77-6-Ordinance-Levying the Tax Rate for 1977-09/06/1977ORDINANCE NO, 77-6 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES l'iuEo Ii UK TIMI L)OPi AND SiIPPORT OT' TIIL NIUIVICII AI, GOVERNMENT OFTITT+J CT'TY OF SANGER AND PROVIDING FOR THE TNTL+IHEST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE YEAR 1977 AND APPORTIONTNG EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPO Sl o BE TT ORDAJ:NTr'D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAMIER, TEXAS: SFCTTON 1® 'L'h f; LYa.c; °e sirs hca°rby J_r;v%cd grad i hc;r. ; ha11 be col ccLcd "c lark; and :">u.ppox°r; or Ule. IlIum c ipa), cover)II-tIont or 1,bo City o, Sange tind Lo pt ovi.do Int err st and Sinking Fundund 'c).rb' Lhc, year' Nir c r, t r cn ITunda c d and Sc,vc z)i y Sc vc;rl09 rapoca aJ,1. p r o p (;rl i peaI pr r orc<aJ., ara.d tYaiecisdit,Ia the corporate l.irYtii;,> or said CJi_Ly aubje;c 'ro LaraLi,on a tax of Si.xty cents (.(10®60) on each O-) Iltindried Doi.lnm;_ (f43100000) valuaLai,on, o.r p:c°oper y, said tl be i.ng rao 1 evied rand appor°"r ioed to ;h.e; spoc:a.f -1r, pur>poc c;,, ho °c*n sct orach. (1.) I+'or° Llac> tnaz.nt,c :raancr; Fared supl:)or °L oi' Lhc, cnr;ral_ i ;ovoraraYneraL (Grra r raJ. I rwvty olghL .6n t s ((kpio 3) ,ion e ach One, Hubdrae:d ( J10000) i aluat;i on o_rf, prop cvty, and ( ) For lrr) a.n' r a°o r and s nl .1 _n fa.tra.ct, t r n.].rrc; cctrt,e- (fh0 ®_L2) or, each One> Hundred Dollars (M.00,00) vtaltitItlon o:f property to be apport;.oned a 8 fo1.Iotts SF,CTTON ' A11 rcionica r;ollccLcd t,uador "rIr:_, fir.°d i raanc;c for> 'r;tac r pec... c i t eats t;bove ln nomed, be and 'Ghe r nmo are I'rc rciby tappr°opr'a..aLed and set, :par°t or° the apc(; i f'ic; purposes _nd.t.r,ta e d i_.ia cltueb J. Lout and Lhra L Lhe As,acr3;aov sand CoJ...1_. ct.or) o Taxr 7, t;he C .t;y '.I'ro<icattP0 and the C y y S 0 c. r°e)Lary ::jta.a.J.l keep i;Ia.c.ar) accoura L , r;o <ar> ;o r°r, :ac1a. J y and d i Btu i.r eLIy Show the amount col:lc;cG d, Lh.c amounts e;.xpendod and tho amount; on hand rat; any T,.lme, boongln(; Lo such. fundsr .i_L .ic })c;r,>r;by iriradc Ltar da.rty of the; f'ra.. Assc) argot`° r,nd C>ol,loct ora of Taxc;3 and cvc rj p:;roor colt err/ ,YALr0onoy for= Lhe C,i.i;y of Sr.)ng,0r, Lo doliver fi ver to the City Trac;°-_i,4urer, and L'ra.e C t y Secre t, ry to t Lho timeo f' do pos.i Ling arty rlorta,e; , rat ;:a Lt i;c tac Y"rl ryh0w i Yrg to t,rY)al fund such cle f)o,a;i i.; r h.o).a.1c3 be made; and fapom what; r oaar co Poce i_vcd m AJ 1.°occipts for the City no :>cr aa cal 1y rappo i;'oned by Lblsi oPcl:t. raaince, ar°e horn cby Tfwdn paynblc Lo I'Yac CIr)nc rril, Fund ,;of the Cityo SECTION 3® 'I'Yrril; Lhir.1 o:r°ci:ir,..ancr) o?h,.rJ..l.. Lr,kc; c;f:t'r;ci; 3:r7.d h<: a.)aa force, PASSED AND APPROVED Lh113 the day of , 1977o A® D APPROVID a Mayor .TTFST