78-4-Ordinance-Disannexing 29.382 acres MR Burleson Survey-10/02/1978ORDINANCE 78-4 DISCONTINUING 29.382 ACRES OF LAND AS PART OF THE CIT OF SANGER AN OP DIITANCE DISCC1TTIl`ETTi TG 29.382 ACES Ot L ° i?D, T ' ORE OR LESS, AS A PART Or TIC C ITY OP S 'ilk?GER, TEXAS , A F ZT IC IPAL C ORPOR Q T ION, PUP SU ANT TC T PROV IS IOT S OP :9RT ICLE 973, REV ISED C IV IL STATTJTES Or TEXAS, AND DECLARI`11G AN EFFECTI rE - . DATE. o1 -=EREAS, the hereinafter described territory within the present City Limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, a Munic ipal Corporation, consists of more than 10 acres, contiguous and adjoining the present boundary 1 roes of said City, and is el igible.- for, and subject to, discontinuance as a part of said City of Sanger, Texas, under the vrovisions of Article 973, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas and ti1tTIvREAS, the governing body of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that such territory- meets all of the requirements for discontinuance as apart of said City, set forth in said Act, and has further determined that the City of Sanger, Texas should approve the request of the owner of said property- far discontinuance thereof as apart of the City of Sanger, and' said request has been so approveds NO , T, T .PsEFORE, BE IT ORDA DIED BY TEiF CITY C GUTk C IL OF TIE C 11Y OF BANGER, TEXAS, TPIAT SECT ION 1. The hereinafter described land, lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, within the City Limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, and. adjacent and coot iguous to such City Limits, to -wit : A11 that certain tract or parcel of land, situated in Denton County, ^texas, out of tT2e T i. R. Burleson Survey, Abstract Ttio. 71 and, or the R. A. Johnson Survey, Abstract bbb, being part of a certain 71.53 acre tract described i.n and conveyed by deed from W. R. Chatfield, et ux to Ned ilson dated Jane 3, 19749 recorded in Vol. 709, page 883, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and also being part of Tract No. 2 described in City of Saner Ordi.nnance No® 77-1.;.., passed August 25, 1977, recorded in Vol. 851, page 1 .t , of the Deed Records of Denton County, T eras , and being more f izlly described as follo ,rs : -1- BEG INN LTG at a point on the North Boundary line of said 71.53 acre Wilson tract 10 feet West of the intersection of said NBL of said tract with the West boundary line of Interstate Highway No. 35 THENCE South, parallel with, and 10 feet West of, the West boundary line of Interstate Highway CD No. 35, a distance of 2612 feet, more or less, for corner in the South boundary line of said Tract No. 2, described in said Annexation Ordinance No 77-49 THENCE West with the South boundary line of said Tract No. 2, described in said Annexation Ordinance No. 77-4, 490 feet to the Southwest corner of said Tract 1\o. 2* THENCE North with the West boundary line of said Tract No. 2 described in said Annexation Ordinance, 2612 feet, more or less, for corner in the North Boundary line of said Ned Wilson 71.53 acre tracts THENCE East with the North boundary line of said Ned Wilson tract, 490 feet to the PEACE OF BEGINNING, containing 29.382 acres of land, more or less* shall be and the s a_me is hereby d is c ont roue d as apart of said City of Sanger, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, under the provisions of Article 973, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. SECTION II. Pursuant to the provisions of said Article 973� Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, the ,_v.Fayor of the City of :Sanger, Texas, Ls authorized and directed to enter an order on the 1'Iinutes of the City of Sanger, Texas, recording the passagz_ of this Ordinance, and from and after the entry of such order the above described territory shall cease to be a part of the City of Sanger, Texas, SECTION III. This Ordinance sr�.11 become effecti�Te on the date of its ps.ssage, as set forth below® APPHOjTED this the �,�� day of October, A. D. 1g78. ATTESTm Secretary. :�iayo r CY.�!