation continues shall constitute a seperate offense. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION XX. SAVINGS CT,AUSE. In the event any section, subsection, sentence, clause, definition or phrase of this ordinance shall be declared or adjusted invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall in no means affect any other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases or definitions of this ordinance, but all the rest thereof shall be in Full force and effect just as though the section, subsection, sentence, clause, defi- n1tion or phrase so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional was not originally a part thereof. SECTION XXZ. EFFECTIVE DATE. A. The City Secretary shall cause the publication of the caption and penalty clause of this ordinance in two consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Sanger and said ordinance shall become effective fourteen (14) days after the date of its passage. PASSED AIVD APPROVED THIS THE - ATTEST s CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS DAY OF N; - ,„ e ?✓ -' A ®D ® 1976 f i.f , CITY OF S.A.NGER, TEXAS