77-5-Ordinance-Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 1977-1978-09/06/1977ORDINANCE 77-5 ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977-1978 ! N Ori7INANGt+' Rr)OT"1'TIlG A oullGrlT ull `Illb 11'T0GA1, YMtl, MIJUlINNINU SEPTr'MBER 19 1977 AND ENDING AUCU>S .19 1-.978; AND Af PROPRTA'T'TNG Tlrrll VARTOUS MOUNTS THEREOF, r3r; TT ORDAINED BY THE CT.TY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF SANGE'R, TEXAS40 SFCTTON Th a rAc p :'oporacd ba:adgc%; o:r" trAr, r evcxAaacas t3 the C%l;y of Saartge;ra aarrd the expo).,°sca; of cor)(luci: ng. the a Cfaa.a.).sl t;h.e xacor, p,,o 1daaxx p,rtrfiurrr ° 1p1.as) tag the ra) ). r) t .c 7yc c r -;.w .un mg Sept;c,ar)bc r 1., 1977 or)cl c,x)cl:i og At) aa f 1 197f3, > ,aubin LL0d %o the-, City Coaanc_A.l by the City lorrogo).m or aaaa.d C0.%y, be, arld t)rac e)aarnc i s, it:) all i;lal.xag aadopt)cd arid oppr'o ocl at t;he budge c of all. the r;at Fh) r ra eapc. ahe ,'.':a red cha:arygeo asg;:a a.r),Ill .t s aa11,d C; 1 t,y for° 1 a)nd errAd%rA ; u Liw' 1 a,hc t a ac;t_a.1 yca).' hegr.rla arag Spi.crrAbe x° 1_,, 77 g L > 9 1.9°l8® S ;CT701)r ? T'h ara i,rae r 3a arr) o.a" fi1, 7 3, 0 ®00 i he:r r :hy appr°op K °.l_ ra rcl r)ata 'r of tho Goyicr°aa1. l'k.ml for Lhc paayanc rA% raf caperrra;)'r,-a.ra ; r,xpensorl aaxjd caap i t n.l out'laay of ;hey C i cy Go rcr'anrar;xA SECTION 3 f,haa ; t;h.e Aarrr o r , E7p0 00 0 he r°chy Tappr'opa. a. a cd aa.at of Lhe Ger)cr o Fim.d for the paax°po c or paay]aAg t'lle Irat;€ r'cst clam, 01.1. enes o1. obI'lgra i :%r)ri r)oAad aarAd i, t rnrl rr.aar:x a ))trip r°cd r c ra7:tr) rhr „c °:i. a)1 k)cn.d ; ) a) lc,hoy maa i,a.a r c, arid c rja r A-ia. rAkx)g f aar)d nc lae c) ca) m St{,CTTOTM I ® Th,)t; a,aart MLi 01 L, fl- 0 irt,a_1..i.t, if 1+'III rl(l 1-0l %h() paymer-I oo1)cr,a'r lxlg cxper cae , )rid (anpll a J oaatl ,y of the city Gover o-ullr:nf; Q ) C'TTON >. Tha L tbo sma of '1389,1 "10,00 la,, booeb} appr'opr'i at;rd c)axt c:)r the UtJl. ty 1'uod frail' the puepone of pny y. g 1,nLc-%J:bo i duo or). x car.)AAuc ho_rld:>, r°cdoorerf_r Ag Ll e;e °l <al. bonds (us che;y a ricatur'c, aarrd c; a.° c; a t, i_.n g as w:z .`t. r) k .J- g r' ur Ad t,h c x, o If o e4 SlCr'ION 6. Trak.S r)r°d1.narAc,p x)hr,I1 bc) eaxrcl ij^cttraa.r) Ir). rt,)1.1 t'ore;c nrAd rarfi'rlc,i f:r'orrA a c)d aa'i,oF° a c,; paau aagc tarAd aar pt °r) 1u by r;hc Ga.t;fir Co)zrsct.1 ° ox t;rAr C' 1 'lay U.A. a-.l"L%°E f'p 'c.xa t'A.SSTT1 ANT) Al'17TdOVLf) `.1'1T:iS 'T'rrl dray of ..0 Ad 119, 1.977® I TTIST u A.pT'RO T3;