77-1-Ordinance-Appointing Members to the Board of Equalization-02/07/1977ORDINANCE 77-1 ORIGINAL Cop AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SANGER, TEXAS, DENTON COUNTY, APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR SAID TOWN FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND SETTING THE TIME FOR THE MEETING OF SAID BOARD® OF SANGER, f the Board of Equal hereby constituted - for the meeting of ay of August 9 hey are hereby appointed as members o zation, composed of sold members, is • • •• PASSED + -- • - tim uch .+• • •- • 977 • • • •0_ R ..O_ • • • Councilers of he City • • • of • • • • • • - •f February PROVED AP Mayo, City of Sanger,Texas® ATTEST