76-10-Ordinance-Abandoning portions of Elm and First Streets-09/20/1976ORDINANCE 76-10 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING PORTIONS OF ELM: STREET AND FIRST STREET IN THE CITY OF SAI IGER, TEAS, AND TERI INATING PUBLIC 1 ZAINTENANCE THEREOF, AND AUTHOR- IZING THE I 'IAYOR AND CITY SECP,ETARY OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS TO EXECUTE A QUIT-CLAI DEED TO THE ABANDONED PORTIONS 0 ' SAID STREETS TO BP.OUGH_ .N! INDUSTRIES, INC., A COF.PORATION, SUBJECT TO A RESERVATION TO THE CITY flF SANGr R, TEXAS OF A PERPETUAL SEWER EASEi i T IN SAID LAND, AND SUBJECT TO CERTAIN EXPRESS CONDITIONS, AZdD DECLARIIVTG AN EZ RGE'' TCY. kgiEP EAS, the City Council'. of the City of Saner, Texas, has determined that there now exists no reason or necessity for public use. or maint-enance of the hereinafter described portions of=E]: ::= Street and First Street in the said City of Sanger, Texas, -and that the best interest of the public will be served if the said hereinafter described portions of said streets are abandoned for public use, and the public maintenance thereof terminated; -and 6 REAS, Brougham Industries,, Inc., a Corporation, desires to use said portions of said streets for the construction of certain improvements deemed necessary by said corporation in the conduct of the business of the corporation in Sanger, Texas, and in consideration of -the agreement of the City of Sanger, Texas, to execute a quit- claim deed to said abandoned streets to said Brougham Industries, Inc., said Brougham Industries, Inc., has stipulated and agreed that said quit -claim deed shall contain the reservations and express conditions herainbelow set forth, and, ti %EREAS, it is in the public interest that the Mayor and City Secretary of the s aid City° of Sanger, Texas, be author- ized to execute a quit -claim deed to the hereinafter described portions of said streets to said Brougham Industries, Inc., -1- for the considerations hereinabove set forth, and subject to the said reservations and express conditions; NQGT, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COVI�CIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: 1. The hereinafter described portions of First Street and C _Elm. Street, in the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, described by metes and bounds as follows, to -wit: All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the City of Sanger, County; of Denton, and State of Texas, out of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, being parts of First Street and -"Elm_,. Street in said City of Sanger, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof..recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, and being more fully and particularly described; as follows* BEGINNING at the intersection of the North Boundary line of Bolivar Street with the West_ boundary line of First Street in said City of Sanger; THENCE North with the West boundary line of First Street, 250.0 feet to the point of intersection of said WBL of First Street with the South boundary line of ..Elm-,. Street; THENCE West with the South boundary line of Pecan Street 110.0 feet to the point of intersection of said SBL of.Elm Street with the East boundary line of a 17.6 ft. alley; THENCE North with the said EBL of said alley, as extended, 80 feet to the point of intersection of said EBL of said alley with the North boundary line of El-m, Street; THENCE East with the North. boundary line of Elm.-7 Street, 110.0 feet: to -the point of intersection of the said NBL of E3x:t::... Street with the West boundary Line of First Street; THENCE North with the Vest boundary line of First Street 213.45 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the said WBL of First Street with the South boundary line of Pecan Street; THENCE East with the South boundary line of Pecan Street, 30 ft. to a point for corner at the intersection of the SBL off' "•Pecan Street with the EBL of First Street; THEN; E South with the East boundary line of First Street 543.45 f t . more or less, to the point of intersection of the EBL of First Street with the NBL of Bolivar Street; THENCE West. with the NBL of Bolivar Street, as extended, 30 ft, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; -2- 1 ET !1 PY shall be and the ss_me are hereby abandoned for public use and all public maintenance thereof by.the said Gity of Sanger, Texas, shall be and the same is hereby terminated as of the effective date of this ordinance. 2. The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, shall be and they are hereby authorized tc i = execute and deliver in the name of, and for and in behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, a quit -claim deed to said Brougham Industries, Inc., a Corporation, conveying all of the right, title, and interest of the said City of Sanger, Texas, in and to said abandoned portions of said First Street and Elm Street, hereinabove described by metes and bounds, which quitclaim deed shall contain the following express reservations u.nd special conditior�: (1) The City of Sanger, Texas, shall reserve to the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors, a perpetual sewer easement in said land for the installation, maint- enance, repair and/or replacement of one or more sewer lines or mains in said land, with the right of ingress and; egress thereto across said land for said purposes; (2) Any improvements constructed over said sever r line or lines by the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as to afford full and adequate protection to said sewer lines in accordance with City Specifications . All costs in connection therewith shall be .paid by Broughama Industries,; Inc., its successors or assigns. (3) The City of Sanger, Texas shall never be liable to Brougham Industries, Inc., or its successors and assigns, for any damages to any building or equipment, or for interruption of business, or any other type of damages incidental to the instdllaton;_repair, maintenance, and/or replacement of said sewer line or lines.. (i.�) These conditions shall be co,renants running witha -3- CI I Y SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY the title to said land, and shall be binding on Brougham Industries, Inc., its successors and assigns. 3. The fact that the portions of s aid First Street and Elm Street in said City of Sanger hereby abandoned are of no further use or benefit to the City of Sanger, and the fact that the construction of valuable improvements upon said abandoned portion of said streets is being delayed pending the effective date of this ordinance creates an imperative public necessity that the rule requiring this ordinance to i i be read on three separate occasions is suspended, and said 1. rule is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take i 1' effect from and after the date of its passage. I . PASSED AND APPROVED this x day of 4 prT F t,.% C ,1976 • i( `IvIayor i:. ATTEST cretary Approved as to Form: City Attorney