78-3-Ordinance-Annexing 0.322 acres of land in the MR Burleson Survey Abstract 71-08/21/1978 ORDINANCE N0, 78-3 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO T L CITY OF S A LAGER, TEXAS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, 0.322 OF AN ACRE OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY L IM ITS OF SANGER, TEXAS , DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECT 1VE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE . TREAS, pursuant to the prow is ions of Art icle 971. g, Revised Civ it Statutes of Texas, and the Munic ipal Annexat ion Laws of the State of Texas, the owner of the hereinafter described land, which is vacant and without residents, adjoining and being contiguous to the City Limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, a mur..icipal corporation, aggregating 0.322 of an acre of land, more or less, and being less than one-half (I le;)) mile in width, described by metes and bounds here inbeloT r, presented a petition in writing to the City Council of the said City of Sanger, Texas, duly signed by all of the said owners of said lands, properly acknowledged as provided by law, for the annexation of said territory by ordinance to the said City of Sanger, Texas; and WHE REAS, said petition is in due and proper form, and in compliance with law, and the above mentioned territory, herein below described by metes and bounds, when annexed, taken togdthe r with all other land presently within the City Limits oI said City of Sanger, Texas, will not exceed authorized territorial limits of the said City of Sanger, Texas, as prov ided by law; and , REREAS, the governing body of said City of Sanger did, within not less than five (5) days and not more than thirty (30) days after the filing of .said petit ion, hear such petit ion and grant the same, and all conditions precedent to such annexation required by law have been l retofore fully complied with3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDA IN HD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The hereinafter described land, lying and being s ituated in Denton County, Texas, adjacent and coot iguous to the City Limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, to -wit: All that certain 0.322 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the M. R. Burleson Survey, Abstract No. 71, Denton County, Texas, and being part of the land described in deed to M. L. Gheen recorded in Volume 569, page 37, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; said tract being further described herein by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING, for the Northwest corner of the tract herein described at a point in the South 1 ine of a called 6.225 acre tract annexed to the City of Sanger by ordinance recorded in Volume 651, Page 573, of said Deed Records; said point also being the Northwest corner of Tract 2 as annexed by City of Sanger by ordinance recorded in Volume 851, page 1, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 87 deg. 56 min.. 20 sec. East 9l .36 feet with South line of aforementioned 6.225 acre tract to an iron pin for corner; said corner being the Northwest corner of Lot 205 Block 3, of the Sanger South Subdiv is ion as recorded in Volume 11, page 26, of Plat Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South Ol deg. 24 min. 40 sec. West 125.0 feet with West line of Lot 20, Block 3 of the afo e- mentioned Sanger South Subdivision to an iron pin; THENCE South 87 deg. 56 min. 20 sec. West 79.02 feet to a point for corner; said point lying in the Easterly line of aforementioned Tract 2 annexed by C ity of Sanger and recorded in Volume 851, page ! 4, of said Deed Records; THENCE North 05 deg. 37 min. 20 sec. West 125.0 feet with East line of said Tract 2 to the Place of Beginning; as surveyed by William D. Schoell, Pegis tered Professional Engineer No. 35659, on June 20, 1978; aggregating 0.322 of an acre of land, more or less, shall be and the same is hereby annexed to the said City of Sanger, Texas, and said land and territory shall hereafter be a part of the said City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, and all future inhabitants of said annexed territory,_ now vacant and unoccupied, shall be subject to all ordinances of said City of _2_ Sanger, Texas, now in force or hereinafter adopted, and shall have, hold, and possess, all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessed by all other inhabitants of said City of Sanger, Texas, and all taxable property in said annexed area shall bear its pro-rata part of all taxes levied, assessed, and collected by said City of Sanger, Texas. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its passage, as set forth bel®w. APPROVED this the day of Augus t, A. D. 1978. ATTEST: its secretary A 'PRt VED AS TO ORM: ty A,- torney Fy -3 -